DSGN 211 final

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Look into the accomplishments of Talbot? What is the importance of the pencil of nature?

Talbot: -Made negatives and positive prints -tried to fix images on paper and put paper in Camera Obscura -Made lots of positives out of a negative 1st book to have printed photos. hand glued on to the printed pages this leads to photoengraving later

Eragny Press

They combined the sensibilities of the private press with an interest in Art Nouveau. The couple collaborated in the design, illustration, and printing of books that were often colorful and ornate ran by a couple

Typographic qualities of Rococo style

Thick & thin letter stroke Relied heavily on fleurons(floral)


USA Elbert Hubbard Tourist attraction-ppl wanted to see how things were made commercial arts & crafts movement upstate new york over 500 members-employed LOTS of women which was rare cheap goods-handmade products affordable- got super popular

. How did chromolithography spread throughout the United States?

Went to Boston; spread through whole country became medium of presidential campaigns & posters became the 1st medium for BRANDING (like greeting cards, ad posters etc)

Golden typeface

William Morris' first typeface Roman like was originally meant to be used in his edition of The Golden Legend, by Jacobus de Voragine, printed as his first book. This typeface was based on the Venetian roman faces

What is a daguerreotype? What were some of the limitations of this kind of image?

William talbot inventedA Daguerreotype is an image made by light on a treated silver plate. Very sharp images limitations: -slow, cant catch motions because it requires a long time of exposure. like all day. blurry shadows of ppl walking by -not visible until exposed and fixed in a salt bath

chromatic wood type

Wood type design broken into two pieces and printed over each other

Troy typeface

a very legible black-letter typeface designed by William Morris for THE STORY OF THE GLITTERING PLAIN Inspired by the incunabula Gothic types of Peter Schoeffer, Anton Koberger, and Günther Zainer. made the characters wider than most Gothic types, increased the differences between similar characters, and made the curved characters rounder.

Egyptian typeface

aka antique Heavy strokes, low weight contrast, and slab serifs distinguishes this type style The term "Egyptian" might have been inspired by the era's fascination with ancient Egyptian culture.


allowed letters and photos to print together. half tone hard to use colors. black ink mainly DOTS Photographed image through a screen to make it into dots Then etched into metal plate the same height as type Could now lock photographic image with type

John Ruskin

british art critic, poet and writer who criticized industrialized cities and their pollution. believed that people no longer appreciated the environments spiritual or aesthetic benefits

. Contrast caslon and Baskerville approaches to type design. Start w william caslon:

caslon's typeface: caslon was a metal smith/worker practical/utilitarian approach utility>design thick lines-bold contrast of thick & thin Casln ornaments

. How did it engraving affect calligraphy during that era?

created calligraphy engraving! engraving has same line quality as freehand writing Now engravings of calligraphy could produce large book editions people experimented with writing and illustrations on a single plate EXTREME HAIRLINE STROKE OF ENGRAVINGS INSPIRED TYPEMAKERS

san serif typeface

egyptian inspired ppl wanted bigger and bigger letters! thiiccc

Didot dynasty of printers: Accomplishments of Didot family of printers (Franciose Ambroise; Pierre Didot; Firmin Didot)

further refined standard typeface measurements stereotyping cast the whole page, inexpensive & refined! longer press, and elegant layout for the process similar to Bodoni but more extreme pushes the contrast of thick and thin strokes to the limit. (extremely thin lines) Introduced smooth-finish paper (like Baskerville's) to Europe Pierre = official printer of the Napoleonic Era

Enlightenment: what were some of the cultural transformations that it fueled?

general turn of reason, science, critical/rational thinking :) more reading! lateral reading, more democratic and more books available empirical method widespread literacy separation of church and state

. Contrast caslon and Baskerville approaches to type design. basker's baskerville:

he comes from calligraphy background thick and thin transitional style (this is a transition to neoclassical time from rococo..) axis more straight no ornaments! more white space-have more balance/control of white space experimented with inks-diff colors, types etc explored w types of papers-thick, thin,smooth etc. smooth paper was good for him to write thin/fluid type initiates modern type face began printing at 45 years old hairline text strokes; thick & thin; generous white space; no ornament

Look at the work of William Blake and how it contrasted with the graphic design trends that had been developing until then.

he looked at the Middle Ages instead of the Classical era for inspiration. close to medieval manuscripts, compare to baskerville, theres so much going on!! page is crowded, expressive, all engraved Very imperfect handmade look with illustrations mixed with text (letters and images merge) expressive handwriting Contrast with: Set type & rigid layouts printed illuminations v popular then

. What are some of the contradictions between Morris' beliefs and his actual practice?

he wanted to make his work accessible for the general public but it was expensive. They were so well made that it was v expensive and only available to the rich. ultimate irony: He hated mass production but his style became mass used in the future for modern designers

what was roman du roi types purpose

historical/stylistic movement Exclusive royal typeface for Louis the 14th

Enlightenment: when did it take place

in between period of renaissance (b4), and industrial revolution 18th century

Roman Du Roi

inspired by transitional style

What was the long-range effect of the Private Press movement on 20th century design?

inspired designers to create better quality of book design

Private Press Movement

led by the Kelmscott, Doves, and Essex House Presses, was focused on regaining the high standards of design, materials, and workmanship featured by incunabula-era presses wanted to raise standard of book designs

. What were some of the advantages of wood type over metal type?

light weight, inexpensive, doable (especially with the fat thick type faces, doing those big letters on metal is v heavy!)

. What were some of the layout and printing innovations advanced by Baskerville?

made own ink; created new smooth hot-pressed paper; melted down lead type and recast after each printing; hairline text strokes

. How did these early lithographic images relate to the overall Victorian values?

main theme: puppies, flowers, everything warm and tender, female, family escapism smokestacks and factories on food labels

Examine the stylistic aspects of early lithographic posters, and the new popular graphic design genres: posters, trading cards, albums, advertising cards, greeting cards

naturalistic busy no real focal point

Tuscan typeface

negative space active curves within the serifs * ending the strokes can have active bumps, dings or exaggerated curves

What was the significance of the ROman du Roi types How was Roman du roi types constructed?

new type face by louis the 14th, mathematically formed-chase for perfection -Started trend of mathematically-constructed typefaces drafted with compass mathematical letter construction made on grid of 2,304 modules curves drawn with a compass

What are some of the typographic qualities of Fournier le Jeune's style?

ornaments used --lots of them. see next card to see the ornament

Essex House Press

published the Psalter of 1902, a design masterpiece for the press. Essex house was started by Charles Ashbee and kept personnel from Kelmscott Press.

Romanticism . When did this movement start to develop? . What was it responding to?

reaction to industrial revolution (still 18th century) rejecting scientific reduction/rationale thought/smart stuffs favor emotion/individualism going back to the middle ages! time of glory

. Look at the features of the Modern typefaces that started to appear in the late 18th century.

similar to Baskerville, minimalist, simplistic, clean serif type face. only little ornaments, just like a border. white space. bracketless serifs (meet stroke at 90 degree angle) strokes completely vertical aperture of letters is small letters made from a limited number of shapes elongated serifs and high-contrast Serifs are hairlines meeting the strokes at a right angle. Thin strokes can be as thin as the serifs. The axis of the O is perfectly vertical. Letterforms are made of a combination of a limited number of standardized elements.

Grammar of Ornament: What was its purpose? How did it reflect the zeitgeist(spirit) of the Victorian era?

took patterns from all over the world so ppl can be inspired for carpet/wallpapers/posters etc was available for middle class :) patterns and motifs colonialist frame of mind categorization simplified understanding of the world fear of empty space

How did John Ruskin's ideas about labor and social reform interface with the core beliefs of the Arts and Crafts movement?

true to materials fitness of purpose beauty has natural/moral character arts & labor work together to serve society (think of medieval cathedrals )

the contributions of Fournier le Jeune to the history of typography

unified type forms Table of proportions Manual of typography pioneer of standardization (sizes standardized according to measurements) Created first font family integrated text with metal ornaments made wide ruled borders that could be mixed & matched


used negative space like Baskerville Thick & thin types (hairline stroke) Double or triple casted ornaments*Created Manuel of Typography

The Story of the Glittering Plain

used troy typeface, and gothic(past inspired)

. What were some of the type trends that Caslon was trying to address?

utility over design Thick & thin stroke styles (?)

What kind of visual aesthetic is connected to wood type posters? What were some of the practical reasons that contributed to this aesthetic?

*Just used whatever typeface was convenient (long sentence=smaller, short words=bigger fonts) *extended and compressed types *didn't have enough letters of each font

Chaucer typeface

A smaller version of Troy called Chaucer was the last of Morris's three typefaces. used in the book of geoffrey chaucer, the considered master piece slightly curvier than troy

Ionic typeface

AKA clarendon curvier than egyptian In this slab-serif style, the serifs are bracketed and the contrast between thick and thin strokes is increased.

The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer

Books from the Kelmscott Press 87 woodcut illustrations, and 200 decorated letters were included. 425 copies on paper and 13 on vellum were produced use chaucer typeface considered master piece

Caslon Typeface

Caslon became the default type for the English speaking world until well into the 19th century. was the most popular typeface was used for the declaration of independence He's from UK First specimen issued by Carlon featuring his sturdy but fashionable family of typefaces.

DIDOT: Process of Stereotyping and advantages it brought

Casting and molding a whole page of set type--type could be un-set and would still have a metal copy of the page to print later Advantages: allowed printers to create a greater number of editions of a book; made books cheaper

Guild of Handicraft

Charles Ashby wanted to establish a school of handicraft Ashby purchased Kelmscott Press items and hired people from press after Morris death Created Essex House Press

Be prepared to identify the various novelty type styles introduced during the 19th century explosion of job printing: Fat Face

Created by Robert Thorne, A roman typestyle who contrast and weight have been increased by expanding the thickness of the heavy stokes. Contrast is increased by expanding the thickness of the heavy strokes.

When did a Sans-Serif typeface first appeared? What are some of the names that 19th century foundries used to refer to this new type style?

Discretely appeared on the back of a type specimen book from William Caslon's grandson type foundry Caslon called it Doric, others grotesque, San surryphs Early sans serifs were clunky and used mainly for titles and short descriptions.

William Morris

Founder of the Arts and Crafts movement. started his own private company for furniture design, wallpaper, etc. called Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company. his wall paper designs were intricate, detailed, & complex also created his press company, Kelmscott press toward the end of his life, created typefaces

Private Press movement: the various groups that attempted to replicate the Kelmscott Press ideals

Guild of Handicraft/Essex House Press, Doves Press, Eragny Press, Roycroft

Examine the new technology of Lithography. When was it invented? How did it work?What did it enable?

Invented in Bavaria by Senefelder 18th century Draw with greasy pencil on stone slab Dip in water Water repelled ink Oily area attracted ink Enabled color printing Integration of pictures and hand-lettering Enabled posters and advertising labels Outcompeted woodtype it intensified colors, made color printing more affordable. realistic detail

Fournier le Jeune

Models for printing characters Rococo Experimented with casting long ruled lines and large type sizes.

William Morris's Kelmscott Press

Morris' private press was dedicated to reviving the book as a work of beauty.

Industrial revolution: What were the changes in typographic communications brought about by the Industrial Revolution?

NEW FORMS OF MASS COMMUNICATION Job printing: Posters,Greeting Cards, tickets, note/business cards)

What was the Arts and Crafts movement about?

Opposed modern mass production and embraced natural forms; William Morris was a major force.

Linotype technology How did it compose type?

Process: press key release matrix, drops press lever and metal cast into the matrix A line of type = slug Allowed for the casting of a full line of type (slug OTTOMAR MERGENTHALER 1885

Doves Press

Rejected illustration and ornament in favor of pure typography and unique binding.

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