Exam 2

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What are the four rankings of motivating forces from most impactful to least?

(1) self efficacy, (2) specific and difficult goals, (3) increased valence, instrumentality, and expectancy, and (4) perceptions of equity

McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory

Achievement, power, affiliation

What are the two types of stress?

Challenge and Hindrance

bounded rationality

Decision makers simply do not have the ability or resources to process all available information and alternatives to make an optimal decision

True or false: If any of the three beliefs of expectancy, instrumentality, and valence is higher than zero, motivation will be higher than zero. (T/F)

False -- all are multiplied together to equal motivation so if one is zero, then motivation will be zero

What kind of stressors trigger negative emotions?

Hindrance stressors

What form of psychological empowerment are people experiencing when they feel that their work makes a difference and contributes to progress?


Which of the following best defines valence?

It is the believed worth of the results of one's efforts.

equity theory

Motivation is maximized when an employee's ratio of "outcomes" to "inputs" matches those of some "comparison other"

Merit pay plans v. lump sum bonuses

Reason: Merit pay plans typically offer little in the way of difficult and specific goals. In contrast, lump-sum bonuses provide a forum for assigning difficult and specific goals, and they put pay "at risk" unless the goals are met.

What are strains?

The negative consequences associated with stress

Lump-sum bonuses have a high impact on motivation because the lump-sum bonuses link financial payments to the successful achievement of certain tasks. (T/F)


positive reinforcement

a positive outcome following a wanted behavior (giving someone a gold star for doing the extra credit)


a psychological response to demands that possess certain stakes for the person and that tax or exceed the person's capacity or resources


a set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee, initiates work-related effort, and determines its direction intensity and persistence

piece rate

a specified rate is paid for each unit produced, each unit sold or each service provided (consequences include quality of output and unnecessary work)

gainsharing bonus

a unit-focused bonus that is received for meeting unit goals (department/team goals)

nonprogrammed decisions

address issues that are new, complex, or ill-defined

behavioral strains

alcohol and drug use, teeth grinding, compulsive behaviors, and overeating

merit pay

an increase to base salary is made in accordance with performance evaluation ratings

psychological empowerment

an intrinsic form of motivation derived from the belief that one's work tasks are contributing to some larger purpose

negative reinforcement

an unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behavior (taking away hw assignments after the class scored above a 90%)

four steps of behavioral model

attentional, retention, production, reinforcement

What are the five hierarchies of needs according to Maslow?

basic needs, safety & security, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization

behavioral vs cognitive coping

behavioral coping involves physically doing something that someone else could observe while cognitive is a mental (unobservable) way to cope involving ones thoughts

what are the four types of coping strategies?

behavioral problem focused/emotion focused and cognitive problem focused/emotion focused

learning orientation

building competence is deemed more important than demonstrating competence (ex: going to college for the sake of going to college)

What kind of stressor is linked to attainment of education and achievement?

challenge stressors

Workers who believe that their workplaces have a sense of equity are more likely to exhibit Blank______ behaviors and less likely to exhibit Blank______ behaviors. Multiple choice question.

citizenship; counterproductive

In terms of equity theory, what is the term for the process in which people think about things in new ways in order to regain intellectual balance, but do not change their behaviors?

cognitive distortion

Katrina discovers that she is earning significantly more than a coworker with more experience. She justifies this by convincing herself that she is paid more because she puts more effort into the job than her coworker. Katrina's views are an example of

cognitive distortion

Raul compares himself with other employees in his company who are doing different jobs. What type of comparison is Raul performing?

company equity

According to equity theory, we examine our own efforts and results and contrast them with the efforts and results of other employees. What term is used to describe these other workers?

comparison others

Which dimension of psychological empowerment refers to an employee's belief that they can perform their job successfully?


___________ captures a person's belief in their capability to perform work tasks successfully; knowledge gain, pride and mastery, self directed learning


Performance is rated by what

consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency

under which style is learning the fastest?


what are the five kinds of reinforcement schedules?

continuous, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, and variable schedule

Autonomy, self-sufficiency, and responsibility would be categorized as _________ needs.


According to research, what kind of goals result in the greatest amount of success in workers?

difficult and specific

A company's employees work both in sales and in record-keeping. When the company introduces a sales contest, it is most likely to affect the staff's Blank______ of effort.


Motivation determines what employees do at a given moment


What three things does motivation determine?

direction, intensity, and persistance

three components of motivation

direction, intensity, persistence

Employee Blank______ is a combination of perceptions that motivate employees to devote themselves to their jobs.


social learning theory

emphasized the importance of observing and modeling others behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions

Employees with high Blank______ are fully absorbed and enthusiastic about their work and devote a lot of energy to the job.


examples of intrinsic outcomes

enjoyment, accomplishment, knowledge, skill development

What theory asserts that motivation is based on what a person considers to be fair when compared to others?

equity theory

What theory of motivation suggests that motivation depends on individuals' perceptions of their life and what occurs in lives of others?

equity theory

Alderfer's ERG Theory

existence, relatedness, growth, and frustration regression

A student believes that studying hard for the next organizational behavior test will result in good performance. What kind of belief does this exemplify?


An individual's belief that effort will result in positive outcomes is known as ...


Which theory of motivation proposes that work effort is directed toward positive experiences and away from negative ones?

expectancy theory

In terms of equity theory, which of the following would be considered inputs?

experience and skills

explicit vs tacit knowledge

explicit can be transferred through written/oral communication and tacit is difficult to articulate to others/based on experience

Danielle is eager to earn an A average in her college courses this semester because her parents have promised her a trip to Florida if she achieves this. The trip is an example of Blank______ forces in Danielle's motivation.


Since Darnell is the only purchasing manager in his company, he compares his salary and benefit package with those of purchasing managers in other, similar-sized companies. What kind of indicators is Darnell using to examine his position?

external comparison

What type of motivation occurs when success is recognized and rewarded by other people?

extrinsic motivation

performance-prove orientation

focus is on demonstrating competence so that others think favorably of them

performance-avoid orientation

focus is on demonstrating competence so that others will not think poorly of them (ex: avoiding eye contact with a professor so you won't embarrass yourself in front of the class)

"Money is a tool to enable me to travel and do what I want." Which dimension of the symbolic value of money is emphasized in this statement?


type a

go-getters, on the go, focused on time and meeting deadlines, love getting feedback as soon as possible, aggressive personality type

Which of following is the aim of an action and serves as the primary driver of the intensity and persistence of effort for the action?


The determination with which employees establish a goal and the efforts they will take to achieve it is called

goal commitment

Which theory of motivation argues that objectives determine the work actions of people?

goal setting theory

programmed decisions

has a "ready made" solution because it has been resolved in the past

expectancy component of expectancy theory

if i exert effort, will i perform well?

instrumentality component of expectancy theory

if i perform well, will i receive outcomes?

lump sum bonuses

if you achieve objective level of performance, you will get this bonus, no change is made to base salary, salary may be lower but bonuses earned each year

What are the two components needed for stress to be present?

importance and doubt

Three types of compensation plans

individual, unit-focused, or organization focused

A student believes that doing well on the next test will ensure an A in the course. These thoughts demonstrate what type of belief?


Motivation goes on to determine how hard an employee works


What is term for the level of effort that motivated employees put forth?


In terms of equity theory, a(n) Blank______ refers to an employee examining others within the same organization.

internal comparison

three types of role conflict

interrole, intrarole, and interpersonal

What type of motivation is involved when an employee finds internal satisfaction in doing a job well?


valence component of expectancy theory

is the outcome valuable to me?

Teri works in the secretarial pool of a large law firm. She compares her ratio of outcomes and inputs with that of the other secretaries in the firm. What type of comparison is Teri performing?

job equity

intrapersonal conflict example

job wants you to do something but you don't believe that you should, the job is conflicting with your personal beliefs/morals

benign job demands

less stressful duties, perceived to be routine, low stress

instrumental support

looking to have somebody fix the problem (dealing with the problem itself)

emotional support

looking to have someone make you feel better


making someone do something, giving something as a result of an undesired behavior (giving a student detention for being late to class)

describe the three needs theories

maslow's, alderfer's, and mcclelland's

The need to be fully alive and find purpose in life would best be described as a(n) _______ need.


In the context of work, what quality results from the feeling that job tasks are valuable relative to an individual's own ideals and passions?


four components that foster psychological empowerment

meaningfulness, self-determination, competence, impact

Psychological strains

mental strain as a result of stressors (irritability, depression)

Which term describes how hard people work towards something, where they apply their efforts, and how they continue to work towards their goals?


goal setting theory

motivation is fostered when employees are given specific and difficult goals rather than no goals/easy goals or "do your best" goals

expectancy theory

motivation is fostered when the employee believes (1) the effort will result in performance ... expectancy, (2) that performance will result in outcomes ... instrumentality, and (3) that those outcomes will be valuable ... valence

What are some examples of the most stressful jobs?

newspaper reporter, librarian, enlisted military personnel

profit sharing compensation

organization compensation method in which bonuses are received when publicly reported earnings of a company exceed some minimum level

After comparing your situation with that of a comparison other, you realize that your ratio of outcomes and inputs is greater than the other person's. According to equity theory, this is what type of a situation?

overreward equity

In terms of equity theory, which of the following would be considered outcomes?

pay and promotions

examples of extrinsic outcomes

pay, benefits, praise, job security

explain the performance equation

performance = motivation x ability x opportunity (if any element is missing, performance will not happen)

consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency

performance ratings -- FILL IN

motivation determines for how long the intensity of effort continues


Three types of strains?

physiological, psychological, and behavioral

four types of individual compensation plans

piece rate, merit pay, lump-sum bonuses, recognition awards

primary vs secondary appraisal

primary asses whether or not the situation is stressful & secondary figures out how to cope

problem vs emotion focused coping

problem focused involves finding a solution to the issue itself while emotion focuses on changing how you feel in response to stressful demands

What do people experience when they believe that their professional work contributes to some greater cause?

psychological empowerment

ways to foster goal commitment

publicity, rewards, accountability, support, participation, and resources

Which of the following would be considered "positively valenced" outcomes for most people?

recognition and salary increase

Which dimension of psychological empowerment is experienced by employees who have a degree of autonomy in their work tasks?


What term describes internalized milestones?

self-set goals


simple, efficient "rules of thumb" that we use to help us make decisions more easily

Laila owns an executive search firm and has established a goal for each of her recruiters to make contact with 25 or more potential candidates each day. This illustrates which of the following concepts of S.M.A.R.T. goals?

specific, measurable, and time-sensitive

Physiological Strains

strains that result from stressors affecting the healthy or normal functioning of the systems of the human body (high blood pressure, illness)

recognition awards

tangible rewards (gift cards) or intangible rewards (praise) are given on an impromptu basis to recognize achievements

Setting specific, challenging goals encourages workers to develop plans that teach them new things and answer their dilemmas. What term is used to describe these kinds of plans?

task strategies

learning plans and problem solving approaches used to achieve successful performance

task strategies

Alana's manager has set a challenging goal for her to increase sales in her region by 10% over the next quarter. What process does Alana use to develop an approach to reaching this goal?

task strategy

What are some examples of the least stressful jobs?

tenure university professor, librarian, software engineer


the degree to which you allow yourself to recover recharge in order to deal with future stressors (coping with the stressors) emotional labor wears you out

What best characterizes task complexity under goal setting theory?

the difficulty of performing and learning about a task and whether the task changes

selective perception

the tendency for people to see their environment only as it affects them and as it is consistent with their expectations

antecedent, behavior, and consequence

the three stage of reinforcement aka the condition that precedes the behavior, the behavior itself, and the result that occurs after the behavior

social identity theory

theory that proposes that we tend to define our self-concept by the groups to which we belong


those who are fine with be paid less and doing more work


those who have to be overpaid and underworked to perceive fairness

direction, persistence, and intensity

three components of motivation describing the primary focus/goal of energy, how long you are working towards that goal, and if you are being more motivated as the deadline approaches

What are some examples of challenge stressors (both work and nonwork)?

time pressure, work complexity, responsibility, family time demands, positive life events)

Which of the following is the element of a S.M.A.R.T. goal that establishes when the objective or goal should be completed?

time sensitive

When you compare your situation with that of a comparison other, you realize that your ratio of outcomes to inputs is significantly less than the other person's. According to equity theory, you would now perceive yourself to be in which state?

underreward inequity


when employees are on the job but not fully there due to mental or physical medical conditions

behavioral modeling

when employees observe the actions of others, learn from what they observe, and then repeat the observed behavior

attentional processes

when learners concentrate on the important behaviors exhibited by a behavioral model


when you are not looking for the very best alternative, but instead accept the first alternative that meets minimum requirements

frustration regression

when you cannot satisfy a need, you will regress back to another need that has already been met and over satisfy it


remove a desirable outcome when the person does something undesirable (parent taking away phone from teenager who broke the rules)

What are three common symbolic meanings of money?

respect, freedom, and achievement

fixed ratio reinforcement schedule

reward given following a fixed number of desired deviations (piece rate pay/pay per # service performed)

variable ratio reinforcement schedule

reward given following variable number of desired deviations (commission pay)

variable interval reinforcement schedule

reward given following variable time periods (supervisor walk-by)

continuous reinforcement schedule

reward is given following every desired behavior

fixed interval reinforcement schedule

rewards given following fixed time periods (ex: paycheck every two weeks)

What are some examples of hindrance stressors (both work and nonwork)?

role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, daily hassles, work-family conflict, negative life events, financial uncertainty

Which of the following needs would be categorized as existence needs?

safety and shelter

self determination v. competence

self determination in terms of empowerment concerns the choice of work tasks on the job, not gaining competence for long term goals

An employee with little experience in event planning is convinced they have the ability to plan a successful company holiday party. What type of belief does this demonstrate?

self efficacy

Which type of belief prompt people to think that they have the capabilities needed to carry out the behaviors needed for a task?

self efficacy

One of the aspects that Ricardo loves best about running a branch office is that the people in headquarters leave him alone and give him considerable latitude in making decisions for the branch. Which component of psychological empowerment does this represent?


intrarole conflict example

working at a call center and being expected to (1) resolve customer problems and (2) end the call in under two minutes but both are not possible

interrole conflict example

you become lead cashier at a restaurant, now have to write up friends for being late

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