A specific, sudden episode of overload injury to a tissue, resulting in disrupted tissue integrity.
Step 3: Training Intensity
Adaptations in the body are specific to the intensity of the training session. Heart Rate is the most frequently used method for prescribing aerobic exercise intensity
Altitude Training
Altitude training (AQA only) is aerobic training high above sea level, where oxygen levels are lower. It is used to increase aerobic fitness quickly.
Muscular Hypertrophy
An Increase in the synthesis of the contractile proteins Actin and Myosin An increase in the number of Myofibrils within an individual muscle fiber
Maximal Aerobic Power
As the duration of an aerobic endurance event increases, so does the proportion of the total energy that must be supplied by aerobic metabolism.
Off-Season (Base Training)
Begin with long duration and low intensity. Gradually increase intensity and, to a lesser extent, duration.
Resistance Training
Benefits may include: Improvement in short-term exercise performance, Faster recovery from injuries, and Prevention of overuse injuries and reduction of muscle imbalances
Connective Tissue Adaptations of Bone
Bone responds to mechanical loading. Osteoblasts lay down collagen fibers, which increases the diameter
Cardiovascular Responses: Greater volumes of training affect heart rate. (resting HR increased) Biochemical Responses: High training volume results in increased levels of creatine kinase, indicating muscle damage. Muscle glycogen decreases with prolonged periods of overtraining. Endocrine Responses: Overtraining may result in a decreased testosterone-to-cortisol ratio, decreased secretion of GH, and changes in catecholamine levels.
Fartlek Training
Combines other methods of training Easy running (~70% VO2max) combined with hillsor short, fast bursts (~85-90% VO2max) Can be adapted for cycling and swimming Benefits are likely to include Enhanced VO2max Increased lactate threshold Improved running economy and fuel utilization
Repetition Training (Sprint Training)
Conducted at intensities greater than VO2max, with work intervals lasting 30-90 seconds Work:rest ratio is about 1:5 Long recovery periods needed between sessions Benefits include Improved running speed and economy Increased capacity and tolerance for anaerobic metabolism
Anaerobic Training Energy System
Creatine Phosphate and Anaerobic (Fast) Glycolysis
Cross-training is a mode of training that can be used to maintain general conditioning in athletes during periods of reduced training due to injury or during recovery from a training cycle.
Decreases proportionately with the amount of training completed. May decrease up to 40 beats per min in 6 months of moderate training
Detraining occurs when the athlete reduces the training duration or intensity or stops training altogether due to a break in the training program, injury, or illness.
Blood Flow in Aerobic Training
During Aerobic Exercise, blood flow to active muscles is increased, and decreased to other organ systems. At rest, 15-20% of Cardiac Output is distributed to Muscle. Vigorous Exercise could rise up to 90%!
Endocrine Adaptations to Aerobic Training
During aerobic endurance training (especially running), stress-induced Cortisol secretions cause protein metabolism from the muscle. The body attempts to off-set this by increasing anabolic hormones, Testosterone and IGF1. Chronic high volume running creates a Catabolic response that can lead to muscle degradation and reductions in power/strength.
Respiratory Responses
During low to moderate aerobic exercise there is an increase in ventilation (Inhaling/Exhaling). That is directly associated with increased 02 consumption during exercise. During high exercise there is an increases in Tidal Volume
Blood Transport of Gases and Metabolic By-Products
During low- to moderate-intensity exercise, enough oxygen is available that lactic acid does not accumulate because the removal rate is greater than or equal to the production rate
Blood and Training to Aerobic Training
Endurance training, especially intense training, increases Blood/Plasma Volume. Blood viscosity decreases, thus improving circulation and enhancing oxygen delivery
Anaerobic Overtraining
Excessive frequency, volume, or intensity of training that results in extreme fatigue, illness, or injury (which is often due to a lack of sufficient rest, recovery, and perhaps nutrient intake).
Anaerobic Overreaching
Excessive training on a short-term basis is called Overreaching. Overreaching can be a programmed, calculated portion of a training program.
Interval Training
Exercise at an intensity close to VO2max for intervals of 3 to 5 minutes. Work:rest ratio shouldbe 1:1. This allows athletes to train at intensities close to VO2max for a greater amount of time. It increases VO2max and enhances anaerobic metabolism. Method should be used sparingly, and only when training athletes with a firm aerobic endurance training base.
Step 4: Exercise Duration
Exercise duration is the length of time of the training session.
Step 1: Exercise Mode
Exercise mode is the specific activity performed by the athlete
Focus on increasing intensity, maintaining or reducing duration, and incorporating all types of training.
Postseason (Active Rest)
Focus on recovering from the competitive season while maintaining sufficient fitness.
Post Activation Potentiation
Heavy loading prior to explosive activity induces a high degree of CNS stimulation which results in greater motor unit recruitment
Selective Recruitment Principle
In Highly Trained athletes, the nervous system will adapt and allow the athletes to recruit out of order for greater force production.
Increase in collagen fibril diameter, Increase in the # of collagen fibrils, Increase in the density of the fibrils Adapt so the they can withstand the forces being acted on them by the muscles Stronger muscles = Greater force on the bone Causes increase of bone mass at tendon-bone junction
Neural Adaptations to Anaerobic Training
Increasing neuromuscular efficiency is essential to maximizing Strength and Power.
Increasing the volume of training may produce performance decrement
Role of Progressive Mobilization
Initially must maintain some immobilization in order to allow for initial healing As healing moves into repair phase controlled activity should be added Work towards regaining normal flexibility and strength During remodeling aggressive ROM and strength exercises should be incorporated Facilitates remodeling and realignment Must be aware of pain and other clinical signs - may be too much too soon
Pace/Tempo Training
Intensity at or slightly above competition intensity, corresponding to the lactate threshold. Steady pace/tempo training: 20 to 30 minutes of continuous training at the lactate threshold. Intermittent pace/tempo training: series of shorter intervals with brief recovery periods Objectives: Develop a sense of race pace and enhance the body's ability to sustain exercise at that pace Improve running economy and increase lactate threshold
Endurance Training
Longer Duration/Lower Intensity Exercise Oxidative Energy Systems (Slow/Aerobic Glycolysis, Beta Oxidation)
Oxygen Uptake is Depended on
Mass of Exercising Muscle: Aerobic exercise involving a larger mass of muscle or a greater work level is associated with a higher total oxygen uptake. Metabolic Efficiency: The better trained the individual is, the greater the Oxygen Uptake, especially at maximal exercise. Intensity of Exercise: V02 max increases as exercise Intensity increases.
Open Kinetic Chain
Not weight barring ex. Bicep curls, leg curls
Muscle Fiber Recruitment
Once a motor unit is recruited, less activation is needed for it to be re-recruited. (Stimulated for re-use)
Desensitized Golgi Tendon Organ
Operates as a feedback mechanism to control muscle tension by causing muscle relaxation before muscle force becomes so great that tendons might be torn. It can override the stretch reflex when tension is great, making you drop a very heavy weight, or fail to rebound from too high a drop.
Concurrent Training
Performing both Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise in the same training program. Combining these may interfere with Strength and Power gains if the aerobic endurance is too high in intensity, volume, and/or frequency.
Cardiovascular Adaptations
Primary function of the CV System is to deliver oxygen and energy to the muscles. It is measured by: Cardiac Output: (Q=HR x SV) And Oxygen Uptake = (VO2max)
Tendons and Ligaments
Primary structural component is Collagen. With increased muscular hypertrophy and strength, functional capabilities increase
In-Season (Competition)
Program should be designed around competition, with low-intensity and short-duration training just before race days.
Improved Stretch Reflex
Programmed Response to a stretched muscle, causing a reflex contraction of specific muscle.
Step 5: Exercise Progression
Progression of an aerobic endurance program involves increasing the frequency, intensity, and duration.
Proprioception and Kinesthetic Awareness
Proprioception is joint position sense (determine position of joint in space) Kinesthesia is the ability to detect movement
Accessory Motion
Refers to the manner in which one articulating surface moves relative to another (rotation, gliding, etc) Must be normal to allow for full range of physiological movement If restricted, normal physiological cardinal plane movement will not occur
Physiological Movement
Results from active voluntary muscle contraction - moving an extremity through a ROM
Results from repeated, abnormal stresses applied to a tissue by continuous training or training with too little recovery time.
Factors That Impede Healing
Severity of injury: Microtears/macrotears Bleeding/Edema: Causes separation of tissues and slows healing: (think ligament tear and no connection of fibers.) Poor blood supply: No blood, no nutrients. Muscle spasm: Causes traction (pulling) in tissues
Designing an Aerobic Endurance Program
Step 1: Exercise Mode Step 2: Training Frequency Step 3: Training Intensity, Heart Rate, Ratings of, Perceived Exertion, Metabolic Equivalents, and Power Measurement Step 4: Exercise Duration Step 5: Exercise Progression
Tapering is the systematic reduction of training duration and intensity combined with an increased emphasis on technique work and nutritional intervention.
Principles of Rehabilitation and Reconditioning
The athlete must fulfill specific criteria to progress from one phase to another during the rehabilitative process. The rehabilitation program must be based on current clinical and scientific research. The program must be adaptable to each individual and his or her specific requirements and goals. Rehabilitation is a team-oriented process requiring all the members of the sports medicine team to work together
Lactate Threshold
The point at which the body is producing more lactate than can be metabolized. Not enough oxygen getting to the working muscles
Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation
The point where so much lactate accumulates that exercise intensity is forcibly decreased
Thought to decrease to allow for optimal stroke volume and maximize cardiac output. Remains unchanged or decreases slightly
Step 2: Training Frequency
Training frequency is the number of training sessions conducted per day or per week.
Long, Slow Distance Training
Training is longer than race distance (or 30 minutes to 2 hours) at 70% of VO2max. Adaptations from this exercise include the following: Enhances the body's ability to clear lactate, Chronic use of this type of training causes an eventual shift of Type IIx fibers to Type I fibers. Intensity is lower than that of competition, which may be a disadvantage if too much LSD training is used.
Aerobic Training
Training that involves continuous activity sustained for 20 or more minutes
Muscular Adaptations to Aerobic Training
Type I and II muscle fibers become more oxidative. Hypertrophy of Type I fibers & Type II fibers act more like type I Increased # of mitochrondria and Myoglobin Mitochondria - Aerobically produces ATP through oxidation of glycogen. Myoglobin - Transports 02 within a cell. Increased Capillarization~Capillaries - 02/C02 Exchange to the muscles Increases in glycogen & triglyceride stores
Muscle Fiber Changes in Anaerobic Training
Type I can act more "fast twitch" Type IIa can become Type IIx This enhances potential for strength, power, speed development and overall anaerobic performance.
Stimulation of Bone Formation
Use exercises that directly load the skeleton. Multi-jointed exercises that use multiple muscle groups. Progressive Overload (Intensities/Volume) Variety of exercises that offer multiple directions of forces.
Closed Kinetic Chain
Weight barring ex. Push ups, squats
Anaerobic Training
Without the presence of 02 High Intensity Intermittent Bouts of exercise
Supercompensation Effect
example: 2 weeks overreaching, 1 week recover, resume progressive training methods