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Word Dictionary

"spell checker" automatically checks words as they are typed words typed in a document are compared to those in a dictionary file. If the word is spelled wrong or is not in the dictionary then a red wavy line appears underneath. To correct it right click the word then choose from the listed options that appear after clicking the word. Because the dictionary does not contain every word in the human language sometimes a correctly spelled word may be marked when this happens the line can be ignored. because the line will not appear on paper when printed. However to ignore the line all together right click the word and select ignore.

Parts of the word processor window

The parts of a word processor include: Quick access toolbar, title bar, view ruler, rulers, insertion point, ribbon, and office button


The size of text is measured in points. There are 72 points to an inch.

replacing text

To replace text with other text click home, replace. Search text as well as replace text are entered in the Find and replace dialog box.

specifying whilst finding and replacing text

To specify use options such as MATCH CASE and FIND WHOLE WORDS in the find and replace dialog box. Match case selects text with the same capitalization as the search text. Find whole words only selects texts that entirely match the typed words.


trims away areas of graphic that are not needed.

finding text

a doc. can easily be searched for a specified character. click home, Find To display the Find and replace dialouge box where search text is entered

positioning a graphic

a graphic is inserted into a document isplaced at the insertion point formats can then be applied to the paragraph and will affect the position of the graphic for example to center a grpahic place the insertion point in the paragraph that contains the graphic and click home center the graphic can be moved to another location within tezt by dragging. to move selected graphic atound the page freel click format text qrapping swuare the tezt on the page will move or wrap around the wrapping allowing for other affects such as text showing over the graphic or the grapic covering the text as text is edited the graphic will remain with the text it is near. to format the graphic to again stay in the text at the inserttion point select format text wrapping in line with the text it is near. to format the graphic again so it will stay in the text at the insertion point select format text wrapping in line with text. to quickly line up a selected graphic in a specific positon as text is edited text will flow and the graphic will remain in the positon relative to the page.

header and footer

a header is an area at the top of a page and a footer is an area at the bottom of the page. A header or footer is typically used to include, the page number, file name, authors name, and the date on each page. to create a header or footer cilck inser header or insert footer. a gallery of built in designs is displayed. click a built in design and the document text dims the header or footer is added and the design tab is displayed on the ribbon. type text to replacce the blue place holder and then format the tezt as needed. use the design tab to further customize the header or footer. change the distance from the header or footer to the edge of the page using header from top or footer from bottom. the header or footer is printed on each page of the document . to specify a different header of footer for the first page select the different first page check box the header and footer tabs on page 1 change. click design go to header , go to footer, to move the insertion point between the header and footer . click design close header and footer or double click the body of the document to close the header and footer. double click in the header or footer area to make it active again and allow for editing.

hanging indent

a paragraph can be formatted so that the first line is indented differently from the rest of the paragraph. when the first line of a paragraph is farther to the left than the rest of the paragraph it is formatted with a hanging indent . a hanging indent is often used for lists, outlines. or a bibliography entry. to create a hanging indent drag the hanging indent drag the hanging indent marker on the ruler. a hanging indent can also be created using the paragraph dialog box. clickthe paragraph group dialog box launcher then in the the dialog box click the indents and spacing tab. select hanging in the special list and specify the indent amount in the by box.

tab leader

a tab leader is a character that is repaeated to fill the space spanned by a tab.examples,,, ... ____ the dotted leader is often used in a table of contents the solid line is used to represent a blank on a form select a tab leader in the leader options in the tabs dialog box


a table consists of rows and columns of cells which can contain text and graphics the intersection of a row and column is called a cell cells can have borders which make the information easier to read. rows are horizontal and columns are vertical to create an empty table click insert table and move the pointer over the grid to select the number of cells for the table. click the grid to create a table at the insertion point and then type into individual cells. click a cell to placed the insertion point in that cell. press the tab key to move from cell to cell the arrow keys can also be used to move the inserion point to another cell press enter to create a new partagraph within the cdell insetead of moving to another cell. to create a table from tet that is seperated by tabs select the text and then click insert table convert text to table a adialog box is displayed with options already selected for the numbers of rows in the table and the numebr of columns select ok to change the text and tabs into a table with text in the cells. to convert a table to text select the tabel and then click layout convert to text a dialog box is displayed with options on how the text will be seperated.

picture border

adds a border

picture effects

adds the effects such as bevels and shadows


adjusts the difference between the lightest and darkest areas


adjusts the relative lightness


alignments create straight edges at both sides of a paragraph and are often used in newspapers and books.

left tab stop

aligns the begining of the text at the stop

decimal stop

aligns the decimal point at the stop

right tab stop

aligns the end of the text at the stop


american physchological association

picture styles

apply seversal picture formats in one click

Formatting Marks

are characters entered as search text by by selecting the from the special list at the bottom of the find and replace dialog box.

center tab stop

centers the text equidistant over the stop


changes the color

picture shape

changes the shape of the picture

smart art graphics

diagrams that show the relationship between elements and illustrative information. elements may be people tasks goals statistics or similar information in a smart art graphic elements are represented by shapes . to create a smart art graphic at the insertion point click insert smart art which displays a dialog box select layout type to limit the displayed amounts to that type click a layout view and preview description slect ok to place smart art graphic at the insertio point the text pane is displaued type text in the text pane or directly into the placeholders in the graphic use arrow keys in the text pane to move between items or create a new item by pressing enter key. when creating a smart art graphic consider the info that will be included and what message should be conveyed by the graphic. list layouts show non sewuential info process layouts illustrate steps in a timeline or a process cycle layouts illustrate strps in an ongoing process heirarchy layouts are used for decision trees or organizing charts relaitonship layouts illustrate connections between elements or to a central elements

grammer checker

displays green wavy line below a phrase or sentence when a possicle grammatical error is detected. Tight click the green wavy line to display suggested corrections.

adding graphics

graphics can be used to make a document more intresting and iformative. graphics in digital format come from various sources including scanned artwork, digital camera pictures, screen captures, and illustration software. click insert picture to display the insert picture dialog box eith a list of graphic files. cip art are files of general purpose graphics created by an artist using illustration software. cilck insert clip art to display a task pane for finding clip art. type a word or phrase in the seatcy for box and select go to find all clip art. type a word or phrase in the search for box and select go to find all the clip art that have the keywords in their discription. to narrow a search, use the search in list which contains cip art collection names and results should be list, which contains file formats .. to place a cip art graphic into the document click the arrow to the right of the graphic and select insert from the menu. to remove the task pane, click close in the upper right corner. once placed in a document a graphic may need to be sized. click a graphic to select it and display handles. point to a corner handle which changes the pointer and then drag to size the graphic. to move a graphic drag the center of it not the handle. wherever a graphic is moved text moves to make room. cut copy and paste on the home tab can be used to create copies or move a selected graphic. press the delete key to delete the selected graphics . click anywhere in the documents other than on the prahic to remove the handles. When a graphic is inserted the format tab is added to the ribbon and is used to change the look of a selected graphic.


indents decrease the width of lines of text in a paragraph indents are often used to set off paragraphs such as a quotation the default indents are are zero inches meaning that lines of text extend from the left margin to the right margin specify left and right indents to gine a paragraph shorter line lengths. to format a paragraph with indents use page layout indent left page layout indent right the amount of indent measured in inches. setting indents affects onlu the paragraph that contains the insertion point or multible paragraphs selected together. indents can also be dragged by markers on the ruler when an indent marker is dragged a dotted line appears that helpsline up text


is a list of sources cited and consulted in preparation of a document a bibliography is usually on a seperate page at the end of a document and is sometimes titles works cited within a document. citations are used to refer to bibliography entries. to create a bib click regerences and click a format for the bibliography a bib is created at the insertion point using all sources in the current list the bibh is automatically updated when any changes are made to the sources in the current list.

hyphenating a document

is a process that divides words of neccesary at the end of lines with a hyphen so that part of a word wraps to the next line hyphenation can smooth out very ragged right edges in left aligned text and can lessen the space between words in justified text to automatically hyphenate a document click page layout hyphenation automatic select manual to display each word as it is selected for hyphenation.

insertion point

is the blinking vertical line that indicates where the next character typed will be placed the insertion poin blinks to draw attention to its location

left aligned

is the default and means that the left edge of a paragraph is straight and the right edge of the paragraph is jagged. this is the most often used in letters and research paper

table styes themes

just as styles are used to main tain consistent formatting in a document themes are used to maintain a consisten look in multiple documents a theme is a named set of formats that change the color font and other effects associated with styles. every style is affect as well as elements such as table bib and contents themes are accesible in word excel and power point so that documents created in all threee applications can have the same theme and look like part of a professional document package . by default office theme is applied to a new document to change the theme click page layout themes and click a theme in the gallery to change formatting used in applied theme click page layout themes and click a theme in the gallery

right alignement

means that the right edge of the paragraph is straight and the left edge is jagged.


modern language association

numbered list

numbered list shows priority of importance. to create a numbered list first select the paragraphs and then click home numbering. Word automatically formats the patagraph eith a hanging indent and adds a number followed by a period and a tab to end each paragraph. Click home increase indent to increase the indent of a bulleted or numbered item. To remove the bullets or numbering list formats, select the formatted paragraphs and then click home bullets or home numbering again.

more on alignment

on the home tav click align left , align center, align text right, and justifym to format the paragraphthat contains the insertion point to format miltoble paragraphs together first select the paragraphs together then click an alignment button the paragraph dialog box can also be used to change the formatting of seledted text and is displaued by clicking the paragraph group dialog box launcher click the indents and spacing tab to display options for changing alignments

bulleted list

one use for the hanging indent is in the creation of the bulleted list. In a bulleted list each item is a seperate paragraph formatted with a hanging indent, a character such as a bullet and a tab. To create a bulleted list first select the paragraph in the list and then click home bullets word automatically formats the paragraph with a hanging indent and adds a bullet character and a tab to the paragraph . Bulleted lists are used when each iten is equally important.


or "typeface" refers to the shape of characters. The default in word is Calibri. There are also fonts called wingdings that contain pictures called dingbats


reduces size of text and lowers it to bottom of current line.


reduces size of text and raises it to the top of the current line

reset picture

removes formatting

Ribbon/quick acces toolbar

selects commands and performs actions


show the paper size. markers on the rulers are used to format text. click view ruler at the top of the vertical scroll bar to display the rulers


shows what the document will look like once printed. Click next page and previous page to scroll through the document. Can view up to two pages at the same time.

more on tabs

tab stops are applied to the paragraph that contains the insertion point or to multible paragraphs selected together. when the insertion point is moved through the text thye ruler changes to show the tab stops for the current paragraph. set a tab stop by first clicking the tab selector on the ruler until the type of tab stop to be created is displayed. click the white areas of the ruler above the document to place a tab stop . the tab stop can be dragged to a new location if needed .to remove a tab stop drag its marker downward off the ruler any text that was aligned at a deleted stop is then aligned to the next tab stop. the tabs dialog box is useful for changing editing and deleting tab stops. double click a tab stop on the ruler to display the tabs dialog box in the dialog box type the tab stop portion select the appropriate alignment and then selecdt set to create a tab stop at that position. repeat this process to create as many tab stops as needed. To remove a tab stop select it form the tab stop position list then select clear select clear all to remove all the tab stops

tab stops

tabs are used to position text with in a line press the tab key to insert a tab and move any textto the right of the insertion point over to the position of the next tab stop. delete a tab stop by placing the insertion point to the left of the tab and pressing the delete key. any text is automatically moved to the left to fill in space previously created by the tab. a tab stop specifies a location within the line of text. in word tab stops are displayed on the ruler above the doc. a set of default tab stops are lovated at every half inch but they but they dont appear on the ruler. tab stops can be used to align text into columns of data. a tab stop can be set in any position on the ruler within the margins when a tab stop word automatically removes the default tab stop to the left.


that the left and right edges of the paragraph are equallydistant from the left and right sides of the page. headings and titles are often centered


the alignment of text in a paragraph refers to its position relative to the sides of the page.

title bar

the file name of the current document is displayed in the title bar. The name Document1 is used tempirairily until the document is saved with a descriptive name


the way text appears in a page. Bold text- printed darker so words are noticable Underlined text - used for emphasis regular text- default style to format text highlight it to dsiplay the mini toolbar. documents caontian elements such as headings and body text the main paragraphs in a document are body text. heading are titles that are often bold and in a larger and different font than body text.these elements are set apart by their font sizes colors and paragraph formats rather than apply each of these formats seperately a style can be used. a style is a a named set of formats with one click multible formats can be applied to selected text. word includes styles also called quick styles to format body text normal style different levels of headings and other elements such as quotes normal style is automatically applied to paragraphs in a new document to apply different style click in a paragraph or select multiple paragraphs and then clikc a quick style on the home tab to display the quick styles. click clear formatting or click home to change the formatting of the paragraph to normal style. styles are kept together in sets. the quick styles shown are the default style changing a quick style set changes all the styles used for the body text headings and other elements to change the style set click home change style sets and select a set from the list text that was formatted with a style will change to reflect the formatting of the same named style in the chosen style set. a new style can be created when the built in styles are not appropriate right click a formatted paragraph and select styles save selection as a new quick style a dialog box is shown where a name for the new style can be specified .

word wrap

the word wrap process autoomatically determines if the words to the right will fit on the end of the current line or if someone must fo on the next line.

word clipboard

there are symbols that do not appear on the keyboard such as the copy right and degree symbols to insert such sumbols into a doc click insert symbol and select a symbol if not shown select more symbols to display the symbol dialog box

office button

to display commands for opening saving and printing a document


to repeat the last action performed


to reverse the last action performed on the quick access toolbar click undo


when a web address is typed in a doc Word automatically turns it into a blue, underlined hyperlink. after the URL www. is typed word formats that text as blue underlined characters if the word do is viewed on screen the user can press the ctrl key which changes the pointer and then click the hyper link to display the web page in a browser window.


white regions around the text on a page margin size affects the amoint of text that a page can contain smaller margins leave more room for text . wider margins decreasethe number of characters that fit on a line. narrowing the same margins increase the amount of text in a line . similarly larger top and bottom margins decrease the number of lines of text a page can obtain and smaller top and bottom margins increase the amoint of text on a page . default margins in word are one inch for the left right top and bottom . individual margins can be set margin settings apply to an entire document and cannot be different from paragraph to paragraph

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