Dance 301 ( Ch. 1-4)

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Some form of motion

Three-Dimensional Dance Style

Spiral motion (wheels agriculture) 80% of simple economics

Who was the contestant on Dancing with the Stars that made the comment that dancing with a partner requires a level of cooperation and communication that is highly sophisticated and if the world leaders would learn the cooperation and coordination of dancing, the world would be a better place?

Steven Guttenburg

When Christopher Columbus first arrived on the Island of Haiti, the indigenous people lived a simple life of fishing and farming. They became friends with the Spaniards giving them gifts of gold. What were these indigenous people called?


a dance that contains hip-shaking movements with a close partner


people of the Hispaniola Island; only farmed and fished

Tanio- Arawak

The Aztec culture flourished until 1446 however a series of natural disasters threated the civilization. What did the Aztecs call the plague that struck in 1446?


Sitting Bull had participated in the Sun Dance several times and experienced visions predicting future events. What premonition did he have about his death?

That he would die at the hands of his own people

In the ritual dance Los Voladores five dancers climb a pole. One dancer performs a dance on top of the pole representing the deity. The other four dancers sit on the wooden rigging and secure themselves with ropes then they cast themselves off and the weight of their bodies turn the frame as they descend suspended by the rope. What do the four dancers suspended by ropes represent?

The souls of dead warriors and sacrificial victims

The year of 1454 was known as "The Year When People Died" and it was also the last year of the 52-year cycle according to the Aztec calendar. 1455 was the start of a new cycle and abundant rain brought a bountiful harvest but the Aztecs feared the gods might cause more calamities. What did the Aztecs determine would keep the gods appeased?

They created a constant state of war to capture sacrificial victims to supply the hungry gods with human flesh

The Toyi-toyi war dance was originally created by the Mau Mau people of Kenya to protest English colonization. It became a dance of unity in the fight against racism at political rallies. It is also accompanied by a call and response. The leader calls out "Amandla" which means power and the crowd responds "Awethu" which means______________.

To Us

What is the purpose of the Hopi Snake Dance?

To bring rain

Which civilization dominated Central Mexico at Tula in Hidalgo from about 950CE to 1160CE?


an educated former slave who led the Rebel Army

Toussaint L'Ouverture

According to Alan Lomax two-dimensional movement displays curved or circular movements and can be found in dance styles from economies that use metal tools. (True or False)


Animism is the belief system that honors all elements of nature including plants, animals, stones and natural phenomena believing they all have a spirit that interacts harmoniously with humans. (True or False)


Christianity had been the dominant religion under the Pomare kings until Queen IV who followed the traditional pagan religion. The missionaries overlooked her faith thinking that she would only be a temporary leader but her reign lasted much longer than expected.


Dance is part of the Yoruba religion. The shaman trains the dancers so that they can be an open channel for the gods to possess. Once "mounted" the dancer displays divine characteristics through the gestures and movements and provides an means of communication between the world of the humans and the spirit world.(True or False)


In the Snake Dance the medicine man or priest carries the snake in his mouth and is accompanied by a hugger guard and a gatherer as he performs this ritual dance. (True or False)


Lewis Morgan, an anthropologist found that patriarchal families began to take power when the men took multiple wives and fathered many children. The offspring resulting from these relationships became common children among the tribe and men started to gain control. True or False.


Lomax classified the single-unit style as using a solid torso, mostly moving the legs, feet and arms, sometimes bending or using a rhythmic rocking motion forward and back at the waist. (True or False)


Movement is the most basic experience of life and dance is simply movement to an internal rhythm. (True or False)


Refugee camps surrounded by chain link fences and topped with barbed wire provided a safe place to live for children who had been abducted by the LRA and had either been rescued or able to escape from the LRA. Rehabilitation techniques using music and dance therapy have helped some of the psychologically damaged children to find hope. (True or False)


The Cook Island dances emphasis the idea of community. It is important to be part of the group and dancing is part of the schools curriculum where both boys and girls participate. ( true or false )


The Hawaiian Queen Kaahumanu converted to Christianity and to please the missionaries, who thought the hula to be obscene, hula dancing was banned. (True or False)


The Spaniards created huge plantations on the Island of Haiti using indigenous people for labor, but when the population dwindled the Spaniards brought slaves from Africa. Eventually, the Spaniards realized that agriculture was not profitable and moved on to other prospects. True or False?


The first type of family was a matriarchy giving the women power primarily because of the ability of a woman to give life to another human being. (True or False)


a home island for French pirates

Turtle Island

What is the African philosophy called that reflects the humanitarian ideology of treating others with respect and when practiced the qualities that are demonstrated are, friendliness, generosity, gentleness, caring and compassion.


Who was known as the benevolent peace-loving king of Hawaii?


The sun dance is a sacred ritual lasting 8 days. The first 4 days are dedicated to prayer and meditation including time spent in the sweat lodge and passing of the peace pipe. On the last day a sacrifice of flesh is offered to the gods. What is the purpose of this ritual?

to bring peace and ultimately be reborn

What was the name given to the performers known for their physical beauty and usually descendants of the royal family who displayed blatant sexuality in their rituals and entertainment?


chosen performers because they were beautiful and perfect members of the tribe; performed dances that displayed lascivious sexuality


Multi-Unit Movement Style

Articulated torso, in which there is movement in the hips and undulation in the rib cage

In 1867 The United States purchased Alaska and the whaling ships constantly occupied the Arctic waters. These whalers took as many whales as they could but unlike the Inuit that made use of the whole whale these commercially minded whalers only wanted what part of the whale?


sexual hip- grinding movements


an island in the Caribbean that was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492


What did the Europeans call the South African herders?


What is the definition of dance ethnology?

It is the study of ethnic dance as it represents a society

In modern times the Hoop Dance became a storytelling dance as a solo dancer creates shapes depicting animals of nature reflected in the traditional stories. What was the original purpose of the Hoop Dance?

It was a healing dance

Who was the very first European explorer to arrive and discover Tahiti?

Samuel Wallis

a third dancer in the Snake Dance that scatters cornmeal once the snake has been released


In 1991 the first hoop dance competition was held at New Mexico State Fair Indian Village using the Olympic Likert scoring system. Who indicated this competition?

Ralph Zotigh

In the Inuit language, "poetry" and "breathe" are derived from the same word that also means soul. What is that word?


In vodou rituals the devotees or dancers are possessed by a loa and go into trance bringing messages that are intended to create change and heal the community. Particular gestures and actions are associated with each loa. When the possessed dancer exhibits outrageous behavior displaying obscene hip grinding movements and speaks in a nasally voice, who is the loa possessing the dancer?

Baron Samedi

guardian of cemeteries and messenger foretelling death

Baron Samedi

greatest creator who confides in Ioa


What is the Acholi traditional royal dance called that is performed in a series of circles?


In the Aztec culture when a young man reached puberty he underwent initiation rites to prepare him for the responsibilities of adulthood. At the age of 15 he was sent to a boarding school to b e educated for community work or to become a priest. Which school educated the priests?


This component of dance is related to balance and gives the dancer a greater sense of strength and connectedness to bring forth a spiritual essence that can be displayed and expressed with confidence.



First inhabitants of America. Traveled to America on foot, in pursuit of game and fertile land


First to rise from the ashes of the Teotihuacan

oldest Ioa; snake; so sacred that the snake needs to be covered with a sheet


In the Aztec culture each individual was a member of an extended family. Within this structure there were three principle officers: a secretary/ treasurer, a war officer and a speaker. What was the name of this extended family.



Descendants of Olmecs

known as Papa Doc; worked to help the poor; assassinated anyone who disputed him

Francois Duvalier

What is the word that refers to the collective spirit of all deceased loved ones and is also the name for the festival of the deceased ancestors which is an important tradition for the Yoruba people.


In early times women would choose their mates and would pick a mate from another clan. This type of matrimony is known as ________________.


Anthropologists believe that the people who settled in the Pacific Islands traveled by hundred-foot double canoes from Africa. (true or false)


Choreometrics is the term coined by Alan Lomax to describe how a choreographer creates movement to different rhythms.(True or False)


In 1944 Haiti was proclaimed the first Black Nation to be governed by people of African descent. True or False.


The dance of Osun, the goddess of beauty, fertility and protector of children, is gentle and flowing like the river. However when possession takes place her movements become extremely active and frenzied and then calm down to an easy flowing movement again (True or False)


The ritual Los Voladores is done in honor of the god of spring and agriculture Xipe by the Totonac Indians in Huehuetla Puebla who created it. There is no evidence that the Aztec Indians performed this ritual. (True Or False)


Papa Doc's son; inherited leadership position; fled to France

Jean-Claude Duvalier

What is the ancient style of hula dancing called?


Who was the Hawaiian king that united the islands to protect them from colonial powers?


The early system of Hawaiian laws was based on a set of rules and if the rules were broken the punishment was death unless one was able to seek refuge at the pi'uhonua. What was the forbidden act called?


The natives in South Africa were hunters, gatherers and herders. The indigenous names for these people were San (gatherer) and Khoikhoi (hunter). What were they jointly known as?


Vodou is a Haitian religion rooted in African religions that were brought to Haiti from Yoruba and the Congo. What are the spirits, angles, and ancestors called?


Who was the kuma hula that was hired by the Hollywood movie industry in the 1930's and 40's to choreograph hula dancing for film?

Louise Leiomalama Beamer

The Polynesians believed in Animism. They also believed that all things in nature contain a supernatural power. What did they call this power?


Who was elected President of South Africa in 1994?

Nelson Mandela

Pomare I a chief of Tahiti recognized the power of the European explorers weaponry and convinced the Europeans to help him fight against the other tribes on the island. He also welcomed the London Society Missionaries and converted to Christianity. What was his original name?



Oldest civilization of Mexico who resided in Vera Cruz, and Tabasco

The oldest civilization of Mexico was populated in the region of what we now know as Vera Cruz and Tabasco. It was known as the ________________________.

Olmec Culture

This component of dance is determined by the way the dancer aligns the body. Using this component the dancer can also indicate certain emotions to the audience.


sailors who kept an eye out for cargo ships


Two pyramids at Teotihuacan, in the Valley of Mexico, were discovered along with an 11-acre plaza known as the Citadel which was a place for citizens to meet. What did the Spaniards name these pyramids?

Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon

The modern Hoop Dance was originally performed by Tony White cloud in the 1930's. In which film did he perform the Hoop Dance.

Valley of the Sun

"spirit"; "deity"; main belief= everything is a spirit


a dance by the Native American Indians that was performed before battle to excite the warriors and for protection

War Dance

The Sioux Indians accepted the Ghost Dance religion in hopes of restoring the old ways before the settlers arrived. Who is credited with creating the Ghost Dance religion?



a meeting place for citizens


a movement that conveys an idea or message


a person's ability to maintain his or her position while resisting forces, especially gravity


a vodou priest


a way one aligns the body

Alan Lomax

anthropologist interested in analyzing dance from different cultures and identifying communication that occurred on a kinetic and subconscious level


any kind of strong, regular beating

One-Dimensional Dance Style

consists of linear, straight up and down movements which represented the kind of work movements someone uses when working w/ stone or wood (70% of simple economics)


essential to humans, breath is life, our muscles need oxygen in order to respond to the command of our brain


expressive behavior

What do they call the shrine that is built to house the snakes before the Hopi Snake Dance ceremony.


an invisible world with spirits, angels, and forefathers





related to the basic component of balance, where a dancer engages the solar plexus and lower torso

What is the component of dance that joins one movement to the next connecting the fluidity of movement?


Single-Unit Movement Style

solid torso, mostly moving the legs, feet, and arms sometimes bending or using a rhythmic rocking motion forward and back of the waist

What great stone carving created by the inhabitants of Teotihuacan displayed the artistic capabilities of this early civilization?

the serpent head of Quetzalcatl

Two-Dimensional Dance Style

used circular curved movements (metal tools) 80% of simple economics

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