Econ Final Exam

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Under the above​ scenario, if the interest rate increased, planned investment and planned aggregate expenditures would

remain the same

Time lags can limit the effectiveness​ of, and​ complicate, stabilization policy. When conducting monetary​ policy, which of the following lag types must policy makers consider most​ carefully?

response lags

If the economy is operating above potential​ GDP, then

unemployment is below the natural rate and wages will rise

When the interest rate​ falls, the planned aggregate expenditure curve shifts​ ________ because planned investment is​ ________.

up; higher

If the​ economy's policymakers seek to reverse the output loss via the implementation of expansionary​ policies, the result will be

even higher prices

From a macroeconomic​ perspective, the​ "best" stock market index is

Standard and Poor's 500 (S&P 500)

There is no systematic relationship between the inflation rate and the unemployment rate

if both the AD and AS curves are shifting simultaneously

Time lags can limit the effectiveness​ of, and​ complicate, stabilization policy. When conducting fiscal​ policy, which of the following lag types poses the biggest problem for policy​ makers?

implementation lags

During a boom​,

investment may not decline even when the interest rate is higher because businesses expect sales and production to remain strong in the future

In country​ A, an expansionary monetary policy will raise prices without increasing output because

production costs adjust automatically to price increases; therefore the AS curve will be vertical. whereas in country B, input prices lag behind output prices so a rightward shift in the AD curve will increase output because the AS curve will not be vertical

During the 2008-2012 period the Fed sought to

push interest rates to their zero lower bound

Some economists argue that the​ "animal spirits" of investors are so important in determining the level of investment in the economy that interest rates do not matter at all. Under the above scenario. if the interest rate increased, planned investment and planned aggregate expenditures would...

remain the same

Which of the following statements would be associated with new classical​ economics?

since expectations are rational, anticipated policy changes will have no effect on real output, and only "surprises" matter

It can be argued that minimum wage laws raises the unemployment rate for teenagers as a group. In response to this​problem, Congress established a​ sub-minimum wage for teenagers. It allows employers to hire teenagers at an opportunity wage of

$4.25 for up to 90 days

If you purchased a​ $1,000 General Motors (GM) 10 year coupon​ bond, today, with a coupon rate of a 5.0 ​percent, the coupon payment would be... Then, tomorrow, interest rates rose to 6.0 percent, the price of the bond would ___ to _____ Hence, there is​ a(n) _____ relationship between interest rates and the price of the bond.

$50 (1,000 x .05) fall; 833 inverse

Since 1970 the Fed has faced a​ "binding situation" during the

2008-2012 period

To counter the fall in​ investment, the leader of Paranoia calls for a proposal to increase government spending. To finance the​ program, the head of the Exchequer has proposed three alternative​ options: ​(1) Finance the expenditures with an equal increase in taxes ​(2) Keep taxes constant and finance the expenditures by printing new money ​(3) Keep tax revenues constant and borrow the money from the public by issuing new government bonds Consider the three financing options and rank them from most expansionary to least expansionary. The most expansionary policy is option​ __, followed by​ __, and option​ __ would be the least expansionary.

2; 3; 1

In​ 2014, the government raised taxes. At the same​ time, the Fed was pursuing an expansionary monetary policy. Assume the initial planned aggregate expenditure and interest rate were illustrated by AE1 with r equals 5 percent. Which aggregate expenditure line and interest rate combination in Figure 1 could result from this combination of fiscal and monetary policies in​2014?

AE3 with r=4%

On January​ 1, 2013, the Social Security portion of the payroll tax rose from 4.2 percent to 6.2 percent and the top marginal tax rate increased to 39.6 percent from 35 percent. Assume the initial planned aggregate expenditure and interest rate were illustrated by AE1 with r equals 5 percent. Assuming that the Fed holds the money supply​ constant, which aggregate expenditure line and interest rate combination in Figure 1 illustrates the effect on aggregate​ expenditure, GDP, and the interest rate in​ 2013?

AE5 with r=4%

In January​ 2015, consumer confidence in the United States rose to its highest level since​ 2007, reflected by a rise in consumption. Assume the initial planned aggregate expenditure and interest rate were illustrated by AE1 with r equals 5 percent. Assuming that the Fed holds the money supply​ constant, which aggregate expenditure line and interest rate combination in Figure 1 shows the effect on aggregate​ expenditure, GDP, and the interest rate in​ 2015?

Ae2 with r=6 percent

During​ 2009, the Federal Reserve was easing monetary policy in an attempt to boost the economy. That same​ year, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that cut taxes and expanded existing tax credits for working families and businesses. As a result of this​ policy, ____________.

GDP should increase and the interest rate should decrease

Economists who advocate government intervention in the macroeconomy are known as


The impact of a sharp drop in oil prices in the world market will result in​ ____________.

a decrease in the aggregate price level and an increase in real GDP

In country​ A, all wage contracts are indexed to inflation. That​ is, each month wages are adjusted to reflect increases in the cost of living as reflected in changes in the price level. In country​ B, there are no​ cost-of-living adjustments to​ wages, but the workforce is completely unionized. Unions negotiate​ 3-year contracts. Expansionary monetary policy is likely to have _______

a greater effect in country B

Suppose an economy is in an initial​ short-run equilibrium at a point where aggregate demand intersects​ short-run aggregate supply. Which of the following best illustrates​ cost-push inflation?

a leftward shift of the short-run aggregate supply curve

In​ 1993, the Congress and the president raised taxes. At the same​ time, the Fed was pursuing an expansionary monetary policy. The combination of these fiscal and monetary policies led to

a reduction in interest rates, an increase in investment, and an increase in GDP

Which of the following events would NOT produce a rightward shift in the​ short-run AS​ curve?

a significant decrease I. the country's labor force participation rate

Suppose the economy is initially operating well below capacity. In this​ case, an expansionary macroeconomic policy will result in

a small price increase relative to the output increase

Which of the following is most likely to cause the cost shock that shifts the AS curve consistent with​ cost-push inflation?

a surge in the price of crude oil

Which of the following will generate a decrease in aggregate​ demand?

a tax increase

Suppose the government decides to increase spending and decrease taxes in an attempt to increase economic activity. If the Fed wanted to moderate the macroeconomic effects of the spending and tax​ changes, it could implement

a tight monetary policy and decrease the money supply

If the federal government decreases federal income tax rates in an effort to stimulate the economy, then​ ____________.

aggregate demand increases

Using the AS​/AD​ model, an expansionary government action would cause a greater increase in the price level than in aggregate output when​ __________.

aggregate demand intersects aggregate supply on the steeper portion of the aggregate supply curve

Keynesian economics is primarily associated with which of the following​ concepts?

an activist federal government

Deficit targeting acts as _______. Therefore, locking the economy into spending cuts during a recession is _______ way to manage the economy.

an automatic-destabilizer; not a good

On June​ 5, 2003, the European Central Bank acted to decrease the​ short-term interest rate by half a percentage point to 2 percent. The​ bank's president at the​ time, Willem​ Duisenberg, suggested that the bank could reduce rates further in the future. The likely impacts of such a rate cut were

an increase in planned aggregate expenditure, an increase in aggregate income and output, and an increase in consumption

The Standard and​ Poor's 500​ (S&P 500) is

an index based on the stock prices of the largest 500 firms traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the HASDAQ Stock Market, and the American Stock Exchange

During the 1960s there seemed to be an obvious​ trade-off between inflation and unemployment​ (lower inflation implies higher​ unemployment). ​ However, from the 1970s​ onward, that relationship appeared to breakdown. Which of the following are possible causes of this apparent​ breakdown? A.The AS shifts but the AD does not. B.The AD curve shifts but AS does not. C.Both the AD and AS supply curve shift. D.Both A and C

both A and C

Before​ 1995, proponents of the NAIRU theory argued that the value of the NAIRU in the U.S. was around 6 percent. After​ 1995, the unemployment rate steadily​ declined, and by the year 2000 it was 3.9 percent. ​ Further, the 1995 to 2000 period saw slightly declining inflation. This evidence would suggest that A.increased worker productivity led to a leftward shift of the PP curve. B.increased worker productivity led to a rightward shift of the PP curve. Your answer is not correct. C.the NAIRU theory is vacuous​ (without meaning). D.Both A and C are correct.

both A and C are correct

Which of the following best describes your​ diagram's depiction of the relative changes in aggregate output and the price​ level?

both aggregate output and the price level decreased

Expansionary monetary policy has people concerned about future​ inflation, which is causes an increase in expected inflation. This will

cause the Phillips Curve to shift right

Assume the classical view of the labor market. An auto worker is laid off. After looking for a job for some time he is offered a lower paying​ job, but does not take it because he believes he can do better. The worker is

considered unemployed, but the labor market is working properly

Deficit targeting requires government spending to be​ ________ and taxes to be​ ________ during an economic contraction.

cut; raised

You are laid off from your job because of a general downturn in economic activity. This is an example of

cyclical unemployment

In the tiny island nation of​ Bongo, the​ nation's wealth is broken down as​ follows: 50 percent is cash in checking and savings​ accounts, 25 percent is​ housing, and 25 percent is stock holdings. Last​ year, Bongo experienced an inflation rate of 21 percent, and housing prices and stock prices each increased by 7 percent. Real wealth in Bongo _______ last year


In the tiny island nation of​ Bongo, the​ nation's wealth is broken down as​ follows: 50 percent is cash in checking and savings​ accounts, 25 percent is​ housing, and 25 percent is stock holdings. Last​ year, Bongo experienced an inflation rate of 30 percent, and housing prices and stock prices each increased by 13 percent. Real wealth in Bongo ________ last year A change in real wealth helps explain the downward slope of the aggregate demand curve because the decline in real wealth leads to​ _______.

decreased a decrease in planned aggregate expenditure AND a decrease in consumption

According to the real wealth effect ​(or real balance​ effect), an increase in the price level

decreases consumers' expenditures due to a decrease in the purchasing power of household wealth

In the first few chapters of this​ book, we introduced the notion of supply and demand. One of the first things we did was to derive the relationship between the price of a product and the quantity demanded per time period by an individual household. Now we have derived what is called the aggregate demand curve. The two look the same and both seem to have a negative​ slope, but the logic is completely different. The negative slope of a simple demand curve...

depends on the price of a single product relative to other product prices

During the third quarter of​ 1997, Japanese GDP was falling at an annual rate of over 11 percent. Many blame the big increase in​ Japan's taxes in the spring of​ 1997, which was designed to balance the budget. ​Usually, if taxes are​ increased,

disposable income declines, consumption falls, planned aggregate expenditure falls, and aggregate income (output) declines

Empirical studies of labor markets have identified several benefits firms receive from paying workers more than the​market-clearing wage. These studies tend to support the

efficiency wage theory

During the third quarter of​ 1997, Japanese GDP was falling at an annual rate of over 11 percent. Many blamed the big increase in​ Japan's taxes in the spring of​ 1997, which was designed to balance the budget. How could an increase in taxes with the economy growing slowly precipitate a​ recession? When taxes​ increase, disposable income will​ _______. As disposable income​ _______, it causes consumption to​ ______ which​ _______output/income.

fall; decreases; decline; reduces

According to sticky wage​ theory, wages are just as likely to be stuck in the upward direction as they are in the downward direction.


Because the Phillips Curve broke down during the​ 1970s, this shows that aggregate demand has no effect on inflation.


Deficit targeting acts as an automatic stabilizer.


During the late 1970s and early 1980s the Fed used monetary policy primarily to

fight inflation

Economists who hold the classical view of the labor market believe that

fiscal and monetary policy have little or no effect on employment and real GDP

Which of the following is incorrect if interest rates do not affect​ investment?

fiscal policy would become less effective than monetary policy because fiscal policy directly influences investment, which depends on interest rates

According to advocates of the​ long-run vertical Phillips​ curve, the natural rate of unemployment is determined by

frictional and structural unemployment

All else​ equal, a cost shock that shifts the aggregate supply curve to the left leads to a​ ________ price level and a​________ level of aggregate output if the aggregate demand curve is downward sloping.

higher; lower

As shown in the diagram to the​ right, the​ short-run aggregate supply curve​ (AS) is​ upward-sloping. This positive slope is explained in part by the fact that

in the short-run, input prices- particularly wage rates- are slower to adjust to increasing aggregate demand than are output prices

A capital gain is​ a(n) ____ in the value of an asset


In the early​ 1980s, the U.S. economy was experiencing a severe recession. The Economic Recovery Act of 1981 sharply cut both personal and corporate income tax rates. President Reagan argued that these were​ supply-side tax cuts. ​Therefore, he believed that the primary effect of these tax cuts would be to

increase work and investment incentives

What action could the central bank take to counteract the affects of the increase in​ taxes? The central bank could​ _______ the money​ supply, which would​ _______ interest rates and​ _______ investment.

increase; decrease; stimulate

On June​ 5, 2003, the European Central Bank acted to decrease the​ short-term interest rate by half a percentage point to 2 percent. At that​ time, the European countries were growing very slowly or were in recession. It was hoped​ that, due to the rate​ cut, planned investment would _______ and aggregate output or income would _______

increase; increase

Which of the following will generate an increase in aggregate​ demand?

increased government expenditures for war

The Phillips Curve models the relationship between​ __________________________. It asserts that these variables are​________________ correlated.

inflation and unemployment; negatively

During a recession​,

investment may not respond positively to lower interest rates since low demand for goods leads to low capital utilization and low investment

The​ long-run aggregate supply curve

is vertical because all prices​ (both input and output​ prices) change at the same rate in the long run.

If the government implements a spending and tax policy in which it promises to neither increase nor decrease spending and​ taxes,

it is still possible for the budget deficit to change if there is a change in GDP

Some economists argue that the​ "animal spirits" of investors are so important in determining the level of investment in the economy that interest rates do not matter at all. a. Suppose that this were true-that investment in no way depends on interest rates. What would the investment curve would look like in this​ case?

it would be a vertical line

From May 2014 to March​ 2015, the price of oil dropped sharply on world markets. Suppose an economy is in a​ short-runequilibrium at a point where the aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves intersect. What would be the impact on this graph of the sharply dropping oil prices in the world​ market?

it would cause aggregate supply to shift right

When considerable overlap occurred between inflation and recession in the last half of the 1970s and early​ 1980s, the Fed responded by

keeping interest rates high

Assume the classical view of the labor market. During a​ recession,

labor demand will decrease, the real wage will fall, and there will be no unemployment

On a​ short-run aggregate supply​ curve, wages tend to be sticky at​ ________ levels of aggregate output and prices tend to be sticky at​ ________ levels of aggregate output.

low; low

Which of the following policies is NOT intended to alter frictional unemployment? A.improving the information about available jobs and current wage rates B.lowering the minimum wage for teenagers C.creating a computer list of job openings and a service that matches employees with job vacancies D.All of the above are designed to alter this type of unemployment.

lowering the minimum wage for teenagers

The somewhat unique shape of the short run aggregate supply curve is based in part on how firms respond to an increase in aggregate demand. As firms and the economy move closer to full​ capacity, the response of firms is likely to change from

mainly increasing output to mainly increasing prices

A realized capital gain is the gain that occurs when the owner of an asset actually sells it for _____ than he or she paid for it


Many workers commit to employment contracts with 1 to 3 year terms. These contracts stipulate​ workers' wages for each year of the contract. Given the uncertainty of future economic​ conditions, why do workers and firms bind themselves in this​ way?

negotiating wages is costly

Rational expectations means that

people know the true model of the economy and use it to form their expectations of the future

Since the​ 1970's changes in expected inflation and the price of oil and other imports have shown the Phillips Curve to be unstable. This has led economists to conclude that

policy involves more than choosing a point along a nice smooth Phillips Curve

Stabilization policy has the following objective​(s​)​:

smooth fluctuations in output, and maintain inflation at a rate consistent with sustainable growth and full employment

According to the classical view of the labor​ market, if there is an excess supply of​ labor,

some workers will work for a lower wage and others will exit the labor market

How would the following event impact the​ economy's short-run aggregate supply​ (AS) curve? ​Event: High taxes and excessive regulation cause firms to reduce the quantity of their physical capital.

the AS curve shifts leftward

​Paranoia the largest country in central​Antarctica, receives word of an imminent penguin attack. The news causes expectations about the future to be shaken. As a​ consequence, there is a sharp decline in investment spending plans a. What will be the effects of such an event on the economy of Paranoia assuming no response on the part of the central bank or the​ Treasury, so that the money​ supply, taxes, and government spending all remain​ constant?

the decrease in investment will reduce aggregate expenditure causing equilibrium output/input to decrease in the goods market

Assume that congress and the president make tax and spending decisions without a​ balanced-budget amendment or any other deficit targeting measure. In the event of a negative demand​ shock,

the deficit would increase, lessening the decrease in AD caused by the shock

In January​ 2015, the Congressional Budget Office​ (CBO) issued a report estimating that the federal budget deficit for 2015 was expected to fall slightly to​ $468 billion, or 2.6 percent of GDP. Working under the assumption that current laws affecting the budget will not change​ (i.e., no revisions in planned tax changes or fiscal stimulus​ spending), the CBO also estimated that the deficit as a percentage of GDP would hold steady at 2.6 percent through 2018. What most likely explains the​ CBO's estimates for the 2015-2018 period?

the economy is likely to experience a structural deficit during the 2015-2018 period

Consider that from May 2014 to March​ 2015, the price of oil dropped sharply in world markets. If the Fed held the money supply​ constant, you would expect the​ ____________.

the effect on the interest rate to be ambiguous

What effects will a decrease in taxes and an increase in government spending supported by a cooperative Fed acting to keep output from rising have on GDP and the price​ level?

the fiscal and monetary policies have opposing effects on the AD curve, therefore GDP and the price level will be unchanged

Suppose the economy portrayed by the figure to the right simultaneously experiences a surge of technological breakthroughs and a dramatic increase in household wealth. Manipulate both curves to derive the impact on the price level of these combined events. A careful analysis of your graph leads to the conclusion that...

the impact on the price level is indeterminate

What effects will an increase in the money supply with the economy operating at near full capacity have on GDP and the price​ level?

the price level will increase significantly and GDP will increase very little

The magnitude of the inflation initiated by the change in aggregate demand depends upon

the slope of the AS curve

An increase in the price level that lowers the real value of wealth is one reason for the downward slope of the AD curve.


One explanation for downwardly sticky wages is that firms enter into​ social, or implicit contracts with workers not to cut wages.


The IS curve shows the relationship between output and the interest rate.


When the AD curve is vertical and a cost shock shifts the AS curve to the​ left, there is no change in output.


Workers in one industry may be unwilling to accept a pay decrease because they are concerned that their wage will fall relative to workers in other industries.


When output is above potential​ GDP, there is​ ________ pressure on wages. As the economy approaches​ short-run capacity, these changing wages shift the​ short-run AS curve to the​ ____.

upward; left

In the long​ run, if wages adjust fully to rising​ prices, the aggregate supply curve will be​ ________ and fiscal policy will have​ ________ on output.

vertical; no effect

Refer to​ Figure-1 to the right. Consider an economy where the current GDP is higher than potential GDP. Assuming that input prices fully adjust to output prices after some lag. In the long​ run,

wages and other input prices will rise, shifting the aggregate supply curve to the left to AS1

Suppose the economy portrayed by the figure to the right simultaneously experiences the cost shock of higher oil prices and a national security related surge in defense expenditures. Manipulate both curves to derive the impact on the price level of these combined events. According to your graph, the price level...

will unambiguously rise

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