Frederic is talking about himself and his friends. Circle the verb forms that correctly completes his statements; Sam et toi, vous ( dessiner/ dessinez) bien!
Celine? _____ dans Bien! (Tu, Elle, ils, nous, vous, elles)
Frederic is talking about himself and his friends. Circle the verb forms that correctly completes his statements; Tu ( etudie/ etudies) solvent a la bibloteque.
Choose the correct form of the adjective in parenthesis to complete each sentence; La litterature est (interessant/ interessante/ interessants)
Match the subjects in Column A with the appropriate endings in column B (Je, Vous, Aicha et Pascal, Nous, Tu); Mange a la cantine
Fill in the blanks logically using words from the list: la chaise/ horloge/ un stylo / la corbellie/ fenetres/ le tableau/; Benjarmin est assis (is sitting) sur _____
La chaise
Fill in the blanks logically using words from the list : la chaise/ horloge/ un stylo / la corbellie/ fenetres/ le tableau/; Je jette (throw) les feuilles de papier dans ______
La corbeille
Voila _____ (le, la, l', less) classe d'histoire et _____ (le, la, l', les) bureaux des professeurs.
La, les
Fill in the blanks logically using words from the list: la chaise/ horloge/ un stylo / la corbellie/ fenetres/ le tableau/; Le professeur ecrit sur (on) _____
Le tableau
C'est ___ (le, la, l", les) cafe et _____ (le, la, l', les) bibliotheque de ______ (le, la, l', les) ecole.
Le, la, l'
Read these statements that describe what might be in a classroom and indicate whether each one is logical or illogical; il n y a pas de tableau
Read these statements that describe what might be in a classroom and indicate whether each one is logical or illogical; il y a des livres
Read these statements that describe what might be in a classroom and indicate whether each one is logical or illogical; il y a une fenetre
Frederic is talking about himself and his friends. Circle the verb forms that correctly completes his statements; Les chats (managent, manges) les rates et l'herbe.
En France, _____ parsons (speak) Francais. (Tu, Elle, ils, nous, vous, elles)
Match the subjects in Column A with the appropriate endings in column B (Je, Vous, Aicha et Pascal, Nous, Tu); Regardons la television
Choose the correct form of the adjective in parenthesis to complete each sentence; les estudiantes sont tres ( occupes/ occupees)
Frederic is talking about himself and his friends. Circle the verb forms that correctly completes his statements; Andre ( oublie, oublies) toujours ses ( his) devoirs.
Match the subjects in Column A with the appropriate endings in column B (Je, Vous, Aicha et Pascal, Nous, Tu); Cherez le professeur?
Parles italiean
Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the verb etre; Mon (my) camaraderie de chambre et moi, nous _____ amis
Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the verb etre; Ils ____ tres intelligents
Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the verb etre; Je ______ de Berlin
Comment t' appelles- ____? ( Tu, Elle, ils, nous, vous, elles)
Match the subjects in Column A with the appropriate endings in column B (Je, Vous, Aicha et Pascal, Nous, Tu); Parles Italien?
Fill in the blanks logically using words from the list: la chaise/ horloge/ un stylo / la corbellie/ fenetres/ le tableau/; Mon copain ecrit avec (writes with) _______
Un stylo
Comment allez- _____, Monsieur Beaufort? (Tu, Elle, ils, nous, vous, elles)
Frederic is talking about himself and his friends. Circle the verb forms that correctly completes his statements; Nadine et Simone ( voyagen, voyager).
Imagine that you are at a chic cafe in Montreal. Write three sentences using the expression in y a to say what objects or people, and how many of each, are in the cafe. Write out all numbers.
1. Il y a des filles, destaldes 2. Il n a pas de chiens
Choose the correct form of the adjective in parenthesis to complete each sentence; Christophe et Tiffany sont (agreeable/ agreables)
Match the subjects in Column A with the appropriate endings in column B (Je, Vous, Aicha et Pascal, Nous, Tu); Commencent l' examen
Aicha et Pascal
Frederic is talking about himself and his friends. Circle the verb forms that correctly completes his statements; J' (aimes, aime) retrouver des amis a la cantine.
I'll y a ____ (un, une, des) ordinateurs et ____ (un, une, des, de) table. C'est ____ (un, une, des) probleme.
Des, de, un
_____ sont ameircaines, belles et creatives. (Tu, Elle, ils, nous, vous, elles)
Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the verb etre; Theo, Tu ____ americain?
Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the verb etre; Elle _____ est impatiente et curieuse
Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the verb etre; Vous _____ tees sprotifs et sympa
Fill in the blanks logically using words from the list: la chaise/ horloge/ un stylo / la corbellie/ fenetres/ le tableau/; il y a deux ______ dans la salle de classe
Choose the correct form of the adjective in parenthesis to complete each sentence; Henri et moi, nous sommes ( Francais, francaise, francaises)
Choose the correct form of the adjective in parenthesis to complete each sentence; Les filles sont (gros/ grosse/ grosses)
Read these statements that describe what might be in a classroom and indicate whether each one is logical or illogical; il n y a pas d' animaux
Read these statements that describe what might be in a classroom and indicate whether each one is logical or illogical; il n y a pas de portes
Melanie et Thomas? _____ sont etudiants. (Tu, Elle, ils, nous, vous, elles)