Criminal Intelligence: Basic Elements

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#4 Analysis

"The Heart of the Intelligence Process" Transform information into intelligence. Meaning is assigned to the data that has been collected.

Intelligence Cycle

#1 Planning & Direction #2 Collection #3 Processing & Collation #4 Analysis #5 Dissemination #6 Re-evalution & Feedback

5 Classic Models off Creative Thinking

1)Evolution 2) Synthesis 3) Revolution 4) Reapplication 5) Changing Direction

Kefauver Hearings

1950-1951 Hearings on organized crime , illustrated the importance of using criminal intelligence to counter the mob's criminal enterprises.

Reasonable Suspicion/Criminal Predicate

28CFR 23.20C Trained law enforcement officer, level of certainty. Reasonable suspicion or criminal predicate established when information exists that establishes sufficient facts to give a trained law enforcement officer a basis to believe that there is a reasonable possibility that an individual or organization is involved in a definable criminal activity or enterprise.

Why is critical thinking important to Intelligence Analysis

Allows you to move systematically toward a solution to a problem. Because you are key component in the investigation.


Also called concept mapping. Designed to encourage free flow of ideas by relating things or events to a central idea which, in turn, generates related ideas.

Dissemination Issues

Always goes to originating party, third party gets it from originator. Always an audit trail.


An ability to imagine or generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas. An attitude which accepts change and willingness to consider new possibilities. A process by which people continually work to improve ideas and solutions.

Definitions of Intelligence

An information collection and analysis process conducted to support the anticipated need for decision making and action. The end product of the systematic gathering, evaluation, and synthesis of raw data on individual activities suspected of being criminal in nature.

Disseminated Products

Association Chart, Flow Chart, Communication Chart, Financial Graphs and Reports, Crime Scene Diagrams, Maps...


Based on suspected criminal activity

Techniques of Creative Thinking

Brainstorming , Mind-Mapping , Lateral Thinking

RICO Act - Important because...

Came as a result of the Kefauvar Hearings (1950-51) - made it possible to obtain criminal convictions on individuals based on membership


Characteristics that people/groups engaged in a particular crime activity often display. Can be identified by observing facts and circumstances surrounding certain crimes and coming up with common characteristics. A way that analysts and investigators learn from historical crimes and apply that knowledge to the present and future. Most often seen in the form of: Creative activity. Relationships/Suspect Behavior/ Transactions

Criminal Intelligence Analysis

Collecting, utilizing, evaluating INFORMATION to process into INTELLIGENCE to produce PRODUCTS to support informed decision making

Transactions that indicate criminal activity may include:

Communications such as phone calls, emails .. Conversations Money, goods or property exchanges . Actions

Creative vs Critical Thinking

Creative Art Critical Science Both used in Analysis and useful in finding solutions to problems. More Creative at the beginning of problem solving.

Critical Thinking

Crucial to Analysis Phase of Intelligence Cycle. Purposeful , reasoned and goal directed. Clarifies goals, examines assumptions, discerns hidden values , evaluates evidence, accomplishes actions, and assesses conclusions.

Two types of logic

Deductive & Inductive

6 Steps of Critical Thinking

Define the problem or incident. Consider all pertinent information for solution of problem. Recognize stated and unstated assumptions. Develop pertinent questions. Formulate and Select Relevant Hypotheses. Draw valid conclusions.

#1 Planning & Direction

Depends on goal. Describe up-and-coming problem,to assess crime problem, identify key suspects, to identify victims, to prepare for prosecution.

#2 Collection

Develop a collection plan. Guides a collection plan , identifies information needs, establishes a time frame for completion. Self imposed deadline. MUST BE LEGALLY OBTAINED BASED ON REASONABLE SUSPICION.

What is Brainstorming

Developed by A.F. Osborne in 1941. Designed to encourage a group to express various ideas and to defer critical judgment until later. Participants offer ideas that are listed, combined, improved , and changed into various other ideas. Session ends when group agrees on final resolution.


Era of Intelligence Led Policing to present time. Involves and intelligence end product designed to influence police decision making, at botj Tactical & stratigic levels.

#6 Re-evalution & Feedback

Final Phase of intelligence process. Must get feedback from your intelligence consumers. Opportunity to add information to cycle. Not improvements and ideas for the next analytical assistance.

NCISP Recommendations

Fingerprint-based background checks Develop minimum standards for management of an intelligence function Develop minimum criminal intelligence training standards for all levels of law enforcement personnel develop standardized policies, operating procedures and training guidelines. Protect civil rights

Intelligence formula

Information + Evaluation = INTELLIGENCE

#3 Processing & Collation

Information review , indexing & filing. Organization of data collected into a format from which it can be retrieved and analyzed. ORGANIZE.


International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts - professional organization established in 1981


Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit - Established in 1956

Right to Know vs. Need to Know

Legal authority to info / relevent to specific case, officer, analyst


National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan - Reporting / sharing / with congress

Focus & Targets of Intelligence

Organized crime Criminal gangs Trafficking Organizations Money Laundering /Corruption Terrorist Groups

Purposes of Intelligence

Prevent & Deter Crime Support Investigations and Prosecutions Provide support for decision-making (ILP) Focus collection efforts (like WISN)

INTEL must haves

Proactive Necessary for intelligence-led policing


Proactive Prevention Files protected Crime-Reduced focused Cyclical process

Critical Thinking is

Purposeful goal oriented. Encourages us to seek answers to critical questions. Forces us to think about our bias. Crucial to the analysis phase of intelligence cycle

#2 Collection Sources

RISS - Regional intelligence networks. Undercover operations. Investigative Information. Legal instruments (Subpoenas, court orders and search warrants). Law enforcement exchange of information. Custody staff (custodial info).


Racketeer Influence & Corrupt Organizations ACT, recommended in the 50's , enacted in 1970

Information vs Intelligence

Raw Data vs information, collection and analysis process conducted to support the aniticipated need for decision making and action.


Reactive Identification Files disclosed Prosecution focused Linear Process


Regional Information Sharing Systems - centers to facilitate information sharing between local,state, federal and tribal law enforcement.

28CFR 23.20C (Part 23)

Regulation provides guidelines how to operate federally funded crime intel.

Classification Levels of Dissemination

Restricted, Classified, Unclassified, Confidential, Law Enforcement Sensitive


Science dealing with the validity of inferences


Sensitive But Unclassified - is useful

#5 Dissemination

Sharing it with who ever you are supporting. Right to know vs. Need to know. Each agency will have policies.

Tactical Recommendation Examples

Subpoena records, Search warrant, Undercover operations, Conduct interviews, Conduct database searches, Conduct surveillance, Establish multi-jurisdictional task force.

Strategic Recommendation Examples

Target key figures, Educate the public, Set up a neighborhood watch and/or event, Legislative change.

Lateral Thinking

Thinking that seeks new ways of looking at a problem rather than proceeding by logical steps.

Tactical Analytical Techniques

Used during the analysis phase: strategic analysis, association analysis, flow analysis, communication analysis, financial analysis , geographic analysis.

Deductive Logic

When inferences follow from the facts and go no further.

Inductive Logic

When inferences go beyond the facts.

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