Christian Faith and Living Unit 5

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Isaiah sees the Lord as the Father and Redeemer of Israel as well as the: 1: Creator who made them 2: Potter who formed them 3: Architect who designed them 4: Designer who created them


Philippians states that He who has begun _____ us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. 1: fixing 2: a good work in 3: teaching


Words used by the archangel Gabriel to describe the holiness of Jesus: 1: The Holy One of God 2: Holy thing 3: The Holy One and the Just, the Holy Child


Christ sanctifies and cleanses His people with the washing of water by _____. 1: the river 2: prayer 3: the Word


The saints will have a part in _____ the rebellious angels. 1: restoring 2: rehabilitating 3: judging


When His disciples went forth to cast out evil spirits, Jesus said He saw Satan fall as _____ from heaven. 1: a rock 2: an angel 3: lightning


In Luke's Gospel the angel calls Jesus the: 1: Holy One of Israel 2: Son of the Father 3: Righteous One 4: Son of God 5: Blessed of the Virgin


The Holy Spirit brings about much good in the lives of believers by making: 1: excuses for them 2: speeches for them 3: apologies for them 4: faults for them 5: intercession for them


recorded God's promise concerning Israel's captivity


musician to whom David delivered his psalm when the Ark was returned


The Holy Spirit is also called the _____.


God swore a covenant concerning his seed and his throne


The Holy City is referred to synonymously in Scripture as _____, _____, and the city of David. a. Capernaum b. Bethel c. Hebron d. Zion e. Jerusalem

d e

Men need to be turned from _____ to light, and from the power of _____ unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them who are sanctified by _____ in Jesus Christ.

darkness Satan faith

Jesus suffered ____ that He might bring many sons unto _____.

death glory

Jesus cast out _____ by the Spirit of God.


Paul proclaims that _____ is good if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is _____ by the word of God and prayer.

everything from God sanctified

God's holy people were to be like Him in separation and in _____ above all nations.


The people of Israel were to realize the Lord's high and holy position for them through their _____ and keeping of His ______.

faithfulness commandments

After we repent, we can relax and let the Lord do everything. T/F


All Old Testament saints experienced a special measure of the Holy Spirit. T/F


In Old Testament times, the Holy Spirit came upon all believers without measure. T/F


In the New Testament the Holy Spirit was poured out upon only a few chosen believers. T/F


The Lord leaves us on our own after we are saved. T/F


The priest could not be defiled by the dead body of anyone while the Nazarite could come near the corpse of near relatives. T/F


The priest was not allowed to eat anything pertaining to the vine while the Nazarite could not drink wine in the holy place. T/F


The tribe of Levi was separated but still numbered with the other tribes. T/F


The tribe of Levi was set apart to do the service of the royalty. T/F


We do not need to read the Bible after we are saved. T/F


When the Lord desired to establish His eternal covenant with David, He swore by Jesus' name that the covenant would not be broken. T/F


God is good, is ready to _____ our sin, and is plenteous in mercy to all that call upon Him.


Paul declared that repentance is a _____.


Through God's salvation plan we have become joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, to be _____ together with him.


God declared that the whole of His creation was very _____.


The psalmist said that _____ and mercy will follow us all the days of our life.


Two things a believer can do to stunt his spiritual growth are to quench or to _____ the Holy Spirit.


The place to which God guided His people was called His holy _____, referring to the whole land of Canaan.


The Holy City spoken of in Revelation is the _____ Jerusalem where the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the _____.

heavenly Temple

God did not spare the angels that sinned, but cast them down to _____.


The root verb from which the adjective _____ is derived actually means to divide, to separate or to sanctify.


Through Isaiah, the Lord said that He desired to dwell with the person who is _____ , of a _____ spirit, and who trembles at His _____.

humble contrite Word

The Holy Spirit was given to the people of God in the wilderness to:


God's throne is for the purpose of _____.


People should not disregard the Holy Spirit, since He demonstrates God's _____ to them.


It is by the Spirit of God that mountains are moved, not by man's power and:


2 Peter 1:21 says, "For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men ____ by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."


Thessalonians declares that God will fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness, and the work of faith with _____.


God wanted the nation of Israel to be a peculiar treasure unto Him, a kingdom of _____ and a _____ nation.

priests holy

The title Holy is a mark of separation from the evil spirits of Satan, and indicates the Holy Spirit's_____.


When Satan fell through pride and _____ , he took a whole host of _____ with him.

rebellion spirits

The people of Israel were to _____ and do all His commandments (Numbers 15:40-41).


God's goodness leads us to _____.


called Jesus "Good Master"

rich ruler

Solomon sees that _____ is more important than building the Lord a house that could not contain Him.


As a holy priest, each priest is to offer up spiritual _____ unto God by Jesus Christ.


The Lord had _____ Israel from other people and _____ them unto Himself.

separated called

said Christ was "John the Baptist," "Elias," "Jeremias," or "one of the prophets"

some Jews

Repentance causes men to acknowledge the _____ , so that they may recover themselves out of the _____ of the devil.

truth snare

At the end of time, Christ will present His people to Himself a glorious, unspotted, unwrinkled, and _____ holy body.


The two aspects involving Christ's birth and death that are absolutely essential to His ability to be the Redeemer of mankind are the _____ birth and _____ resurrection.

virgin bodily

God's Spirit teaches us to do the Lord's:


Heaven is known in the Scriptures as God's _____. 1: Spirit 2: holy habitation 3: throne


The angels who followed Satan in his fall are referred to in the Scriptures as _____. 1: evil angels 2: spiritually challenged 3: deluded


The high priest wore a crown inscribed with the words "_____." 1: Holiness to the Lord 2: I am with you 3: God with us 4: For the worship of God


The phrase _____ is often repeated in Leviticus and indicates God's holiness. 1: I AM holy. 2: I AM your everlasting reward. 3: I will be with you always. 4: Holiness belongs to the Lord.


spoke of the Lord's holy name in a song of praise


spoke of the Lord's pity and jealousy for His name


The Tabernacle was situated at _____ during the time that the Ark of the Lord's presence was on _____.

Gibeon Mount Zion

Christ introduces us to the concept of:

Holy Father

The prophet who recorded that the Holy One of Israel is as a Father who called His son out of Egypt was:


prophet who spoke of the Holy One as a Father who loves His children


God has great goodness toward the house of Israel


refers to the judgment and the righteousness of God


The Father gives good and perfect gifts.


God will perform His good promises to Israel and Judah


Goodness is a part of God's covenant.


In the Holy City _____, Jesus Christ was condemned to death and near it was crucified.


The Father gives good things to those who ask Him.


described Himself as the "Good Shepherd"


declared that he received good at the hand of God


God's goodness gives strength in troublesome times.


referred to Jesus as "Rabbi," "the Son of God," and "the king of Israel"


called Jesus "the Christ, the Son of the living God"


a wife is a good thing that brings God's favor


He is good; for His mercy endures forever.


The source of many _____ was on Mount Zion.


the goodness of the Lord is everlasting


The Lord is in the midst of His _____ , which is also known as His high and holy _____.

Temple place

The three ways in which Israel would be high above all other nations are: a. praise b. name c. honor d. riches e. courage f. wisdom

a b c

Why was the Holy Spirit given? a. To set people apart for a particular holy purpose b. To teach believers the deep things of God c. To save people d. To seal people until the time of redemption e. To allow Jesus to leave the earth and return to Heaven

a b d

Check five aspects in which Christ is declared to be holy. a. Birth b. Life c. Healing d. Death e. Gifts f. Resurrection g. Glory h. Teaching

a b d f g

Select the three places where the Tabernacle was set up after the children of Israel had conquered the land of Canaan. a. Shiloh b. Nob c. Nod d. Gilead e. Gibeon f. Jericho

a b e

The Lord desires to sanctify us, so that our whole _____, _____, and _____ will be preserved blameless unto the coming of Jesus Christ. a. spirit b. soul c. mind d. personality e. body

a b e

Select five ways in which the tribe of Levi was different from the other tribes of Israel. a. separated and not numbered with the other tribes b. tents were pitched together at the rear of the tabernacle of God c. cleansed d. offered as an offering unto God e. required to donate all the articles for worship in the tabernacle f. given to Aaron and his sons as a gift g. tents were pitched separately, around the tabernacle h. required to abide by the same laws as the priests concerning the fruits of the vine

a c d f g

Select the priest sons of Aaron. a. Nadab b. Eli c. Joab d. Abihu e. Absalom f. Eleazar g. Ithamar h. Ichabod

a d f g

Even though God's glory is _____ the earth and heaven, He desired that all _____ should be filled with His glory.

above the earth

Select three synonyms for glory. a. pleasure b. honor c. beauty d. majesty e. pride f. wealth

b c d

What are the two aspects of God's holiness to which Isaiah 5:16 refers and which exalt and sanctify Him? a. lovingkindness b. justice c. grace d. righteousness e. power

b d

The Nazarite vow was available to either men or women and could be _____ or _____. a. strict b. temporary c. loose d. religious e. permanent f. secular

b e

The Spirit that issues the invitation to come and drink of the water of life freely is the Spirit in the:


Both Jews and Gentiles are to come together into one ____ , that they might become _____ in the Lord.

body a holy temple

Believers are living stones, ____ as a spiritual _____.

built up house

The angels who rebelled left their own home and are kept in everlasting _____ under _____ unto the _____ of the great day.

chains darkness judgment

God purposed to bring about a holy people through the _____ of His Son.


The angels of God were created as _____ , not having _____ as does the human creation.

spirits bodies

The Ark of the Covenant was brought up to Jerusalem and was set within a _____ on _____.

tent of curtains Mount Zion

The Father gives the gift of _____ to those who _____ in Jesus.

the Holy Spirit believe

Psalm 89 and Isaiah 55 refer to David and to _____, who would inherit His throne forever.

the Messiah

The Lord shall give that which is good, and _____ shall yield her increase.

the land

God sits on the _____ of His holy Temple.


God wants to sanctify our whole spirit, soul, and body. T/F


God wants us established in every good word and work. T/F


God's goodness to His creation is a continuous cycle of giving good gifts to us. T/F


God's name is considered holy. T/F


In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit was given only in measure, with a special anointing only on a few chosen people who did a great work for God. T/F


The Father, Son, and Spirit are active in our sanctification. T/F


The Lord remembers us because of His goodness. T/F


The Nazarite chose to be set apart to the Lord while the priest came into his office by bodily descent. T/F


The Nazarite's natural hair was a crown of glory. T/F


The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. T/F


The three parts of the Tabernacle are the outer court, the holy place, and the Holy of Holies. T/F


The tribe of Levi was chosen instead of the firstborn. T/F


The tribe of Levi was cleansed. T/F


The tribe of Levi was given as a gift to Aaron and his sons. T/F


The tribe of Levi was offered for an offering. T/F


Today, the Holy Spirit comes upon all believers. T/F


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