exam 1 psy 330

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recent research using the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to study shyness indicates that ___

"controlled" aspects of shyness can be predicted using S data, but uncontrolled or spontaneous aspects can be more accurately predicted using B data

match the personality approach with the most applicable research questions

-how do rewards afffect social behavior (learning) -how does unconscious conflict affect well-being (psychonalytic) -what characteristics of individuals predict health (trait) -are there differences in neurotransmitter expression between people (biological) -how do people differ from individualist cultures differ from others (phenomenological)

imagine that you could draw a line through the points on a scatter plot depicting the relationship between x and y that slopes upward from the left to the right. which of the following is a possible value for the correlation coefficient that you would compute from these data?


a researcher computes a correlation coefficient between variables x and y using a handheld calculator. which of the following values would automatically tell the researcher that he or she made a mistake?


if measurement errors are truly random, then they should _____


Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Rorschach test elicit __ data


the Implicit Association Test (IAT) yields what kind of data?


according to the text, personality's greatest strength, understanding whole persons, is also its greatest weakness. Which term describes this fundamental observation?

Funder's First Law

which of the following types of personality data is the most objective and verifiable?


Is narcissism always a bad trait to have?

No, narcissists are persuasive, but they also act unethically.

Funder writes that there are good reasons why personality psychologists have distinct theories versus One Big Theory. Which is NOT one of those reasons?

One Big Theory would undermine the smaller theories

a test created using the rational method yields what kind of data


when someone is high in narcissism, what type of data about this person might be the LEAST trustworthly


A behavioroid measure is a combination of which two types of data?

S and B

In order to examine the relationship between early life experiences and adult criminality, Dr. Robbins asks his research participants to fill out questionnaires describing their early life. He then obtains copies of their arrest records from the county courthouse. The questionnaires used in Dr. Robbins's study would be ________ data, whereas the arrest records would be ________ data.

S; L

which of the following is NOT one of the concerns associated with the practice of null-hypothesis significance testing?

The smaller the sample size, the easier it is to find a significant effect.

The Woodworth Personality Data Sheet was designed to measure psychiatric problems in what group?

U.S army recruits

personality psychology shares with clinical psychology

a common obligation to try to understand the whole person

reliability is __ for validity

a necessary but not sufficient condition

Why haven't personality psychologists combined all paradigms into "One Big Theory"?

a theory that tries to explain everything would probably not provide the best explanation for any one thing

different informants may not agree about the personality of a common target individual because ___

a. each judge may see the target person in only a limited number of social contexts b. judges may form a mistaken impression based on the recollection of a single, uncharacteristic behavior c. some informants may have biases that affect the accuracy of their judgments d. all of the above

validity is the degree to which a measurement ___

actually reflects or measures what you think it does

the trait approach, the behaviorist approach, and the psychoanalytic approach___

address different sets of questions about human psychology

the most important and generally useful way to enhance reliability is to ___

aggregate your measurement

Dr. Grant is creating a new measure of shyness, and she decides to include more than one item in her scale. She believes that using multiple items will lead to a more reliable measure. Dr. Grant is following which principle of measurement?


personality is an individual's characteristic patterns of ___

all of the above -behavior -emotion -thought

What kinds of behaviors by an acquaintance would most likely be remembered?

an atypical behavior that was emotionally evocative

what is a primary goal of the learning and cognitive approaches to personality?

applying principles of associationism to help reduce negative behaviors

psychologists following the phenomenological approach ___

are concerned with our conscious experience of the world and the consequences of having free will

The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) was designed to ___

assess normal individuals

which of the following is NOT of of the basic approaches to personality?


random assignment allows researchers to ___

assume that groups of participants are more or less equivalent on preexisting conditions

According to Funder, in what way do personality psychologists appreciate individual differences?

because they assess people, they appreciate rich individual differences

the personality paradigm that focuses on rewards and punishments is known as the __ paradigm


the goal of the dissertation in the process of scientific education is to demonstrate that the future scientists ___

can contribute something new to the field

narrative psychology is an example of the ___ method

case study

One critique of personality psychology is that it "pigeonholes" people. What does "pigeonholing" someone mean?

categorizing and labeling people

Advocates of any particular basic approach to personality historically ________.

claimed that their approach explains everything worth explaining

________ theories of personality apply the insights and methods derived from the study of perception, memory, and thought to the study of personality.


Dr. Low is interested in studying the relation between mood and willingness to help a stranger. Every participant in her study completes a mood-rating questionnaire and is then given an opportunity to donate money to a homeless stranger. Dr. Low is using a(n) ________ design


to obtain s data, psychologists can ___

develop a questionnaire

personality psychology emphasizes how people are ___, whereas subfields such as cognitive and social psychology emphasize how people are ___

different to each other; similar to each other

the most important advantage of B data is that they are based on __

direct observations of behavior, so they are more objective and quantifiable

When evaluated as psychometric instruments, most projective tests ________.

do not fare very well

If you were to fully develop a personality test without even looking at the item content, you would be using the ________ method of test construction.


Imagine that you want to develop a test to measure depression. You gather a set of 100 potential test items and ask a sample of people diagnosed with clinical depression and a sample of nondepressed people to respond to the items. For your final version of the test, you decide to keep only the 15 items that the depressed and nondepressed groups answered differently. You are using a(n) ________ method of test construction.


which of the following approaches to test construction is the most atheoretical?


Faking responses in order to influence test results is most difficult on ________ constructed tests.


the tendency for us to become what other people believe us to be is called an ___ effect


Because Jesse's teacher believes that he is intelligent, she challenges him with extra assignments and generally encourages his curiosity. At the end of the school year, Jesse performs better on the school's achievement test than any other student. Jesse's enhanced performance is likely due to the ________.

expectancy effect

Dr. Low is interested in studying the effect mood has on the willingness to help a stranger. She randomly assigns half of her participants to the pleasant mood condition and shows them funny film clips. The other half of her participants is assigned to the unpleasant mood condition and is forced to watch boring film clips. She then gives every participant an opportunity to donate money to a homeless stranger. Dr. Low is using a(n) ________ design.


which design is best suited for addressing the third-variable problem


A researcher asks participants to imagine that they have been excluded from their circle of friends and then takes images of their brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning technology. The images generated in this study would be considered ________ data.

experimental B

the unique mandate of personalty psychologists is to attempt to ___

explain whole, functioning persons and real life concerns

a researcher wants to conduct a significance test for the correlation between extraversion and happiness. what is the null hypothesis in this analysis?

extraversion is uncorrelated with happiness

which of the following is good practice for interpreting correlation

finding a method that demonstrates the size of the correlation in a concrete manner

Because each kind of data has limitations, personality psychologists should

gather as much data as possible

personality psychology has a variety of theoretical perspectives that are sometimes seen as competing with each other. Regarding this diversity, what is a major theme of this book?

great strengths are usually great weaknesses

What two topics are covered under the phenomenological approach?

humanistic and cross- cultural perspectives on personality

factor analysis can ___

identify groups of items that go together

the factor analytic technique of test construction is designed to ___

identify groups of test items that seem to be alike

All projective tests ________.

involve stimuli with no clear meaning

what is one of personality psychology's biggest advantages over other areas of psychology?

it has a mission to account for the psychology of whole persons

The purpose of a basic approach (or paradigm) is to ________.

limit inquiry to certain kinds of observations and patterns

Linda is taking an intelligence test. During the test, the teachers walk through the halls and chat loudly with each other. Due to these distractions, Linda scores lower on the test than she would have if she had been able to concentrate fully. The influence of the teachers' chatting is an example of ________.

measurement error

what is a primary goal of the trait approach to personality?

measuring and conceptualizing individual differences

according to the text, what simple example of L data is considered by clinical psychologists to be a potential indicator of psychopathology?

never being married by age 40

What term is sometimes used to describe instruments like the Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?

performance-based personality tests

personality psychology and clinical psychology overlap most often when approaching which topic?

personality disorders

according to the text, which of the following would NOT be a threat to the generalizability of personality research?

personality researchers strive to study multiple cohorts

according to the text, a ___ would receive technical training, whereas a __ would receive scientific education

physician; biologist

Jeff suspects that his roommate's sexist jokes may indicate that his roommate has some hidden, unconscious hostility toward women or that he feels very insecure around women. Jeff's analysis suggests a ________ approach to personality.


personality psychologists adhering to the ___ approach focus on psychic energy, the workings of the unconscious mind, and the nature and resolution of internal mental conflict.


At the heart of aggregation is the idea that

random errors cancel each other out

to conduct an experimental study of the causal effect smoking has on physical health, we would have to ___

randomly assign some people to a smoking condition and some others to a control condition

what is the best way for a researcher to judge the face validity of items on a measure?

read and consider the content of the items

The reason that objective tests include so many items is to increase the ________ of the test.


On Friday, Terence completes the Self-Monitoring Scale and receives a score of 49. On the following Tuesday, he fills out the scale again and receives a score of 28. Terence's scores on the Self-Monitoring Scale do not appear to be ________.


___ data are the most frequently used basis for personality assessments


what kind of data would be the easiest way to obtain information about the content of dreams?


Which of the following sampling methods affords a researcher the greatest generalizability?

selecting participants using a random telephone dialing system

If test scores decrease as anxiety increases, then ________.

test scores and anxiety are negatively correlated

a major disadvantage of L data is ___

that the data are influenced by multiple factors besides just personality

the numbers between -1 and +1 that indexes the linear association between any two variables is called ___

the correlation coefficient

which of the following is NOT a major limitation of the factor analytic approach?

the factors are only as good as the criterion groups used to validate the measure

which of the following is NOT a typical argument used to justify deception in psychological research?

the use of deception actually educated participants about ethical concerns in research

Inventories derived from the empirical method sometimes have items that seem strange or even objectionable to test takers ________.

those items correlated with outcomes of interest of the test developers

Which part of the psychological triad corresponds to cognitions about the self?


Personality psychologists who adhere to the ________ approach focus on identifying, conceptualizing, and measuring the ways in which people differ psychologically from one another.


The task of an employer who attempts to identify dependable, conscientious, and hard-working job applicants is similar to the task of the ________ psychologist, who attempts to identify and assess individual differences.


imagine that a researcher conducts a study and finds a statistically significant correlation between eating pizza and aggression. However, there is no real association between eating pizza and aggression in the population. What kind of error has this researcher made?

type 1

In observing human behavior, it is impossible to ________.

understand everything about a person all at once

what is the primary goal of the psychoanalytic approach to personality?

understanding mental conflict

what is a primary goal of the biological approach to personality?

understanding the heritability of behavior and personality

as described in the text, according to some motivation researchers, the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) measures ___, whereas questionnaire-based measures predict ____

what people want; how motives are expressed

If everybody read, interpreted, and answered an item in exactly the same way, then that item ________.

would not be very useful for the assessment of individual differences

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