Drugs and Behavior Final Exam

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The principal psychoactive agent in cannabis was isolated in what year?


LSD use in the United States began to decline in the 1970s and did not increase again until when?


The roots of psychopharmacology are based in what century?


For how many days in a menstrual cycle do women take birth control pills that contain active ingredients?


What is the minimum dose of LSD required for a user to experience effects?

25 micrograms

Hunt, Barnett, and Branch (1971) showed that what percentage of the individuals treated for alcohol, tobacco, or heroin abuse in abstinence-oriented programs had returned to their primary substance use three months after treatment?


A sudden reoccurrence of a hallucinogenic experience is called what?

A flashback

What is the main drawback to the medical use of cannabis and THC synthetics?

A variety of regulatory barriers

What self-help group for alcohol abusers that was founded by Dr. Bob and Bill W.?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Which of the following is found in plants such as Jimson weed, deadly nightshade, and mandrake?


Which of the following birth control strategies has the lowest failure rate?

Birth control pill

What is the most common physiological effect of marijuana?

Blood-shot eyes

Overall, what is treatment of those who misuse or become dependent on drugs designed to do?

Change behavior patterns of individuals and families

Which of the following is a short-acting hallucinogen generally administered in the form of a snuff or a tea?


Which of the following benzodiazepines has the longest half-life?


How do high doses of marijuana affect a person's sleep?

Decrease in REM sleep

According to the predominant theory regarding the action of antipsychotics, psychosis is induced by increased levels of what kind of activity?


Marijuana's effects on psychomotor activity and performance appear to be related to what?


Which of the following terms best reflects a person who is addicted to meth and has an anxiety disorder?


Before meeting FDA approval, over-the-counter drugs must be recognized as generally safe and what else?


Drug therapeutic communities are most often run by which of the following?


Activation of the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor is thought to be the key factor in producing auditory hallucinations. T or F


Anabolic steroids are synthetic forms of endorphin. T or F


Emergency contraception pills prevent pregnancy by administering high doses of testosterone. T or F


Having an Italian dinner with cheese-filled ravioli and Chianti wine would present a health risk for a person using a tricyclic antidepressant.


In order to be cost effective, a person with a substance use disorder must remain in outpatient treatment for at least three months. T or F


Kava is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pineal gland. T or F


One flaw in the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008 is that it does not require a patient to meet with a physician face-to-face in order to obtain a prescription. T or F


Over 90% of the patients receiving antipsychotic medication experience extrapyramidal side effects. T or F


PPA is a widely used over-the-counter sleeping medication. T or F


Phencyclidine produces vivid visual hallucinations. T or F


Research has shown that lithium and the benzodiazepines are safe to take during pregnancy. T or F


The therapeutic effects of cyclics and MAOIs usually occur within hours of administration. T or F


There are no side effects associated with aspirin. T or F


Depressant drugs like barbiturates and benzodiazepines influence which neurotransmitter system?


Individuals with genetic polymorphism in what receptor tend to be more responsive to naltrexone's effects on alcohol use?


PCP is thought to act by influencing receptors for what neurotransmitter?


Which of the following played a key role in the expansion of drug treatment services during the 1980s?

Growth of crack cocaine use

Which substance is a concentrated liquid marijuana extract derived from the cannabis plant by using solvents?

Hash oil

What is one of the advantages of using LAAM instead of methadone to treat heroin addicts?

Higher compliance

Who discovered that nitrous oxide could be used in anesthesia?

Horace Wells

Which of the following has been reported as a result of marijuana use?


Halfway houses are an example of what kind of setting?


Which of the following is true of GHB?

It was first used as an anesthetic.

What drug is regularly used in veterinary medicine?


Which of the following herbal substances has opiate-like qualities?


The effects of antipsychotic medications on what part of the brain serve to moderate or blunt emotional arousal?

Limbic system

Which of the following effects is associated with the anticholinergic hallucinogens but not the psychedelics?

Loss of memory for the experience

Users of what substance must avoid most cheeses and some alcoholic beverages in their diets?


Which of the following drugs has been associated with long-term deficits in serotonin activity?


Which of the following is a methylated amphetamine?


Which of the following is a sympathomimetic drug?


What is the difference between LSD and MDMA?

MDMA does not produce visual hallucinations

What is the last stage of the stages of change model?


Which of the following is a hormone-based product that can be used as a sleep aid?


Which of the following drugs comes from a mushroom?


Two types of THC receptors , CB1 and CB2 , have been identified . CB1 receptors are located predominantly in brain areas that control memory, cognition, the motor system, and what else?


Which of the following is a commonly reported consequence of marijuana use?

More intense sexual pleasure

Which of the following is a barbiturate?


Birth control drugs provide women how much protection from STIs?


Research has clearly shown that marijuana use can result in irreversible, long-term damage to how many systems in the body?


Salvia is inactive when taken how?


The combination birth control pill acts by what process?

Preventing ovulation

A person who has difficulty sleeping after they stop taking barbiturates for a short time is experiencing what kind of insomnia?


Symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal include which one of the following?

Rebound insomnia

Which term best reflects the treatment that occurs in self-help groups for substance use disorders?


Which of the following is an effect of barbiturates?

Respiratory depression

Hasmik is a coordinator for a substance use disorder self-help group, yet she has never struggled with alcohol herself. For what self-help group is she a coordinator?


LSD is thought to act in the brain by influencing what neurotransmitter?


In what approach is a person's withdrawal monitored by professional staff in a treatment setting, but no drugs are administered?

Social detoxification

Which step in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) involves a stable one-to-one relationship between a member who is more sober and a member who is less sober?


Warning labels and restrictions have been put in place for administering antidepressants to children due to an increased risk of what?


People who see sounds as colors have what condition?


During the Prohibition era in New York City, where were marijuana users able to smoke?


When do marijuana's effects on speech (i.e., rapid or slurred speech, circumstantial talk, and loquaciousness) occur?

The early stages of use

Which of the following is TRUE about self-help groups?

They are led by group leaders who have recovered

Which of the following is TRUE of depressant drugs?

They show cross-tolerance

Followers of Chinese emperor Shen Nung at around 2800 b.c. used marijuana for what purpose?

To counter the influence of evil spirits

Ma Huang, or ephedra, is a supplement commonly used for what purpose until it was banned for OTC sales in 2004?

To suppress appetite

Acetaminophen lacks the anti-inflammatory action of aspirin. T or F


Birth control pills are associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke. T or F


Brief interventions tend to be most effective for individuals with mild to moderate alcohol problems. T or F


Ecstasy causes damage to serotonergic neurons. T or F


GHB is thought to be a natural neurotransmitter. T or F


Most committee reports have come to the conclusion that marijuana use is not particularly harmful to the user or to society at large. T or F


People generally learn how to feel high from smoking marijuana. T or F


Recent research suggests that marijuana use increases risk for psychotic behavior. T or F


Substance-use problems in women tend to develop faster than they do in men. T or F


THC metabolites can be detected in the bloodstream at least 30 days following ingestion of a single dose. T or F


Teeth grinding is a common side effect of using Ecstasy. T or F


When you have a headache, you take an aspirin. What did early Native Americans take when they had a headache?

Willow bark

Which of the following pairs indicate the lowest and highest effects of depressant drugs as dosage increases?

anxiety relief; death

Which of the following is a regulatory issue potentially limiting research into medical applications of marijuana?

classification of the drug as a Class I substance

Based on current research findings showing limited effectiveness of cannabis, which of the following medical uses of marijuana warrants additional study?

improving symptoms of PTSD

What drug is an opiate antagonist that may help in recovery from alcohol dependence?


The effects of antipsychotic medications on what part of the brain generally moderate spontaneous activity and decrease reactivity to stimuli?

reticular activating system

What term refers to the resolution of a problem without the use of formal treatment?

spontaneous remission

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