Constitutional Amendments 1-27
26th Amendment (1971)
18 year olds gain the right to vote
13th Amendment (1865)
Abolishes and prohibits slavery
9th Amendment (1791)
Addresses our unenumerated rights
27th Amendment (1992)
Any change in congressional salaries takes place after the general election
11th Amendment (1795)
Any state can be sued by a U.S. citizen
12th Amendment (1804)
Changes in electoral college procedures
14th Amendment (1868)
Citizenship due process equal protection
16th Amendment (1913)
Congress is given the power to tax incomes
23rd Amendment (1961)
District of Columbia receives electoral votes
10th Amendment (1791)
Federal powers are not stated in the Constitution are reserved for the states
4th Amendment (1791)
Guards against unreasonable searches and seizures
22nd Amendment (1951)
Limit on presidential terms
3rd Amendment (1791)
No quartering of troops in peacetime
25th Amendment (1967)
Presidential succession and presidential disability
20th Amendment (1933)
Procedures for outgoing president and the new president coming in
18th Amendment (1919)
Prohibition of liquor
8th Amendment (1791)
Prohibits excessive bail and no unusual punishment
24th Amendment (1964)
Prohibits federal and state governments from charging poll tax
21st Amendment (1933)
Repeal of prohibition (18th Amendment)
7th Amendment (1791)
Right to a jury trial for criminal and some civil cases
17th Amendment (1913)
The direct election of senators
6th Amendment (1791)
The right to a fair and speedy trial
2nd Amendment (1791)
The right to bear arms
5th Amendment (1791)
The right to due process and no double jeopardy
1st Amendment (1791)
The right to free speech, press, assembly, petition, and religion
15th Amendment (1870)
U.S. cannot prevent a person from voting because of race, color, or creed
19th Amendment (1920)
Women gain the right to vote