CPP Chapter 8

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Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term lymphedema?

lymph (lymph) + edema (swelling) = swelling caused by abnormal accumulation of lymph, usually in the extremities

Which root refers to the bone marrow?


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term nephrosplenopexy?

nephro (kidney) + spleno (spleen) + pexy (surgical fixation) = surgical fixation of the spleen and a kidney

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term osteomyelitis?

osteo (bone) + myel (bone marrow) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the bone and bone marrow

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term pancytopenia?

pan (all) + cyto (cell) + penia (deficiency) = deficiency in all cellular components of the blood

A process in which a certain type of white blood cells destroys (or "eats") foreign microorganisms or cell debris is called


A specialist in drawing blood is called a:


. An ESR measures how quickly settle in a test tube.

red blood cells

An instrument used to measure blood pressure is called a(n):


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term thrombophlebitis?

thrombo (clot) + phleb (vein) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the vein caused by a clot

Identify and define the root in the medical term thromboplastin

thrombo - clot

The formation of a blood clot is called:


Which root is used to refer to the thymus?


Which root is used to refer to a vein?


Translate the term macrocytosis as literally as possible.

"Large cell condition"; condition characterized by large blood cells

Translate the term lymphocyte as literally as possible.

"Lymph cell"

Translate the term hypervolemia as literally as possible.

"Many cell blood condition"; excess of red blood cells

Translate the term hyperlipidemia as literally as possible.

"Over fat blood condition"; excessive fat in the blood

Translate the term splenolysis as literally as possible.

"Spleen breakdown"; breakdown (destruction) of spleen tissue

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term bilirubinemia?

bili (bile) + rubin (red) + emia (blood condition) = presence of bilirubin (red bile) in the blood

Build a medical term that means "blood tumor" and refers to a mass of blood within an organ, cavity, or tissue.


Which of the following abbreviations does NOT refer to a virus or syndrome?


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the abbreviation LAD?

It is caused by an abnormal accumulation of lymph, usually in the extremities.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the abbreviation ITP?

It is related to an elevated white blood count.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the medical term lymphangiectasia?

It means that a patient is immunocompromised.

Translate the term hepatosplenomegaly as literally as possible.

Liver spleen enlargement

Build a medical term that means "the surgical removal of a lymph gland (node)."


Build a medical term that means "inflammation of a lymph gland (node)."


Build a medical term that means "lymph vessel record."


Build a medical term that means "lymph deficiency."


Build a medical term that means "bone marrow tumor" and is a cancerous tumor of the bone marrow.


Build a medical term that means "bone marrow formation."


Which of the following is a correct definition for the abbreviation NCAT?

No cervical adenopathy or tenderness

For the abbreviations AIDS and HIV, which is true about the letter "I"?

The "I" in AIDS and HIV stands for "immunodeficiency," and means the immune system has a decreased or compromised response to disease-causing organisms.

Choose the correct translation of the root phleb/o


Which word part refers to the blood's ability to form clots?


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cytapharesis?

cyt (cell) + apheresis (separation) = "cell separation"; drawing of the patient's blood, removal of the cells, and then returning the rest of the blood to the patient's body

Identify and define the root in the medical term anisocytosis.

cyt - cell

Which of the following roots is NOT part of the lymph system?


A blockage in a blood vessel caused by a mass of matter in the blood is called a(n):


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term erythrocytosis?

erythro (red) + cyt (cell) + osis (condition) = "red cell condition": abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hematology?

hemato (blood) + logy (study) = study of the blood

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hematopoiesis?

hemato (blood) + poiesis (formation) = formation of blood cells

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hemolysis?

hemo (blood) + lysis (breakdown) = breakdown of blood cells

Identify and define the root in the medical term hemoptysis

hemo - blood

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hepatosplenitis?

hepato (liver) + splen (spleen) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the liver and spleen

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hypercoagulability?

hyper (over) + coagul (coagulation) + ability (ability) = increased ability of the blood to coagulate

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term laparosplenectomy?

laparo (abdomen) + splen (spleen) + ec (out) + tomy (cut) = surgical removal of the spleen through the abdomen

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term leukocytosis?

leuko (white) + cyt (cell) + osis (condition) = "white cell condition" : abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells

What is the correct definition for the abbreviation BMT?

Bone marrow transplant

Choose the correct translation of the suffix -penia.


Which term comes from the Greek "to pour out," and refers to a large bruise?


Build a medical term that means "white cell" and refers to white blood cells.


What are the three main types of cells in the blood?

Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes

Translate the term hemorrhage.

Excessive blood loss

What is the difference between a thrombus and an embolus?

A thrombus is a clot of blood and is stationary. An embolus is foreign material and is in motion. When a thrombus breaks off, it becomes a thromboembolus.

Which of the following pairs of abbreviations are opposites?


Identify and define the roots in the medical term lymphoblastic leukemia.

All of these

Which statement shows the correct relationship between the terms antibody and antigen?

All of these.

Which is the best definition for aplastic anemia?

Anemia caused by red blood cells not being formed in sufficient quantities

Choose the correct translation of the root hemat/o.


Translate the term hypersplenism as literally as possible.

Over spleen condition

Which term refers to an excess of red blood cells?


Which term refers to an injury to tissue that occurs after blood flow is restored?

Reperfusion injury

Translate the term splenodynia as literally as possible.

Spleen pain

Translate the term splenorrhexis as literally as possible.

Spleen rupture

Build a medical term that means "spleen pain."


Build a medical term that means "spleen drooping condition."


Translate the term lymphadenectomy.

Surgical removal of a lymph node

Translate the term tonsillectomy.

Surgical removal of a tonsil

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system is the body's primary method of communication, keeping all systems linked to one another.

Build a medical term that means "capable of producing a clot."


Build a medical term that means "clot breakdown agent" and is a drug that breaks down blood clots.


Build a medical term that means "surgical removal of the thymus."


Build a medical term that means "a disease of the thymus."


Build a medical term that means "inflammation of a tonsil."


. IVIG is:

a protein that provides protection (immunity) against disease that is given to someone through his/her veins

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the abbreviation ALL?

acute (sudden or severe) + lympho (lymph) + blast (immature) + ic (pertaining to) + leuk (white) + emia (blood condition) = sudden onset of a cancer of the white blood cells characterized by the overproduction of immature white blood cells (lymphoblasts)

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