CS370 Final

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Consider the code snippet: childPID = fork(). The parent has a process-ID of 31425 and the newly created child has a process-ID of 27182. . The value of the variable childPID in the child is:


How many processes in the process tree, constructed by the code-snippet below, have no child? for (int i=1; i < 4; i++) { if (childid = fork()) { break; } }


Consider the code snippet: childPID = fork(). The parent has a process-ID of 31425 and the newly created child has a process-ID of 27182. The value of the variable childPID in the parent is


Consider a 2-level, hierarchical paging scheme that is used for a 32-bit address space. The addressing bits are partitioned as follows: Outer-page: 12-bits Inner-Page: 11-bits Page offset: 9-bits What is the size of the physical memory frame in this system?


Registers are managed by the


A resource allocation graph is being used to represent resource requests by processes and allocation of resources to processes. In the system that we consider, there are multiple instances of a given resource type. In this resource allocation graph, the presence of a cycle in the directed edges representing the request and assignment edges for a set of resources and processes indicates that a deadlock has definitely occurred.


An unsafe state is a deadlocked state


As CPUs get fasters, the average process becomes more and more CPU-bound.


Consider the case where the processes are scheduled using round-robin. When an executing process needs to perform I/O, the CPU scheduler performs a context-switch to another process. In the particular case where a process needs to perform this I/O while it still has some of the quanta that was set aside for it, that part of the quanta is spent by idling away the CPU.


Contiguous allocation of file blocks avoids external fragmentation of the disk.


Data structure organization, and how elements within the data structure are accessed, have no impact on page fault rates experienced by the corresponding process.


Deadlock prevention algorithms must target all four of the conditions viz. mutual exclusion, hold-and-wait, no preemption, and circular wait - to eliminate the possibility of deadlocks.


Dynamic linking results in wasted disk space and memory utilization because of the duplication inefficiency that can result in multiple copies of key libraries.


For files that are in the order of a few bytes, the inode may be used to store the contents of that file instead of being used to manage pointers to disk blocks that comprise the file.


Frame replacements based on the local policy increases system throughput.


If in 2018 there is a technology that allows main memory to be just as fast as the CPU, then continuing to use a cache would be just as valid as it is now


If the physical server hosting the hypervisor fails, the virtual machines continue to be available.


In high-end computing systems, page tables with up to a million entries is typically implemented using registers.


In paging systems, the logical address space of a process must not exceed the available physical memory.


In paging-based memory allocations, the physical address space of a process must be contiguous.


In paging-based memory allocations, the physical memory is subject to external fragmentation


In the FIRST readers-writers problem, no reader should wait for other readers to finish simply because a writer is waiting. In this case the readers may starve.


In the case of particularly large files (> 10 GB) it is possible that each file may have more than 1 inode associated with it.


In the producer-consumer problem with a bounded-buffer, if the buffer is full and the producer is ready to add content, the size of the buffer is automatically extended to reduce producer wait times.


Increasing the degree of multiprogramming in a system always results in increased CPU utilization.


LRU based replacements suffer from Belady's anomaly.


Paravirtualization aims to present a virtual machine that looks just like the actual underlying hardware.


Prior to support for VT/SVM on the x86 architecture, the hypervisor was stored in ring 1.


Random access within files managed using linked list allocations is just as effective as sequential accesses.


Since memory is several orders of magnitude faster than disk, compaction of memory spaces is viable and performed periodically (every second) by the OS in contiguous memory allocations.


Spinlocks are suited for cases where critical section segments have thousands of lines of code.


The Banker's Algorithm allocates resources to requests based on the order in which they arrive i.e. they do not stall any requests for resource allocations.


The First-Come-First-Served scheduling algorithm will perform well for interactive applications.


The Type-2 hypervisor executes on bare metal.


The cost-per-bit increases as you traverse down (registers-to-tape) the memory hierarchy.


The defragmentation (or compaction) overhead for the swap space on disk is low enough that the OS can perform this operation periodically.


The degree of multiprogramming in pure-paging is higher than in demand-paging systems


The first-come, first-served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm could result in starvation.


The hypervisor makes decisions about process scheduling and memory management.


The lottery scheduling algorithm could result in starvation; assume that every process in the system has been assigned at least one ticket.


The page fault rate for a process increases when its working set is in memory.


The process control block (PCB) contains information about a process and is used during context-switching between processes. The PCB for every process is maintained in the cache.


The round robin scheduling algorithm could result in starvation.


The working set for a process must be of the same size throughout the duration of its execution.


There are limits to the number of entries in the process table, open file tables, and such. To cope with deadlocks in such situations, it is common for the OS designers to first decide on the number of users N who would be concurrently active at a given time and then place restrictions on users based on this choice of N. That is, if the number of concurrent processes is restricted to say 30000 then each user is allowed to spawn a maximum of 30000/N processes.


Threads can be blocked on more than one object at a time.


To ensure efficiency and uninterrupted execution, processes executing in the user mode are allowed to disable timer interrupts


Unlike processor exceptions, interrupts are triggers by process executions


WITHOUT demand paging all pages of process need not be in physical memory.


When fork() fails, it is possible that a child may still be created.


When the inode is corrupted, it can be reconstructed by sequentially traversing the disk blocks that comprise that inode.


When using ballooning, the hypervisor makes decisions about which pages to evict for a particular virtual machine.


When using segmentation, it is not possible to have multiple logical address spaces within the same process.


The on-board cache is managed by the


Consider a situation where there are infinite instances of all different resources types in the system. Within a set of N processes, how many safe sequences are possible?


Main memory is managed by the


A livelock situation involves processes A, B and C. This has the potential to increase the execution time for a completely unrelated CPU-bound process D executing on the same machine.


A pure swapping-based approach brings the entire process in to memory at a time.


A sensitive instruction behaves differently depending on whether it was executed in user-mode or kernel-mode.


A transaction can be context-switched in the middle of its execution.


A whole number of inodes can fit within a disk block.


All processes in UNIX are created using the fork() system call.


Caches are important because of the difference in speed between the CPU and main memory


Consider a system where the optimal page size to ensure a good trade-off between fragmentation and page table entries using the formula √2𝑠𝑒 is 999 bytes: here, s is the average size of process and e is the size of an entry in the page table. However, a decision was made to go with a page-size of 1024 bytes. Is this a good design choice?


Contiguous allocations of file blocks minimize disk head movements.


Deduplication reduces memory requirements by allowing virtual machines to share pages with the same content.


Every process needs its own stack and heap.


FIFO page replacements suffer from Belady's anomaly.


For a set of processes, at any given instant there may be more than one safe sequence.


In paging-based systems, a process may suffer from internal fragmentation.


In segmentation, each segment can be of a different size.


In segmentation, each segment can have different protections associated with it.


In the Goldberg-Popek model, a machine is virtualizable if sensitive instructions are a subset of privileged instructions.


It is impossible to avoid external fragmentation in contiguous memory allocations.


It is impossible to avoid internal fragmentation in contiguous memory allocations.


Linked list allocation of file blocks can utilize all available disk blocks.


Mutual exclusion is provided within a monitor.


One limitation of a file system based on inodes is that each file must fit within a single disk partition.


Temporary variables of a function/method are allocated on the stack.


The Banker's Algorithm allows us to identify safe sequences for a set of processes based on the current allocation of resources and the maximum needs of each process.


The access times decrease as you traverse up the memory (tapes-to-registers) hierarchy


The binary semaphore can be used in settings involving more than two processes trying to coordinate accesses to the critical section.


The file control block is a per-file data structure used to manage information about files.


The interrupt vector table allows the processor to quickly identify the precise kernel routine to handle interrupts, processor exceptions, and system call traps


The number of memory-resident processes in contiguous memory allocation systems is typically lower than that of paging-based systems.


The priority scheduling algorithm could result in starvation; assume that this is the most basic form of priority scheduling where process priorities do not change over time.


The reason that the child executes the instruction after fork()is that the child's address-space is a bitwise identical copy of the parent, including the values of the program counter.


The shortest jobs first (SJF) scheduling algorithm could result in starvation.


The shortest jobs first (SJF) scheduling algorithm provides optimal waiting times for a set of jobs that arrive simultaneously.


The signal() operation on a monitor is not persistent. If a signal() is performed, and no process is waiting that signal is ignored.


Timestamp-based locking protocols do not suffer from deadlocks.


Turnstiles are queue structures containing threads blocked on a lock. Turnstiles are associated with threads not objects.


Two processes A and B are executions of the same program X. This program X has an execution sequence that results in access to a hardcoded logical-memory location 0x100ACFFED. When there are two running instances of this program, such as processes A and B, this would mean that accesses from A and B to the hardcoded logical-memory location will result in accesses to two different physical memory locations.


Unlike deadlock avoidance algorithms, approaches based on deadlock-detection-and-recovery do not inspect every resource request.


WINE is an example of process-level virtualization.


When page buffering is used, during page replacements it is possible to bring a new page into physical memory, without having to write a victim page out.


Without a hardware timer, preemption of processes is not possible.


Without address space identifiers, the translation lookaside buffer must be flushed with every context switch.


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