children and fam midterm

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Describe two child socialization techniques discussed in the text/class.

-4 pluses and a wish Smile, say name, compliment, ask -4 goals of misbehavior Attention to children's feelings and goals underlying their behavior and misbehavior

What are three outcomes for children who agree with the parental concerns of overprotective parents?

-Acquiesce and withdraw External focus of control, low academic achievement, susceptible for anxiety disorders Low physical activity, lower levels of motivation See world as dangerous and fail to assess danger appropriately -Resist parents warnings Seek out own opportunities for risk Drug usage, time spent unsupervised on the street, early sexual initiation, and minor criminal activities common

Bowlby & Ainsworth

-Attachment theory


-Boundaries and limits with reason -Transparent

Name the contributors to a baby's "intelligence soil"

-Breastfeeding (6 months exclusively) -Talking (2100 words/hr) -Mature dramatic play (MDP) -Growth mindset praise (over fixed mindset praise) -TV not before age 2 -Hyper-parenting: child at the centre

What was the childrearing beliefs of the Early Puritans in the United States?

-Calvinist doctrine emphasized the inherent sinfulness of the child is the cause of children's willfulness. -Firm discipline that included corporal punishment was thought to be necessary.

Montessori philosphy

-Challenged parents to allow their children the freedom to explore and learn -Golden rule for parents 1) allow freedom within limits 2) respect the individuality of the child 3) resist imposing their own will and personality on the child

What are three of the most important things that have been identified as beneficial to children's post-divorce adjustment?

-Communicating a strong sense of warmth, concern, and caring for their children -Highly accepting mothers mediate the relationship between divorce stressors and adjustment problems -Parental monitoring -Discipline and age appropriate expectations


-Dangers of parental affection -Suggestions: no responding to crying & feed on schedule

In the WEBINAR: Working Effectively with Culturally Diverse Families, seven communication factors were discusses. Identify them.

-Direct/indirect -Formal/informal -Decision making -Eye contact -Deference (showing respect) -Physical proximity -Touch

Common pathways that are available to gay couples who want to become parents?

-Donor insemination -Adoption

Freudian beliefs

-Early influence is important in child development -Harsh parent is bad

Challenges gay couples face to become parents?

-Experience prejudice -Fewer legal rights -Less likely than heterosexual parents to have intergenerational support

What is the most common disadvantage of adolescent mothers?

-Greater exposure to multiple stressful circumstances such as poverty -Neighborhood crime -Poor schools -Single parenthood


-Helicopter -Parents are scared

Three are three factors that predict higher levels of nurturing and involvement of noncustodial fathers.

-Higher socioeconomic status -Joint custody -Early contact (greater percentage of time spent with children postdivorce)

According to Dreikurs, what are the four goals that motivate children's misbehavior?

-Humans are social beings whose basic motivation is to belong -All behavior is purposeful -Humans are decision makers -Humans perceive reality but their perceptions might be mistaken

Rene Spitz

-Importance of parental responsiveness

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

-Inspired Maria Montessori, one of the original leaders in early childhood education -All children want to learn -Children's play is their work

Social Learning Theory

-Kids don't have to be directly reinforced/punished to learn a behavior -Children learn through imitation and modeling

Caroline Pratt

-Kids have an inborn drive to learn and strong interest in being engaged in activities that promote learning -Important to see children

Benjamin Spock

-Limits within warmth and affection -Question autocratic/unresponsive also lenient childrearing


-Lots of rules with no reason -More about parent child relation -What makes it work? - warmth --> kids know they're loved

Identify three risk factors for parental use of corporal judgement?

-Lower self esteem -Lower empathy -Higher antisocial behavior -Lower mature moral judgement -Lower popularity with peers


-Parents giving everything to a child

B.F. Skinner

-Parents should understand the role of contingencies in affecting behavior -Positive reinforcement more effective than punishment of inappropriate behavior


-Parents who don't care -Can lead to neglect

G. Stanley Hall

-Questions autocratic parenting -Began child study movement -Believed kids aren't adults and are good


-Resolution of psychological crisis -Individuals achieve psychosocial maturity by resolving the psychosocial crises that emerge at each developmental stage of life


-Role of context in child socialization - microsystem -- family, caregivers - meso -- parents, teachers - exo -- social systems - macro -- cultural environment

In the parenting technique of "four pluses and a wish" parents make a request of a child (the wish) only after four preceding steps (four pluses). What are those four steps?

-Smile -Relaxed body language -Say the child's name -Pay a compliment to the child -The wish

How does child socialization differ from child discipline?

-Socialization: about the development of a person and their personality identity. Learning norms and rules, how people fit into the world and themselves; discipline is involved -Discipline: the training in action from accordance of rules given


-Sociocultural Theory: children play as active participants in the learning process -Scaffolding: providing social and instructional support to a person who is attempting to learn a new task -Guided participation: wherein a teacher engages the learner in joint activities, providing instruction and direct involvement in the learning process

Identify four contextual influences of a parent's child rearing practices.

-The family's socioeconomic status -The parents' families of origin -Family religiosity -The characteristics of children -The use of technology -Family of origin -Family religiosity

The autocratic approach to child socialization was influenced by which beliefs or theories?

-Thomas Hobbes -Early Puritans

Family Systems Theory

-Views family as a dynamic system -Characterized by stability and change


-Warmth but letting kids call the shots

How does the strategy of parental encouragement differ from parental praise?


Beneficial type of support for both adolescent mothers and fathers?


How does a parent use "active listening?" What parents should avoid active listening to children


Identify three outcomes for children that are related to inconsistent parenting patterns.


What is racial socialization and what benefits does it have for children and adolescents in ethnic minority families?


What is the most effective behavior of stepfathers to enhance their relationships with the stepchildren? What is the least effective behavior of stepfathers for building relationships with step children?


When a problem has arisen in the parent-child relationship, what determines who has the problem? What strategy is used to tell the other person than one has a problem with that person's behavior.


identify and explain four considerations involved in the decision to become parents


what are three things we know about prenatal development and health pregnancy practices?


Which single factor most influences positive, long-lasting marriages?


Jean Piaget

Kids through active engagement of people and objects in their environment construct their own cognitive structures.

What formal supports are needed to assist these grandparents in their surrogate parent roles?

Legal assistance

Under what circumstances do grandparents become primary caregivers of their grandchildren?

Parent's inability or unwillingness to care for them -Parental death -Physical or mental illness -Substance abuse -Imprisonment -Child abuse/neglect

Which family members typically compose the stepfamily?

Two adults (one being the kid's parent)

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