Constellations & the Zodiac
Name the 12/13 constellations in the zodiac.
+Capricorn +Aquarius +Pisces +Aries +Taurus +Gemini +Cancer +Leo +Virgo +Libra +Scorpio +Ophiuchus +Sagittarius
What is the zodiac?
means "circle of figures" or "circle of life"
How many zodiac constellations can you see at any one time?
What is a constellation?
+group of stars that make an imaginary shape in the sky +usually named after mythological characters, people, animals, and objects
Why is the zodiac important?
12 constellations which form a belt around the Earth
How many constellations can we see in Ann Arbor?
How many constellations are there?
Are all of the stars in a constellation near each other?
Not necessarily -- it depends on the constellation
Where should you look to find constellations?
ecliptic = path the sun follows