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Bureau of Indian Affairs

anytime a federal government engages in any relationship with a tribal nation -federal agency to administer Native American and US land agreements and other treaties -trust services (land) -Justice services (law, court) -general services (education)


armed defense against police brutality

Ozawa vs US, Thind vs US

Japanese cannot become citizens -eastern indians are caucasian but cannot become citizens

Mass lynching at Mankato

Lakota/Dakota forced off ancestral land and hunting ground by European American settler -US government failed to pay promised by fed gov't -towns abandoned -in the end; lots died and Lincoln compromised

The unprejudiced-discriminator-Fair weather illiberal

May be close minded, but may not be for some cases

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexican citizens become US citizens -CA, NV, UT and parts of AZ, NM, CO, WY -Despite treaty, seizing of property by white US

California indenture Act

Native Americans in CA re-enslaved, auctioned for four years

thomas jefferson

believed blacks inferior -held over 600 slaves -wanted to end trans-atlantic slave trade


biological term that refers to how we look including skin color, facial features, eye shape, hair color


black churches

differential power

although not always a numerical minority, minority suggests the lack of power to counteract unequal treatment

3/5 compromise

blacks count as 3/5 of a person in determining representatives in US house

Dred Scott

-blacks not citizens -no rights the while man bound to respect -slavery can exist anywhere

Dawes Act of 1887

-gave individuals land -also tried to get them to move -native americans encouraged to farm privately or work manual industrial trades -140 million acres to 50 million acres

15th amendment

forbade states from excluding citizens from voting "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude" -does not guarantee right to vote (women, poll taxes, literacy tests, property qualifications)

Trail of tears

forced relocation of cherokee after failed assimilation

trans-atlantic slavery

from africa to US could end by 1808

assimilationist minoriites

full cultural and social absorption into a society or acculturation (language, religion, diet, cultural values)

House concurrent resolution #108

gave states full criminal and some civil jurisdiction

fugitive slave clause

if runaway not free, must return to master -permitted recovery of escaped slaves -anthony burns -margaret garner

cultural racism

inability to adapt (doesn't account for political, socioeconomic) is what?


interstate transit

emancipation proclamation

only applied to confederate controlled territory -no emancipation in union slave states or parts of confederacy under union control -freed slaves

radicalized social systems

organization of a society along racial lines where economic, political, social and psychological, rewards based on one's placement in a racial hierarchy

attitude and cultural transmission theory

passed from generation to generation- no one is born with a prejudice- ex: pledge of allegiance


sovereignty -land, water and mineral rights -poverty and child welfare or kidnapping -politics of representation

Wounded Knee 2

standoff between FBI and aim shootout -AIM leaders imprisoned or killed -massacre


system of advantage based on race-belief that humans can be subdivided into distinct hierarchal hereditary groups with innately behavior and mental capacity that in unchangeable


the courts


the granting of race designations to cultural practices

first stream immigration

Germans, Norwegians, Danish, Dutch

social darwinism

Herbert Spencer- "survival of the fittest" -white man's burden-rebirth of scientific racism

page law

1876 prohibition on Chinese women (connection to prostitution

The prejudiced-non discriminator- All weather illiberal

A person who will never be open to anything

The unprejudiced- non-discriminator- All weather liberal

Always have an open mind

The prejudiced- non discriminator- Fair weather liberal

As the social and political issues change, the person either keeps an open mind or not (not always an open mind)

Neo-Marxist theory

Capitalists @ top, peasants @ bottom. -US doesn't have peasants, so we use this theory to talk about our society -ex: correlation between social class and ACT score- the poorer you are, the lower score you will get on the ACT

Appropriations Act of 1871

Congress votes to not recognize tribal sovereignty -treaty collectively not as nations -legislation rather than treaties


Economic niche serves elites and workers as small businesses, between producers and consumers

split labor market theory

Race within class context, white privilege -work against own class interests -conflicts work and race together

special field order #5

William T sherman promised free blacks in FL and SC 40 acres and a mule

ethnic stratification

a ranked order of groups where people w/presumed common cultural or physical traits interacting in patterns of dominance and subordination-majority-minority or dominant-subordinate


acting on prejudice by treating others unequally- means there is action involved


action business development

15th amendment

all male citizens of age can vote

loving vs. Virginia

allows interracial marriage

Tuskegee syphilis -USPHS

conducted study of black men -syphilis -"bad blood" -long term impact of disease on the body -failed to receive treatment

Robert park's 4 stages of race relations cycle

contact (conquest, annexation), competition, accommodation, assimilation

Helm's model

contact, disintegration, reintegration, pseudo-independent, immersion/emersion, autonomy

7 stages of assimilation from Milton Gordon's model

cultural, marital, structural, identification, attitude-receptional, behavioral-receptional, civic

pan-indian identity

culturally different tribal nations begin to see each other identify as american indian in addition to nation

national urban league


13th amendment

ends slavery except punishment for a crime

Jim Crow laws

enforced racial segregation (racism)

scientific racism

enlightenment and Tabula Rasa are examples of what?


essentialism or a simplified picture of an entire group based on a single experience, ignorance, limited info, or prejudice despite exceptions


exchange and slavery in the spanish controlled western lands -mexican independence from spain -mexico outlaws indian and african slavery -most hunted by US settlers and remainder servants

Native americans in massachusetts

farmers, woodworkers, leather crafts (stereotyped as hunters) -developed agricultural and representative political system -from mutual apprehension and cooperation to British colonial expansion -fear that English "go native" -move from a "civilization to extermination" policy

Indian Removal Act

lead to trail of tears -state or fed government and power to negotiate -sovereignty -states have no power or authority to pass laws concerning sovereign indian nations -abolished tribal sovereignty

1790 naturalization act

limits naturalized US citizenship to whites -not overturned until 1952 immigration and nationality Act -voting first limited to white male property owners

pluralistic minorities

maintain cultural ways while participating in societies major political and economic institutions or structural assimilation


mestizo children and captive women assimilated

Native Americans in the Chesapeake

more developed than the suggested by pro-expansionist Englishmen -elaborate numbering and cataloguing/cataloging system -five seasons calendar -ceramic and woven pots and baskets (corn, tobacco, housing, clothing)

14th amendment

naturalized and born citizens, but excludes native americans (only whites can become naturalized citizens)

most southern black for to become sharecroppers

perpetual dept, rotating credit system

one drop and beyond -hypodescent status

person takes on status of lower or darker-skinned parent -most states used mulatto, anti-miscogenation laws -defining beauty and the right to marry -multi-racial movement

Bi/multi-racial identity development model

personal identity, choice of group organization, enmeshment/denial, appreciation, integration

rise of Jim crow

plessy vs. ferguson -prevent blacks from voting -segregation


preconceived judgement or opinion often based on limited information- in the mind/brain-any kind of misconception


prejudice and discrimination based on sense of cultural superiority

cultural transmission theory

prejudices we have (race, gender, social class, religion) we learn them from somewhere else

racial formation

process in which race operates as a central part of social relations, which determine a groups place in social, economic and political institutions

social construct

racial takes on whatever meaning people give it in a society

Indian relocation act of 1956

relocation from rural and reservations to urban cities

Chinese exclusion Act 1882

renewed every 10 years until 1903 then indefinite -limited to laborers -merchants, students and teachers not included -repealed 1943 Magnuson Act

secessionist minorities

seeks neither assimilation not cultural autonomy

militant minorities

seeks status at the dominant group in a society

company to chattel slavery

slaves were legally private property -christianity no longer protection from life-long slavery

Franz Boas

social and cultural factors- not race

indentured servants

sold labor for passage to chesapeake -skin color distinguished early laborers -worked, lived, and slept together as unfree -freedom @ end of term -some were kidnapped Irish workers

National congress of american indians

viewed this as the white mans war -20% NA where navajo -poverty -PTSD -bilingualism


voting restrictions, transit and restaurants

individual, cultural, institutional

what are the three types of racism?


what island did the american indians get kicked off of?


women and children assimilated

chicarilla apache

women excluded, children assimilated

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