Church and Sacraments Unit 3 Part 1Quiz

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What established new national church with king as head and said king could appoint bishops but not consecrate and could defend faith but not formulate faith?

Act of Supremacy

Belive discipleship a daily walk with God Love expressed for mutual aid and redistribution of wealth Congregations view of Church authority All members baptized voluntarily upon profession of faith Each believer a private to fellow believers and a missionary to non-believers Decisions made by whole congregation Assist one another in living baptismal commitments Insistence on separation of church and state Growth and survival instinct caused loss of evangelistic zeal and movement toward legalism Teaching not a means of obtaining salvation, but an expression of new life in Christ.


Discipleship - must involve daily walk with God, in which Christ's teaching and example shape a transformed life Christian's relationships with Jesus Christ must go beyond inner experience and acceptance of doctrines Rejected swearing and oaths Love - expressed in communities through mutual aid and re-distribution of wealth Acted as pacifists Menno Simons - guided anabaptists in ways of strict pacifism Considered subversive by many authorities for refusing military service Menno's disciples came to be know as the Mennonites Authority of scripture interpreted by consensus of local gathering Church is distinctive even if a society claims to be Christian True followers of Christ are pilgrim people


Laws remained on the books from the time of the Donatists to execute those who rebaptized. Zurich town council imposed a penalty of drowning on anyone who was rebaptized. After Felix Mantz (one of the leaders of the movement) was punished in 1527, many anabaptists fled and took refuge in other parts of Europe - especially Germany and Holland. One group settled in the city of Munster, Germany in 1534 and set up the kingdom of Sion, expelling both Catholics and Protestants City recaptured by local princes and militant leaders killed This led to anabaptists becoming pacifists This led Catholics and Protestants to be suspicious of the movement


Loose group of movements rejecting infant baptism and practicing baptism of adults upon confession of faith. Did not accept label of rebaptizer Objected to implication that "ceremonial sprinkling" as infants had been a valid baptism. Title gave legal precedent to persecute and execute them


How were indulgences come to be seen? (negative)

As a kind of magic antidote to sin rather than as an element to support true Christian living. This was because indulgences could be bought and sold rather than earned through good works and prayer.

The primary confession of faith for the Lutherans

Augsburg Confession

Where did Martin Luther post his Ninety-five Thesis?

Church of Wittenbeg

A Church body made up of all the cardinals whose function is to advise the Pope about Church matters and to elect a successor following the death of a Pope

College of cardinals

Who is the only male heir to Henry?

Edward VI

Published the 39 articles of the English Church and persecuted Catholics


What do Cathlolics believe about justification?

Given to use by grace of Baptism by God

Wanted a son and married Anne Boleyn but marriage declared void Pope Clement excommunicates him

Henry VIII

Ordained a Catholic Priest Swiss reformer Lectured and worked to reform Zurich Persuaded city council of Zurich to pass an ordinance in 1523 which forbade the preaching of any doctrine or any practice not mentioned in the Scriptures (Sola Scriptura) - Got them to remove images from churches, suppress monasteries and convents, abolish mass, prohibit organ music

Huldreich Zwingli

A cultural and intellectual movement that emphasized classical learning, such as Latin and Greek literary and historical texts, and that focused on human achievements rather than on divine


What was the purpose of indulgences?

Indulgences offer Christians a way of doing good as penance for their sins, such as making a pilgrimage.

Who was a Dominican friar who generated profits to fund papal building projects, such as Saint Peter's Basilica, by selling indulgences

Johan Tetzel

Believed knowledge of God found only in the Word of God (Sola Scriptura) Predestination Church supreme and should not be restricted by the state State or local government obliged to conduct itself in accord with the gospel norms proposed by the Church Only sacraments - Baptism and Confirmation Absolute sovereignty of God influenced all beliefs Church governance according to a presbyterian form Law a divine pattern for moral character

John Calvin

Every person is totally corrupt by reason of original sin. True church of Christ is an invisible reality whose members are known only to God because they are predestined to salvation Institutional church a visible reality whose members include both those destined for salvation and those destined for perdition We know God only if he chooses to be known Pardon and salvation only through free working grace of God Prior to creation, God choose some creatures for salvation and others for destruction Election a source of confidence Government Gave greater importance than Luther to external organization of Church Sacraments Eucharist more than a symbol Warned against magical belief in real presence of Christ in the Sacrament Governance Ordained pastors share responsibility for community with lay elders Law We are not justified by works, but no justified person is without works. Rigorous pursuit of moral righteousness Character of fundamental test of genuine religious life

John Calvin

Tried to bring every citizen under moral discipline of Church Tried to achieve mature church by preaching to people daily Studied humanities at the University of Paris and law at the University of Orleans Left Catholic Church in 1535 Left France in 1535 Went into exile in Switzerland Basel - spent time studying and writing Later Moved to Geneva Created and systemized the reformed tradition in Protestanism Trying to build a more visible "City of God" in Europe, w/ Geneva as a starting point Took up and re-applied ideas of the first generation of reformers Wrote the Institutes of Christian Salvation

John Calvin

What did Martin Luther translate the bible from to?

Latin to German

Was an Augustinian priest and monk and a scholar who had studied the Church Fathers and Scripture. Because he believed that only faith in God's love and mercy could justify sinners, he posted his famous Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Church in Wittenbeg. (protested sale of indulgences) Author of many texts This bold yet simple act began an upheaval that become known as the Protestant Reformation, and he had not intended to begin a movement that broke away from the Church of Rome Doctorate of theology Translated bible from Latin to German

Martin Luther

Who was Catherine's only surviving child?

Mary Tudor

Who succeeded the throne after Edward's death?

Mary Tudor (fiercly committed to Catholic Church) known as Bloody mary because killed many Protestants

It is not a list of grievances against the Church. It is an argument, or disputation, organized into numbered points, which opens with a call for debate on the statements in the document. It protested the sale of indulgences. Posted so everyone could see them

Ninety-five Thesis

What was the sole issue of the Act of Supremacy?

Papal supremacy (henry had no intention to break with old faith and considered himself a guardian of Catholic faith)

Trained under Luther Took over Lutheran movement after Luther's death Responsible for Augsburg Confession Believed reunion was essential and sometimes seemed too prepared to concede w/ Rome on matters of doctrine.

Philip Melanchthon

What was the Church's response to Martin Luther?

Pope Leo X did not initially become involved in the Ninety-five Theses because he thought it was a quarrel between monks. Later, Leo condemned 41 of Luther's proposals and gave him 60 days to recant or be excommunicated. Luther refused to change his stand and was excommunicated. However, Duke Frederick of Saxony agreed to give Luther a safe passage and to hide him. He later attracted a strong following, and his followers became known as the Luterans.

What happened to the practice of selling indulgences after Luther's protest?

Pope Leo X issued a doc clarifying the meaning/purpose and as a result, indulgences declined and eventually stopped

The belief that each person's fate after death is predetermined by God and that no one can do anything to change it.


Period of rebirth


States that Scripture alone transmits Revelation (Church said Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition together contain the Deposit of Faith) Rejects things like worshipping Mary, saints, any sacraments not instituted in the bible, pope, transubstantiation, purgatory, confession, latin, rosaries

Sola Scriptura

States that humankind is justified by faith alone, rather than by both faith and good works, as the Catholic Church teaches

Sola fide

Rejects the understanding that our cooperation with God's grace is essential for our salvation and believed that salvation comes soley by divine grace, an unearned gift of God, and is not merited by the sinner

Sola gratia

What were the serious changes made in the Act of Supremacy?

Suppression of monasteries and Publication of English bible for use in churches

A form of government in which God is understood to be head of the state, ruling by divine guidance granted to its clergy or other ruling officials


What was Martin Luther the Doctor of?


How were indulgences commonly aquired?

They were sold by churchmen

Statement of beliefs for the English Church that rejected a lot of Catholic teachings such as indulgences, transubstantiation, private confession, purgatory

Thirty-nine articles

Lord chancellor of England who refused to take oath acknoledging Henry as head of Church of England and Ann's children his heirs Was imprisoned in Tower of London and eventually exectured

Thomas More

What does Luther teach about justification?

We are saved by faith and love in God's mercy Through faith alone Faith holy in their Creator and Redeemer

Preached reliance on the bible as ultimate authority in religion God determines from all eternity who will be saved and who damned by a divine decree of predestination Held that Christ was spiritually present in the Eucharist. Debated this w/ Luther and Melanchthon who believe it to be more than a memorial Believed secular ruler has right to act in church matters. Believes in predestination- less free will


Gave princes freedom to choose the confession for their subjects and means whose realm his religion

cuius regio, eius religio

Were the Protestants innovators?

no more like renovators because they did nothing new, just put things into different context

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