Final CCT324

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"Let's set up an agenda for discussing each of the problems we have to consider." This prompt is an example of which task-oriented role?


"Splitting the difference" would be used by which of the following conflict management strategies?


"Who is in charge?" and "Who does what?" are questions that are relevant to which stage of group development?

psychopathic tendencies

*"Trolley problem" is a thought experiment designed to elicit

pratfall effect

*The tendency for likability to increase after a highly credible and competent individual makes a mistake is an example of

Dunbar Number

148 individuals with whom any person can maintain stable and meaningful relationships, roughly refers to a number of people in a tribe.


A consciously coordinated social unit composed of a group of people that function on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common set of goals is known as a(n)

authoritative command.

A consistent conflict among warehouse staff is the lack of resources. Warehouse staff believe other departments have newer technology to complete their work, so they grumble and complain to and compare themselves to the other departments. Because their manager knows it isn't true that other departments have better equipment, their manager could manage this conflict using a resolution technique called

early in group development

A cross-functional faces challenges building trust among members; this occurs


A decision made from unconscious processing of a person's many experiences is called

organizational behaviour

A field of study that investigates the impact of individuals, groups, and structure on behaviour within organizations is known as

nominal group technique

A group decision-making method in which each individual team member preplans their ideas and solutions for the problem and brings these ideas to the group, is known as

accommodating different life and work styles while maintaining productivity

A major outcome of workforce diversity is


A process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree upon the exchange rate for them is


A process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about is called

there are explicit formalized procedures

A situation where leadership may NOT be important is when

performance orientation

A society that encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement and excellence would fall into which of the following GLOBE dimensions?

uncertainty avoidance.

A society that prefers structured situations to alleviate unpredictability experiences


A structure that is flat, uses cross-functional teams, and has low formalization is known as


According to Hofstede's dimensions, which of the following countries scored low on masculinity?

attribute it to external causes.

According to attribution theory, the more distinct the behaviour of another person is, the more the observer is inclined to

rational persuasion

According to research the power tactic most effective across all levels of organizations is

assertiveness, future orientation, gender differentiation, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, individualism/collectivism, in-group collectivism, performance orientation and humane orientation

According to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program, what are the nine dimensions along which national cultures differ?

initiating structure

According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of subordinates in the search for goal attainment is called

he last meeting

According to the Punctuated-Equilibrium Model, productivity is highest during the time of


After which stage of a group's development has the group formed a common set of expectations of member behaviours?


After working for her new company for a few weeks, Sheila was disillusioned because what she was told at the outset about the company did not seem to match with reality. She was at which stage of the socialization process?

Alison is given relevant training to try to prevent such mistakes

Alison is very happy with her job primarily because she has total decisionmaking power with respect to both the content and context of her job. When she makes a mistake, her supervisor discusses it with her. For Alison to be empowered, what steps must a manager ensure?


Ambiguity about responsibilities and accountabilities describes which category of conflict sources?

survey studies

Among the research methods in OB, which would most likely employ questionnaires and interviews?

an entire new organization adopting the culture of one of the two merging cultures.

An identical set of socialization experiences for all employees, the boot camp experience, is an example of which type of socialization?


An identical set of socialization experiences for all employees, the boot camp experience, is an example of which type of socialization?


As manager who is labelled as an "natural" in cultural intelligence is most likely to use ________ to understand a cross-cultural situation


Bob welcomes a certain degree of conflict and disagreement among his staff, since he has been concerned that they have approved proposals in the past based on weak assumptions and without exploring other alternatives. Bob is promoting a type of conflict known as

simplified models that lack complexity

Bounded rationality is criticized because it is based on

balancing cultural sensitivity with the bottom line

By putting people first, it is thought that employees will become more effective and hence more productive. What are some of the challenges inherent in putting people first?

conflict avoidance

By using compromise, the parties are seeking what kind of solution?

Some cultures have sacred days and practices that may require work accommodations from time to time.

Canada is a multicultural society and is becoming more diverse than it was 20 years ago. This means there are many new differences between people that challenge managers. What kinds of accommodations of value differences should managers provide in today's Canada?

positive feedback, followed by constructive criticism, followed by more praise.

Canadian "sandwich feedback" is

problem solving

Candice is great at resolving conflict among her staff. Her usual approach is to try to reach an agreement that completely satisfies the aspirations of both people who are involved in the conflict. This is an example of

changes in an organization's structure.

Changes in corporate strategy precede and lead to

pragmatic; maintains emotional distance; believes ends can justify means

Characteristics of individuals high in Machiavellianism include which of the following?

reduces group cohesiveness

Conflict is dysfunctional when it

supports the goals of the group.

Conflict is functional if it

improves the quality of decisions and encourages interest and curiosity of members.

Conflict meets the criteria of constructive conflict when it

task conflict.

Conflict that is over content and goals of the work is


Contributions to Organizational Behaviour on perception come from

it increases the acceptable range of values and styles

Culture is a liability EXCEPT when

the short term

Distributive bargaining involves

Who is in charge

During the storming stage of the Five-Stage Model, the group issue is

problem solving team

Employees at Can Do More Inc. work in groups of 5-12 employees from the same department; they meet each week for a few hours to discuss ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the work environment. This is an example of a

reduced job satisfaction.

Evidence indicates that work specialization contributes to higher employee productivity at the price of

high, low

Forcing, as a conflict manag

Work with more information

Frank was the leader of a team that was experiencing a lot of conflict. What would be the best approach to remedy this situation?

randomness error

Fred is a great decision maker, but he is superstitious, so he steadfastly maintains that he will not make any big decisions on Friday the 13th. This is known as

systematic approach

Generally, the best method for obtaining knowledge regarding human behaviour is the

flexibility and achievement of job satisfaction

Generation X is characterized by which of the following common values?


Generational values challenge today's managers. The group that most values achievement and material success is

contain greater risk.

Groupshift most often means decisions

measurable and realistic goal

Having a common and meaningful purpose helps a group create a

influence tactics

How do individuals translate their bases of power into specific, desired action?

establishing norms that filter down through the organization

How does "top management" impact an organization's culture?

Bits and pieces of what we observe are selectively chosen according to our interests and background.

How does selective perception work as a shortcut in judging other people?

positive organizational scholarship.

How organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential is called

role expectation

How others believe you should act in a given situation is a


If a manager has high emotional intelligence she will likely engage in


If an environment is one that can support growth, it can be said that it has the ________ for growth

there is no conflict

If no one is aware of conflict, it is generally agreed that

systematic study

In OB, looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and basing conclusions on scientific evidence is referred to as

those believed to be under the personal control of the individual.

In attribution theory, internally caused behaviours are

Values are more stable than attitudes.

In contrasting values and attitudes, which of the following is TRUE?In contrasting values and attitudes, which of the following is TRUE?

systematic study

In the study of OB, common sense is generally replaced by

individuals; low individualism

Individualism is the degree to which people prefer to act as ________, whereas collectivism is the equivalent of ________.

adjust behaviour to external, situational factors.

Individuals who rate high in self-monitoring


James knew that he was going to have some difficulty functioning within a team setting, as he saw himself as a "lone wolf" who liked to "do his own thing." James will likely have difficulty with

integrative bargaining

James' "claim to fame" is that, in any negotiation process that he is involved with, he has the ability to work towards a solution that can create a win-win situation for all participants. James is thus adept at

distributive bargaining

Labour-management negotiations over wages exemplifies


Leslie is of the opinion that conflict isn't always bad. His feeling is that it can assist in avoiding one of the biggest problems that groups face known as


Looking for a solution that is satisfactory and sufficient is called

case studies

Looking in-depth at and individual over time in order to gain insight relates to the examination of

efficient structures; create vision

Managers give organizations ________ while leaders ________.


Managers improve productivity by developing effective employees and efficient work processes; this supports organizational

determine how to accommodate the diverse needs of employees

Managing diversity issues in the workplace requires managers to

likely to benefit your career

Managing impressions so that others see you positively is

at the outset, and monitor regularly to prevent disruptions

Mary was excited about leading her new virtual team, as it would allow for the participation of a broader group of individuals. However, she knew the special challenge of this type of team was building trust. To build trust in virtual teams it is best to establish trust

brings an impartial third party to help negotiate a solution

Mediation is a strategy that

role ambiguity

Mike is in quandary. He has just started working on a new cross-functional team. He is happy to add this to his work routine, but he is frustrated because he is still not clear on what his role on the team is, even after three meetings. Mike is experiencing


National culture affects leadership style. Participative leadership would be the most effective leadership style in a country like

"read" the culture of an organization.

Observing the physical surroundings, characterizing the style of those working, and examining the degree of formalization of rules and regulations are all ways to

seeking an acceptable solution

Of the following, which best characterizes the satisficing decision-making process?


One of the greatest things about working for Francois is that he lets his staff make decisions and commitments without always having to check with him first. Francois is practicing

material symbols

One way that employees learn organizational culture is through


Organization behaviour has few

it reinforces the importance of traditional methods of management.

Organizational behaviour has implications for all personnel in the workplace. Some of OB's challenges and opportunities include all of the following EXCEPT

strong mora

People who lack a ________ sense are much less likely to make unethical decisions if the organizational environment ignores ethical behaviours.

lack remorse of guilt when they have caused others harm.

People who score high in psychopathy tend to

outside one's formal role

Political behaviour is


Rava was going through an orientation process to ensure that she adapted to her new organization's culture. This process is known as

emotional and aimed at a person rather that an issue.

Relationship conflict is


Research findings indicate that when an employee has a clear understanding of how to perform a task and reach a goal a ________ leader will increase employee satisfaction

similar productivity, higher absenteeism and higher job satisfaction.

Research suggests that compared to other groups, self-managed teams consistently report

in ways consistent with how he or she is perceived by others

Self-fulfilling prophecy is a concept that proposes a person will behave

ow degrees of departmentalization

Simple structures are characterized by

no difference in the number of women and minorities in upper management.

Single day diversity training programs almost always results in


Sometimes leadership may not be important. ________ make(s) it impossible for leader behaviour to make any difference to subordinate outcomes.

power distance

The GLOBE value describing the acceptance of unequal levels of power in institutions and organizations is called

employee orientation

The University of Michigan studies identified which characteristic with effective performance as a leader?


The ability to produce novel and useful ideas is called


The bargaining strategy that operates under zero-sum conditions is called

Decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization

The best definition for centralization is


The characteristic underlying all bureaucracies is

the effect on group performance

The demarcation between functional and dysfunctional conflict is

develop a strategy

The first step in the negotiation process should be

are more motivated

The followers of leaders who are high in employee orientation or consideration behaviour

people orientation

The key characteristic of organizational culture that addresses the degree to which management decisions consider the effect of outcomes on people within the organization is termed

functional and product structures.

The matrix structure combines the

group performance

The most important criterion in determining whether conflict is functional or dysfunctional is

social psychology

The most significant contributions to OB with respect to implementing change and reducing barriers to its acceptance has been made by

integrative bargaining

The negotiating strategy that emphasizes win-win solutions is called


The organizational culture in Tom's workplace was very strong—people believed strongly that things were 'being done the way they should be'. The culture is exhibited through its

contrast effects

The perception shortcut that involves evaluation of a person based on how they compare to other individuals recently encountered.

impression management

The process by which individuals attempt to control the impressions others form of them is referred to as


The process that adapts employees to the organization's culture is called

ensuring a proper match of personal and organizational values.

The selection process helps sustain the organization's culture by

how low-ranking members in an organization, who have important information, gain power

The study of scarcity helps explain

self-serving bias

The tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors is called

availability bias

The tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is readily available but may NOT be accurate is calle

fundamental attribution error

The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behaviour of others is known as

attribution theory

The theory that tries to explain how we judge people differently, depending upon the meaning we assign to a given behaviour, is

its founders.

The ultimate source of an organization's culture is


The unfounded belief that younger workers are more appealing than older workers is an example of


To achieve reasonable solutions when time is short, the best conflict resolution strategy is

to describe the stages of cross-cultural adjustment

U-curve of adaptation refers to

sexual harassment

Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature is

greatest good for the greatest number.

Utilitarianism is used in decisions that provide the

consistency, consensus, distinctiveness

What are the three rules about behaviour that attribution theory relies on?

One has high formalization

What is a major difference between a mechanistic model and an organic model?

organizational culture

What is the pattern of shared meaning within an organization?

Extroversion is related to leader's self-efficacy, and important to leadership success.

What is the relationship between trait theories of leadership and The Big Five personality theory?

situational leadership model

What theory proposes effective leaders adapt their leadership style according to how willing and able a follower is to perform tasks?


What type of power base allows celebrities to demand millions of dollars to endorse products?


When employees see their work environment as political, the effect on work attitude and behaviour is usually

problems for those doing business in other countries.

When ethical behaviour and consequences vary depending on national culture, this presents


When group members become more exaggerated in their opinions and positions as group discussions go on, the group has experienced

lowering employee stress, which lowers intentions to quit

When managers have positive social relationships with their employees they are

using confirmation bias

When managers predict that sales for next year will be the same as last year, despite a weakening economy, they are


When the employee compares his or her expectations to organizational reality, which stage of socialization is he or she experiencing?

predicting certain behaviour depends on the context of a structured situation.

When we say that OB concepts must reflect situational conditions, we mean

using ingratiation tactics

When your organizational behaviour professor employs flattery prior to making a request she/he is

explicit job descriptions

Where there is high formalization, there is (are)

utilitarianism, justice, rights, care

Which of the following are criteria for making ethical choices?


Which of the following conflict-handling methods is best at building trust and long-term relationships?

overconfidence bias

Which of the following describes the tendency for people to be too optimistic about their abilities?

dominant culture

Which of the following expresses the core values shared by a majority of the organization's members?

organizational culture

Which of the following factors is most likely to contribute to political behaviour in an organization?

deep but varied beliefs

Which of the following indicates a strong organizational culture?

all 45 year old adults in a community

Which of the following is NOT considered an organization?


Which of the following is NOT consistent with the definition of a ritual?

OCB enhances company performance and is highly valued.

Which of the following is TRUE about organizational citizenship behaviour, (OCB)?

They tend to like themselves and feel in control of their environment

Which of the following is TRUE of positive core self-evaluation?

diversity of view points

Which of the following is a benefit of cross-functional teams?


Which of the following is a disadvantage of electronic meetings?

interacting groups

Which of the following is likely to generate the lowest number of ideas?

norms encourage cost effectiveness

Which of the following statements about the importance of norms is FALSE?

Individuals conform to the norms of all the groups to which they belong.

Which of the following statements is inaccurate regarding groups?

strong culture

Which of the following would NOT facilitate a change in culture?


Which of the following would fall outside the general role of a mediator?


Which personality types are less effective at distributive bargaining?


Which technique has the greatest potential for interpersonal conflict?


Which type of decision-making group is most committed to the group solution?

time orientation and consensus decision making

Why have non-Aboriginals traditionall...

the Canadian workplace is becoming more heterogeneous

Why should you increase your understanding of workforce diversity?

long-term orientation

Within Hofstede's research, a culture emphasizing ________ would value thrift, persistence and tradition

responsible, dependable, persistent, and achievement oriented.

Within the framework of the Big Five Personality Factors, conscientiousness is a personality factor that describes the degree to which a person is

reward power

Your manager offers you a raise if you will complete additional work beyond the requirements of your job; he or she is exercising


Your physician has advised you to take medications to improve your health. You comply because of his or her ________ power.

power is

a function of relationship dependency

Tall poppy syndrome

a tendency to dislike and discredit those who achieve exceptional results at work.

proactive personality

can identify opportunities, shows initiative, takes action, and perseveres until meaningful change occurs.

What is negotiation?

exchange process

Power tactics

explain how to translate power bases into desired action

The most important aspect of power is

it is a function of dependency

Culturally diverse work teams are

less successful than culturally homogeneous work teams within the first three months the team is togethe


on If a team leader states that no personal phone calls are allowed during working hours, this is an example of the establishment of a group

A problem-solving team is a

permanent process improvement team

Conflict is dysfunctional when it

reduces group cohesiveness

The dominant culture is

synonymous with the organization's culture.

People with high narcissism

tend to be more self-centered and may enjoy their work more.

Hedonic adaptation refers to

the degree to which humans tend to return to stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative life events.

Bases of power refers to

what the power holder has that gives him or her power

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