Dairy Production - Exam 1

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What is GA's #1 farm commodity?

Broilers 4.6 billion

Dairy Breed: - 3rd most popular breed because of sturdiness - Good feet and legs - Moderate amounts of milk

Brown Swiss

What state gets paid the least amount of money for milk because they produce much more than their people need?


What are the top 5 milk producing states?

California Wisconsin Idaho NY Pennsylvania

Determining if the calf is alive, dead, strong, or weak: - In the chest in a forward facing calf and around the umbilicus in a malpresented calf

Check for Heartbeat

Availability of dairy products declined because consumers don't use dairy products as much. What is the exception?


Name the following Stage of Parturition: - Expulsion of after birth - Want placenta out no more than 24 hours - If not - prostaglandin shot

Cleaning - expulsion of placenta/fetal membranes

Visual signs of an illness are considered:


Which phase of the Dry Period needs more attention?

Close up

Which Environmental Pathogen? ~50% last less than 10 days ~70% last less than 30 days ~13% become chronic and persist >100 days Known to clear without handler knowing Most likely a culprit case Animals usually go through 2 tests of antibiotics instead of treating on 1st test (we would rather her fight it herself)


Mammary glands provide nourishment and protection to the neonate by:

Colostrum Passive immunity Other forms of protection: • Lactoferrin • Lysozyme • Lactoperoxidase • IgA • IgM

A voluntary farmer-funded national program developed by the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), to preserve dairy family farmer businesses.

Cooperatives Working Together


Cooperatives Working Together

What helps synchronize all internal processes?


The Internal Process: Fetus

Cortisol production (stress) due to spacial constriction (filling up uterus) Contractions

What is "Push Up"

Cows eat and make "holes" so there are machines that will "push up" feed so cows can reach food again.

The Gland Cistern is separated from Teat Cistern by:

Cricoid Fold

What are 4 ways to eliminate mastitis?

Culling Treatment in Lactation Spontaneous Recovery Treatment at Drying Off


Dairy Heard Improvement Association


Dairy Herd Improvement


Dairy Records Management System

The cream separator was invented by:

De Laval (1878)

How does Mastitis affect profitability?

Decreased milk production Milk dump b/c treatment Vet/drug costs Labor costs Culling

How does mastitis affect milk production?

Decreases milk production by causing tissue damage, reduced lactose production and scar tissue formation in the udder

Increasing or Decreasing? - Consumption of total fluid milk


Increasing or Decreasing? - Consumption of whole milk


Is it possible to influence the milk yield and composition of a lactating dairy cow? If so, by what ways?

Diet Milking Frequency Milking Procedure

What can increase the frequency of metritis?

Difficult calving or retained placenta

When a calf is being birthed, you want the hoofs facing

Down in the front

What allows for involution of regeneration of secretory cells of the mammary system?

Dry Period

The ______________ ______________ starts with the alveoli and ends with the streak canal

Ductular System

Perching and Idle Standing are clues that stalls are not comfortable. Idle Standing is usually doe to what specifically?

Due to bedding depth and comfort

Difficult calving or _____________, is scored from ____-____.

Dystocia 1 - 5 (where 3 and above is considered dystocia)

What barn orientation is preferred?


Excess accumulation of fluids in tissue spaces is known as:


How do you determine subclinical cases?

Elevated SCC (shows up in monthly DHI reports) Milk Culture Results

Mastitis is caused by what two types of pathogens?

Environmental Contagious

Clinical cases are usually associated with:

Environmental Pathogens

The alveoli is lined with

Epithelial cells

When and where were the first cattle domesticated?

Europe and Asia during the New Stone Age

The mammary gland is an _______________ gland

Exocrine Gland

Name the following Stage of Parturition: - Uterine contractions become more frequent and with more force, moving the fetus through the birth canal

Expulsion - of the fetus

What season are we have the greatest demand?


The Dry Period is Separated into 2 phases:

Far off Close up


Federal Milk Marketing Orders

What ultimately determines the timing of parturition?

Fetal Cortisol Fetus determines the day Dam determines the time of day

Clinical signs of mastitis could show:

Flakes/clots in milk Mild swelling of infected quarters Abnormal/hot/swollen udder Fever Decreased appetite Decreased milk production Dehydration

What is the least efficient milking parlor?

Flat Barn or Side Opening

Why do we want grooved concrete in our barns?

Foot Health Traction (grooving concrete is expensive, so we usually groove in one direction. But adding diagonal grooves increases traction)

Types of Dairy Housing:

Free-Stall Tie-Stall Loose Housing (loafing) Pasture Based Dry Lots

If there is not enough lunge space, cows will try to stand up with _________ legs first.

Front legs

The Teat Cistern is separated from the Streak Canal by several folds of tissue (4-8) that radiate in several directions. This area is known as:

Furstenberg's Rosettes

Phenotype =

Genotype + Environment (in this situation, phenotype = milk production)

What are the goals of the close up phase?

Get her milking Calf in hutch

What are some precursors of milk?

Glucose AA FA Minerals

Dairy Breed: - High levels of beta-carotene which gives milk its orange color


Why is whole milk consumption declining while low fat/no fat milk is inclining?

Health conscience of consumers

Why does Georgia produce less gallons of milk per year compared to some of the other states in the US?

Heat and Humidity

Dairy Breed: - Produces the most amount of milk - Breed has gone down in numbers, but this can be explained because her efficiency has gone up


Holstein vs. Jersey: - Loops - Neck Rail - Stalls - Lying Space

Holstein vs. Jersey *Loops* - H: 8 - 12" off bedding - J: 8 - 12" off bedding *Neck Rail* - H: 44 - 50" off bedding - J: 40 - 44" off bedding *Stalls* - H: 48-52" wide 7-7.5' long (open-ended) 8-8.5' long (close-ended) - J: 42" wide 6.5' long (open-ended) 7' long (close-ended) *Lying Space* - H: ~ 5.7 - 6' (need ~20" of lunge space with another 18-10" of head space) - J: ~ 5'

Why alternate between vacuum and atmospheric pressure?

If constant vacuum were left onto the teat end for an extended period, blood and lymph would accumulate in the end of the teat, causing trauma to the teat.

The length of an infection due to an environmental pathogens can be different depending on what?

If they are caused by Coliform or Streptococci

What is the risk in a 6-row barn?

If you fill a 6-row barn you cant get enough feed to cows, which leads to a decline in milk production

The majority of growth is the fetus occurs when? Why?

In the last trimester (190-283 days) Because: - Fetus increases in size from ~4kg to ~45kg during this phase - Dependent on dietary intake


Income Over Feed Cost

How does mastitis affect milk quality and composition?

Increased Proteolytic (break down of protein) and Lipolytic (breakdown of fat) which = decreased milk components Decreased shelf life

Increasing or Decreasing? - Consumption of low fat/no fat milk


What country is the largest consumer of dairy products?


Where are the most number of milk cows located?


The price seems to not change supply/demand, and the price you pay doesn't shift. This is known as:


What are some causes of abortion?

Insemination of pregnant cattle Rough handling Ingestion of feeds containing toxin, molds, or high levels of estrogen Microbial infections Twins

After expulsion, uterus can begin to shrink back to normal size in a process termed:


Rejuvenate and replenish or secretory cells within the mammary gland, young no longer requires milk


Dairy Breed: - Known for high components of fat and protein - Most efficient (produces most milk per pound of body weight)


Bovine Taxonomy: - Kingdom - Phylum - Class - Order - Family - Genus - Species

K: Animalia P: Chordata C: Mammalia O: Artiodactyla F: Bovidae G: Bos S: Bos Taurus

How do cows lay down?

Knees go down Rock forward Drop

Milk synthesis and secretion following parturition


What is a "Transition Cow"?

Last 3 weeks of gestation through the First 3 weeks of lactation

Ductular System

Lobe Alveoli (inside lobe) Primary Duct Gland Cistern Teat Cistern Sphincter Muscle (surrounds streak canal) Streak Canal

Cows lunge ___________ and stand up on their __________ legs first

Lunge Forward Back legs 1st

_________________ is anything that is NOT breeched.


What are the two types of Abnormal Presentation?

Malpresented Breech

Structural development of the mammary gland, occurs during pregnancy


What are the steps of the life cycle of the mammary gland?

Mammogenesis Lactogenesis Involution

If stalls are too short...

Manure will get in stalls

How can an Edema be reduced?

Massaging - increases circulation

What is the most costly "disease/disorder to the dairy industry"?



Mature Equivalent

List the different support systems.

Median Suspensory Ligament Lateral Suspensory Ligament Skin

Inflammation of the uterus


No ________ _________ ___________ means the cow is overmilked

Milk Claw Window

What are some Post-Calving Complications

Milk Fever Retained Placenta Metritis Pyometra

What are the two phases of pulsation?

Milk Phase Rest Phase

Dairy Breed: - Dual purpose breed

Milking Shorthorn

Amniotic Sac: - Milky White = - Mustard/brown = - Red Fluid = - Fetid fluid =

Milky White = normal Mustard/brown = stress Red Fluid = hemorrhage/late fetal death Fetid fluid = early death

In the US, what state has the highest milk production/head?

New Mexico

Tie-Stalls started where?

North East

If stalls are too wide...

Not economically efficient

Perching and Idle Standing are clues that stalls are not comfortable. Perching is usually doe to what specifically?

Not enough lunge space

Factors that influence the occurrence of calving include:

Nutrition Health Genetics

What is the #1 change during the Close Up phase during the dry period?

Nutritional Change

Mastitis is almost always caused by bacteria that generally enter through the teat canal. Other ways for cow to get mastitis are from:

Other cows Environment Us Milking Machine

Leaving the machine on after milk flow stops is known as:


Does Under or Over-Milking do more damage to the cow?

Overmilking does more damage to teat condition and udder health (deterioration of teat end)

Treatment to minimize infection and stimulate uterine contractions for a retained placenta:

Oxytocin Prostaglandin Antibiotics

What happens during stimulation?

Oxytocin is released


Pasteurized Milk Ordinance

What can affect the total milk produced?

Peak Persistency Length Genetics

There are 3 primary numbers that dictate how much milk a cow will produce:

Peak Milk Production Persistency Lactation Length (look at graph)

Peak, Persistency, Length, and Genetics can affect the total milk produces. What can affect each of these?

Peak: • Diet Persistency: • Diet • Metabolic disorders • Mastitis Length: • Bred back • Mastitis • Reproductive parameters

What are some clues that the stalls are NOT comfortable?

Perching (sleep standing) Idle Standing (standing in free-stalls or alley way; not laying down)

Death that is before, during, or within 48 hours of calving (at least 260 days in gestation) is considered:

Perinatal Mortality most occurs within 48 hours of calving

DO NOT manually remove the retained placenta because you could cause:

Permanent sterility


Preliminary Incubation

Testing of raw milk samples to evaluate bacterial quality has been a commonly recommended practice is known as:

Preliminary Incubation (PI)

Name the following Stage of Parturition: - Signs of the onset of calf delivery become evident - Fetus rotates itself from the normal position held during gestation to position for deliver

Preparatory - Complete dilation of cervix

What are the 3 Stages of Parturition?

Preparatory Expulsion Cleaning

The Internal Process: Placenta

Prepares for rapid expulsion Increase in Estrogen Decrease in Progesterone

Closed infection of the uterus


What is the most efficient milking parlor?

Rapid Exit or Rotary

Rear quarters produce ____% milk and the Fore quarters produce ____%

Rear 60% Fore 40%

The ____________ quarters are larger than the ____________ quarters

Rear > Fore

What does rBST stand for?

Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin

Determining if the calf is alive, dead, strong, or weak: - Used when calf is presented backwards instead of the suckle reflex

Rectal Reflex

What is the number one source of lost due to Mastitis?

Reduced production followed by replacement cost, then discarded milk

The Internal Process: Mammary Gland

Regenerate alveoli Colostrogenesis initiated

The alveoli is lined with epithelial cells. What some of the functions of these epithelial cells?

Remove nutrients from blood and convert them to milk.

Milk that can't be removed with additional stripping is known as:

Residual Milk

What is the major loss of money due to Periparturient Disorders?

Retained Placenta

Retention of fetal membranes and/or fluid

Retained placenta

If you have to lay a cow down to pull her calf out, always lay her down on her ___________ side. Why?

Right side Because the rumen is on the left

Why is the East-West barn orientation preferred?

Rising and setting on ends of barns instead of the entire length of the barn

Which bedding do cows prefer?


Types of Bedding Material:

Sawdust Sand Straw Paper Mattresses Waterbeds

The rear quarters contain more:

Secretory Tissue

What are some examples of stimulation for milk letdown

Sight of calf Striping the teat Removing dirt Sounds of milking machines

Why are there higher rates of mastitis in older cows?

Sphincter muscle is loosened

What season are we have the greatest amount of supply?


If a liner slips off the udder during milking and creates suction of the outside air it is called:



Standard Plate Count

Heifers are most affected by which bacteria?

Staphylococcus Chromogenes

Milk is considered a "____________ ____________ ___________" because it is necessary to provide to people, and it must remain affordable

Staple Food Item

If a calf is born dead or dies within 48 hours, this is called:


Milk letdown occurs only after


Which Environmental Pathogen? ~60% last less than 30 days ~18% become chronic and persist >100 days


Does treatment help the following major contagious pathogens? -Streptococcus agalactia - Streptococcus aureus - Mycoplasma

Streptococcus agalactia - Can be treated Streptococcus aureus - Treatment very ineffective Mycoplasma - No treatment

What are the major contagious pathogens?

Streptococcus agalactia Streptococcus aureus Mycoplasma

Do more animals suffer from clinical or subclinical cases?


No visual signs of illness are considered


Is clinical or subclinical mastitis more expensive? Why?

Subclinical Mastitis is the most costly form because it goes the longest undetected

Determining if the calf is alive, dead, strong, or weak: - When fingers are placed in the calf's mouth, it responds with suckling or movement

Suckle Reflex

What do the Epithelial Cells secrete into the lumen?

Sugars Proteins Lipids Vitamins Minerals Water

The udder is a complex organ that is composed of a series of systems including:

Supportive System Secretory System Duct System Blood, lymph, & Nerve System

Mammary glands are modified ____________ glands


Mycoplasma infections could be _______________. They may start at other body sites and spread.


If there is not enough lunge space, cows will try to stand up with front legs first. Why is this bad?

Teat damage (stepping on teats)

Milk secreting structure includes:

Teats Duct System Lobules

When is the cheese demand the highest?

Thanksgiving through Super Bowl

~50% of the calf losses from birth to weaning occur when?

The 1st day of life

Occurence of Mastitis is higher during _______________ than lactation

The Dry Period

The amount of volatility that happens in the market is called:

The Swing

What does the IOFC (Income Over Feed Cost) tell us?

The amount of margin between milk price and feed price

Summit Milk is calculated by

The average of the 2 highest numbers

Metritis is most often due to:

The incasion of the microorganisms

In Loose Housing (or Loafing)...

There is free access to a covered space and they can lay wherever they please

What are the functions of the Streak Canal?

To keep milk in and bacteria out

Why do we want to milk older cows last?

To lower the chance of spreading bacteria since there are higher rates of mastitis is older cows since the sphincter muscle is loosened

Why were Tie-Stalls invented?

To protect animals from extreme cold

Why does the lactation curve happen?

To wean the young

What are the risks of undermilking?

Too much milk left in the udder begins to dry the cow off

Jerseys: - Loops

Top should be 8-12" off the bedding

What can greatly increase the rates of dystocia?


What country has the highest average milk production per cow?


Hormones regulate

Udder Development Milk Synthesis Regeneration

What is our current method of pasteurization?

Ultra High Temperature

Incomplete removal of available milk is known as:


When the uterus is not contracting, this is called:

Uterine Inertia

When the uterus is twisted, this is called:

Uterine Torsion

The degree of variation of a trading price series over time is known as:


Signs the Calf is in Distress:

Water sac has been visible >2 hours with no sign of progress Color and Reflex of Tongue o Pink between contractions o Dark red/purple during contractions Dam Relaxes (breaks should not exceed ~15 minutes) o Calf death o Dam partial paralysis

Anything that disrupts production changes the prices too. Such as:

Weather Exports

What does the FMMO (Federal Milk Marketing Orders) tell us?

What milk prices will be for the month

Determining if the calf is alive, dead, strong, or weak: - Pinching between the digits of the hoof and calf withdraws its limb

Withdrawal Reflex

What are four ways to determine if the calf is alive, dead, strong, or weak?

Withdrawal Reflex Suckle Reflex Check for Heartbeat Rectal Reflex

The only way to initiate lactation and to maintain it for the lifecycle of the dairy cow is for that animal to:



colony-forming unit per ml

Increasing/Decreasing? The number of dairy farms is _______________, while average size is ________________.

decreasing; increasing

What are some of the functions of the lymph system within the udder?

o Fighting infection o Maintaining fluid balance within the udder o Lymph nodes form lymphocytes that are involved in immunity o Regulates fluid balance within udder and combats infections o Mastitis-infection of the udder o Lymph fluid normally drains and is discharged in blood stream - hindered in pre-partum animal, hence udder edema

Sire Calving Ease is the:

percent of his children that had difficulty

Oxytocin stored in the __________________________, stimulation of this released oxytocin in the _______________.

stored in Nerve Terminal released in capillary

1-2 openings is called a _______________. Anything else is called a _______________.

teat nipple

Oxytocin is released during stimulation. Oxytocin stimulates:

the contraction of myoepithelial cells for milk letdown

Epithelial cells secrete into the interior of the alveolus called:

the lumen

Somatic Cells are composed primarily of:

white blood cells

The Georgia dairy industry has ~_______ head of cattle per operation.

~ 300 head of cattle/operation (GA)

Jerseys: - Lying Space

~ 5'

Holstein: - Lying Space:

~ 5.7 - 6' (need ~20" of lunge space with another 18-10" of head space)

Holstein: - Curb:

~ 8 inches

The average American consumed ~____ cups of dairy per day

~1.9 cups per day

Holstein: - Bedding:

~12 inches from surface to bottom of lower divider

What percent of farms are Cooperate Farms? What percent of farms are Family Farms?

~3% Cooperate ~97% Family Owned

How does an Edema occur in the Lymphatic System?

• Excess accumulation of fluids in tissue spaces • Increased blood flow to udder for lactation and increased removal of blood proteins for immunoglobulins • Excess fluid pools • Strains in support system and increased mastitis

Georgia's Top 10 Farm Commodities (2011)

#1 Broilers - $4.6 B #2 Cotton - $1.5 B #3 Peanuts - $586.4 M #4 Eggs - $567.9 M #5 Timber - $470.2 M #6 Beef - $409.6 M #7 Dairy - $332.7 M #8 Horses - $322.4 M #9 Pecans - 311.6 M #10 Corn - $311.6 M

Losses from Mastitis ($______/cow)


How does CWT (Cooperatives Working Together) help to preserve dairy family farmer businesses?

*10 cents/CWT* - Take out a part of your pay check every month to enhance demand *Control supply* - Heard buy out by CWT - They pay you a decent price, and all your cows get culled. - Become beef - Wiping herd from supply market *Enhance Demand* (export)

Why do some producers choose to stay East?

- Access to large markets along eastern seaboard - Cheaper land prices in rural areas

To Optimize Cow Performance:

- Adequate ventilation - Accessibility of water and feed - Lighting - Cow comfort (stall configuration)

Ventilation in barns are important for:

- Air flow (exchange with fresh air) - Remove noxious odors/pathogens - Decrease overall stress - Increased cooling capacity

Why did bulk tanks begin to replace milk cans in 1938?

- Allowed to store large volumes of milk on farm - Allowed to manage more cows/milk more cows - Hold milk for longer

What are some issues facing todays industry?

- Animal Rights/Welfare - Image of "factory farming" - Dietary concerns with animal products (saturated fats) - Biotechnology (GMOs) - Consumer concerns with hormones/antibiotics

Why are producers moving west?

- Availability of land mass (main reason) - Climate - Quality/Availability of Feedstuffs - Population shifts because of transportation (farmers pay for transportation) - Lower water table (reduces pollution of freshwater sources) - Closer to feedstuffs - Jobs


- Called "Free-Stall" because cows can freely leave for feed and water - Cow move freely between bedding areas and feed bunks - Several different bedding materials - "Stalls" designed to fit animal and animals movements - Maximize cleanliness

Primary environmental pathogens include two types of bacteria:

- Coliform bacteria - Species of streptococci other than Strep. Agalactiae

Why do we see another spike of Mastitis cases around calving?

- Colostrogenesis - Weight put on the udder - Hormones make the cow secrete milk prematurely; milk coming out = bacteria going in

What is the purpose of Somatic Cells?

- Combat infecting microorganisms through phagocytosis (engulf/destroy) - Assit in reparing damaged tissue

In Tie-Stalls...

- Cows are tied, food and water are available in their specific area - Alley for waste/manure

What are the issues with the current industry and Tie-Stalls?

- Danger of cold (frostbite of mammary system) - Cost (cant expand your numbers of cows - Size of cow has increased, so the lengths of stalls are at bare minimum (Tie-Stalls were smaller because cows were smaller) - Ventilation is bad because they are enclosed

To Minimize Labor:

- Designed to enhance cow movement - Minimize time required to feed, bed, milk - How easy the task is to do is correlated with how likely it will get done?

What are some causes of Retained Placenta?

- Difficult or premature calving - Nutritional deficiencies (Vitamin E & Selenium) - High milk producers - Twins Improper vaccination (IBR, BVD) - Fat cow

Benefits of the Robotic Milker

- Electronic ID records (visitation, milk amt, weight, mastitis/antibiotics) - Cows visit more (food) - Check data system to see cows not visiting (ill) - Frequency of visitation (the more she milks, the more she produces) - Increase production - Cutting costs - Back flushing (clean) - SCC decrease

What were the outcomes of Pasteur's pasteurization experiments?

- Got rid of bacteria - Helped decrease Diphtheria and Typhoid Fever - Cleaned milk for human consumption

What are some trends in the US dairy industry that we are seeing today?

- Higher milk production/cow - Larger farms - Fewer dairy farms - Movement West

Goals of the Facilities:

- Labor efficient - Ease of animal movement - Maximize cow comfort - Address environmental concerns - Cost effective for producer

Post-Parturition Exam of the Dam:

- Monitor for retained fetal membranes - Watch for uterine prolapse - Monitor for trauma and infection of the reproductive tract - Metabolic disorders (milk fever, displaced abomasum) - Nerve damage (may take a couple days to)

Treatment of Metritis:

- Often clears up in a few weeks without treatment - Veterinarian may be called to flush with antibiotics - Induce Heat (PGF2α) - Uterine Evacuation (Oxytocin)

Facilities should...

- Promote the comfort & health of dairy cattle for optimum productivity - Give animals the opportunity to express or perform to their full genetic capabilities

What are some ways to prevent mastitis?

- Proper milking hygiene - Proper milking vacuum - Pulsation ratio - Dipping teats - Treatment at drying off - Cull chronic cows - Milk infected cow last

Why does mastitis affect they way milk tastes? - Rancid - Bitter - Salt

- Rancid: Lypolytic - Bitter: Proteolytic - Salty: Mineral Balance

The reality of milk... - Negatives/Positives

- Relatively Bulky - Perishable - Low profit margin for producers + Multiple Uses + Easily sampled/tested

What are some factors that influence SCC?

- Stage of Lactation - Cow Age - Season of the year - Herd Size - Geographic Location - Level of Milk Production - Presence of other Diseases

Why is the Mammary Gland loosely considered part of the Reproductive System?

- They work off the same endocrine system - Milk is for the baby - what is the purpose to reproduce if you cant maintain the mammalian species - Reproductive function: nourishment of neonate = survival of species - Relies on the same endocrine (hormonal) support for development/function

Alveoli is ______ mm thick when filled

0.2 mm thick

The positive pressure inside the udder is _____PSI (pounds per square inch) before stimulation and _____ after.

0.4 PSI before stimulation 0.8 PSI after

Undermilking is incomplete removal of more than ____ cup of milk.


Calving Facilities are classed by the numbers 1-5. What do these numbers stand for?

1 - individual calving pens, good sanitation 2 - covered pens, poor sanitation (highest mortality rates) 3 - pastures, good sanitation 4 - corrals with shelter, good sanitation 5 - corrals with no shelter, muddy

You should feed cows after milking to keep them standing for at least how long? Why?

1 hour Can get infections if they lay down, so you want them to stay standing

Robotic Milker: ____milker(s)/____cows

1 milker/60 cows

Each cubic inch of udder tissue contains how many alveoli?

1 million

TOP 3 reasons associated with Dystocia in heifers:

1. Birth Canal (fetal oversized) 2. Faulty Disposition 3. Repro Tract Issues (cervix fails to dilate)

Holstein: - Watering Trough

1.6 - 2 " /cow

Watering Trough:

1.6 - 2" per cow (2)

Most animal have the capacity to secrete _____ mL of milk per gram of milk secreting tissue

1.7 mL

The support system allows the udder to hold over ________lbs

100 lbs

Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) regulations do not allow SPC to exceed ____________ cfu/ml

100,000 cfu/ml (cfu: colony-forming unit)

The milking machine applies ______-______ inches Hg (mercury) vacuum to teat end

11 - 12 inches Hg

Stocking Density:


A high vacuum is around _____-_____ and a low vacuum is around ______

14 - 15 for high 13 for low

For every 1 clinical case of mastitis, there will be _____-_____ subclinical cases

15 - 40

When and where did the first cows arrive in the US?

1611 Jamestown

Holstein: - Feed Bunk

18 - 30 " space/cow

Feed Bunk:

18 - 30" space/cow (24)

The greatest increase in udder capacity occurs between the ______ and ______ lactations

1st and 2nd

Milk that can't be removed with additional stripping is known as Residual Milk. Between _____-_____ pounds of residual milk is typical.

2 - 6 pounds of Residual Milk

The average American consumed ~1.9 cups of dairy per day. What are the "MyPlate" recommendations?

2-3 cups

When should the Close Up phase of they dry period occur?

2-3 weeks prior to calving date

~_____-_____% of dairy animals have additional teats

20 - 25%

In the GA, we are producing ~20,790 milk/head, which puts us at the _____ ranking in the US.


The average dairy cow in the US produces how many pounds of milk per year?

22,588 lbs milk/year

How many commercial dairy operations are in GA?

240 - 250

GA is ranked _____ in total pounds of milk.


The Teat Cistern holds ~_____-_____ ml

30 - 40 ml

Sometimes you see SCC given in scores. Anything that scores a _____ and below is good.

4 and below

After you withdrawal treatment for mastitis, how long do you have to wait until you don't have to dump her milk?

4 milkings (2 days) after withdrawal of treatments

Jerseys: - Neck Rail

40 - 44" above bedding 54 - 60" from back of stall (this includes brisket boards)

Stats from the National Mastitis Council: • _____% of all cows in herds WITH mastitis control programs are infected in an average of 2 quarters • Cost approximately $_____/cow/year

40% are infected in an average of 2 quarters Costs ~$200/cow/year

The gland cistern holds ~______ ml

400 ml

Jerseys: - Stalls

42" wide 6.5' long (open-ended) 7' long (close-ended)

Holstein: - Neck Rail should be how high off the bedding?

44 - 50" above bedding

Pulsation occurs _____-_____ times per minute

45 - 60 times per min

Holstein: - Stalls:

48 - 52" wide 7 - 7.5' long (open-ended) 8 - 8.5' long (close-ended)

India has the most number of milk cows. Where does the US fall?

4th behind EU and Brazil

Abnormal Presentation occurs ____% of the time


For a cow to produce 1 gallon of milk, _______ gallons of blood must circulate though the udder. This blood is going through the milk well which is AKA:

500 gallons of blood Subcutaneous Abdominal Vein

Udder Development - Capacity increases until the animal reaches ___ years old

6 years old (or 3-4 lactations)

Which Free-Stall barn is the most cost effective?

6-row barn

If a quarter is infected at drying off or becomes infected during the dry period, will perform at _____-_____% of its capability

60 - 70%

What is the pulsation ratio?

60 : 40 or 50 : 50 (milk phase : rest phase)

Somatic Cells (or leukocytes) include:

60% Macrophage 35% Lymphocyte 15% Neutrophil

______ lbs of force can fracture bone 2 men = ______-______ lbs of pressure Normal Calving is ______ lbs of pressure

600 lbs 400 - 600 lbs Normal Calving = 150 lbs. of pressure

The udder can weigh anywhere from _____-_____ lbs

7 - 165 lbs

What we would like to see in 1st lactation should be ____-____% of what they will make in 2nd lactation

77 - 78 %

Where does dairy fall in GA's top farm commodities?

7th 332.7 million

Holstein: - Loops should be how high off the bedding?

8 - 12 " above bedding

How many pounds are in a gallon of milk?

8.6 lbs

2nd lactation should be making ____-____% more in 3rd lactation

96 - 97 %

Low results of Preliminary Incubation (PI) are:

< 10,000 cfu/ml (cfu: colony-forming unit)

What amount of the Standard Plate Count (SPC) should be achieved by all farms?

< 10,000 cfu/ml (cfu: colony-forming unit)

What is the SCC general cutoff for people looking to give quality premiums?

< 150,000 SCC

What is the normal SCC?

< 200,000 / ml

Our Georgia Dairy Industry has ~300 head of cattle/operation, where GA has: 158 small family farms 70 large family farms 16 grazers - What is the average number for these farms in the US?

<200 - small family farms 200-1000 - large family farms >1000 - grazers

High results of Preliminary Incubation (PI) are:

> 20,000 cfu/ml (cfu: colony-forming unit)

The Median Suspensory Ligament connects to the

Abdominal Wal

The expulsion of a non-viable fetus before the normal term of pregnancy is known as:


In the US, what state has the lowest milk production/head?


Site of milk synthesis and secretion occurs in the


The site of milk synthesis


What is Mastitis?

An INFLAMMATION of the milk secreting tissues of the udder

The more we keep udders clean/dry, the lower the chance of mastitis. Generally milk is collected:


Stillbirth are caused from:

Assisting too early (broken ribs, vertebra) Assisting too late (suffocate)

We see more cases of Mastitis at drying off. When do we see another spike?

At calving

Mastitis is almost always caused by what?

Bacteria that enter though the teat canal

What are some signs for us that the calving is approaching?

Behavior - Separates herself - Irritated, kicks at stomach - Restless Physical - Mucus discharge - Frequent urination - Congestion in udder - Loose pelvic ligament (indicated by a raised tailhead) - Swollen vulva (2-6 times normal size)

If the calf being birthed is backwards it is considered

Breech (breech is also malpresented)

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