EXSC 345 Research Design Quizzes (1-9)

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Which of the following is a descriptive research design? a. Cohort b. Case study c. Case control d. Meta-analysis e. Randomized controlled study

Case study

Which type of research design may be most appropriate as an initial step to determine the relationships among height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and physical activity? a. Experimental b. Semi-structured interview c. Case study d. Structured interview e. Correlational


Every university/college at which research on human participants is conducted must have a(n) __________ that reviews proposals before the research can be conducted.


The online search engine provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine is ___________.


T/F: A historian's synthesis of documented evidence about an event is an example of a primary source of historical research.


T/F: Correlational research is a form of experimental research.


A weakness in a study design is termed a __________.


Which of the following is an experimental research design? a. Cross-sectional descriptive epidemiology b. Cohort c. Single subject d. Historical e. Case study

single subject

Identify and match the appropriate first time to communicate the following research topics: Assignment of co-authors and author order 1. Before publishing 2. Included in the publication 3. After publication

1. Before publishing

Identify and match the appropriate first time to communicate the following research topics: Conflicts of Interest 1. Before publishing 2. Included in the publication 3. After publication

1. Before publishing

Identify and match the appropriate first time to communicate the following research topics: Citations 1. Before publishing 2. Included in the publication 3. After publication

2. Included in the publication

Identify and match the appropriate first time to communicate the following research topics: Clear written description of methods 1. Before publishing 2. Included in the publication 3. After publication

2. Included in the publication

Identify and match the appropriate first time to communicate the following research topics: Necessary corrections/retractions 1. Before publishing 2. Included in the publication 3. After publication

3. After publication

Which of the following is true of experimental research designs? a. A correlational relationship is established. b. A small sample of participants is interviewed. c. A cause-effect relationship is established. d. A single participant is observed and followed in detail over time. e. A basic description of outcomes are provided.

A cause-effect relationship is established.

Which of the following is the best definition of research? a. A compilations of detailed information known about a topic of interest b. Using common sense to clarify the unknown c. Work conducted by scientists in lab coats d. Finding facts related to an important topic e. A structured process for solving problems or answering questions

A structured process for solving problems or answering questions

As a research participant, it is one's right to know: a. Who is conducting the research and their contact information b. Why the research is being conducted c. What data is being collected and how it is stored/shared d. If there is IRB approval e. All of the above

All of the above

Who is ultimately responsible for ensuring the Responsible Conduct of Research? a. Researcher and Colleagues b. Government Agencies and the Institution c. The Public d. Professional Organizations e. All of the above

All of the above

Let's assume there are no previous research studies that examine how physical activity influences social interactions. Which type of research may be best to start with in order to provide an initial snapshot in time of these behaviors in a group of children? a. Basic descriptive b. Case studies c. Interviews d. Surveys e. Experimental

Basic descriptive

A National Health Survey measured 10,000 elementary school students in grades 1-5 on multiple variables including standardized test scores, body mass index, and socioeconomic status. This example is best described as which type of research design? a. Cohort b. Randomized controlled study c. Cross-sectional descriptive epidemiology d. Historical e. Case control

Cross-sectional descriptive epidemiology

Which of the following is not typically found in a methods section? a. Description of the research apparatus and/or instruments b. Description of the research protocol c. Description of the rationale d. Description of the statistical analysis e. Description of the participants

Description of the rationale

Which of the following is not part of informed consent? a. Explanation of whom to contact with any questions or concerns b. Statement that participation is voluntary c. Description of any benefits to the participants d. Guarantee of insurance coverage from HIPPA e. Description of risks or discomforts to the participants

Guarantee of insurance coverage from HIPPA

Which of the following statements is true? a. If risks to participants cannot be well managed, a study is not likely to be approved by the IRB. b. It is acceptable for there to be a serious risk to participants so long as there are compensatory benefits. c. Participants do not need to be informed of all of the risks involved with participating in a study. d. Participants in a research study must receive monetary compensation. e. If participants are prison inmates they do not have the right of informed consent.

If risks to participants cannot be well managed, a study is not likely to be approved by the IRB.

What does IRB stand for? a. Infinite Review Board b. Important Research Board c. Institutional Review Board d. International Research Board

Institutional Review Board

Which of the following is typically used to gain more specific information from only a few research participants and consists of open-ended questions? a. Interviews b. Medical records c. Background checks d. Surveys e. Questionnaires


Which of the following is true of the scientific method? a. It is a structured, orderly process for conducting a research study. b. It is always a long and complicated process. c. Only scientists in fields like biology and chemistry use it. d. It was originally proposed by Aristotle. e. It is synonymous with research.

It is a structured, orderly process for conducting a research study.

Which of the following are characteristic of internal validity? a. It increases when the study participants are good representatives of the population. b. It reflects the degree to which changes in the dependent variable(s) are caused by the independent variable(s). c. It cannot be influenced by the researchers. d. It increases when there are more participants in the study. e. It is the extent to which the results of the study can be generalized.

It reflects the degree to which changes in the dependent variable(s) are caused by the independent variable(s)

Which of the following is not a characteristic of qualitative research? a. A single study often involves more than one data collection method. b. The primary emphasis is on interpretation of the participant experiences under study. c. Once established, the research design remains constant. d. It involves complex settings of daily living. e. It is typically conducted in natural settings.

Once established, the research design remains constant.

Which of the following qualitative research traditions is considered a form of critical inquiry? a. Heuristic inquiry b. Phenomenology c. Orientational inquiry d. Narrative inquiry e. Ethnography

Orientational inquiry

Which type of research does not involve any sort of data collection or statistical analyses, but rather uses inductive or deductive reasoning to develop a set of principles? a. Philosophical b. Historical c. Single-subject research design d. Randomized controlled study e. Cross-sectional descriptive epidemiology


Which type of research design includes a baseline, intervention, and withdrawal phase that typically includes repeated assessments throughout each phase? a. Descriptive b. Case study c. Cross-sectional d. Reversal e. Cohort


Which of the following statements regarding authorship on a research paper is true? a. Since there are no rules for authorship, this should be discussed. b. The professor supervising the research is always the last author. c. Statistical consultants on the project should always be listed as authors. d. Everyone with any involvement in the project should be listed as an author. e. The person who did the most work is always the first author.

Since there are no rules for authorship, this should be discussed.

Which of the following is not a source of data in qualitative research? a. The setting or context b. Photographs c. Tables of numbers d. Written documents e. The perspectives of the participants

Tables of numbers

The three core ethics principles identified as respect for persons, beneficence, and justice are summarized in the following: a. The Belmont Report b. Tuskegee Study c. The Nuremberg Code d. National Research Act e. The Common Rule

The Belmont Report

When writing a research proposal, which of the following should be written first? a. The abstract b. The projected results c. The introduction d. The problem statement e. The methods

The problem statement

When writing a research proposal, which of the following should be written first? a. The abstract b. The methods c. The projected results d. The problem statement e. The introduction

The problem statement

Which of the following is not likely to be included in a good research problem statement? a. The dependent variable(s) b. The independent variable(s) c. The statistical methods d. The population being studied (when important) e. Wording that suggests whether an effect, difference, or relationship is being investigated

The statistical methods

Which of the following is regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)? a. The ways in which protected health information can be stored and utilized b. The insurance coverage of research institutions c. The insurance coverage of researchers d. The provision of optional health insurance to research participants e. The protection of research participants

The ways in which protected health information can be stored and utilized

Which of the following is true of journal impact factors? a. They are lower for more highly specialized journals. b. They do not include journals in kinesiology and the health sciences. c. They remain constant from year to year. d. They reflect the average number of journal citations over a five-year period. e. They are the sole indicator of journal quality.

They are lower for more highly specialized journals.

Which of the following is least likely to yield good ideas for a research proposal? a. Thinking deeply on your own b. Listening to related research presentations at conferences c. Talking with faculty doing research related to your area of interest d. Talking with other students doing research related to your area of interest e. Reading the related research literature

Thinking deeply on your own

Which of the following is not a potential use for a pilot study? a. To draw final conclusions for the study b. To determine how long it will take to test each participant c. To become proficient with the data collection procedures d. To determine which dependent variables should be measured e. To determine how many participants will need to be included

To draw final conclusions for the study

Which of the following is not a purpose for a student to write a literature review? a. To explain where there is a gap in what is known about a topic b. To ensure that a proposed study has not already been conducted and published c. To present a statistical analysis of data d. To acquire a solid understanding of the literature related to a topic e. To demonstrate that the approach, procedure, or instrumentation is viable since others have used it before

To present a statistical analysis of data

The percentage of submitted papers that are published in a journal is known as the __________ rate.


Which research design would be best suited to answer the following research question: How have multimillion dollar television contracts for premier college football teams influenced recruiting practices through the Bowl Championship Series era? a. Randomized controlled study b. Descriptive c. Historical d. Case control e. Philosophical

case control

A researcher conducts a study that involves providing an enriched environment that promotes movement to a child with special needs. A detailed description throughout the entire process will be documented. Which type of research design or technique is typically used in the situation? a. Case study b. Experimental c. Correlational d. Semi-structured interview e. Structured interview

case study

Research conducted to document the characteristics of a group is termed _______________.


What are the genetic and environmental factors that influence the development of cerebral palsy? This type of research question is an example of ___________ research.


The earliest tradition of qualitative research, known as ________, focuses on the cultural aspects of the group and setting under study.


_________________ research studies aim to establish cause-effect relationships between variables.


T/F: A cause-effect relationship can be established from one epidemiological research study.


T/F: A literature review is one form of an original research paper.


T/F: A recent research study found a strong positive association between body mass index (BMI) and the amount of time spent in sedentary behavior. This indicates a cause-effect relationship.


T/F: A recent research study found a strong positive association between body mass index and the amount of time spent in sedentary behavior. This indicates a cause-effect relationship.


T/F: Because research papers are often peer reviewed prior to publication, you can be 100% confident that they contain no errors or misstatements


T/F: Correlational research manipulates at least one independent variable to determine the effect on at least one dependent variable.


T/F: Experimental research designs are more important, reliable, and valid compared to descriptive research designs.


T/F: It is not considered plagiarism if the act is unintentional.


T/F: Like quantitative research, good qualitative research relies on random selection of participants.


T/F: Qualitative research begins with the formation of concrete hypotheses that the collection of data either confirms or denies.


T/F: Researchers intervene or manipulate at least one independent variable in descriptive research designs.


T/F: Researchers manipulate at least one independent variable in descriptive research designs.


T/F: Surveys, questionnaires, and interviews are all qualitative research techniques.


T/F: The informed consent form should be written using precise, technical terminology for best accuracy.


T/F: The literature review for a proposal should be extensive and lengthy so as best to explain the topic.


T/F: The methods section of a research paper begins with a clear statement of the purpose of the study.


T/F: The most compelling rationale for a research proposal is that the topic has never been studied before.


T/F: The professor supervising a student's research is always the first author on any resulting research papers.


T/F: The variable that is measured is called the independent variable.


One purpose of ____________ is to better understand how present practices, beliefs, or issues in a field of study emerged through time.

historical inquiry

In a study of cause and effect, the cause variable is called the _________________ variable.


The process of deriving a general conclusion from a specific example is known as _____________ reasoning.


The concept of ______________ guarantees that every participant in a research study is fully informed about what they will be expected to do and give their consent to participate.

informed consent

A ___________ is an individual who possesses unique information or has lived through a unique event and is willing to share their knowledge and experiences with a researcher.

key informant

A(n) ____________ scale is used to assign numerical values to survey and questionnaire responses.


T/F: A(n) _____________ synthesizes several similar research studies and uses a statistical analysis of effect sizes to objectively determine the overall effect of a treatment or intervention.

meta analysis

A literature review does not include _________(50 %) and _________(50 %) sections compared to an original research article.

methods; results

A(n) _______________ design involves several research participants completing the same intervention, but only after a varied length of a baseline phase.

multiple baseline

The ____________ perspective in qualitative research emphasizes preservation of the natural setting under study with as little disturbance to the daily activities as possible.


______________ is an analytic technique used in epidemiological research that involves taking into account exposure vs. non-exposure to risk factors and the resulting observation of groups of people who did vs. did not develop a disease.

odds ratio

A measurement or observation that is way out of line with the rest of the data set is called a(n) ____________.


Before writing a literature review, it is important to develop an __________ to provide a framework.


Restating someone else's words in your own words is called _____________.


The process through which research manuscripts submitted to journals are reviewed by knowledgeable researchers and typically revised by the authors in accordance with reviewer suggestions prior to the publication is called __________.

peer review

A measure of ________________ is an association that is calculated in a cohort research design and is considered an analytic approach.

relative risk

The researcher's own expectation as to the outcome of the study is the __________.

research hypothesis

The heart of a strong research proposal is a good ____________.

research question (or problem statement)

The ___________ is evaluated to ensure that the potential risks to participants do not outweigh any benefits.

risk/benefit ratio

Which form of qualitative data coding is used to verify themes that have been identified? a. Longitudinal coding b. Axial coding c. Nonselective coding d. Selective coding e. Open coding

selective coding

Which form of qualitative data coding is used to verify themes that have been identified? a. Nonselective coding b. Axial coding c. Longitudinal coding d. Open coding e. Selective coding

selective coding

When a proposal involves investigation of two or more related questions, these are termed ______________.

specific aims

Qualitative researchers describe and confirm ___________ that emerge during the study to explain phenomena of interest.


Collecting qualitative observations from several difference types of sources, known as ____________, permits the researcher to examine each theme or conclusion from several different perspectives.


T/F: A cross-sectional research design aims to simulate developmental change over time, without taking months or years to complete the research study.


T/F: A magazine article published in 2010 that describes the sociocultural implications of the 1936 Olympics is an example of a secondary source of historical research.


T/F: A research journal publishes original research papers and/or review papers.


T/F: An example of deductive reasoning includes starting with a scientific theory in mind and designing and executing a research study that will either support or refute the theory.


T/F: Experimental studies are often based on the initial results of correlational research and aim to test specific hypotheses.


T/F: It is important to carefully consider the words chosen to write survey questions because the way in which questions are phrased can have a great impact on how questions are answered.


T/F: It is not unusual for participants, settings, and research questions to be added during the course of a qualitative study.


T/F: Mixed methods research involves both qualitative and quantitative methods.


T/F: Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient is usually represented simply as r.


T/F: Plagiarism is the act of presenting a piece of writing, a drawing, or an idea that originated with someone else as if it had originated with you.


T/F: Qualitative research typically requires spending long periods in the setting under study.


T/F: Reporting of supporting pilot data dramatically strengthens a research proposal.


T/F: The baseline phase is very important in single subject design research.


T/F: The findings of a qualitative research study are influenced by the background and personal experiences of the researcher.


T/F: The process of deductive reasoning involves deriving a conclusion from two or more premises.


T/F: The stronger the correlation between variables, the better the ability of a researcher to predict future outcomes.


T/F: Two purposes of a research proposal are to provide an action plan for the work and to serve as a contract between the researchers and those who approved the proposal.


What is the first step in analyzing qualitative data? a. Selective coding b. Longitudinal coding c. Open coding d. Writing field notes e. Axial coding

writing field notes

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