ENGR 109 Test 2

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What are some Modern Educational Institutes for Research:

- Ecole Polytechnique - The University of Berlin: provided help for the state to train secondary-school teachers, physicians, pharmacists, bureaucrats, and other professionals. - Humboldtian University: unity of research and teaching as a research center.

What are the initial methods of Uranium enrichment?

- Electromagnetic Method - Gaseous Diffusion - Centrifuge - Liquid Thermal Diffusion

What were the 6 targets of atomic weapons?

- Kyoto - Hiroshima - Yokohama - Kokura Arsenal - Nagasaki - Emperor's palace

What are the three secret scientific cities that the Manhattan Project was carried out in?

- Los Alamos, New Mexico - Oak Ridge, Tennessee - Richland, Washington

What developments transformed Europe and the United States into the dominant powers in the world.

- Telephone - Telegraph - trans-Atlantic cable - steam ships - railroad - electrification

The Baconian sciences - primarily the systematic study of ___________, _________, and ____ - were _____________ as formal sciences in antiquity but sprang into existence as domains of _______________________ more or less as a result of the ferment surrounding the Scientific Revolution.

- electricity, magnetism, heat - without roots - empirical investigation

Baconian sciences were generally more ________________________ and _______________________, and they therefore _______________________ to a much greater degree than their Classical counterparts. The approach was more _________ and only loosely guided by theory.

- qualitative in character - experimental in approach - depended on instruments - empirical

History of Physics in 19th-20th centuries:

- structure of the atom - x-ray - radioactivity - atomic models

Internationalism in Science:

- theoretical studies / laws of nature - technical / industrial know-how - military science

Electricity and the domestic revolution, starting from the beginning of the 20th century:

- washing machine - vacuum cleaner - juicer - dish washers - electric ovens - refrigerators and freezers

Marshall McLuhan: the term "global village" was coined:

After the introduction of the telecommunication satellites

__________ _____ in 1800 announced the invention of the pile, or battery, which could produce flowing electricity.

Alessandro Volta

_________ ______ ____ invented the telephone in 1876.

Alexander Graham Bell

The famous Shapley-Curtis debate in the early 1920s was a debate between:

Astronomers who believed that all nebula were inside the Milky Way galaxy, and astronomers who believed that our Milky Way was a small galaxy among too many in the universe

Major theoretical and technical problems in utilizing the atomic energy were:

Calculation of the critical mass, enrichment techniques, designing the bomb

What discovery in atomic physics in 1939 opened the door to utilize atomic energy in both controlled and uncontrolled ways?

Discovery of a chain reaction in U235

Among the major achievements in the 20th century medicine one can refer to:

Discovery of antibiotics, successful organ transplant surgeries, using state-of-the art technologies in medical procedures

In the search of the ether, what are the 4 subjects:

Electricity <-> heat <-> light <-> magnetism

True/False : Photoelectricity was discovered a few years before thermoelectricity.


True/False : chemistry underwent revolutionary restructuring in the Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries


____ ______ is the General Director of the Manhattan Project.

Gen. Groves

The first full-scale plutonium production reactor in the world, is called _______ ________.

Hanford Facility

____ _________ _______ discovered that opening and closing the circuit produced a magnetic effect if the wire stood parallel to the compass needle.

Hans Christian Oersted

Who discovered radioactivity in minerals that contains uranium?

Henri Becquerl, 1896

Why was the discovery of neutron so important?

In 1934, the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi began bombarding elements with neutrons instead of protons. The discovery of a chain reaction in U235 fission by a neutron in 1939.

Rutherford believed physics to be the only science requiring real discoveries and said "____________________"

In science there is only Physics, all else is stamp collecting

Why was the discovery of plutonium so important for the Manhattan Project?

It didn't need very expensive separation and enrichment processes

Who discovered electron?

J.J. Thomson, 1897

Who discovered neutron?

James Chadwick, 1932

In his Analytical Theory of Heat (1822), ______ _______ applied the calculus to the investigation of various modes of heat flow, but without pronouncing on the nature of heat.

Joseph Fourier

_______'s theory confirmed a deep connection between electromagnetism and optics


Who proved the inter-connection of electricity, magnetism, and mechanical motion?

Michael Faraday

_______ _______ generated an electrical current by plunging a magnet through a closed coil of wire.

Michael Faraday

What are the different viewpoints in the American military leadership about the strategy against Japan?

Naval blockade and saturation bombing of the home island vs. a massive invasion

During the early post-war years, almost 3/4 of all federal investment in scientific research came from a single military research agency, the ______ __ ______ ________.

Office of Naval Research

The ________ ____________ air raid of March 9, 1945, estimated to be the single most destructive bombing raid. It destroyed 267,000 buildings, 25% of city, killed some 100,000 people

Operation Meetinghouse

In his letter to President Roosevelt, Einstein:

Outlined the importance of research in uranium fission

______ ___________ is the Scientific Director of the Manhattan Project

Robert Oppenheimer

______ ________ formulated the second law of thermodynamics. This law concerns the behavior of energy over time: energy "runs downhill" and that without additional work, reactions are not naturally reversible.

Rudolf Clausius

Who discovered proton?


After the explosion of the first atomic bombs:

Some scientists/politicians believed that the US could maintain the nuclear monopoly for about 5 years, but military authorities were thinking of a longer time

Who is the second largest manufacturing economy in the world, behind the first largest, the United States?

Soviet Union

___ ______ is the nickname for the first Plutonium Bomb.

The Gadget

Telephone was invented in 1876, but it took some time before telephony challenged the telegraph as an effective communications medium. Why?

There was no infrastructures to make telephone connections available in houses and work places

Who discovered thermoelectricity?

Thomas Johann Seebeck

True / False : Ellen Churchill Semple, president of the Association of American Geographers, was not permitted to matriculate when she studied at the University of Leipzig in the 1890s, and was required to sit alone in an adjoining room for lectures.


True / False : Hellenic tradition takes place only in universities, government, and industry.


True / False : Ph.D became a requirement for a career in science.


True / False : The "Ray" is deflected in the presence of electric (and magnetic) fields. It is not the same as light. Only charged particles can display such behavior.


True / False : The Soviet Union scientists detonated their first atomic bomb on August 29, 1949.


True / False : The majority of the committee argued that the hydrogen bomb should not be developed, even if it were technically feasible


True / False : The second atomic bomb was used on Nagasaki (August 9, 1945)


True / False : the first atomic bomb was used on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945)


How do you connect Maxwell's achievements to technology?

Understanding of the chemistry of combustion revolutionized chemical industry

To make their first atomic bomb, the Soviets obtained:

Uranium from Eastern Europe, theoretical information from the Smyth Report, technical information from spy rings

In 1789, _______ ________ built his giant telescope (focal length 40 ft, diameter 126 cm, then the largest telescope in the world.

William Herschel

Between 1842 and 1845, _________ ______ _____, constructed a 58 feet long reflecting telescope (largest one in the 19th century)

William Parson Rosse

Phlogiston theory of combustion:

a fire-like element, which was contained within combustible bodies and released during combustion

Static electricity was generated and stored by instruments to study:

a host of new facts relative to electrical conduction, insulation, attraction, and repulsion

Big Science is characterized by:

a. Large-scale instruments and facilities b. Government funding c. Mass production of scientific discoveries d. Collaboration of specialized scientists from different fields E. All above Answer: E. All above

In August 1946, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was established to transfer the control of atomic energy from military to civilian hands. What happened later?

a. scientists became the main policy-making and controlling group of atomic energy b. no scientists were appointed to its board c. AEC received scientists' input through the mechanism of a General Advisory Committee (GAC) that could advise but not implement decisions D. only B and C Answer: D - only b & c

The Classical sciences includes:

astronomy, mechanics, mathematics, and optics

In 1838, Michael Faraday ratified the air inside a glass tube, attached electrodes to the ends of the tube and passed electricity through them, which is called:

cathode rays

One can extend the concept of the Baconian sciences to include research in 18th century: ___________, _______________, ______, and _______, all of which were more observational and empirical than theoretical

meteorology, natural history, botany, geology

Hellenistic priorities:

more than half of US government spending on research on science and technology is allocated to defense

The McMahon Bill (1946):

peaceful uses of atomic energy in the hands of civilian authorities

In 1940, Glenn Seaborg discovered a trans-uranium element, which is called _________.


Industry driven:

private industry outspends federal government on R&D, with funds going to product development and applied research

The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE):

produced a map of the sky in microwaves

Count de Buffon, Sir Joseph Banks, or Carolus Linnaeus attempted to develop:

rational systems of classification

The English word, _________ was coined in 1840


The development of the atomic bomb required unprecedented cooperation between, _________, ________, and the ________.

scientists, industry, military

By the beginning of the 20th century, British ironmasters and chemists learned to produce true _____, with a carbon content intermediate between that of cast and wrought iron.


The May-Johnson Bill (1945):

the atomic knowledge must be in the hands of the military

Newton's Opticks (1704) provided:

the conceptual umbrella beneath which the Baconian sciences developed in the eighteenth century

In the 19th century, the Second Scientific Revolution :

the matematization of the qualitative Baconian sciences and the unification of the Classical and Baconian sciences

The first law of thermodynamics, conservation of energy, was formulated:

the principle that the various forces of natures can change from one form to another

In French theorist Sadi Carnot's landmark tract, Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire analyzed:

the workings of the steam engine, and elaborated the Carnot cycle, which describes what happens in the cylinders of all heat engines

The most remarkable development in heat studies in the 19th century was the creation of an entirely new theoretical discipline, ______________, which unified the sciences of heat and motion.


After the first Soviet atomic explosion, they developed a ____________ _______.

thermonuclear weapon, known as the hydrogen bomb (1000x powerful as previous atomic weapons)

What did President Truman hope to use the bomb for?

to intimidate the Soviets

Atomic Energy Commission:

was established in August 1946, in order to transfer the control of atomic energy from military to civilian hands

Lord Rosse's main project was to see:

whether all nebulae could be resolved into collection stars or whether some were true nebulae.

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