DHN 101 Ch 10

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Liver Leafy vegetables Asparagus

Select all that apply What are some good food sources of folate? Milk and yogurt Liver Leafy vegetables Asparagus

Tuna Beef liver Salmon

Select all that apply Which of the following are food sources of niacin? Spinach Tuna Beef liver Salmon

legumes orange juice pork

Select all that apply Which of the following foods are good sources of thiamin? legumes orange juice yogurt pork


When a water-soluble vitamin assists in the chemical reaction involved in the metabolism of the macronutrients, this is known as its ____ function.

synthetic form of vitamin B-12

Which form of vitamin B-12 is more readily absorbed? natural form of vitamin B-12 synthetic form of vitamin B-12

b-6 b-12 folate

Which of the following B vitamins plays a direct role in the production or maintenance of red blood cells? Check all that apply. Biotin b-6 b-12 folate pantothenic acid


Which of the following food groups includes foods that are rich sources of riboflavin? Fruits Dairy Vegetables Oils

Malignant tumors

________ are considered cancerous tumors. Malignant and benign tumors Malignant tumors Benign tumors


________ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process. Riboflavin Vitamin D Vitamin B-6 Pantothenic acid


________ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process. Thiamin Choline Vitamin B-6 Vitamin D


A(n) ________ is a substance that protects vulnerable molecules from free radicals. cation enzyme antioxidant oncogene


Alcohol, sodium nitrate, trans fat, and arsenic are all examples of diet related ,____ or cancer causing agents.


Alcohol, sodium nitrate, trans fat, and arsenic are all examples of diet related ______ , or cancer causing agents.


As of 2020, ________ cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in females in the United States. bladder pancreatic liver breast


As of 2020, ________ cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in females in the United States. pancreatic liver bladder breast


As of 2020, which of the following organs is the leading site for cancer deaths among men and women in the United States? Breast Liver Lung Prostate


Because exposure to tobacco smoke increases free radical formation in the lungs, smokers have a higher requirement for vitamin _____


Because it is produced by intestinal bacteria and found in a wide variety of foods, a deficiency of the B vitamin, ___ is rare

vitamin B-6

Beef, salmon, potatoes, and sweet red peppers are all good sources of ______. folate vitamin B-6 thiamin vitamin C

Depression Convulsions Anemia Dermatitis

Click the boxes that include a sign or symptom of vitamin B-6 deficiency.

Fruits vegetables Fruits and vegetables provide the most vitamin C. Some breakfast cereals are also fortified with vitamin C.

Click to select the two MyPlate food groups that provide the most naturally nutrient-dense food sources of vitamin C.


Megaloblastic anemia can occur as a result of a folate or vitamin B-12 deficiency.


Milk, yogurt, liver, and enriched cereals are all good sources of which vitamin? Riboflavin Thiamin Vitamin C Biotin

anorexia nervosa. alcoholism. tryptophan metabolism disorder.

Select all that apply In the United States, people at risk for niacin deficiency include those with heart disease. anorexia nervosa. alcoholism. tryptophan metabolism disorder.


Which vitamin is a component of the two coenzymes FMN and FAD that play key roles in energy metabolism? Riboflavin Biotin Folate Choline

Vitamin B-6

______ plays a vital role in keeping homocysteine from accumulating in the blood by converting it to cysteine Vitamin B-6 Riboflavin Vitamin C Niacin


Which of the following is an example of a potential carcinogen? Whole milk Omega-3 fatty acids Alcohol Whole wheat bread


Which of the following is an example of a potential carcinogen? Whole wheat bread Whole milk Omega-3 fatty acids Alcohol

Fruits and vegetables

Which of the food groups provide the highest levels of vitamin C in the body? Fruits and vegetables Grains and fruits Dairy and vegetables Meats, nuts, and seeds


Which vitamin plays a role in over 200 reactions and is necessary for the release of energy? Niacin Biotin Choline


Which vitamin plays a role in the chemical reactions involved in the release of energy from carbohydrates? Vitamin E Vitamin B-12 Thiamin Biotin

Intrinsic factor

While food is in the stomach, the stomach cells also produce _____, which is required for vitamin B-12 absorption.

heterocyclic amines

Charcoal-broiled meats may be a source of ________. heterocyclic amines vitamin C statins dietary fiber

processed meats

Felipe wants to lower his risk of cancer. According to scientific studies, consuming ________ may increase risk of this chronic disease and, therefore, Felipe might limit in his diet to lower his risk of cancer. onions processed meats brussels sprouts citrus fruit

add carbon dioxide to other compounds.

In its coenzyme form, biotin participates in chemical reactions that depend on the activity of antioxidants. transfer methyl groups to other compounds. add carbon dioxide to other compounds.


Liver, legumes, broccoli, and orange juice are all good sources of riboflavin. folate. vitamin C. vitamin B-12.


Lucia has been experiencing glossitis and cheilosis over the past several weeks. As well, her tongue has a slight reddish-purple color. Based on this information, Lucia may have a ________ deficiency. thiamin folate riboflavin vitamin B-12

orange juice pork legumes

Select all that apply Which of the following foods are good sources of thiamin? orange juice pork legumes yogurt


The thiamin deficiency disease ______ is characterized by weakness, poor muscular coordination, and decreased functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.


________ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process. Vitamin B-6 Vitamin D Pantothenic acid Riboflavin


Choline is necessary for the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine involved in muscle contraction, memory, and learning.

1. medium sweet red pepper 2. 1 cup orange juice 3. 1/2 large pink grapefruit 4. med. baked potato with skin

Rank the highest to lowest vitamin C.

fatty acid synthesis glucose synthesis amino acid breakdown

Select all that apply Biotin's roles in the body includes ______. fatty acid synthesis protein synthesis glucose synthesis amino acid breakdown

carotenoids. vitamin C. phytochemicals.

Select all that apply Compounds in fruits and vegetables that may help prevent cancer include carotenoids. taurine. vitamin C. phytochemicals.

lungs. esophagus. stomach.

Select all that apply High intake of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of cancers of the lungs. esophagus. stomach. skin.

avoid exposure to tobacco maintain a healthy weight become physically active

Select all that apply The American Cancer Society recommends you do the following in order to reduce cancer risk. increase red meat consumption avoid exposure to tobacco maintain a healthy weight become physically active

Spinal cord brain

Select all that apply The neural tube in the human embryo eventually develops into the ______. heart spinal cord lungs brain

trans fat alcohol nitrates

Select all that apply What are some examples of diet-related carcinogens? biotin trans fat alcohol nitrates

fortified cereals enriched grains

Select all that apply Which foods contain the richest sources of folate? fortified cereals enriched grains eggs and dairy meat and fish

Collagen synthesis Immune system functioning

Select all that apply Which of the following are functions of vitamin C? Carbohydrate metabolism Collagen synthesis DNA synthesis Immune system functioning

Vitamin B-12

Shellfish, poultry, meat, and eggs are all good sources of which vitamin? Riboflavin Vitamin C Folate Vitamin B-12

Consuming a diet high in processed meats

Which of the following practices is associated with an increased risk of cancer? Consuming a diet high in processed meats Consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables Consuming a diet high in fiber Being physically active


Which vitamin plays a role in over 200 reactions and is necessary for the release of energy?

Megaloblastic anemia Spina bifida

Folate functions in metabolic reactions that involve the transfer of single carbon groups, including synthesis of DNA, amino acids, and neurotransmitters. Which of the following physical problems result from folate deficiency? Check all that apply. Megaloblastic anemia Microcytic anemia Spina bifida Pernicious anemia Osteoporosis

Intrinsic factor ileum

Free vitamin B-12 binds to ____ in the small intestine. The complex travels to the ____, where it is absorbed by the cells of the small intestine.

Whole wheat bread enriched pork chops baked beans orange juice Whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals, pork, legumes, and orange juice are good food sources of thiamin. Pork chops (4 oz)—0.6 mg thiamin; ham (4 oz)—0.35 mg thiamin; orange juice (1 cup)—0.2 mg thiamin; whole-wheat bread, enriched (1 slice) 0.15 mg thiamin; baked beans (1/2 cup)—0.12 mg thiamin.

Good food sources of thiamin

used as coenzymes.

In chemical reactions involved in the metabolism of macronutrients, water-soluble vitamins are used as coenzymes. used as enzymes. not used at all.

Riboflavin deficiency

Inflammation of mouth and tongue, inflamed skin, and cracking of the tissue at the corners of the mouth.

Vitamin C

Collagen synthesis, antioxidant activity, and assistance in immune system functioning are all functions of which vitamin? Choline Vitamin C Thiamin Niacin

vitamin B-12

Compared to other water-soluble vitamins, the body can store large amounts of ________. vitamin C thiamin vitamin B-12 riboflavin


Consuming too much avidin, a protein found in raw egg whites, may inhibit ________ absorption. biotin folate vitamin B-6 thiamin


Consuming too much avidin, a protein found in raw egg whites, may inhibit ________ absorption. biotin vitamin B-6 thiamin folate


Dermatitis, anemia, convulsions, depression, and confusion are all signs of a vitamin ______ deficiency. D C B-6 B-12


Once absorbed, vitamin B-12 binds to transport proteins and is carried to the liver via the _____

coenzyme A

Pantothenic acid is a component of ___ ___


People who eat little/no animal products may have a deficiency of ___

fatty acid synthesis. energy metabolism.

Select all that apply In the body, pantothenic acid is important for fatty acid synthesis. energy metabolism. protein production. glycogen breakdown.

cheilosis. glossitis.

Select all that apply Signs and symptoms of ariboflavinosis include scurvy. cheilosis. glossitis. spina bifida.


Ron's diet lacks niacin. He hasn't developed pellagra, because he consumes a high-protein diet that contains plenty of ________, the precursor for niacin. tryptophan alpha-tocopherol beta-carotene alanine


Salmon, tuna, mushrooms, and enriched breads are all good sources of vitamin C. vitamin B-12. thiamin. niacin.

limiting consumption of red meat. increasing your intake of fruits. increasing your intake of whole grains.

Select all that apply A healthy diet designed to reduce cancer risk would include increasing your intake of processed meat. limiting consumption of red meat. increasing your intake of fruits. increasing your intake of whole grains.


Cells require vitamin ______ to make coenzymes that participate in a variety of cellular processes, including the transfer of methylation in the metabolism of folate.


Intestinal bacteria can produce which vitamin? Pantothenic acid Biotin Folate B-12


Intestinal enzymes are necessary to remove ___________ from naturally-occurring folate. monomate cyclomate glutamates

vitamin B-12

Intrinsic factor is needed to absorb ________. vitamin C vitamin B-12 vitamin B-6 vitamin A


It is not necessary for humans to consume sources of water-soluble vitamins daily, because most of them are stored in the liver.

folic acid

____ ____ is more bioavailable than the naturally occurring folate.

Vitamin b-12 deficiency

megaloblastic anemia despite adequate folate intake; eventually progresses to nerve degeneration, paralysis, and death.

Vitamin C deficiency

weakness, slow wound healing, bone pain, bleeding gums, and petechiae.


A swollen and sore tongue is a possible sign of the riboflavin deficiency condition known as

greater than

As a smoker, Chantalle's need for vitamin C is ________ that of a non-smoker. the same as greater than less than


People suffering from which disease are very weak and have poor muscular coordination? Xerophthalmia Beriberi Pellagra Carotenemia


People with a disorder that disrupts tryptophan metabolism may have a deficiency of

Niacin Deficiency

Poor appetite, weakness, and weight loss; eventually progresses to dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis


Pork, legumes, enriched grains and Brewer's yeast are all good sources of which vitamin? Vitamin C Folate Vitamin B-6 Thiamin

(low to high) 1. Sweet potato 2. Peas in pod, 1 cup 3. Sunflower seeds 1/4 cup 4. Whole grain total, 3/4 cup

Rank the following foods based on their pantothenic acid content, from lowest (at the top), to highest (at the bottom).

Thiamin Deficiency

Weakness, loss of appetite, poor coordination, and severe edema.

James Lind

What British physician discovered a cure for Scurvy? Miles Sturgood James Lind Robert Oakswood Paul Roberts


is a toxic amino acid and vitamin B-6 plays a vital role in keeping it from accumulating in the blood.


A carcinogen is any environmental factor such as asbestos, tobacco smoke, radiation, or a virus that triggers cancer.


A diet adequate in _____________ is recommended for preventing neural tube defects. riboflavin thiamin vitamin C folate

Anemia Convulsions Dermatitis

Select all that apply What are some signs and symptoms of a vitamin B-6 deficiency? Anemia Convulsions Dermatitis Weight gain

carotenoids phytochemicals vitamin C

Select all that apply What is present in fruits and vegetables, has antioxidant activity, and may help prevent cancer? carotenoids phytochemicals fructose vitamin C

broccoli strawberries citrus fruits

Select all that apply Which of the following are good sources of vitamin C? broccoli strawberries whole wheat bread bread citrus fruits

Protein hydrochloric acid

Before vitamin b-12 in food can be absorbed, it must be cleaved from _____ Digestion of food forms of vitamin B-12 is accomplished by ______ produced by the stomach cells.


Beriberi is a thiamin-deficiency disease; riboflavin deficiency results in cheilosis; pellagra is a niacin-deficiency disease; insufficient vitamin B-12 intake can result in pernicious anemia; scurvy can occur without adequate vitamin C in the diet.

of the greater stress placed on the lungs due to the oxidative damage.

Smokers need more vitamin C daily than non-smokers because of the greater stress placed on the lungs due to the oxidative damage. they tend to over-excrete vitamin C from food sources. they tend to malabsorb vitamin C from food sources.


Vitamin C enhances the absorption of ________. riboflavin calcium iron niacin

fatty acid synthesis amino acid breakdown glucose synthesis

Select all that apply Biotin's roles in the body includes ______. protein synthesis fatty acid synthesis amino acid breakdown glucose synthesis

involved in the pathway that releases energy from macronutrients used to make NAD and NADP involved in at least 200 reactions

Select all that apply Choose functions of niacin. helps to control blood glucose levels involved in the pathway that releases energy from macronutrients used to make NAD and NADP involved in at least 200 reactions

needed for fatty acid synthesis releases energy from macronutrients component of coenzyme A

Select all that apply Choose functions of pantothenic acid. helps with wound healing needed for fatty acid synthesis releases energy from macronutrients component of coenzyme A

folate biotin niacin pantothenic acid

Select all that apply Choose the vitamins that are classified as water-soluble. folate biotin taurine niacin pantothenic acid

trans fat alcohol nitrates

Select all that apply What are some examples of diet-related carcinogens? trans fat alcohol nitrates biotin

Milk Yogurt Spinach

Select all that apply What are some food sources of riboflavin? Milk Yogurt Spinach Pork

Yogurt Spinach Milk

Select all that apply What are some food sources of riboflavin? Yogurt Spinach Milk Pork

Beef Salmon Walnuts

Select all that apply What are some food sources of vitamin B-6? Beef Bread Salmon Walnuts

meat poultry milk

Select all that apply What are some major food sources of vitamin B-12? leafy greens meat poultry milk

water soluble

The B vitamins and vitamin C are _____ vitamins.


The British physician, James Lind, designed a very simple experiment that found a cure for _____

fat water

The _____ -soluble vitamins are not easily excreted by the body, however, the kidney can filter excess _____ -soluble vitamins so they are eliminated in the urine.


The body can make choline, which is classified as a vitamin-like substance.

Fat-soluble vitamins

The body is able to store which group of vitamins? Fat-soluble vitamins Water-soluble vitamins

vitamin B-12

Vegans need to be concerned about getting an adequate intake of ______ because plant foods are not good food sources of this micronutrient. vitamin C vitamin E vitamin B-12 folate


Vitamin B-12 absorbs more readily in its _____ form because the vitamin is not attached to an animal protein. synthetic natural


Vitamin C enhances the absorption of ________. calcium Niacin iron riboflavin

cheilosis glossitis eye disorders Physical signs of ariboflavinosis include inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the mouth and throat, glossitis, cheilosis, dermatitis, and eye disorders. Other symptoms include fatigue, confusion, and headaches.

Which of the following are physical signs that may indicate ariboflavinosis? Check all that apply. cheilosis petechiae glossitis eye disorders excessive hair growth

Boiling in a saucepan of water

Which of the following cooking methods can result in significant losses of water-soluble vitamins? Stir-frying in a small amount of oil Microwaving in little or no water Steaming in a vegetable steamer Boiling in a saucepan of water


Which of the following food groups includes foods that are rich sources of riboflavin? Fruits Oils Dairy Vegetables

Pork chops

Which of the following foods is the best source of thiamin? Pork chops Milk Corn oil Cheddar cheese

Serving as a coenzyme in energy metabolism

Which of the following is NOT a key role of vitamin C? Antioxidant activity Enhancing immune function Collagen synthesis Serving as a coenzyme in energy metabolism

Serving as a coenzyme in energy metabolism

Which of the following is NOT a key role of vitamin C? Collagen synthesis Serving as a coenzyme in energy metabolism Antioxidant activity Enhancing immune function

vitamin B-12

Which vitamin do cells require to make coenzymes that participate in a variety of cellular processes, including the transfer of methylation in the metabolism of folate? vitamin B-12 thiamin vitamin B-6 biotin

Malignant tumors

_____ are considered cancerous tumors. Malignant and benign tumors Malignant tumors Benign tumors


______ is a component of two coenzymes that play key roles in energy metabolism, yogurt, and other milk products are some of the best sources of this vitamin.


______ is a water-soluble vitamin that is used to make a coenzyme that participates in chemical reactions involved in the release of energy from carbohydrates. Thiamin Vitamin C Folate

Vitamin B-6, folate, and vitamin C

_______ are water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins B-12, B-6, and E Vitamins C, D, and K Pantothenic acid, vitamin A, and choline Vitamin B-6, folate, and vitamin C


_______ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process. Vitamin D Vitamin B-6 Pantothenic acid Riboflavin


_______, as part of NAD and NADP, is important for energy metabolism. Folate Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic acid


_______, as part of NAD and NADP, is important for energy metabolism. Niacin Riboflavin Folate Pantothenic acid


________ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process. Vitamin B-6 Vitamin D Pantothenic acid Niacin

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