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'Cheap posters' and 'economy hatchback car' are examples that define which word in the following sentence? 'Even though he says he likes ornate artwork, extravagant clothes, and immoderate cars, Tom is so frugal that he hangs cheap posters on his walls and drives an economy hatchback car.'

collect and combine multiple data sets

A researcher analyzing another researcher's data is likely to _____.

whether or not the interviewer is following set questions or creating their own.

Different interviewing techniques are based upon

analyzing data in hand to relate specific information; re-examining research through meta-analysis

What are the two forms of archival research?


In the following sentence, which word serves as a definition of 'transient'? 'Her transient thoughts of quitting her dead-end job are fleeting, lasting only as long as the weekly meeting she abhors.'

detailed, in-depth information is needed.

An interview would be conducted when

Manipulate one variable and measure its effects on another variable.

Anna only wants to create an experiment. She will therefore need to create a prediction, then decide what variables can be manipulated and measures, then do what?

Demographic data

Brian needs data about a particular region. He wants to know information such as gender, race, religion, etc. For which of the following types of data is Brian looking?

Analyzing patterns of people immigrating through Ellis Island in the 20th century

Consider the studies listed below and indicate which one would most likely utilize archival research as its primary methodology.

to describe the quantity and content of media

Content analysis is defined as a technique _____.

how often a concept is repeated

Content qualities focus on _____.

Archival research

George was asked by his administrator to provide some statistics for their school's enrollment trends. To do this, he accessed the last 50 years of enrollment data from the school and summarized the information into a concise report. What kind of research was George doing?

You can make connections to the author and the topic.

How can the initial stages of analysis help you feel connected to a piece of literature?


I am looking into how strongly people believe the world will end in 2100. The best way of gathering data would be:

The results are likely meaningless due to being unable to tell what the influence is.

If an experiment is not well controlled (for example, Asch did not have his fake participants say the correct thing or Tajfel told the participants that their groups were not important), then which of the following would best describe the results?

Lab research

If your research design required a fair degree of control over the setting of the research conducted, which type of design should be utilized?

Denotation and connotation working together

In 'Harry Potter', Professor Snape's first name, Severus, means serious, strict, and severe. The character of Professor Snape is also serious and strict. This is an example of which of the following?

the amount of virtual money given or withheld

In Henri Tajfel's social identity experiment, the variable measured to determine if social identity had an effect was _____________.

The practice of securing a property line

In Robert Frost's 'Mending Wall', what is the denotation of walking the line?

belong to the group

In Solomon Asch's study, he wanted to study the phenomenon of the participant's social desire to _________________.

a cause-effect relationship

In an experiment, a researcher is attempting to demonstrate _________________.


Janet is focused on reading the first four lines of Romeo and Juliet. She is using a/an _____ reading strategy.


My research assistants and I will go out and question people on their thoughts and feelings about the rapid development of technology and the impact it has on them. This would be an example of a(n) _____.

It raises ethical questions.

Peter decides the best method of researching how many people shoplift at CVS is observing random people in the store over a 2-hour time period. What is a disadvantage of his planned observational research?

A program evaluation is defined as collecting and analyzing to determine a program's effectiveness and looking at the social aspects of their evaluation

Program evaluations are an abundant source of social data, because _________________.

the connection between concepts

Relational qualities focus on _____.


Sarah was assigned a topic of study in her research methods class. She discovered that the topic has been studied numerous times by respected institutions. Sarah used complex statistics to sum up the effects of the studies conducted in the last 20 years. What kind of research did Sara engage in?

Instructions for identifying places where the author made interesting word choices.

Tom is guiding a group of his students through a big picture reading of Romeo and Juliet. Which of the scenarios below should NOT be included as part of this guided reading?

Lab and field research

What are the two possible settings for psychological research?

Find the meaning and the significance of the story.

What does it mean to interpret literature?

The literal meaning of a word

What is denotation?

The feeling we get when reading a story

What is mood?


What is the mood of the following passage? Nearly in tears, the proud father beamed as he handed his newborn daughter to his mother. The grandmother smiled wide and cradled the baby in her arms.

How the story is organized

What is the structure of a story?

Field research

What is the term for research completed in the real world?

The author's attitude towards a topic

What is tone?

State the theme of the story and see how it relates to the story elements and your own experiences.

What should you be able to do once you've finished interpreting a piece of literature?


When an author writes a story, he/she first creates a ............. Then, the author adds more and creates a finished work from this plan. Just as an artist would sketch before painting, an author would create a plan before writing.

determine what kind of data they are likely to collect

When determining which programs to request data from, a researcher should ____________________.

Before you start to read.

When does the process of analyzing a text begin?

they are combining previous research in order to say something about the hypothesis others have not

When researchers conduct a meta-analysis, what are they attempting to achieve?

Underlying meanings we associate with a word

Which is the best definition for the connotation of a word?

Plot introduced, complications/crisis, turning point, and resolution.

Which is the correct order to a narrative structure?

Jim keeps the idea of redemption and Shakespeare's treatment of that idea in mind as he reads Hamlet.

Which of the following BEST demonstrates a reader who is using a big picture reading strategy?


Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage: He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He didn't think he could take the sound of the construction crew across the street anymore. The sounds of jackhammers and hammering were driving him insane.

Examining the sound patterns of a poem.

Which of the following is an example of a close reading strategy?

Identification of spelling errors

Which of the following is not an example of content analysis?

You do not own it, so they can withdraw it at anytime.

Which of the following is one major issue when using other's data?

Semi-structured Interviews

Which of the following is the most popular interview technique?

Research design

Which of the following is the process by which a researcher makes decisions about how to answer research questions?

Because close-reading strategies look at the small details, all of the answers - rhyme scheme, word choice, how individual lines connect to the story

Which of the following might be included in a close reading of the line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene.

'The capricious winds today are shifting so much that our kite flying adventure may be doomed to fail.'

Which of the following sentences has a synonym for 'inconsistent'?


Which word could be substituted for 'querulous' in the following sentence? 'The querulous child I babysit just won't stop bothering me until I let him play video games.'

It helps to hold all of the elements of the work together and develop the theme.

Why is structure so important in writing fiction?

Because it has the opposite meaning

Why is the word 'authenticity' the antonym of the word 'spurious' in the following sentence? 'The spurious accusations of the disgusting liar will be proven false since they completely lack authenticity.'

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