Environmental Health and Safety Quiz #1

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Clean Water Act (pg. 329 in textbook)

-(CWA, 1972) set maximum permissible amounts of water pollutants that can be discharged into waterways; aims to make surface waters swimmable and fishable. -1973 law that restricted the pollution of water by industry and agriculture

What is environmental health and safety?

--Environment, health and safety is a discipline and specialty that studies and implements practical aspects of environmental protection and safety at work. In simple terms it is what organizations must do to make sure that their activities do not cause harm to anyone.

· Why EHS and why now for companies (more than just cost savings).

--Health and Safety is important because it protects the well being of employers, visitors and customers. Looking after Health and Safety makes good business sense. Workplaces which neglect health and safety risk prosecution, may lose staff, and may increase costs and reduce profitability. --The primary benefit of EHS, and workplace EHS programs, is the obvious one: preventing incidents such as injuries, illnesses, and harmful environmental releases. --In addition, EHS programs at work also show employees that companies care about their well-being. If you have an active EHS culture, your company may have fewer incidents. This will make your employees feel safer and more valued. And this will have a positive effect on employee morale, retention, productivity, and even hiring. --Also, EHS programs increase customer loyalty. Many consumers today research these issues before deciding which companies will get their money.

Triple Bottom Line

--recognition of the need for organizations to improve the state of people, the planet, and profit simultaneously if they are to achieve sustainable, long-term growth. --The concept behind the triple bottom line is that companies are responsible first and foremost to all their stakeholders, and these include everyone that is involved with the company whether directly or indirectly, as well as the planet we're all living on.

General Duty Clause

-Each employer has a general duty to furnish each employee a place of employment free from recognized hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm. -Statement in Occupational Safety and Health Act that requires employers subject to OSHA to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment.

RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act)

-Enacted in 1976 to give EPA "Cradle to Grave" authority over hazardous waste. -Management of non-hazardous and hazardous solid waste including landfills and storage tanks. Set minimal standards for all waste disposal facilities and for hazardous wastes.


-It provides a federal superfund to clean up uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites as well as accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants into the environment. Through the act, EPA was given power to seek out the parties responsible for any release and assure their corporation in the cleanup. -It authorizes the federal government to respond to spills and other releases of hazardous substances.

Clean Air Act (pg. 328 in textbook)

-Set emission standards for cars, and limits for release of air pollutants. 1970- law that established national standards for states, strict auto emissions guidelines, and regulations, which set air pollution standards for private industry

· What is the EPA / DEP and what are their authorities.

-The Environmental Protection Agency is an independent executive agency of the United States federal government tasked with environmental protection matters. The EPA works to enforce laws such as the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the National Environmental Education Act, and the Clean Water Act, some of which predate the formation of the agency itself. -The Department of Environmental Protection's mission is to protect Pennsylvania's air, land and water from pollution and to provide for the health and safety of its citizens through a cleaner environment. By law, DEP has broad authority, within constitutional limits, to enter most private property at a reasonable time without a search warrant to conduct inspections or investigate possible violations of environmental laws, regulations, orders, or permits.

What is OSHA and what is the OSHA act

-With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance. -Pages 263-265 OSHA Act Pages 295-296

· Corporate structure when it comes to safety and whose jobs are whose.

1. Management -The accountability for workplace safety and health falls on management. They communicate everyone including other peers, supervisor, and employees. -Rest is on page 19 2. Safety and Health Professionals -Description is on Page 20 3. First-line supervisor -Description is Pages 20-21 4. Worker -Description is Pages 21-22

Under OSH act the responsibilities and rights of employees

Employees's responsibilities •Comply with OSHA regulations •Do not remove, displace or interfere with safeguards •Comply with corporate safety rules / regulations •Report any hazardous conditions to corporate representative •Report and job-related injury / illness -Cooperate with OSHA inspectors during inspections Employees's Rights •File a compliant with OSHA regarding working conditions •Anonymous - just supply information •Not be identified to the employers as a source of the compliant - "protect class" •Not to be fired or discriminated against for using their OSH act rights •Have an authorized representative accompany OSHA inspections •Participate in developing workplace standards •To file a compliance direct to OSHA and get copies of citations. •Be notified about any OSHA citations They have the right to refuse to perform work they deem hazardous

Under OSH act the responsibilities and rights of employers

Employers responsibilities •Held responsible for all workplace exposures •Most responsibilities fall under the General Duty Clause •Abide and comply with OSHA standards •Maintain records of all occupational injuries and illnesses •Maintain records of worker exposure of toxic or harmful agents •Make workers aware of their OSH act rights •Provides access to care for injuries that occur in the workplace (at no cost) •Follow regulations to report all catastrophic injuries within 8 hrs -Be aware of all exposures in the workplace - Job Hazard Analysis Employer rights •Employers can get a variance from OSHA standards in these three cases: •1. Employer cannot comply with a standard by a specified date •2. Employer may not be able to obtain the materials or assistance needed. •3. Something is already in place that meets the basis standards

· Components of a good policy statement.

Look at pdf on computer

· Reporting requirements and accident logs

Pages 280-281

Process of OSHA audit

Pages 288-290

· What president was influential in current safety and environmental law.

President Richard M. Nixon was influential in current safety and environmental law. He signed the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

Under OSH act the responsibilities and rights of OSHA

Rights of OSHA -under OSHA Act -•Issue citations, penalties and other enforcement measures •All done to enforce the major components of the OSH Act •Allow for state OSHA plans •States can administer their own plans - must at least comply with federal standards •To complete an inspection randomly and unannounced Responsibilities of OSHA-under OSHA Act --Encourages employers and employees to reduce workplace hazards and to implement new safety and health management systems or improve existing programs; --Develops mandatory job safety and health standards and enforces them through worksite inspections, and, sometimes, by imposing citations, penalties, or both; --Promotes safe and healthful work environments through cooperative programs including the Voluntary Protection Programs, OSHA Strategic Partnerships, and Alliances; --Establishes responsibilities and rights for employers and employees to achieve better safety and health conditions; --Supports the development of innovative ways of dealing with workplace hazards; --Establishes requirements for injury and illness recordkeeping by employers, and for employer monitoring of certain occupational illnesses; --Establishes training programs to increase the competence of occupational safety and health personnel; --Provides technical and compliance assistance, and training and education to help employers reduce worker accidents and injuries; --Works in partnership with states that operate their own occupational safety and health programs; and Supports the Consultation Programs offered by all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.

· Who is protected by OSHA.

•Assume that all employers are considered protected under the OSH act •There are however some key exceptions •1. Self-employed •2. Farmers with only immediate family •3.Workplace already protected via separate federal laws / statutes •4. State and location employees •Recordkeeping requirements only apply for 10 or more people

Toxic Substances Control Act

-Allows EPA screen existing & new chemicals for toxicity Gives EPA ability to track industrial chemicals currently produced/imported into the US Screens chemicals and can require reporting/testing of those that may pose hazard -EPA is given the ability to track the 75,000 industrial chemicals currently produced or imported into the United States. EPA repeatedly screens these chemicals and can require reporting or testing of those that may pose an environmental or human-health hazard. EPA can ban the manufacture and import of those chemicals that pose an unreasonable risk.

· How can companies minimize their impact on environment? (Also it is on p. 324)

-recycling of materials -increased efficiencies -Maximizing use of energy from fuel and other inputs -Minimizing the use of the amount of material that can cause pollution -Decreasing waste -Maintain energy efficiencies

What are the major factors in making sure an EHS program works in a company

On Page 37

Emergency Planning and Right to Know Act

p.337 of textbook

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