Exam 2

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Short-term effects of Marijuana

Dilation of blood vessels in the eyes, dry mouth, increased appetite, lowered blood pressure, and mild muscular weakness

True or False: Marijuana contains 50 to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke, and because of the way it is smoked, the lungs have longer exposure to carcinogens.


True or False: Alcohol contributes to weight gain


True or False: College men are more likely to abuse prescription drugs than women.


True or False: It is almost impossible to assess the health impact of organic versus non-organic foods.


True or false: Humans can survive longer without food than without water.


True or false: Alcohol is considered a carcinogen


True or false: Disordered Gambling has cravings or highs similar to those experienced by drug users


True or false: Relapse is very common during the recovery process.


Codependents are often

Unaware that their behavior is supporting the addict

0.35% and up BAC leads to what psychological and physical effects:

Unconsciousness, coma, extremely slow heartbeat and respiration, unresponsiveness, probable death.

__________________ ______________ are the leading cause of death among 18- to 24-year-olds, and alcohol is the leading contributor to those deaths.

Unintentional injuries


When drugs combine to produce extremely uncomfortable reactions

Define Addiction:

When the individual eventually needs to consume the addictive substance or enact the behavior to feel normal.

Saturated fats

are fats that are unable to hold any more hydrogen in their chemical structure. -derived mostly from animal sources -solid @ room temp

Because women tend to have more body fat and less water in their tissues than men of the same weight, they will ___________________________________________________________________________

become more intoxicated after drinking the same amount of alcohol.

Despite differences among individuals, alcohol produces some general ________________

behavioral effects depending on the person's BAC.

Process addictions are

behaviors known to be addictive because they are mood altering.

Students believe that alcohol will make them feel ________________________________________________

better, less stressed, more sociable, and less self-conscious.

campus rape is linked to __________ _________ as well as sleep disruptions, vandalism, negative academic consequences, etc.

binge drinking

Concept of addiction as a disease process, is based in__________________

brain chemistry rather than moral failing, led to many advances

The purpose of Intervention is to

break down denial compassionately so that the person can see the addiction's destructive nature.

Calcium plays a vital role in

building strong bones and teeth and aiding muscle contraction, blood clotting, nerve impulse transmission, regulation of the heartbeat, and maintaining the fluid balance within cells.

Residential drug treatment programs

can be effective for those with more severe problems.

At least 43 chemicals in cigarette smoke are linked to development of _______


Folate helps fight against

cardiovascular disease

Proteins are major components of nearly every


80% of alcohol diffuses by passing _______________

through the lining of the upper third of the small intestine.

define: drug inhalation

through the nose or mouth

define: drug inunction

through the skin

About 20% of alcohol diffuses ________________________________________________________.

through the stomach lining into the bloodstream.

define: drug suppositories

through the vagina or anus

Cocaine was initially used to _______________________________________________________.

treat addiction to alcohol or morphine

Outpatient behavioral drug treatment

encompasses a variety of programs for addicts who visit a clinic at regular intervals. -Most involve individual or group counseling.

A healthful diet provides the combination of

energy and nutrients needed to sustain proper functioning.

Fats are the most

energy-dense source of calories in the diet

True or false: e-cigs are safer


Women become addicted _________ with _____ alcohol.

faster, less

Carotenoids are

fat-soluble plant pigments with antioxidant properties

Vitamins can be either __________(vitamins A, D, E, and K) or ____________ (B-complex vitamins and vitamin C).

fat-soluble, water-soluble

Unsaturated fats are

fats that exclude hydrogen in their chemical structure. -derived mostly from plants -liquid @ room temp

Trans fats (trans fatty acids) are

fatty acids that are produced when polyunsaturated oils are hydrogenated to make them more solid.

Technology Addictions can be compensation for ____________________________________

feelings of loneliness, marital or work problems, a poor social life, or financial problems

The most common forms of tobacco available today are

filtered and nonfiltered cigarettes

Codependents are those who

find it hard to set healthy boundaries and often live in the chaotic, crisis-oriented mode occurring around addicts

For many addicts, recovery begins with a period of ___________ _________

formal treatment.

Define: Prescription

from a doctor

Fiber is found in

fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains


fuel for body cells

Carbohydrates play an important role in the

functioning of internal organs, the nervous system, and muscles.

Examples of simple sugars are the monosaccharides:

glucose and fructose.

Trends in Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking among College Students has _____ _____ since 1998.

gone down

High doses of over-the-counter Nonprescription medicine can cause ___________________________________________

hallucinations, bizarre sleep patterns, mood changes, and sometimes death.

The Dextromethorphan (DXM) in cold medicine can cause:

hallucinations, loss of motor control, and "out-of body" sensations

A food intolerance

happens when people who lack the digestive chemicals needed to break down certain substances eat those substances and suffer adverse effects.

Tobacco companies target children and teenagers with tobacco products that ________________

have candy, fruit, or alcohol flavorings.

Addictive behaviors are habits that _____________________________

have gotten out of control, resulting in negative effects on a person's health

Alcohol-related costs to society are estimated to be well over $223.5 billion annually for ______________

health insurance costs, criminal justice costs, treatment costs, and lost productivity.

Students who abuse Adderal and Ritalin say it _________________________________

helps them concentrate and study to increase alertness.

Nonsmokers can be affected by effects of ETS __________________

hours after they leave a smoky environment

Dehydration can cause serious problems within _______


Pseudoephedrine is being used to _____________________________________

illegally manufacture methamphetamine

When you quit smoking, your body ________________________

immediately starts to recover and repair the damage.

Marijuana is the most prevalent illegal drug detected in __________________________________

impaired drivers, fatally injured drivers, and motor vehicle crash victims.

Effects of Amphetamines ("uppers") in small doses:

improve alertness, lessen fatigue, generally elevates mood.

The most common way of smoking K2 was:

in a "joint," followed by hookah use.

Abuse of depressants,

including benzodiazepines, tranquilizers, barbiturates, and sedatives can result in seizures, respiratory depression, and decreased heart rate.

Small doses of Methamphetamine ________________________________________________

increase alertness and decrease appetite.


phenomenon in which progressively larger doses of a drug or more intense involvement in a behaviour is needed to produce the desired effects.

Effects of Amphetamines ("uppers") in repeated use:

physical and psychological dependencies develop, sleep patterns change, heart rate and breathing and blood pressure increases, restlessness, anxiety, appetite suppression, vision problems

Define: Social Learning Theory

ppl learn behaviors by watching role models(parents, caregivers,and significant other);

High intakes of alcohol cause pyloric spasms that ___________________________

prevent the stomach contents from emptying.

Consumption of alcohol is the number one cause of ___________________________________________________________________

preventable death among college students.

Sleep Aids can cause _____________________________________

problems with the sleep cycle, weaken areas of the body, or induce narcolepsy

True or False: men and women with alcohol use disorders are 18 times more likely to report nonmedical use of prescription drugs than people who do not drink at all.


True or false: Alcohol affects the cardiovascular system long term


True or false: smoking during pregnancy doubles the risk of miscarriage.


true or false: Surgeon General has concluded that there is no safe level of exposure to Environmental Tobacco smoke (ETS)


true or false: 85 percent of smoke in a room comes from sidestream smoke


true or false: Carbon monoxide lingers in bloodstream five hours later


true or false: Established habits or cues trigger urge to smoke


true or false: Female smokers have an increased risk of infertility, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, and stillbirth.


true or false: More than 2 million Americans are compulsive or pathological gamblers


true or false: Pipes and hookahs are not safer.


true or false: Pipes and hookahs are particularly popular among college students.


true or false: Smokers spend one-third more time away from their jobs because of illness than nonsmokers


true or false: Smoking can cause male impotence.


true or false: dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA


true or false: women, men are increasingly abusing steroids and over-exercising to attain an ideal frame


Alcohol proof in the United States is defined as

twice the percentage of alcohol by volume

Disaccharides are combinations of______________________________________________

two monosaccharides; lactose and maltose are disaccharides.

Complementary Proteins:

two or more incomplete protein sources that together provide adequate amounts of all the essential amino acids.

Native American rates of alcoholism are ________________________________________________

two to three times higher than the national average.

Nicotine reaches the brain________

via the bloodstream in seconds

irritation from from alcohol induces


The body responds to a food allergy by

producing antibodies, trigger

Iron is necessary for

production of hemoglobin

Energy-containing nutrients are

proteins, carbohydrates, and fat

Define: Illicit (illegal)

psycho active drugs

About 2 million people with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa use exercise to ______________________________________

purge instead of, or in addition to, self-induced vomiting

Alcohol is a key factor in many ____________________________

rapes and in domestic violence.

Marijuana substantially reduces a driver's ability to _________________________________________

react and make quick decisions. Users often fail to recognize their impairment.

Before recovery from drug addiction ______ of ___ ______________ is needed

recognition of the addiction

define: abstinence

refraining from the addictive behavior competely.

Carbonated beverages cause the pyloric valve to ___________________________________________

relax and empty the stomach contents more rapidly.

Students who abuse Vicodin, OxyContin, or Percocet say they do so to _______________________

relax or get high.

Proteins are called body builders because of their ________________________________

role in developing and repairing bone, muscle, skin, and red blood cells.

Fats make foods ________________________________________

taste better and carry fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K to the cells.

Those most vulnerable people to abuse OTC drugs are ___________________________________________

teenagers, young adults, and people over the age of 65

Prescription drug abuse is particularly common among ____________


Marijuana forestalls the loss of muscle mass associated with __ ____ ____________ __________.

the AIDS wasting syndrome

Define: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)

the active ingredient in marijuana

Polysaccharides can also be stored in

the body's muscles and the liver as glycogen.When the body needs energy, it breaks glycogen down into glucose.


the effects of one drug are eliminated or reduced by the presence of another drug

Folate is

the form of vitamin B that is needed for DNA production in body cells.

Fiber is

the indigestible portion of plant foods that helps move foods through the digestive system, delays absorption of cholesterol and other nutrients, and softens stools by absorbing water.

Advertisements in woman's magazines imply that smoking is ___________________________

the key to financial success, independence, and social acceptance.

The more alcohol you consume, ___________________________________________________

the longer it takes to absorb it.

Nicotine is __________________

the most physically addictive of all psychoactive drugs

The pyloric valve controls

the release of stomach contents into the intestine.

Hookah smoking carries the same risk as smoking cigarettes and also ______________________________________

the risk of transmitting infectious diseases

Those mixed alcohol with energy drinks (AMEDS) also report not noticing _________________________________

the signs of intoxication

Generally, people who eat a balanced vegetarian diet

weigh less and have healthier cholesterol levels, fewer irregular bowel movements, and a lower risk of heart disease than do non-vegetarians.

2 types of Central nervous system depressants (sedative hypnotics)

-Barbiturates ("downers") -Sedatives or tranquilizers

Carcinogens in cigarettes that directly cause cancer

-Benzo(a)pyrene -Urethane

Tobacco adversely affects nearly every part of the body, including:

-Brain -Stomach -Mouth -Reproductive organs

Indirect approaches of Preventing Drug Abuse include

-Building young people's self-esteem -Improving their academic skills -Increasing their recreational opportunities

Symptoms that a money spender has crossed the line into addiction include:

-Buying more than one of the same item -Keeping items in the closet with the tags still attached -Repeatedly buying much more than the person needs or can afford -Hiding purchases from relatives and loved ones -Experiencing feelings of excitement when shopping

Smokeless tobacco include:

-Chewing tobacco -Dipping tobacco -Snuff

Examples of addictive behaviors

-Compulsive gambling -Compulsive exercising -Work addiction -Sex and love addiction -Compulsive buying or shopping -Internet addiction

Cardiovascular Disease related to smoking includes

-Coronary heart disease (CHD) -Atherosclerosis —plaque build up -Myocardial infarction -Stroke -Aortic aneurysm -Pulmonary heart disease

Environmental Tobacco smoke (ETS) effects include:

-Developed cough -headaches -nasal discomfort -eye irritation -breathlessness -sinus problems -worsoned allergies

Psychological risks for drug dependence:

-Difficulty in controlling impulses -Strong need for excitement, stimulation, automatic gratification -Feelings of rejection -Hostility -Aggression -Anxiety -Depression -Mental illness -Intoxication -Unexpected side effects -Unknown drug constituents -Risks associated with injection drug use -Legal consequences

Pharmacological treatments for alcoholism

-Disulfiram (Antabuse) -Naltrexone -Acamprosate (Campral)

Short-term effects of alcohol

-Drinking depresses the central nervous system (CNS). -Drinking leads to dehydration and headache. -Alcohol irritates the gastrointestinal system. -Excessive drinking can lead to a hangover.


-Effects are multiplied -Expressed as 2 + 2 = 10 -Example: Alcohol and barbiturates

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to smoking

-Emphysema -Chronic bronchitis

What happens 1 year after quitting smoking

-Excess risk of coronary disease is half that of a smoker

People Use Drugs for:

-Experimenting -Escaping -Coping -Reliance -Social surroundings

Children in alcoholic dysfunctional families generally assume at least one of the following roles:

-Family hero -Scapegoat -Lost child -Mascot

Preventing of Drug Abuse include

-Governmental attempts -Anti-drug education programs -Indirect approaches -Direct approaches

Long Term Effects of Smoking on cardiovascular system:

-Increased risk of stroke -increased risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis

Alcohol abuse also leads to:

-Inflammation of the pancreas -Interference with immunity -Affects sleep -Blocked absorption of calcium

Direct approaches of Preventing Drug Abuse include

-Informing them about the adverse effects of drugs -Peer pressure resistance

What happens 10 years after quitting smoking

-Lung cancer death rate similar to that of nonsmokers -Precancerous cells are replaced -Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases.

What happens 5 years after quitting smoking

-Lungs cancer death rate for average former smoker (one pack a day) decreases by almost half.

What happens 48hr after quitting smoking

-Nerve endings start to regrowing -Ability to smell and taste is enhanced

The FDA allows five types of health-related claims on the packages of foods and dietary supplements:

-Nutrient content claims -Structure and function claims -Dietary guidance claims -Qualified health claims -Health claims

When people smoke reduced harm cigarettes they often:

-Often smoked more -Inhale up to 8 times as much tar -Less likely to quit

tips to get more nutritional bang for your buck:

-Order salads, but be careful about what you add to them. -Try baked fries. -Avoid giant sizes and refrain from ordering "extra." -Limit beverages and foods that are high in added sugars. -At least once per week, order a vegetable-based product instead of meat when you're eating fast food.

In Sexual Addiction:

-People confuse physical arousal with intimacy. -They feel nurtured not by the person with whom they have sex, but by the activity of sex itself. -Strongly debated within the research community as a real "addiction"

Types of Drugs:

-Prescription -Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs -Recreational -Herbal preparations -Illicit (illegal) -Commercial preparations

Drugs often abused include:

-Prescription medicines -Over-the-counter substances >Caffeine >Tobacco >Alcohol -Illegal substances

Who sets the recommended intakes for nutrients

-Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) >US Recommended Dietary Allowances (USRDAs) -Adequate Intake (AI) -Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) -Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs)

Side stream smoke has Twice __________________; three times _____________________________________

-the tar and nicotine -the benzo(a)pyrene, carbon monoxide, and ammonia

Long-term effects of Marijuana

Respiratory damage

Common Cold Medicines include:

Robitussin, Vicks, Coricidin, and NyQuil

Biological or Disease Influences of addiction:

Runs in family

define: intoxication

The state of being mentally affected by a chemical (literally, a state of being poisoned)

Alcohol abuse:

The use of alcohol in a way that interferes with work,school, or personal relationships or that entails violations of the law.

True of False: Wine and beer are absorbed more slowly than distilled beverages.


True or Fale: Alcohol advertising and promotion target students.


True or False: Even a moderate dose alone impairs driving; but when marijuana is combined with alcohol, the two drugs synergize.


True or False: Marijuana use has risen in recent years.


EPA designated Environmental Tobacco smoke (ETS) as a ____ _ _____

Class A carcinogen

The USDA's CSCC stands for

Clean Seperate Cook Chill

Crack is made up of

Cocaine + Baking Soda & Water

Define Work Addiction:

Compulsive use of work and the work persona to fulfill needs of intimacy, power, and success

Alcoholism (alcohol dependence)

Condition in which personal and health problems related to alcohol use are severe, and stopping alcohol use results in withdrawal symptoms

the signs of intoxication are

dizziness, fatigue, headache, and trouble walking

Menthol cigarettes have higher carbon monoxide concentrations than __ _____ _______

do regular cigarettes

Students who report mixing alcohol with energy drinks tend to __________

drink more

Most students are likely to drink in college, especially if ______________________________________________________________

drinking is approved of by parents and if they drank in high school.

Define: Substance addictions

drugs, alcohol, etc.

Abuse of stimulants can cause

elevated body temperature, irregular heart rate, cardiovascular system failure, and fatal seizures.

Effective interventions include

emphasizing care and concern for the addicted person, describing the behavior that is the cause for concern, expressing how the behavior affects the addict, and outlining specifically what you would like to see happen.

Environmental Influences of addiction:

peer pressure

Many alcoholics refer to themselves as ___________________ nthroughout their lifetime rather than "cured."


On average, compulsive spenders are $______ in debt.


What happens 8hrs after quitting smoking

- Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal -Oxygen level in blood increases to normal

options for quitting smoking:

-"Cold-turkey" -Tapering -Changes to routines -Over-the-counter prescription products -Support from family and friends -Smoking cessation programs -Free telephone quit lines: 1-800-QUITNOW

Dietary supplements are products

--usually vitamins and minerals—taken by mouth and intended to supplement existing diets.

Main chemicals in cigarettes:

-Acetic acid -Acetone -arsenic -Ammonia -Butane -Cadmium -Carbon monoxide -DDT/dieldrin -Ethanol -Hexamine -Hydrogen cyanide -Methane -Methanol -Naphthalene -Nicotine -Stearic acid -Toluene

A healthful diet should be:

-Adequate -Moderate -Balanced -Varied -Nutrient dense

Support groups for alcoholism:

-Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) -Al-Anon, which helps adult relatives and friends of an alcoholic -Alateen, designed, for teens living with alcoholic parents -Women for Sobriety -Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS)

Drug users are from:

-All income and education levels -All ethnic groups -All ages

LSD effects

-Altered states of consciousness -Flashbacks

Poisonous substances in cigarettes

-Arsenic -Hydrogen cyanide

What happens 20 min after quitting smoking

-BP drops to normal -pulse rate drops to normal -Body temperature of hands and feet increase to normal

MyPlate encourages consumers to eat for health with three general areas of recommendation:

-Balance calories: >Enjoy your food, but eat less >Avoid oversized portions -Increase foods: >Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables >Make at least half your grains whole >Switch to fat-free or 1 percent milk -Reduce foods: >Compare sodium in foods such as soup, bread, and frozen meals >Drink water instead of sugary drinks

Long Term Effects of Smoking on the skin:

-stained fingers -excess wrinkling

APA definition of Abuse:

-Recurrent drug use, resulting in failure to fulfill major responsibilities -Drug use in situations that are physically hazardous -Drug-related legal problems -Drug use despite persistent social or interpersonal problems -Physical dependency may or may not present

Addictive behaviors include

-Reinforcement -Compulsion or Craving -Loss of Control -Escalation -Negative Consequences

Children exposed to ETS are more likely to have

-SIDS -Low-birth weight -Bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma -Reduced lung function -Middle-ear infections -Lung cancer -emphysema -chronic bronchitis later in life

Methods of use for Inhalants

-Sniffing -Snorting -"Bagging" -"Huffing"

Additional Health, Cosmetic, and Economic Concerns of smoking

-Ulcers and heartburn -Reproductive health problems -Dental diseases -Diminished physical senses -Injuries and accidents -Cosmetic concerns -Economic costs

Types of Inhalants

-Volatile solvents -Aerosols -Nitrites -Anesthetics


-Work at same receptor -Inhibition -Example: Alcohol making antibiotics not work

People who are more likely to try drugs:

-Young people are at a higher risk -Males (twice as likely) -Troubled adolescents -Thrill-seekers -Members of dysfunctional families -Members of peer groups that accept drug use -People who live in disadvantaged areas -Teen girls who date older boys

Long Term Effects of Smoking on the nervous system:

-addiction -nicotine cravings

smoking during pregnancy increases risks for:

-an ectopic pregnancy -premature birth -low birth weight -infant death -behavioral problems -long term impairments in growth --intellectual development

What happens 24hrs after quitting smoking

-chance of heart attack decreases

What happens 2weeks to 3 months after quitting smoking

-circulation improves -Walking becomes easier -Lung function increases up to 30%

Effects of Smoking on the heart and blood vessels:

-constricts blood vessels -Increases pulse and blood pressure

What happens 1 to 9 months after quitting smoking

-coughing, sinus, congestion, fatigue,shortness of breath decreases. -Cilia regrow in lungs, which increases ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, reduce infection. -Body's overall energy increases

Muscle dysmorphia (bigarexia) symptoms include :

-excessive weight lifting -excessive exercising -steroid or supplement abuse

The Immediate Effects of Smoking:

-excites or tranquilizes the nervous system -Inhibits formation of urine -Constricts blood vessels -Accelerates heart rate -Elevates blood pressure -Depresses hunger contractions -Dulls taste buds

Technology Addictions symptoms:

-general disregard for one's health -sleep deprivation -neglecting family and friends -lack of physical activity -euphoria when online -lower grades in school -poor job performance.

Long Term Effects of Smoking on the mouth

-increased risk of gum disease -increased risk of cancers of the oral cavity, throat, and larynx -stained teeth

Long Term Effects of Smoking on the reproductive system:

-increased risk of impotence,infertility -In pregnant women, increased risk of miscarriage stillbirth, and low birth weight babies

Long Term Effects of Smoking on the respiratory system:

-increased susceptibility to colds, flu, pneumonia, and asthma. -greatly increased risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and other lung diseases

Effects of Smoking on the endocrine system:

-increases blood sugar levels -increases production of adrenaline

Effects of Smoking on the nose and mouth:

-irritates throat and airways -Dulls senses of smell and taste -Increases mucus and phlegm

As of June 2010, federal law prohibited the use of terms such as "____" and "___" or "___" on packaging.

-light -mild -low

Effects of Smoking on the brain:

-lightheadedness -aroused mental state

Common diseases related to alcohol abuse:

-liver disease(most common) -Cirrhosis -Alcoholic hepatitis

Reasons Why College Students Smoke:

-reduce stress -social pressure -can't stop -social smoker -experiment -concentrate -control appetite

Effects of Central nervous system depressants (sedative hypnotics)

-reduces anxiety -mental calmness -promotes sleep or drowsiness

Medical uses of Central nervous system depressants (sedative hypnotics)

-relieving tension and inducing relaxation and sleep -panic attacks -alcohol withdrawal -muscular strain -tension

K2 is used by nearly______________ college students and is more commonly used by males and first- and second-year college students.

1 in 10

Approximately ___ of ___ crash deaths, or nearly 11,000 fatalities each year, are alcohol-related.

1 of 3

__________ college students die each year due to alcohol-related unintentional injuries.


7 symptoms of Substance Dependence:

1. Developing tolerance to the substance 2. Experiencing withdrawal 3. Taking in larger amounts 4. Expressing a persistent desire to cut down 5. Spending great deal of time getting, using, or recovering from the substance 6. Giving up or reducing important activities 7. Continual usage despite the knowledge of a problem

Signs of impending problems with Alcohol:

1.Drinking alone or secretively 2. Using alcohol deliberately and repeatedly to perform or get through difficult situations 3. Feeling uncomfortable on occasions when alcohol is not available 4. Escalating alcohol consumption beyond an already established drinking pattern 5. Consuming alcohol heavily in risky situations, such as before driving 6. Getting drunk regularly or more frequently than in the past 7. Drinking in the morning or at other unusual times

A Standard drink is

14 grams of pure alcohol.

Average age for starting smokers and smokeless tobacco users is ____


____ _______________ people over the age of 12 (6.2%) report abusing controlled prescription drugs

15.2 million

The suicide rate for Disordered Gambling is ________

20 times higher than that of general population

Cigars contain ____ poisons and ___ carcinogens

23 poisons and 43 carcinogens

Smokers are __ _____ _____ to suffer from some form of sexual impotence, which may indicate oncoming cardiovascular disease.

2x more likely

Over half of alcoholics relapse within the first ___ months of treatment.


Cigar smoke contains up to__times more carbon dioxide then cigarettes.


How many calories are in a pound?


An estimated__________ infants in the United States are affected by FASDs each year.


Carbon monoxide concentrations in cigarettes are ____ ____ _____ than is considered safe in industrial workplaces

400 times greater

Unfiltered cigarettes=

5 billion particles per cubic MM

An estimated ____________ of Internet users will likely experience Internet addiction

5 to 10%

Binge drinking corresponds to consuming _____ or more drinks (adult male) or______ or more drinks (adult female) in 2 hours.

5, 4

The body is made up of ____________ water by weight.

50 to 70 percent

Consequently, 100-proof whiskey contains ______% alcohol by volume; 86-proof whiskey contains _____% alcohol.

50%, 43%

Unfiltered cigarettes are ______ times more than smoggy urban air


There is nearly _____ added chemicals in cigarettes


___ million Americans currently smoke


No more than _________ percent of your total calories should come from saturated fat, and no more than ____ percent should come from all forms of fat.

7 to 10, 35

Males who smoke before age 15 and continue to smoke are half as likely to live to ___ versus those who did not smoke


Define Psychoactive Drugs:

A drug which alters a person's experiences or consciousness - can cause intoxication

Define: Amphetamines ("uppers")

A large and varied group of synthetic agents that stimulate the central nervous system.

Binge drinking

A pattern of drinking alcohol that brings BAC to 0.08 gram-percent or above;

Define: Withdrawal

A series of temporary physical and biopsychosocial symptoms that occurs when an addict abruptly abstains from an addictive chemical or behaviour

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol):

Addictive drug produced by fermentation that is the intoxicating substance in alcoholic beverages.

___________ use plays a significant role in the types of injuries people experience.


delirium tremens (DTs)

Alcohol withdrawal can result in confusion, delusions, agitated behavior, and hallucinations.

2 examples of 12-step programs

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) & Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Effects of Hallucinogens:

Altered states of consciousness, perceptions, feelings and thoughts

Define:Process addictions

Behaviors such as disordered gambling, compulsive buying, compulsive internet or technology use, work addiction, compulsive exercise, and sexual addiction that are known to be addictive because they are mood altering.

Define: Nuerotransmitters

Biochemical messengers that exert their influence at specific receptor sites on nerve cells

BAC stands for

Blood alcohol concentration

0.15-0.24% BAC leads to what psychological and physical effects:

Blurred vision, lack of motor skills, sedation, slowed reactions, difficulty standing and walking, passing out

Caffeine is considered a ________ ____________ _______ ___________

Central Nervous System Stimulants

Opioids (narcotics) can be ________ or __________.

Natural or synthetic

Common Sleep Aids include:

Excedrin PM, Sominex, Unisom, and Tylenol PM

Cocarcinogens in cigarettes that combine with other chemicals to cause cancer


High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) -

Help carry cholesterol out of the body

0.25-0.34% BAC leads to what psychological and physical effects:

Impaired consciousness, disorientation, loss of motor function, severly impaired or no reflexes, impaired circulation and respiration, uncontrolled urination, slurred speech, possible death

College Students and Prescription Drug Abuse ________________ dramatically over the past decade


Effects of Smoking on the lungs:

Increases respiratory rate

Effects of Smoking on the muscles:

Induces fatigue

Methods of administrating opioids:

Injection, snorting, sniffing, or smoking

Forms of drug injection:

Intravenous—...... Intramuscular— Subcutaneous—

Synthetic Marijuana is also known as:

K2 or "Spice"


Knowingly or unknowingly protect addicts from the consequences of their behavior

Trans fats increase

LDL cholesterol levels while decreasing HDL cholesterol levels.

Inhalants Effects

Nearly all inhalants produce effects similar to those of anesthetics, which slow down body functions

<0.01% BAC leads to what psychological and physical effects:


Hallucinogens include:

LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, STP, DMT, MDMA, ketamine, PCP (angel dust), and certain mushrooms

0.05 - 0.07% BAC leads to what psychological and physical effects:

Lowered alertness, impaired judgment, lowered inhibitions, exaggerated behaviour, loss of small-muscle control

Define: Commercial preparations

Made @ home

The most common foodborne illness is

Norovirus(contact with vomit or stool.

Artificial colors:

Nutrient additives, flavor enhancers, and fortifying agents such as folic acid and flavorings such as MSG.

Routes of drug administration:

Oral Injection Inhalation Inunction Suppositories

Long term use of Central Nervous System Stimulants is associated with _____________________________.

Paranoia and tolerance


Preservatives of color and flavor (vitamins C and E)

What must exist to qualify a person as an addict?

Psychological dependence and withdrawal symptoms

Uses for Marijuana

Severe anxiety, panic, paranoia, and psychosis

0.01 - 0.04% BAC leads to what psychological and physical effects:

Slight muscle relaxation, mild euphoria, slight body warmth, increased sociability and talkativeness

Central nervous system depressants (sedative hypnotics)

Slow down the overall activity of the CNS

0.08-0.14% BAC leads to what psychological and physical effects:

Slowed reaction time, poor muscle coordination, short-term memory loss, judgment impaired, inability to focus.

Cocaine can be

Snorted or Injected

Central Nervous System Stimulants

Speed up the activity of the nervous or muscular system

main types of complex carbohydrates.

Starches, glycogen, and fiber

Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) -

Sticks to walls


Stuff added to food.

Effects of Smoking on the stomach:

Suppresses appetite

Polydrug Use

Taking several substances simultaneously

affects on the absorption of alcohol.

The concentration of the alcohol is dependent on; quantity consumed; amount of food in stomach; pylorospasm (spasm of the pyloric valve in the digestive system); your metabolism, weight, and BMI; and your mood

Define: Nutrients

The constituents of food that sustain humans physiologically: water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals

Define: Detoxification

The early abstinence period during which an addict adjusts physically and cognitively to being free from the influence of the addiction.

Define: Appetite

The learned desire to eat; normally accompanies hunger but is more psychological than physiological.

Define: Hunger

The physiological impulse to seek food.

Define: Intervention

The planned process of confrontation by people who are important to the addict, including spouses, parents, children, bosses, and friends


The process in which alcohol vapors are condensed and mixed with water to make hard liquor.

Define: Fermentation

The process whereby yeast organisms break down plant sugars to yield ethanol.

Define: Nutrition

The science that investigates the relationship between physiological function and the essential elements of foods eaten.


These preserve vegetable color.


Tolerance for one drug creates a similar reaction to another drug

The most common form of fat circulating in the blood is

Triglycerides (95%)

The %DV is calculated based on

a 2,000 calorie per day diet.

Social smoking in college or only at other social occasions can lead to ____________________

a complete dependence on nicotine and thus to all the same health risks as smoking regularly.

Iron deficiency leads to anemia, which is

a condition resulting from the body's inability to produce hemoglobin.

Treatment and recovery for any addiction generally begin with _____________


Cholesterol can

accumulate as plaque on the inner walls of arteries, making it a major cause of atherosclerosis.

The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction proposes that __________________

addiction is caused not by a single influence, but by multiple biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors operating in complex interaction.

The 12-step program has become the most widely used approach to dealing with ___________________________

addictive or dysfunctional behaviors.

Examples of: Recreational addictions

alcohol and coffee

Women have half as much _________________ _________________________, the enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the stomach before it reaches the bloodstream and the brain, as men.

alcohol dehydrogenase

Alcohol, used either alone or in combination with other drugs, can lead to ______________________________________________________

alcohol poisoning (also known as acute alcohol intoxication).

A food allergy is

an overreaction by the body to normally harmless proteins, which are perceived as allergens.

Vitamins are

are essential organic compounds that promote growth and reproduction and help maintain life and health.

Signs of Work Addiction

disregard for personal nutrition, exercise, appearance, friends or family for work related matters

Marijuana reduces severe nausea and vomiting caused by ________________


Work Addiction is especially hard on _____________

children and loved ones

Chronic use of marijuana results in:

chronic bronchitis, emphysema, oxygen-depleted blood supply, higher risk of testicular cancer, higher risk of mental health problems, and suppressed immune system.

Condensed particles in the cigarette produce a sticky, brown mass called _________ ______

cigarette tar

Women alcoholics have greater risks for

cirrhosis; excessive memory loss and shrinkage of the brain; heart disease; and cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon than do male alcoholics

Most foodborne illnesses are caused by

common bacteria and viruses.

Starches are an example of a ____________ ____________ group and come from many sources such as flour, pasta, rice, corn, and potatoes.

complex carbohydrate

Compulsive spending often leads to _________________________

compulsive borrowing to help support addiction.

Some of the most popular functional foods today are items __________________________________________

containing antioxidants or other phytochemicals.

Large doses of Methamphetamine can lead to ________________________________

convulsions, hallucinations, and death.

Folate is important during fetal development because

deficiencies during pregnancy can result in spina bifida, a birth defect.

Signs of foodborne illness vary but may include

diarrhea, nausea, cramping, and vomiting.

The Anesthetizing effect of menthol means smokers _____________________________________________

inhale more deeply and hold smoke longer in the lungs

Minerals are

inorganic indestructible elements that aid physiological processes.

Central Nervous System Stimulants produce immediate,_______________________________

intense effects and have high risk of sudden death

Food irradiation

involves treating foods with waves of energy that damage microorganisms.

Alcohol ____________ the digestive system.


Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

is associated with alcohol consumption during the first trimester, which may affect organ development; alcohol consumed during the last trimester may affect CNS development.

Psychological Factors of addiction:

it'll make things better

Calories are measured in __________


Most nutrition labels use the word calorie to refer to


Proteins from plant sources are often incomplete in that they may ________________________________

lack one or two of the essential amino acids.

Diagnosis of Substance dependence includes:

least three or more symptoms during a 12-month period

The process of Food irradiation __________________

lengthens shelf life and prevents the spread of deadly microorganisms.

Trace minerals you need

less of

Abuse of opioids,, narcotics, and pain relievers can result in

life-threatening respiratory depression (reduced breathing).

Recovery from addiction is a __________ process, starting with treatment


Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides, which are

long chains of monosaccharides.

Nicotine addiction leads to ____ of control as well as _______ and _______.

loss tolerance withdrawal

Asian American rates of alcoholism are __________________________________

lower than those of the other groups.

African Americans rates of drinking are __________________________________________________________

lower than those of white Americans, but those who do drink tend to drink heavily.

Antimicrobial agents

make foods less hospitable to microbes. ex:salt, sugar, and nitrates

Endorphins (opiate-like substances) are _________________________________

manufactured in the body and have many receptor sites.

Synthetic Marijuana mimics _______________________________________________

marijuana intoxication but with longer duration and poor detection on urine drug screens.

Latinos rates of alcohol abuse and alcoholism among ____________________________________________

men are high, though many Latinas abstain.

Addiction is classified under the names "substance abuse and substance dependence" by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a

mental disorder

Macro minerals you need

more of

Champagne and carbonated drinks are absorbed ________ ______________

more rapidly.

Marijuana reduces muscle pain and spasticity caused by______________

multiple sclerosis

Even moderate drinking can have negative effects on the ____________ _________

nervous system.

Define: Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

no prescription needed

Define: Herbal preparations

of plant origin

Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) include:

olive, peanut, canola oil

Carbon monoxide displaces________ in red blood cells


Alcohol influences one's ability to make good decisions about____ because it ______________ ____________

sex, lowers inhibitions.

two major types carbohydrates are:

simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.

define: Bidis

small hand-rolled, flavored cigarettes that produce three times more carbon monoxide and nicotine and five times more tar than conventional cigarettes.

define: Sidestream smoke (secondhand smoke)

smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar or exhaled by smokers

define: Mainstream smoke

smoke that is drawn through tobacco while inhaling.

Many college students identify themselves as "_____ ______."

social smokers

Alcoholics can be found at all _____________________________________________

socioeconomic levels and in all professions, ethnic groups, geographical locations, religions, and races.

A locavore is

someone who eats only food grown close to home.

Diet pills contain

stimulants such as caffeine or Hoodia gordonii

The babies of smoking women are at risk for _________________________

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), cleft palate, or cleft lip.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) include:

sunflower, corn, soybean oilds

Complex carbohydrates provide

sustained energy.

Organic foods and beverages are developed, grown, or raised without the use of

synthetic pesticides, chemicals, or hormones.

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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