Embedded Programming

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What are the drawbacks of S.P.P?

1. Design Time and NRE costs may be high 2. flexibility is low 3. Unit Cost is high for small quantities 4. Performance may not match G.P.P for some applications

What are the two main measures of the performance design metric?

1. Latency or Response Time 2. Throughput

What are the benefits of S.P.P?

1. Performance is fast 2. Size and Power is small 3. Unit Cost is low for large quantities

What are the characteristics of an embedded System?

1. Singled Function 2. Tightly Constrained 3. Reactive and Real Time

In General-Purpose Processor what are some of its benefits?

1. Time-to-market and NRE Cost are low .Because the designer must only write a program but not to do any digital design 2. Flexibility is high, because changing functionality may only require to change the whole program 3. Unit Cost is low in small quantities

In General-Purpose Processor what are some of its drawbacks?

1. Unit Cost is high in large quantities 2. Performance is slow for certain applications 3. Size and Power may be large due to unnecessary processor hardware.

What is a single-purpose processor?

A digital circuit designed to execute exactly one program. Example) JPEG codec, execute a single program that compresses and decompresses video frames

What is a Design Metric, and what does it include?

A measurable feature of a system's implementation. Includes: 1. NRE Cost 2. Unit Cost 3. Size 4. Performance 5. Power 6. Flexibility 7. Time-to-prototype 8. Time-to-Market 9. Maintainability 10. Correctness 11. Safety

Which of the following is not a basic element of FPGA? A. Fuses B. CLB C. Interconnections D. (I/O) blocks

A. Fuses

Which of the following is not an FPGA application? A. IPAD CPU B. Image Processing and enhancements C. CPU accelerators D. ASIC emulation and verification


What is the most important feature of a processor to control a pacemaker that must be implanted in the patient's body? A. Safety B. Size C. Power Consumption D. Cost

A. Safety

VHDL code has three parts. Which of the following is not a part of VHDL code? A. Test Bench B. Library C. Entity D. Architecture

A. Test Bench

Which IC technology provides the best size, power, performance? A. VLSI B. ASIC C. FPGA D. PLD


Which IC(integrated Circuit) technology has the highest NRE? A. VLSI B. ASIC C. FPGA


Which of the following VHDL statements must be used to turn on an active-low output? A. output <= '0'; B. output <= '1'; C. lamp_lit _N <= 'zzzzzzz';

A. output <= '0';

What is an embedded system?

An embedded system is a computer implemented as part of a larger system. The embedded system is typically designed around a limited set of specific functions in relation to the larger product of which it's a component.

Each product has " market window." If the product is released on the market late in the window; there will be--------in revenue A. Increase B. A loss C. A conflict D. A gain

B. A loss

Look-up table (LUT) is a part of -----------------------.. A. Fuses B. CLB C. Interconnections D. (I/O) blocks


According to Moore's Law, IC transistor capacity doubles every -----------------. A. 8 years B. 4 years C. 18 months D. 3 years

C. 18 months

Using the revenue model presented in module 1, what is the percentage revenue loss if D = 2 and W = 10? A. 62% B. 45% C. 28% D. 16%

C. 28%(Assuming you did the math)

In the following entity what is the size of light_in vector? port ( lights_in : in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);lights_out : out std_logic ); A. 2 bit B. 3 bit C. 4 bit D. Not enough info.

C. 4 bit

In the following VHDL statement "after" clause is used to indicate a --------------.Y <= not a after 1 ns; A. Sequence B. State C. Delay D. Time Period

C. Delay

To implement the same functionality which IC technology will have the largest size? A. VLSI B. ASIC C. FPGA


A --------------- circuit is a digital circuit whose outputs are a function of the present as well as the previous input values. A. Combinational B. Digital C. Sequential D. Analog

C. Sequential

Which processor has low NRE cost, short time-to-market/prototype, high flexibility? A. Custom Single-purpose processor B. Single-purpose processor C. Application-specific processor D. General-purpose processor

D. General-purpose processor

Which of the following is not a common characteristic of an embedded system? A. Single Functioned B. Real- Time C. Low Power D. No cost Limit

D. No cost limit

-------------- is an integrated circuit that integrates all components of an embedded system into a single chip. A. General purpose processor B. PLD C. FPGA D. SoC

D. SoC

-------------- is an integrated circuit that integrates all components of an embedded system into a single chip. A. General Purpose Processor B. PLD C. FPGA D.SoC


What are not considered Embedded Systems?

Desktop Computers, Laptops, Mainframes, Servers

A given ASIC design can be used for any embedded application. True or False


SRAM based FPGAs with on-board memory are not reprogrammable. True or False


True or False....Generally an embedded design metric can be improved without affecting others.

False...Improving one often leads to worsening of another.

What is Processor Technology?

It is related to the architecture of the computation engine used to implement a system's desired functionality.

What is speedup?

Speedup is a common method of comparing the performance of two systems. The speedup of system A over system B is determined as : speedup A over B = performance of A/ performance of B

What is an NRE Cost(nonrecurring cost)?

The cost for researching and developing the product. Once the system is designed it can be manufactured w/o any more designs.

What is Latency or Response Time ?

The time between the start of the task's execution and the end. Example) Processing the image can take 0.25 seconds

In VHDL , signals are used to represent internal variables that are not the module input or output like:signal p, g: STD_LOGIC; True or False


--------cost is the monetary cost of manufacturing each copy of the system.


What is throughput?

number of tasks that complete their execution per time unit. Example) A camera may be able to process 4 images per second

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