Core Values: Principles of A.O.D. Professionals

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"give credit where credit is due", honor and acknowledge original materials, don't photocopy or reproduce copyrighted materials, address colleagues engaging in infringements.


"self-governing" or "self-determination", a automatic, customization of who you are.


Actions which "DO GOOD", prevent harm of counsilor or client within scope.

Three core "ETHICAL" values of the A.O.D. professioal?

Autonomy Benificence and Justice

AUTONOMY; counsilor's ethical boundries?

BELIVES; dignity and worth of others PRACTICES; empathy, acceptance HONORS; confidentiality UTILIZES; informed consent ANTICIPATES/MANAGES; countertransference FACILITATES; self-determination,choice,responsibility SEES CLIENT WELFARE; in any personal, professional, or ethical conflicts

Principle # 11 REMUNERATION

DON'T: take advantage of clients finanial/insurance providers, refer to own private provider, accept fees/gifts for referring, accept money/gifts of value,hire/use client for advertising/public relations or side jobs, do no withhold info of free services to keep client or barter with client.

JUSTICE; common violations ?

Dishonesty, fraud/theft, falsifying credentials, documentation or conversations.

JUSTICE; counsilor's ethical role is?

Dose not exploit/borrow, lend/barter, solict/accept items of value from client or their familier's.Docs events honestly, discloses own errors, recognize imbalances of power with clients. Does not directly or by implication claim credentials not possed. Complies/ co-operates with mandatory reporting, status and professional ethics boards within bounds of confidentiality, advocates social change to enhance addiction treatment.


FOR quality care, respect of institional culture and work within it for client's welfare, educate on disease of addiction, report ethical violations.


Incompetent practices, not seeking team input/supervision, substandard treatment, abusive language/behavior, sexual relationship, exploitation of clients, professional impairment.


Principles of righteousness and rectitude in "ALL" things; strict performance of moral obligations; practical conformity to human/divine law; integrity in dealings of person with each other; rectitude; equality; uprightness.


Represent your credentials accurately, correct misrepresentation of credentials, disclose qualifications to clients, review materials for accuracy/relevance, get continuing education on laws/ethics, have publications/advertizing reviewed by attorney.

Autonomy; counsilor's boundary "VIOLATIONS" of clients ?

Stereotyping, Contempt, Neglect, Coercion, Paternalism, Therapuetic Incest, Enabling, Exploitation.

JUSTICE; counsilor's ethical part is to ?

Uphold honesty, integrity, fairness in dealings with clients, colleges, and others.

BENEFIENCE / NON-MALIFICENCE; counsilor's boundries ?

Within scope of skills trained, responsible quality treatment, seeks supervision and consultaion, protects from harm, prevents "harmful" dual-relationships and exploitation of clients NEVER engages in sexual relationships with clients.


ask permission for observed interviews by others, avoid "ALL" dual relationships/inappropriate disclosure, DON"T buy, sell, barrow, lend, barter, accept gifts from/with current clients. DON"T sponsor, pair-up or ask for help from clients. Know own boundries/make clear to client, NEVER engage in sex or provide counseling to a client/person you have sex with.


councelor shall not disclose but maintain confidential info, provide client with their rights, limit data to only appropriate/needed purpose, informed consent priority, everything confidential /inform of exceptions, shred all discarded, agency sloppy you don't have to be, Parsimony Principle, never discuss client in puplic, present case histories outside treatment ONLY with written consent.

Principle # 7 CLIENT WELFARE

councilor shall promote and protect the public health, safety, welfare tobest intrest of clients.,observe law of no suprises, create/use informed consent letters, tailor counseling to client's needs and appropriately in an approperate setting, not allow client to be used/exploited, inform client of such cases, be mindful of safety and privacy.

Principle # 12 SOCIETAL OBLIGATIONS NAADAC ;Revised: May 20, 1995

counselors shall to best of their ability, actively engage the legislative processes, educational institutions, & the general public to change public policy & legislation to make possible opportunities & choice of service for all human beings of any ethnic/social background whose lives are impaired by alcoholism & drug abuse.


don't bash, criticize, discriminate other professionals/work, don't provide services to another professioal's client, co-operate w/ethics committees, don't shield other collegue's self-accountability, don't exploite other pros for personal/political gains.


due to; race, religion, age,gender, disability, national ancestry, sexual orientation or econonic status. No favorites, help others, responsible for speech, no judging or shamming, supportive enviroment, accommidate of disablitied of others.

Principle # 3 COMPETENCE

recognition of (counsilor's) scoped standards to promote best intrests of society, clients, members, and profession as a whole, know professional boundaries and limitations and offer referrals when out of scope of A.O.D. use as well as for mental diorders, history of sexual abuse or physical/medical conditions, legal probs.,relation/family conflicts, meds. Know suiside procedures. Don't ignor signs of professional impairment.


respect limits of personal knowledge in public on A.O.D. abuse, state facts only that are empirically validated any other info is natural history and stated as not scientifically proven. Cite sources of offering info on disease/addiction, when you don't know don't wing it. Never distort, exaggerate, manipulate data, reports.

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