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What is the interpretative scheme for the Song of Songs that has enjoyed a long consensus among Jewish and Christian scholars?


According to your textbook, with what other prophet does Zephaniah share an emphasis on the phrase "The Day of the LORD"?


Which eighth century prophet said "Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!"


Which eighth-century prophet uses the formula "For three sins of X, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath."


Most of Amos' oracles reflect an eighth century (approx. 750 BCE) setting. According to our textbook, TOT, which reference below is from a portion of Amos that biblical scholars often date to a later period, after the exile of Judah (approx. 516 BCE)?

Amos 9:9-11 "The Fallen Booth"

Where was the field which Jeremiah was commanded to buy in Jeremiah 32?



Ancient Persian Conception of Universe


Ancient Persian Leader of Dark Forces (Devil)

Ahura Mazda

Ancient Persian Leader of Light Forces

What central concept does the book of Joel share with pre-exilic prophets according to our textbook?

Announcing the Day of the LORD

Proverbs is a collection of wise-sayings from scribes of the royal court, temples and local institutions. What word is used to describe the idea that Proverbs sayings were collected over a long period of time by many people?


Who were the respective kings of both the Ptolemies and the Seleucids when the Seleucids captured Jerusalem and placed it under Seleucid control?

Antiochus III Ptolemy V Epiphanes

Who was the Seleucid king who defiled the Temple in Jerusalem and implemented a policy of forced Hellenization against the Jews?

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, envy makes the bones rot.

Antithetical parallelism

He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame.

Antithetical parallelism

What form of Proverb is typically a single proverb?


What was the name of the mother of the gods of Ugarit?


What nation's punishment does Nahum announce?


What was the name of the Egyptian deity worshipped in the following line of the hymn which was composed during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, also known as Akhenaten? "O sole god, beside whom there is none! You made the earth as you wished, you alone."


The idea that a poem, as a work of literature, is meant to be heard


What is the name of the male Canaanite storm deity, associated with fertility, that the Israelites are worshipping during the time of Hosea?


Which of the following was the Divine Warrior who defeated Sea and Death at Ugarit?


Lion with eagles wings


What empire was dominant over Judah and destroyed Jerusalem during the time of Jeremiah's prophecy?


F. Rachel Magdalene believes that both Job and God are required to respond to the charges brought against Job by the accuser and that the reader becomes a juror who must render a verdict on what the book means. To what ancient Near Eastern type of literature does Dr. Magdalene connect Job in order to draw this conclusion?

Babylonian Trial Law

According to our textbook, what historical conditions and period does the book of Obadiah address?

Babylonian invasion

Why does God Job restore Job's wealth and give him ten children at the end of the book?

Because God gives to Job freely his grace



To what animals are both the goddess Ishtar ("Lady Arbela") and the LORD (YHWH) likened in oracles of well-being spoken by an Assyrian prophet (La-dagil-ili) and the prophet Isaiah in Judea? (Choose all that apply.)

Birds, lions

Which option most fully answers the following question: Who does Ezekiel prophesy will be the new shepherd for his people Israel/Judah?

Both Yahweh and a Davidic king

A word that originally meant "reed" or "measure" and is used to describe documents (books) that are recognized as inspired and authoritative


this process involves an orientation to society or a specific discipline


The basic unit of Hebrew poetry consisting of a terse line typically containing a complete clause


Which Persian emperor conquered Babylon and issued an edict allowing exiles to return home from their Babylonian captivity in the year 539?


Which king orders that Daniel be thrown to the lions for his refusal to stop praying to the LORD?


What Persian emperor ruled during the time that Zechariah prophesied?

Darius I

The classic enemies of the divine warrior are:

Death Sea Sea Dragon

This term means "scattering" and refers to the distribution of Jews outside their Palestinian homeland, such as the many Jewish communities es- tablished throughout the Greco-Roman world.


Prophecy is a form of __________________, a way for humans to make known the will of God or the gods. Choose the best answer according to HHR.


Proverbs 23: 6-7

Do not covet the property of the dependent, nor hunger for his bread

Proverbs 22:24-25

Do not fraternize with a hot-tempered man, nor approach him to converse.

Ancient Persian Conception of Universe


According to our textbook, unlike previous generations of scholars, we now know that the Behemoth and Leviathan in Job refer respectively to the hippopotamus and the crocodile.


According to your textbook, the German scholar who laid the foundation for the classification of the categories of psalms was Hermann Strauss.


All of the book of Isaiah is directed to those experiencing the Assyrian crisis.


All of the proverbs in Proverbs are attributed to Solomon.


All the book of Isaiah is directed to those experiencing the Assyrian crisis.


Amos has an encounter with the high priest of Bethel, Amaziah, who tells Amos to keep prophesying.


Amos particularly focuses on social injustices in ancient Judah.


Christopher Hays agrees with Daniel Block that the difference between Ezekiel's description of YHWH abandoning the Temple and the descriptions of Mesopotamian gods' abandonment of their temples is that Yahwism is a spiritual religion, so that YHWH is free to leave the Temple of his own volition.


Ecclesiastes briefly mentions the traditional Hebrew teaching of the Exodus.


Ezekiel was one of the exiles taken from Jerusalem to Babylon 586 BCE.


Hays (the author of Hidden Riches) believes that it is fairly certain that Akhenaten's monotheism was transmitted to Israel.


Hymns are most common type of Psalms


Jeremiah died in Jerusalem, a few months after the temple was destroyed.


Like Haggai and Zechariah, Third Isaiah expects a revival of the Davidic monarchy and the renewal and rebuilding of the Temple.


Like his contemporaries Haggai and Zechariah, Third Isaiah expects a revival of the Davidic monarchy and the renewal and rebuilding of the Temple.


Micaiah ben (son of) Imlah sincerely pronounced an oracle of well-being upon Ahab, king of Israel.


Qoheleth says that death comes to all but it is not the definitive end.


R Davidson believes that post-fall gender roles and relationships are rejected in the Song of Songs, which prescribes pre-fall mutuality and egalitarian relationships.


The Babylonian king who destroyed Jerusalem was named Nabopolassar.


The Book of Jonah is written as a collection of oracles from the Lord.


The English word "prophet" has a Greek etymology, combining two elements which mean "one who tells the future."


The Hebrew term 'almah refers only to a female who has not had sexual relations.


The book of Ecclesiastes has a clear literary structure.


The book of Ecclesiastes mentions the Maccabean revolt of 167-160 BCE.


The book of Zephaniah contains no oracles of hope or joy.


The divine warrior in the book of Jeremiah always fights on behalf of Judah.


The last speeches in the book of Job are made by Elihu.


The man is the main speaker in the book Song of Songs.


The name satan in Job refers to the devil.


The psalms having the heading "of David" were all composed by King David


The restoration specifically stated in Jeremiah 30-33 is the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.


The satan figure in Zechariah 3:1-10 who is rebuked by the angel of the Lord is the Devil.


The satan in the narrative of Job is the inveterate foe of all humanity and a rebel against God.


The terms Gog and Magog refer to foreign deities.


When God speaks to Job, Job finally repents and and acknowledges that his friends are right.


In what way does God appear to speak to Job?

From a whirlwind

Ezekiel 37's vision of renewal for Israel combines elements of what two chapters of the Bible?

Genesis 1 and 2

From what Israelite town was a a cyclical agricultural calendar discovered?


Which of the following ancient Near Eastern texts is likely referred to in the book of Ecclesiastes?


What is the divine kavod, which left the Temple in the book of Ezekiel, but that Haggai says will return to Judah and the new Temple if the people will purify themselves and complete the building of the Second Temple?


What does the name Jezreel mean?

God sows

What Hebrew word emphasized by Hosea is defined as "an inextinguishable love" according to TOT?


What king of Judah employed his men to copy some of the proverbs of Solomon?


What themes does God's command for Jeremiah to buy a field represent? (Choose all that apply.)

Hope, restoration

Which eighth-century prophet recited the oracle "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind."


Which of the following books belong to the "latter prophets"? Choose all that apply. Note: The answers are repeated in your textbook TOT and follow the Jewish order of the biblical books.

Hosea-Malachi or Book of the 12/Minor Prophets, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah.

What type of psalm do the following verses indicate? Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness!

Hymn of Praise

According to your textbook TOT, which of the three prophetic indictments below best accounts for (describes) the sin of Israel that mirrors the life of Hosea and accounts for his prophetic message?

Idolatry and worship of other gods

What subgenre of psalm often includes a damning curse wishing one's enemies nothing by ill?


What type of psalm doe the following verses indicate? Let their table be a trap for them, a snare for their allies. Let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see, and make their loins tremble continually.


During what kind of Samaria's reign did a prophet by the name of Jonah son of Amittai prophesy?

Jeroboam 2

During what king of Samaria's reign did a prophet by the name of Jonah son of Amittai prophesy?

Jeroboam II

Who is the king in Samaria (Israel) during the time of the prophecies of Amos and Hosea?

Jeroboam II (786-746)

For which of the following cities does a lament survive?

Jerusalem, Nippur, Sumer and Ur, Eridu, Urduk, or Babylon?

You are expected to know the names of all of the books we are studying this semester in BOLD 2030, including the individual books in the Book of the Twelve (the Minor Prophets), and basic details about each book.

Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, The Book of the Twelve (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi)

Which prophet's book was begun by responses to a series of locust plagues?


Which prophetic book contains the promise: "I will pour out my spirit on all flesh;"


What does the name Lo-Ruhamah mean?

Not loved

What does the name Lo-Ammi mean?

Not my people


Numerical Epigrams

Proverbs 30:15-33

Numerical Epigrams


Official (ancient) Persian Religion

About what genre of psalm does Claus Westermann say: "Where accusation against God is rejected as improper for the life of prayer, on grounds such that it is irreverent to reproach God for anything, it necessarily follows that a whole aspect of reality-viz., all that which is too terrible to comprehend- is arbitrarily ruled out of one's relationship with God."


What type of psalm do the following verses indicate? O LORD, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; many are saying to me, "There is no help for you in God."


Which of the following ancient texts is the primary ANE text compared to Job in your textbook Hays, Hidden Riches?

Let Me Praise the Lord of Wisdom

Match each beast of Daniel 7 with the ancient kingdom with which it is associated.

Lion with eagles' wings --> Babylon Bear with ribs in its mouths --> Media Winged leopard with four heads --> Persia Beast with iron teeth, bronze claws and ten heads --> Greece kingdoms

Theodore of Mopsuestia


Proverbs 22:20

Makr for yourself these thirty chapters: They please, they instruct

Which prophet accuses the community of robbing God by not bringing in their full tithes to the temple?


What word is defined as the practice of divination through dream interpretation?


Which prophet presents his oracles as a dialogue between the LORD and the people in and around Jerusalem after the rededication of the Temple?


Which prophet's name means "my messenger"?


Which prophetic book's name means "my messenger"?


From what three deities does the prophet Baya bring messages to the Assyrian king Esarhaddon?

Marduk, Ishtar, Nabu

Bear with ribs in its mouth


At what town is King Josiah killed?


What king of Moab reported that his god Chemosh had abandoned Moab?




The accent or pattern of speech in a poem, usually consisting of a repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables


Which eighth-century prophet was a native of Moresheth, a village in the foothills southwest of Jerusalem, and man of the people, who had a country-dweller's dim view of urban life?


Which of the following names are angels, "heavenly beings," who appear in the book of Daniel?

Michael Gabriel

Which of the following names are angels, "heavenly beings," who appear in the book of Daniel? (Choose all that apply.)

Michael, Gabriel

Which concept of the divine below best describes the theology to which the Hymn to the Aten subscribed?




Which prophet describes the Assyrian kings as lions?


Against which city does the prophet Nahum prophesy?


Against which city does the prophet Zephaniah prophesy?


According to Ecclesiastes 1:1, whose words are recorded in Ecclesiastes?


According to Hays, in addition to biblical citations, the connection of the divine with solarized imagery and perhaps worship of the deity as the sun, has been demonstrated by iconographic, extrabiblical evidence (e.g., figurines) from the following sites (choose all that apply):

Ramat Rachel Lachish Ta'anach Jerusalem Hazor

Which Egyptian Pharoah killed Josiah?

Rameses I

According to your textbook TOT, which of the three prophetic indictments below best accounts for (describes) the sin of Israel that appalls Amos the most?

Religious ritualism

What themes or ideas as preached by post-exilic prophets, represent a marked shift in both emphasis and perspective from earlier pre-exilic prophets? (Choose all that apply.)

Renewal, forgiveness, restoration

What is the term used to describe the principle by which Job's friends accuse him or wrongdoing?

Retribution theology

What kings are involved in the Assyrian-Epraimite crisis? (Choose all that apply.)

Rezin king of Damascus, Ahaz king of Judah, Tiglath-Pileser 3, & Pekah king of Israel.

What kings are involved in the Assyrian-Ephraimite crisis? (Choose all that apply.)

Rezin king of Damascus, Pekah king of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser III, Ahaz king of Judah

Which books of the writings are included in the festival scrolls called the Megillot?

Ruth Lamentations Song of Songs Ecclesiastes Esther

According to Matthhijs de Jong's criteria, the use of shared content in Jeremiah 49 and Obadiah would demonstrate which stage of compilation?

Secondary reediting into a more eleaborate form

What is the name of the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, which demonstrates the influence of Hellenistic culture and its synthesis with Jewish culture ?


What is the name of the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, which demonstrates the influence of Hellenistic culture and its synthesis with Jewish culture?


What does the name "Obadiah" mean?

Servant of the LORD

Which of the following is NOT a subheading of Davidson's theology of sexuality?

Sexuality is holy



What does Ezekiel's wife do that symbolizes the condition of the people and city of Jerusalem?

She dies



During what Jewish feast is the book Ecclesiastes read?


Sally is learning that the cuneiform writing system was used (or adapted) for writing multiple ancient languages in the area that today we call the middle east. She makes a list, to help her remember some of the primary languages recorded in cuneiform: Akkadian, Sumerian, Hittite, Hurrian, Old Persian, Ugaritic (for which the system was adapted). But, she is having trouble remembering in which of these languages the five surviving Meospotamian city laments were written. Help Sally by choosing the (one) correct the answer for her.

Sumerian possibly?


Summoning and/or consulting the dead

Which of the following occupations does the book of Amos use to describe what Amos does or who he is? (Choose all that apply.)

Sycamore Tree-Pruner, Shepherd, Herdsman

A man of wrath stirs up strife, and one given to anger causes much transgression.

Synonymous parallelism

Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished.

Synthetic parallelism



What type of psalm do the following verses indicate? I love the LORD, because he has heard my voice and my supplications. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.


The plot of the prologue of Job begins at a meeting of the Divine Council. Which answer below best describes the Divine Council in Job 1-2?

The LORD and the sons of God

Who was incited against Job for no good reason?

The Lord

Proverbs 10:1-22:16

The Proverbs of Solomon


The Woman of Strength

Proverbs 31:10-31

The Woman of Strength

Proverbs 31:1-9

The Words of Lemuel


The attribution of human characteristics to something nonhuman

Proverbs 22:17

The beginning of the instruction about life, the guide for well-being

What event happens in tandem with the return of Ezekiel's ability to speak (after his temporary muteness)?

The fall of Jerusalem

What is the role that hassatan (the Satan) plays in the third chapter of the book of Zechariah?

The heavenly prosecuter


The proverbs of Solomon


The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel;

Proverbs 1:1-9:18

The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel;

With which of the following events does the book of Jeremiah close?

The release of Jehoiachin from prison


The use of extremes to express the whole


The words of Agur


The words of Lemuel

This word refers to a "defense of divine justice" and is a characteristic aspect of apocalyptic writings.


What term below is an "attempt to understand the question of God's power, goodness, and love amid evil and great suffering?"



These also are by the sages

Proverbs 24:23-34

These are also by the sages


These too are proverbs of Solomon, which men of King Hezekiah of Judah copied

Proverbs 25:1-29:27

These too are proverbs of Solomon, which men of King Hezekiah of Judah copied


This concept of the divine acknowledges the existence of other gods but forbids worshiping them


This concept of the divine allows only the worship of a single god, but also the straightforward denial of the existence of other gods


This concept of the divine allows worshippers to call on the names of various gods, but "the deities are regarded as aspects or function of a chief god, with political power often key to its expression."


This concept of the divine has been defined by some as a more temporary form of monolatry, for example, a period of strict adherence to the worship of one god in an effort to avert a crisis

The authors of your textbook TOT believe that it is likely that Hosea continued to prophesy after 746 BCE, into the reign of which Assyrian king?

Tiglath-Pileser III

Most scholars believe the date of the writing of the book of Ecclesiastes was in the post-exilic period.


Qoheleth's attitude toward death leads him to value life for as long as it lasts.


Song of Songs 4:1-7 is a wasf song sung by the male lover to his beloved.


Song of Songs 5:10-16 is a wasf song sung by the female lover to her beloved.


Song of Songs was a favorite book of monastic communities, who believed it called them to a pure platonic love of the virgin soul for God.


The Greek translation of Jeremiah (LXX) represents a different original Hebrew text tradition than the Hebrew of the Masoretic text tradition (MT) used in our English bibles.


The Hebrew word hevel has a wide range of meanings, but is often translated as "vanity."


The LORD commanded Hosea to marry an adulterous wife.


The Lord calls Ezekiel "son of Adam" (meaning: son of man).


The annual death of the Mesopotamian god Tammuz was mourned by women in Judah during Ezekiel's day.


The authors of our textbook TOT believe that Zephaniah likely prophesied in response to King Manasseh of Judah.


The authors of our textbook TOT believe that Zephaniah likely prophesied in response to the influence of King Manasseh of Judah.


The book of Jeremiah includes many more biographical details about the prophet than any other prophetic book.


The book of Jeremiah is not written in chronological order (chapters 1-52 as a whole).


The child "Immanuel," prophesied about in Isaiah 7:14, was born very soon after the prophecy was made, during the reign of King Ahaz.


The message of the prophet Nahum is unique among biblical prophets.


The people who heard Jeremiah and Ezekiel preach were skeptical of prophets and prophecy.


The prologue and epilogue of Job are written in prose.


The prophet Jeremiah and the personified city of Jerusalem are characterized by parallel motifs and traits, yet with opposite outcomes.


The proverbs in Proverbs sometimes contradict each other.


The restoration promised in Jeremiah 31-33 will come through a Davidic king.


The standard pre exilic prophetic message is: You broke the covenant...repent! You have not repented...judgement! (Even after judgement, there remains hope.)


The standard pre exilic prophetic message is: You broke the covenant...repent! You have not repented...judgement! Even after judgement, there remains hope.


The statements of Qoheleth are sometimes contradictory.


The three books of the Hebrew Bible most commonly called Wisdom Literature are Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.


The title of the book Ecclesiastes comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew word qoheleth.


The valley of Ben Hinnom was a place where the people of Jerusalem offered children in sacrifice.


When Jeremiah is threatened with death by the people of Jerusalem, he is saved by elders who recall that the prophet Micah spoke against Jerusalem and was not killed.


Wisdom literature in the Hebrew Bible is humanistic and experiential and missing much of what is normally considered distinctively Israelite (Mosaic Covenant, Exodus, the exile).


Wisdom traditions in Ancient Israel were both imported from surrounding cultures and "home-grown."


Where is the book of Job set?


Beyonce is trying to memorize the characteristics of apocalyptic writing. She associates each of the characteristics with one of her songs. She remembers that "Universality" is a characteristic of apocalyptic by humming Run the World (Girls). She knows that sometimes visions are an important genre in apocalyptic works, and she associates the characteristic of "Esoteric Revelations" with her music those revelations might be "Sweet Dreams" or they could be beautiful nightmares. Jayz just tries to memorize the characteristics, but needs some help. Which of the following are characteristics of apocalyptic writing according to our textbook?

Vestiges of Ancient Myths Ethical Dualism EschatologicalPreoccupations Cosmic Dualism Encoded Language

What was the Persian name for the territory from which the exiles of Jerusalem went into exile?


Which of the following prophetic books refer to a future Davidic ruler by the use of the messianic term "the Branch"?

Zechariah Jeremiah Isaiah

Which of the following prophetic books refer to a future Davidic ruler by the use of the messianic term "the Branch"? (Choose all that apply.)

Zechariah, Jeremiah, Isaiah

Which prophet called the leaders of Jerusalem "evening wolves" because they preyed on the poor.


What is different about the application of the phrase "the day of the LORD" by Zephaniah from the use of the phrase in Amos?

Zephaniah states that the day will extend beyond Israel to all life on earth

Whom does the LORD call his "chosen", his "servant" and his "signet ring"?


Whom does the LORD call his "chosen," his "servant" and his "signet ring"?


To whom is the prophet Haggai's message "to rebuild the Temple" primarily addressed according to TOT?

Zerubbabel Joshua

To whom is the prophet Haggai's message "to rebuild the Temple" primarily addressed according to TOT? (Choose all that apply.)

Zerubbabel, Joshua

Official (ancient) Persian Religion


What word best describes Michael Fox's understanding of the nuance of the word hebel in Ecclesiastes?


From our classroom discussions, which of the following terms (choose all that apply) are names or titles for the divine beings which comprise the divine assembly?

angels, sons of God, gods, sons of the Most High

In the call narrative of Jeremiah 1:18, what does God say that Jeremiah will become? Choose all that apply.

fortified city, bronze wall, iron pillar



What is the Hebrew phrase for the heavenly figure expected to be a messianic redeemer in Daniel?

k'var enosh



R.N. Whybray

less convinced of a direct, literary relationship between the two texts

R.N. Whybray:

less convinced of a direct, literary relationship between the two texts


male sexuality

This Hebrew term is translated into English as "proverb."


What Hebrew term is used to describe the message of Habakkuk (and other prophets) as a type of speech that seeks to explain and justify the Lord's actions to an uncomprehending audience?



mental sloth

To which concept of the divine does the Hymn to the Aten subscribe?


Which of the following conceptions of divinity does NOT describe the conception of the divine in the Instruction of Amenemope?




What form of Proverb expands upon a continuous theme?


What Hebrew term is used to describe Habakkuk (and whose use has led some scholars to conclude that he was a professional or Temple prophet/seer)?


Kanye and Kim are arguing about how to interpret the book of Zechariah. Kanye believes that all the oracles in Zechariah reflect the condition of Judah in the generation of returning exiles from Babylon, though he reassures Kim by saying "I'd rather argue with you than be with someone else." Kim however replies, that the oracles in the second part of Zechariah are explicitly eschatological, saying, "Kanye, I am just at a point in my life where I don't want to be naive anymore." What might Kim mean by the term "eschatological?

oracles that have to do with the afterlife, divine judgement, heaven, hell and resurrection oracles that have to do with local, historical events in Jerusalem oracles that have to do with the ultimate destiny of humanity and the universe


perverse fool



What word below does your textbook TOT use to refer to a brief, didactic saying, based on a close observation of life?


In part, Qohelet responds to the book of Proverbs and traditional wisdom. What tenet of Proverbs does Qohelet observe to be inconsistent, thus rendering the meaningfulness of an ordered universe "meaningless"? (two-word phrase)

retribution theology

Mesopotamian prophetic oracles that pronounce divine favor on the king and their activities are known as _______________ oracles.


To what are the righteous and wicked of Psalm 1 compared to in Psalm 2?

the messiah and the gentle kings



Which of the following attributes or phrases are associated with Baal?

underworld power rain "rider of the clouds" fertility

What is the latin phrase for "prophecy after the fact"?

vaticinium ex eventu

The immediate question of the book of Job, posed by hassatan, concerns which of the following ideas

whether or not Job serves God gratuitously



What Hebrew term means "profit" or "remain"?



"From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down it."


"Let days speak, and many years teach wisdom.' But truly it is the spirit in a mortal, the breath of the Almighty, that makes for understanding."


"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there;"

Job's Wife

"Why do you hold onto your integrity?"


"You incited me against him, to destroy him for no reason."

The phrase "Day of the Lord" can refer to which of the following ideas in the prophetic books of Amos and Isaiah? (Choose all that apply.)

-A time of national judgement against Israel or Judah by the LORD -A time of future triumph or salvation for Israel or Judah through the intervention of the LORD -A time or salvation or restoration -A time of terrible suffering and loss

Beyonce is trying to memorize the characteristics of apocalyptic writing. She associates each of the characteristics with one of her songs. She remembers that "Universality" is a characteristic of apocalyptic by humming Run the World (Girls). She knows that sometimes visions are an important genre in apocalyptic works, and she associates the characteristic of "Esoteric Revelations" with her music those revelations might be "Sweet Dreams" or they could be beautiful nightmares. Jay Z just tries to memorize the characteristics, but needs some help. Which of the following are characteristics of apocalyptic writing according to our textbook? (Choose all that apply.)

-Cosmic dualism -Vestiges of ancient myths -Encoded language -Ethical dualism -Eschatological Preoccupations

Which of the following are accurate statements about the sermon in Jeremiah 7 called the Temple Sermon? Choose all that apply.

-Jeremiah proclaimed the sermon at the temple gate -The sermon announces that the Temple will be destroyed if the people of Judah do not repent -The people are guilty of oppressing the most vulnerable in society

Jeremiah's ministry to Jerusalem took place during the Babylonian empire's siege of Jerusalem.


Kanye and Kim are arguing about how to interpret the book of Zechariah. Kanye believes that all the oracles in Zechariah reflect the condition of Judah in the generation of returning exiles from Babylon, though he reassures Kim by saying "I'd rather argue with you than be with someone else." Kim however, replies that the oracles in the second part of Zechariah are explicitly eschatological, saying, "Kanye, I am just at a point in my life where I don't want to be naive anymore." What might Kim, in her nascent intellectual formation, mean by the term "eschatological"? (Choose all that apply.)

-Oracles that have to do with the fate of the cosmos, the day of YHWH, and a final battle between supernatural good and evil -Oracles that have to do with the afterlife, divine judgement, heaven, hell and resurrection -Oracles that have to do with the ultimate destiny of humanity and the universe

Which of the following are key aspects of the Oxford English Dictionary's definition of a proverb? (Choose all that apply.)

-Orality -Brevity -Wit -Cultural familiarity -Social environment

In which of the following Psalms is the creation of the earth associated with YHWH?

-Psalm 104 -Psalm 74 -Psalm 8 -Psalm 89 -Psalm 33

Which of the following Psalms are categorized as "Songs of Recitation", because they retell a narrative of God's great deeds performed on behalf of Israel?

-Psalm 105 -Psalm 106

According to Hays, in addition to biblical citations, the connection of the divine with solarized imagery and perhaps worship of the deity as the sun, has been demonstrated by iconographic, extrabiblical evidence (e.g., figurines) from the following sites (choose all that apply)

-Ramat Rachel -Lachish -Jerusalem -Hazor -Ta'anach

Which books of the writings are included in the festival scrolls called the Megillot? (Choose all that apply.)

-Ruth -Ecclesiastes -Song of Songs -Esther -Lamentations

Which of the following is a proverb said in Ezekiel? (Choose all that apply.)

-Time runs on and visions die away -The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge

Which of the following is NOT a category of wisdom in ancient Israel? (Choose all that apply.)

-Wisdom is grounded in Israel's salvation history. -Wisdom is grounded in Israel's sacrificial cult.

What is different about Zephaniah's understanding of the "Day of the LORD" from that of previous prophets? (Choose all that apply.)

-Zephaniah states that the day will destroy life over all the earth -Zephaniah states that the day will extend beyond Israel to all life on earth

Ancient Persian Leader of Dark Forces (Devil)


Ancient Persian Leader of Light Forces

Ahura Mazda

Which of the following prove to be guilty when Jeremiah searches for those who do justice in Jeremiah 5?

-the poor -the great or the rich -the house of Judah -Jerusalem -the priests -the house of Israel -the prophets

How many "sensual descriptions of the male's body from head to toe" appear in Song of Songs?


Match the chapter numbers with the appropriate section title for Job.

1-2 --> Prologue 3 --> Job's Lament 4-27 --> Job's Dialogue with Friends 28 --> Wisdom Interlude 38-41 --> God's Interrogation 42:7-17 --> Epilogue

Which of the Psalms below are psalms of Imprecation (cursing)?

109, 137

Where (chapter, verse) in the speeches of Job is the only place that the divine name (Yahweh, LORD) appears?


What are the Egyptian and Arabic names of the capital city the "heretic king" Akhenaten made?

Akhenaten, El Amarna

Match the name of each section or appendix of Proverbs with the appropriate chapters and verses.

1:1-9:18 --> The proverbs of Solomon Son of David, king of Israel 10:1-22:16 --> The proverbs of Solomon 22:17-24:22 --> Words of the sages 24:23-34 --> These are also by the sages 25:1-29:27 --> These too are proverbs of Solomon, which the men of King Hezekiah of Judah copied 30:1-14 --> The words of Agur 30:15-33 --> Numerical epigrams 31:1-9 --> The words of Lemuel 31:10-31 --> The Woman of Strength

In which chapter of Lamentations is the only speaker a male voice?


According to 1 Kings, how many proverbs did Solomon speak?


In about what year did the Persians lose control of their vast territories to Alexander the Great?

330 BCE

What chapter of Isaiah contains a sustained polemic against idols?


How many fortified cities of Judah did Sennacherib claim to devastate?


According to our textbook, how many servant songs appear in Isaiah chapters 40-55?


How many poems are in the book of Lamentations?


Which chapter of Lamentations is a communal lament?


Which of the following servant songs is called the song of the "Suffering Servant" and interpreted as referring to Jesus of Nazareth in Acts 8:29:15?


In what chapter of Isaiah does his call expereince occur?


In what chapter of Isaiah does his call experience occur?


In what year did Josiah die (and his son Jehoiakim begin his reign), perhaps ending royal support for the religious reforms and return to covenant principles he inaugurated?


According to our textbook TOT, in what year were the oracles of Zephaniah likely written/spoken by the prophet?

609 BCE

In what chapters of Jeremiah does the Temple Sermon appear? (Choose all that apply.)

7, 26

What psalm does Walter Brueggemann consider the center or "hinge" psalm of the book's 150 psalms?


Which of the Psalms below are wisdom Psalms?

73, 90

Origen of Alexandria



A literary structure based on inverted symmetry


A pattern in some Hebrew poems in which the first letter of each line or stanza is a successive letter of the alphabet


A pun based either on similar sounds between two different words

Psalm 23 is best categorized by which of the following genres?

A song of trust



Jeremiah 30-33 is sometimes called "the Book of Consolation."


"Third Isaiah" refers to chapters 56-66 of the book of Isaiah. Brad is torn between Angelina's view that associates all of Isaiah's chapters with one prophet and period of time, and Jennifer's habit of dividing Isaiah into three sections with oracles by (at least) three prophets. To what time period does Jennifer, who agrees with the authors of our textbook TOT, place "Third Isaiah"?

During the reign of Cyrus of Persia



Against what nation is the oracle of Obadiah addressed?


According to the textbook, what kingdom controlled Judah's affairs until 605 BCE?


What was the name of the father of the gods of Ugarit?


What are the Egyptian and Arabic names of the capital city the "heretic king" Akenaten made?

El Amarna Akhetaten

In 1 Kings 18, which prophet of YHWH mocks the prophets of Ba'al, by suggesting that Ba'al has abandoned them?


Whom does the prophet Malachi say will be sent before the awesome "day of the LORD"?


Which speaker (other than Job) does God mention by name at the end of the book?


Proverbs 23:9

Empty not your soul to everybody and do not diminish thereby your importance

According to Qohelet, what does one derive from wealth?


What divinatory devices are mentioned in relation to priests in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)? (Choose all that apply.)

Ephod, Urim, Thummim

Of what Greek philosophical school is Qoheleth's response to death reminiscent?


What Greek philosopher mentioned in class taught the principle of hedonism, "eat, drink, and be merry"?


The name of Hosea's unfaithful wife was...


beast with iron teeth, bronze claws and ten heads

Greece kingdoms

Which books in the Book of the Twelve are so closely related that some scholars think they may have originally been a composite work?

Haggai and Zechariah

As discussed in class, what is the Hebrew title for the accuser who takes part in the Divine Council meetings of Job 1-2?


Jeremiah faced persecution and opposition throughout his ministry.


Diffused monotheism

In this concept of the divine one God is supreme and all-powerful, but "delegates certain portions of his authority to particular divine functionaries who work as they are commissioned by him."


Interpretation of dreams


Interpretation of oil on water


Interpretation via celestial phenomena (stars, planets, moon, etc.)


Interpretation via examination of animal entrails


Interpretation via examination of animal livers


Interpretation via the flight of birds

According to the textbook TOT, with what other prophet was Micah a contemporary (in both time and place)?


What is the biblical book, chapter and verse reference for the following statement about Jerusalem: "They shall call you the City of YHWH, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel."

Isaiah 60:14

Which king of Judah's grandson was selected to be Judah's governor by the Persians (about 520 BCE)?


Jeremiah witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 587/86.


Joey is reading one of books in the book of the twelve (one of the biblical minor prophets). Joey is surprised to learn that some scholars believe that it was written much later than its setting, as a corrective to views expressed in Ezra-Nehemiah, such views as: that only Babylonian exiles should lead the restored Judean community, and suspicions of Samaritans and those Jews who remained in and around Jerusalem throughout the Babylonian exile (and married into other local, non-Judean, populations). What minor prophet is Joey reading?


Joey is reading one of books in the book of the twelve (one of the biblical minor prophets). Joey is surprised to learn that some scholars believe that it was written to much later than its setting as a corrective to views expressed in Ezra-Nehemiah that only Babylonian exiles should lead the restored Judean community and that were suspicious of Samaritan and those Jews who remained in and around Jerusalem throughout the Babylonian exile and married into other local populations. What minor prophet is Joey reading?


Which prophet confessed that YHWH was "the God of Heaven who made the sea and the dry land," but did not understand the universality of YHWH's compassion?


With which of the following prophetic books does Nahum's message against Assyria contrast the most?


In the 518 BCE annual edition of "Fashion Do's and Dont's," whose wardrobe was unanimously considered a "fashion DON'T"?


During the reign of which Judean king was Nahum most likely active?


During the reign of which Judean king was Zephaniah active?


Under which Macabbean leader was the Temple rededicated in 164 BCE, an event commemorated in the Jewish festival of Hanukkah?


What is the Hebrew term for the book of Psalms?


Walter Brueggemann suggested that psalms of lament have a threefold theological perspective that describes the experience of the psalmist in the unfolding of the psalm. Match each point of human experience with its theological perspective.

Orientation= well being Disorientation= resolve New Orientation= Alienation

What was the Greek name for the territory from which the exiles of Jerusalem went into exile?


What is the close semantic and rhythmic relationship that exists between lines of Hebrew poetry?


What biblical time period best describes the setting of the book Job?


Winged leopard with four heads


Within what time period does our textbook The Old Testament date the composition of the book of Job?


What distinct category of divination is transmitted via direct communication from the divine realm to a human intermediary? (Choose all that apply.)

Prophecy, non-inductive

What word below does your textbook use to refer to a brief, didactic saying, based on a close observation of life?


Which of the following psalms is the definitive example of a royal Psalm?

Psalm 45

Which Psalm below is a confession of sin, a penitent prayer?

Psalm 51

Which of the following Psalms begins one of the five books of Psalms, and follows a verse informing the reader that the "Prayers of the David, son of Jesse, are ended."

Psalm 73

Which of the following Psalms is set entirely within the realm of the divine council?

Psalm 82

Which of the following Psalms is a lament comprised of only two elements of the lament genre: "Invocation" and "Complaint"?

Psalm 88

Which of the following Psalms ends with a doxology because it is the final Psalm in one of the five books of Psalms?

Psalm 89

Who were the respective kings of both the Ptolemies and the Seleucids when the Seleucids captured Jerusalem and placed it under Seleucid control? (Choose all that apply.)

Ptolemy V Epiphanes, Antiochus III

What scholar reads the Song of Songs as a commentary on Genesis 2-3, "Paradise Lost is Paradise Regained."


"Fearing Yahweh" includes loyalty to and love for Yahweh, shown through obedience to his commands.


"Second Isaiah" refers to the nation of Israel as the servant of Yahweh in most of the servant songs.


A Theophany is a direct appearance of Yahweh.


According to Ezekiel, the restoration of Judah and Israel will include a new Temple.


According to Isaiah the prophet and Sennacherib king of Assyria, the LORD was using the Assyrians to punish the people of Judah and Jerusalem.


According to some scholars, the book of Ecclesiastes was written by a person exploring the search for life's meaning through the persona of Solomon, king of Israel.


All of the following terms are synonyms in Psalm 82: a) divine council b) gods c) sons of the Most High


Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel cite the same proverb to the Judeans: "The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge."


Both literal and symbolic sins of prostitution and adultery are used as analogies for Israel's worship of foreign and false gods in Hosea.


Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, is YHWH's messiah in Second Isaiah.


Ecclesiastes is similar in content to the Harper's Songs of ancient Egypt.


Even though in Isaiah's call he is told that his message will cause people to defy him, in chapters 36-39 the people embrace his message and listen to him.


Even though in Isaiah's call he is told that his message will cause people to defy him, in chapters 36-39 the people listen to him.


Ezekiel relies especially on Leviticus.


Ezekiel was taken into exile in Babylon with other priests and members of Judah's ruling class in 597/596 BCE.


Gunkel saw two major categories of Psalms: Hymns and Laments.


Herrmann Gunkel was an influential scholar who emphasized studying individual psalms according to their literary types.


Hosea and Amos appear in the "The Minor Prophets," a term used for twelve prophetic books which are short enough to be recorded on one scroll.


In both Israel and Assyria, prophets worked at royal courts to provide oracular advice, support, and to pronounce divine blessing and favor on the king and his endeavors.


In our classroom discussion, Qoheleth refers to the person whose teaching is preserved in the book of Ecclesiastes.


In the Ancient Near East it was a sign of wisdom to know the proper times of things.


Isaiah 24 -27 is sometimes called "The Isaiah Apocalypse."


Isaiah 36-39 are written in narrative form and parallel 2 Kings 18:17-20:19.


Isaiah ben Amoz prophesized during the Assyrian crisis.


Isaiah prophesied during the Assyrian crisis.


Isaiah was a nudist for three years at Yahweh's command.


Jeremiah 1-29 focuses primarily on judgement.


Which of the following is NOT a symbolic act done by Ezekiel to accompany the prophetic word?

Walking naked for three years

What type of poetry includes a sensual description of the lover's body from head to toe?


What type of song celebrates the physical features of the lover?

Wasf song

Which of the following is NOT a category of wisdom in ancient Israel? (Choose all that apply.) (In other words, identify which of the following statements is false.)

Wisdom is grounded in Israel's salvation history. Wisdom is grounded in Israel's sacrificial cult.

Proverbs 30:1-14

Words of Agur

What wisdom text earliest attestation is ca. 500 BCE and was written in Aramaic?

Words of Ahiqar

What wisdom text earliest's attestation is ca. 500 BCE and is written in Aramaic?

Words of Ahiqar

What wisdom text earliest's attestation is ca. 500 BCE and was written in Aramaic?

Words of Ahiqar


Words of the Sages

Proverbs 22:17-24:22

Words of the Sages

Which of the following are key aspects of the Oxford English Dictionary's definition of a proverb?

brevity social environment orality cultural familiarity wit



Miriam Lichtheim

convinced of a direct, literary relationship between the two texts

Miriam Lichtheim:

convinced of a direct, literary relationship between the two texts

Which of the following are aspects of Egyptian religion and society that the Amarna religion effected (brought about/caused)?

deemphasis of mortuary religion centralization of economy centralization of worship monotheism

What Latin phrase is used to describe the basis of all human religion as reciprocity or an exchange relationship?

do ut des

hasar leb


What is the branch of philosophy concerning itself with developing a theory of knowledge, as in "How one knows something" or "What one may know"?



erotic banquet


female sexuality

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