Gender Final

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Which of the following theories suggests that men and women are genetically disposed toward displaying different personality traits? a. biosocial constructionist theory b. evolutionary psychology c. social role theory d. genetic recapitulation

b. evolutionary psychology

Which of the following is TRUE of how women respond to actual gender discrimination? a. they are more likely to confront the perpetrator than they predict b. they are less likely to confront the perpetrator than they predict c. They respond with indirect, relational forms of aggression d. they respond with physical, direct forms of aggression

b. they are less likely to confront the perpetrator than they predict

Which of the following sex differences in communication has a medium effect size, emerges in childhood and continues into adulthood, and is consistent across culture? a. men using more assertive language than women b. women smiling more than men c. women using more emotional language than men d. men interrupting more during conversation

b. women smiling more than men

Throughout evolutionary history women have faced unique challenges when it comes to ___________ while men have faced the challenge of ___________

bearing children; paternity uncertainty

____________ sexism consists of subjectively positive and well-intentioned beliefs about women and their importance that also portray women as weak and in need of protection


Paternalistic chivalry reflects what kind of attitudes?

benevolent sexism

Rhoda Unger (1979) argued for using "sex" to refer to the _________ aspects of being female or male while "gender" should be used when discussing the _______ aspects.

biological; culturally constructed

Which of the following groups tend to evoke the most negative stereotypes overall

bisexual people

Research shows that when stigmatized groups reappropriate and label themselves with derogatory words they _________

both feel and are viewed as more powerful

Which of the following theories proposes that gender stereotypes ultimately originate from physical differences between men and women but rejects genetically based sex differences in personality? a. social role theory b. evolutionary psychology c. biosocial constructionist theory d. genetic recapitulation

c. biosocial constructionist theory

Which best describes how resource control gives power to dominant groups? a. by directly forcing others to submit to one's authority physically or psychological b. by fostering relationships through dependence on others c. controlling desirable goods, safety, health, and freedom d. promoting favorable cultural ideologies increase group status

c. controlling desirable goods, safety, health, and freedom

What is an exception to the general pattern of men's greater resource control?

child custody

What do sex binaries NOT accomplish?

communicating the variety in the biological components of sex

Assumptions of early social psychologists that studies with only male participants would generalize to all people best reflects differences in which type of power?

cultural ideologies

Research has demonstrated what about the capacities of young, pre-pubertal children to develop stable transgender identities?

Even at a young age, children may develop a clear and consistent sense of themselves as belonging to a gender group that differs from their assigned sex

What theories most directly addresses sexual violence that is NOT male-to-female?

I3 (pronouced I-cubed) theory

Which of the following is the most likely explanation of the evidence presented by MacNell and colleagues (2015) study on gender bias in teaching evaluations?

Instructors evaluations are biased by gender stereotypes outside of students' awareness

MacNell and colleagues (2015) manipulated whether students in an online anthropology course were told their instructor was male or female. What was the outcome of this manipulation?

Instructors were rated as more effective when perceived to be male

Using "sex" to refer to biological differences between men and women and "gender" to refer to the culturally constructed differences is problematic for which of the following reasons?

It is difficult to pinpoint the precise influence of biology and culture in sex differences

Holleran (2009) analysis of daily conversations revealed what regarding sex differences in the number of words spoken per day?

On average both men and women spoke the same number of words per day

What did Nowak (2003) discover regarding people's ability to predict whether interaction partners were male or female based on written text alone?

Participants were no better than chance at guessing whether the text was written by a male or female

In 1974, Sweden became the first country in the world to do what?

Replace maternity leave with the more inclusive parental leave

According to the motherhood mandate, what are pressures that women still face heavily?

That women should have children and invest heavily in raising them

According to cognitive developmental theory, what is the causal relationship between gender identity and gender typical behaviors?

The emergence of gender identity causes children to perform gender typical behavior

____________ proposes couple members trade off income for housework such that whoever makes more money does less housework

The relative income hypothesis

Haines and colleagues (2016) present evidence that gender stereotypes in the US have followed what trend from 1983 to 2016?

The strength of gender stereotypes has not changed

Olson and colleagues' (2015) study of transgender children between the ages of 5 and 12 discovered what about pre-pubertal transgender identity?

Transgender and cisgender children look identical on measures for play preferences

Where do women as a group fall on dimensions of communion (communal) and agency (agentic) relative to other social groups?

Very high on communion and moderately high on agency

Williams and Best (1990) found what about the generalizability of the stereotype content model across culture?

Women are consistently associated with communal traits and men with agentic traits

Baumeister (2000) found what kind of sex differences in sexual fluidity?

Women tend to be more sexually fluid than men late in life

Jean Twenge found what trend in gendered self-views across the years 1974-1994?

Women's self views became more agentic

Children's peer and friendship circles tend to _________

encourage gender typical behaviors when sex-segregated

___________, women suffer more from divorce, and ___________, men suffer more

financially; psychologically.

Pratto and Walker (2004) identify three types of power including ____________

force, resource control, cultural ideologies

Ray Blanchard's explanation of the ___________ is that mother's body treats the male fetus as a foreign invader and activates an immune response against it. At a certain point, the mother produces enough antibodies to prevent the fetal brain from developing in the male typical fashion, resulting in male homosexuality

fraternal birth order effect

What best predicts the influence sex and gender have upon overall happiness and life satisfaction?

gender has no substantial impact upon happiness or life satisfaction

__________ refers to an individuals' psychological experience of their gender

gender identity

The __________ refers to the invisible barriers than keep women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements

glass ceiling

Observations that companies more often select female over male leaders under risky, unfavorable conditions is evidence for the __________ effect

glass cliff

To address the ambiguity of biological and social causes of sex differences, Alice Eagly (2013) suggests using "sex" to refer to _____ and "gender" to _________

groups of people; the meanings given to different sex categories

___________ refers to a culturally idealized and exaggerated vision of manhood that consists of competition, aggression, success, and toughness

hegemonic masculinity

A(n) _____________ is a statistic that specifies the proportion of total population variance in a given trait that is due to genetic differences among the people in the population

heritability estimate

_________ sexism consists of antagonistic and insulting beliefs about women and their roles


The confluence model of sexual aggression posits two primary factors that predict men's sexual aggression against women ___________.

hostile attitudes and preference for impersonal sex

According to sex ratio theory, men outnumbering women should have what effect upon women's power?

increase their dyadic power

Analyses indicate that the language use by reporters when describing domestic violence may unknowingly have what effect?

increased blame associated with female victims

Sexual minority individuals who experience ____________ feel less positive about their sexual identity and less connected to other LGBT individuals

internalized homophobia

In conversation, males are more likely to use ___________ interruptions and females are more likely to use __________ interruptions

intrusive; supportive

___________ motivates people to seek out sexual union, but ___________ motivates people to direct their attention toward a specific partner

lust; love

Tanya Vacharkilksemsuk and colleagues (2016) found that __________ body postures helped both men and women seem more attractive during speed dating


Linda is reluctant to let her husband help with household and childcare work. She says she enjoys being an expert in domestic work. Linda's behavior is consistent with _________.

maternal gatekeeping

Researchers have yet to find any evidence of true ________ societies


A society that traces descent through the mother's kinship line but men hold higher political power be ________ and ___________

matrilineal; patriarchal

Some theorists propose that a stalled gender revolution has occurred as women's increased gains in the workplace have plateaued because of _______.

men's unequal contribution to labor on the home front

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the utilization of psychological help services in the US?

men, but not women, underutilize psychological help services

The __________ components of sexual orientation are experienced as feelings of desire and love, both of which consist of longing for, and impulse to seek proximity to a given target


Which of the following disorders affects men at higher rate than women? a. muscle dysmorphia b. bulimia nervosa c. binge eating disorder d. anorexia nervosa

muscle dysmorphia

Cross-cultural research reveals that passionate love toward a specific mating partner is __________

near universal

__________ argues that being raised in a sociocultural context that routinely sexualizes the female body leads to the dehumanization of women

objectification theory

The tendency of male-dominated fields to be devalued as women enter them in large numbers as described by phenomenon ___________.

occupational feminization

Evolutionary theorists argue that the triggers of jealousy in men trace back to the problem of _________

paternity uncertainty

Suppose a researcher finds that women are more likely to report experiencing emotions such as sadness and men are more likely to report experiencing anger. But when she examines physiological indicators of these same emotions, she finds no sex differences, What is the most likely explanation for this inconsistency?

people's self reports of emotions may be influenced by gender stereotypes

In what type of relationship arrangement do all partners agree that it is acceptable to pursue sexual and/or romantic relationships with more than one other partner?


Brescoll and Uhlman (2008) found that women who expressed anger in the workplace were _________ relative to men who expressed anger

recommended lower salaries

Little Johnny's parents always smile at him when they see him rough housing with his friends. Which element of social learning theory is this an example of?


_________ refers to behavior that interrogates or humiliates an individual based on their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity

sex-based harassment

Women and girls are disproportionately affected by _________, which has profound consequences for mental health

sexual abuse

For which of the following types of violent crimes are women more likely than men to be victims? a. assault b. armed robbery c. homicides d. sexual assault

sexual assault

___________ refers to the label that a person uses to describe his or her sexual orientation and the emotional reactions that she or he has to it

sexual identity

___________ refers to the enduring pattern of cognitive, motivational, and behavioral tendencies that regulates the experience, conduct, and expression of sexuality

sexual orientation

Categories such as heterosexual, gay, and lesbian refer to _________ whereas categories such as cisgender, transgender, and genderqueer refer to _____________

sexual orientation; gender identity

__________ is a term coined by Michael Johnson (2008) that describes situations when heated conflicts get out of hand and escalate unpredictably into violence

situational couple violence

A study examining the influence of parents and peers upon gender development would most likely come from the ____________ perspective

social learning

___________ refers to when members of negatively stereotyped groups feel anxiety about the possibility of confirming negative group stereotypes

stereotype threat

What is meant by the "women-are-wonderful effect?"

stereotypes of women tend to be rated as more favorable than stereotypes of men

___________ power manifests by shaping how society operates in determining which groups of people have access to resources


Holleran and colleagues found that gender stereotypes are inaccurate for which of the following traits/behaviors?


What is meant by neural plasticity?

the brain's ability to reorganize physically in response to environmental factors

The idea that individuals who belong to two or more intersecting subordinate groups will experience more discrimination than individuals who belong to one subordinate group is expressed by ____________

the double jeopardy hypothesis

Jared's wife makes more money than he does. Jared responds by avoiding "feminine" housework. Jared's behavior is most consistent with __________.

the gender ideology hypothesis

Studies providing heritability estimates for gender identity suggest that ___________

the heritability of gender identity is similar to the heritability of major personality traits

Cognitive theories differ from social learning theories in that cognitive theories focus more on ___________

the internal, mental changes children undergo as they understand the world

Which of the following perspectives on decreases in sexuality in old age can make people feel like there is something wrong with them and cause them to seek out unnecessary, sometimes ill-advised treatments?

the medicalization of sexuality

Which of the following contributors to the gender wage gap most directly explains increases in the wage gap over the trajectories of people's careers? a. the tug of war bias b. occupational segregation c. the motherhood penalty d. glass ceiling effects

the motherhood penalty

When asked about their intentions to use flexible work arrangements men report valuing workplace flexibility __________ women and anticipate actually using flexible work arrangements _________ women.

the same as; less than

Equality refers to treating everyone __________ while equity refers to treating everyone __________

the same; differently based on group needs and disadvantages

What best describes sex differences in cyberbullying?

they are small and depend upon age

Liam screams hurtful insults in Ewan's face, but Ewan laughs and walks away. Which type of aggression best characterizes Liam's behavior? a. social psychologist would not classify this behavior as aggression b. physical and indirect c. relational and direct d. verbal and direct

verbal and direct

An initial test of objectification theory found that doing what prompted feelings of body shame among women but not men?

wearing a swimsuit in front of a mirror

Moshe Koppel and colleagues (2002) created a computer program to test whether men and women use language differently. To what extent could the computer program accurately identify whether something was written by a man or woman?

well above chance

Which of the following most closely maps onto the gender wage gap in the US? a. women earn 25% of what men make b. women earn 50% of what men make c. women earn 80% of what men make d. women earn 100% of what men make

women earn 80% of what men make

Each of the following groups of people are especially vulnerable to developing eating disorder EXCEPT ___________.

women in Eastern cultures

A women asking her gay male coworker to oversee decorations for the office party by saying "you're probably good at it," is an example of ___________

a micro-aggression

For transgender individuals there exists ______________

a mismatch between the sex they are assigned at birth and their psychological gender

What is the definition of psychological disorders that clinical psychologist generally agree upon?

a persistent mental disruption that causes impairment in functioning.

Suppose a math teacher stereotypes male students as better at math than female students, and this in turn causes the teacher to give more attention to male students. This ultimately results in male students performing better in the teacher's class than female students. This is an example of ____________

a self-fulfilling prophecy

The interpersonal process--in which a stereotype shapes how group members are treated, which then yields outcomes that "prove" the stereotype true--is referred to as ___________.

a self-fulfilling prophecy

Pervasive body image problems may actually be rooted in objectification by the male gaze specifically, which refers to ________.

a sexual mode of viewing others that reflects men's powers

Which of the following attenuates the relationship between thin ideal internalization and eating pathology among racial and ethnic minority women? a. socioeconomic status b. living in urban versus rural environments c. a warm personality d. a strong ethnic identity

a strong ethnic identity

What event was key in prompting the American psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from its classification as a psychological disorder from the DSM-II?

a study showing no differences in psychological adjustment between heterosexual and gay participants

Based on research examining intersectional invisibility, which of the following groups would you predict to yield the greatest number of recognition error in a test of facial memory? a. Latino women b. muslim men c. white men d. red-haired women

a. Latino women

Which of the following is FALSE of feminism? a. early waves of feminism focused strongly on internationalization b. a number of different feminists identities have emerged throughout the women's movements c. young people are often reluctant to identify as feminists despite espousing its core beliefs d. its core goal is social, political, and economic equality among men and women

a. early waves of feminism focused strongly on intersectionality

What was not one of the various models of identity development for sexual identity development discussed in the chapter? a. sexual identity steps b. phase models c. milestone models d. narrative approach

a. sexual identity steps

Which of the following is NOT one of Deaux and Lewis's (1984) proposed four components of gender stereotypes? a. verbal characteristics b. trait dimensions c. role behaviors d. physical appearance

a. verbal characteristics

The second wave feminist movement included what as a large focus?

addressing domestic violence, sexual harassment, pay equality, and reproductive rights

The finding that same-sex sexual activity between primate friend pairs increases the likelihood of friends assisting and defending each other is consistent with which theory?

alliance formation hypothesis

Which of the following is an example of an internalizing disorder that women experience more than men, on average? a. antisocial personality b. anxiety disorders c. substance abuse d. impulsivity disorders

anxiety disorders

_____________ refers to the difficulty people have in attributing negative treatment to discrimination where other explanations are present

attributional ambiguity

Group based privilege refers to _____________

automatic, unearned advantage that accompanies certain groups

Today in the US married women on average have more ___________ than their husbands


During which age range are men most likely to be involved in violent crime?


Intersexuality refers to instances where ___________

Biological components of sex do not fit the typical male/female pattern

Which of the following BEST represents an intersectional perspective? a. studying how women are affected by sexism b. examining power differences between ethnic groups c. comparing oppression across multiple minority groups d. researching how black women face multiple forms of discrimination

d. researching how black women face multiple forms of discrimination

Families in the US have change in which of the following ways since the 1960s EXCEPT ___________ a. the percentage of adults age 25+ who have never been married has increased from 10 to 20% b. women are having fewer children and having them at older ages c. rates of cohabitation, divorce, and remarriage have all increased d. women are less likely to have children outside of marriage

d. women are less likely to have children outside of marriage

Stereotypes, cognitive representation of the sequence of events and behaviors that occur during dates are called ___________

dating scripts

Stout and Dasgupta (2011) found that use of generic masculine language in interviews can have what effect?

decrease women's feelings of belongingness

Researchers have found that testosterone ___________

decreases when men perform feminine behaviors

Based on a three minute videotape of newlyweds discussing problematic issues, Gottman and Levenson (2000) were able to predict ___________

divorce over a 14 year period with 93% accuracy

Those who hold more ___________ tend to have more control over the home and family

dyadic power

According to the precarious manhood hypothesis there is a cross-cultural tendency to understand manhood as __________ and womanhood as _____________

easy to lose; stable

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