CSCI 333 Programming Languages

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Within a class's method definition, the instance variable x could be accessed via which expression?

Functional paradigm

The _______ is a programming paradigm based on the mathematical notion of calculus.


The _____________ programming paradigm allows the reuse of large pieces of code.


The data type of the result of this expression 9/5 will be:


The grammar of a programming language is called its ____________.


The meaning of a programming language's statements is called its _____________.

Python dynamic typing

All variables are untyped Any variable can name any thing, but all things or values have a type Type-checking occurs at runtime

reference semantics

assignment produces two references to the same object


called when an object is deallocated (either going out of scope or use delete operater) Name is preceded the tilde symbol (~)

Data structure

collects related data values into a single unit

Orthogonal design

constructs can be combined in any meaningful way, with no unexpected restrictions or behaviors In a language that is truly orthogonal, constructs do not behave differently in different contexts Example: function return types


formal definition of the language's syntax


a design in which similar things look similar and have similar meanings while different things look different

Application programming interface (API)

gives information about the resource's components

Basic control abstractions

statements that combine a few machine instructions into an abstract statement that is easier to understand

Lexical structure

structure of the language's words


the quality of a language that enables a programmer to use it to express computation clearly, correctly, concisely, and quickly


usually thought of as efficiency of the target code Example: strong data typing, enforced at compile time, means that the runtime does not need to check the data types before executing operations

value semantics

values are copied during assignment)


( true or false )Python dynamic typing makes it not suitable for critical applications


(true or false) Class member functions can be implemented outside the class declaration by using the scope resolution operator ::


A(n) ____ translates an entire program into executable code and does not execute it.


ALGOrithmic Language released in 1960 Included structured control statements (for loop, if conditions if-else etc) Supported different numeric types Introduced the array structure Supported procedures, including recursive procedures

scope resolution operator

:: after a class name


A Python function definition starts with:

Semantically safe

A language is considered to be __________ if it prevents a programmer from compiling or executing any statements or expressions that violate the definition of the language.


A language is considered to be __________ if you can add features to it.


A language lacks ________ when dissimilar things look or behave similarly

Imperative language

A language requires that a program be described as a sequence of instructions


A language with this property avoids special cases wherever possible achieved by avoiding special cases in the availability or use of constructs and by combining closely related constructs into a single more general one

Logic paradigm

Based on symbolic logic

Functional paradigm

Based on the abstract notion of a function in calculus

C++ created by

Bjarne Stroustrup and that he added the class construction from Simula67 language Compiler was called Cfront


FORmula TRANslation language Developed by John Backus in the early 1950s Lacked the structured control statements and data structures of later high-level languages

Restricting access to internal details of software components

Encapsulation is:

Python can be run in two modes:

Expressions or statements can be run in a Python shell for maximum interactivity Can be composed into longer scripts saved in files and run from a terminal command prompt

who developed Python?

Guido van Rossum developed a translator and virtual machine for a scripting language called Python in 1986 One of his goals was to allow Python to act as a bridge between system languages such as C and shell or scripting languages such as Perl

Structured control abstractions

Help to express the logic of primary control structures of sequencing, selection, and iteration

Basic data abstraction

Hides internal representation of common data values


If a language is ________, its constructs do not behave differently in different contexts.

' Bob'

If greet = "Hello Bob" then greet[5:9] will give back:


If x="spam" and y="eggs" then print(x*2 + y*3) will print:


In Python, a comment line start with:


Object-oriented programming languages began in with __________.

languages descended from ALGOL

Pascal and Ada

Object-oriented paradigm

Reusable code that operates in a way to mimic behaviors of real-world objects

Members are inaccessible to client code but are accessible to derived classes

The protected access modifier means:


The the following programming language uses a virtual machine to translate it's source code into a byte code:


To enable dynamic binding of member functions in C++, you need: 1) Object must be either dynamically allocated or otherwise accessed through a reference 2) functions defined with the keyword virtual 3) Both


To get input from the user we use the following command:


To make the functions of a certain library available we must use:


True or False: Assembly language is machine-independent


True or False: Backwards compatibility with another language may be a valid cause of irregularity.


True or False: C++ uses a garbage collector mechanism to handle objects no longer needed.


True or False: Early dialects of FORTRAN supported static storage allocation only.


True or False: There is no generally accepted standard formal method for describing the semantics of a programming language.


What important needs in software design does Object-oriented programming languages satisfy 1) Maintain the independence of different components 2) Separating interfaces from implementations 3) both


What statement can be executed in the body of a loop to cause it to terminate:

Simple regular syntax

Which of the following is not a design goal for C++:


Which ways can help improve software reuse: 1) Abstraction 2) Polymorphism 3) Both


________ classes are used to define generic collections in C++.

Efficiency of execution

________ was the first primary goal of early programming languages.


_________ is the property of how easy it is to express complex processes and structures.

Assembly Language

______________ was the first programming language to use mnemonic symbols to represent binary machine codes.


________________ is the mechanism that makes programs easier to write and easier for people to read.

Pure virtual declaration

a function declared with a 0 and the keyword virtual

Extensible language

a language that allows the user to add features to it Example: the ability to define new data types and new operations (functions or procedures)

Syntactic sugar

a mechanism that allows you to replace a complex notation with a simpler, shorthand notation

programming language often defined as:

a notation for communicating to a computer what we want it to do


a program that accepts other programs and either directly executes them or transforms them into a form suitable for execution


a program that loads the machine code into computer memory


a program that translates the symbolic assembly language code to binary machine code

Assembly language

a set of mnemonic symbols for instruction codes and memory locations


a stand-alone collection of procedures providing logically related services to other parts of a program Allows a program to be understood as a whole without needing to know the details of the services provided by the unit


executes a program directly one step process


how easy is it to express complex processes and structures


initialize objects as in Java-Can be called automatically as part of a declaration, as well as in a new expression

Branch instructions

instructions that support selection and iteration to memory locations other than the next one


internal representation of data values and operations

Semantically safe

languages that prevent a programmer from compiling or executing any statements or expressions that violate the language definition


may be the most important index of programming language efficiency


members are accessible to client code and derived classes


members are inaccessible to client and to derived classes (default)


members are inaccessible to client code but are accessible to derived classes

Data types

names given to kinds of data values

Unit abstraction

often associated with the concept of an abstract data type


overloading, is an example of:


produces an equivalent program in a form suitable for execution two step process


programming language that uses the functional model of computation

John von Neumann

proposed that computers should be permanently hardwired with a small set of general-purpose operations


range(5) will generate the following numbers:


refers to how well the features of a language are integrated


set of operations available to the user

Language syntax

similar to the grammar of a natural language

Control abstractions

simplify properties of the transfer of control Examples: loops, conditional statements, procedure calls

Data abstractions

simplify the behavior and attributes of data for humans Examples: numbers, character strings, search trees


specifies the syntax of a piece of code that expands to other standard code when compiled


the first 4 bits of a line of code


the language's words Includes keywords, identifiers, symbols for operations, special punctuation symbols, etc.


translates programming language statements into machine code


use of symbolic names to hide computer memory locations containing data values

Template classes

used to define generic collections in C++

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