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Which of these tissues, found in the lungs, permits gas exchange by diffusion?

simple squamous epithelium


simple tissue; long and thin;just under epidermis; just outside vascular bundles;stretch to allow flexing stems for shoots


single-cell zygote becomes multicellular embryo

Why did only birds live, of dinosaurs?

size selectivity favored small organisms that need less food and hibernative animals

_____ muscle is attached to bones.


voluntary movements


long cell for voluntary movement

skeletal muscle

attaches to bones and exerts a force on them when it contracts. skeletal muscle is responsible for most body movements.

skeletal muscles

it has long cells with a striated/striped appearance produced by an overlapping arrangement of proteins

skeletal muscles

loose heat and water rapidly

small animals

when the season is ending, drying again, what does wood look like?

small, darker late wood

contraction and relaxation moves food through the digestive tract regulate blood pressure

smooth muscle

tapered cells for involuntary movement

smooth muscle

spore-producing structures in some modern nonvascular plants


single haploid cell that divides mitotically and grows into a new organism


what problems came from a reproductive perspective

spores needed to resist drying, move, etc.

life table

summarizes the probability that an individual will survive and reproduce in any given time interval over the course of its lifetime

collenchyma function

support (stem and leaves)

type i survivor-ship

survivorship throughout life is high and plummets at old age

when did the atmosphere become oxygen rich?

when algae evolved and diversified, not long before animals appeared and diversified

carbonic anhydrase and PCO2 in RBCs

when it converts CO2 to bicarbonate theres less CO2 and thusly a higher PCO2 affinity in RBCs

can parasites manipulate hosts?

when laying eggs they can change the appearance of the individual (like for them nematodes that make ants look like berries so birds can eat them and shit out and eaten by ants again)

dispersal as means to metamorphosis

when limited movements as adults, larvae can move to newer habitats


when mature drop off of parents and develop into indivisuals

negative feedback in global warming

when more climate change affects occur, CO2 will be more sequestered and attempted to be reduced.


where anus, and vag combine in chicken

individuals produced when the mutation results in doubling chromosome number and the chromosomes all come from the same species


replacement rate

average fertility required for each woman to produce exactly enough offspring to replace herself and her offspring's father.

fertility rates

average number of survivnf children that each woman has during her lifetime

The nodes where leaves attach to the stem are the site of _, which form just above the site of leaf attachment

axillary/lateral buds

carries electrical signals from the cell body to other cells


relativity long structure on neurons


maximum number of individuals that can be supported by a particular habitat in a sustained period of time

carrying capcity

rises from organ that develops penis and males, becomes erect, and covered in foreskin equivalent


as the vascular cambium grows the primary xylem

clogs and rots


clone seeds (dandelion)

asexual reproduction


Why study?

closest living relatives to land plants (monophyletic group), and the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life occurred when land plants evolved from green algae


clusters of nerves

barbed cnidoctye to capture pray bring to mouth and ingest. polyps produces asexually, medusa produces sexually sometimes.


Body cavity lined entirely by mesoderm-derived tissue:



connects cytoplasm and segments smooth ER of adjacent plant cells

criticism of hotspot criteria

considers cumulative past loss not current rate of loss doesnt consider south america which has the most plants in such little area bcs it hasnt lost 70% yet; it will if they dont conserve it Focuses on species diversity and not ecosystem diversity despite how important it is

Balancing Selection

constantly changing favorable guppy colors

animals are the key _ to every ecosystem


one organism absorbs nutrients from another. increases one's fitness, decreases the others.


zone of cellular division

contains apical meristem where cells actively divide, w protoderm meristem procambium where additional cell division occurs


contains protective structure called ovary

all animals share homologous genes for _ proteins


what pushes flow, contraction or relaxation?


heat exchange between a solid and a moving liquid or gas


wind blowing causes heat loss from skin. the faster the wind, the faster the rate of transfer


what do primary producers do?

convert energy in sunlight into chemical energy (sugars support all other organisms through food chain), also take (more) CO2 than they make

main role is to produce cork cells

cork cambia

derive support from rigid structures inside the body like bones


provides food for the developing plant


produce adequate heat to warm its own tissues


can be active in cold environments but needs lots of energy to fuel their metabolism


extremely high BMR to warm body (endo ecto)


humans (ecto or endo)


retain heat with fur and feathers



entire tissue looses turgor pressure

what can trigger adaptive radiations?

environmental, intrinsic, evolution of key traits

stores sperm


acts as barriers and protective layers. closely packed.


gatekeepers for water, nutrient, etc are transported across (ex. skin not absorbing water when we swim)


interface between an interior of an organ and the exterior


Which barrier(s) must and cross to pass between air and blood inside lungs?

epithelial cells capillary wall extracellular fluid

covers the outside of the body, line the inner surface of many organs, and form glands

epithelial tissue

replace cells that are lost constantly on apical side

epithelial tissue

a layer of tightly joined cells that covers the interior and/or exterior of the animal


1.5% of oxygen goes where when breathing?

dissolves into plasma, which still can move to tissues


distance (thickness of diffusion barrier)

strong, short-lived disruption to a community that changes the distribution of living and/or nonliving resources


disturbance regime

disturbances occur with a predictable frequency and severity


divide and develop even in mature plants

bask in sunlight or warm rocks and soil (ecto endo)


do not require much energy but their activity depends on environmental temperature


generate heat a by-product of metabolism


lizards (ecto or endo)


low BMR (ecto endo)


biomass efficiency better in ecto or endotherms?

ectotherms because they devote their energy to growth instead of heat n respiration

_'s low BMR means they need _ food and have _ babies

ectotherms; less; more

best way to control fertility rates?

educate women on birth control and let them go to school.

_ takes action to return a parameter value to its set point.


any structure that helps restore the internal condition being monitored by the system




vitelline envelope

egg whites to protect egg

Which tissue acts as a filter on the water absorbed by root hairs (exo or endodermis?)


inside skin/ between cortex and vascular tissue


if one population is better competitor for shared resources, then the poorer competitor driven to extension

extinction of one population

nectar robbers and deceit pollination

fake mutualism thats actually +/-

total theoretical range of environmental conditions that a species can tolerate

fundamental niche

main challenge of sustainability

live off replenished resources and not petroleum and groundwater

spatial avoidance

location too far

jointed limbs

locomotion and feeding

habitat destruction

logging, burning, damming, dredging, plowing, building, having cows

What does the orange graph line represent?

logistic growth


matures into a mature egg (ovum) after fertilization

an ancestral population, all of its descendants, and ONLY those descendants

monophyletic group/clade/lineage

clade/ linage

monophyletic groups (cuttable)

animals are a _ group that originated from a _ ancestor that was probably similar to choanoflagellates

monophyletic; protist

did all the key innovations rise at once?

no, there were some tinkering steps in developing traits

does transpiration power the pressure-flow hypothesis? how?

no, turgor pressure in phloem near source tissues and turgor pressure in the phloem near sink tissues generate the necessary force

A stem consists of _, where leaves are attached, and _ the segments between them

nodes; internodes

exotic species

nonative species to a new area; can benefit or not affect

Seeds in nonvasculars


fertilization in angiosperm

nonflagellated sperm through pollen tube to reach female gametophytes; water not needed

Inbreeding- mating among relatives (or in some species, self-fertilization), is a form of _ mating. It leads to an increase in _ and a decrease in _ .

nonrandom; homozygosity; heterozygosity

ev. of plants

nonvascular -> seedless vascular -> seeded

usually 5-10 cm tall. flagellated sperm that swim to eggs through rain or puddles on the plant. spores dispersed by wind

nonvascular plants

lacking vascular tissue

nonvascular; usually lack seeds; rely on spores for reproduction and dispersal

deltaN / deltat = births - deaths + immigration - emigrants

normal population growth


not applicable for extinct species

horizontal diversity

number of species that occur within each tropic level

nervous tissue and connective tissue in brain aid in sight, smell, memory and thought

organ level

brain and nerves send signals throughout body to do functions

organ system level

organs that work together in integrated function to perform one or more functions

organ systems

nervous system coordinates the functions of other systems to support life

organism level

ethical reasons non-humans are important

organisms have intrinsic worth, industrialized nations are exploiting poor countries resources good resources for money; unethical to deprive future generations from ecosystem services

when its cold they reduce their metabolic rate and allow their body temperature to drop. (p or h)? what is this called?

p. torpor.

curve shifts to the right, what happened to cause it and what changes?

pH drop or temperature rise. makes O2 more likely to release, lowers % saturation.

initiate contraction

pacemaker cells

basal cell divides _ to the future apical-basal axis to produce the _

parallel; suspensor

sponges are (monophyletic or paraphyletic?)

paraphyletic, containing some but not all decedents of a common ancestor

Ground tissue contains _ cells, which function in material synthesis, transport and storage


babies from females by fusion of two products of meiosis or mitosis alone


baby jesus'd


pressure of a particular gas in a mixture of gases per unit of volume of air.

partial pressure

there is just as much oxygen at sea level as there is on mt. Everest, so what is the difference?

partial pressure

biotic factors

past and current presence of other species that provide habitat, food, or competition


penis bone in some animals

(r) = (ln * R0 ) / (generation time)

per capita growth rate

how can polyspermy be blocked?

quick depolarization and when a sperm enters OR Ca2+ wave is released, which is a barrier that creates a fertilization envelope to clear excess sperm

when growth is exponential _ is constant


The _ species concept identifies species as the smallest monophyletic groups on the tree of life


Species identified based on evolutionary history of populations

phylogenetic species concept

eudicots regions

pith and cortex

How do plants hold water

plant tissues take up and retain water, soften impact of rainfall on soil (the capacity is enhanced by the bulk of plant organic matter)

50-65% of blood volume is an ECM called


once a bicarbonate ion forms where are they transported?where do released H+ go?

plasma.; stays in RBCs

The channels indicated by the pointer, are _____. The figure shows a structure of the root. The arrow indicates the channel between the cell from the outer layer of the root and the inner one.

plasmodesmata. Water and ions can pass from cell to cell via these channels. Also, recall that plasmodesmata are a type of cell junction.

cell fragments that minimize blood loss from ruptured blood vessels (clot, clot)


how does biodiversity increase productivity

plots with more species and functional groups are more productive because they weren't all taking water from the same level and had different heights for the sun, facilitation (provide nutrients, shade, or help other plants), includes high-prod species by chance

allow body temperature to fall depending on environmental conditions


land invertebrate, fish, amphibians and non-bird reptiles


Change in single base-pair in DNA

point mutation

tiny male gametophyte with tough coat of sporopollenin in heterosporous seed plants

pollen grain

supporting services

pollination and pest control, photosynthesis

b < d and r < 0

population decaying

r > 0 and b > d

population growing

r = 0

population size does not change

density independent

population size does not limit the growth rate

the key to understanding populations change through time in their abiotic and biotic environments

population thinking

A stoma (stomata) consists of a _____. See Section 28.3 ( page 569) .

pore surrounded by specialized guard cells



turgor pressure in living cells is always


pushing/high turgor pressure

positive (unfavorable) water pressure

Differential growth

producing more leaves and branches exposed to more light to maximize photosynthesis


product of secondary growth and occurs only in species with cambia and apical meristems

prop roots (adventitious)

prop stem up, stabilize stem

sclerenchyma function

protect outer surface of seeds and fruits, and fibers support stems and leaves.

shoot function in dermal tissue system:

protection and gas exchange

root function in dermal tissue

protection and nutrient absorbtion


protective structure containing ovules

root cap

protects rot apical meristem


proteins created by synergids to direct growth of pollen tube

Green algae are hypothesized to be the closest _ relatives to land plants.


Bilaterians can be _ or _.

protosomes or dueterostomes

mouth before anus



protostomes grow by shedding external skeletons or outer covering and expanding bodies


provides a route for nutrient transfer from the parent plant to the developing embryo

Body cavity lined on the inner side by endoderm-derived tissue and on the outer side by mesoderm-derived tissue


enclosed body cavity partially lined with mesoderm


the sun and all animals and objects do this as a function of tempature


the transfer of heat between two bodies that are not in contact


most ctenophores and cnidarians have _ symmetrey, _ embryonic germ layers, and neurons organized into a _.

radical; 2; nerve net


recent hypothetical ancestors

99.9% of the "formed elements" (non-plasma) parts of blood

red blood cells

Genetic drift is particularly important in small populations, and it tends to _ overall genetic diversity.


outcrossing disadvanage

reduced chance polination will occur

dormancy in trees

reduced metabolic activity, when dry or winter.

gametophytes in angiosperms

reduced, because they are sporophyte dominant

low blood pH

releases more oxygen

burning how does it accelerate nutrient export?

releases nutrients into the atmosphere

What does the right y-axis represent?

resources, with quantity decreasing from bottom to top

division of the body or part of the body into a series of similar structures



segmented backbone

seminal, prostate and bulbourethral fluids plus sperm makes


deviation detected by


senses some aspect of the external or internal enviornment




protective, outermost part of a flower. Green and photosynthetic, thick.


All flowers have these four organs:

sepals, petals, stamen, carpel

radical axis

seperates interior from exterior

adults live permanently attached to a substrate rather than moving freely


which has more oxygen, deep bodies or shallow ponds? why?

shallow ponds they have a higher SA:V ratio


short term temperature, moisture, sunlight, wind

vessel elements

shorter, wider (reduces resistance makes more efficient), upper and lower perfortations both primary and secondary wall are missing.

where does phylum sap move between?

sieve plate

stimulus is light


What type of epithelial tissue, found in the intestines, absorbs nutrients?

simple columnar epithelium

What type of epithelial tissue lines kidney tubules?

simple cuboidal cells

where is productivity highest underwater?

-where rivers delivered nutrients and deposit them on the coast -nearshore ocean currents bring cold nutrients upwards (up-welling)

(in logistic growth) when N = K, there is _ growth


What percent of the air is CO2


a 235/1575 b 25/235 c 3/25

14.9, 10.6, 12.0 %


2/3 harvestable marines are exploited or depleted and need regulation overhunting is a major threat to all species exotic animals for pet trade is illegal but continues threaten plants and fungi too

humans originated (time place)

200,000 yo africa

decide if (a. warm water and several fish, b. cold water several fish, and aquatic algae c. contains warm water and sedentary animals) whether or small or large amount of air should be bubbled to maintain oxygenation of the water.

A: Large amount of air, because the oxygen-carrying capacity of warm water is low. B: Small amount of air, because the oxygen-carrying capacity of cold water is higher and because algae contribute oxygen to the water through photosynthesis. C: Small amount of air, because sedentary animals require relatively little oxygen.

Root system specialization

Absorbing water and key nutrients. Anchoring.

How is the time frame of adaptation different from acclimatization? See Section 39.1 ( page 820)

Adaptation occurs over years to eons, while acclimatization occurs with a change in season. Adaptation is the production of evolutionary selection. This typically requires many generations of a given organism.

Adventitious roots are _____. See Section 34.1 ( page 706) .

Adventitious roots arise from the shoot system instead of the root system.

Which lung structure is a tiny sac that functions as an interface between air and blood?

An alveolus is a tiny sac in the lung that functions as an interface between air and blood.

A stamen consists of _____.

Anther and filament

How is most carbon dioxide transported from tissues to the lungs?

As bicarbonate ions (HCO3-).

Which is first, atrium or ventricles?


Cats, Turtles, Humans, Snakes, Octopi

Bilateral symmetry

Intersexual selection qualities

Both or either physical characteristics that signal male genetic quality or behavioral characteristics that indicate their ability to provide parental care

explain how thorns originated in roses

By chance, a mutation arose in some roses that resulted in sharp bumps on the stems. Individuals with these early thorns survived herbivore attacks and produced more offspring than roses without the mutation, increasing the frequency of the thorned roses in the population over time. Note that roses cannot cause a mutation to occur because they want or need it (see Table 22.3).

Br > C

C, cost in less than the Benefit times the coefficient of relatedness

breathing rate is regulated to keep the _ content of the blood stable during rest and exercise


a very thick cuticle and wax on a plant means they

live in a dry soil

most bilaterians have a _ and a cephalized body.



CNS or nerve net

which gas level is more important to breathing rates in animals?

CO2, which it rapidly reacts with water to make carbonic acid so it can make a bicarbonate ion.

Where is the velocity of blood flow the slowest in your body? See Section 42.5 ( page 889) .

Capillaries. The very high total cross-sectional area of capillaries means that blood flow there is very slow, providing opportunity for diffusion into and out of the blood.

consistent with prediction made by _, repository epithelial tend to be extremely thin and folded to increase surface area

Fick's law of diffusion

Seperated precambrian and phanerozoic

Carniborous explosion

_ produces the female gametophytes

Carpels, particularly ovules inside the ovary

Why does it take 10 times more energy to grow a kilogram of beef than a kilogram of wheat? See Section 53.1 ( page 1118) .

Cattle only integrate 10 percent of their food into biomass. Much of the energy is spent on body maintenance and is unavailable to the higher-order consumer.

identify 2 structures common to gills, trachae, lungs and one unique.

Common features include large surface area, short diffusion distance (a thin gas exchange membrane), and a mechanism that keeps fresh air or water moving over the gas exchange surface. Only fish gills use a countercurrent exchange mechanism; only tracheae deliver oxygen directly to cells without using a circulatory system; only mammalian lungs contain alveoli—small air sacs surrounded by capillaries where gas exchange occurs.

How does connective tissue differ from the other three major tissue types?

Connective tissue often consists of relatively few cells embedded in an extracellular matrix.

give an example of a structure that enables the connective tissue to preform a specific function.

Connective tissues consist of cells embedded in a matrix. The density of the matrix determines the rigidity of the connective tissue and its function in padding/protection, structural support, or transport.


Continental drift, climate fluctuations, etc.

Genetic Isolation

Gene Flow

explain why the cuticle, uv-absorbing compounds, vascular tissues were important to survival or reproduction?

Cuticle prevents water loss from the plant; UV-absorbing compounds allow plants to be exposed to high light intensities without damage to their DNA; vascular tissue moves water up from the soil and moves photosynthetic products down to the roots

Steps of sympathetic speciation

DONT geographically isolate, new population diverges due to a prevention of gene flow, genetic isolation

one cotyledon per embryo


parallel veins


Which of these structures is diploid?

D, the diploid sporophyte

dN / dt = rM

DISCRETE (like over one year) instantaneous growth rate

Genetic Homology

DNA RNA or amino acid sequences differ.

_ and _ proposed that evolution occurs by natural selection. This was the beginning of _ thinking, whereby variation among individuals is the key to understanding evolution.

Darwin; Wallace; Population

High light intensity _ xylem pressure


why the age structure of human populations differs between developed and developing nations

Developed nations have roughly equal numbers of individuals in each age class because the fertility rate has been constant and survivorship high for many years. Developing countries have many more children and young people than older people, because the fertility rate and survivorship have been increasing.



How does spermatogenesis differ from oogenesis?

Diploid cells give rise to four functional gametes in spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis results in the production of four sperm cells, whereas oogenesis only produces one ovum.

Changes average value of trait


management plans for endangered species

ESA exists; best example brought the eagle back from DDT and hunting through laws

Population thinking

Emphasizes the importance of variation among individuals in a population, unlike typological which ignores variation

Name the 5 mass extinction

End-Orovician extinction Late Denovain extinction End-Permian extinction Late Triassic extinction End-Cretaceous extinction

Why is the transport of phloem sap considered an active process

Energy is used to transport sucrose into companion cells near sources, against a concentration gradient

Triggered the rapid selection for hard exoskeletons and defensive adaptions

Evolution of predation

Baron Georges Cuvier

Extinction is a fact, because if these mammals still existed we would notice them very easily.


FOLDING. extensive surface area in low volume.

True or false? Root pressure can move water a long distance up the xylem because of the higher water potential of the xylem in comparison to the water potential in the surrounding cells. Why?

False, Root pressure can move water a short distance up the xylem because of the lower water potential of the xylem in comparison to the water potential in the surrounding cells.

True or false? Heterozygote advantage refers to the tendency for heterozygous individuals to have better fitness than homozygous individuals. This higher fitness results in less genetic variation in the population.

False. Heterozygote advantage results in more genetic variation in the population.

True or false? The production of sperm begins at puberty when spermatogonia undergo meiosis I to form primary spermatocytes, which then undergo meiosis II to form secondary spermatocytes. These secondary spermatocytes go on to form spermatids, which mature into sperm cells.

False. Spermatogonia divide by mitosis and differentiate into primary spermatocytes. Starting at puberty, hormones stimulate the primary spermatocytes to undergo meiosis I to form secondary spermatocytes, which then undergo meiosis II to form spermatids.

True or false? The driving force for the unloading of oxygen from hemoglobin into tissues is the difference in PCO2 levels between the blood and body tissues.

False. The PCO2 levels affect the diffusion of carbon dioxide; the driving force for the diffusion of oxygen from hemoglobin into tissues is the difference in PO2 levels between the blood (100 mm Hg when oxygenated) and body tissues (40 mm Hg at rest).

True or false? The rate of sugar transport in a plant depends on the rate of photosynthesis, the rate of transpiration, and the difference in turgor pressure between the source and the sink. Why?

False. While the rate of photosynthesis and the difference in turgor pressure between the source and the sink do influence the rate of sugar transport in the phloem, the rate of transpiration does not; transpiration mainly influences the rate of water transport through the xylem.

_ is the process by which haploid gametes form a diploid zygote.


Which is better, 64 cells with the same volume organized as: a cube, a tube, or a flattened structure?

Flattened structure, its got a higher surface area:volume ratio.

What important tole does the Casparian strip play with the movement of water through plants

Forces water to move through the cytoplasm, of living endodermal cells as it makes its way from the soil to the xylem

Which of the following statements is correct? See Section 22.2

Fossils form in sedimentary rocks.

Whoever founds a new generation determines the new allele frequencies

Founder effect

What term is defined as the change in allele frequencies that occurs when a new population is established? See Section 23.4

Founder effect is a change in allele frequencies because the founder group is a small subset of the population, and thus is not likely to be completely representative of the entire population.

What products are formed when a diploid cell undergoes meiosis?

Four haploid cells

Increases genetic diversity in a recipient population if new alleles arrive with immigrating individuals. May decrease if alleles leave with emigrating individuals.

Gene Flow

Increases genetic variation when it introduces new alleles, decreases by removing them

Gene Flow

Movement of alleles between populations; reduces differences between populations

Gene Flow

If there is fertilization, secretion of _____ by the early embryo maintains the corpus luteum.

HCG, secreted by the early embryo, maintains the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone, which maintain the endometrium for implantation.

how to access threats

Habitat destruction and fragmentation in Borneo are obvious from the clear-cut areas. Overexploitation could be assessed by interviewing local citizens and law enforcement officers on the history of poaching orangutans for the pet trade or for other uses. Effects from invasive species could be assessed through published or local accounts of community structure over time. Pollution could be assessed by direct measurement of soil, water, air, and possibly tissue samples (in dead orangutans, feces, or blood samples). The effects of climate change could be assessed based on local long-term temperature and precipitation data, which could affect the species present in the orangutan forest habitat.

Where do fern antheridia develop?

Haploid antheridia in ferns develop on the (underside of mature haploid gametophytes).

What does Evolution propose?

Heritable characteristics of populations change over time

Which statement describes primary growth?

It produces the dermal, ground, and vascular tissues

Which statement best characterizes secondary growth?

It results from cell divisions in the vascular and cork cambia

carrying capacity (variable)


A mutant plant lacking the ability to pump protons out of leaf companion cells will be unable to?

Load sucrose into sieve cells

What compounds to nitrogen fixing bacteria put it in from N2?

NH4+ and NO3

What characterizes the rates of photosynthesis and transport in a plant on a dry cloudy day?

On a cloudy day with low soil moisture, the photosynthesis rate is low and stomata are closed, so the transpiration rate is low.

What part of the flower turns into a seed?

Once pollination has occurred, the fertilized ovule develops into the seed.

what happens when double fertilization occurs?

One sperm fertilizes the egg, while another fuses with the polar nuclei

Appearance of most major animal lineages and ends with massive extinction "permian"

Paleozoic (old life) era

Which is the first step in allopatric speciation? See Section 24.2 ( page 486) .

Physical isolation of two populations

Where do the sieve tube elements communicate with companions?


Which of the following is developed from the male spore? See Section 38.1 ( page 795)


4.6 bya to 541 mya


Which of the following are functions of a fruit? See Section 38.4 ( page 803) .

Protecting and Dispersing Seeds

what happens when PCO2 lowers in the blood while CO2 exchanges with aveloi, which have a higher CO2 affinity?

Protons leave hemoglobin and react with bicarbonate agian to make CO2 and diffuses out of the lung


Protosome that grows continuously

Types of biological causation (2)

Proximate/mechanical /HOW actions occur Ultimate/evolutionary/WHY actions occur

blood returns to the heart via the

Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium

npp = gpp - (_)

R, the energy used/lost in cellular respiration

pacemaker cells location

RA's SA node

Hydra and Jellyfish

Radical symmetry

Why do root cells need oxygen?

Root cells need oxygen to carry out aerobic cellular respiration, which generates ATP needed to keep cells alive

Epithelium functions?

Regulates the excretion of waste. Controls the exchange of nutrients between the internal and external environments. Creates an internal environment that is different from the external environment.

Prezygotic isolation favored because in mating because offspring would be fertile


Aristotle's Philosophy

Scale of nature, a linear culturally influenced system in which organisms are ordered greater to lesser

- include club mosses and ferns, which have small, free-living gametophytes and large, longer-lived sporophytes. Dispersal is carried out using spores.

Seedless vascular plants

Why can the phyletic group system be neglectful?

Several subspecies can form two or less monophyletic groups, and not diverge much in DNA sequences but do in location. if they are crossed, the resulting generation has less diversity and risks extinction

_ is a type of natural selection that leads to the evolution of trait that enable individuals to attract mates. Its usually has a stronger effect on _ than on _.

Sexual Selection; males; females

The mark-recapture method would be best for sampling a population of _____.

Sharks. The mark-recapture method works best for active species whose individuals tend to be highly mobile.

Low turgor pressure (So/si)


sinks (anti or sym)


why do fleshy fruits have tough seeds?

So the seeds can survive the mechanical forces and conditions in an animal's gut

High turgor pressure (So/si)


_ is a splitting event in which one lineage gives rise to two or more independent lineages


Which statement about polyploidy is correct? See Section 24.3

Speciation by polyploidy may be almost instantaneous. Some of our youngest species were formed that way.

How do species richness and species diversity differ? See Section 54.1 ( page 1141) . It is easier to determine species diversity than species richness. Species diversity is always greater than species richness. Species richness is a count of the number of species in an area. Species diversity incorporates both species richness and the relative abundance of each species. Species diversity is a more accurate means of quantifying the diversity of species.

Species richness is a count of the number of species in an area. Species diversity incorporates both species richness and the relative abundance of each species.

Sperm develop in the _____.

Sperm develop in seminiferous tubules, found within testes.

Sperm become capable of movement while in the _____.

Sperm mature and become motile while in the epididymis.


opening in ovule for sperm

Gametophyte Dominant difference (from general)

Sporophytes (2n) are very temporary, attached to top of mature female gametophytes (n), and release spores.

Sporophyte dominant difference (from general)

Sporophytes are longer-lived then the gametophyte, which it depends on for nutrition in young age.

_ eliminates phenotypes with extreme characteristics. It decreases the diversity of alleles in populations.

Stabilizing selection

- occurs when populations diverge genetically despite living in the same geographical area

Sympatric speciation

Speciation that occurs when populations live in the same geographical area

Sympatric speciation

Explain why the DNA sequences of chimpanzees and humans are 96% similar.

The DNA sequences of chimpanzees and humans are so similar because we share a recent common ancestor.

Explain the relationship between an apical meristem and the tree primary meristems

The apical meristem gives rise to the three primary meristems. The apical meristem is a single mass of cells localized at the tip of a root or shoot; the primary meristems are localized in distinctive sites behind the apical meristem.


The apoplastic pathway is a continuous route formed by cell walls, extracellular spaces, and the interior of dead xylem cells

estimate the npp per unit area for the open ocean, how does this explain the high total npp despite its low npp per swquare meter

The average NPP is about 125 g/m2/year. Area = 65 percent. Although NPP in the ocean is very small, the ocean is so vast that it ends up being the largest contributor to total NPP.

Which of the following statements about the oxygen-hemoglobin interaction is true?

The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules. This interaction is called cooperative binding.

Do all endosperm have the same nutrition?

The characteristics of the endosperm tissue vary by plant species; some tissues contain large amounts of starch (corn), while others contain large amounts of protein (beans).

Which of the following statements about the distribution of sap throughout a plant is true?

The mechanism that explains the movement of sugars throughout a plant is called the pressure-flow hypothesis.

what happens to the pH of a glass of water when u low water of it through a straw

The pH of the water will decrease (acidity will increase) because CO2 from your breath reacts with water to form carbonic acid.

The cells of a certain plant can accumulate solutes to create very low solute potentials. What will happen?

The plant can compete for water effectively and live in relatively dry soils

what if a plant couldn't develop the casparian strip?

The plant would not be able to exclude toxic solutes from the xylem, since water would not be forced through living cytoplasm of endodermal cells on its way to the xylem.

explain how the presence or absence of a species like alder, where nitrogen fixation occurs, might alter the course of succession

The presence or absence of a plant species where nitrogen fixation occurs would dramatically alter nutrient conditions, and thus the speed of succession and the types of species that could become established. For example, species that require high nitrogen would be favored on sites where alder grew, and species that can tolerate low nitrogen would thrive on sites where alder is absent.

At 50% of maximum life span, how does the survivorship of Albertosaurus compare to the survivorship of the crocodile?

The survivorship of Albertosaurus is about 100 times greater than that of the crocodile

how early succession species alter the environment in ways that make growing conditions more difficult for themselves

The shade provided by early successional species increases humidity, and decomposition of their tissues adds nutrients and organic material to the soil. These conditions favor growth by later successional species, which can outcompete the early successional species

Imagine a plant without phloem. For sugars to move from one region of the plant to another, what must happen? See Section 35.4 ( page 739) .

The sugars would be actively transported from cell to cell. ATP-mediated protein transport is still possible.

A student drew a model to represent her measurements of insects in urban and rural communities. Interpret her model.

The urban community has higher evenness. False The rural community has higher species richness. True The rural community has higher species diversity. True Each drawing in the model represents more than one individual. True The student should have included more anatomical detail to show how the species differ. False

A fertilized egg usually implants itself and develops in the _____.

The uterus is the usual site of the implantation and development of the fertilized egg.

How can you tell alt of generations is occurring?

There are multicellular haploid stages (gametophytes) and multicellular diploid stages (sporophytes) in these plants

How are vestigial traits inconsistent with special creation?

These proves creations are not static and also not perfect beings

Role of companion cells in the movement of sugars through plants?

They accumulate sucrose, which is transferred to adjacent seive-tube elements

Why are allopolyploids usually sterile?

They have combinations are chromosomes that do not normally pair during meiosis. Occasionally a mutation occurs which allows the chromosome number to double in mitosis so the can have a homolog.

What role do germ cells play in gametogenesis?

They produce cells that divide by mitosis and then undergo meiosis to form gametes The cells produced by mitosis then undergo meiosis to form gametes.

What makes pioneering plant species successful? See Section 52.3 ( page 1108) .

They rapidly colonize soil that is exposed and have few or no competitors already present.

What does the FDA think drug companies will do regarding voluntary label changes on antibiotics for livestock?

They will comply with the new recommendations.

true or false plants create energy so that animals will have food

This statement is incorrect for two reasons: (1) according to the first law of thermodynamics, plants cannot create energy—rather, they transform light energy into chemical potential energy; (2) it is common for humans to apply our goal-oriented perspective to other organisms, but plants do not act purposefully to help other organisms

True or false? The lungs of humans form from the embryonic foregut.

This statement is true. Digestive organs such as the stomach and part of the small intestine also develop from the foregut.

Why would it take 10x more energy to grow a kilogram of beef than a kilogram of wheat

To grow a kilogram of beef, first you have to grow 10 kg of grain or grass and feed it to the cow. Only 10 percent of this 10 kg will be used for growth and reproduction—the other 9 kg is used for cellular respiration or lost as heat.

_ are water-conducting cells found in all vascular plants; in addition, angiosperms, gnetotypes, and a few species of seedless vascular plants have water-conducting cells called _.

Tracheids; vessels

_____ provide(s) the major force for the movement of water and solutes from roots to leaves.

Transpiration, the evaporation of water from leaves, exerts a pull that bears the primary responsibility for the movement of water and solutes from roots to leaves.

membrane proteins and ions

atomic and molecular levels

why would you get mercury poisoning from eating tuna (top predator) everyday but not the same amount of sardines (primary consumers)

Tuna are top predators in marine food webs. Mercury occurs in low concentrations in the water, but accumulates in higher concentrations at each trophic level. By eating a lot of tuna, you will accumulate mercury over time and potentially get mercury poisoning. Sardines are primary consumers, a low trophic level, and so they are not in danger of biomagnification of mercury.

In biology, an adaptation is defined as _____. See Section 22.5

a heritable trait that increases the fitness of an individual in a particular environment


You can infer from this curve that the sunlight, nutrients, water, and space available to the dandelions are plentiful (that is, are not limiting population growth). True Population growth is exponential. True The value of r is higher after three months than after one month. False The slope of the curve is steeper after three months than after one month. True Each dandelion is producing more seeds after three months than after one month. False More dandelions are reproducing after three months than after one month. True

how does ur body relate to a tube within a tube model?

Your tube-within-a-tube body plan consists of a bilaterally symmetrical, slender body with an inner tube (gut and associated organs) derived from endoderm; an outer tube (mostly skin) derived from ectoderm; muscles and organs derived from mesoderm in between; and one end (head) cephalized with sensory organs and brain (derived from ectoderm).

Zootoca vivipara lizards maintain feeding and mating territories within their range. Based on these facts, what would you conclude? See Section 51.1 ( page 1072) .

Zootoca vivipara are likely uniformly distributed within their range.

tb selection

a point mutation in rpoB alone was the only difference between pre-death and post death bacteria, changed the amino acid sequence and changed the shape of the protein


a population of populations connected by migration

habitat degradation

a reduction of the quality of a habitat

Geologic time scale

a relative sequence of eons, eras, and periods

What kind of island has the highest rate of extinction?

a small island

evolution of coelm?

acoelemate -> psudeocoelomates -> coelomates

No body cavity


sperm drill


A pressure gradient is generated by the _ transport of sugars into _ in source tissues, coupled with the transport of sucrose out of _ elements at sink tissues.


heritable traits that make individuals more likely to survive and reproduce in a certain environment than individuals that lack those traits


What is wrong with "evolution is goal directed"

adaptions do not occur because organisms want or need them. mutation happens by chance. evolution is not progressive. loss of traits can be adapted. there is no such thing as a higher or lower organism.

Sometimes a loss-of-function allele can be _.


single lineage rapidly produces many descendant species with a wide range of forms

adaptive radiation

Oyster populations are primarily, if not exclusively, composed of _____.


PVA combines data from

age-specific surviorship and fecundity, geographic structure, rate and severity of habitat disturbance

fruits in angiosperm

aid in protection and dispersal of seeds by animals, wind and water

dead space

air passages not lined by a respiratory surface


air-filled tubes in insects

Which sequence of organisms represents a primary producer -> primary consumer -> secondary consumer -> tertiary consumer in a food chain?

algae -> snail -> otter -> shark

green algae and land location etc

algae can be unicellular, colonial or multicellular. they can live marine, freshwater, or terrestrial most are aquatic. some land plants live in ponds or rivers, but most are land.

primary plant body

all cells and tissues derived directly from apical meristems, most non-woody plants only have this

fossil record

all fossils that have been found on earth and described in scientific literature

cooperative binding definition

all four subunits of hemoglobin unload oxygen at the same time

examples of homology

all organisms have molecular machinery responsible for copying and repairing DNA; drugs can be used on mice if the gene products targeted by drugs are homologous

historical restraints

all traits evolve from previous traits. our ear bones were once in our jaw, we needed to hear airborne sounds better at once point in history so it adapted to amplify those sounds, and better solutions could have existed and adapted but it was what was possible at the time

Genetic Drift causes random changes in _ frequencies.


Speciation by geographical isolation

allopatric speciation

Populations that are geographically separated


Members of two different species (2n=6) (2n=4) have (2n=10) offspring


individuals are created when parents of different species mate, and then in error in mitosis occurs, resulting in viable, non-sterile offspring with two full sets of chromosomes.


why is secondary growth needed?

allows to anchor large root systems, and stop long stems from falling over or breaking. e

Mutation occurs too infrequently to be a major cause of change in allele frequency _ , but it is important when _ with natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow.


thin walled chamber of the heart


birds, mammals, amphibians which is most threatened?

amphibans(41%) than mammals (26%) than birds(13%). threatened means vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered.

On what kind of island would new species be most likely to arrive?

an island close to mainland


ancestral branch with three or more (instead of two) descendant branches

biodiversity highest in endemic species

andes mountain

Which hormone(s) is(are) directly responsible for triggering the development of the secondary sex characteristics of males, such as beard growth?


produce seeds in ovaries


angiosperm difference from gymnosperm, sperm-wise

angiosperm fertilization involves two sperm cells. one sperm makes a diploid zygote, white the other fuses with the nuclei to form an endosperm.

encased seed flowering plant



angiosperms that live for many years


any trace of an organism that lived in the past (bones, branches shells, poop)

big and carries clean blood from heart has secondary pumping action to continue flow during contractions


the top of each stem and branch contains an _, where growth occurs that extends the length of the stem or branch

apical bud

During the growing season, what are the sinks?

apical meristems, lateral meristems, developing flowers, seeds and fruits, and storage cells .

faces away from other tissues, toward the environment

apical side

Each _ meristem gives rise to three primary meristems: _, _, and _.

apical; protoderm; ground meristem; procambium

egg producing gametangium


why do higher tropic levels get more POP biognification?

because they have much less biomass and the same amount of tissue; so the concentration is intense


becomes anus in deuterostomes


behavior that has a fitness cost to the individual exhibiting the behavior and benefits the recipient

populations do not interbreed because their courtship displays differ


Water's properties of surface tension, cohesion, and adhesion are central to the ability of transpiration to pull water up from the roots to the leaves through the xylem. Sort each statement into the appropriate bin to indicate if the change described in the statement would increase, decrease, or not affect the pull that transpiration generates in the xylem of a tree.


sponges are diverse _ suspension feeders


alveoli are little clusters at the ends of small _ covered in _

bronchioles; capillary networks

types of modified leaves

bulbs (onion), fake flowers (poinsettias), tendrils (climbing), thick leaves (store water/succulents), trap (pitcher plant), cactus spine (protects stem)

how does xylem stay in one long column?

bulk flow

in fish gills, _ (counter or con) exchange ensures that the differences in O2 and CO2 partial pressures between water and blood are favorable for gas exchange over the entire length of the ventilatory surface


lobe-like limbs


FIBOUROUS found in tendons and ligaments that connect muscles, bones and organs. ECM of collagen from fibroblasts. holds tissue together tightly.

dense connective tissue

After ovulation, high levels of _____ inhibit _____ secretion

estrogen and progesterone ... FSH and LH. By secreting estrogen and progesterone, the corpus luteum maintains the endometrium and inhibits FSH and LH secretion.

Developing ovarian follicles primarily secrete _____.


nitrogen based run off causes overfertilization of algal blooms in aquatic systems


only leads to heat loss


when liquid becomes a gas


both terrestrial and aquatic animals pay a price for exchanging gases: land-dwellers lose water to _; freshwater animals lose _ and gain excess _; marine animals gain _ and lose _.

evaporation; ions, water; ions, water

structural support for root hairs, conduct water and nutrients to the shoot, stores photosynthetic product, and anchor the plant to soil

every part of the root but the root hair

decreasing volume of chest cavity


diaphragm moves upward, towards lungs


t or f once carbon enters a plant it turned into energy for plant growth

false, because carbon can store energy, it doesn't provide any

ram ventilation

fast fish open their mouths while they swim to force deoxygenated water out of their body

Transitional features example

feathers and flight in birds; stomata and vascular tissue in plants; flat faces, upright posture and large brains in humans; jaws in vertebrates; limb loss is snakes



the lone surviving megaspore that divides by mitosis to create a haploid nuclei is a

female gametophye/embryo sac

what binds tighter adult or fetal hemoglobin?


dry air

few water molecules present, pressure low, more evaporation

types of sclerenchyma

fibers and sclerids

slender stalk, (male. female)

filament. style.

all-taxa surveys

finding and cataloging all the species present in an area

instantaneous finite rate of increase

finite rate of increase = e ^ r

how do i predict the size of a population if the future growth is not continuous?

finite rate of increase = population size one breeding interval later/ population size at time 0


first fauna, tiny sponges and coral just before cambrain; filtered organic debris

fossils support of sponge-first theory

first to appear 700 mya, absence of other multicellular organisms; could survive low oxygen levels found in their fossils

helped trigger diversification of angiosperms


If conditions are appropriate apical or axillary buds may turn into _ or other _ structures


LIQUID ECM, blood which transports materials throughout the vertebrate body, contains a variety of cell types and has a specialized ECM called plasma.

fluid connective tissue

blood pressure relatively low and osmotic pressure relatively higher

fluid enters capillary from lymphatic duct or interstitial fluid

suck up or mop up liquids like nectar or blood

fluid feeders

blood pressure relatively high and osmotic pressure relatively lower

fluid leaves capillary and excess enters lymphatic ducts

In species like sea turtles with high juvenile mortality, low adult mortality, and low fecundity, conservationists can most effectively help them by _____. See Section 51.6 ( page 1087) .

focusing on keeping adults alive

Stratified side of epithelium (vagina, skin, mouth)

for rough exposure


force among air-water interface. water on top can only bond with below or beside waters, and strong attractive forces that bind them tightly to minimize surface area

sedimentary rocks

form from the gradual accumulation of sediment, where most fossils are found

if the combination of genes in hybrid offspring allows them to occupy distinct habitats or use resources

formation of new species

What is the combination of resources used and conditions tolerated in the absence of competitors called? See Section 52.1 ( page 1093) .

fundemental niche

ecotourism allows

funds from transportation tax to be given to people who conserve ecological services because the money they make from preserving scenic beauty

two populations freely interbreed every time they come into contact

fusion of populations

if an individual is colder than its environment it will _ heat


diffusion makes marines _ ions, and freshwater _ them

gain; loose

multicellular haploid phase


gamete-forming structure in all land plants but angiosperms


Spores are not formed by the fusion of _


matings fail because eggs and sperm are not compatible

gametic barrier

both spermatogenesis and oogenesis


Nonvascular plants are (sporophyte or gametophyte) dominant


Over the course of land plant evolution, the _ phase became more prominent. _ also became more common.

gametophyte; heterospory

Spores develop into


produce sperm/egg


make up gill filaments

gill lamellae

curve shifts to left, what happened to cause it and what increases

gotta be a fetus and increases hemoglobin saturation

Scientists grew a population of yeast cells in a flask to which they provided a constant supply of nutrients. As the population of yeast cells increased, competition for the nutrients also increased. This caused the population to grow more slowly, until the rate at which the yeast cells used the nutrients was equal to rate at which the nutrients were supplied to the flask. Which of the three graphs shown in Part G best represents the growth of these yeast population?

graph a

A female darkling beetle laid her eggs in a sack of corn meal. The corn meal was an excellent source of food for the beetle larvae (mealworms), and the beetle population quickly increased. After four months, the beetles had eaten all of the corn meal, and the adult beetles flew away to find new food sources. Which graph best represents the growth of the beetle population in the sack of corn meal?

graph c


gross primary product

climate change effects on biodiversity

habitat decreasing endangers species; sea level rising endangers species; biomes are redistributed from temp and rain change; trees and other slow dispersal species cant keep up with rapid climate change; coral reefs most diverse and threatened by temp and bleaching ocean acidification because co2 is making too much carbonic acid intake hurting animals

patterns behind increasing threatened species

habitat loss for 90% of land cases, almost always more than one factor, overexploitation in marine, pollution in freshwater, some background extinctions because of pred/comp/fires/niches

Ovulation usually occurs on or about day _____ of a 28-day ovarian cycle

halfway, 14.


haploid cells that lay close to the egg

Both male and female gametophytes produce ________. Through what process?

haploid gametes by mitosis

secondary cell wall

hard and rigid

Taxonomic and Tissue bias in fossilization

hard shells and bones last longer than skin or worms or cartilage

seeded plants without wood


feed on plants and algae


seed plants are (homo/hetero)


(micro/mega)sporangia make (micro/mega)spores, which make separate gendered gametophytes and individually produce eggs and sperm


Animals are multicellular, _ eukaryotes that lack cell walls and _ their prey.

heterotropic ;ingest

torpor that lasts for weeks or months


(in logistic growth) if N is small, the growth rate should be _


in birds lungs, structural adaptions lead to a _ ratio of useful ventilatory space to dead space


rmax of species that breed at a young aage and produce may offspring a year


theory as to why those areas are the most diverse?

high NPP because abundance of sun and rain and large plant biomass supports lots of consumers and thusly more speciation, niche formation etc.

what is the water-breathing equivalent of mt. everest?

hot water

age structure

how many individuals of each age are alive

When biologists refer to community stability, resilience is a measure of _____. See Section 54.3 ( page 1153) . how community members work together to maintain stability how quickly a community recovers following a disturbance how many members of a community succumb to a disease, blight, or parasite how many species are present in a community

how quickly a community recovers following a disturbance


how quickly a community recovers from disturbance


how unchanged a community is during a disturbance

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of breeding Texas panthers with the Florida panthers?

hybrid panthers had kinked tails

nerve net

in cnidarians, radical and diffuse and send signals

where is productivity highest, land or sea?

in general, on land because there is more light for photosynthesis in the land than underwater

open circulatory system

in low oxygen demand animals, hemolymph pumped by heart in low-pressure limited vessels that come in direct contact with tissues

fecundity of z. vivipara :

in netherlands 1 year olds dont reproduce. intermediate death, in britnanny half of the 1 yos reproduce, die alot in austria females dont breed until they are 4, survive long

Grass contains carbon. When a cow eats grass, where does the carbon from the grass end up?

in the biomass of the cow and in the atmosphere as CO2

How do trachieds differ from vessel elements, in addition to their overall different shapes

in tracheids, water flows from cell to cell primarily through gaps in the secondary cell wall called pits

gill filliaments

inbetween gill arches


includes structure called anther

transpiration rate when dry air blows in

increase as dry air blows in.

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____.

inferior vena cava Blood enters the inferior vena cava from the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs.

animals are the only multicellular heterotrophs that _ before they digest


diaphragm moves downward


increasing volume of chest cavity and pressure within the lungs decreases


muscles contract


pressure is more negative, pulled down by the diaphragm


established species stop growth of other species


when presence of one species stops the regrowth of another


natural experiment

instead of direct manipulation and controlled conditions, the treatment groups are compared by unplanned condition changes

fossil where decomposition doesnt occur, organic remains intact

intact fossil

evaluates the incoming sensory information by comparing it to the set point and determines whether a response is necessary to achieve homeostasis


sends instructions to effector




taxon-specific surveys

intensive search for a specific taxon in a well defined

capillaries blood pressure?



internal body cavity completely or partially lined with mesoderm

between species


within species


what happens when algae leaves water? why?

it collapses bcs the water that fills it cells are 800 times denser than air. strong from cellulose not strong enough to resist gravity

why is countercurrency for efficient in gills?

it extracts all the oxygen to the blood it needs instead of having an egalitarian oxygen diffusion with water and ensures constant P2-P1 difference.

What is r max in a species like the giant panda? See Section 51.3 ( page 1077) .

it is low

A key aspect of cooperative binding by hemoglobin is that ___________. See Section 42.4 ( page 885) .

it permits rapid uptake of oxygen in the lungs and greater delivery of oxygen once blood reaches capillaries in the body's tissues. Cooperative binding is critical to the high rate of oxygen transport in the circulatory system.

why is burning fossil fuels bad?

it releases carbons that have been purposefully contained in reservoirs for millions of years, which is more than our depleting trees can handle

What is wrong with "evolutionary change occurs in organisms"

it sorts existing variants in organisms, doesn't change them. evolutionary change only occurs in populations

there are genes coding for mesoderm in diploblasts, what does this suggest?

it was a product of convergent morphological evolution based on a foundation of homologous genes

how does a male pollen grain mature?

its haploid generative cell will undergo mitosis and produce two sperm cells

NPP affect from global climate change

its increasing in some places, but its decreasing where it matters. the biggest sink is the southern hemisphere and its loosing the most and becoming more of a source than a sink

non-mammal vertebrae RBCs transport oxygen in _

its nuclei

what has valves?

large veins to prevent dirty back flow

step one (inhalation) of bird breath

lung empties formerly posterior air that had just occupied lungs to anterior sacs. new air goes to posterior air sacs.

internal respiratory organ for most landies and some fishies


negative pressure ventilation

lungs are like balloons kept deflated by having pressure around the lung that can allow it to expand and differ

step 2 bird breath (exhalation)

lungs fill with air from posterior sacs. the anterior sacs release its air.

if an animal doesnt have aveoli what do they have?

lungs lined directly with blood vessels

top-down hypothesis

lynx populations reach high density in response to increases in hare density. at high density, lynx eat so many hares that the prey population crashes

zone of cellular elongation

made of cells recently derived from primary meristems and that increase in length

fun sensory abilities:

magnetic (birds for navigation) electrical (sharks reading muscle of prey) barometric pressure (air pressure to avoid storms)


make seed dispersal possible. attract animals to eat it, and therefore leave the seeds inside around.

character displacement

makes niche differentiation possible

In sexual reproduction of land plants, generations alternate between _____. See Section 38.1 ( page 795) .

making gametes and making spores, the two generations are called gametophyte and sporophyte



ecosystem diversity

measure of vertical and horizontal diversity plus interactions with nonlivng environment

matings fail because male and female reproductive structures are incompatible (too big)


what part of the brain regulated breathing rate?

medullary center


meiosis occurs, forming megaspores, which divide mitosis to make female gametophytes

Megasporocytes divide by _, resulting in _ _ _.

meiosis, four, halpoid, megaspores


membrane protein breaks down ATP and uses the energy to transport protons across the membrane to the exterior. This makes protons favor entry into the cell.

Surface tension occurs at _ that form as water evaporates from the walls of leaf cells, and it it transmitted downward via _ bonding between water molecules


stem cells of plants


gives rise to tissues inbetween the skin and digestive tract


measured in terms of oxygen consumption per hour

metabolic rate

overall rate of energy consumption by an individual

metabolic rate

drastic change from one developmental stage to another


Pollen grains gain entry into the ovule via the _


what 2 theories would explain why more species exist near the equator than the poles?

more biomass in tropics = more speciation = less exintion. high-productivity age and area means that tropical regions had more time and more space to spread and speciate (may be wrong because forests are young)

how does biodiversity lead to stability?

more likely to live through problems with lots of diversity surrounding them, less prone to invasion by exotic species

how did leaving water give plants an advantage?disadvantage?

more sunlight = more photosynthesis. BUT more uv exposure, which creates thymine dimers. Water had absorbed UV light, so alga didn't deal with it.

How to study green algae and land plants?

morphological traits, fossil record, phylogenetic trees from estimated similarities and differences in DNA

The _ concept identifies species using distinctive morphological traits.


distinguishing features arise when populations are independent and isolated from gene flow


ground tissue

most photosynthesis, structure ,pigment/hormone/toxin production, and carb storage

Bees visiting flowers to harvest nectar and pollen would be considered examples of _____. See Section 52.1 ( page 1093) .


both increase in fitness


types of greenhouse gasses

n2o methane (ch4) and co2

Batesian mimicry

natural selection favors nontoxic species copying toxic species

direction-pollination hypothesis

natural selection made different things favorable to attract pollinators, and provide them with nectar in exchange

passive process

natural selection, because it is not a choice it is differential production as a result of heritable variation

when a parameter is not at its set point, what feedback loop occurs?


what results in homeostasis

negative feedback loops

transmits electrical signals which are produced by changes in permeability of the cell's plasma membrane to ion concentrations in the space surrounding neurons, supplying neurons with nutrient and support.

nervous tissue


net primary productivity

send electrical signals to other cells


Mutation is the only evolutionary process that creates _ alleles. They may be beneficial, neutral, or deleterious.


biotic factors

new parasite or extinction of a predator

Range of ecological resources that a species can tolerate


Triggered the ecological ability to drive speciation and ecological diversification



openings in insects exoskeletons that can be closed to minimize loss of water by evaporation

ocean acidicfication due to climate change

ocean does 1/3 of the CO2 but reacts with water to form H2CO3 which turns into HCO3-, carbonic acid.

lowest underwater productivity?

oceanic zones with no upwelling or river input; it is somewhat of a dessert full of dead cells

ancestral species


zone of cellular maturation

older cells complete their differentiation into dermal, vascular, and ground tissues

feed on any combination of plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaea and bacteria


How do sources supply sinks, location-wise?

on the same side of the plant(left/right) , and same end (root/ apical meristems)

early hearts

one atrium and one ventricle, one circuit serving whole body

functional role of double fertilization zygote

one product of double fertilization is the diploid zygote, which will eventually grow by mitosis into a mature sporophyte. The other product is the triploid endosperm nucleus, which will grow by mitosis to form a source of nutrients for the embryo.

asymmetric competition

one species suffers greater fitness decline than than the other species does


one spore for same gender of gameophyte, which develops separate eggs/sperm

how many cells are in a fresh egg?

one. even in 6 inch ostrich eggs.


open stomata at night and store CO2 that diffuses by adding it to organic compoinds, which are released during the day when sunlight is available.


opened and closed by guard cells, creating pores allowing CO2 to diffuse into the interior of leaves and stems, usually on the underside.


reversible adaption, in laboratory setting

horizontal stem which grows above ground


modified below-ground stems that grow horizontally produce new plants at nodes


corona ratida

ridiculously thick layer that must be digested before zona pellucida and eventually fertilizing egg

oxygen-hemoglobin curve shifts to the _ when pH declines


abiotic factors example

rise in temperature or drop in sea level

furnish the actual sites of water and nutrient absorption

root hairs

light secondary xylem that transports water


primary "succession"

soil begins building with solid rock weathering and dead tissues from organisms to make dynamic mixture of organic and inorganic particles to allow plants to make root and structure the landscape

_ concentration of solutes in a cell or tissue

solute potential

why do we rotate crops

some are more nitrogen active, some are more nitrogen producing. if you don't keep rotating, the soil could die out.


some dont break down and may bioaccumulate; pesticides and herbicides; eutrophication from nutrients;drugs;sulfur mercury lead and arsenic

internal fertilization

some insertion

Vascular cambium produces

some schlerencyhma for strength and some parenchyma cells


some species can disperse easily and can colonize any available habitat; while others cant.

continuous throughout adult life


innovations land plants adapted

spores that resist drying, complex multicellular structures, embryo retained on mother/parent plant, and nourished by it.

multicellular diploid phase


Zygotes develop into


produce haploid spores


a waxy substance that encases spores and pollen of modern land plants to help them resist drying


keeps spores from drying, durble polymer


What types of cells found in epithelial tissues (tissue that usually cover the outside of the body and line organs and cavities within the body)?

squamous, cuboidal, and columnar cells

favors an average phenotype

stabilizing selection

clumped arrangement

stay in social groups

capture food by filtering floating particles

suspension feeders


swallowing up a discarded nut sac



over the ocean which has a higher net gain of water, the ocean or the atmosphere

the atmosphere; more air evaporates than it precipitates into the ocean


the average time between a mother's first offspring and her daughter's first offspring

how is wind-pollination less successful than animal?

the chances of pollen hitting a stigma are less guranteed


the condition of having two or more complete sets of chormosomes

How can algae grow, but out-of-water plants can't?

the density is similar to water's density

why do beetles not get bigger?

the diameter of their trachease would be so large that their would not be enough space in their bodies for much else (muscles, tissues)

2 key notes about water/blood countercurrency

the difference down a gradient between the tissues will be consistent (10% difference every time), and the start and end of a system has a large percentage range.

why can solar panels only reach 20% efficiency and plants and stuff?

the efficiency of enzymes is temperature dependent, seasons can affect photosynthesis rates, only a fraction of the light wavelengths available

embyro retention in algae

the egg/zygote receives nutrient from the mother plant during fertilization. parent dies, egg stays attached and spores develop into haploid adult plants

dry species coping

the water potential drops because of solute potential dropping below the soil's water potential

a single common ancestor gave rise to all the green algae and plants

the green plants are monophyletic


the ground tissue that that is between the vascular tissue and the epidermis

haploid nuclei segregate into diffrent places in the embryo sac, one of which becomes

the haploid egg

ctenophores and cnidarians have a body plan that looks like a sac, this does __________ and is called the _.

the ingestion of food, releases gametes, eliminates wastes ; gastrovascular cavity

over the land which has a higher net gain of water, the land or the atmosphere

the land; more water precipitates that evaporates

why is npp low in deserts despite low altitude and closeness to equator

the low rainfall

The study of the Zootoca vivipara lizard showed that _____. See Section 51.2 ( page 1073) .

the low-elevation Netherlands population was intermediate for fecundity and survivorship when compared with other populations


the most simplified amount of times a trait could have evolved in species

the nonvascular plants include some but not all decedents of a single common ancestor

the nonvascular plants are paraphyletic

the nonvascular plants are the most ancient living group of plants

the nonvascular plants are the most ancient living group of land plants


the number of female offspring produced by each female in the population

why is it hard to breathe on everest?

the partial pressure gradient between the tissues and the air is little so fewer O2 diffuses in the tissues than we are used to

why does water flow from the xylem to the phloem at high sucrose concentrations?

the phloem has a low solute potential, much higher than just water alone, so it moves over across the selectively permeable membrane to sieve tubes, which makes turgor pressure build.

niche differentiation ?

the populations evolve to reduce overlap between niches

grazing food chain

the primary producer is alive, eaten by a consumer

decomposer food chain

the primary producer is dead, eaten by detrovore which is eaten by consumer

if extinction is natural why are biologist concerned with conservation?

the rate of extinction is at mass extinction levels; bove the basal extinction rate

vascular tissue evolved once

the seedless vascular plants are paraphyletic, but the vascular plants as a whole are monophyletic

Succession in an ecological context refers to _______. See Section 52.3 ( page 1108) .

the sequence of changes in species composition over time within the community after a disturbance

what was noted in venous blood of exercised fish?

their dirty blood was almost completely stripped of oxygen because their muscles needed so much, while their arteries had consistent levels

how do plants create soil?

their fallen and decaying peices are food for decomposers, which add organic matter to soil, changing soil structure and the ability of soils to hold nutrients and water.

how is the small tension at the meniscus enough to pull so much water, steep enough to overcome gravity?

there are many leaves pulling and many menisci

how do plants keep nutrients and soil in place

they absorb nutrients before it can be blown away, and their roots keep soil particles in place

Whats wrong with the statement that phloem always carries sugars down a plant?

they can also carry up to flowers or fruit developing at the tip of the stem

root morphological difference

they can be completely different if its the same species right beside each other. when they have all different roots, they dont compete for the same sources of water and nutrients

open/uncontained aquifer

they can be recharged by water percolating down from the surface

why can beetles get so big?

they have large cross-sectional area for gas exchange (trachea)

how are land plants embryos special?

they nourish their parent, instead of being shed in water or soil

food web

this eats this and this which eats this and this overlapping chains

Nervous tissue functions _____.

to sense stimuli

absence of influence of early-arriving species on late-arriving species


do not affect the probability that the subsequent species will become established


is segmentation homologous or convergent?

tool kit homologous, but co-opted and expanded on differently (convergent)

certain consumers limit things at lower tropic levels

top down

tropic cascade

top-down control causes effects two-three links away in food web

consumers are tops or bottoms of tropic levels


which has more oxygen, tops or bottoms?



total amount of energy produced in a given area and timer period

long thin cells with tapered ends and pits


Carbon dioxide functions as a greenhouse gas because it _____. See Section 53.3 ( page 1130) . traps heat that has been radiated from Earth similar to the way the glass of a greenhouse traps heat makes tropical plants grow more rapidly than normal, just like in a greenhouse creates moist, humid environments similar to a greenhouse (eventually) makes plants grow year-round, just like in a greenhouse

traps heat that has been radiated from Earth similar to the way the glass of a greenhouse traps heat

greenhouse gas

traps heat that has been radiated from earth and keeps it from being lost to space

hairlike appendages made of specialized epidermal cells in shoot systems


ABA (Abiscis Acid)

trigger accumulation of storage compounds, desicciation tolerance, prevents germination

three types of tissue



triploid cell that stores nutrients

most diverse/species rich patterns land/sea

tropical forests and coral reefs

t or f once carbon enters a plant it can.... be consumed by an insect feeding on the plant and become part of the insect's body


mullerian mimicry

two toxic species look alike

To view the animation, click here. Then click on the image to start the animation. This is an animation of the movement of water and ions through the root

via the apoplastic route. The animation illustrates water and ions moving along a cell wall continuum.

Geographical isolation by the physical splitting of a habitat


Geographical isolation occurs through _, when a large population becomes fragmented into isolated habitats


species nourish embryos internally and give birth live

viviparous (most animals)

when is fishies mating season?

warmer water and lengthening days

Robert Paine's experiment removing the predatory sea star Pisaster ochraceous from intertidal habitats showed that the sea star _____. See Section 52.2 ( page 1104) .

was a keystone species

aquatic ventilation disrupts water and electrolyte balance. osmosis causes marine to loose _ across the gas exchange surface (freshwaters gain)


ex situ conservation and reintroduction

"out of place"; no longer exist in the wild and can only in captivity can sometimes leave and reestablish themselves in the wild


"the study of likeness," similarity that exists in species due to common ancestry

summarize hypothesis for ecological opportunity and morphological innovation

(1) Ecological opportunity: Many resources were available because no other animals (or other types of organisms) existed to exploit them. Also, the evolution of new species in new niches made new niches available for predators. (2) Morphological innovation: changes in form like limbs and complex mouthparts were important because they enabled animals to live in habitats other than the benthic area and to consume new types of food.

Three hallmarks of adaptive radiation

- speciated rapidly - monophyletic grouo - diversified ecologically into many niches

Gene Flow

-a result of the movement of fertile individuals or their gametes -can introduce new alleles into a population's gene pool

morphological and phylogenetic

-accommodates asexual reproduction -species acceptance criteria can be subjective

what ways can a nutrient exported to other ecosystems

-carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, which is shared -herbivore can poop plants in another ecosystem -water or wind can transport any nutrients and drop it off anywhere

standing defenses

-cryptic coloration -escape behavior -toxins and chemicals -flocking -defense armor

germ layers (list)

-ectoderm -medoglea (di) or mesoderm (tri) -endoderm

Genetic Drift

-responsible for the bottleneck effect -responsible for the founder effect -causes allele frequencies to fluctuate

what factors control the rate of nutrient cycling

1. abiotic factors (oxygen, temperature, precipitation) 2. the quality of detritus as a nutrient source for fungi and accomplish decomposition 3. abundance and diversity of detritovores present

angiosperm diversification

125 mya to now. grass, daisies, maples.

Assume there are 200 MendAliens living on an island in my back yard. If my island has an area of 20 hectares, what is the population density of MendAliens in terms of MendAliens per hectare?

200 MendAliens / 20 hectares = 10 MendAliens per hectare

origin of land plants period

475 mya. cuticle, sporopollenin, sporangia

larger and more complex animals presence

50 mya

the expansion of water as it freezes can rip cells apart if tissues go below 0C and heat denatures cells


compare and contrast cotyledon with a radicale in terms of tissue and stem cells

A cotyledon and a radicle develop into organs with distinct functions, but both are composed of the same tissues: Epidermis is derived from protoderm, ground tissue is derived from ground meristem, and vascular tissue is derived from the procambium.

is cardiac arrest same thing as myocardial infraction?

A myocardial infarction occurs when some of the heart tissue dies due to a lack of oxygen. It is not the same as when the heart stops beating. Only a massive infarction could interfere with proper pumping of the heart and stop it from beating.

Which component of a homeostatic system perceives changes in some parameter of the environment?

A sensor perceives changes in some parameter of the environment.

The basic bilaterian body form plan can be thought of as simply _____. See Section 30.2 ( page 616) .

A tube within a tube. The inner tube is the individual's gut, with a mouth at one end and an anus at the other, and the outer tube forms the nervous system and skin.

Metamorphosis is ______. See Section 30.3 ( page 624) .

A type of life cycle. In animals that undergo metamorphosis, the larval form looks radically different from the adult form.

By picking up hydrogen ions, hemoglobin prevents the blood from becoming too _____.

Acidic. If not carried by hemoglobin, hydrogen ions would reduce the pH, or increase the acidity, of the blood.

no enclosed body cavity; no coelm


Together, the respiratory and circulatory systems function to ____________. See Section 42.1 ( page 875) .

Aerobically active tissues require oxygen to carry out metabolism and must get rid of the waste product, carbon dioxide

Which of the following statements describes a negative feedback response?

After a meal, blood sugar levels in the body rise; insulin is secreted to lower blood sugar levels.

sieve tube elements and their companions are _ (Dead or Alive) at maturity, and _ secondary cell walls.

Alive; lack

_ speciation occurs when populations diverge in geographic isolation


Which of the following actions is NOT a function of the epithelium?

Allows the internal environment to alter its conditions to match those of the external environment. The epithelium allows the internal environment to remain constant even if the external environment changes.

Decreases individual ability to produce offspring and help others produce more.

Altruism, a self-sacrificing behavior

Which component of a homeostatic system compares sensory information to a target value?

An integrator sends instructions to an effector based on sensory information.

Phylogenetic species advantage

Applied to any population (fossil, asexual, sexual), and is logical because different species have different synamorphies only if they are isolated fro gene flow and evolve independently.

why does npp diminish with increasing tropic levels

At each trophic level, most of the energy that is consumed is lost to cellular respiration and ultimately heat, metabolism, or other maintenance activities, which leaves only a small percentage of energy for biomass production (growth and reproduction).

Diploid (2n) parents have nondisjunction during meiosis and have (2n) gametes, resulting in (4n) offspring



BRANCHING. sites where things diffuse into blood

Genetic variation maintained


_ occurs when no single phenotype is favored; there is a balance among alleles in terms of fitness and frequency. [It] preserves _.

Balancing selection; genetic variation

the rate at which an animal can consume oxygen while at rest, with an empty stomach, under normal temperature and moisture conditions

Basal Metabolic Rate

For the experiment shown in the figure, which is the most accurate statement of the prediction made by the experimental hypothesis? See Section 22.4

Beak depth will differ between pre- and post-drought populations.

Innate behavior

Behaviors that are unlearned/ inherited

What is biological fitness? See Section 22.3

Biological fitness measures the reproductive success of an individual relative to others in the population.

From the superior vena cava, blood flows to the _____.

Blood enters the right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae.

compare and contrast megasprocyte and microsporocyte

Both are diploid cells that divide by meiosis to produce spores. The megasporocyte produces a megaspore (female spore); a microsporocyte produces a microspore (male spore).

In roots the _____ forces water and solutes to pass through the plasma membranes of _____ cells before entering the _____.

Casparian strip ... endodermis ... xylem. The Casparian strip is a waterproof barrier that forces water and solutes to pass through the plasma membranes of endodermis cells.

angiosperms are most dominant and mammals rapid diversification


Why does increased species richness increase NPP? See Section 54.3 ( page 1153) . Diverse assemblages of plant species may utilize the same resources in the same way, increasing efficiency of resource extraction and increasing NPP. A diverse assemblage of plants species will perform many ecosystem services. Certain species or functional groups may facilitate the growth and productivity of primary producers by modifying the environment to make it more favorable. In a diverse assemblage of plant species, all surviving plants are likely to be high-productivity species.

Certain species or functional groups may facilitate the growth and productivity of primary producers by modifying the environment to make it more favorable.

explain coevolution and give an example with a +/- interaction

Coevolution occurs when two interacting species act as agents of natural selection on each other over time. An example of coevolution in a + / − species interaction includes crab predators and their mussel prey. The thick shells of mussels function to select for crabs that have large enough and strong enough shells to break them (the ones that don't will have lower fitness). Conversely, the strong claws of crabs select for mussels that have thick shells (the ones that don't will get eaten). As a result, traits in both populations evolve over time.

Which of the following is true?

Countries besides the U.S. have legislation in place regarding the use of antibiotics in livestock

why is it more efficient to eat lobster than chicken even though they feed at the same tropic level

Crustaceans and fish are ectothermic, so they are much more efficient at converting primary production into the biomass in their bodies than are endothermic birds and mammals.

Favors extreme phenotypes


_ favors phenotypes at one end of a distribution, causing the average phenotype to change. It tends to decrease the diversity of alleles in populations.


Long necks make it easier for giraffes to reach leaves high on trees, while also making them better fighters in "neck wrestling" contests. In both cases, which kind of selection appears to have made giraffes the long-necked creatures they are today?

Directional selection

Black-bellied seedcrackers have either small beaks (better for eating soft seeds) or large beaks (better for hard seeds). There are no seeds of intermediate hardness; therefore, which kind of selection acts on beak size in seedcrackers?

Disruptive selection

Genetic Variation increased

Disruptive selection

discuss the advantages and disadvanages of endothermy and ectothermy

Endotherms can remain active during the winter and at night and sustain high levels of aerobic activities such as running or flying, but they require large amounts of food energy. Ectotherms need much less food and can devote a larger proportion of their food intake to reproduction, but they have a harder time maintaining high activity levels at night or in cold weather.

What is the correct order of the flow of sperm in the male reproductive system of mammals? See Section 47.2 ( page 987) .

Epididymis ➜ vas deferens ➜ urethra. Sperm from the testes are stored in the epididymis and flows from the body via the vas deferens then the urethra.

give an example of a structure that enables the epithelial tissue to preform a specific function.

Epithelial tissue consists of one or more layers of closely packed cells with distinct apical and basolateral sides. Structures that hold the cells tightly together, such as tight junctions and desmosomes, enable epithelial tissues to protect underlying tissues and to regulate the passage of materials.

design an experiment to test the hpothesis that the rain forest of borneo is more effective at building soil, retaining soil nutrients, and minimizing soil erosion than oil palm plantations are

Establish several study plots in an area of Borneo where some of the forest has been converted to oil palm plantation but the adjacent forest (of similar elevation and topography) has rain forest still intact—half of the plots in the plantation and half in the rain forest. Monitor soil depth, soil nutrient levels, precipitation, and stream sediment levels regularly, and compare after several years.

The equilibrium theory of island biogeography predicts that large islands close to the mainland will have more species than small islands that are distant from the mainland. Which of the following factors does not contribute to that prediction?

Evolution occurs more rapidly on large islands, thereby increasing species diversity.

why human population is projected to continue its rapid growth even though fertility rates are declining

Fewer children are being born per female, but there are many more females of reproductive age due to high fecundity rates in previous years combined with increased survival of infants and children.

The dispersal event alone doesnt always lead to speciation, what can?

Founder effects from genetic drift, natural selection of the new environment. It cant instantly be considered a species on its own, because gene flow can still occur

explain why fragmentation reduces habitat quality and can lead to the reduction of genetic diversity

Fragmentation reduces habitat quality by creating edges that are susceptible to invasion and loss of species, due to changed abiotic conditions. Genetic diversity can be reduced inside fragments as inbreeding occurs, exposing rare deleterious alleles to natural selection, and/or as populations lose genetic diversity via genetic drift

Which of the following is NOT a form of asexual reproduction? See Section 47.1 ( page 982) . Fission Parthenogenesis Budding Fusion of sperm and egg

Fusion of sperm and egg

why internal fertilization is more common on land

Gametes that are shed into aquatic environments can float or swim. This cannot happen on land, so internal fertilization is more common there. Also, gametes are more at risk of drying out on land, and internal fertilization eliminates that risk.

Alleles (NOT ORGANISMS) moving between populations

Gene Flow

Totally random with respect to fitness

Gene Flow

_ can result from random fusion of gametes at fertilization, founder events, and population bottlenecks.

Genetic Drift

A storm kills many plants at random

Genetic Drift, allele frequencies change but no predictably

A person uproots the five closest plants, which all happen to be white flowers.

Genetic Drift, frequency of purple allele increases

Random changes in allele frequencies: most important in small populations

Genetic drift

Lamarck's Example

Giraffes necks get longer to reach high leaves, and produce offspring with longer necks

You are a cattle rancher and will abide by the new legislation. Which of the following will you be allowed to do?

Give antibiotics to an animal in your herd that is ill.

Photsynthetic for aquatic habitats

Green algae

_ include single-celled and multi-cellular marine and freshwater species.

Green algae

why morphological data, fossil record and molecular phylogenies support land plants evolving from green algae

Green algae and land plants share an array of morphological traits that are synapomorphies, including the chlorophylls they contain, and phylogenetic trees estimated from DNA sequence data, green algae and land plants share a most recent common ancestor—green algae are the initial groups to diverge, and land plants diverge subsequently.

Sometimes a loss-of-function mutation can be adaptive

Green aphids had deletion of their carotenoid synthesis-genes

carbonic anhydrase

H2CO3 from CO2 + H2O

How is variation in shoot systems important?

Helps minimize competition because they all have their own place and thrive in a wide variety of habitats

how do polyploids benefit

Higher heterozygosity, higher toleration of self-fertilization/inbreeding depression, increase genetic variation because genes diverge independently

David Tilman and colleagues planted varying numbers of species from different functional groups of grassland plants in an experiment that examined which question? See Section 54.3 ( page 1153) . How does species richness affect biomass? Do grassland species produce more biomass than woody species? How does inbreeding affect biomass? Do pesticides increase pest resistance?

How does species richness affect biomass?

Played a key role in organizing the development of the larger, complex bodies in diverse animals by signaling where cells are in the embryo

Hox genes

_____ bonds are responsible for the cohesion of water molecules.

Hydrogen bonds among water molecules are responsible for the tendency of those molecules to stick together.

Determine what kind of evidence would support that hypothesis that birds evolved from Dinosaurs.

If birds evolved from dinosaurs, you would expect to find transitional fossil dinosaurs with feathers (such fossils have been found). You would also expect birds and dinosaurs to share many homologous traits (and they do).

what would happen IF water to blood flow was concurrent?

If concurrent flow occurred, less oxygen would be transferred from water to blood because the partial pressure gradient driving diffusion would fall to zero partway along the length of the capillary.

Island biogeography theory is based on which two processes? See Section 52.4 ( page 1112) .

Immigration rates and extinction rates. This theory predicts species richness as a function of species finding or leaving a certain area.

why tarweeds and Anolis lizards on mainland not species-rich or genetically diverse?

In habitats on the mainland, complex communities have been established for a long time, so tarweeds in California and Anolis lizards on the mainland experience greater competition for resources and are limited to specific niche

why are tropical farms unsuccessful?

In the tropics, nutrients cycle rapidly through forests, meaning that most of the nutrients are tied up in biomass rather than slowly decomposing in the soil. When the trees of tropical rain forests are hauled away, the nutrients are exported from the site, leaving only poor soil to nourish the crops.

Declines average fitness because loss of heterozygous advantage, which favors genetic diversity


Declines average fitness because of over-concentration of homozygousity in normally hetero loss-of-function mutations


how can homeostasis might change with global warming

Individuals could acclimatize by normal homeostatic mechanisms (increased sweating, seeking shade, etc.). Individuals with alleles that allowed them to function better at higher temperatures would be likely to produce more offspring than individuals without those alleles. Over time, this would lead to adaptation via natural selection.


Individuals of the same species that live together in the same area at the same time

How does fitness of plant and flowers increase by visiting eachother

Insects feed on nectar and/or pollen in flowers. Flowers provide food rewards that encourage insects to visit them. The individuals that attract the most pollinators produce the most offspring.

Which group has an open circulatory system? See Section 42.5 ( page 889) .

Insects have an open circulatory system. However, their tracheal respiratory system is able to provide oxygen directly to the tissues as well.

What occurs in a hybrid zone? See Section 24.4


The most common form of _ occurs when females choose to mate with males who exhibit "good alleles" or ability to provide resources to females.

Intersexual selection

The most common form of _ occurs when males compete with each other to gain access to female mates.

Intrasexual selection

How might genetic drift be important in a small population. See Section 23.4

It decreases genetic diversity via the loss of alleles due to inbreeding depression. Genetic drift is of large concern with populations of a small size because you are more likely to have mating between close relatives.

What important role does lignin play in vascular plants?

It forms the tough, rigid cell walls of water-conducting cells

How might gene flow be important in managing an endangered population? See Section 23.

It increases genetic diversity by introducing alleles from one population into another.

Which of these describes loose connective tissue?

It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material. Loose connective tissue is a packing material that serves, for example, to hold organs in place.

Why is the emergence of the radicalw an important first step in germination

It is important for establishing a supply of water to the growing embryo

What is DNA barcoding primarily used for? See Section 54.1 ( page 1141) . It is primarily used to build phylogenetic trees. It is primarily used to estimate species diversity. It is primarily used in environmental sequencing. It is primarily used to estimate ecosystem diversity.

It is primarily used to estimate species diversity

if u decided to eat 100 kcal of chicken instead of beach, how much less land would be required to support your feast?

It takes about 150 m2 for a year to produce 1000 kcal of beef, and about 5 m2 for a year to produce 1000 kcal of chicken, so you would use about 145 m2 less land by eating chicken instead of beef today.

why did mammalia began to rise after what mass extinction?

K-Pg killed dinosaurs, which were total niche hoggers. Fur and lactation also benefited due to chance comet.

cambrain macroscopic fossils

LOTSA sponges jellyfish comb jellies, also mollusks, wormish creatures. These could burrow, run, slither, flat and be predators or scavengers or graze or filter.

are salamanders w/o lungs and skin-breathe smaller or larger than those with lungs.

Lungless salamanders that breathe through their skin are all small compared to salamanders with lungs. Their surface area/volume ratios are high enough that gas exchange across the skin can support the salamanders' metabolism.

Malthus and artificial selection's influence on natural selection

Malthus "living humans compete for resources a struggle for existence" Artificial selection Natural populations had the possibility of variation

Which of the following plant organs may act as a source for translocation of sugars inside a plant? See Section 35.4 ( page 739) .

Mature leaves photosynthesize, manufacturing sugars.

How did the 1977 drought on Daphne Major cause evolutionary change in the medium ground finch population? See Section 22.4

Medium ground finches with large and deep beaks had higher survival rates during the drought.

The Hardy-Weinberg principle played an important role in the synthesis of _ genetics and _ evolution

Mendelian ; Darwinian

Begins with the end-Permian extinction and ends with the extinction of dinosaurs

Mesozoic (middle life) era

Pangaea breaking up. Reptiles and angiosperms rise

Mesozoic (middle life) era

are plant sperm and eggs produced by mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis. Haploid cells in the gametophyte produce haploid gametes. There is no change in number of chromosomes, and the ploidy level remains constant. The formation of sperm and eggs in plants is different from that in animals, whose gametes are formed directly by meiosis

Stolons, rhizomes, and tubers are examples of which part of the plant? See Section 34.1 ( page 706) .

Modified Stems. Even though they have different functions than typical stems, they can be recognized during development as being stems.

given a neuron's structure, is a neuron more likely to provide signals to specific cells and tissues OR to broadcast signals widely throughout the body?

Most neurons have an axon, which transmits signals to specific cells and tissues rather than widely throughout the body.

Most polyploid plants arise as a result of _____.

Most polyploid plants are the result of the hybridization of two different parental species.

What group of organisms was likely ancestral to land plants? See Section 28.2 ( page 565) .

Multicellular green algae found in freshwater habitats

What might be the function of the muscle contraction in the walls of veins? See Section 42.5 ( page 889) .

Muscle contraction reduces the volume of veins, increasing blood pressure and, thereby, increasing the velocity of blood flow. This is a key response when a person enters of period of intense physical activity.

If this did not occur, evolution would stop


Increases genetic variation by producing new alleles


Random production of new alleles


Random with respect to fitness, most are neutral or lower fitness slightly


The ultimate source of genetic variation


During an extreme heat wave, plants with white flowers survive better

Natural Selection, frequency of white allele increases

Inbreeding can accelerate _ and can cause inbreeding _.

Natural Selection; depression

Produces adaption, increasing fitness

Natural selection

give an example of a structure that enables the nervous tissue to preform a specific function.

Nervous tissue is composed of neurons and supporting cells. Neurons have long projections that function as "biological wires" for transmitting electrical signals.

If seeds are dormant, the dormancy has to be broken before the seed can germinate. Which of the following is most likely to break seed dormancy? See Section 38.4 ( page 803) .

Nicking or damaging the seed coat to allow water to penetrate the seed, thus hydrating cells inside the seed

did "epitheliomuscular cells" evolve from true mesodermal cells?

No they evolve independently, and were co-opted and elaborated upon differently in different lineages later in time (convergent evolution)

Does a catastrophic event have to make organisms extinct?

No, 99% of organisms that have existed gone extinct continuously

Is bigger always better for these Galapagos finches? See Section 22.4

No; bigger beak size seems to be significantly favored initially but is selected against later.

_ include mosses and liverworts that are small and have a gametophyte-dominant lifestyle

Nonvascular plants

How do i predict size of a population in the future if growth is continuous?

Nt = N0 * e^rt

how to determine population size at the end of time t given a finite growth increase

Nt = N0 * finite rate of increase^t

Total population (N) =

Number of marked animals (M), x Total number of individuals marked and unmarked in the recapture (n) / Number of marked animals in the recapture (m)

whats a density-dependent factor that limits growth in the lizards and design an experiment to test it

One possible density-dependent factor is competition for food. To test this idea, compare carrying capacity in identical fenced-in areas that differ only in the amount of food added. (You could also test a hypothesis of space limitation by doubling the size of the enclosure but keeping the amount of food the same.)

Humans are diploid and have 46 chromosomes (or two sets). How many sets of chromosomes are found in each human gamete?

One. Meiosis cuts the number if chromosomal sets in half. (2/2 is 1)

green algae closely related to land plants alt of generations

Only the zygote is diploid, still on parent. never matures, immediately undergoes meiosis to form haploid spores. the spores grow into haploid adults, that have both sperm and eggs present, which fertilize to make the zygote.

transitional features during evolution of tetrapod limb

Originally all fin, but gradually developed stable bones to allow them to move on land, and further evolved to be completely semiaquatic and like the tetrapods of today

exercise partial pressure change

PO2 of blood decreases because muscles need it more, PCO2 of blood increases because muscles need to get rid of it.

Rapid diversification of animals, life moves to land (plants and animals), 1st vertebrae

Paleozoic (old life) era

Which of these cell types are still alive with a functioning nucleus at maturity? See Section 34.2 ( page 714) .

Parenchyma. Both parenchyma and collenchyma cells are alive at maturity and have functioning nuclei.

541 mya to now

Phanerozic Eon

_, _, and several religious texts present species as unchanging types. This view is called _ thinking.

Plato; Aristotle; Typological

where (lineage) did pollen, flowers, and fruit originate?

Pollen originated in the lineage leading to the splitting of gymnosperms and angiosperms. Flowers and fruits originated in the angiosperms.

Mutation that produce _ can trigger rapid speciation in sympathy because they lead to reproductive isolation between diploid an haploid populations


Which statement is correct? See Section 22.3

Populations can evolve, but individuals cannot.

What is net primary productivity (NPP)? See Section 53.1 ( page 1118) .

Primary producer biomass or organic material that can be consumed. NPP measures the amount of primary producer material that is available for consumption after the primary producers have used some portion of GPP for cellular respiration or lost it as heat.

Which term describes a mechanism by which the internal conditions of an organism are kept at set values without regard to the external conditions?

Regulatory homeostasis involves adjusting the internal conditions of an organism to set values without regard to the external conditions.

Selection against interbreeding because hybrids offspring represents a wasted effort by the parents, reducing their fitness.


With reinforcement, the number of hybrid individuals is reduced and natural selection continues to operate differently on the two populations.

Reinforcement is natural selection against interbreeding and production of hybrid offspring.

Why do related species share homologous traits? See Section 22.2

Related species inherited homologous traits from a common ancestor.

Law of succession

Resemblances between underlying fossils of a region and the living species succeeding them, used as supporting evidence in Darwin's theory

Which of the following actions acts to warm a homeothermic body?

Shivering generates metabolic heat and warms the body.

What type of muscle is responsible for contractions of the digestive tract and arteries?

Smooth muscle is responsible for the involuntary contractions of the digestive tract, arteries, and bladder.

Which diploid cells are produced by an embryonic germ cell?

Spermatogonia are male diploid cells that are produced by embryonic germ cells.

Which phylum includes the most basal lineages of animals? See Section 30.2 ( page 616) .

Sponges (phylum Porifera) include the two most basal animal lineages.

Small Aristelliger lizards have difficulty defending territories, but large lizards are more likely to be preyed upon by owls. Which kind of selection acts on the adult body size of these lizards?

Stabilizing selection

Women often have complications during labor while giving birth to very large babies, whereas very small babies tend to be underdeveloped. Which kind of selection is most likely at work regarding the birth weight of babies?

Stabilizing selection

Genetic variation reduced (two)

Stabilizing, Directional

net reproductive rate: R0 equals

Sum of all ages * survivorship at age x * fecundity at age x

Label each target to indicate if the interaction between the molecules inside the rectangle contributes to surface tension (T), adhesion (A), or cohesion (C). Note that one target should be left blank because the molecules inside that rectangle are not involved in any of these interactions.

Surface tension most commonly occurs at air-water interfaces, where it resists breakage of the surface. Hydrogen bonds tend to pull water molecules at the surface together, reducing the curvature of the surface. Cohesion tends to keep water molecules that are away from surfaces from separating. Adhesion makes water stick to hydrophilic surfaces, such as cell walls. a. T, b. T, c. C d. N/A e. C f. A g. A

_ can occur when disruptive selection favors individuals that breed in different ecological niches and/or chose different mates

Sympatric speciation

Condition in which two or more populations live in the same geographic area, or close enough to permit interbreeding


A trait found in certain groups of organisms and their common ancestors but missing in distant ones


homologous traits that can be identified at the genetic, developmental, or structural level


Which of the following people is most likely to be against the new antibiotics legislation?

The CEO of the National Pork Producers Council.

which mammal must eat more to support each gram of its tissue: a Chihuahua or a Great Dane?

The Chihuahua must eat relatively more because it has a higher mass-specific metabolic rate than the Great Dane.

760 mm Hg when fraction of air that is O2 is 0.21, what is the partial pressure of oxygen?

The PO2 is 160 mm Hg.

Which of the following statements are true of a population at carrying capacity? The birth rate equals the death rate. The population continues to grow at a constant rate. The population growth rate equals zero. The rate at which resources are used is equal to the rate at which they are supplied.

The birth rate equals the death rate. The population growth rate equals zero. The rate at which resources are used is equal to the rate at which they are supplied.

How do autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy differ? See Section 24.3

The chromosomes of an autopolyploid individual come from the same species, while an allopolyploid individual has sets of chromosomes from different species.

Why was the evolution of a coelom a critically important innovation for animals? See Section 30.2 ( page 616) .

The coelom can act as a hydrostatic skeleton. A soft-bodied animal with a coelom acting as a hydrostatic skeleton can move effectively even if it lacks fins or limbs.

what are the o-h curves of tibetians?

The curves of Tibetans should be shifted to the left relative to the curves of people adapted to sea level—meaning that Tibetans' hemoglobin should have a higher affinity for oxygen at all partial pressures.

Which of the following prompted the passing of the new legislation regarding antibiotic use in livestock?

The decreasing effectiveness of antibiotics in humans.

what extinction event ended the dinosaurs 66 mya? what percentage of families went extinct?

The dinosaurs went extinct during the end-Cretaceous. About 15 percent of families went extinct.

Which statement about genetic drift is correct? See Section 23.4

The direction of evolutionary change due to genetic drift is random. Genetic drift is not driven by a directional effect but occurs as a magnification of chance effects due to small population size.

what cells are diploid, haploid and triploid after fertilization

The endosperm nucleus in the central cell is triploid; the zygote is diploid; the synergid and other cells remaining from the female gametophyte are haploid.

Which of the following best describes conservation triage? The idea that some species are worth more to their ecosystem than others The idea that you can't help all species survive, so you should prioritize which ones you help The idea that to save some species, you must kill others (like invasive species) The idea that we are currently in the sixth mass extinction

The idea that you can't help all species survive, so you should prioritize which ones you help

In a bell-shaped curve, the x-axis (horizontal direction) of the graph represents which of the following? In a bell-shaped curve, the x-axis (horizontal direction) of the graph represents which of the following?

The value of a particular characteristic; characteristics of an organism can include such traits as size and color.

Which zones of roots are actively pushed through soil?

The zones of cellular division and cellular elongation are actively pushed through soil. The zone of maturation remains in place (this is why root hairs can emerge here without being torn off as the root grows through soil).

Plato's Philosophy

Typological. Every organism was a perfect unchanging essence/type, created by god, differentiation in species were "trivial deviations"

what would happen if u stuck poison straight into a tracheid?

Unlike many other plant cells, tracheids (and vessel elements) perform their function after they die. The remaining secondary cell walls serve as conduits through which water flows, by a process that does not require ATP. Therefore, the poison will have no effect on water transport through the injected tracheids.

calculate r for a population of lizards with R0 = 1.0 and g = 3 years

Using Equation 51.5, r = (ln1)/3 = 0, which means that the population is neither growing nor declining.

population currently has 50 individuals and is expected to sustain an r of 0.048, predict the size of the population in 10 years

Using Equation 51.6, Nt = 50e(0.048)(10) = 81; the orchid population will grow to only about 81 individuals in 10 years

for 2 years, gamma = 1.2, about 225 now, predict the population size in 5 years

Using Equation 51.8, Nt = (225)(1.2)5 = 560; the squirrel population will reach about 560 individuals in 5 years.

Dont have ABA, what do they have?

Viviparity/ they grow off their mama

Which of the following statements about xylem transport is true?

Water and minerals move through the root cortex into the xylem and upward through the stem and into leaves.

Permia Mass Extinction

Water heated from volcano pollution, became anoxic, life in the ocean died, had to adapt to live in low-oxygen ocean and hot air

How is vascular cambium maintained?

When a vascular cambium cell divides, one cell differentiates and the other cell remains meristematic.


When pressure is negative. Draws liquid up through straw.

Meiosis happens once in plant reproduction. When is it?

When the sporangium produces spores.

An advantage of cross-pollination is that _____. See Section 38.3 ( page 800)

While both forms of pollination produce diverse offspring, the amount of diversity should be greater in cross-pollination because new genetic material is being introduced from the pollen parent.

why is AV waiting important?

Without the delay at the AV node, the ventricles would not have the chance to fully fill with blood from the atria. Consequently, the volume of blood ejected from the ventricles would decline.

phylogenetic tree

a branching diagram that describes ancestor-descendant relationships among species or other taxa

The diagram below illustrates the alternation of generations that is characteristic of the angiosperm life cycle. Label structures and processes (using white labels), indicate whether different structures are haploid or diploid (using pink labels), and indicate the types of cell division that occur at different points in the life cycle (using blue labels). Drag the labels to their appropriate locations on the diagram of the angiosperm life cycle. Labels can be used once or more than once. Use only white labels for white targets, pink labels for pink targets, and blue labels for blue targets.

a. meiosis b.haploid c.mitosis d.gametophyte e. pollination f.meiosis g.haploid h.mitosis i.gametophyte j.fertilization k. zygote l. diploid m. sporophyte

ANS for thing

a. prezygotic b. postsygotic c. behavioral isolation d. mechanical isolation e. temporal isolation f. gametic isolation g. reduced hybrid fertility h. two fish i. a coral's j. offspring k. lion-tiger

Nonvascular plants (informally called bryophytes) generally live very close to the ground, sprawling out rather than growing upward. This growth form is due to their thin body parts and lack of vascular structures that would support upward growth. Three phyla of bryophytes exist today: liverworts, hornworts, and mosses. Part A - Bryophyte structure Label the structures on this diagram of a moss. Drag the labels onto the diagram below. Not all labels will be used.

a. sporophyte b. seta c. sporangium d. foot e. gametophyte f. rhizoid


ability to maintain productivity and other aspects of ecosystem function as conditions change over time; recover to former levels of productivity or species richness over a disturbance

determines range

abiotic and biotic factors

In a population of 1,000 elephants, how many individuals would survive for 50% of the species' maximum life span?

about 100

In Brazil, a research group that set up plots to study forest fragments of different sizes found that _____. See Section 54.2 ( page 1146) . fragments of all sizes responded to disturbance more efficiently than intact forests fragmented forests and intact forests cannot be differentiated aboveground biomass dropped sharply in fragmented forests intact forests lost biomass

aboveground biomass dropped sharply in fragmented forests

An epithelial cell with a relatively large amount of cytoplasm probably has what function?

absorption and secretion

salt adapted species

accumulate solutes in their root cells, to lower their solute potential. have enzymes to increase the concentration of organic molecules in the cytoplasm, to keep the water potential of their tissues lower than the salty soils in order to absorb whatever water is available.


air-water interface where water is being pulled against gravity and gravity pushes towards the middle surface

Which of these removes carbon from the atmosphere?


how do trachae work with movement in bugs?

alternately compressed and dilated as muscles contract and relax

porous cell wall movement but needs to go through the cytoplasm of the endodermal cell to move to the xylem


Look closely at the scale on the y-axis. What number would be represented by the point midway between the tick mark labeled 10 and the tick mark labeled 100?

approximately 32


are for gas exchange

often basolateral cells

are just concrete to the basal lamina and otherwise dont do much

feeding efficiency as means to metamorphosis

babies dont have to compete with adults for fod

dorsal-ventral axis formation


emerging disease, predation, competition reduces populations

background extinction

Current Evolutions

bacterial drug resistance, weed herbicide resistance, pesticide resistance

cork cambium


epidermal tissue produced by the apical meristem during primary growth _, which takes over the role of preventing pathogens and herbivores


prevents water loss by producing a layer of wax, making them impermeable to water and gasses


secondary phloem and cork cambium combined make


secondary phloem makes up the inner part of a tree's


tough barrier in species whose cork cells secrete a strong secondary cell wall containing lignin


order of tree trunk

bark, vascular cambium, sapwood, heartwood

receptors for blood pressure change



based on evolutionary history

faces interior of animals and connects to connective tissues

basolateral side

look dangerous but arent


The Galapagos Islands were the first place on Earth to _____.

be declared a world heritage site

Tourism on the Galapagos Islands is being restricted by requiring tourists to _____.

be escorted by trained guides at all times

later organisms depend on water less, reproductively?

because pollen. they need wind, not water to carry their sperm cells.

live at the bottom of aquatic enviornments


most animals species are _. they have _ embryonic germ layers, and a coelom (tube-within a tube body)

bilateralians; three

the study of how species and populations are distributed geographically


You can get mercury poisoning if you eat daily meals of tuna, a top predator. However, you can safely eat sardines, which are primary consumers, every day. What biological process explains this? See Section 53.1 ( page 1118) .


density-dependent factors that limits population size

biotic usually

Which of the following factors does not contribute to environmental resistance? environmental toxins competition for food weather conditions birth rate competition for space

birth rate

intrinsic rate of increase, rmax is

birth rates per individual are as high as possible and death rates per individual are as low as possible

closed circulatory system

blood is continuous circuit pressured by heart to flow. can be selective like crabs (open) and chose wear it needs to focus.

arteriole beginning of capillary

blood pressure high; fluid leaves to ducts

symmetric competition

both experience a similar decrease in fitness due to an overlap in their niches


both primary and secondary cell wall; 2nd is cellulose and lignin; primary cell wall expands and allows growth; 2nd is strong and supportive of stems; dead inside

when lower tropic level effects higher ones

bottom up

producers are tops or bottoms of tropic levels


98.5% of oxygen goes where from breathing?

bound into the hemoglobin of RBCs

cerebral ganglion


Cardiac muscle is the only muscle composed of _____ fibers.


shells exoskeletons, endoskeletons, legs, heads, eyes, antennae, muscles, brains

cambrain explosion

ovary can or cant have more than one ovule?


capillary action

can draw water up the cell of the xylem

Is the following statement supported or not supported by the data shown in the graph? The maximum life span of Albertosaurus was about 100 years

cannot be determined from graph

exchange gasses between blood and tissue


one cell thick


enzyme that causes bohr shift

carbonic anhydrase

involuntary movements

cardiac and smooth

branched cells for involuntary movement

cardiac muscle

branching pattern of allows electrical signals to spread throughout all the cells of the (redacted), resulting in their coordinated contraction an relaxation

cardiac muscles

makes up the walls of the heart and responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.

cardiac muscles

feed on animals



carries inhaled oxygen to narrow tubes called bronchi

types of pollinators

carrion, smell like flesh for carrion flies. Hummingbird flowers are red tubes with nectar at the base, bees are bright purple at day, hawk moths white at night

organisms decompose after they are buried hole that remains have dissolved materials

cast fossil

convergent evolution

causes homoplasty/ animals in same environment often make same adaptions when unrelated

animals lack _ but have an extensive _.

cell walls; ECM


cells move form the surface into the center of the embryo


cells that can always divide to make new parts of the plant, some remain meristem others differentiate

ctenophores are planktonic predators; largest animals to use _ for locomotions


internal gills need

cillia or specialized structures to bring water to it

(5s) the transport of dissolved O2 and CO2 throughout the body- along with nutrients, wastes, and other types of molecules- via the circulatory system.



circulatory system, muscle, bone, some organs.

aorta takes the _ blood from the _ and brings it to the _

clean, heart, body

red blood


evolution of ovovivparous from ovipatry in what conditions?

cold when raising babies internally is unfavorable

Ground tissue contains _ cells, which provide structural support for growing regions


groups of individuals that are attached to one another


where is exponential growth common in nature:

colonization of a new habitat and recovery after a disaster

sexual disruption in species

coloration and courtship songs and mating fruit.


comb jellies

other first animal hypothesis

comb jellies may be the sister group to animals, but lack microRNAs which are in animals, but its ancestor coulda had it and passed it to other animals

In the blood most of the oxygen that will be used in cellular respiration is carried from the lungs to the body tissues _____.

combined with hemoglobin

one species benefits, the other is unaffected


provides information about patterns of gene expression and change during development (homology or convergent evolution)

comparative development


complex polymer built from 6-carbon rings. strong for its weight, particularly effective in resisting compression like gravity, makes wood durable


complex tissue

sediments accumulate on top of the organism, cementing into mudstone or shale develops thin carbonaceous fil


both gradients are in the same direction (decreasing)


large gradients disappear quickly

concurrent flow

direct heat transfer between two solids in direct contact with another


turtle sits on hot rock, rock heat goes to its body


can cause heat gain or loss

conduction, convection, radiation

don't maintain constant state (not e types)


Recent DNA sequence analyses suggest that land plants evolved from freshwater green algae from the _ algae family.


Algae most similar to land plants?

conjugating algae (z), coleochates, and stoneworts

basal lamina

connect basolateral side to connective tissues

cells loosely arranged in a liquid, jellylike or solid matrix. the matrix composed of a distinct ECM secreted by the tissues

connective tissue

four main types of animal tissue types

connective, nervous, muscle, epithelial

under-soil modified stems


protosome blastospore

could be mouth, anus, both, or neither

species richnesss

count of how many species are present in a given community

gills are counter or concurrent?


both gradients are in different directions one increasing one decreasing

countercurrent flow

small gradients are maintained

countercurrent flow

Cows eat grass. If you added up all the biomass of a population of cows and the biomass of all the grass that those cows eat over their lifetimes, which would be higher?

cow biomass < grass biomass. It would take about 100 kg of grass to produce every 10 kg of cow.

worse industry in land use, water use, and greenhouse emissions


tube feet



crawl and swim


crawl or grab

hybrids survive and reproduce and also have a combination of more adaptive traits than their parents

creation of a new species

how is projections for biodiversity made?

cross-check projections and validate with empirical data from real world

some planktonic and predatory, some live on ocean floor tho, coloblasts trap prey


how is nitrogen cycle affected by humans?

cultivating crops with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, industrially producing fertilizers which makes that bacteria less needed, and burning fossil fuels which have nitric oxide

extant species

currently existing

The evolution of the _ allowed plant tissues to be exposed to air without dying.


plant's epidermis components

cuticle, roots hairs, etc.

apical cell produces _ that divide _ and _ to the apical-basal axis to make the _

daughter cells; perpendicular; parallel; globular stage embryo

Detritus is composed of _____.

dead organic matter and excreted wastes

extinct species

dead species

effect of eutropification, when algae are killed and decoposed by microbes

dead zones, where there is no oxygen production in water

trachieds and vessel elements are (d or A) _ at maturity, and _ secondary cell walls

dead; have

growth rate begins to _ when N increases


R0 less than 1


(In logistic growth) as N increases, K _



define body plan of each animal lineage

primary cell wall

defines shape

must be intraspecific

density-dependent factors

dead or alive food chains more favorable?

depend on season, temperature, light levels, species interactions but its mostly much more npp with live food

competition for resources (d-dep or d-indep)


disease and parasitism (d-dep or d-indep)


predation (d-dep or d-indep)


social behavior (d-dep or d-indep)


toxic wastes like ammonia, alchol, carbon dioxide, and uric acid (d-dep or d-indep)


tend to digest organic matter in sediments and live in sand or mud; tend to look like worms with a simple mouth

deposit feeder

ingest organic material that has been deposited within a substrate or on its surface

deposit feeders


derived from the ovary, encloses seeds

stomatas are _ tissue



dermal tissue

nylon polyester

dervied from petroleum, not plant

dead organic matter


dead stuff


anus before mouth


vena cava take _ blood from the _ and brings it to the _

dirty, body, heart (indirectly lungs)

habitat fragmentation

dividing contiguous habitats into small, isolated fragments (road, pipes etc can limit dispersal)

sporophyte in nonvasculars

does not depend on for nutrients; prefers gametophyte

artificial selection in plants

domesticated plants to be worth more

gametophytes in nonvascular plants


sporophyte in angiosperms

dominant and provides nourishment and protection from desiccation, uv radiation and predators

Which of these is unique to flowering plants?

double fertilization

Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of humans?


transition from simple water-conducting cells to first vascular tissue

elongated cells with little support at first (primary cellulose cell wall), to some structural support with rings of lignin

What do seeds contain?

embryo and nutritive tissue

All land plants are _, meaning the eggs and embryos are retained on the parent plant. Consequently, the developing embryo can be nourished by the mother plant


individuals leaving a population


flowers in angiosperm

enable pollination and fertilization w/o water, protect ovary

High SO2 levels caused acid rain, molten rock caused CO2 and heat, coal fires pumped toxic ash like mercury into the air, anoxic oceans, sea level drop


mother of mass extinctions


_'s high BMR means they need high energy food and have _ energy for reproduction and growth

endo; less

generates digestive structures


gives rise to lining of the digestive tract and organs that connect to it


live inside hosts and usually have simple wormy bodies


type ii surviorship

equal chance of dying throughout all their life

Gene Flow tends to _ allele frequencies among populations.


derive support from rigid structures on the outside of the body


invasive species

exotic species that disrupts natives

phylogenetically isolated species

exp. red panda, couldn't mate with anything else but beetles could do whatever because there is 360,000 species of them, the lineage could easily be lost forever.


exploration of bacteria animals plants etc as novel sources of drugs

deltaN / deltat = (birth rate per individual - death rate per individual ) * number of individuals

exponential growth equation

why do epithelial cells die so easy?

exposed to harsh environment

indivisual splits into 2 or more descendants


fertilization in nonvasculars

flagellated sperm swim to egg through water

3 effective ways to increase surface area:volume ratio.

flattening, folding, branching.

how do land plants avoid UV light?

flavonoids, plant pigments function as a sunscreen for leaves and stems, we use similar in sunscreen.

how can pollination lead to speciation

flies and bees like different flowers, so they likely wont pollinate the same kind, and the flowers will evolve to be the most fit flower for their animal to land on, further diversifying themselves.

pollination syndromes

flower characteristics associated with certain pollinators

direct evidence of what animals looked like with regard to abundance


endemic species

found in that particular area and nowhere else

non-cooperative binding definition

four subunits release independentily and gain and lose oxygen in direct proportion to PO2 of oxygen in blood, an only a small response to PO2 changes.


free living as an adult but endoparasitic as a larva (fatal)

when a baby is birthed where does it pass?

from the uterus to the cervix (its guard) to the vag then out.

Which of these statements is true about the gametophyte tissue that surrounds the pine embryo?

functions as haploid food reserve

3 step, general alt generations

gametophytes produce gametes by mitosis. both the gametophyte and the gametes are haploid. gmtophy-multicellular, gametes, unicelllular


gaps in secondary cell wall where only primary cell wall is present

If _ occurs, populations that have diverged may fuse into a single species

gene flow

sponges lack nerve cells and symmetry but have

genes needed to develop working nerves

apical cell

gives rise to almost the entire embryo

The _ tissue system preforms photosynthesis and stores carbohydrtes and other compounds.


ground meristem

ground tissue


ground tissue that stores carbohydrates


ground tissue towards the center of the stem


group of same age that can be followed through time

age class

groups of individuals of a specific age exp. all females 4-5 yo


groups of petals

limp/flaccid stomata

guard cells lost water; closed; often at night

example of root pressure


naked seed plant


among seed plants, there was a divergence in seed development

gymnosperms are monophyletic, angiosperms are monophyletic

the seed evolved once

gymnosperms plus angiosperms are monophyletic

mammals RBCs lose their nuclei with maturity so RBCs are basically bags filled with oxygen-carrying _


buffer in blood. why?

hemoglobin. takes up H+ so its not in the plasma lowering the pH

type iii surviorship

high death for larvae or seeds but higher survival in later life

many offspring small offspring small body early maturity low resistance to disease and predators short life span

high fecundity and low surviorship

hybrid offspring do not develop normally and die as embryos

hybrid viability

postzygotic isolation ex

hybrid viability, hybrid sterility

Area where interbreeding occurs and hybrid offspring are common

hybrid zone

hybridization occurs in an well-defined geographic area/

hybrid zone

In some cases, _ between species can result in new species with unique combinations of tratis


derive support from a flexible body wall in tension surrounding a fluid or soft tissue under comprehension. mostly in soft-bodies organisms.

hydrostatic skeletons

s/d over 140/90


hypotonic solution

hypertonic cell, so the NET movement would be into the cell to reduce the concentration

climax community

ideal, stable community that does not change over time

asexual efficiency

if herbivore/disease wipes out surrounding plants, grass will send out rhizomes to fill the unoccupied space before seeds can compete and nourish them as they establish.

boyles law:

if the volume occupied by a fixed amount of gas increases, the gas pressure decreases. if the volume declines, the gas pressure increases.

Populations grow due to births and _____. See Section 51.2 ( page 1073) .


when muscles relax, bug's tracheal volume _; system pressure _ and air _.

increases; decreases; enters

R0 greater than 1


net reproductive rate

indicate whether the population is increasing or decreasing as long as immigration and emigration are insignificant

intermediate growth

individual increases in overall body size throughout its life (puppy turns to clifford)

alternation of generations

individuals exist in either a multicell haploid or diploid phase.

what defense declines in a prey species when consumers leave the habitat and focuses where predation is higher due to energetic cost

induced defenses

what defense is nicotine, cocaine, cyadine?


fitness trade-offs

inescapable compromise between two traits that cannot be optimized simultaneously (flashy to get mates or able to hide from predators) (a car large or fuel efficient)


invertebrate like worms


invertebrates like insects, spiders and crustaceans

species richness

is a count of how many species are present in a defined area

species diversity

is a weighted measure that incorporates both species richness ad evenness, the relative abundance of each species present

The biological species concept uses reproductive _ as a criterion to identify species.


why should plants need large surface area:volume ratio?

its more efficient in absorption and synthesis when it has a larger surface for these actions to occur


jellyfish, coral, anemones, hydra

trichome abilities

keep leaf surface cool by reflecting sunlight, reduces transpiration, stores toxic compound to thwart herbivores, or trap and ingest insects

early land plants were (height)

lacking rigidity, small and low growth, but needed to grow upwards to compete for space and light

A _ is an appendage that project from the steam laterally. Photosynthetic organs.



leaf stick thing u hold


leaflike organ that encloses a bud, and is the outermost portion after blooming


leaflike organs around reproductive organs of a flower


leafy leaf

phenotypic plasticity in leaves

leaves in sun are smaller than leaves in shade, shade leaves need to be big to catch the sun and dont have to worry about transpiration


little bronchi that enclose both of these structures branches.


little hairs to shield deep pits of hidden stomata from the atmosphere/ slow loss of water vapor by creating a layer of still air surrounding the stomata

epithelial cells (prognosis)

live 2-6 days

muscle cells and neurons (prognosis)

live as long as you do


look like adults and live in same habitats and eat same food but are sexually immature

rmax of a species that take years to mature and produce few offspring each year


few offspring large offspring late maturity large size high disease resistance high predator resistance long life span

low fecundity high survivorhip

take chunks of food into mouths

mass feeders


mass of undifferentiated cells that can generate roots and other tissues necessary to create a mature plant/ identical clones by cutting

Growing season source

mature leaves and stems that produce sugar in excess of their needs

integrated pest management

maximize productivity while using minimum harmful compounds


microsporangia develop, and meiosis occurs to form microspores, which divide by mitosis to make pollen

gymnosperm heterospory difference

microsporangia make (n) pollen grains with male gametes inside, (n) megasporangia is contained in (2n) cone, fertilize to make (2n) zygote, embryo makes seed, which germinates into (2n) sporophyte.

microsporocytes do meiosis to create which divide by _ to create _

microspores, the male gametophyte, which divide by mitosis to make an immature gametophyte- a pollen grain.

can restore extinct populations



most plants once considered dicots

how are these algae most similar to land plants?

mostly multicellular, live in freshwater (which is where land plants evolved), Z is the closest.

water comes in through the _ and out through the _

mouth; gills.

passive diffusion in phloem un/loading

move through plasmodesmata

keystone species

much greater impact on the distribution an abundance of the surrounding species than its abundance and total biomass would suggest

often apical sides preform

mucus secretion

look dangerous and are



multiple fertilization

how do you calculate the partial pressure of a particular gas?

multiply the atmospheric pressure at a given level by the fraction of air that is O2.

key innovations in the evolution of animals that don't appear in other lineages

muscle and nervous tissue

change shape of body by contracting

muscle cells

does gas exchange happen during exhalation in non-birds?


do plants absorb all the light the sun emits?

no only about 0.8%

pollen in nonvasculars

no pollen

did evolution stop with any lineages?

no, even though sponges and other ancient animals are old they never stopped evolving natural selection doesn't cease they've just been fit for many years.

companion cells

not conducting cells but help maintain the cytoplasm and plasma membrane of sieve-tube elements by plasmodesmata

Surface tension in stems

not present

surface tension in roots

not present

vertical diversity

number of tropic levels

endangered species

numbers have decreased so drastically that it is almost certain to extinct unless effective conservation programs are put in place


opening in the end of walls without any (1 or 2) walls

Adhesion in leaves

opposes gravity

adhesion in stems

opposes gravity

cultural services

outdoors ppl have less obesity diabetes stress and more problem-solving skills, creativity, sleep, curiosity and vision


outgroup of sponges

What is the dominant conservation problem faced by marine species? See Section 54.2 ( page 1146) . Pollution Invasive species (introduced competitors, diseases, or predators) Habitat destruction Overexploitation


What is the usual site of the fertilization of an egg cell?


species deposit fertilized eggs; embyos nourished by yolk

oviparous (birds)

species retain eggs internally and give live birth


higher affinity for oxygen, and carbon dioxide_ in environment or tissues

oxygen in tissues, carbon dioxide for environment

compared with water, air contains much more _ and is much less _ and viscous.

oxygen; dense

responsible for origin of oxygen-rich atmosphere

oxygenic photoshynthesis in cyanobacteria

how do fishies without eyes know when to nut into the water?


primary forest or reforested areas have better biodiversity

primary deep evolutionary history and complex ecological interactions

formed in embryo

primary oocytes

induced defenses are

produced in response to attack


pulls water up from roots by transpiration

(pulm) carries dirty blood to lungs

pulm artery

(pulm) carries clean blood to heart from lungs

pulm veins

actively remaining in homeostasis with a set point (not e types)


Secondary contact can lead to _ (the evolution of mechanisms that prevent hybridization)


hybrids have low fitness and dont belong well in either environment


natural selection that prevents interbreeding among populations is called


hybrid offspring have low fitness, natural selection favors evolution of traits that prevent them from interbreeding

reinforcement of divergence


relies on similarities in structure

fossil fuel origin

remains of plants and animals 359-299 mya subjected to intense pressure

biological species concept

reproductive isolation

(4 things) dead at maturity

sclerenchyma cells, traceids, vessel elements, cork cells

produced toward the outside

secondary phloem

Wood consists of

secondary xylem

produced towards the inside

secondary xylem

an embryo and a store of nutritive tissue, surrounded by a tough protective layer


In flowering plants the integuments of the ovule develop into a(n) ____

seed coat

Fruit is most important in facilitating _____. See Section 28.3 ( page 569)

seed dispersal

_ are dispersed from the parent plant to a new location, encased in a protective housing, and supplied with a store of nutrients.

seed plant embryos

Have vascular tissue, and produce seeds

seed plants

produce seeds and pollen grains

seed plants

rely on spores for dispersal, but have vascular tissue

seedless vascular plants

phloem structure

seive tube elements, seive plates, companion cells

molecular matching


informs the integrator of deviation


symbiotic fungi period

silurian-devonian, channeled nutrients from soil into plants, plants made sugars and other products useful to fungi


similar trait in unrelated species (bats and bugs)

Structural homology

similarities in adult organismal structures (limbs, shells, flowers) that re due to inheretence from a common ancestor

Developmental homology

similarity in embryonic form or developmental processes that is due to inheritance from a common ancestor

tapered at each end, lines walls of the digestive tract and the blood vessels

smooth muscles

why does vascular tissue run so close to the cells that make up ground tissue?

so the cells conducting water are close to the water and nutrients they need

Water moves by osmosis from xylem into sieve-tube elements near _ and cycles back to xylem near _.

sources; sinks

2 step, general alt generations

spores germinate and divide by mitosis to develop into multicellular, haploid gametophytes

male gametophytes are produced by _ in angiosperm

stamen, specifically anthers.

According to the graph, which modern animal has a relatively constant mortality rate throughout its life span?



stiff slap that covers the gills. pumps with the mouth whenever they need

sticky pollen receiver


cotyledon (sead-leaf)

stores nutrients and supplies them to a developing embryonic plant.

how are small populations more likely to die than others in hab fragmentation

storms, fires can completely kill small ones; and imbreding depression with few mates available

What type of epithelium would you expect to find covering a surface subject to physical forces?

stratified epithelium

wildlife corridors

strips of undeveloped habitat that connect are preserved like a walkway under or over a highway so animals can move sides without being road kill

must tolerte extreme abiotic factors, high reproductive rate, low survivorship, short life span, ,rapid growth, high rmax

succession early

FIRM bone and cartilage are connective tissues that provide structural support for the vertebrate as well as protective enclosures for the brain and other components of the nervous system

support connective tissue

against a concentration gradient, one of them is hitchhiking along one's proper gradient. end up on the same side.


parenchyma function

synthesis and storage of sugars and other compounds

contraction (s or d)



take CO2 and fix it, store it in bundle-sheath cells, when the calvin cycle operates. so it never really fully opens its stomata

pulm circuit function

take dirty blood from body to lungs

closed/contained aquifer

take thousands of years to recharge, covered in nonporous rock

why do people not support barcoding to replace taxonomy

the sequences of one gene may not accurately represent the genetic variation at a species level- and can lead to ambiguous or incorrect results; so it is used in combination depending on the circumstances

1 step, general alt generations

the sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis

2 key notes about concurrency

the start of the systems will have a large gap, and end the same number (start 0 and 100, end 50) then diffusion will stop in both blood and water.

Radioactive decay

the steady state at which unstable "parent" atoms are converted into stable "daughter " atoms assigns absolute ages. it functions s a natural clock.

decreases transpirational pull

thicker film or water on surface of mesophyll cells, higher relative humidity in air around leaf, lower rate of water evaporation from surface of mesophyll cells, less curvature of water surface on mesophyll cell walls

parenchyma cells

thin primary cell walls and most common and versatile; simple tissue; mostly what we eat; storage granules and photosynthesis in leaves; totipotent

disadvantage of skin diffusion

thin skin prone to water loss and too dependent on wet or humid environments

food chain

this eats this which eats this

Where in the body would you be most likely to find secretory cells shaped like dice?

thyroid and salivary glands

groups of cells that function as a unit


signals traveling from cell to cell

tissue level

Sexual dimorphism

trait that differs by gender

Synamorphy IMG

trait unique to a monophyletic group

sessile or sedentary capture

transects and quadrants


transfer from anther to stigma

pollen in angiosperm

transferred from anthers to stigma

movement of sugars by bulk flow in multiple directions throughout a plant- from sources to sinks specifically


aquaporin and water channels


Cohesion in leaves

transmits pull

cohesion in roots

transmits pull

cohesion in stems

transmits pull

t or f once carbon enters a plant it can.... become part of the plant cell walls, protein and fat


enclosed body cavity; coelom lined completely with with mesoderm

true coelomate

t or f once carbon enters a plant it can.... exit the plant as CO2

true, plants have cellular respiration

True or false? Organisms must maintain homeostasis because optimal enzyme activity is achieved within a very narrow range of conditions.

true. Enzyme activity depends on conditions within a cell, such as temperature and pH, which must be kept within a certain narrow range.

underground swollen rhizomes that function as carb-storage organs (potato eyes)


where is productivity highest and lowest on land?

tundras and deserts are the lowest and tropics are the highest


two different types of spores, into individually gendered mature gametophytes

4 step, general alt generations

two gametes unite and fertilize to form a diploid zygote

competitive exclusion principal

two species cant coexist in the same ecological niche in the same area bcs one will out-compete the other


two species influence each other's adaptions over time

out of phloem and into sinks


species-area relationship

used to estimate rates of extinction by tracing backwards on the curve to determine species richness if its area were to decline due to habitat destruction or climate change

DNA bar-coding

uses well-characterized gene sequences to distinguish species. the theory is that the variation between one gene in higher in different species than within species =, and compare tissue samples to the reference library of known sequences


vascular tissue

thick-walled chamber


Darwin's postulates condensed

(1) heritable variation leads to (2) differential reproductive success

clements and gleason

(clement) will reconstruct itself in the same spot repeaabley, (gleason) community are neither stable nor predictable and its random if species recover in the same place (but this belittles biotic factors)

Natural Selection

- a result of differential success in reproduction -cannot cause a harmful allele to become more common -consistently causes a population to become better adapted to its environment

Biogeochemical cycles The carbon cycle is one of many biogeochemical cycles on Earth. Can you identify the main features of a biogeochemical cycle and show how the carbon cycle exhibits these features? Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences. Not all terms will be used.

1. In a biogeochemical cycle, a chemical element spends time in different places, called reservoirs. 2. As a chemical element moves through a biogeochemical cycle, it moves between "bio" and "geo." The "bio" in biogeochemical refers to biotic reservoirs, or living organisms. 3. The "geo" in biogeochemical refers to Earth--specifically, to the abiotic reservoirs where a chemical element can be found. 4. In the terrestrial carbon cycle, the abiotic reservoir from which living organisms directly obtain their carbon is the atmosphere. 5. Carbon moves from an abiotic reservoir to living organisms during the process of photosynthesis. 6. Carbon moves from living organisms to an abiotic reservoir during the process of cellular respiration.

Many aspects of the angiosperm life cycle make flowering plants particularly well-suited to life on land. In fact, angiosperms are the most diverse and widespread of all plants. Which six of the following statements reflect angiosperm adaptations to life on land?

1. In many angiosperms, the male gametophyte contained in a pollen grain can be transported many miles away by wind or animal pollinators. 2. Fruits aid in the dispersal of seeds by wind or by animals that carry or eat the fruits. 3.Floral parts of the sporophyte protect the reduced female gametophyte from drying out and from UV radiation. 4. Seeds enable plant embryos to be dispersed long distances from the parent plant via wind or animals. 5. Seeds protect and nourish plant embryos, and fruits protect the seeds. 6. Flowers attract animal pollinators carrying pollen from other plants of the same species

Hardy Wienburg Requirements:

1. Infinite population 2. Nonrandom mating/No selection 3. No gene Flow 4. No genetic drift 5. No Mutation

Life cycle of mosses (5 steps)

1. Mature sporophytes produce haploid spores, dispersed by the wind. 2. Separate spores develop into female and male gametophytes 3. Haploid eggs form in archegonia, and haploid sperm form in antheridia 4. Haploid gametes undergo fertilization, forming a diploid zygote. 5. The diploid zygote develops into a sporophyte.

Why was evolution revolutionary?

1. Overturned static species theory 2. Replaced typological thinking w Population thinking 3. It was scientifically based and testable

Use the diagram to determine what flower structures develop under the conditions described below.

1. Sepals develop where only A genes are active. 2. Petals develop where A and B genes are active. 3. Stamens develop where B and C genes are active. 4. Carpels develop where only C genes are active.

3 responses to low BP

1. increase in SV and 2. heart rate, 3. prioritize blood by constricting veins and arterioles

what 4 ways are nutrients replaced

1. ions when rocks are weathered 2. arrive in streams or blown in 3. carbon is added when producers fix carbon via photosynthesis 4. nitrogen added when bacteria convert N2 to usable Nitrogen in ammonium or nitrate ions

4 main questions of biogeochemical cycles

1. nature & size of reservoirs? 2. how fast do they move inbetween and what process move them? 3. how do humans affect the movement? 4. how do biogeochemical cycles cross?

carbon cycles 4 awnsers

1. the reservoir is the biomass of living organisms, sediments and soils and buried fossil fuels 2.the global photosynthetic rate 3. when fossil fuels are burned, the carbon buried in oil/coal is moved in the air as CO2 4. scientists are trying to research how the nitrogen cycle affects the carbon cycle

4 key attributes of community structure

1. total number of species 2. the sum of interactions among all species 3. the relative abundance of those species; 4. the physical attributes of the community (biotic and abiotic factors)

Darwin's four postulates

1. variation in traits 2. traits are heritable 3. variable fitness 4. fitness is not random theres an explanation (ie this kind hides better, so it lives better)

what percentage of the air is oxygen?


Humans are diploid and have 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found in each human gamete?

23. (46/2 is 23)

how much of total npp is taken by humns? what is that used for?

24%. 53% of this is timber or food, 40% is parking lots or development; 7% is destroyed from human-fires

how many land plants make medicine?

25% of prescriptions include at least one molecule dervied form plants

Gymnosperm diversification

299 to 145 mya. junipers, pines, firs, etc. grow readily in dry habitats, so first time blankets of green plants on continents

How can autopolyploidy result in sterility

2n haploids cant bread with 1n haploids. when they fertilize they combine to make 3n offspring organisms (sterile)

When did life begin?

3.8 millions years

to extract a given amount of oxygen an aquatic animal has to process _ times more water than the amount of air a terrestrial animal breathes and expend much more energy


s= 18.9 x A^0.15, if the km2 went from 10,000 to 1,000, for one species of this bird; what percentage of all species would disappear on the island

30% species would vanish. species from 75 to 53.

animals have _ phyla and _ million species.

30-35; 3

carboniferous period

359-299 mya. coal, branches, leaves, tree trunks. (forested swaps bcs of coal), large species of trees and seedless vascular ancestors to ferns and mosses


3n nutritive tissue that results from double fertilization

A particular diploid plant species has 48 chromosomes, or two sets. A mutation occurs and gametes with 48 chromosomes are produced. If self-fertilization occurs, the zygote will have _____ set(s) of chromosomes.

4. If self-fertilization occurs, and two gametes (each having 48 chromosomes) unite, the zygote will have 96 chromosomes (or 4 sets).

How old is earth?

4.6 billion years

silurian-devonian explosion

416-359 mya. water-conducting tissues, roots, all adaptions allowed plants to occupy dry terrestrial habitats.

about how much energy of gpp goes to npp?

45%; 55% is for cellular respiration and heat

what percent in a million years is a mass extinction?

60% in 1 my

Where are the Galapagos Islands located?

600 miles west of Ecuador, near the equator

first sponge/animal presence

635 mya

first green/ land plants in fossil record

700-725 mya, 475 mya

7 billion ith an increase of _ million people a year


finches selection drought

84% dissapeared during the drought bcs low food supply, 38 dead birds found, none of the missing ones were found on nearby islands . 90/751 lived, and the characteristics of the population changed and deeper beaks lived better because tough fruits survived the drought. evolution occurred within one generation of measurable change in heritable characteristics of a population

What is an example of a stochastic event? See Section 54.2 ( page 1146) . A severe storm Deforestation Changing seasons A population explosion

A severe storm (it means random)

Which term describes an area where sugars are used or stored?

A sink is an area where sugars are used or stored; typically, these are the roots and fruits of a plant.

How did thorns originate in roses? See Section 22.5

A spontaneous mutation resulted in thorns and increased this rose's resistance to herbivory, so it was selected by natural selection to become dominant in the population.

why is the PO2 and PCP2 in exhaled air intermediate between inhaled and alveolar air?

Air from the alveoli mixes with air in the dead space in the bronchi and trachea on its way out of the body. This dead-space air is from the previous inhalation (PO2 = 160 mm Hg; PCO2 = 0.3 mm Hg), so when the alveolar air mixes with it, the partial pressures in the exhaled air reach levels intermediate between those of inhaled and alveolar air.

The reference map does not indicate the source of energy and nutrients for decomposers. What would be an appropriate linker to add to the map to make it more complete?

All trophic levels pass energy and nutrients to decomposers.

Many of the linkers in the map say "pass SOME energy and nutrients to." Where did the rest of the energy go? Select the most appropriate linker to make the map more complete.

All trophic levels release some energy as heat.

Hamilton's rule/ Why is it favored by natural selection

Altruistic behavior is likelier when the fitness benefits are high for the recipient, the recipient is close relatives to the giver, and the fitness costs are low to the altruist/ Closer relatives will have these altruist genes and it continues on for the better of the group

"Meristems are perpetually embryonic"

As long as a meristem exists, it has the potential to divide and produce new cells, tissues, and organs

What might be a consequence of global warming for fishes living in a pond? See Section 42.2 ( page 876) .

As the planets warms, aquatic habitats such as a pond will contain less dissolved oxygen, reducing the ability of fishes to acquire oxygen for their respiratory needs.

Which of the following statements are true of logistic growth? As the population approaches carrying capacity, it grows more slowly. The population grows at a steady rate. When the population reaches carrying capacity, it stops growing. As the population approaches carrying capacity, it grows more rapidly.

As the population approaches carrying capacity, it grows more slowly. When the population reaches carrying capacity, it stops growing.

Rhizomes and corms are parts of some plants that are involved in which form of reproduction? See Section 38.1 ( page 795) .

Asexual reproduction. Rhizomes and corms are ways to start a new individual without sex.

explain how u can measure the biodiversity in the rain forests of borneo at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels

At the genetic level, you could measure the genetic diversity of the orangutan population by comparing DNA sequences obtained from blood or feces samples. Alternately, you could use environmental sequencing to look at the genetic diversity of soil organisms. At the species level, you could monitor the species richness of trees, birds, mammals, and other groups, and identify any changes in species richness. At the ecosystem level, you could measure the ability of the growing forest to retain nutrients in the soil, prevent erosion, trap carbon, increase the prevalence of cloud cover and rain, and other functions.

Why don't deleterious mutations drop fitness?

Beneficial mutations cause upward leaps in fitness because natural selection favors individuals with the mutation, rapidly increasing the frequency of the mutation in the population. Deleterious mutations do not cause steep downward drops in average fitness in a population, because few individuals ever pass on the deleterious mutation due to their lower reproductive success (purifying selection tends to eliminate these alleles).

Describe the disadvantages of the biological species, morphospecies, and phylogenetic species concepts

Biological species concept: It cannot be used to evaluate fossils, species that reproduce asexually, or species that do not occur in the same area and therefore never have the opportunity to mate. Morphospecies concept: It cannot identify species that differ in traits other than morphology and is subjective—it can lead to differences of opinion that cannot be resolved by data. Phylogenetic species concept: Reliable phylogenetic information exists only for a small number of organisms.

Explain how the criteria invoked by the biological species, morphospecies, and phylogenetic species concepts can be used to identify evolutionary independent groups

Biological species concept: Reproductive isolation means that no gene flow is occurring. Morphological species concept: If populations are evolving independently, they may have evolved morphological differences. Phylogenetic species concept: If populations are evolving independently, they should have synapomorphies that identify them as independent branches on the tree of life.

compare and contrast the female gametophyte with a male gametophyte

Both are multicellular individuals that produce gametes by mitosis. The female gametophyte is larger than the male gametophyte and produces an egg; the male gametophyte produces sperm.

A student has drawn a model to represent the effects of an insecticide on flowering plant communities. Interpret his model.

Both communities have 12 species. False Both communities have the same species richness. True Community 2 has higher evenness because the letters are organized in rows. False You can tell that Community 1 has higher species diversity because of the lack of pattern in the letters in the model. False Community 2 has higher species diversity because it has the same species richness as Community 1 but higher evenness. True

bleh. 2

Both curves show exponential growth. True The slope of the lines at 90 days is determined by rN in both cases. True If r2 = 0.02, then r1 > 0.02. True The value of r increases over time in both cases. False Ninety days after the introduction of 10 aphids, there would be more aphids in the population with r1 than in the population with r2. True

Lamarck's Philosophy

Claimed simple organisms originate at the base of (Plato's linear) scale by spontaneous generation, and became more complex species every generation

Which type of selection tends to increase genetic variation?

Disruptive selection eliminates phenotypes near the average and favors the extreme phenotypes, resulting in increased genetic variation in a population.

_ favors extreme phenotypes and thus maintains genetic variation in populations. Disruptive selection sometimes leads to the _ of new species.

Disruptive selection; formation

Double fertilization is a component of the angiosperm life cycle and produces _____. See Section 38.3 ( page 800) .

Double fertilization produces a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm.

_ between different species can lead to the formation of hybrid zones that over time are more stable

Gene Flow

Workers from a nearby greenhouse accidentally introduce white flower seeds into this population's habitat

Gene Flow, frequency of white allele increases

Surface tension in leaves

Generates pull

A lot of the population dies randomly and the survivor's allele frequencies determine the proceeding generation's

Genetic Bottleneck

A random fluctuation in Gene Frequency

Genetic Drift

Random with respect to fitness, usually reducing

Genetic Drift

Reduces genetic variation via loss or fixation of alleles

Genetic Drift

Tends to decrease genetic Diversity over time, as alleles are randomly lost or fixed in a population

Genetic Drift

_____ cells are the cells that regulate the opening and closing of stomata, thus playing a role in regulating transpiration.


Symport and H+ATPase

H+ATPase transfers H+ outside, against its gradient with ATP. An H+ from the outside is moved inside (towards its actual gradient) to allow sucrose inside as well, even though its against sucroses' gradient.

Shoot system specialization


The _ hypothesis can serve as a _ hypothesis in evolutionary studies because it predicts what genotype and allele frequencies are expected if mating is random with respect to the gene in question and if none of the four evolutionary processes is operating on that gene.

Hardy-Weinberg; null

Both root system and shoot system in plants are involved in shared functions as well as distinct functions. Which of the following defines a function common to both roots and shoots? See Section 34.1 ( page 706) .

Harvesting resources from the environment. Shoots harvest CO2; roots harvest water and minerals.

explain why high biodiversity in rain forests leads to high productivity, in terms of efficiency of resource use, when compared to oil palm plantations

If many species are present, and each uses the available resources in a unique way, then a larger proportion of all available resources should be used—leading to higher biomass production.

If the lowest trophic level of an ecosystem--the primary producers--contains 1,200 grams of biomass per square meter, it is reasonable to expect the secondary consumer level to contain about 12 grams of biomass per square meter. Energy contained in feces is available to higher trophic levels. Animals that produce their own body heat and maintain a high body temperature are likely to be less efficient at converting food into biomass than are animals that do not regulate their body temperature. Energy spent on cellular respiration is available to higher trophic levels. Autotrophs typically capture about 90% of the available energy from the sun through photosynthesis. In a trophic pyramid, biomass represents chemical energy. Energy used in the production of offspring is available to higher trophic levels.

If the lowest trophic level of an ecosystem--the primary producers--contains 1,200 grams of biomass per square meter, it is reasonable to expect the secondary consumer level to contain about 12 grams of biomass per square meter.Animals that produce their own body heat and maintain a high body temperature are likely to be less efficient at converting food into biomass than are animals that do not regulate their body temperature.In a trophic pyramid, biomass represents chemical energy. Energy used in the production of offspring is available to higher trophic levels.

why groups called green algae, nonvascular plants, and seedless plants are paraphyletic?

If you find the common ancestor of all the green plants (at the base of the Ulvophyceae), the lineages that are collectively called green algae don't include that common ancestor and all of its descendants—only some of its descendants. The same is true for nonvascular plants (the common ancestor here is at the base of the Hepaticophyta) and seedless vascular plants (the common ancestor here is at the base of the Lycophyta).

Animal tissues develop from embryonic germ layers. Triploblastic animals have three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and three basic body plans related to body cavities (acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate). Select the three statements that are true.

In a coelomate, the tissue lining the inner side of the body cavity arises from the same germ layer as the tissue lining the outer side of the body cavity. A diploblast has no mesoderm. A pseudocoelom has the same functions as a true coelom.

Does the female gametophyte leave their parent?

In angiosperms, the female gametophyte stays within the ovary at the base of the flower even after it matures and produces an egg cell. Fertilization and seed development take place in the same location

The conspicuous part of a fern plant is a _____.

In ferns, while the gametophyte generation is independent, the (diploid sporophyte) is much larger.

Which pituitary secretion stimulates sperm production?

In males, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates sperm production.

To minimize water loss during dry conditions, most plants must also restrict their ability to carry out photosynthesis. Transpiration is important in cooling leaves on warm, sunny days. Open stomata provide a low-resistance pathway for CO2 to enter and for water to exit the leaf. In most plants, the highest rate of transpiration occurs when the rate of photosynthesis is also highest.

In most plants, the highest rate of transpiration occurs when the rate of photosynthesis is also highest.

Which statement about inbreeding is correct? See Section 23.2 and article on Florida panthers.

Inbreeding changes allele frequencies in a population.

Solute potential of irrigated water before and after a long hot day of evaporation

Irrigation water contains low concentrations of salts, so the solute potential will be near zero. As water evaporates, salts remain in the soil, lowering the solute potential.

Large animals have _ mass-specific metabolic rates, in keeping with their relatively small surface area for exchanging the oxygen and nutrients required to support metabolism and the wastes and heat produced by metabolism


_ proposed a theory of evolution- that species are not static but change through time. He proposed that evolution occurs by the inheritance of acquired characteristics.


Transfer of genes from one species to another, instead of parent to offspring.

Lateral Gene Transfer

give an example of a structure that enables the muscle tissue to preform a specific function.

Muscle tissue has cells that can contract in a coordinated fashion. The branching of cardiac muscle cells allows electrical signals to spread through them, resulting in their coordinated contraction and relaxation, which allows the heart to pump blood.

Slowest evolutionary process (in non-bacteria and non-archaea) but strong when combined with others


Which evolutionary mechanism increases genetic variation in a population? See Section 23.6


Genetic Divergence

Mutation, Selection, Genetic Drift

Which of these are symbiotic associations (w root hairs)

Mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations of roots and fungi.

You are doing a mark-recapture experiment to determine the population size of the MendAliens living on an island in my back yard. Initially, you catch and mark 130 MendAliens, which you then release. Next, you capture 90 MendAliens, of which 20 are marked. What is your estimate of the population size of MendAliens living on the island in my back yard?

N = (M1 x C) / M2 Or: (130 x 90) / 20 = 585.

Suppose you trap 255 stickleback fish in a lake and mark them by clipping the first spine of their dorsal fins. One month later you recapture a total of 162 individuals, 78 of them marked. Estimate their total population size.

N = Mn/m = (255 × 162)/78 = 530.

is positive feedback homestasis?


_ is the foundation of ecosystems because it represents the energy, in the form of biomass, available for consumption by other organisms.


NPP ocean change?

NPP is decreasing in the oceans because the density gradient became too steep, nutrient-rich water is not brought by currents anymore

Certain alleles favored and increase in frequency, while others are disfavored and decrease

Natural Selection

Increases the frequency of certain alleles-the ones that contribute to reproductive success in a particular enviornment

Natural Selection

Often favors certain alleles and leads to a decrease in overall genetic variation in a population

Natural Selection

_ is the only evolutionary process that produces an adaption.

Natural Selection

Can maintain, increase, or reduce generic variation

Natural Selection (Gene Flow kinda acceptable)

Plants with purple flowers attract more insects, which pollinate the plants

Natural Selection, frequency of purple allele increase

why would the data for terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species each add up to more than 100%

Nearly all endangered species are threatened by more than one factor and therefore appear on the graph more than once, leading to species totals greater than 100 percent.

Hemoglobins affinity for _ is high in the aveoli after PCO2 declines because blood pH rises


Cardiac output formula

Output = Heart rate x SV

why is the bohr shift important during exercise?

PCO2 and heat lowers the pH, so when its in excess oxygen is HIGH demand and more likely to unload

why are atmospheric CO2 concentrations low in the northern hemisphere in summer and high in winter?

Photosynthesis increases in summer in the Northern Hemisphere, resulting in removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.


Populations that live in discrete geographical areas and have distinguishing features, nut not distinct enough to be a separate species

According to the pressure-flow hypothesis, what mechanism causes the movement of phloem sap from sources to sink tissues? See Section 35.4 ( page 739) .

Pressure potential differences between source and sink. These differences cause a flow of sugars in the phloem.

Dendritus dead animal rotting log

Primary producer living maple leaves Primary consumer or decomposer maggots cricket fungus Secondary consumer earthworm millipede Both secondary and tertiary consumer alligator lizard robin

Which of the following is an experimental observation that demonstrates that spermatophore production involves a trade-off for male crickets? See Section 39.1 ( page 820) .

Simulating bacterial infection in males led to smaller gelatinous masses, so females would eat the masses more quickly and receive fewer sperm. Male energy reserves do not permit production of both large gelatinous mass and a robust immune response.

explain how natural selecion leads to populations of lizards with different life-history traits in different parts of their range

Since resources are limited in every habitat, lizards that allocate resources in a way that increases their fitness will produce the most offspring, which will in turn pass on heritable life-history traits, such as maturing late and having few offspring in colder areas versus maturing early and having many offspring in warmer areas.

if u attached a birdfeeder to a tree 5 years ago at 6 feet how high and it grows 1 foot a year, where will it be now?

Stems, branches, and roots grow from their tips. Although a tree can get taller with each passing year, the position of any existing region of the trunk will stay at that same height because new growth is initiated in the apical meristem. Thus, the birdfeeder will remain at 6 feet.

Which of the situations below describes vicariance? See Section 24.2

The Grand Canyon forms, separating two populations of squirrels on the North Rim and the South Rim. The key difference here is not that the populations become isolated, but that the isolation is due to the physical splitting of a habitat.

what happens to po2 and pco2 and ph when you hold you breath?

The PO2 decreases as oxygen is used up, the PCO2 increases as CO2 diffuses into the blood from tissues but cannot be exhaled, and the pH drops as the CO2 dissolves in blood to form bicarbonate and H+ ions.

What is meant by phenotypic plasticity in roots and shoots? See Section 34.1 (page 706).

The ability to modify form depending on environmental conditions. Remember that phenotype refers to morphological appearance, while plasticity refers to variation in phenotype in varying environments.

What is a negative feedback in the context of global warming? See Section 53.3 ( page 1130) The absorption of carbon dioxide by plants and the ocean increases Carbon dioxide produces increased clouds, blocking sunlight from reaching the ground Warmer temperatures increase human use of air conditioning Warmer temperatures melt snow in northern latitudes, adding more methane to the atmosphere

The absorption of carbon dioxide by plants and the ocean increases

Which statement about adaptation is correct? See Section 22.5

The adaptive value of a trait varies as the environment changes.

mainland habitats closest to an island were wiped out by suburbanization how would this effect the species richness?

The effect would be to make the island more remote, which would lower the rate of immigration and move the whole immigration curve downward. The rate of extinction would increase, shifting the curve upward. The overall effect of the island becoming more remote would be to decrease the number of species.

fruits of seeds sent by wind

The fruits of seeds that are dispersed by the wind often have external structures that allow them to extend the distance they travel on the wind

explain why niche differentiation (resource partitioning) doesn't involve conscious choice by the individuals involved

The individuals do not choose or try to have traits that reduce competition—they simply have those traits (or not). Resource partitioning just happens, because individuals with traits that allow them to exploit different resources produce more offspring, which also have those traits. (Recall from Chapter 22 that natural selection occurs on individuals, but adaptive responses such as resource partitioning are properties of populations.)

which would have stratified epithelium: inside of mouth or gas exchange surface of the lungs?

The inside surface of the mouth contains stratified epithelium; it is subjected to wear and tear from food. The gas exchange surface of the lungs contains simple epithelium; its thinness (a single cell layer) facilitates the diffusion of gases across it

if you understand species-area curves, you should be able to use the equation describing the line (S=18.9A^0.15) to predict the species richness of an area with 5000 km^2

Using the equation S = (18.9)A0.15, plug in 5000 km2 for A and solve for S such that S = 18.9 × 50000.15 = 68 species.

which vascular tissue (t or ve) ships water better? why?

VE, because their width and their perforations offer less resistance to flow

gill lamellae

VERY high surface area, low volume sheets in gills. FLATTENING.

Which statement shows population thinking? See Section 22.1

Variation among individuals in a species is real and important.

Which of the following is a correct application of one of Darwin's postulates to the Galapagos finch data from Case Study #2? See Section 22.4

Variation in beak size was present in the population of finches prior to the start of the study

_____ provides cells for secondary growth.

Vascular cambium is lateral meristem that provides cells for secondary growth

_ conducts water and has secondary cell walls reinforced with _, which provides structural support, allowing plants to grow upright. Reduces competition for light.

Vascular tissue; lignin

Vegetative development in plants ______. See Section 38.5 ( page 808) .

Vegetative development produces the nonreproductive portions of the plant body: the roots, leaves, and stems.

Largest Feature of the heart (V or A)


The electrical activity of the heart, as recorded in an electrocardiogram (EKG), is most intense during which event of the cardiac cycle? See Section 42.5 ( page 889) .

Ventricular systole

Which is an example of a structural homology? See Section 22.2

Vertebrate forelimbs generally have the same number and a similar arrangement of bones.

Which statement about vestigial traits is correct? See Section 22.2

Vestigial traits are similar to functional traits in closely related species.

how could vessels be more efficient than tracheids?

Water flows more easily through a short, wide pipe than through a long, skinny one because there is less resistance from the walls of the pipe. In addition, the end walls of vessels have perforations that allow water to move freely between vessels.

A cell is placed in a solution that is hypotonic to the cell. Where will water flow?

Water will flow into and out of the cell, but overall net movement will be into the cell.

When does the apical-basal axis first become apparent?

Wen the first cell division produces the apical cell and basal cell

Vestigial trait example

Whales have tiny hip and leg bones that dont help them swim; Ostriches and kiwis have reduced wings that cant fly; Eyeless fish have eye sockets; Primates have long tails but our human coccyx is too small to grab tree limbs for support; mammals can erect hair when cold or exited but ineffective in humans to tell us emotional state or relative warmth.


When it increases and ABA decrease, when it gets hotter, with red light, they make germenation end.

The carbon cycle describes the cycling of carbon between Earth's biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) reservoirs. Identify the major reservoirs and processes in the carbon cycle by labeling the diagram below.

a CO2 in atmosphere b photosynthesis on land c photosynthesis in ocean d cellular respiration e plants f burning fossil fuels g consumers h decomposers


a change in a study organism's phenotype in response to laboratory conditions

outcome of evolution by natural selection

a change in allele frequency in the population overtime


a change in an individuals PHENOTYPE that occurs in response to a change in natural environment conditions.


a disease that infects the lungs that was once as big as cancer, but got less dangerous recently because of nutrition advances and antibiotic development


a gland that has nectar, usually deposits pollen from one plant to female parts of the next


a heritable trait that increases the fitness of an individual relative to those lacking the trait in a specific environment

co-evolutionary arms race

a repeating cycle of adaptions and counter-adaptions that interact overtime and affect each other's fitness

environmental restraints

abiotic and biotic features control the favor-ability of traits (finch beak study droughts and floods)

density-independent factors

alter birthrates and death rates irrespective of the indivisuals, usally abiotioc like drought volcanoes etc

Constitutive defenses are _____. See Section 52.1 ( page 1093)

always present


angiosperms that live for one growing season

Gene flow can introduce alleles from one population to _ when individuals move among populations.


stamen is made of these two organs

anther and filament

sperm producing gametangium


against a concentration gradient, one of them is hitchhiking against one's proper gradient. end up on different sides.


Mutant tetraploid plants _____

are unable to interbreed with a diploid plant


areas drained by a single stream

take clean blood from heart


tough, thick vessels.

arteries / arterioles

active process

artificial breeding, which chooses traits to keep or get rid of

genetic restoration

artificial gene flow like the flordia panther thing

Jenkins and Buikema tested the Clements-Gleason dichotomy by _____. See Section 52.2 ( page 1104) .

artificially creating sterile ponds and looking at how community structures developed

Most carbon dioxide is carried from the body tissues to the lungs _____.

as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)


associations between green algae and fungi, protect algae from drying in exchange for sugars.

biodiversity hotspot criteria (most in need in conservation)

at least 1500 endemic vascular plants and lost 70% of their traditional/primary vegetation

why are bugs so much smaller now than in dinosaur times?

at that specific point in time the oxygen levels (p2-p1) were super high so they could support adequate ventilation.

Cartilage is found _____.

at the ends of bones such as the femur

chamber that receives blood


venule end of capillary

blood pressure low; fluid enters capillary


blood vessels are hard and less elastic

_____ is the connective tissue specialized for transport.

blood. Blood is specialized for the transport of substances such as nutrients, wastes, and gases.

boreal forest or tropical wet forest has more detritus and organic matter?why?

boeal forests limit the metabolic rate of decomposers, so decomposition and cycling is slow; and rapid in tropical forests

is oxygen higher in bogs and stagnant water habitats, or a lively ocean with the same amount of plants?

bogs have decomposers that quickly use up any excess oxygen in cellular respiration, so they have less oxygen

where do the blood cells come from

bone marrow

if conditions are appropriate, an axillary bud may grow into a _, a lateral extension of the shoot system


electrical signals traveling down length of neuron

cellular level

(5s) the cell's use of O2 and the production of CO2 in tissues, where the cellular respiration has led to low O2 levels and high CO2 levels, gas exchange occurs between blood and cells.

cellular respiration

what is gpp used for in producers?

cellular respiration or growth and reproduction

plants in papermaking

cellulose stronger under tension, although 25% less dense

Mutation occurs by _, not because an organism wants or needs a new allele.



changes in angiosperms correspond with changes in pollinateers, and are highly dependent on each other.

In what form does energy pass through the trophic levels shown on the map?

chemical potential energy

whats bad about ectothermy???

chemical reaction rates are temperature dependent so body functions slows when temperature is not ideal

similarities algae and land plants

chloroplasts have chlorophyll a, b and accessory bet-caratone similar thylakoid arrangement Cell walls, sperm, and peroxisomes similar in structure and composition Their chloroplasts synthesize starch as a storage product

Which of the activities listed below could help limit global warming by slowing the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels? Select all that apply. choosing a fuel-efficient car, or bicycling to school or work limiting soil erosion so organic matter takes longer to decompose replacing fossil fuels with nuclear energy cutting down forests to build houses burning vegetation to clear land for agriculture using more electrical appliances and cars

choosing a fuel-efficient car, or bicycling to school or work limiting soil erosion so organic matter takes longer to decompose replacing fossil fuels with nuclear energy

Change in number or composition of chromosomes

chromosomal mutation

relative similarity in whole genes or genomes of divers organisms

comparative genomics

looks at larval or adult characteristics to see whats common and whats unique

comparitive morphology

both use the same resources, making lower fitness for both


uniform arrangement

competition, water, space, or other resources

asexual disadvantage

complete annihilation because few mutation, entire populations could be unfit.


completely decayed detrius

soil organic matter

complex mixture of partially and completely decomposed detritus

watertight barrier that coats the above ground parts of today's land plants to help resist drying


difference between sclerenchyma and collenchyma cells?

cytoplasm. sclerenchyma are dead inside, none at maturity.

What factor most affects nutrient cycling? See Section 53.2 ( page 1124) . Decomposition The amount of rainfall The acidity of secretions produced by plant roots Nutrient production


What name is given to the process by which detritivores return carbon to the atmosphere?


As an organism's size increases, its mass-specific metabolic rate must _.


transpiration rate when a rain shower starts

decrease when it rains (since very little evaporation would occur)

transpiration rate when the stomata close

decrease when stomata close

when muscles contract, bug's trachea volume _, and pressure inside the system _, so gas moves _.

decreases, increases, out

Some plants growing in arid climates have small leaves and thick waxy cuticles on the upper epidermis. This is an adaptation for _____. See Section 35.3 ( page 738) .

decreasing water loss from leaves. Plants in arid climates may also have stomata only on their lower leaf epidermis. The stomata may be in pits, protected from water loss by hairlike epidermal extensions called trichomes.

r is _ (increasing or decreasing) in humans?

decreasing, but still above 1 (so the population is increasing)

polar bodies

degenerate shortly after formation because of cytoplasm in female diviison

artificial selection

deliberate manipulation by humans only allowing individuals with desirable traits to reproduce

facilitate transmission of signals from adjacent cells to the neural cell body


highly branched short processes on neurons


A _____ muscle is attached to bones.

dendrites, a cell body, and axons

in land plants, fertilization on plants/zygote adult

develop on living parent, do not make their own food bcs parent doess

early growing season sink

developing leaves

relaxation (s or d)


branching veins


circular vascular arrangement in stem


petals in multiples of 4 or 5


two cotyledon per embryo


what would external development do to landies?

die of desiccation


difference in partial pressure of gas on either side of barrier to diffusion


different male and female plants

(5s) where O2 moves from the air or water into the blood and CO2 moves from the blood into the air or water

diffusion at the respiratory surface

(5s) where O2 moves from the blood into the tissues and CO2 moves from the tissues into the blood

diffusion at the tissues


diffusion constant depending on solubility of gas ad temperature

largest tsunami in 3.5 bya, hot gas and soot deposits spread worldwide, acid raine, sun blocked by ash for long periods, global cooling

dinosaur extinctions/ end-cretaceous / K-Pg

two types of tissue


Zygotes are _ (diploid or haploid)?



diploid cells that can mature into adults without being fertilized

blue blood


Geographical isolation by indivusals dispering from their population and colonizing a new habitat


Geographical isolation occurs through _, when small groups of individuals colonize a new habitat


feathers and wings

display or insulation later used to glide and fly

favors extreme phenotypes at ends of phenotypical range

disruptive selection

positive pressure ventilation

draws air in through nose and contracts throat, forcing air into oral cavity, then lungs.

many narrow rings signal

drought years or reduced growth

what would internal development do to fishies?

dry to death


drying. prevents germination, protects from freezing.

random arrangement

each individual is independent of each other (example: seed dispersal)

when spring or rain happens, what wood is produced?

early wood. Large, thin.

lineage of land plants/why?

ebryophyta/means they retain the fertilized egg/close to animal pregnancy

an original colonizing population had no competitors, and diversified to lead to efficient use of available resources by a group of descendant species.

ecological opportunity

marked by the availability of more resources or new types of resources

ecological opportunity

Natural election that isn't sexual

ecological selection

all the organisms in a particular area, along with physical components of the environment such as the atmosphere, precipitation, sunlight, soil, nutrients.


3 levels of biodiversity

ecosystem diversity genetic diversity species diversity

enhancing the life-supporting attributes of the atmosphere, surface water, soil, and other physical components of an ecosystem

ecosystem services

covers animal


gives rise to skin and nervous system


live outside hosts with limbs and mouths to grasp the host and suck nutrients


relies on heat from environment


When two mature sperm release, one unites with the _ to make the _; the other combines with the female _ to make a triploid.

egg/female sporophyte; zygote; polar nuclei/ female gametophyte

no molecule can enter the body without crossing this


is npp higher towards the poles or equator? why?

equator; because the sunlight and temperature availability decrease with latitude

how do you measure fitness?

estimate the fitness of individuals by comparing the number of surviving offspring each individual produces

PVA population viability analysis

estimates likelihood of a population to avoid extinction for a given time period; used to make managment plans

internal pressure increases so lung volume decreases


muscles relax


passive breathing process


pressure is less negative than the other phase. released by the diaphragm.


exercise breathing changes

exhalation is an active process. you can inhale/exchange more volume of gas BUT 150mL are still not exchanged

Events that initiate sympatric speciation

external events such as disruptive selection (niches and mate preference), internal events (chromosomal mutations)

fertilization in _ in fishies and _ in landies

external; internal

presence of early species makes conditions better for arrival of later species


phenotypic plasticity in roots

form is changeable depending on the environment, regardless of genetics. important during environmental changes and constant growth.

Which of the following does not occur during embryogenisis?

formation of the leaf lateral and proximal-distal axes

factors that can affect each diversity

genetic diversity- selection, drift, gene flow species diversity- speciatiation and extinction ecosytem diversity- changes in climate can make new ecosystems or ecosystem function

Speciation is the result of _followed by _

genetic isolation; genetic divergence

brains convergent or homology

genetic toolkit made early but co-opted multiple times in different lineages/ convergent.

phenotypic plasticity in shoot system

genetically identical plants (same cut) grown at different elevations and look different depending on elevation and environment

Nonrandom mating changes only _ frequencies not _ frequencies, so is not an evolutionary process itself

genotype; allele

biological effects of climate change

geographic range shifts, pheneology shits, evolutionary adaption, extinction, acidification (oceans get more acidic with CO2 absorption)

Steps of allopatric speciation

geographical isolation, divergence, genetic isolation

aquatic organ that allows for he exchange of gasses and dissolved substances between animal's blood and surrounding water.


unloading phloem

gives sucrose to sink; higher water potential than xylem; turgor pressure drops;

an organ that secretes specific molecules or solutions such as hormones or digestive enzymes


A pair of coyotes colonized a large island where rodents (their prey) were abundant. At first the number of coyotes increased. But as the coyote population increased, competition for prey also increased and the coyote population grew more slowly. In some years, weather conditions killed many of the rodents, causing some coyotes to starve. In other years, weather conditions were favorable for the rodent poulation, allowing the coyotes to thrive, reproduce, and raise many pups. Which of the three graphs shown in Part G best represents the growth of this coyote population?

graph b

Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of oysters?


the green algae include some but not all of the descendants of a single common ancestor

green algae are paraphyletic

fossil record order of apperance

green algae, nonvascular plants, seedless vascular plants, seed plants

anchor roots (adventitious)

grow from shoot and anchor stem to other plant's walls.

high survivorship tend to _ slowly; and invest resources to survival shit


pollen tube development

grows down the stigma and length of as the pollen grain activates

The appearance of the cuticle and stomata correlated with what even in the evolution of green plants?

growth on land

turgid/taut stomata

guard cells absorb water; open pore

Seed plants include angiosperms and _ that dominate the world's floras. Animals are often used to disperse seeds and, in _, transport pollen in-between flowers

gymnosperms; angiosperms

populations are isolated because they breed in different habitats


Neutral Alleles

have no affect on fitness (silent mutation)

niche disruption and speciation in flies

hawthorn maggot flies and apple flies cant interbreed and avoid the opposite fruit's scent. hybrid flies cant find fruit or mates. they are not yet a separate species in any classification system they are currently diverging


head or anterior region where feeding sensing and processing info is concentrated.

anterior-posterior axis formation

head to tail

stimulus is sound


backflow common name

heart murmur

myocardial infraction

heart tissue dies of apoxia

dark xylem region that provides structural support


what would water-breathers have to do if they didn't have a carrier molecule to help bind oxygen in their blood?

heir blood flow to tissues would need to increase dramatically to meet oxygen demand

plankton protists

help algae with protection for food

totipotency importance in parenchyma

helps heal wounds via asexual stolon/rhizome production. they divide, grow and differentiate to form new roots and shoots.

why do people support barcoding

helps nonspecialists identify species and enables species to be identified when the entire organism is not available such as just gut samples

ecosystem restoration

helps tribes, trees, animals, can reduce temperature and increase rainfall. biomass recovery is is slow and being linked to increasing richness

Fe2+ bound to hemoglobin that binds oxygen (4 per hemoglobin)


The Type III survivorship curve has _____. See Section 51.2 ( page 1073) .

high initial death rates but later high survivorship (e.g., plants)

Triggered efficiency of aerobic respiration, which is required to establish large bodies and active movement

high oxygen levels

loading phloum

high sucrose concentration; receives from source; lower water potential than xylem; high turgor pressure

positive feedback in global warming

high temperatures cause fires, which release CO2. tundra decomposes faster when its hot, so CO2 releasing faster than it should. more CO2 triggers more CH4 and N2O to release in soil microbes. Melting ice makes more open water, which absorbs more sun than ice, making it hotter there.

Water moves from areas of _ solute potential to _ solute potential.

high; low

heat flows from regions of _ temperature to _ temperature.

high; low

solution with _ concentrations of solutes have _ solute potentials

high; low

Small animals have a _ BMR than large animals


stability of the chemical and physical conditions in an organism


humans and most mammals


keep their body temperature constant


is bilateral symmetry homologous or convergent to bilaterians (bilateral + tri) ?

homologous. it uses the same genes to express it

nonvascular plants and most seedless vascular are (homo/hetero)


sporangium make spores, which make a bisexual gametophyte, which differentiates into sperm and eggs


Which species is threatening the natural wildlife on the Galapagos Islands?


when will it be impossible to preserve high species diversity and high-functioning ecosystems?

humans are more than 10 billion consumption of fossil fuels dont decline

hybrid offspring mature but are sterile as adults

hybrid sterility

addition of new individuals from other populations


global warming

increase of the average temperature of the planet

One effect of global warming is ______. See Section 53.3 ( page 1130) .

increased species extinction rates because of the need to shift ranges


increased structural support (secondary cell wall of lignin), ends and sides have pits where secondary cell wall are absent.

As a population approaches carrying capacity, environmental resistance (increase/ decrease/ same)


when animals grow, their volume _ more rapidly than their surface area


whaat does removing plants do, chemically?

increases CO2 concentration so higher temperatures,

benefits of biodiversity

increases productivity and stability

macarthur-wilson model

island biogeography

deltaN / deltat = births - deaths

isolated population

there was only one successful transition from freshwater environments to land

land plants are monophyletic

_ animals have smaller surface area/volume ratios than _ animals

large ; small

"edge" effect from hab frag

large amounts of edges that are exposed to more sunlight and wind damages plants leads to less biomass fixed carbon but not in the interior plots

take longer to mature

large animals

ideal fick's law conditions

large area for gas exchange (3 human's lungs could fill a baseball court stretched out) small distance (thin respiratory surface), high difference in P2 and P1,


large mass of neurons in head responsible for processing info to and from the body

four attributes that will persist

large population sizes, occupy large geographical ranges, cloe to neigboring populations (more likely to be colonized), high genetic diversity


large vertical main root in a room system

bottom or basal cell

large, gives rise to the suspensor

highest speies richness (large small) (nearshore or remote)

large, mainland

which animal produces better biomass large or small, why?

large, small s:va ratio and loose less heat

doesnt affect transpirational pool

larger air space in leaf interior

increases transpirational pull

larger diameter of stomatal pores

second-male advantage

last nut blasts original nut out of the way, so is most likely to impregnate

grow from a ring of cells around vascular tissue and erupt through the surrounding ground tissue

lateral roots


layer of cells between endodemis and vascular tissye


layers of porus rock, sand, or gravel saturated with water

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____.

left atrium

Sympatric species are _ likely to mate


seawater holds _ dissolved gas than freshwater


selfing disadvantage

less genitally diverse/inbreeding depression

why do plants in hot places have needled blades?

less surface area to reduce transpration

how much of earth is in its wild state? where is it the highest?

less than 25%; the poles where diversity is unfortunately lowest

how can vessel elements withstand such strong mPA and not collapse?

lignin (like cartilage) secondary cell wall reinforcement

advantage of aveoli

like 40 times more surface area for respiration

seive-tube elements

long skinny cell with few organelles (no nucucleus) and end w peforations called seive plates to transport elements


long-term average pattern of regional or global whether


look radically different from adults, live in different habitats and eat different food

SOFT contains an array of fibrous protein in a soft matrix it serves as a packing material holding organs and tissues together and as a padding under the skin. fibroblasts make ECM. holds tissue together loosely.

loose connective tissue

High surface area of small animals mean they _ (gain or lose) heat extremely rapidly


if an individual is warmer than its surroundings it will _ heat.


why do males have larger teste size variation in thot-female species??

lottery logic- bigger testes means more sperm means more chance of fertilization

overlap between niches? where niches dont touch?

low fitness. high fitness.

veins blood pressure?

low to none

background extinction

low, average rate of extinction observed when a mass extinction is not occurring

plants in furniture

lumber, stiffer and stronger building material than concrete, cast iron, aluminum alloys, or steel relative to its density

temporal avoidance of selfing

male and females mature at different times

What is a pollen grain?

male gametophyte

who said that population needs to be checked and food will run out (inspired darwin)



managed use of resources at a rate only as high as the rate at which they are replaced

quantification of ecosystem services?

many cant preserve much and are expensive to keep but its more favorable to keep them than replace them so its important to keep them and f*ck the economists wanting to quantify it


many sepals

moving animals capture


An elephant has more _ than a mouse, but a gram of elephant tissue consumes much less energy than a gram of mouse tissue does.


species are fit for environment but die out because of short, harsh conditions

mass extinctions

In mosses gametes are produced by _____; in ferns gametes are produced by _____.

mitosis ... mitosis

petals in multiples of 3


scattered vascular tissue


Allopatric species are _ likely to mate


capillary action

movement of water up a narrow tube/ pulls water up to minimize air-water interface

soil erosion how does it accelerate nutrient export?

moves nutrients that bound to soil or dissolved in water, creates runoff

do more complex animals have larger genomes?

no, humans and anemone have the same amount of genes

are their more nutrients where there is vegetation or none?

none, but it was never constant because plant roots couldnt stop it for washing away again

noncooperative binding curve

not a big difference in resting or exercising O2, not much is taken up

What is wrong with "evolution perfects organisms"

not all traits are adaptive (some are vestigal). some traits cannot be optimized due to fitness trade-offs. some traits are limited by genetic historical or environmental restraints.

Is the following statement supported or not supported by the data shown in the graph? The mortality rate of Albertosaurus dinosaurs aged between 25% and 50% of their maximum life span was far greater than the mortality rate of dinosaurs that reached 75% of their maximum life span.

not supported (bcs it shows survival, not mortality)

why do they do mutualism??

not to be "nice" but they are maximizing fitness minimizing the cost

is oxygen soluble in water

not very well

James Hutton

noticed the earth couldn't be 6000 years old because how long it takes sedimentary rocks to form

seeds in angiosperm

nourished and protected with nutrient stores and tough coats

biomass is the same as


energy invested in producers in building new tissue or offspring


countercurrent heat exchangers have vessels in close contact that carry warm and cool fluids in _ directions


Composed of more than two tissues that preform togther for specific tasks


deltaN / deltat = number of individuals * r

per capita rate of increase

What is shown on the x-axis?

percentage of the maximum life span of a species


perfect species

Which term describes the portion of a peach that can be eaten by humans?


forms when organisms decompose slowlym gradually infilitrate the interor of cells and harden into stone

permineralized fossil

serve as a visual advertisement for animals, usually correlating with the color spectrum their pollinator can see


Plants synthesize toxic compounds to repel insects, deer, or other herbivores. These compounds have also become important for the development of new _____. See Section 28.1 ( page 563) .


sieve-tube elements


two-directional vascular tissue


inducible defenses

physical chemical or behavioral defense traits that are induced in the prey in response to the presence of a consumer

high blood pH

picks up lots of oxygen

You have learned that the fusion of egg and sperm produces a zygote. But how does the sperm reach the egg, and how does the zygote develop into a seed, which eventually germinates and grows into a mature sporophyte? In this activity, you will demonstrate your understanding of double fertilization and seed development in angiosperms. Drag the statements to their appropriate locations on the flowchart of pollination, fertilization, and seed development.

pollen grain lands on stigma. a. pollen tube grows down the style b. generative cell divides, forming two sperm c. two sperm are discharged to them female gametophyte d. sperm fuse with the egg and two polar nuclei e. zygote forms and divides into a terminal cell and a basal cell f. cells of embryo differentiate into three tissue types. seed dries out and becomes dormant

The male gametophytes of flowering plants are also referred to as _____.

pollen grains

the transfer of pollen from one plant's stamen to another plant's carpel


Which of these terms applies to an organism with extra sets of chromosomes?


hybrid offspring of mating between members either do not survive or cant reproduce

postzygotic isolation

rainy or foggy air

potential may be equal to the water potential of leaves

adhesion in roots

present but no contribution

seed banks

preserve diverse strains of crop plants in long-term storage facilities and wild relatives of domesticated species; soon will be with non-crops

wildlife corridors

preserve large tracts of lands arent possible so they construct small tracts split by highways or rivers that could divide dispersal

Cell wall and other factors determine the

pressure potential

root pressure

pressure potential that develops in roots to drive water against gravity

events at source tissues and sink tissues create a pressure potential gradient in phloem, which moves the water in phloem sap down the gradient, carried by bulk flow

pressure-flow hypothesis


prevent water evaporation, leaving the interior of plants are extremely moist (impervious to co2, as well)

how did plants adapt to dry conditions with intense sunlight?

preventing water loss, providing protection from UV rays, and movin water from tissues with direct access to those without.

If _ exists, populations that come back into contact will probably continue to diverse

prezygotic isolation

prevents individuals of different species from mating successfully

prezygotic isolation

when population density gets very high, the populations per capita birth rate will decrease and per capita death rate increases, _ will decline


which is better r or R0?

r because its independent of generational time


range of resources that the species is able to use and conditions it can tolerate

why did phylum-level body plans change rapidly during the cambian, rather than gradually?

rapid adaption to high aerobic oxygen, quick adaption to predators evolving to exert pressure of prey to evolve, animals created new niches that could support more diversity and more genes were created

secondary "succession"

rapid and dominated by short-lived small species at first (like weeds), then by large long-lived species

adaptive radiation

rapid diversification in a lineage, wide adaptive forms (bcs of fruits, flowers and water-containing vessels)

mass extinction

rapid extinction of a large number of diverse organisms around the world.

designing effective protected areas

rare but increasing at a steady rate in prime habitat areas no fishing allowed

Abundance bias in fossilization

rare species probably wont have a fossil, depending on their location etc.

provisioning services

raw material like food, labor, wood for building and fuel, fibers, medicines

portion that a species actually occupies, giving limiting factors such as competition with another species.

realized niche

temporal bias on fossilization

recent fossils more common than ancient, which are vulnerable to crushing, heating, melting and

Vestigial Trait

reduced or incompletely developed structure that has no function, reduced function, but is similar to function organs in related species

what will climate change do to affect water cycle?

reduced soil moisture, which reduces freshwater reservoirs, melting ice caps affects ocean currents and clouds

why is hab fragmentation a problem?

reduces habitats to a size too small to support species especially top predators (tropic cascades ensue) that needs massive space to mate successfully

farming, logging how does it accelerate nutrient export?

remove biomass in the form of plants


reproductive stage


reproductive structure-containing part of an angiosperm

cooperative binding curve

results in s-curve and 80-100 in hemoglobin to 75-60 while exercising

germination of pollen grains. does it happen in self-incompatible species?

resumption of growth and development and absorbtion of water blocked if by the same plant

Which of these species typically has a mortality rate that remains fairly constant over an individual's life span?


plants fun facts

roots can be 80% of total mass, roots of trees are wider than their above ground canopy,


rows of parenchyma cells that radiate laterally across the xylem and phloem. form a living conduit through which water and nutrients are transported laterally across the trunk.


same source of evolution, in related species (lungs in dolphins and humans)

According to the article, the EDGE of Existence program run by the Zoological Society of London argues that we should save species that are the most important to their ecosystem not prioritize which species we try to save protect certain habitats that have high levels of biodiversity save species that are the most genetically unusual threatened species save species that are the most important to humans

save species that are the most genetically unusual threatened species


science of dating and studying tree growth rings

Ground tissue contains _ cells; fibers and schlereid cells, that strengthen regions of the body that have stopped growing.

sclerenchyma cells

How do plants moderate climate?

shading the area beneath them, increase relative humidity by buffering the impact of winds that dry out landscapes

sister group

share a common ancestor but are not from in the same fork, one is in the outgroup


shared derived characteristics. trait found in multiple current taxa that are not in ancient species

first macroscopic fossils

shells, feeding appendages, limbs, heads/ sponges, jelly fish.

management plants for invasive species

ships and cargoes are inspected for species


short protective protective tissue that makes tough coats of seeds and thick nut shells

In dry, windblown habitats, individuals with _ thrive because they require less water and dont blow over

short roots

polymorphic species can be wrong because

some species look different but are the same species (black/spotted jaguars), they are subjective and different researchers can disagree, cant identify cryptic species (like the birds that sing different songs and cant mate)

genetic restraints

sometimes pleitropic traits are correlated with the increase or decrease in the presence of another trait (deep beaks usually wide; short beaks usually narrow; deep and narrow could be a great combo but cant be produced because genetic restraints)

biodiversity highest in species richness

south america and andes mountains


special meristem that runs a single cylinder layer along the root, branches or trunk and divide to increase width instead of length

vascular tissue

specialized groups of cells that conduct water and nutrients from one part of the plant body to another

A _ is defined as an evolutionary independent population or group of populations.


biodiversity trends

species richness higher with latitude; high in tropics low in poles higher in land than in the sea 9/10 species of non-microbial species are terrestrial areas with lotsa geographical variation have more than flat/featureless

Descent with modification

species that lived in the past are ancestors of the species existing today, and that species change through time

external fertilization

spitting eggs and sperms into the water

suspension-feeding, food and habitat for others, mostly sessile, asexual or sexual depending on mood


all animals other than _ have specialized nerve an muscles cells the enable complex movement.



spongy openings in the bark that allow gaseous exchange


stiff spikes of silicia or CaCO3 that along with collagen provide structural support to the ECM, defining shape size and composition of sponges.

In angiosperms, pollination is the transfer of pollen grain to the _____ of a flower on the same plant or another plant of the same species.


A carpel is composed of _____.

stigma, style, and ovary

carpel is made of these three organs:

stigma, style, ovary

modified above-ground stems that grow horizontally along soil, making adventitious roots and leaves at each node, function as asexual reproduction bcs new plants form at these nodes



stomata are open and the air outside the leaves are drier than the air inside the leaves

The evolution of _, breaks in the cuticle consisting of pores controlled by _. allowed plants to maximize gas exchange and minimize water loss.

stomata; guard cells

early growing season source

storage cells in roots and stems


study of factors tat determine the size and structure of populations through time

population ecology

study of how and why the number of individuals in a population changes over time and space



selfing advantages

successful pollination guaranteed. the plant depends on itself and makes more seeds

primary and secondary phloem function

sugar transport

global climate change

sum of all the changes inn temperature and precipitation patterns that result from global warning- storms, droughts, etc.

ecosystem function

sum of biological and chemical processes that are characteristic of a given ecosystem (production, cycling, decomposition, storage) emerge from the sum of feeding, growing, moving, respiring, exerting, decomposing in interacting organisms

The surface area available for exchange of materials would fail to keep up with the metabolic demands generated by the organism's enzymes IF

surface area didn't increase while metabolic rate decreases

comparative genomic studies show

surprisingly complex and tells the things animals require: cell specilization, cell cycling and growth regulation, adhesion and ECM, kinship, gene regulation, programmed cell death

what happens when the lymph cant be drained

swelling and pain

cytosol and plasmodesmata


systematic circuit function

takes clean blood from lungs to body

In lush habits where competition for light is intense, woody individuals that _ are favored by natural selection


storage root

taproots etc can store carbs and other nutrients for later use

stimulus is molecules

taste and smell

what will climate change do to affect AVERAGE temperature?

temperature extremes will increase (severe droughts and freezes)

what happens when humans remove vegetation, tempature wise?

temperature swings, drier soil

abiotic factors

temperature, rainfall, mountains, oceans, continental drift

populations are isolated because they breed at different times


prezygotic isolation ex

temporal, habitat, behavioral, gametic barrier, mechanical

_ animals has to produce a much smaller volume of air to extract the same amount of O2, and the amount of work to do so is _ than in _ animals.

terrestrial; less; aquatic

hemoglobin structure


The article mentions that "Historically, there had been gene flow between Texas cougars and Florida panthers". This means that:

the Texas cougar and the Florida panther have interbred with each other in the past.


the ability of an individual to produce fertile and surviving offspring relative to other in the population

In biology, fitness is defined as _____. See Section 22.3

the ability of an individual to produce surviving offspring

The first cell division of the Arabidopsis zygote is asymmetric and helps establish ______. See Section 38.5 ( page 808) .

the apical-basal axis

global nitrogen cycle

the atmosphere has 78% of nitrogen the soil has fixed versions of it, given back to the atmosphere through excreting bacteria

What is a sieve-tube element?

the sugar conducting cell found in phloem

transpiration creates tension (straw sucks) from roots to leaves, what "charges" this?

the sun/ solar powered

where do fertilized eggs go?

the uterus

5 step, general alt generations

the zygote divides by mitosis and develops into a multicellular, diploid, sporophyte

why can population increase with decreasing fecundity?

they have so many young women that the overall number of births will remain high even though the average number of children per female is much lower than the generation before

why are cells in the meristem replenishing the root cap?

they regularly loose cells

why do a/sexual organisms only sexxxually reproduce when everything is terrible or rapidly changing?

they want children that are genetically diverse and have a possibility of surviving better than them (or clones)

groups of similar cells organized into tightly integrated structural and functional traits


Which of the following sets of animals are likely to be found on the Galapagos Islands?

tortoises, finches, blue-footed boobies

genetic diversity

total genetic information within all individuals of a population or species or group of species measured by the number and relative frequencies of all genes and their alleles present in a group

contact and pressure stimulus


ex of hybridization leading to extension

townsend men keep scaring off hermit men and sending them further south, and mate with hermit women. hybrids are increasing in zones while hermits are decreasing.

do plants make repellent?

toxic compound produced by plants are deterrents for insects, deer, or other types of herbivores

sedementations and mineralization preserve indirect evidence of organism (foot prints, tracks, burrows, feces)

trace fossil

open circulatory system in bugs why low oxygen despite using lots of oxygen?

tracheal respiratory system gives direct oxygen, making up up for low oxygen blood

animal may devote energy to reproduction at the expense of a strong immune function, vice verse, or both


are appendages homologous?

traditionally no, but now its assumed to a genetic degree and that limbs evolved separately

Transitional feature

trait in a fossil species intermediate between ancestral and derived species

The function of sieve-tube elements is to _____. See Section 34.2 ( page 714) .

transport sugars throughout the plant. Sugars are transported along a concentration gradient to many areas of the plant.

what problems had to be solved to get larger upright?

transporting water from tissues that are in contact with wet soil to tissues that are in contact with dry air, against the force of gravity and becoming rigid enough to avoid falling over in gravity and wind (solved by vascular tissue)


trap organic debris and digests on a cellular level unlike animals

to move _ the plant; water moves _ the water-potential gradient.


secondary active transport

usage of cotransport

morphological, phylogenetic, and biological

used by scientists in classification

root cells may have a _ surrounded in a _ that secondarily active transports sucrose with protons with an _

vacuole; tonoplast; antiporter

The _ tissue system transports materials throughout the plant.


fossil record reveals land plants evolved about 475 million years ago and then diversified into plant lineages with _ systems, seeds, and flowers.


located between secondary xylem and secondary phloem

vascular cambium

Bark consists of

vascular cambium/ secondary phloem

conducting tissues reinforced with lignin. need water to move sperm to egg. sporophyte is dominant, gametophyte physcially independent of sporophyte. eggs retained on gametophyte. sporophytes develop on the gameophyte, nourished by gametophyte when small

vascular seedless plants

produces nonreproductive portions of the plant body (roots, leaves, stems)

vegetative development

bring dirty blood to heart


thin vessels

veins / venules

(5s) the movement of air or water through specialized exchange organs like lungs or gills


(5s) accomplished by respiratory system

ventilation and diffusion

chamber gives blood from heart


most advanced hearts

ventricles partitioned, 4 chambers, 2 circuits

why is bird breath so efficient?

very little dead space, gas exchange is constant and continuous like fish, and blood is crosscurrent, which is better than mammal spiderwebs but less efficient than fish countercurrency.

salty soil

very low solute potential, much lower than water potential in the plant roots

relaxed arteries

vessel diameter increases, flow resistance is reduced so flow increases in tissues it sends to.

contracted arteries

vessel diameter smaller, slow flow to blood and more blood resistance

short fat vascular tissue with pits and perforations

vessel elements

vessel element w/o any cell wall



water attached to glass pulled against gravity

dry soil

water doesn't flow freely inbetween the particles, so the tension lowers the water potential of the soil water.

why do fish loose heat quickly?

water is not good heat conductor, so they need thick water-proof fur and blubber insulation or blood vessels arrangement that minimizes heat loss

warm air

water molecules move farther apart, exert lower pressure

_ measure of the tendency of water to move down its potential energy gradient and is expressed as megapascals (MPa)

water potential

regulating services

water purification, flood control, waste decomposition


water sticks strongly to eachother and pulled easily by adhesion

primary and secondary xylem function

water transport and structural support

Steps of cohesion-tension

water vapor diffuses out of the leaf, and water evaporates inside the leaf too. water is pulled out of the xylem from that, and pulled up the water which is all connected to each other in the xylem Water is pulled out of the root cortex from that, which pulls water from the soil to the root.

seeded plant need no _ to occur, making them better fit to _ habitats

water; dry

casparian strip

wax impregnating endodermis cells, waterproof an forces apoplast to leave the walls with a barrier doesnt affect water and ions from the symplastic route

cuticle function

waxy layer secreted by epidermal cells to preventing pathogens from entering the plant, and hydrophobic (reducing evaporation water loss)

a plant that is adapted for growth in disturbed soils


pioneering species


species diversity

weighted measure that incorporates the species' relative abundance

wide or nonexistence tree rings indicate

wet years/bountiful wears

secondary succession happens when

when a disturbance removes some or all of the organisms but leaves soil intact (including seeds and microorganisms within.) ex. fire

primary succession happens when

when a disturbance removes the soil and its organisms as well as organisms that live above the soil surface. (volcanoes, floods, landslides)

active diffusion in phloem un/loading

when against natural gradient using ATP and membrane proteins into an unfavorable direction.

bottom-up hypothesis

when their populations reach high density, hares use up all their food and starve; in response lynx also starve

what causes soil and nutrients to be lost?

when vegetation is removed through grazing, farming, logging, suburbanization (erosion by wind and water w no protection from vegetation)

habitat bias of fossilization

where sediments are actively deposited (beaches, swamps), and ocean or burrowing organisms is where fossils are more likely to form. dry land kinda sucks.

gymnosperm pollination

wind from male cone to female cone

which makes more pollen, wind or animal-bore? why?

wind. they can invest in pollens instead of animal attraction, and increase the rare chance they'd hit a stigma.

The term gymnosperm refers to plants _____. See Section 28.2 ( page 565) .

with "naked seeds," these seeds are not surrounded by protective tissue.

Bohr shift

with lower pH the hemoglobin is more likely to release oxygen in tissues with Low pH

finches selection flooding

with that much water only small seeds produced, so small beaks were favorable

as the vascular cambium grows, all of the secondary xylem is retained and accumulates as


secondary xylem makes up structural material called


plant-based fuels

wood, fossil-fuel, ethanol (corn), biodisel (soybean oil or animal fat)

one directional water tissue


trachieds and vessel elements



xylem sap that collects because the stomata were closed and didnt evaporate so it kept leakin overnight

arteries blood pressure?


in san fran if the weather is foggy and cool on the coast but sunny and warm inland, is their climate the same?


are rivers, waterfalls, and waves more or less oxygenated than other water?

yes because they are in contact with more air bubbles

does the outermost layers of xylem transport water?

yes. only new ones do.

derived species


region responsible for the growth of roots through the soil, by taking up water. expansion provides the force that pushes the root cap and apical meristem through the soil.

zone of cellular elongation

most important root segment in terms of water and nutrient absorption. in here, epidermal cells produce root hairs, to increase the surface area of the dermal tissue.

zone of cellular maturation

root zone that allows lateral root growth

zone of cellular maturation

land plants evolved from a green alga that lived in freshwater habitats

zygematophceae is the closest living relative to land plants


4 haploid cells from one spermocyte

feedback sperm

An increase in androgens inhibits the secretion of releasing hormones by the hypothalamus and LH secretion by the pituitary gland. A decrease in androgens stimulates the secretion of releasing hormones by the hypothalamus and LH secretion by the pituitary gland.

when is asexual reproduction favored?

Asexual reproduction would be expected in environments where conditions change little over time.

Which of the following statements about oogenesis in humans is true?

Beginning at puberty, a primary oocyte completes its first meiotic division to form a secondary oocyte and a polar body approximately every month. This secondary oocyte is released into the oviduct during ovulation and then begins meiosis II, which is not complete unless the oocyte is fertilized by a sperm cell.

If there is no fertilization, degeneration of the corpus luteum results in a drop in _____, which results in the sloughing off of the uterus's endometrium.

Estrogen and progesterone. They are responsible for maintaining the endometrium in the event that the egg has been fertilized.

True or false? The pressure inside the human chest cavity is always positive, so the lungs stay relatively inflated even upon exhalation.

False. The lungs stay relatively inflated even upon exhalation because the pressure inside the chest cavity is always negative.

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism by which fertilized eggs prevent polyspermy? See Section 47.3 ( page 989) . Protease digestion of sperm receptor proteins Formation of a fertilization envelope Membrane depolarization Formation of a vaginal plug

Formation of a vaginal plug. This is a mechanism by which males compete to fertilize a female, but it does not prevent polyspermy.

why are gonads paired in mammals?

Having two gonads is an "insurance policy" against loss or damage. To test this hypothesis, surgically remove one gonad from a large number of male and female rats. As a control, do a similar operation on a large number of similar male and female rats, but do not remove either gonad. Once the animals have recovered, place them in a barn or other "natural" setting and let them breed. Compare reproductive success of control rats with that of rats with unpaired gonads.

how is adding a molecule that binds to bindin-like proteins on human sperm head a contraceptive

If the added molecule blocked the bindin-like protein on the human sperm head, that protein would not be able to bind to its receptor on the egg. Fertilization would not take place.

Which pituitary secretion stimulates the testes to secrete androgens?

In males, luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the testes to secrete androgens.

What is an advantage of viviparity? See Section 47.3 ( page 989) .

Increased likelihood of surviving to birth. Raising young internally promotes survival.

Which feature is common to gills, lungs, and tracheae? See Section 42.3 ( page 878) .

Large surface area

In which structure does fertilization typically occur in mammals? See Section 47.2 ( page 987) .

Oviduct or fallopian tube. Sperm travels from the vagina to the oviduct where it fertilizes mature eggsovum.

advantages and disadvantages of ovovivipatry and ovipatry

Oviparity usually requires less energy input from the mother after egg laying, and mothers do not have to carry eggs around as long—meaning that they can lay more eggs and be more mobile. However, before egg laying, mothers have to provision the egg with all the nutrition the embryo will require, and eggs may not be well protected after they are laid. Viviparity usually increases the likelihood that the developing offspring will survive until birth, but the space available in the mother's reproductive tract limits the number of young that can be produced. If viviparous young can be nourished longer than oviparous young, they may be larger and more capable of fending for themselves.

True or false? Humans form gametes by a process called gametogenesis.


Sperm exit a male's body via the _____.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of external gills? See Section 42.3 ( page 878) .

Vulnerable to predation

meiosis of oocytes

arrested for long periods of time.

secondary oocyte

arrested until fertilized

mitotic reproduction free of fusion


offspring forms within or on a parent becomes a mini parent and grows alone


steps of fertiliazation?

chemicals attract sperm to eggs, bind to jelly layer of egg, acrosomes drill then through flaggellar hypermovement drill more, penetrate the envelope and jelly, the nucleus drops in to find the egg nucleus to fuse with and plugs its entrance with the flagella.

where semen and accessory fluids mix to make semen before entering the urethra

ejaculatory duct


fatty and protein-y cytoplasm

_ aphids and daphina produce _ _ in safe seasons, which can develop into _ before unsafe seasons to reproduce sexually which eggs mature in safe places as _ which produce _

female; female clones; males; females; more clones

why is polyspermy bad in animals?

it would be useless fertilization, the zygote would be triploid and die

cover urethra and vag


A rapid increase in the _____ level stimulates ovulation.

luteinizing hormone

The secretion of androgens is regulated by a _____ feedback mechanism involving the _____ and _____.

negative ... hypothalamus ... pituitary gland

how many eggs from one primary ooctye? why?

one. uneven division.

formation of ova


sperm directly from spermatgonia that undergo meiosis I

primary spermatocytes

primary oocyte

produces only one haploid egg

holds testes



secondary oocyte is expelled to the fallopian tube, where fertilization would happen

two sperm that undergo meosis II and produce 4.

secondary speratocytes

in a species with a choice between sexual and asexual reproduction, which will they choose in stressful conditions?


meiosis and haploid fusion to diploid


cryptic female choice

spit out ugly sperm and save the best man for last

gonads of mammals

testes and ovaries

why does semen harden?

to form a plug, but it can be shook by a later mat easily .

where does embryonic development take place


muscular tube that transports sperm from epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.

vas deferens

mammals eggs vitelline

zona pellucida

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