drugs test #2

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Why are CNS depressants problematic?

- usually not obtained illegally but prescribed under direction of a physician - can cause very alarming and even dangerous behavior if not monitored closely - drug interaction (especially with alcohol) with prescriptions or OTCs is dangerous

DEA reports that less than ____% of call depressant prescriptions in the united states are for barbituates


morphine was discovered in _______ by fredrick ______

1803, returner

___ mg of fentanyl can kill you


a single shot from heroin lasts _______ hours; after the effects wear off, addicts only have a few hours to find their next dose before ______ withdrawal symptoms begin

4-6, severe

over __% of IV heroin users have been exposed to ______

50, HIV

when heroin first enters the US, it may be _____% pure but by the time it's sold it may be 3-60% pure


in 1895, german drug company, _______ marketed diacetylmorphine as an OTC drug under the trademark heroin


Benzodiazepines activate ______ receptors, have Z's in their name!


__________ was made a schedule I drug, liquid ecstasy, date rape drug, can be found as a sodium or potassium salt and dissolved into water; cause euphoria, disinhibition, enhanced sexual desire, leaves the system REALLY quickly


Morphine is a schedule ___ drug.


chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol increases the risk of type ____diabetes


codeine is schedule ______ and III, V drug


oxycodone is schedule __ and in 2018, sales exceeded ____ billion

II, 4.5

routes of administration for heroin

IV injection, smoking, suppository, snorting, oral/ingestion, shooting galleries

natural CNS depressants

Kava Kava Plant, Devil's Weed/Jimson Weed

oxycodone combined with acetometophin is a ________


hydrocodone is often combined with acetametophin in _________ and _________

Vicodin, lortab

alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) metabolizes alcohol to __________ _____________, a highly toxic substance and known carcinogen

acetyl aldehyde

____________ is a psychoactive drug that is a CNS depressant


heroin is most frequently used with ____________


until the 1800s, _________ was the most common depressant used to ease tension, cause relaxation and help forget problems


major metabolizing enzymes by the liver which break down the alcohol molecule, making it possible to be eliminated by the body

alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase

____________ is the second most widely used and abuse of all psychoactive drugs, second leading cause of premature death in America, social psychologists refer to the perception of alcohol has a social __________

alcohol, lubricant

most common clinical use of opioid narcotics is as ___________ to relieve pain


pain relivers are called


anti-cough medications


chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol can cause __________ of the testicles, resultin in lower sperm count


_________ margin of safety is much wider than barbiturates, so they are safer; dependence occurs in about _______ of individuals who are treated for more than 4 weeks, large doses are rarely fatal unless combined with other drugs

banzodiazepines, 1/3

_______________ stimulate GABA receptors (basal ganlia, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex)


dizziness, light-headedness, drowsiness and clumsiness are side effects of


___________ make people very relaxed, calm, and sleepy; may become habit forming (not for everyday anxiety/tension or to treat sleeplessness over long periods) only available with physicians prescription; most are schedule _____

barbituates, II

__________________ increase chance of birth defects, prolonged labor, withdrawal effects in the baby; birth control pills may not work effectively when taken with barbituates


___________ replaced _________ in the early 1900s, they were initially heralded as __________

barbiturates, bromides, safe

__________although originally thought as safe had issues with tolerance, ___________ and safety and had a ________ therapeutic index

barbiturates, dependence, wide

_____________ (all 3) are used for anxiety, insomnia, seizures, alcohol withdrawal, medical procedures for relaxation/sleep and skeletal muscle relaxant


in 1950s, ___________ were marketed as substitutes for barbiturates and were relatively safe for ________ periods but long-term use caused ___________ and withdrawal problems

benzodiazepines, short, dependence

__________ were introduced to treat nervousness and anxiety in the 1800s; very ppopular but _______, therapeutic index was __________

bromides, toxic, narrow

______ fentanyl is used to sedate a large animal; 1 grain of salt of fentanyl is enough to kill a human being


chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol can use alcoholic ____________ which is when fat forms around the heart cuasing heart arrhythmia (holiday heart/alcohol around the holidays) and _____ when the heard doesnt conract as hard as it should

cardiomyopathy, CHF

why is there more abuse of heroin as of late?

cheaper, youth believe it's safe if not injected

chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol causes ________ of the liver which causes scarring


principal side effects of opioid narcotics besides their abuse potential include drowsiness, mental ___________, ____________, vomitting, constipation, inability to ___________, drop in ____

clouding, nausea, urinate, BP

when heroin is combined with _________ is is called "speed balling" which has a pain killer for euphoria and __________

cocaine, stimulant

for cough, diarrhea, mild to moderate pain, and narcolepsy are all medical uses of ________


most widely used and common narcotic due to its wide margin of safety (approx 8-12% strength of morphine)


second most predominant alkaloid (natural occuring compound) in opium


low dosages of oxycodone have been prescribed for temporary relief of ________ and _________

cough, diarhea

chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol causes _______ RBCS and WBCs and platelets which causes problems with _______ and __________ and can also cause anemia

decreased, clotting, immunity

_________ (valium) beinds to GABA receptors, side ffect is retrograde amnesia, paradoxial effect is excitement, rage, ___________ of seizures, fat soluble so pregnant women need to use carefully

diazepam, worsening

evaporation and subsequent collection of a liquid by condensation as a means of purification


fetal alcohol syndrome is _____ related and a safe lower level of alcohol consumption has not been established for pregnant women; no safe time during pregnancy to drink


used for a buzz, fuel, antiseptic (antibacterial hand sanitizer gels, medical wipes) personal care products, deoderants, tinctures (medicines containing alcohol); OTC drugs with it: dimetapp, foruma 44 cough, night relief, pertussin, robitussin, vicks cough, vicks nyquil


used as antifreeze, deicing fluid fo windshields and_________

ethelene alcohol, aircrafts

morphine recreational use is for _____________


recreational use of __________ is for euphoria and it has had increasing numbers of abuse in the last few years


side effects of ____________ include nausea, constipatipn, confusion, hallucinations, hypoventilation, and lowers BP


__________ is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine, schedule __

fentanyl, II

_____________ is used for extreme pain and chronic pain management via transdermal patch; can be used orally, smoked, snorted, transdermal or _________

fentanyl, injected

anaerobic conversion of a sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast


how is ethanol produced

fermentation and distillation

ways to treat overdose of CNS depressants: ___________ and ____________ get into your system from drinking and sits there for 15-20 min absorbing the drug then causes you to vomit; absorbs benzodiazepines so that you vomit it up

gastric lavage, activated charcoal

chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol can cause chronic ________ of the stomach when inflamed and can cause cancer along the digestive tract


_______________ medical use as treatment for insomnia, moved to schedule II drug; for recreation when taking with codeine, enables the body to convert higher amounts of codeine to ____________ (street name for the combo is D's)

gluethimide, morphine

drugs with barbiturate-liked properties that are CNS depressants

glutethimide, methaqualone, GHB

third most ILLICITLY used drug of abuse in the US behind marijuana and cocaine


______________/diacetylmorphine is a schedule __ drug synthesized from ___________

heroin, I, morphine

___________ is more ____ soluble than morphine, so it can easily cross through _________ incluidng the brain (makes it extremely addictive)

heroin, fat, tissue

some heroin dealers mix fentanyl with _________ to increase _________ or compensate for low quality heorin and it is referred to as "bomb"

heroin, potency

____________ is used for moderate to severe pain and is an antitussive to treat cough


_____________ was first synthesized in germany in 1920, and is schedule _____ (recently); always combined with _________ medication

hydrocodone, II, another

chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol caused increased ________ and high BP


the __________ syringe was used extensively in the civil war to soldiers; many became addictive and was called the "soldier's disease" or "army disease", for ___________

hypodermic, morphine

krokadil is an __________ opioid with a high that lasts 2 hours; schedule ___ drug

injectable, I

krokadil literally kills you from the _________ ________ so it's called the "zombie drug"

inside out

AKA "mainlining" "slamming" "shooting up" and "banging"

intravenous injection of heroin

potassium bromide

is not approved by the FDA for use in humans but is used for animals and is used on humans in some countries

rubbing alcohol, cleaning solution (computers, phones, medical instruments); water drying agent use in medicines for swimmers ear, takes large amounts to cause toxicity

isopropyl alcohol

root of this plant ar legally available in many halth food stores; small amunts cause relaxation and sleep, larger doses may cause visual and auditory hallucinations that can last 1-2 hours

kava kava plant

____________ is used for severe pain and is schedule ___, side effects are nausea, hallucination, no effect on ______________ and _________________

ketamine, II, respirations, BP

chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol diminishes the ___________ability to process _________ properly

kidneys, blood

small amounts of codeine is converted to morphine in the _____


alcohol is principally inactivated by _________ metabolism (95%) at a slow and constant rate and is unaffected by the amount ingested; lethal level of alcohol is between ___ and ____ % by volume in the blood

liver, .4, .6

____________ (Ativan) bind to GABA receptors, realtively high addictive potentials of Benzos, same use as diazepam plus sedation of __________ patients, long term side effects may affect memory and cognitive function negatively

lorazepam, aggressive

hydrocodone can be combined with aspirin in ____________

lortab ASA

__________ can be a frequent and extremely serious consequence of sever alcoholism, "drunkorexia", alcohol calories are empty


alcohol poisoning has to do with the ____________ ______________

medulla oblangata

___________ is frequently used to help treat narcotic addicts; it blocks withdrawal symtpms and is almost as effective when administred orally as by ___________

methadone, injection

medical use to treat ____________ and a muscle relaxant, most often called "quaaludes" in pill or liquid, causes euphoria, drowsiness, slurred speech, phtophoabia

methaqualone, insomnia

also known as methanol and wood alcohol; 10 ml can cause blindness and 30 ml is toxic; used as antifreeze, or in _________ treatment plants as a food resource of carbon for gentrifying bacteria

methyl alcohol, water

________ (versed) binds to GABA receptors, same use a diazepam, paradoxical effects happen frequently in __________; fat soluble

midazolam, children

hydrocodone + ibuprofen =


severe pain probably calls for ___________ and not codeine


side ffects of __________ and _____________ are constipation, addiction, tolerance, and overdose

morphine, codeine

"M", 13, happy powder, white nurse, red cross, first line, mojo, vitamin M, monkey dust and ________ _______ are all street names for

morphine, needle candy

chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol includes increased risk of cancer for _______, __________, and _____________ and is ___x higher if the person is a smoker

mouth, trachea, esophagus, 15

morphine is use for any pain (from __________ ___________, sickle cell patients, trauma, cancer, cough, or diarrhea

myocardial infarction

this is a narcotic antagonist used for overdoses and works for any narcotic

naloxone (narcan)

currently refers to naturally occuring substances derived from the opium poppy and their synthetic substitutes; referred to as opioid narcotics because of their association with opium


potassium bromide has a very _____________ threapeutic index


opioid narcotics relieve pain by activating _________ receptors


method that involves taking heroin but it does not provide a "rush" and is less potent


___________ is a semi-synthetic opioid developed in Germany in attempt to improve existing opioids


euphoria is a side effect of _________


_____________ is an oral medication generally prescribed for relief of moderate to ___________ pain

oxycodone, severe

activation of opioid receptors blocks ransmission of _______ through the spinal cord or brainstem (much like endorphins)


medical uses for narcotics

pain relief, anti-cough, diarrhea treatment

chronic effects of large consumption of alcohol can cause ___________ of the pancreas


FDA approved human use for treatment of seizures and preoperative sedation (not used as much recently) and used for _________ _________

pentobarbital, death row

_________________ for short-term treatment of sleeplessness, relief of anxiety, tension, and the treatment of certain types of __________ (most common prescribed barbiturate)

phenobarbital, seizures

heroin used in pregnancy can lead to _________ dependence of heroin in the newborn and _________ symptoms in the newborn afterbirth

physical, withdrawal

inorganic salt that was widely used as an _______________ (first effective medication for epilepsy) and a sedative in the late 1800s and early 1900s

potassium bromide, ________________

strength of alcohol, double the percentage


non medical use of __________ have reported effect of mild euphoria and hallucinations (mainly abuse by medical staff)


_____________ is used for general anesthesia and sedation for mechanically ventilated adults; "milk of amnesia" causes loss of__________

propofol, memory

krokadil comes from ________ and is cheaper than heroin


locations that serve as gathering places for addicts shooting heroin

shooting galleries

_____________ consumption effects of alcohol affect the blood by decreasing HDL, decreasing ___________ (blood clotting), reduced artery __________ from stress, increase coronary blood flow

small to moderate, thrombosis, spasm

commonly done in glass pipes or off of aluminum foil which is heated under a flame, called "chasing the dragon"

smoking heroin

method that involves absorbing through the soft tissue in the mucous membrane of the sinus cavity and straight into the bloodstream


moderate to excessive drinking during pregnancy can result in ____________ ____________ and damage to the fetus FAS

spontaneous abortion

involves anal or vaginal insertion; commonly done with an oral syringe

suppository administration of heroin

creative methods for consuming alcohol

vaporzing alcohol, eyeball shots, hand sanitizer, enemas, tampons

important landmark for heroin use in the United States; estimated that as many as __% of the US soldiers used heroin

vietnam war, 40

pure heroin is a _____ powder, so if its not it probably has been ___ (having had other things added to it)

white, cut

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