CPLP Quiz - Ch.2 Instructional Design

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(2.2) Which of the following theories and models is associated with Howard Gardner? (Choose the best response.) a. Multiple intelligences b. Hierarchy of needs c. Neurolinguistic programming d. Accelerated learning

Response A is correct because Howard Gardner suggested that intelligence is multifaceted and that traditional intelligence measures are not capable of measuring all its facets.

(2.2) In the field of training and development, what is Malcolm Knowles's key contribution to adult learning? (Choose the best response.) a. Andragogy b. Pedagogy c. The whole brain model d. Accelerated learning

Response A is correct because Malcolm Knowles was one of the first researchers to propose that adults learn differently from children. To indicate the differences, Knowles popularized the terms andragogy and pedagogy.

(2.5) Which of the following is one way that an organization can determine what kind of training and development should occur? (Choose the best response.) a. Conduct a needs assessment. b. Develop a strategic plan for the organization. c. Formalize the training department's instructional design model. d. Ask managers what training their departments need.

Response A is correct because a training needs assessment places the training requirement in the context of the organization's needs and validates and augments the initial issues presented by the sponsor of the training.

(2.2) Adult development theories are concerned with ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. How adults change as they age and the effect of age on learning b. How adults' motivation becomes more internalized as they age and the effect on learning c. How adults think with both sides of their brains but have a strong preference for one side or the other d. How adults have learning preferences that fall into the three categories: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic

Response A is correct because adult development theories relate to how adults' learning needs, preferences, and abilities change as they age.

(2.4) Accelerated learning is a learning strategy that involves the right and left hemispheres, the cortex, and the limbic systems of the brain, thus making learning more natural. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a learning environment that is conducive to accelerated learning? (Choose the best response.) a. Provides learning challenges for learners to overcome b. Supports both learners and trainers c. Presents material both visually and verbally d. Provides for group-based learning

Response A is correct because an accelerated learning environment does not provide learning challenges for learners to overcome.

(2.9) The instructional design of a live virtual session on handling difficult customers for a call center is primarily based on which of the following inputs? (Choose the best response.) a. Needs assessment of training requirements and learning objectives b. Call center representatives' frequency and types of interactions c. Learner attitudes and motivation to learn about dealing with customers d. Ethical issues and staffing in the call center

Response A is correct because designing online learning uses the same ADDIE model and tools as designing any other instruction. Thus the virtual session will be based primarily on a needs assessment and learning objectives.

(2.4) Which of the following is described as a collection of strategies for quickly producing instructional packages that enable learners to achieve a set of specific learning objectives? This model involves alternatives, enhancements, and modifications to the ADDIE model in the form of trade-offs between design and delivery. (Choose the best response.) a. Rapid instructional design b. Gagne's nine events of instruction c. Accelerated learning d. Theory of behavior objectives

Response A is correct because in rapid instructional design, the selection of appropriate instructional development techniques depends on trading off resources between design and delivery of instruction depending on the nature of the instructional objective, characteristics of the learner, and context of training.

(2.5) Which of the following is an advantage of using interviews as a data-gathering technique? (Choose the best response.) a. Interviewers can receive additional information in the form of nonverbal messages. Interviewees' behaviors—their gestures, eye contact, and general reactions to questions—are additional data or cues for the next questions. b. This method is unobtrusive. c. This method gives observers an idea of a typical workday and provides a realistic view of the situation. d. Interviews provide direct data on the organization's actual work.

Response A is correct because interviews, or one-on-one discussions, elicit the reactions of interviewees to carefully focused topics. This data-collection method yields subjective and perceptive individual data and illustrative anecdotes. Because they enable the interviewer to observe the reactions of the interviewee, they allow the interviewer to get additional information to pursue. Interviews have other advantages, including providing rich detail, enabling comparisons across interviews when a carefully structured protocol is used, and supplementing quantitative data gathered from surveys.

(2.2) You are a T&D professional designing new ways to open several of the health and wellness courses you facilitate. You have decided to open a CPR certification class with a true story of an employee who became ill at work and was kept alive by a co-worker administering CPR until paramedics arrived. Which adult learning principle have you selected? (Choose the best response.) a. Readiness b. Respect c. Autonomy d. Actions

Response A is correct because readiness to learn is one of the key principles of Malcolm Knowles's andragogy theory of adult learning. Adults participate in learning programs to achieve a particular goal and are most ready to learn when they can immediately relate and apply the new knowledge or skill to real-life situations.

(2.2) A T&D professional is tailoring instructional materials to the leadership training needs of an organization's executives. This is an example of ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. The application of adult learning theory in designing instruction b. Multiple intelligences c. The learning brain model of instruction d. How the VAK model can be applied to improving adult learning

Response A is correct because tailoring instructional materials to executive leadership training needs is an example of ensuring that the design of materials relates to the different ways that adults learn, which is one way to apply adult learning theory.

(2.5) Which of the following best describes training needs assessment, which is often also referred to as training needs analysis? (Choose the best response.) a. Training needs assessment is the process of collecting and synthesizing data to identify training requirements. b. Training needs assessment identifies the discrepancy between the desired and actual knowledge, skills, and performance and specifies root causes. c. Training needs assessment identifies all duties and responsibilities and the respective tasks done on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. d. Training needs assessment is the process of identifying the specific steps to correctly perform a job function.

Response A is correct because the classical approach to determining training requirements is by gathering data through interviews, observations, questionnaires, and tests.

(2.8) Which of the following objective domains—categories of objectives used to determine design elements —focuses on the skills and knowledge relating to intellectual activity, such as knowing how to edit a manuscript? (Choose the best response.) a. Cognitive b. Interactive c. Psychomotor d. Affective

Response A is correct because the cognitive objective domain refers to skills and knowledge related to intellectual activity.

(2.5) Which of the following is used to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of employees? (Choose the best response.) a. Performance audit b. Competency modeling c. Interviews d. Observation

Response A is correct because training professionals use performance audits to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of employees by comparing performance criteria with actual performance data.

(2.2) Your company is getting ready to roll out a new system for tracking time and attendance. The new system affects everyone in the company. You have worked six weeks developing an instructor-led training that everyone will attend. You have customized activities and delivery methods for each department including sales, marketing, manufacturing, accounting, and others. You have taken extra time and been attentive to the nuances in each department and all the individuals across the company. What important elements of design guide your effort? (Choose the best response.) a. Culture and modes of learning b. Bloom's taxonomy and cognitivism c. Pedagogy and motivation d. Business drivers and Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Response A is correct because you need to account for organizational cultures which can also differ from department to department. You must also realize that studies show that learner preferences (modes of learning) fall into three categories: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, referred to as the VAK model.

(2.8) You have completed the needs analysis and identified the sponsor's business needs, the desired performance, the tasks learners must master, who the learners are, and the constraints on the project. Your next task is to formally state the objectives for the training. By establishing these objectives, both you and your sponsor can reach a common agreement about the purpose of the program. You've never written a learning objective before. This is your first try: "Given a written guide, the Critical Thinking class participant should be able to demonstrate the 5-Step Critical Thinking Process." How well did you do? (Choose the best response.) a. You are missing the degree. b. You have written a complete objective. c. You are missing the behavior. d. You are missing the condition.

Response A is correct. A number of different formats for writing objectives exist. The most recognized format uses four building blocks. A for audience, B for behavior, C for conditions, D for degree. In this case the objective is missing the degree, or what it takes to meet the objective, e.g., 100 percent, four out of five times, or another measure of success.

(2.5) You have been asked to deliver a class on Interpersonal Communication for the people on the floor of your company's factory. The factory manager was unable—or unwilling—to give you additional information. You live in a small Midwestern town and know most of the people in your small company. You know that most of the factory employees have high school diplomas, are hard workers, and probably never liked school very much. Since this is a new requirement, you need to gather data. What data collection method will you select? (Choose the best response.) a. Interviews b. Assessment or tests c. Survey d. Focus group

Response A is correct. Even though interviews will be time-consuming, the company is small and it will be easy to get a representative sample. The topic, Interpersonal Communication, is very broad and interviews will help you narrow down the scope while at the same time provide rich detail about why the training is important and what specifically is needed to make the session a good investment for the company. It's a good place to start. Besides, the learners are probably not going to want to complete a survey and a test will not likely identify the data you need.

(2.7) Which of the following is NOT one of the basic roles of a designer on a project? (Choose the best response.) a. The designer has little, if any, content knowledge and relies on the SME to select the most appropriate instructional strategy and media. b. The designer is the only person involved and is the SME. c. The designer has some subject matter knowledge but works with an SME. d. The designer has little, if any, subject matter knowledge and relies on the SME for assistance.

Response A is not one of the basic roles of designers because the designer always selects the most appropriate instructional strategy and media.

(2.4) Which of the following best describes the key benefit of Gagne's nine instructional events? (Choose the best response.) a. This theory is a collection of strategies to quickly produce instructional packages depending on types of tradeoffs between design and delivery. b. This theory supports the notion of lesson plan design and an ideal teaching sequence that enhances retention because the training is based on the way that learners process information. c. This theory outlines a learner-centered instructional style that guides the learners to discover what they need to learn. d. This theory outlines six behavioral levels including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Response B is correct because Gagne built the nine events of instruction based on the work of other theorists who studied the way humans process information and move it from sensing to processing to storing it in short- or long-term memory.

(2.4) Which of the following is a principle of human performance improvement? (Choose the best response.) a. Lesson plans are an integral component of most instructional design projects with a sequential set of events that lead to a desired performance goal. b. Training may not be the appropriate solution, and a needs analysis should be conducted to ensure that the performance gap can be remedied by training. c. Selection of an appropriate instructional design method depends on types of tradeoffs between design and delivery of instruction to achieve the performance goal. d. Bloom's taxonomy defines six behavioral levels and specifically defines the desired performance goal.

Response B is correct because a training class alone does not always result in measurable changes in workplace behavior. This happens because training addresses only one driver of performance: skills and knowledge. In instances where workers have the skills and knowledge to handle a task but still do not perform it effectively, another factor may affect performance. A needs analysis will enable the T&D professional to determine if training is an appropriate solution.

(2.4) Which learning theory seeks to involve the right and left hemispheres, the cortex, and the limbic systems of the brain in learning—and by involving the different functions makes learning more natural? (Choose the best response.) a. Andragogy b. Accelerated learning c. Multiple intelligences d. The four-quadrant model

Response B is correct because accelerated learning is a method of learning that involves all systems of the brain and thereby makes learning more natural. Principles involved in accelerated learning are affective state, beliefs about learning, information networks, nonconscious learning, learning cycles, multisensory input, and learning readiness state.

(2.8) All of the following are advantages of informal learning EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. It accounts for 80 percent of all learning that occurs on the job. b. Large numbers of employees will learn the same information and/or processes at the same time. c. It occurs at the time that learning is needed. d. It is highly relevant and done in small steps.

Response B is correct because formal learning (in classrooms, workshops, and so on) provides the advantage of instructing large numbers of employees who will consistently learn the same information and have the same experience. The lack of consistency is a key disadvantage of informal learning.

(2.5) Which of the following instruments asks participants to rate two contrasting ideas or words that are separated by a graduated line, either numbered or unnumbered? Participants indicate frequency of behavior or depth of opinion by circling points on the line. (Choose the best response.) a. Likert scale b. Semantic differential c. Alternative choice d. Completion

Response B is correct because in a survey that uses a semantic differential, participants rate two contrasting ideas or words separated by a graduated line, either numbered or unnumbered.

(2.8) Which of the following is a key element of successful instructional design? (Choose the best response.) a. Blended learning b. Objectives c. Graphic organizers d. Self-study

Response B is correct because objectives set the destination to show learners where they are going. Without objectives, there is nothing to evaluate because objectives provide all the building blocks for gauging success.

(2.8) Instruction on how to operate a forklift is most likely to have which type of objective? (Choose the best response.) a. Affective b. Psychomotor c. Application d. Knowledge

Response B is correct because operating a forklift relates to physical activity and is thus most likely to have a psychomotor objective.

(2.4) As a T&D professional, you are preparing the instructional objectives, the evaluation plan, and sequence of content for a new training program. Which step of the ADDIE model are you completing? (Choose the best response.) a. Analysis b. Design c. Development d. Implementation

Response B is correct because preparing objectives, an evaluation plan, and content sequencing take place in the design step of the ADDIE model.

(2.5) A manager has asked you to conduct a time management training session to correct a current situation with missed deadlines. As the training manager you decide that rather than design and develop a time management course, you will ask your staff to investigate the problem by collecting data from a number of key staff members who can provide information about this perceived need. You want to collect information in a short time and allow for sharing of ideas. Which method of data collection should you suggest that your staff implement? (Choose the best response.) a. Interview b. Focus group c. Observation d. Individual informal discussion

Response B is correct because the focus group is the only option that meets the need for a short timeframe and allows for sharing of ideas in a group setting.

(2.4) A decision has been made to develop a training class to improve sales by the sales force. What should the designer do first? (Choose the best response.) a. Locate historical documentation. b. Perform a needs analysis. c. Confirm the budget and timeframe. d. Identify representatives with top sales.

Response B is correct because the information that a training sponsor provides about the audience, course content, and completion date may not address the organization's specific training requirements. When starting a training project, the instructional designer's first task is to identify those requirements through a needs analysis.

(2.2) You are developing a course to teach learners how to use a new human resource system. The current system has been in place for 10 years and all the staff have been in their roles for more than 10 years. Which of the following is not a challenge to developing effective training? (Choose the best response.) a. Adult learners bring previous knowledge and experience. b. Adult learners are objective-oriented. c. Adult learners are pressed for time. d. Adult learners have different motivational levels.

Response B is correct because, according to Malcolm Knowles, adults primarily participate in learning programs to achieve particular personal or professional goals or objectives. In this scenario, goals or objectives will not be challenges to developing effective training.

(2.8) You are an external consultant who has been called in to a new company to clean up a mess left by a previous consultant. You learn that the company asked the previous consultant to deliver training to the field staff who were having problems implementing the contracting module for the new ERP system. You learn that the previous consultant simply took the same content from headquarters and delivered to the field. You believe that the processes between headquarters must be different. The Department Head with whom you are speaking is becoming irritated with you because you cannot provide a definitive answer about what you will do. Finally you share a plan and suggest that you will need to: (Choose the best response.) a. Visit the employees in the field and conduct interviews with them to determine what they think went wrong. b. Focus on what happens on the job and use the job analysis to establish the sequence for the training. Then you will use an advisory group to validate the analysis and design before you proceed. c. Rewrite the learning objectives first to ensure a solid foundation. d. Review the lesson plans and the evaluation data.

Response B is correct. Instructional designers need to consider the big picture when they develop a course. Once they have identified the reason for the course, the next step is to develop a course program or program sequence.

(2.4) What does ADDIE stand for? (Choose the best response.) a. Assess, design, develop, implement, evaluate b. Assess, discover, design, implement, evaluate c. Analyze, design, develop, implement, evaluate d. Analyze, discover, design, implement, evaluate

Response C is correct because ADDIE stands for analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

(2.8) Which of the following best describes Bloom's taxonomy and its relevance to writing objectives? (Choose the best response.) a. The taxonomy proposes specific and measurable performance objectives with three components: behavior, condition, and standard. b. The taxonomy states that learning goals and objectives are the same and should be written using the A-B-C-D format. c. Because learning objectives are written to specify the performance (knowledge and skill) that is desired after the learning, the taxonomy specifies exactly what the learner will know or be able to do at the end of the training experience. d. The taxonomy proposes that behavior should be specific and observable.

Response C is correct because Benjamin Bloom identified the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning domains which relate to the terms used to describe three categories of learning: knowledge, skills, and attitude. These, in turn, relate to writing objectives because learning objectives specify the type of performance that is expected after the training (knowledge or skills)—for example, "will be able to apply" not just "name."

(2.2) What is andragogy? (Choose the best response.) a. An approach to learning that focuses on Maslow's hierarchy of needs b. An approach to pedagogy that focuses specifically on learning rather than teaching c. A collection of five principles of adult learning d. An approach that provides a process for internalizing knowledge

Response C is correct because Malcolm Knowles's research on andragogy identified five adult learning principles.

(2.2) Which of the following is NOT an adult learning characteristic based on the andragogy model? (Choose the best response.) a. As people mature, they develop a psychological need to be self-directed. b. As people mature, they accumulate experience and knowledge, which becomes a resource for learning. c. As people mature, their readiness to learn is directly related to age level and curriculum. d. As people mature, their motivation to learn becomes increasingly internal.

Response C is correct because age level and curriculum are not two of the five key principles of andragogy.

(2.8) A new sales training program focused on improving the motivation of the sales force is most likely to focus on which of the following Bloom categories of learning? (Choose the best response.) a. Knowledge b. Skills c. Attitude d. Competencies 208 | 2 Instructional Design Version

Response C is correct because attitude is one of three types of learning—knowledge, skills, and attitude, typically referred to as KSAs—that are part of Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy of learning and refers to how people deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, motivation, and enthusiasm.

(2.2) Cognitivism is an approach based on the principle that ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. Adults learn most effectively when learning is organized by cognitive, psychomotor, and affective outcomes starting from the simplest behavior and going to the most complex. b. Adults are concerned with discovering the relationship between stimuli and responses to predict and control behavior. c. Learning occurs primarily through exposure to logically presented information and concerns the organization of memory and thinking. d. Learning needs change as adults mature.

Response C is correct because cognitivism concerns itself with the organization of memory and thinking based on a model of the mind as an information-processing system.

(2.7) Which of the following is NOT one of the techniques used by designers when working with SMEs to uncover and to distinguish what needs to be included in the instruction? (Choose the best response.) a. Questioning techniques b. Analysis techniques c. Evaluation techniques d. Data-collection techniques and interviews

Response C is correct because designers use evaluation techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning solution, not to uncover and distinguish what needs to be included in the instruction.

(2.9) All of the following instructional methods help learners to acquire new skill and to experiment EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. Case studies b. Demonstrations c. Diagrams d. Role playing

Response C is correct because diagrams help learners gain knowledge via information whereas all the other choices are instructional strategies used to help learners be able to do something and acquire a new skill.

(2.5) All of the following are results of the needs assessment EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. Determining the current state b. Determining the future state c. Evaluation results and learner feedback d. Determining the performance gap

Response C is correct because evaluation results and learner feedback are gathered after training has been implemented, not during the needs assessment.

(2.2) Your organization has just gone through a downsizing. You have the dubious honor of kicking off the first instructor-led training since the reduction. Even though the downsizing was relatively small and most people took a buyout, you have taken extra care to create an environment that is conducive to learning. You will have coffee and snacks available for learners and have arranged the room in a Ushape. You also designed additional time at the beginning of the class to conduct a "What's on your mind?" activity. The activity is designed to explore each learner's current state of mind, identify their immediate needs, and identify their expectations for the class. What concepts are you incorporating in your design? (Choose the best response.) a. The learning brain model and sympathetic deliberations b. Cognitivism and behaviorism c. External and environmental influences and Maslow's hierarchy of needs d. Divergent thinking and active listening

Response C is correct because external and environmental factors such as stress, company conditions, and uncertainty may influence a participant's ability to learn. Maslow's hierarchy of needs contends that a person can achieve the next level of the hierarchy only after lower level needs, such as physiological, safety, and belongingness needs have been satisfied.

(2.2) According to the VAK model, which of the following elements should be included in instruction for kinesthetic learners? (Choose the best response.) a. Visuals such as pictures and diagrams b. Lectures c. Hands-on activities d. Music

Response C is correct because hands-on activities are an example of taking in information by doing and touching, which is the preference of the kinesthetic learner in the VAK model.

(2.5) Quantitative methods of collecting data are those that result in ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. Valid data b. Soft data c. Hard data d. Extant data

Response C is correct because hard data is objective and measurable, whether stated in terms of frequency, percentage, proportion, or time.

(2.7) You are a training manager and have assigned Mason to work with an SME. Mason has been working diligently to create an asynchronous training event for the operators of a German-made printing press. Unfortunately all the training manuals are written in German and Mason is totally dependent upon Gregory, the SME who was assigned to work with him. His colleagues call him Grumpy Gregory and now you know why. He stalls whenever Mason tries to schedule time with him, responds rudely when he is asked questions, and walks away without saying goodbye or anything at the end of Mason's appointed hour. Mason has made a list of options to address with Gregory and to finally get this training designed. You examine Mason's list and advise him to follow through on all but one of the items. Which item do you suggest Mason should not do? (Choose the best response.) a. Speak with Gregory's boss to ensure that he has told Gregory that this is important work and that Gregory is expected to support it. b. Explore possible rewards and recognition for Gregory: compensation, recognition among his peers, or professional advancement. c. Find another SME outside the company. d. Sit down with Gregory to establish a formal relationship that clarifies roles and responsibilities.

Response C is correct because it is not likely that a positive working relationship can be forged between Gregory and Mason. SMEs may not understand the importance of the SME role or even see it as undesirable. If the assignment is not in their job description or development plan, they may be concerned that they will not be rewarded for their efforts. Participation in the project may be viewed as a distraction from "real" work. Their perception could be that the assignment is trivial and unrewarding.

(2.7) All of the following are methods for eliciting content information from SMEs EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. Asking them to provide mini case studies b. Asking them to describe the task from start to finish c. Asking them to suggest the best way to train specific tasks d. Listing the areas that are the critical points of failure or cause the most problems

Response C is correct because it is the role of the T&D professional to select the instructional strategy that is best for specific types of content. Methods such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys are the best methods to gather content information. All other responses are examples of one of those data-gathering methods.

(2.5) All of the following are steps in conducting a training needs assessment EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. Defining the objectives b. Selecting the data-collection method c. Selecting learning strategies d. Identifying the required data

Response C is correct because selecting learning strategies is part of the design component of developing instruction.

(2.4) Which of the following is an advantage to using an instructional design system? (Choose the best response.) a. It provides a method of determining your target population. b. It ensures training materials are designed as reusable learning objectives. c. It gives the ability to design projects quickly and efficiently. d. It helps determine the who, what, why, and where of the training.

Response C is correct because the ISD model provides efficient and effective instruction. Very little is left to chance or ignored when an instructional framework is followed.

(2.7) The primary role of an SME on a project includes all of the following EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. Works with the team to supply or build the content b. Checks the accuracy of the content developed c. Establishes the goals of the instruction and supplies the content d. Works with the designer to ensure that the design and content are compatible

Response C is correct because the SME does not establish the goals of the instruction; that is part of the designer's role.

(2.9) You work for a research organization where 50 percent of the employees are scientists and engineers. The organization has decided to develop and implement a speaking skills class to help the scientists get their ideas across in important meetings. It seems that many of them are brilliant, but just not very good at communicating to large groups. Two of the scientists have been assigned to you as SMEs to help design the training. They have suggested that you write a short paper that lists techniques for speaking in front of a group and that you accompany it with a template they can use to plan their speeches. You need to provide them with a response. You say ______________. (Choose the best response.) a. I think that could work. Perhaps you could provide me with several examples of times you need to give a speech. b. Independent study is a good idea because it will save everyone time. c. I don't think we will achieve the objective with a paper and a template. d. That's one way to do it, but I think it will be more fun if we learn together in a class.

Response C is correct because the objective is to help the engineers and scientists to do something different and acquire a new skill. They need hands-on practice to learn this skill. You will want to help them practice speaking, perhaps recording their presentation for self-critique, dissecting the speaking process, and providing several other exercises that help them practice what works for them.

(2.5) All of the following are benefits of conducting a needs assessment EXCEPT ______________. (Choose the option that completes the sentence accurately.) a. Identifying performance problems, deficiencies, and the root causes b. Determining whether training is the best solution to problems c. Training managers to train their department personnel d. Justifying spending to top management

Response C is correct because training managers to train their personnel is not a benefit of a needs assessment.

(2.5) As a T&D professional you received a request for training from a warehouse manager who has identified some specific training objectives. You have been working hard to gain this manager's respect. You want to be known as a business partner who has interdepartmental credibility within your organization What will your next step be? (Choose the best response.) a. Create the class the warehouse manager has asked for. b. Develop pre- and post-tests for the warehouse manager's required class. c. Conduct a needs analysis to identify specific performance factors. d. Prepare a paragraph for the annual report focusing on the link between the training for warehouse employees and the organization's strategic goals.

Response C is correct because you must place the training request in the context of the organization's needs because training adds value only when serving a business need. Based on instructional design models, needs assessments should be conducted first to determine the exact nature of an organizational problem and to identify specific performance factors.

(2.4) Which of the following guidelines did Carl Rogers describe as a critical element in adult learning situations? (Choose the best response.) a. Instructional designers may need to adjust training designs for cultural differences. b. Adult learners' readiness to learn increases when they need to achieve a particular goal and can immediately apply the new knowledge or skills to real-life situations. c. Adults bring a wealth of experience with them to any learning. d. Facilitators establish the initial mood or climate of the class experience and clarify the purpose of the individuals in the class as well as more general purposes of the group.

Response D is correct because Carl Rogers's theories of personality and behavior led him to the concept of learnercentered teaching. Establishing the initial mood or climate of the class experience and clarifying the purpose of the individuals in the class as well as more general purposes of the group are two of eight guidelines based on Rogers's work that help facilitate learning.

(2.2) Which of the following best describes why Maslow's hierarchy of needs is important in relation to adult learning? (Choose the best response.) a. Adult learners learn differently from children, and five key principles affect how adults learn: selfconcept, prior experience, readiness to learn, orientation to learning, and motivation. b. To predict and control behavior, stimuli are linked to responses. The approach is based on the premise that learning occurs primarily through reinforcement of desired responses—meaning "rewards." c. In this didactic model, someone "telling" the information leads a formal learning session—usually in lecture format. d. Five levels of needs indicate that a person can achieve a higher level of need only after lower levels are satisfied, which suggests that people are motivated by different factors—factors that may be unknown or difficult to discern.

Response D is correct because Maslow's hierarchy of needs categorizes five levels of needs - physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization - that people fulfill at different times, which means that people are motivated by different things.

(2.4) Who is credited with the idea that a learning objective should contain a condition statement, a performance statement, and a criterion statement? (Choose the best response.) a. Malcolm Knowles b. Robert Gagne c. Benjamin Bloom d. Robert Mager

Response D is correct because Robert Mager argued for the use of specific, measurable objectives that both guide designers during courseware development and aid participants in the learning process. These behavioral, performance, or criteria-referenced objectives should contain a condition statement, a performance statement, and a criterion statement.

(2.2) When designing your latest asynchronous training you incorporated several short video clips; created an activity that requires learners to "build" the model by moving the five parts into correct sequence; and ensured that all instructions are both verbal and appear on the screen in written format. You were concerned about _______________. (Choose the response that best completes the sentence.) a. Learner's attention span b. Learner motivation c. Learning culture d. Learner's intake style 137 | 2 Instructional Design Version

Response D is correct because people vary in their learner preferences, which fall into three categories referred to as the VAK mode. Visual learners intake by seeing. Auditory learners intake by hearing. Kinesthetic learners intake by doing. It is likely that all three intake styles will take the asynchronous training that you designed.

(2.8) The sequence of instruction is important to its effectiveness. Which of the following is not a type of sequencing? (Choose the best response.) a. Procedural order b. Chronological order c. Problem and solution d. Performance/skill

Response D is correct because performance/skill is not a type of sequence.

(2.2) An employee who finds it easier to learn a new concept through using a manual learns best through______________. (Choose the best response.) a. Auditory learning b. Kinesthetic learning c. Tactile learning d. Visual learning

Response D is correct because reading a manual is taking in information by seeing it, which is classified as visual learning in the VAK model.

(2.2) As a new trainer you have introduced a small group activity by reading the instructions from the facilitator guide and have allowed time for questions before breaking participants into small groups. After getting into the small groups, participants spend more time asking questions about what they are supposed to do rather than actually doing the activity. What might you do differently next time to keep the group focused on the specifics of the activity,? (Choose the best response.) a. Establish ground rules at the beginning of the class on how group activities are to be conducted. b. Allow more time for the small group activity. c. Appoint a group leader for each group to report results for the class. d. Provide written activity instructions in a handout.

Response D is correct because some people intake information primarily through one mode of learning, according to the VAK model. Providing visual written instructions complements the auditory mode of giving instructions.

(2.9) You manage the training department for a world-wide restaurant chain. The executive team has decided to initiate a leadership development effort for the company. The dilemma you face is that employees— especially store managers already work 60-hour weeks, have few weekends off, and have very little time for training. Your needs assessment demonstrates that you need to start with an individual 360-degree assessment for each "leader" but after that you are unsure of how to deliver the content. Like most restaurants, profit margins are thin. You have made a list of ideas and want to narrow it down before your meeting with the VP of HR. Which do you select to discuss? (Choose the best response.) a. Design a week long summit for each region and follow up with peer learning. b. Provide a reading list and send all leaders off to a senior executive university course. c. Design a year-long course that meets two days every month and delivers content based on the needs assessment and the 360-degree feedback. d. Kick off the event at the annual business retreat currently attended by all leaders and follow up with an e-learning system where employees can select short activities to practice.

Response D is correct. Although many of these ideas have merit, several of McArdle's factors will influence your strategy: budget, the number of learners, the locations of the learners, and the limited time available. The restaurant leaders do not have much time for additional learning, so as much as can be done in the course of a day, the better. An elearning system could be designed so that the store managers could use the 360-degree feedback to select practical activities that would improve their skills while at the same time might solve immediate problems in the restaurant.

(2.8) Your manager just left the department head meeting. She came to you to discuss a new effort that your organization is going to spearhead. The goal is to train everyone in the company before the end of the calendar year. There are 5000 employees in your company and it is almost September. You tell her: (Choose the best response.) a. You just attended a webinar about informal learning and that the fastest, easiest way to get all the information out is to disseminate it through the departments and have the supervisors conduct training for each of their employees. You can get started now. b. You read about accelerated learning, a learning strategy that involves the right and left hemispheres, the cortex, and the limbic systems of the brain, thus making learning more natural and faster and suggest that you deploy a similar process. c. You have the perfect solution: rapid instructional design (RID). RID is a collection of strategies for quickly producing instructional packages that enable a specific group of learners to achieve a set of specific learning objectives. RID involves alternatives, enhancements, and modifications to the ADDIE model. d. Even though there are many tools that can be used, you need to gather a bit more information and clarify the objectives of this effort.

Response D is correct. While each of the above three techniques may be helpful, time must be established up front to ensure you have written SMART objectives. They should be Specific so that you can clearly define the outcome; Measurable, meaning you should be able to count it or determine with a distinct yes or no whether it was accomplished; Attainable and not too difficult for employees to reach; Relevant to ensure that the objectives are will achieve what the company desires; and Time-bound, which you already know is December 31.

(2.4) You are in the middle of designing a new critical thinking class. Your manager has told you that you need to shorten the in-class time by 50 percent. Your full-day class will now have to be delivered in 3.5 hours. What changes will you make in the design of the class? (Choose the best response.) a. Change the objectives based on Bloom's taxonomy so that participants will leave with his first level "knowledge," but will not necessarily achieve his second and third levels, "comprehension" and "application." b. Send pre-work that describes the process and ask learners to bring a specific situation to class to use as an example so they can practice skills in teams while using multiple methods to teach that tap into both sides of the brain. You will design feedback forms, plan for music, and order colorful posters for the walls. c. Plan to deliver a straight lecture. d. Tell your manager that it can't be done.

The best response is B because you would be implementing some accelerated learning methods, tapping into how the brain learns best. In a positive learning environment—which typically involves teamwork, collaboration, vivid colors on the walls, music, and games, and activities—both hemispheres of the brain are engaged, leading to a whole mind and body experience for learners. Proponents of accelerated learning believe that learning is created rather than consumed and that this type of environment causes learning to take place on many levels simultaneously. Collaboration aids learning and learning comes from doing the work itself (with feedback).

(2.4) You have lost three people in your learning and development department so you have been overloaded and really behind. To speed up the design step you have decided to forego designing the evaluation plan during the design step and wait until closer to the implementation date. You know that you don't need it until the day before your deliver the training anyway. What advice do you think a seasoned designer would give you? (Choose the best response.) a. It is a good idea because if you want to save time and energy, the evaluation plan is the most timeconsuming. b. It is a good idea because it is impossible to evaluate the ROI of training. c. It is not a good idea because it may cause problems later. d. It is not a good idea because you need to plan with the end in mind.

The best response is C because the evaluation plan is part of the foundation. Evaluation tasks must be developed because the structure is based on the many decisions that must be made regarding training platforms and other implementation questions. Only an evaluation plan can provide this kind of information and help you find problems early in the process.

(2.4) You have just completed your midyear review with your manager. She has suggested that you need to do a better job on writing lesson plans. You remember reading about a model that incorporates specific steps and assures performance and quality. Now, what was that model called? (Choose the best response.) a. Accelerated learning b. Mager's theory of behavioral objectives c. Bloom's taxonomy d. Gagne's nine events

The best response is D because Gagne's model has implications for training design which relate to the way that instructional designers develop lesson plans. A lesson plan is a sequential set of events that leads to a desired goal. The single most important reason for lesson plans is that training often requires implementation of the same course numerous times. Performing each implementation of the course the same way guarantees conformance to content and quality standards.

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