Geology Final

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Match types of sediment loads 1. Larger sediments that bounce, roll, or slide along the bottom 2. Ions in solution that are dispersed throughout the flow 3. Fine sediments that are held up by the water and carried throughout the water column

1. Bed load 2. Dissolved load 3. Suspended Load

Match with area of groundwater 1. Rock or regolith that can store and transmit water but is contained between two impermeable layers 2. Rock or regolith that can store and transmit water and receives its recharge directly from the atmosphere 3. Impermeable layer that prevents flow

1. Confined aquifer 2.Unconfined aquifer 3. aquitard

Match Water feature 1. Intermittent hot springs that periodically eject water into the air with great force 2. Water in a basin that is 6-9C warmer than the mean annual temperature of the location 3. Water under pressure in a confined aquifer that will rise above the level of the aquifer 4. A natural outflow of water where the water table intersects the surface

1. Geyser 2. Hot Spring 3. Artesian Well 4. Spring

Match each flood with definition 1.Seasonal flood 2.Artificial containment structures fail 3.Floods with high precipitation in a short time 4.Frozen material creates a temporary dam on a thawing river

1. Regional Flood 2. Dam-Failure floods 3. Flash Flood 4. Ice-Jam floods

What percentage of Earth's water is in the form of seawater?


Which of the following is not a factor that will influence infiltration of groundwater?

Acidity of precipitation

________ are small solid or liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere.


Which of the following accounts for the largest usage of groundwater in the United States?

Agriculture and irrigation

Which of the following spheres is not individually involved as a part of the climate system?


Which process has been largely responsible for increasing the amount of CO2 in the last 200 years?

Burning of Fossil Fuels

What material makes up the shells of many marine microorganisms?


Which of the following materials is most readily dissolved by water?


Which acid, found in most groundwater, is responsible for most karst topography worldwide?


When eccentricity, obliquity, and precession are all overlapping to have the most significant impact on the Earth's climate, what is happening to the climate?

Climate is cooling

What feature develops if a well is withdrawing more groundwater than an aquifer can naturally replace, resulting in a dimple in the water table?

Cone of depression

Which of the following can be used as a marine paleothermometer?


The ________ refers to water in solid form, such as ice and snow that exists on the Earth's surface.


Sunspots occur in cycles with the maximum number of sunspots occurring about every ________ years.


A geyser is a type of artesian well.


Aquitards are made of high-conductivity materials such as clay.


Changes that occur in one part of the climate system are isolated and will have no part on the remainder of the system.


Climate is the state of the atmosphere at a given time in a given place over a short period of time.


Ice cores taken from glaciers show higher concentrations of 18O in the ice deposited during colder climates.


Levees are artificial, not natural formations.


When discharge increases, the flow velocity will increase. However, the width and depth of the stream will decrease because the stream downcutting.


________ are flat areas along streams that are created by the deposition of alluvium and is subject to periodic inundation.


In order for an aquifer to be useful for reliable water extraction, what kind of porosity and permeability should it have?

High porosity, high permeability

Which way does groundwater flow

High to low

To be a gaining stream, the elevation of the water table must be ________ than that of the surface of the stream.


The ________ describes the path water takes as it moves between the land, the ocean, and the atmosphere.

Hydrologic Cycle

What is the name for the stream feature that breaks off from a meandering stream (not an oxbow lake yet)?

Incised meander

How has global temperatures changed in the last century?


How has the concentrations of CO2 changed in the last century?


Why is the use of proxy data necessary when studying past climate change?

Instrumental records only go back a couple of centuries and are more incomplete the older they are

What kind of stream channel is winding?

Meandering channel

How will melting permafrost in polar regions lead to a positive feedback loop that will continue to warm the climate, which will allow for more permafrost to melt?

Methane will be released as the vegetation thaws

On your way home from campus in your awesome pick up truck, you hear about flash floods on the radio and alerts to stay off of the roads. You see a flooded road on your way home, should you go through ?

NO, this is potentially very hazardous.

What is the molecule for ozone?


Which of the following characteristics is not true of groundwater?

Only occurs underground as large lakes.

Streams generally receive their water from two sources. What are those two sources?

Overflow and ground water

What is the source of much of water in geothermal features such as geysers and hot springs?


What properties of channel decrease between the head and mouth of the river?

Roughness and gradient

Which environmental issue most commonly affects groundwater aquifers in coastal or island areas?

Salt water contamination

Which of the following is not one of the three zones of a river system?

Sediment Capacity Zone (three zones are: Sediment Production Zone Sediment Deposition Zone , Sediment Transport Zone )

What groundwater feature forms where the water table intersects with the Earth's surface, creating a natural outflow of groundwater?


What is the wetted perimeter of a stream?

The amount of flow in contact with the banks and bed of the channel

If the base level for an existing graded stream rises, how is the stream likely to respond?

The stream will increase sedimentation starting near the new base level and moving upstream over time.

What will happen to the water level in the stream if the water table is below the level of the stream channel?

The stream will lose water to the groundwater system.

Which of the following is not a condition for an artesian well?

The water is free-flowing at the surface. (conditions for an artesian well: The water is free-flowing at the surface, The recharge area is higher than the discharge area, The aquifer is confined between two aquitards.)

How does most groundwater move in the subsurface?

Through interconnected small openings

Clay's porosity is high, but its permeability is low.


Computer models are not infallible at predicting climate change because they use simplified versions of the Earth to create the model.


Groundwater is important as an erosional agent.


Increasing amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere results in increased global temperatures.


Most caverns are created at or near the water table.


Nitrogen makes up the largest percentage of the atmosphere.


Running water is the single most important erosional agent sculpting Earth's land surface.


The climate system involves energy and moisture exchanges between five Earth spheres: biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere.


The sun emits slightly more solar radiation during a period of high sunspot activity.


Water vapor is a greenhouse gas.


How will the flow in rapids affect erosion of the stream channel?

Turbulent flow contributes to erosion because it lifts particles from the streambed

What is infiltration?

Water soaking into the ground

What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather is what is happening in a particular place and time while climate is the total of all of the weather conditions observed over decades.

The ________ is the point in the subsurface where 100% of the pore spaces are filled with water.

Zone of Saturation

Contaminated water in an aquifer can be purified in many cases by ___________.

allowing the contaminated water to flow slowly through the aquifer

A(n) ________ flood will occur when an engineered structure fails and releases large quantities of stored water.


A(n) ________ stream is a stream that is in equilibrium and is neither eroding or depositing material, but simply transporting it.

graded streams

A(n) ________ flood is most often associated with northward-flowing rivers in the Northern Hemisphere because the upstream stretches of the river will thaw before the downstream.


A 100-year flood ___________.

is larger than a 50-year flood

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