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A yellow X on an overhead signal above your lane indicates

"Steady" - clear the lane "Flashing" - left turn permitted.

Steps to getting a CP

-You will be required to present documents verifying your identity, U.S. citizenship or lawful presence, and Georgia residency as explained on pages 10-11 • You must present proof of your Social Security Number or your ineligibility to obtain a Social Security Number. • If you are under age 18, you will be required to present proof of school enrollment as explained in this section • If you are under age 18, a parent, legal guardian or responsible adult will have to sign the application, thereby giving their consent for you to obtain a permit. The individual who signs your application may, for any reason, revoke your permit until you reach the age of 18 • You will be required to pass a vision test. Your eyes will be tested by means of a mechanical device; • You will be required to pass a knowledge exam related to Road Signs and Road Rules. • The test fee is $10.00 and must be paid prior to testing. If any part of the test is failed, no refund will be issued. The permit fee mu

When sharing the road with motorcycles

1) Allow them a full lane 2) Remember that road conditions that pose as a minor threat to you pose as a major threat to them 3) Pay close attention to motorcyclists on the intersection 4) Allow more following distance (3-4 seconds) for emergency stops 5) Passing is the same, but be cautious 6) Motorists should be given the same courtesies as other cars

There are 7 shapes of road signs

1- vertical rectangle 2- horizontal rectangle 3- circle 4- diamond 5- pentagon 6- triangle 7-octagon

7 Steps for Safety at Highway Rail Grade Crossings:

1. Approach with care. 2. Prepare to stop. 3. Look both ways and listen carefully. 4. If it won't fit, don't commit. Do not enter a crossing unless you can drive completely through without stopping! 5. Look again. 6. Cross tracks with care. 7. Keep going once you start.

In order to get a permit or license you must have either:

1. Certificate of School Enrollment (DS-1 - obtained from school personnel) 2. High School Diploma 3. General Education Development (GED) 4. Special Diploma 5. Certificate of High School Completion 6. College or vocational school transcript dated within the last thirty days (official transcript with seal required) 7. Certificate of Adult Literacy proving pursuit of a GED (available from the Technical College System of Georgia for those currently enrolled in a GED program) 8. Declaration of Intent for Home Schoolers.

When traveling through a work zone remember to:

1. Reduce your speed. 2. Watch for speed limit signs. Fines are increased in most work zones. 3. Adjust your lane position away from workers. 4. Prepare for the unexpected!

Tips For Expressway Driving

1.) Plan trip 2.) Check car: enough gas, water, oil, and tires 3.) Be alert: use rear view mirror and side mirror to constantly check traffic around you. Always make visual traffic checks before you change lanes. 4.) stay out of other drivers' blind spots, especially big trucks 5.) use turn signals 6.) allow plenty of room when passing before returning to lane 7.) obey post max and min speeds 8.) Drive defensively, particularly during rush hours - times of high traffic 9.) dont back up. Driving in reverse on expressway is prohibed 10.) don't stop; stopping is prohibited; if you must stop exit at a rest area; if you must stop raise hood and activate hazard lights 11.) Avoid drowsiness and fatigue; stop and rest; avoid "highway hypnosis" - drowsiness broought on by monotony and sounds of wind, tires on pavement, hum of engine..."Exercise your eyes" to stay alert. Shift eyes from one are to another on various object near and far left and right forward and in mirrors. Listen to music and talk with passengers. 12.) Drive defensively - Awareness; Anticipate trouble by looking ahead where cars may be slowing or stopping; 13.) Never trust other drivers to dow what you think they are going to do or what they should do in particular situations; their turn signal does not mean they will turn; always be looking for an "escape route" as you drive - a place you can take the car if you have to have a better chance of survival

When someone passes you -

1.) be alert for any unsafe actions by other driver 2) courteous to reduce your speed slightly, making it easier for them to pass 3.) unlawful to increase your speed before being passed

penny test for tire pressure

1.Take a penny and hold Abraham Lincoln's body between your thumb and forefinger. 2. Select a point on your tire where the tread appears the lowest and place Lincoln's head into one of the grooves. 3. If any part of Lincoln's head is covered by the tread, you're driving with the legal and safe amount of tread. If your tread gets below that (approximately 2/32 of an inch), your car's ability to grip the road in adverse conditions is greatly reduced.

speed limit 55

55 miles per hour is the maximum speed limit permitted in this area

right turn signal (hand)

90 degree angle with hand up

Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI)

A Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) shifts traffic flow to the opposite side of the road to allow vehicles to enter the freeway by turning left onto an on-ramp without stopping. This reduces points of conflict and improves traffic flow and safety. The DDI is a proven, cutting edge, low-cost design that provides immediate traffic relief. Under normal, free-flowing traffic conditions on surrounding highways, the DDI can reduce delays in evening rush hours up to 20 percent.


A car skids when its tires lose their grip on the road surface. When a car skids, both the power that the engine sends to the wheels and the braking ability of the wheels are lost. Slick surfaces can exaggerate normal movements. If brakes are applied too hard, or the wheel is turned too sharp, a skid can occur. If you start to skid: • ease your foot off of the accelerator • begin turning the steering wheel in the direction of the skid • once you have regained control of the vehicle, you can lightly apply brakes and steer in a safe direction.

Safety Restraints for Children

A child under 8 must be properly restrained appropriate for the child's height and weight. Except in a public transport vehicle of taxi.

points avoidance

A defendant may successfully complete a certified 6-hour driver improvement (defensive driving) course after the issuance of a citation for a moving violation and prior to the court appearance, or as ordered by the court. When the original certificate of completion is presented to the court, the court shall reduce the fine assessed by 20 percent and no points shall be assessed against the driver. This plea may be accepted by the court once every five years.

Traffic signal- blinking yellow arrow

A flashing yellow arrow means you may turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians (oncoming traffic still has the green light).

red x on lane control signal

A flashing yellow arrow means you may turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians (oncoming traffic still has the green light).

Traffic signal- green arrow up

A green arrow means you may proceed carefully only in the direction the arrow is pointing after stopping for pedestrians and yielding to vehicles within the intersection. In this case you may go straight ahead only.

Traffic signal- green arrow sideways

A green arrow, in this case, means you may turn in the direction of the arrow after stopping for pedestrians and yielding to vehicles within the intersection.

Traffic signal- green circle

A green light means you may proceed if it is safe to do so after stopping for pedestrians and yielding to vehicles within the intersection.

aggressive driving

A person commits the offense of aggressive driving when he or she operates any motor vehicle with the intent to annoy, harass, molest, intimidate, injure, or obstruct another person • Examples of aggressive driving include but are not limited to tailgating, cutting in front of another driver, blocking other drivers from passing or changing lanes, etc. • A conviction for aggressive driving is considered a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature • The penalty for committing this violation may include imprisonment, fines, and, if the driver is under 21 years of age, conviction will result in a suspension of all driving privileges.

Traffic signal- blinking red light

A red flashing light means you must stop completely (treat as you would a stop sign). Proceed with caution only after yielding the right-of-way to pedestrians and to other vehicles at the intersection.

Traffic signal- red circle

A red light means you must make a complete stop before entering the crosswalk or intersection and wait until the light turns to green before proceeding.

no right turn on red after stop

A right turn on red is prohibited, even after coming to a complete stop

Traffic signal- yellow arrow

A yellow arrow may appear after a green arrow and warns you to clear the intersection.

Traffic signal- blinking yellow light

A yellow flashing light means you must slow down and exercise caution before proceeding through the intersection.

Traffic signal- yellow circle

A yellow light warns that the light is changing from green to red. Slow down and prepare to stop.

Distracted Driving

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 3,166 people were killed on U.S. roadways in 2017 because of distracted drivers. Common distractions include but are not limited to talking on a cell phone, texting, reading, eating, grooming, using a navigation device, and adjusting the stereo system. The presence of a passengers and pets can also increase crash risk.

Sharing the road with school buses

All drivers must stop when the bus is stopped with flashing lights. There are a few exceptions

Seat belts

All occupants of any passenger vehicle must utilize a seat safety belt if they are under the age of 18. Seatbelts saved 12,802 lives in 2014. Risk of fatality in car crashes are reduced 45%. Police officers can give you a citation of you dont have your belt on.

Expressway Driving

An expressway differs from normal roads or highways in that access to it is controlled. Vehicles can only enter and exit the expressway at specific places known as interchanges. Most expressways in Georgia are free, but there are a few that require a toll. With the exception of the controlled enter/ exit points and HOV lanes, expressways are similar to traveling on a divided highway. There is a median separating traffic traveling in opposite directions; lanes are marked with dashed lines, and the edge of the roadway is marked with a solid line; slower traffic should keep to the right; and all traffic laws and guidelines associated with safe driving still apply.

Super Speeder

Any driver convicted of speeding 75 mph or more on a two-lane road or 85 miles per hour or more on any road in Georgia, will be assessed a $200 state fee. The state fee will be in addition to any local fines imposed in the jurisdiction where the speeding offense occurs. Failure to pay the state fee on time will result in a license suspension and additional $50 reinstatement fee.

highway emergency- fire

Apply mud, dirt, dust or snow. Check ditch for water. •Use hub cap to carry water to wet apparel. •Loosen dirt with tire tool to throw on fire.

turning right at a red traffic signal

Before turning right on red, drivers must come to a full and complete stop before the crosswalk. Do not block the crosswalk when waiting to make a right turn at a red light. This puts pedestrians at risk, forcing them to walk around your vehicle. After looking to your left to find a gap in traffic, you must look to your passenger side to ensure a pedestrian is not crossing in front of your vehicle.

No Bicycles

Bicycles are prohibited from entering this roadway

Sharing the Road with Bicycles

Bicyclists are legally entitled to use every road in Georgia except the interstate highways. Yield the right of way to the bicyclist in same way you would yield to another motorist. If possible, make eye contact with the bicyclist, especially at intersections; leave bicyclists plenty of room in case he or she has to swerve to miss a pothole or other danger in the road; Key tips: 1.) at intersections, wait until bicyclist is out of the intersection before making a turn 2.) when passing a bicyclist, slow down and make sure rider is aware of your presence. leave at least 3 feet between the bicycle and your vehicle when it is safe to do so. if not safe to do so, wait until safe to pass him. 3.) watch for bicyclist who may suddenly swerve or turn in front of you without warning. Bicyclist sometimes forget to move to the middle of the road to make a left turn until they are at the turn. 4.) Night time bicyclists will not always have lights, and some may not even have reflectors. 5.) Hand signals used by bicyclists: *right turn: left arm bent up at elbow or right arm out *left turn: left arm out *slowing/stopping: left arm down

Passing Bicyclists

Bicyclists have same rights/responsibilities on the road as motorists. They can travel in center of traffic lane IF there are safety hazards on the right side of the road (parked cars or debris) or if the lane is too narrow for a bike and a vehicle to share. Pass with caution to allow at least 3 feet between the driver's vehicle and bicyclist when passing. If not possible, wait 'til it is.

Carbon Monoxide and its symptoms

Cars produce carbon monoxide, a deadly odorless and colorless gas. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are sudden weariness, yawning, dizziness, and nausea.

How to pass on a two lane road

Check rear view and side mirrors and turn your head and look back to check your "blind spot" be certain no one is passing you. activate your left turn signal as you begin passing . pass on the left and do not return to the right until your vehicle is safely clear of the overtaken vehicle. wait till you can see the car you passed in the rear view mirror. activate your right turn signal before returning to the right lane. be sure to turn your signal off once you have returned to the right lane.


Do not make a U-turn on a curve or near the top of a hill if you cannot be seen by other drivers approaching from either direction. Do not make a U-turn where signs prohibit doing so

Use of lanes on expressways

Drivers operating vehicles on divided highways must drive to the right of the median unless directed to do otherwise by a sign, traffic control device, or police officer. Drivers must obey the yellow or white striping on the roadway that indicates lanes, the convergence of lanes, or areas in which vehicles should not operate. Drivers may only access or exit controlled-access roadways at designated entrances and exits.

reckless driving and its penalties

Driving Reckless driving is defined as driving any vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property Penalties for reckless driving can include a fine of up to $1000, imprisonment for up to 12 months, and, if the driver is under 21 years of age, conviction will result in a suspension of all driving privileges.

When is the road most slippery?

During the first few minutes of rainfall

sharing the road with commercial motor vehicles

Everyone should be aware of the differences between trucks and cars and behave accordingly. These include: • A fully loaded tractor-trailer, traveling 55 mph, needs 3 times the distance a car needs to stop • Large trucks are more difficult to maneuver, are longer and heavier, and require much more room to turn • Large trucks have larger blind spots, called "No-Zones."

Obey Flaggers

Flaggers are used to direct traffic through and around work zones. In a work zone, a flagger has the same authority as a regulatory sign. Do not disobey a flagger's traffic control directions. Yield

horizontal rectangle

Generally for guide signs

reporting convictions

Georgia courts are required by law to report the conviction of any offense that will result in a negative impact on a licensee's driving privilege or that is otherwise required to be posted to the permanent driving history of an individual. This includes most traffic-related offenses as well as certain non-traffic related offenses. When the DDS receives a conviction for a Georgia license holder, the record is updated to reflect the conviction. Convictions reported to the Georgia DDS by licensing authorities or courts in other states and nations will be placed on the driving record of a Georgia licensee or resident. The Department will treat such convictions as if they had occurred in this state for the purpose of imposing license withdrawals.

Implied consent

Georgia law requires you to submit to state administered chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances for the purpose of determining if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you refuse this testing, your Georgia driver's license or privilege to drive on the highways of this state will be suspended for a minimum period of one year. Your refusal to submit to blood or urine testing may be offered into evidence at trial. If you submit to testing and the results indicate a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above the legal limit, your Georgia driver's license or privilege to drive on the highways of this state may be suspended for a minimum period of one year. After first submitting to the required state tests, you are entitled to additional chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances at your own expense and from qualified personnel of your own choosing

What to do when your vehicle stalls on the railroad tracks

Get out immediately • Move away • Locate Emergency Notification Systems (ENS) sign containing emergency contact information. • Call for help! Tell them a vehicle is on the tracks.


Good posture while driving is important because it allows a better view of hazards and more control of the vehicle. As a general rule, when gripping the steering wheel, place your left hand at the 9 o'clock position and your right hand at the 3 o'clock position on the wheel. Some manufacturers recommend placing your hands at 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions when the vehicle is equipped with air bags. Check your owner's manual or contact your vehicle manufacturer to determine which position is best for your vehicle. Always keep both hands on the wheel unless you are safely performing another driving-related task, such as activating your turn signal.

HOT Lanes

High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes are I-85 Express Lanes that allow registered transit, three or more person carpool, motorcycles, emergency vehicles, and Alternative Fuel Vehicles to use the lanes toll-free.

HOV Lanes

High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are travel lanes that are restricted to vehicles with more than one occupant, buses, motorcycles, and vehicles with Alternative Fuel Vehicle license plates. The lanes are marked with a diamond symbol and the hours of restriction are posted. The penalty for violating HOV lane restrictions is a fine up to $75 for a first offense; up to $100 for a second offense; up to $150 for a third offense; and up to $150 plus one point added to the violator's driving record for a fourth or subsequent offense.

Hydroplanning is when

Hydroplaning occurs when there is standing water on a roadway. At speeds up to 35 mph, most tires will channel water away from the tire similar to the way a windshield wiper cleans the windshield. As your speed increases, tires cannot channel the water as well, and your tires may start to lose contact with the road and ride over the water like a set of water skis. In a standard passenger car, partial hydroplaning can begin at speeds as low as 35 mph. At 55 mph, the tires may lose all contact with the road. If this occurs, there is no friction available to brake, accelerate, or steer. It is possible for the vehicle to go into an unpredictable and uncontrollable skid. If this occurs, take your foot off of the accelerator, letting the car slow down. To prevent hydroplaning, maintain good tires with adequate water-channeling thread on your vehicle. Most importantly, slow down when there is water on the roadway.

Disqualification of Commercial Driver's License

If a commercial driver's license is disqualified, all privileges to operate a commercial motor vehicle are withdrawn for a specific period of time. At the end of the disqualification period, if a licensee holds a CDL license that is not expired, the licensee's commercial privileges will be automatically restored without any action required, provided that the licensee is otherwise eligible to still maintain a commercial driver's license. If the licensee does not hold a CDL at the expiration of the disqualification period, the licensee's ability to apply for a CDL will be restored. A disqualification of commercial driving privileges does not, by itself, result in the suspension or revocation of a licensee's privileges to operate a NON-commercial motor vehicle. However, many offenses that result in a commercial disqualification also result in a noncommercial suspension, though the periods of withdrawal may differ. In Georgia, it is possible to lose commercial driving privileges for LIFE upon the conviction of certain offenses.

Revocation of License

If a license is revoked, all driving privileges are terminated and withdrawn until the end of the period of time prescribed by the formal action of the Department. At the end of the revocation period, a resident may apply for a new license. Non-residents may apply for reinstatement of driving privileges


If a license is suspended, all driving privileges are temporarily withdrawn for a specific period of time or until reinstatement requirements have been completed. At the end of the withdrawal period, a resident may apply for reinstatement and return of the license or the eligibility to obtain a license. Non-residents may apply for reinstatement of driving privileges


If possible, avoid driving in heavy fog. If you must drive, follow these guidelines: • Reduce driving speed • Reduce speed further when you see headlights or red tail lights. These indicate the presence of another vehicle and, due to fog, it may be more difficult to accurately judge the distance between your vehicle and others • Dim your headlights. Bright lights produce a glare in heavy fog, actually making it more difficult to see than when using regular headlights • Do not drive with parking or hazard lights on.

First DUI Suspension:

If your Blood Alcohol Concentration was .02 or greater, but less than .08; or your implied consent test results were suppressed; or no test was given, your license will be suspended for a minimum period of 6 months, unless you have a previous conviction for an offense in the above list, in which case your license will be suspended for a minimum period of 12 months • If your Blood Alcohol Concentration was .08 or greater or you refused implied consent testing, your license will be suspended for a minimum period of 12 months • No limited driving permit is available.

Joshua's Law

In order to obtain a Provisional License (Class D) at age 16, teens must show proof of having successfully completed an approved driver training course consisting of at least 30 hours of theoretical instruction and 6 hours of practical behind-the-wheel instruction.

illegal signals

It is against the law to flash turn signals as a courtesy or "do pass" signal to other drivers in the rear.

median strip

It is unlawful to drive across a dividing section, barrier, or unpaved strip which separates two roadways at any point other than at an authorized opening or crossover.

Litter control law

It is unlawful to dump, deposit, throw or leave litter on any public or private property in the State of Georgia, or any waters in the State of Georgia.

impaired hearing and vision

It is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle while wearing a headphone, headset, or any other device which would impair the driver's ability to hear. Also, the driver must not wear anything which would obstruct his or her vision while driving a motor vehicle.

Points Reduction

Licensed Georgia residents may request that DDS reduce the number of points assessed against their Georgia driver's license up to 7 points once every 5 years. To qualify for a points reduction, you must successfully complete a certified 6-hour driver improvement (defensive driving) course and present the original certificate of completion to the DDS by mail or in person at one of our Customer Service Centers.

Always Remain Alert for Pedestrians When Driving

Look for pedestrians on both sides of the street when approaching intersections, when turning, or near schools, parks, bus stops and other places people are likely to walk. Look behind your car for children or other pedestrians before backing up in driveways and parking lots.

mile marker

Milepost markers are placed each mile along the edge of the roadway from one end of the state to the other. Zero always starts at the south or west border where a route begins.

Idling Engines

Minimize your idling time. Eliminating unnecessary idling can reduce fuel consumption, engine wear and air pollution. When warming up the engine, follow the manufacturer's guidelines to assure sufficient engine performance for safe driving. Idling a vehicle for 10 seconds will consume more fuel than restarting the engine.

Passing Motorcyclists -

Motorcyclists legally occupy the full width of a single lane. When passing them, rules are the same, you must pass in an adjacent lane - not the same lane.

what should you do with a carbon monoxide victim

Move a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning to fresh air, contact emergency medical services, and give artificial respiration if it is necessary and you are trained to do so.

Making Turns on Multi-Lane Highways

On a multi-lane, two-way highway, you must never drive to the left of the center line except when making a left turn. If traffic control signals or signs are present, you may only complete the turn when authorized to do so by the traffic control signals or signs. When making left turns, you must always yield to oncoming traffic, and wait for pedestrians to clear the lanes of traffic, driveway, sidewalk, or alley you are turning into.

opening vehicle doors

Opening the doors of a vehicle on the side on which traffic is moving is prohibited unless it is safe to do so and unless it can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic, including bicyclists that may be operating close to the lane of parked cars.

Vehicle Speed

Pedestrians are less protected from the harmful effects of a crash than occupants of motor vehicles. The risk of serious or fatal pedestrian injuries increase exponentially with driver speed. This chart illustrates the effect of speed upon a pedestrian who is struck by a motor vehicle. When a pedestrian is struck by a motor vehicle traveling 40mph, the risk of pedestrian death is at least 80%.

Blind pedestrians

Pedestrians using guy dogs or walk canes must be given the right away at all times

penalties for driving under the influence

Penalties for driving under the influence of intoxicants are severe, with fines up to $1000, jail sentences up to 12 months, and mandatory suspension of your driving privileges.

If these dummie h0es go to slow on roads with two or more lanes, what may happen?

Penalties include fines up to $1000 and/or 3 points on the driving record.

Exiting an expressway

Prepare to exit a controlled access highway by safely moving to the right lane for an exit on the right, or the left lane for an exit on the left. Guide signs will tell you of the approaching exit. At the exit, deceleration lanes are provided for slowing down when leaving the expressway. Posted exit speeds are usually low due to the design of the roadway. Drivers should use either brake lights or a turn signal to indicate a change in speed to the drivers behind if slowing down in the traveling lane when preparing to exit.

Reduced Speed Limit Ahead

Prepare to reduce your speed; the speed limit is changing ahead.

All applicants under 18 years of age must have a responsible adult present to sign the application and complete the

Responsible Adult Affidavit

how to navigate a roundabout

Roundabouts are sometimes used at intersections instead of stop signs. The purpose of a roundabout is to allow the intersection to handle heavier traffic flow without the need for a signal or a four-way stop. When entering a roundabout, traffic laws concerning right-of-way still apply. You must yield to other traffic that is already in the roundabout. You will always enter a roundabout to the right, and continue circling until you have reached the roadway onto which you want to turn. When reaching the desired road, you will always exit to the right.

Lane control signals

Signals that are used to indicate and control the direction of traffic movements on individual lanes of a road.

highway emergency- accelerator jammed

Slap the pedal with foot. •Shift to neutral. •Concentrate on steering. •Use brakes. •Turn off ignition (not to lock).

highway emergency- brakes fail

Slap the pedal with foot. •Shift to neutral. •Concentrate on steering. •Use brakes. •Turn off ignition (not to lock).

Slower Traffic Keep Right

Slower driving traffic must stay in right hand lane unless passing. Slower traffic must move out of left hand lane when being overtaken by a faster vehicle.

Which areas may have different speed rules?

Some areas, such as school zones or construction zones, may be posted for lower maximum speed limits at certain times of day. May be temporary or permanant.

Yield to Mobile Work Vehicles

Some road work can be performed without actually closing lanes of travel. Pavement maintenance, debris removal, paint striping, utility work, and snow removal are examples of work accomplished while moving in traffic. Vehicles used in performing this type of work will have flashing amber lights and may have flashing arrows directing traffic to merge left or right. The vehicles may also display signs for the purpose of directing traffic or indicating hazardous conditions. These vehicles usually work at very slow speeds, such as 5 miles per hour, and may occasionally be stationary in the roadway. For your safety, and the safety of others, slow down, yield the right-of-way to these work vehicles, and follow any directions displayed by the work vehicles.

steering locks

Steering locks are anti-theft devices found in most cars manufactured since 1969. Steering locks can cause dangerous situations for drivers who are not familiar with their operation. If a vehicle's ignition is placed in the lock position while the vehicle is in motion, the steering capability of the vehicle will be disabled, and the driver will be unable to steer the vehicle

Cancellation of license or permit

The Department of Driver Services is authorized to cancel a license if the applicant fails to give the required or correct information needed at the time application is made, or if the individual becomes otherwise ineligible after application has been made. A resident may reapply for a license once the requirements have been satisfied and the resident is otherwise eligible.

dark phb

The PHB remains DARK for traffic unless a pedestrian activates the push-button.


The danger areas around trucks and buses where crashes are more likely to occur are called:

flashing red PHB

The double solid red signals are followed by alternating FLASHING RED signals. This requires drivers to come to a full STOP, and proceed when pedestrians have cleared the crosswalk. The signal will then go dark until activated again by a pedestrian.

Georgia's laws concerning pedestrians

The driver of a vehicle shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within a crosswalk: • When the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching and is within one lane of the half of the roadway on which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. "Half of the roadway" means all traffic lanes carrying traffic in one direction of travel • When making a left or right turn at any intersection • At stop signs, after coming to a complete stop and before proceeding • At traffic signals, even when the light is green, if pedestrians are still in the crosswalk • When entering a street or highway from an alley, driveway, or private road • When approaching a blind person who is crossing a street or highway if he/she is carrying a white cane or being guided by a dog


The driver of any motor vehicle, when traveling down a hill, must not coast with the gears or transmission of the vehicle in neutral.

Following emergency vehicles

The driver of any vehicle, other than one on official business, must not follow any fire fighting apparatus traveling in response to a fire alarm, or other emergency vehicles, closer than 200 feet, or park any vehicle within 500 feet of any fire apparatus stopped in answer to a fire alarm.

Entering an expressway

The entrance ramp is a short one-way road that leads to the expressway. From the entrance ramp, you should move into the acceleration lane. This is the lane that runs alongside the main roadway. In the acceleration lane, you can adjust your speed to the speed of the expressway traffic. When safe to do so, you should merge into traffic. Vehicles on the expressway have the right of way, but courteous drivers will permit you to move into the expressway traffic.

solid yellow phb

The flashing yellow is followed by a SOLID YELLOW signal, indicating drivers should reduce speed and be prepared to stop.

Speed and Stopping Distance

The greater the speed, the greater the force of impact. In addition to speed, stopping distance also depends on: 1.) mental/physical reaction of driver 2.) type and condition of pavement 3.) kind of tires and tread composition 4.) chassis (frame) design 5.) type of brakes, condition, and balance of brakes 6.) wind direction and velocity

Not DUIs suspension

The instructional permit or driver's license of any person under 21 years of age convicted of any of the following offenses shall be SUSPENDED for a period of six months for a first conviction, or for a period of twelve months for a second or subsequent conviction. • Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash • Racing on highways or streets; • Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer; • Reckless driving; • Aggressive driving; • Any other offense for which four or more points are assessed: » Unlawful passing of a school bus; » Improper passing on a hill or curve; » Exceeding the speed limit by 24 miles per hour or more. • The accumulation of four or more points in any 12-month period while under 18 years of age.

Protecting the Air

The operation of motor vehicles has a significant impact on Georgia's air quality. Emissions from cars and light duty trucks contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, a component of urban smog. Vehicle emissions can react with sunlight at high temperatures to produce unhealthy levels of this form of air pollution. This is especially true during warm weather. Vehicle emissions and ground-level ozone can be reduced by proper vehicle maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and by fewer trips and vehicle miles traveled. In the thirteen-county metro Atlanta area, gasoline-powered cars and light-duty trucks that are less than 25 model years old must pass an emissions inspection every year prior to registering their vehicle with the county of residence (the most recent three model years are exempt from this requirement). The thirteen metro counties covered by the state's inspection and maintenance program are: Cherokee, Clayton, Cobb, Coweta, DeKalb, Douglas, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry, Paulding and Rockdale.

Safety responsibility law

The purpose of this law is to remove irresponsible drivers from Georgia highways and to protect insured motorists from uninsured motorists. In the event you should fail to satisfy a claim for damage resulting from a motor vehicle crash, and a claim is filed against you under the Safety Responsibility Law, you will receive an order suspending your license.

solid red PHB

The solid yellow is followed by double SOLID RED signals, requiring drivers to stop.


The term "gore" means the area of convergence between two lanes of traffic. The gore is the area, usually similar to a triangle, formed by solid white lines between an existing lane of travel and a merging lane of travel. Gores are most often seen at the convergence of an acceleration lane and the adjacent travel lane on a controlled access highway. The gore is the area bounded by solid white lines between the acceleration lane and the adjacent travel lane. Drivers entering the controlled access highway are prohibited by law from crossing this solid white line, and are required to continue traveling in the acceleration lane until the solid white line disappears.

no passing lines- double white (dashed, filled, both)

These are double white line (dashed or solid) pavement markings on roadways that indicate where vehicles can or cannot cross to access the adjacent lane. When the double white lines are dashed, vehicles are allowed to cross over to the adjacent lane. When the double white lines are solid, lane changes are prohibited.

bicycle lanes

These are solid white lines typically located between the farthest right traffic lane and the curb or edge of the roadway. If there is a right-turn-only lane present, the bicycle lane will be located to the left of the right-turn-only lane in order to safely accommodate bicycles traveling straight through the intersection. Bicycle lanes may also be marked with painted symbols of a bicycle. Drivers of motor vehicles are prohibited from driving or parking in the bicycle lane, except to cross over it to make a turn. When crossing over a bicycle lane to make a turn, motorists must yield to bicyclists that are present.

edge lines

These are the solid white lines along the side of the pavement. They serve as safety guides, especially at night when it is difficult to see the edge of the road. A yellow edge line may be used on the left side to warn of narrow or raised medians

lane lines

These are the white dashes that mark the individual lanes of travel on streets and highways having more than one lane for traffic moving in the same direction. When there are four or more lanes with traffic moving in opposite directions, two solid yellow lines mark the center of the roadway. You may cross these lines only to make a left turn into or from an alley, private road, driveway, or another street. When traveling on a multi-lane road, stay in the right lane except to pass other vehicles traveling in the same direction.

center lines

These are used to separate traffic moving in opposite directions on paved roadways. Broken yellow lines are used when there are only two lanes and it is safe to pass in either direction

turn lanes

These lanes, bordered by solid yellow and/or broken yellow lines, is in the center of many streets and highways to make left turns. A motorist desiring to turn left should proceed to the turn lane just prior to making a left turn. Georgia law prohibits the use of this lane for any purpose other than making a left turn. You may enter this lane no more than 300 feet from the location of the left turn. When a turning lane is provided for vehicles traveling in both directions, you should use extreme caution before entering the turning lane to make a left turn. There may be a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction also entering the turning lane to make a left turn. This is especially problematic in congested areas.

traffic striping

These markings, created by diagonal yellow lines, are on streets and highways indicating that the road is narrowing or there is an obstruction on the roadway. The area is similar to a triangle with solid yellow diagonal lines within the outside lines. Always keep to the right of these markings.

service signs

These signs are square or rectangular shaped, and are blue with white letter or symbols. They show where various services such as rest areas, gas stations, and hospitals are located.

no passing lines- single

These single, solid yellow lines on two-lane roads indicate zones where passing is prohibited. They will be located on the right of the broken yellow line when they apply to the lane in which you are traveling. In some instances, both yellow lines will be solid, indicating it is not safe for passing in either direction.

Parking sign with an arrow

This sign means there is a public parking area in the direction of the arrow.

Pedestrian-Hybrid Beacons

This signal is known as a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB), and it is designed to help pedestrians safely cross busy streets. Pedestrians push a button to activate the overhead beacon and stop road traffic. When WALK appears on the Pedestrian signal, pedestrians can cross the street.

What are work zones for?

To protect workers (many workers have been stuck and killed by cars)

Keep Right Sign

Traffic is required to keep to the right of medians or obstructions.

Adjust your lane position

Travel lanes are likely to be closed in work zones, and lane patterns may change as the work progresses. Sometimes, workers must operate within inches or feet of an open lane of traffic. When lanes are closed or narrowed, or workers are operating on the roadway near traffic, change lanes away from them if possible or shift slightly within the boundaries of your lane to give added distance between your vehicle and the workers. This will provide extra protection for you, your passengers and the workers along the roadway.

side no-zones

Trucks and buses have big No-Zones (blind spots) on both sides. They are much larger than a car's blind spots. If you cannot see the driver's face in the sideview mirror, the driver cannot see you. The right side No-Zone is particularly dangerous because truck and bus drivers must make wide right turns.

front no-zones

Trucks and buses require more room and time to stop than cars. Because of this, more space should be given in front of trucks and buses. It is not safe to "cut in front" of a truck and then slow down. To avoid the Front No-Zone, make sure that you can see the entire front of the truck or bus in your rear-view mirror before you merge or pull into that lane of traffic.

no trucks

Trucks are prohibited from entering this roadway

one way streets

Unless directed to by a traffic control device, authorized emergency personnel or construction workers, it is unlawful for a vehicle to be driven contrary to the direction posted on a one-way street or highway, except in situations where police vehicles or authorized emergency vehicles find it necessary to do so.

rear no-zones

Unlike cars, trucks and buses have huge No-Zones directly behind them. Trucks and buses have no rear view mirror. The truck or bus driver cannot see your car there and you cannot see what is going on ahead of the truck or bus. It is critical to keep a safe distance behind a truck or bus in case the driver slows or stops suddenly.

passing stopped cars in lanes of travel

Use extreme caution when passing stopped cars on multi-lane roads. A pedestrian you can't see may be crossing in a marked or unmarked crosswalk. This is a frequent cause of serious or fatal pedestrian injuries. When you stop at a crosswalk on a multi-lane road, stop at least 10 feet before the crosswalk so a driver in the next lane can see the pedestrian.

use headlights properly

Use high-beam headlights only when driving in rural areas and when other cars are not nearby. You must use your headlights between one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise; at any time when it is raining; or when visibility is limited. You should dim (lower) your headlights when: • You are within 500 feet of an approaching vehicle so as not to blind the driver • You are following closely (within 200 feet) behind another vehicle • You are driving on lighted roads • You are driving in rain, fog, snow, or smoke • Your vision is reduced to less than 200 feet

Violation resulting in conviction

Violation of Hands Free Law - 1st Conviction 1 Child Restraint - 1st Offense 1 HOV Lane Violation - 4th and Subsequent Offense 1 Violation of Hands Free Law - 2nd Conviction 2 Possessing an Open Container of an Alcoholic Beverage While Driving 2 Speeding - 15-18 mph over the posted speed limit 2 Child Restraint - 2nd and Subsequent Offense 2 Failure to Adequately Secure a Load 2 Violation of Hands Free Law - 3rd or more Convictions 3 Impeding Traffic 3 Disobedience of Any Traffic-Control Device or Traffic Officer 3 Speeding - 19-23 mph over the posted speed limit 3 All Other Moving Violations 3 Reckless Driving 4 Improper Passing on Hill or Curve 4 Speeding - 24-33 mph over the posted speed limit 4 Aggressive Driving 6 Speeding - 34 mph or more over the posted speed limit 6 Unlawful Passing School Bus 6

how to make sure you can on a two lane road

Wait for a passing zone to begin. I has striped lines to the right of the center line of the roadway. If the line nearest to your vehicle is solid, you are not in a passing zone. Look ahead along the roadway to determine the length of the passing zone and if there is traffic approaching from the opposite direction. before leaving your lane.

construction and maintenance signs

Warning signs for construction and maintenance projects are used to alert you to dangers ahead and give you enough time to adjust your speed accordingly. These signs are orange with black markings.

obey the work signs

Warning signs in work zones have an orange background and black letters or symbols. They are used with other traffic control devices or flaggers to help direct traffic safely through work areas and to protect drivers, their passengers, and highway workers.

flashing phb

When a pedestrian presses the button, the signal is activated. Approaching drivers will see a FLASHING YELLOW signal for a few seconds.

railroad crossing

When a road is crossed by a railroad crossing, the pavement is usually marked with a large X and two R's. At railroad crossings, a yellow line is always placed on the right side of the center line to prevent passing. The crossing is sometimes equipped with control arms and/or emergency lights, to warn drivers of approaching trains. The driver of the vehicle must stop if warning signals indicate a train is approaching

Moving Vehicles Following a Crash

When a traffic crash occurs on a multilane highway or expressway, and if there is no apparent serious injury or death, it is the duty of the drivers of the vehicles involved to move their vehicles from the roadway to a safe location along the shoulder, emergency lane, median, or any other safe refuge. Drivers should only do this if the vehicles are capable of being driven normally and successfully, and driving the vehicles will not present any further hazard or harm to the vehicles themselves, to the driver, to persons nearby, or to the roadway. If the persons involved in the crash are incapable of moving the vehicles, they are authorized to request any other driver in the vicinity who has a valid license of the appropriate class to move their vehicles, and the other driver is authorized to comply. Drivers who take these important steps will not be considered at fault simply because they moved the vehicles, nor does moving the vehicles affect their ability to file a written report with a local police agency. Moving a vehicle in this situation does not allow for the driver to be accused of failing to stop and provide information.

Exiting and Entering Driveways

When exiting or entering a driveway, alley, or parking garage, drivers must stop before the sidewalk area and proceed only after pedestrians have safely passed. Drivers waiting to turn left into a driveway must wait not only for a gap in oncoming traffic, but also for pedestrians to finish crossing the sidewalk portion of the driveway.

When do you not have to stop for a bus?

When you're on the opposite side of a 2-lane highway with a median in the middle.

Passing Stopped Cars

Whenever any vehicle is stopped to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle. When stopping to allow a pedestrian to cross in front of you, leave sufficient room between your vehicle and the crosswalk so that approaching traffic can see the entirety of the crosswalk. Slow down and prepare to stop if you are approaching an intersection where other vehicles are stopped, even though the traffic control devices indicate they are authorized to proceed. If they are stopped because they are allowing a pedestrian to cross the roadway, their vehicle may block your view of the pedestrian.

when do i put a turn signal on?

Whenever you plan to turn, it is irresponsible to not.

Yield to Amber Lights in Work Zones

Work vehicles and heavy equipment will typically have flashing or revolving amber lights. You must yield the right-of-way to these vehicles. Reduce your speed as you approach any work zone where vehicles have amber lights displayed.

Where do you reduce your speed?

Work zones. Motorists who disobey regulatory speed limits in a work zone may be found guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature and will be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $2,000.00, or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed 12 months, or both.

wrong way sign

You are approaching a one-way highway or ramp. Driving on the highway or ramp in the direction you are traveling is not allowed.

school sign- speed limit

You are approaching a school zone. A reduced speed limit is in effect when the yellow lights are flashing

no right turn sign

You cannot make a right turn at this intersection.

No U Turn Sign

You cannot turn around to go in the opposite direction at this intersection.

Passing on the right

You may pass on the right of another vehicle which is making or about to make a left turn if there is sufficient pavement width for both your vehicle and the vehicle making the left turn. You may also pass on the right when traveling on a multi-lane highway carrying two or more lanes of traffic in the same direction.

one way sign

You may travel only in the direction of the arrow.

Railroad Rules:

You must always stop within 50 feet, but not less than 15 feet, from the nearest rail of a railroad crossing when any of the following apply: • The signal is flashing • The crossing gates are lowered • A flagman is giving a signal • A train is approaching so closely as to create an immediate hazard • A train gives a warning signal and is an immediate hazard due to its speed or nearness to the crossing • A stop sign is posted. When its over, take caution in crossing.

do not enter sign

You will see this sign at roadway openings you are not to enter and when traffic is one way against you. You will see them at exit ramps, and in crossovers on divided roadways,

Second DUI Suspension

Your license will be suspended for a minimum period of 18 months, with ignition interlock permit eligibility after 120 days.


a vehicle displaying this emblem is a slow-moving vehicle. A slow-moving vehicle is defined as any vehicle moving less than 25 miles per hour. They are required by law to display this emblem.

When the roadway you are traveling on is merging into other traffic without stopping

adjust your speed and vehicle position to allow you to merge into the new lane safely

If traffic from another roadway is merging into the roadway you are traveling on, you must:

adjust your speed and vehicle position to safely allow the traffic to merge. stay away from merging traffic as much as possible

yield to

all highway maintenance vehicles and workers in a construction zone

When making a left turn at an intersection, or into an alley or driveway, you must yield the right-of-way to:

all traffic coming from the opposite direction

Octagon means

always means stop. When you come to it, you must make a complete stop at a marked stop line. If there is no stop line, stop before the crosswalk on your side of the intersection. If there is no crosswalk, stop at a point from which you can best see oncoming traffic. You must not start again until all pedestrians have finished crossing on the side of the roadway you are traveling on, and you have yielded the rightof-way to closely approaching traffic.

stop lines on pavement

are white lines painted across the pavement at intersections indicating the point beyond which your vehicle should not cross if you are stopping for a traffic control device. In urban areas, the line is usually located about four feet before the crosswalk. Drivers must come to a complete stop at the stop line, when present, not at the actual stop sign or traffic signal.

stop signal (hand)

arm bent at 90 degree angle with hand facing down

Remember, the first half-hour of rainfall is the most dangerous

because roadways become extremely slippery when the water mixes with oil and other chemicals on the road surfaces.

Aiding the Injured

call a an ambulance, don't assume a person isn't injured because they say they aren't (call for a doctor), do not move or lift the victim unless absolutely necessary (if they must be moved get help and try not to change the position in which he was found), stop serious bleeding with thick cloth pads, keep the victim warm, Cover the victim with blankets or coats, if necessary. Georgia has a Good Samaritan Law that holds any person harmless for civil damages arising as a result of any act or omission in rendering emergency care.

what to do when backing up

check all sides of your vehicle to make sure it is safe to do so. You should turn your head and look over your right shoulder while backing; do not depend on your mirrors • For buses and large vehicles, the driver should use all mirrors and utilize a reliable person to observe and direct while backing the vehicle.


curves are potential hazards for drivers particularly when roads are slick; they require lower speeds; Sharper curves are usually marked with a safe mph sign. Reduce speed before entering these curves. If, while driving through the curve, you realize you are traveling too fast, do not forcefully apply brakes because this may cause vehicle to skid. Instead, take foot off accelerator, carefully apply the brake, and continue steering in lane of travel.

Night driving is dangerous because

decreased vision and the glare of oncoming headlights

When attempting to parallel park

drive past the parking space you wish to use and stop when you are approximately even with the car ahead of the space (you should be approximately 2 feet from the other car - door to door)

at a four way intersection with all stop signs

first come, first serve, otherwise; person on the right goes first

pedestrian signal for stop

flashing- continue with caution but complete walk, steady- leave on curb

Unless a sign posted at the intersection prohibits doing so, when is it permissible to make a "left turn on red"?

from the left lane of the one way street onto a one-way street on which the traffic moves toward the driver's left. You may proceed only after making a complete stop, yielding to all traffic and stopping for pedestrians, and making the determination that you can safely complete the turn.

vertical rectangle

generally used for regulatory signs, which tell you what you must do. You must obey them in the same manner as traffic laws.

left turn signal (hand)

hand straight out

express lanes

have few entrances and exits. have to pay. only 2.

Entering a car

have keys ready adjust seat and mirros check passengers fasten seatbellt check for hazzards give signal and be cautious

Watching for Pedestrians When Making Turns

if a pedestrian is crossing the street while you are trying to make a turn, you must wait until they safely cross


it is unlawful to weave from one lane of traffic to another in order to move faster than the flow of traffic. a motorist may change landed on a multilane highway and pass slower moving vehicles only when it is safe to do so. a drivers signaling to change lanes should be clearly indicated as to warn vehicles of the movement.

Following too closely

leads to rear-end collisions when front car slows or stops suddenly; Use reference point and count "on-thousand-one, one-thousand-two." If you pass before "two" you are too close. Increase that distance during inclement weather, construction, heavy traffic and at night.

overhead lane signs l

left turn only

Triangle signs

mean yield. You must slow down to a speed that is reasonable for existing conditions and stop if necessary. If you must stop, do so at a marked stop line, if it exists. After slowing or stopping, you must yield the right-of-way to other vehicles in the intersection or approaching closely on another roadway or auxiliary road leading into a major highway

Pentagon shaped signs

mean you are approaching a school zone and/or school crossing. When used, they will be erected not less than 150 feet nor more than 700 feet in advance of the school grounds or school crossing. (These signs can sometimes be fluorescent green in color.)

A round sign

means you are approaching a railroad crossing. This sign is posted a few hundred feet in front of the tracks and alerts you to slow down, look, listen and prepare to stop. If necessary, roll down a window and listen carefully for an approaching train. If a train is approaching, stop! Do not try to calculate whether you can "make it" across the track. Never try to beat a train through the intersection. Passing is prohibited at all railroad crossings.

Trucks and Vehicles Pulling Trailers:

must leave sufficient space between themselves and other vehicles of the same kind so that the driver of an overtaking vehicle can enter and occupy the space without danger - thus prohibiting "caravanning."

Riding in Trailers

not allowed while moving

It is illegal to park your vehicle

on a highway. y. If the vehicle is disabled, you should make every practical effort to park off the highway, leaving free passage and a clear view of your vehicle for 200 feet in each direction.

limited permit may be available

only if the suspension resulted from a conviction for speeding 24-33 mph over the speed limit and the applicant is at least 18 years old.

crosswalk lines

painted across, or partially across the pavement. Sometimes they will be painted in a ladder pattern. When pedestrians are in the crosswalks, they have the right-of-way over motor vehicles. Crosswalks are sometimes in the middle of a block in residential areas, and in some cases, a pedestrian crossing signal is located at the white line.

Guide signs provide:

route markers, information, destination, distance, and location signs

If emergency vehicles are using their emergency lights (blue or red) and sirens

safely maneuver your vehicle out of their way and move over to the shoulder of the road; or if you can't, move as far right as you can and stop. do not block an intersection or necessary turn

when a school bus is preparing to stop, they will activate lights and you need to

slow down and prepare to stop. on a highway divided by a median, cars traveling in the opposite side from the stopped school busses aren't required to stop, but drivers should take caution.

Should the deer or other animal run out in front of your car,

slow down as much as possible to minimize the damage of a crash. Never swerve to avoid a deer. This action may cause you to strike another vehicle or leave the roadway, causing more damage or serious injuries. If you do have a crash, police should be alerted as soon as possible. Most insurance companies will require an accident report from the police before paying claims for this type of crash.

when approaching a yield sign,

slow down to a safe speed and be prepared to stop

slow poke law

slower drivers must stay in right most lane

When there are two or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction:

slower vehicles should use the right lane except when passing or making a left turn. Driving too slowly is dangerous because it impedes the regular flow of traffic. Minimum speed limits are posted on certain highways. If you are unable to drive at the minimum speed, you should seek an alternate route.

overhead lane signs s

straight only

overhead lane signs

straight or right turn only

The "Move Over Law" requires

that a driver move to the vehicle and slow down when approaching a police officer with a stopped vehicle.

Deer are usually seen along the roadside during

the early morning hours and late evening. Drivers should be alert for deer during these peak hours. Deer are most active in the fall months of October, November and December during the peak breeding season. Late February and early March are also critical months for deercar crashes. During this period they concentrate along road shoulders to feed on new green food available following winter. However, deer are often spotted at midday during summer months. Therefore, it is important for drivers to remain cautious when traveling on rural roads or areas known to have a high deer population.


the place where two highways or two sets of railroad tracks cross or join

When a license is suspended due to an accumulation of points,

the point total is restored to zero.

If a guardian wants to take away the permit

they send in a request to revoke it prior to the minors 18th birthday. they have to provide a reason. they also dont refund the $10 fee.

Unless a sign posted at that intersection prohibits doing so, it is permissible to do what?

to make a right turn on red at an intersection controlled by a traffic control light. only after making a complete stop, yielding to traffic, and making sure you can safely turn.

green arrow on lane control

travel in lane

at intersections with traffic control lights

wait until the intersection is clear of traffic or approaching traffic before entering. Do not proceed "just because" you have the green light

Pedestrian signals display...


Diamond signs on the road means

warn of existing or possible hazards on roadways or adjacent areas. They are yellow with black words indicating the potential hazard, or black symbols visually describing the potential hazard


when stopping or slowing down suddenly, the proper hand, arm, or brake operated stop signal must be given.

right of way

who has authority to enter a roadway, change lanes within a roadway, make a turn from a roadway, travel through an intersection, or make other traffic related movements

A limited driving permit will be revoked by the Department if

you are convicted of violating any state law or local ordinance relating to the movement of vehicles or if you are convicted of violating any of the conditions or restrictions of your permit. In addition, a conviction will extend the underlying suspension of your driving privilege for an additional 6 months.

if you are at an intersection and are faced with a stop sign and the other side is not

you let them go first, and the carefully proceed

if there are no stop signs

you must give the right of way to whoever gets there first- if it's the same time, the vehicle on the right gets to go first

if you are about to enter or cross a highway from an alley, private road, or highway

you must stop and yield the right-of-way to all other pedestrians and vehicles already traveling on the roadway or sidewalk you are entering or crossing

A limited driving permit may be available in the following situations, depending on your age and the number of convictions on your driving record:

• 1st DUI (non-drugs); • 2nd DUI conviction in 5 years; • DUI ALS; • Under 21 speeding violation but only if age 18 or older, speeding was 24-33 mph over the posted speed limit, and approved by the sentencing court judge; • 1st or 2nd suspension for accumulation of 15 or more points within a 24 month period; • 3rd controlled substance violation after a 2 year suspension and age 21 or over; • Homicide by vehicle 2nd Degree (age 21 or over); • Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used (age 21 or over); • Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer (age 21 or over); • Fraudulent or fictitious use of, or application for, a license/ID card (age 21 or over); • Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash (age 21 or over); • Racing (age 21 or over); • Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked, canceled, or suspended registration (age 21 or over); • If approved by the sentencing Court Judge involving license suspensions for certain drug offenses

General speed limits that are to be followed unless a sign tells another speed

• 30 miles per hour in any urban or residential district • 35 miles per hour on an unpaved county road • 70 miles per hour on a rural interstate • 65 miles per hour on an urban interstate or on a multi-lane divided highway • 55 miles per hour in all other areas.

To sign the responsible adult affidavit, you must be

• A parent or legal guardian of the applicant (must provide school or military documents, tax information or a driver's license/permit/ ID card to show relationship to applicant) • A social worker who has worked with the applicant (must provide an employee ID or a letter from the state agency) • Certified Driver Training instructor authorized to act on behalf of the parent, legal guardian or responsible adult of the applicant with notarized documentation to verify • An employee of a homeless shelter where the applicant resides (must provide an employee ID or a letter from the shelter) • A step-parent of the applicant (must provide a valid marriage license or document reflecting marriage to the biological parent of the applicant) • Other persons who can be identified by a state agency or official, school official or certified school records, or documentation from a federal agency or entity.

If your tire blows out

• Apply brakes lightly if necessary and safe to do so • Grasp the steering wheel firmly and take your foot off the accelerator to allow the vehicle to roll to a stop • Do not move to the shoulder of the road until the car has slowed greatly. If the blow-out causes the car to swerve on to the shoulder, do not try to get back on the pavement. Let the car coast to a stop. See the guidelines above for what to do when your vehicle leaves the roadway.

The highlights of Joshua's law include

• Approved driver education training required to obtain a Class D Provisional license at age 16 • Approved driver education training required to obtain a Class M Instructional Permit (MP) at age 16 • You must be 17 years of age to obtain a Class M Motorcycle Operator's License. The first stage of the graduated licensing program is a Class C Instructional Permit (CP).

The commercial driving privileges can be withdrawn for:

• Conviction of a Major traffic violation; • Conviction of two or more Serious traffic violations; • Use of a CMV in the commission of any felony involving a controlled substance or marijuana (other than mere felony possession); • Violation of an out-of-service order; or • Conviction of a railroad grade crossing offense in a CMV.

What to do to avoid getting a citation when driving around commercial vehicles

• Don't cut off commercial motor vehicles. For safety, one car length for every 10 miles per hour of speed is recommended • Don't tailgate. Unlike cars, commercial motor vehicles have big blind spots behind them. Also, car drivers who tailgate commercial motor vehicles can't see traffic ahead. If the commercial motor vehicle brakes suddenly, you have no time to react and no place to go • Don't speed. Speed is a factor in nearly one-third of all fatal crashes • Allow commercial motor vehicles plenty of room. Be careful when you or the commercial motor vehicle are entering a highway or merging with traffic.

precautions for carbon monoxide

• Don't leave the car motor running in a garage • Don't leave the car motor running and the windows closed while the car is parked • Don't operate the heater or air conditioner in a parked car with the windows closed • Don't drive with a defective muffler or exhaust system

In some situations, a limited driving permit may be available for a fee of $25 during the suspension period. A limited driving permit would allow you to only:

• Drive to your place of employment; • Receive scheduled medical attention or obtain prescribed drugs; • Attend classes at a college or school in which you are enrolled as a student; • Attend regularly scheduled sessions or meetings of support organizations for the treatment of alcohol or other drugs; • Attend a driver education program or alcohol/drug assessment and treatment program; • Attend court, report to a probation office or officer, or perform community service; • Transport unlicensed immediate family members to work, medical care and to obtain prescriptions, and to school. The Department may also specify the places you may travel to, specific routes of travel, times of travel, and indicate vehicles, or other restrictions deemed necessary. Limited driving permits are not valid for driving a commercial vehicle.

The commercial driving privileges of any person convicted of one of the following "major traffic violations" in this state, or any other state, in a commercial or, unless otherwise specified, a noncommercial vehicle will be disqualified for one year:

• Driving a CMV if your BAC is .04 gm. or higher; • DUI; • Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash; • Failure to report striking an unattended vehicle; • Failure to report striking a fixed object; • Failure to report a crash; • Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used; • Driving a CMV while the CDL is revoked, suspended, canceled, or disqualified; • Homicide by vehicle; • Racing; • Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer; • Fraudulent or fictitious use of, or application for, a license/ID card; • Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked, canceled, or suspended registration; • Commercial vehicle cargo theft; or • Refusal to submit to state administered chemical testing when requested by a law enforcement officer. If convicted of any of these offenses while you are operating a CMV that is placarded for hazardous materials, you will be disqualified from driving a CMV for at least three years for a first offense. A second conviction from a separate incident of any of these major traffic violations will result in a lifetime disqualification of commercial driving privileges.

To avoid suspension of license from Safety Responsibility Law:

• Have your insurance carrier file Form SR-21 with the DDS if you were covered by liability insurance at the time of the crash • File either a general or a conditional release that has been signed by the claimant (injured party in the crash) with the DDS • Post security to cover the damages with the DDS, which may be a cashier's check, certified check, money order, real property bond or surety bond, in addition to posting of financial responsibility, Form SR-22A. Any security or bond posted with the Department will be held for one year and thereafter until proof is furnished to the Department that you have not been sued as a result of the crash. You are entitled to a hearing, if desired, and if requested within ten (10) days of the receipt of the order of suspension.

Hands free law

• Holding or supporting, with any part of the body, a wireless telecommunications device or stand-alone electronic device. • Writing, sending or reading any text-based communication, including a text message, instant message, e-mail or internet data. • Watching, recording, or broadcasting a video or movie. Penalties: 1st conviction - 1 point and fine not more than $50.00 • 2nd conviction - 2 points and fine not more than $100.00 • 3rd or more convictions - 3 points and fine nor more than $150.00

Limited driving permits are not available for convictions of the following offenses or in the following situations:

• Implied Consent refusal (may be available if no prior DUI conviction within past 5 years) • No Insurance convictions • Driving while license suspended convictions • Failure to pay super speeder fee • Failure to pay child support • Failure to appear in court or respond to a citation • Medical revocation • Safety responsibility • Parent requested revocation • DUI Drugs • DUI convictions prior to age 21; and • Refusal to weigh (CMV).

Passing is prohibited on two-lane roads:

• In areas marked by a solid yellow line on the right of the center line, or a "Do Not Pass" sign, or double yellow lines; • Within 100 feet of a railroad crossing; • Within 100 feet of a bridge, viaduct or tunnel. • When a car approaching from the opposite direction makes passing unsafe or will be within 200 feet of your vehicle prior to the completion of a passing maneuver; • On a hill or curve where it is not possible to see oncoming vehicles which might be close enough to be a hazard; • On the shoulder of the road; • When a school bus is stopped to load or unload passengers.

Follow these guidelines to minimize the chances of a crash with a deer:

• In areas with known deer populations, drivers should constantly scan the road and road shoulders for deer movements and sightings; • Always slow down when a deer crosses the road in front of you or another car. Deer usually travel in groups and it is likely that there is another one following closely behind; • If a deer is spotted on the road or roadside at night, the driver should slow down immediately, blink his/her headlights and switch to low beam so as not to blind the deer; • Also, short horn blasts may help scare the deer from the road.

Stopping, Standing or Parking is permitted only momentarily to pick up or drop off passengers under the following conditions:

• In front of a public or private driveway • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant • Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection • Within 30 feet of a stop sign, yield sign, or traffic control signal • Within 20 feet of a fire station driveway • Within 75 feet of the spot across the street from a fire station driveway • Within 50 feet of a railroad crossing • At any place where official signs prohibit standing

driving under the influence

• It is unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, a drug (prescription or illegal), or any other substance which impairs his/her ability to safely do so • A person 21 or more years of age is considered "Under the Influence of Alcohol" when 0.08 gm or more by alcohol weight is present in the blood • A person under 21 years of age is irrefutably considered "Under the Influence of Alcohol" when 0.02 gm or more by alcohol weight is present in the blood;

Passing is Permitted When:

• Lawfully overtaking and passing another vehicle going in the same direction; • An obstruction makes it necessary to drive to the left of the center line, but only after yielding to oncoming traffic; • A roadway includes two or more marked lanes in the same direction; • A roadway with more than one lane is restricted to one-way traffic. Upon a multi-lane, two way highway, you must never drive to the left of the center line except when authorized to do so by traffic control signals or signs or when making a left turn into an alley, private road or driveway.

Night Driving precautions

• Make sure your headlights are working properly and the lenses are kept clean. Periodically have them checked for correct aim/alignment • Don't "overdrive" your headlights. When traveling at night or in other situations that make the use of headlights necessary for safe travel, do not drive at a speed that requires a stopping time greater than the distance illuminated by your headlights • Slow down when oncoming traffic is approaching or when you are nearing a curve • If visibility is greatly reduced, use the edge line as a guide to maintaining your lane of travel. If there is no edge line, use the center line to guide yourself • Keep your windshield clean • Do not drive if you are tired. More frequent stops, more fresh air, lively radio programs and other measures can help you to avoid drowsiness and inattention • Watch carefully for highway signs; they are harder to see at night • Watch carefully for pedestrians and for vehicles stopped along the edge of the road • Do not stop on the roadway.

Georgia Fines and Penalties

• Mandatory court appearance • Up to $1000 fine • Up to 6 points on driving record • A conviction under 21 years of age constitutes license suspension.

Stopping, Standing or Parking is not permitted under the following conditions at any time:

• On the street side of any parked vehicle; • On a sidewalk; • Within an intersection; • On a crosswalk; • Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb; • Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic; • Upon a bridge or overpass, or within a highway tunnel; • On any railroad tracks; • On a controlled access roadway; • In the area between roadways on a divided highway, including crossovers; • At any place marked by a no-parking sign.

The Department will suspend the driving privileges of an individual in any of the following non-conviction situations

• Refusal to take a chemical test for intoxication • Failure to appear in court or respond to a citation • Non-payment of Child Support • Non-payment of the Super Speeder fee • Safety responsibility • Medical revocation • Parent requested revocation (under age 18). The Department is required by law to suspend the privileges of an individual for a conviction of any of the following offenses: • Homicide by vehicle; • Feticide by Vehicle (1st degree); • Serious injury by vehicle; • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs; • Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used; • Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer; • Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash; • Racing; • Operating a motor vehicle with a revoked, canceled, or suspended registration; • Driving without insurance • Driving while license is suspended, revoked, or canceled; • Refusal to weigh commercial motor vehicle; • Violation of license restriction (at the discretion of the trial court). In addition to the offenses listed above, the license and/or driving privileges of an individual under the age of 21 on the date of the conviction will be suspended for the following offenses: • Reckless driving; • Aggressive driving; • Speeding 24 mph or more over the speed limit; • Unlawful passing of a school bus; • Improper passing on a hill or a curve; • Any 4-point offense • Four or more points in 12 months prior to age 18;

The following violations are defined as "serious traffic violations" when committed in this state, or any other state, when operating either a CMV or, unless otherwise specified, a noncommercial motor vehicle:

• Speeding 15 or more miles per hour above the posted speed limit; • Reckless driving; • Following another vehicle too closely; • Improper or erratic lane change, including failure to signal a lane change; • A violation of state law or a local ordinance relating to motor vehicle traffic control arising in connection with a fatal crash, excluding parking, weight, length, height, and vehicle defect violations, and excluding homicide by vehicle; • A railroad grade crossing violation in a noncommercial motor vehicle; • Driving a commercial motor vehicle without obtaining a commercial driver´s license • Driving a commercial motor vehicle without a commercial driver´s license in your immediate possession, but not if it is because your commercial driving privileges have been suspended, revoked, canceled, or disqualified; • Driving a commercial motor vehicle without a commercial driver´s license of the proper class and endorsements for the specific vehicle you are operating or for the passengers or type of cargo you are transporting; • Use of a wireless device for text based communications while operating a commercial motor vehicle.

If You Are Involved In A Crash

• Stop immediately in a safe place. • Notify the nearest law enforcement agency immediately if anyone is injured or killed, or if property damage exceeds $500.00; • Provide reasonable assistance to any person injured; • Warn approaching motorists if you can do so without jeopardizing your own safety or that of others. Activate your hazard lights, if possible, and use reflective triangles, when available; • Give your name, address, license plate number, and driver's license number to anyone else who was involved in the crash. Get the same information from the other driver; • If you damage an unattended vehicle, you must either locate the owner or leave your name, address, and the name of the owner of the vehicle you were driving, in a conspicuous place where the owner will find it.

How to parallel park (according to DMV website)

• Turn your wheels sharply to the right and back slowly toward the car behind the space you wish to use • As your front door passes the back bumper of the car ahead of the space you wish to use, quickly straighten your wheels and continue to back diagonally into the space in a straight line • When your front bumper is completely clear of the car ahead of you, turn your wheels sharply to the left and back slowly toward the car behind you • Stop before making contact with the car behind you. Place the car in drive, turn your wheels sharply to the right and pull toward the center of the parking space • Always give the appropriate turn signal prior to beginning your parking maneuver and when you exit from a parallel parking space.

how to make a left turn

• Using appropriate signals, and giving drivers ahead of and behind you adequate notice, activate your left turn signal; • Move into the far left lane of the direction in which you are traveling, or into the turning lane if one is provided; • Keep your wheels straight until you begin making the turn; • Yield the right-of-way to all vehicles, including bicycles, which are approaching from the opposite direction, and pedestrians crossing either roadway; • When safe to do so, and when traffic signals/ signs permit, make your turn so that your vehicle ends up in the lane closest to the center lane(s) in your direction of traffic on the street you turned onto, or closest to the center line if there is no center lane; • If there are multiple turning lanes on the street you are turning from, complete the turn so that your vehicle ends up in the corresponding lane on the street you are turning onto; • Once you have entered an intersection to make a left turn, you cannot change lanes in the intersection; • You must stop and remain stopped for any pedestrians in the crosswalk of the road you are turning onto until they have cleared the lanes of traffic that you are traveling on.

How to make a right turn.

• Using appropriate signals, and giving drivers ahead of and behind you adequate notice, activate your right turn signal; • Approach the intersection in the right lane, staying as close as practicable to the curb or edge of the roadway; • If there is a bicycle lane on the road on which you are traveling, you must yield to bicyclists traveling straight through the intersection before making a right turn; • Make the turn in such a way as to end up in the right lane of the street into which you have turned and avoid entering any other lane of traffic. If there are multiple turning lanes on the street you are turning from, complete the turn so that your vehicle ends up in the corresponding lane on the street you are turning onto.


• When two or more people compete or race on any street or highway • When one motor vehicle is beside or to the rear of another driver, and one driver tries to prevent the passing or overtaking of the competing driver by acceleration or maneuver; or • When one or more persons compete in a race against time. In Georgia it is unlawful to drag race. The penalties for committing this violation may include imprisonment and fines, and all driving privileges will be suspended if you are convicted.

Your driver's license will be revoked in Georgia if any of the following occur:

• You are declared a Habitual Violator based upon the third conviction of any combination of these offenses within 5 years: » Driving under the Influence (DUI); » Homicide by vehicle; » Feticide by vehicle; » Serious injury by vehicle; » Hit and run or leaving the scene of a crash; » Racing; » Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer; » Operating a motor vehicle with a suspended, canceled, or revoked registration; » Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used; or • Refusal to submit to a re-examination of driving skills or knowledge of driving rules after receiving notice giving reasonable grounds for such a request; • If you have been declared incompetent or if there is sufficient evidence that you are unsafe to drive, due to mental health or physical disability or disease, or by alcohol or drug addiction. If you are declared a Habitual Violator, you may be eligible for a Probationary License after serving two years of the revocation period.

controlled-access roadways

• You are prohibited from entering or leaving any controlled-access roadway at unauthorized entrances or exits • Certain types of vehicles may be prohibited on controlled-access roadways if signs are posted to this effect • Backing up is prohibited on controlled-access roadways. • An example of a controlled-access roadway includes any tolled facility in Georgia such as the I-85 Express Lanes or the reversible I-75 Express Lanes. Tolled lanes in Georgia require motorists to mount a registered Peach Pass transponder in their vehicle in order to access the lanes. Peach Pass can also be used in Florida and North Carolina. Registered owners of the vehicle that enters the tolled lane without an active Peach Pass will receive a violation notice in the mail. • You are prohibited from entering the reversible Express Lanes when the access control gates are closed or closing

Seat belts help

• helps you keep control of the vehicle • helps keep your head from striking the dash or windshield • helps keep people in the vehicle from hitting each other • helps spread the crash force across the stronger parts of the body • helps protect you from injury • helps keep you from being ejected from the vehicle.

A felony conviction involving the manufacturing, distribution, trafficking or possession of a controlled substance or marijuana using a CMV (other than mere felony possession) will result in a lifetime disqualification of commercial driving privileges. Violation of an out-of-service order will result in a disqualification of:

• not less than 180 days and not more than one year for a 1st offense; • not less than 2 years and not more than 5 years for a 2nd offense; and • not less than 3 years and not more than 5 years for a 3rd or subsequent incidents. An additional disqualification period will apply when an out-of-service order is violated while transporting hazardous materials or transporting more than 15 passengers. Conviction of any railroad grade crossing offense while operating a CMV will also result in a disqualification of 60 days for a 1st offense up to 1 year for a third or subsequent violation within a 3 year period.

Once your vehicle involuntarily leaves the road

•Don't panic • Take your foot off the accelerator • Grip the steering wheel tightly and be prepared to withstand sudden shocks; • Don't hit the brake pedal suddenly and hard; use your brakes carefully • Don't try to turn back onto the pavement immediately. Overcompensating ("jerking the wheel") when returning to the roadway can cause you to lose control of your vehicle by skidding or flipping, or may also cause your car to go into other lanes of traffic • Wait until your speed has reduced, check the traffic, and look for a place to safely return to the roadway by merging into traffic. If necessary, come to a complete stop before re-entering the roadway.

Georgia licenses will be suspended as follows:

•For any person who accumulates 15 or more points within 24 months; • For any person under the age of 21 with a conviction for any 4-point violation; • For any person under 18 years of age with an accumulation of 4 points within twelve months.

highway emergency- wet brakes

•Test brakes lightly after driving through deep water. Brakes may pull to one side or may not hold at all. •Dry brakes by driving slowly in low gear while applying brakes lightly.

Tips for winter driving

•Use chains or snow tires if road conditions require extra traction. Always check the manufacturer's instruction manual for your vehicle, the tires, and the chains before installing them on your vehicle and operating on a roadway •Keep windows clear. Remove snow and ice from all window surfaces before operating the vehicle on a roadway • When you first enter the roadway, and if it is safe to do so, get a "feel" for the road. Test your brakes gently. Determine how your vehicle will respond to turning the wheel by making slight adjustments. Never apply sudden braking. Instead, slow down gradually before you come to an intersection, make a turn, or stop • Keep a safe distance between you and other vehicles; • Reduce speed according to conditions • Watch for hazards or changing road conditions ahead.

Tips for safe winter driving;

•get car serviced routinely •Check your battery. • Check your cooling system. • Fill your windshield washer reservoir. • Check your windshield wipers and defrosters . • Verify floor mat installation to prevent pedal interference. • Inspect your tires. • Check the age of your tires. • Know your car. • Plan your travel and route. • Stock your vehicle with necessary tools and supplies. • Learn what to do in a winter emergency.

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