Cultural pluralism

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Internal colonialism Theory

Explains contemporary discrimination as the maintenance of inequitites resulting from historic exploitation of subordinate groups by the dominant group


Extreme negative attitudes leading to hatred of a group and persons regarded as members of the group

Communication competence

Having sufficient knowledge of a subject to communicate accurate information about that subject

Communication effectiveness

Having the skills to communicate information in order to be easily understood


Identification of an individual according to his or her national origin nad/or distinctive cultural patterns

White flight

The migration of white families from an urban to a suburban location because of court rulings to desegregate urban schools


The nation in which an individual has citizenship status


The presence of human beings with perceived or actual differences based on a variety of human characteristics.

Nonverbal communication

Those messages other than words that people exchange, also called nonverbal behavior or nonverbal messaging


To accept beliefs one has been taught without questioning them

english only

advocated that English be declared the official language of the united states.

Chinese exclusion act

an 1882 law prohibiting Chinese immigration to the united states, renewed in 1892 and making exclusion permanent in 1902

operation bootstrap

an economic plan for puerto Rico during the 1950s and 1960s to boost its industrial base and create more manufacturing jobs

Mexican american legal defense fund (MALDEF)

an organization opposing discrimination and advocating for Mexican America's civil rights

national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP)

an organization opposing racism and advocating for black civil rights

underground railroad

an organization that established stations where runaway slaves could get food and rest as they escapd north to freedom


anti-immigrant ideology that advocates the protection of native inhabitants of a country from new or potential immigrants who are seen as threatening or dangerous


having prejudices, stereotyped, or engaging in discrimination against Jews.

bracero program

initiated during WWII this program continued to import mexicans into the US for 22 years as manual laborers

emancipation proclamation

issuedfreedoms sued by president Lincoln to free slaves only in confederate states and permitting free blacks to enlist in the union army.


legal document negotiated between two or more sovereign nations involving terms of peace, trade, and other matters.

vacuum domicilium

nationsdomicilium actions gained or lost land through conquest because only inhabited land could be claimed


pastoral people wanring in the land and never staying in one place.

occupatio bellica

peaceful seizure of land undutilized by the indigenous people


person unable or unwilling to return to his or her country because of a well founded fear of persecution... based on race, religion, nationality, or membership in a particular social group or political party.

Indian sovereignty

principke affirming the legal rights of Indian nations to define themselves on their own terms and go behave as unique cultural and legal entities


process in which immigrants adopt cultural traits from their host country and are absorbed into society

Denial rationalization

response to a social problem- such as injustice toward a minority group- that does not acknowledge the existence of a problem but insists instead that no injustice has occurred as in thats not discrimination men have always been the boss its just the way things are meant to be

zoom suit riots

several days of mob violence in 1942 in Los Angeles that demonstrated anti America. prejudice as US servicemen attacked Mercian American youth especially targeting those wearing zoom suits

terra nullius

term suggesting lands without people, but interpreted as including land inhabited by a people not possessing religions and customs equal to that of Europeans

brown vs board of education

the 1954 supreme court decision overturning plessy vs ferguson by declaring racial segregation as unconstitutional

gentlemans agreement

the Japanese government assured the US government it would issue no more passports to Japanese workers except those already in the united states or their close relatives

model minority

the belief that Asian Americans have been successful because they have been willing to work hard, and that all other minorities could be just as successful if they emulated Asian American behavior


the belief that one'siwn race, nation, or culture is superior to all others.


the demand that immigrans to the united states reject their ethnic or cultural heritage and conform to American ways as defines by the dominant group


the fear of prejudice against people from other nations

middle passage

the ocean crossing of slave sips resulting in the deaths of an estimated 5 to 6 million Africans ding transported as slaves

linguistic diversity

the range of variation exhibited by human language


the study of agencies under social control that may improve or repair the racial qualities of future generations, eith physical or mentally


the term for children of Japanese immigrants who were born in the united states and therefore possessed US citizenship

yellow peril

the term for the belief that Chinese and Japanese immigrants could never be assimilated into American culture and therefore threatened the unity of American society

indigenous people

thosepeoples hose who were established in the new world, in their encounter with European colonists.

black cabinet

thr federal council on negro affairs consisting of thirty black professionals serves as an advisory group to president Franklin Roosevelt


when any entity (society, organization, group, or individual) intentionally or unintentionally distributes resources I equitably, refuses to share power, imposes ethnocentric culture, and/or maintains unresponsive and inflexible institutions toward another entity for its supposed benefit and rationalizes its actions by blaming or ignoring the victim.


A cluster of particular related beliefs, values, and opinions.

Interpersonal communication

A dynamic process of interaction between people in which they assign meaning to each others verbal and nonverbal behavior


A negative attitude toward a group and anyone perceived to be a member of that group; a predisposition to negative behavior toward members of a group


A negative attitude toward a group and persons perceived to be members of that group; being predisposed to behave negatively toward members of a group

Black/White syndrome

A pattern in the English language consisting of negative meaning for phrases including the word black and positive meanings for phrases including the word white


A positive or negative trait or traits ascribed to a certain group and to most members of that group


A preference or inclination, favorable or unfavorable that inhibits impartial judgment

Victim-blaming rationalization

A response to a social problem- such as injustice toward minority group- that identifies the problems as a deficiency in the minority group and not a society problem as in if poor people want to escape poverty they just have to be willing to work harder

Avoidance Rationalization

A response to a social problem-such as injustice toward a minority group-that acknowledges the existence of problem but avoids confronting the problem by offering partial or false solutions or by using arguments that do not address the situation as in yes but you should have seen how bad it was last year.


A social concept with no scientific basis that categorizes people according to obvious physical differences such as skin color

Minority Group

A subordinate group whose members have significantly less power to control their own lives than do members of a dominant or majority group


Actions or practices carried out by a member or members of dominant groups, or their representatives that have a differential and negative impact on a member or members of subordinate groups


An attitude about other cultures that reduces importance of cultural differences and emphasizes the universality of human needs and behaviors to create a stronger sense of relationship with all people

Cultural chauvinism

An attitude that ones culture is the best, superior to other cultures


An individual or a group of people blamed for another persons problems or difficulties; identifying a scapegoat is often employed to justify ones taking a negative action against that individual or group

Zero Sum

An orientation toward power and resources based on assumptions of scarcity, as when struggling to achieve goals, one person gains at the expense of another. The belief that sharing power means a reduction of power.


Aware of cultural differences without judging cultures as superior or inferior


Combinations of attitudes that generate action or the deliberate choice to avoid action


Inferences a person makes about reality that take one of three forms: descriptive, evaluative, or prescriptive

Institutionalized discrimination theory

Institutional policies and practices that have differential and negative effects on subordinate groups in a society


Instruction whose purpose is to force the learner to accept a set of values or beliefs, to adopt a particular idealogy or perspective


Moral reasoning in a dualistic context recognizing that it isnt possible to know what is the right behavior in certain situations in which case opinions from mutiple perspectives must be examined; a person cant be confident of the final decision in such instances because he or she cant be certain of having made the right choice


Moral reasoning in a relativist context that recognizes the importance of becoming actively committed to certain personal truths to strengthen and deepen the meaningfulness of ones life experiences


Moral reasoning involving a belief in absolute truths and unambiguous categories of right and wrong behavior; also called 'either/or reasoning'


Moral reasoning that rejects absolute truth and is based on the assumption that all truth is related and determining the right behavior depends on the individual and the situation.

Derisive Labels

Names that reflect attitudes of contempt or ridicule for individuals in the group being names

Selective perception

Paying attention to behaviors of another person that reinforce our expectations for that person

Interest theory

People engaging or aquiescing in discriminatory actions based on a desire to protect their power or privilege


Recognizing the culture shapes individual reality including acceptance of and respect for cultural differences

Skilled disagreement

Strategies that have been proven effective in achieving a successful resolution to conflicts


Taking actions to address injustice and then reflecting on the effectiveness of the actions taken as the person or group continues their activities


The belief that the best people ascent to a place of superiority in society and represent a natural aristocracy, whereas those who are not successful are viewed as lacking the necessary qualities to be successful within society


The deliberate and systematic extermination of a particular nationality or racial ethnic or minority group

Exceptionalistic perspective

Views social problems as private, local, unique, exclusive, and unpredictable, a consequence of individual defect, accident, or unfortunate circumstance, which requires that all proposed remedies be tailored to fit each individual case.

Universalistic Perspective

Views social problesm as public, national, general, inclusive, and predictable; a consequenve of imperfect and inequitable social arrangements which require research to identify their patterns and causes so that remedial action can be taken to eliminate these problems and prevent them from recurring.

picture bride

a modification of the Japanese system for arranged marriages involving the exchange of photographs between families negotiation a marriage for Japanese men who had immigrated to the united states

league of united Latin American citizens (LULAC)

a national organization for members of Spanish speaking ethnic groups who are America. citizens tt is dedicated to promoting the fake of citizenship, protesting discrimination, and advocating for civil rights for Latinos.


a term identifying white people who settled in Mexican territory, eventually becoming a generic term for white people

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