Government Test Chapter 2

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B. The Constitution is not perfect, but considering all the different points of view of the men at the convention, it is remarkably good.

After the Constitution was signed, Benjamin Franklin said: "...I agree with this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such;...I doubt... whether any other Convention we can obtain, may be able to make a better Constitution. For when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views.... It therefore astonishes me, Sir, to find this system approaching so near to perfection as it does..."—Benjamin Franklin Which of the following is the most accurate rewording of his statement? A. The Constitution has many faults, so we should consider assembling the same people for another convention to improve it. B. The Constitution is not perfect, but considering all the different points of view of the men at the convention, it is remarkably good. C. The Constitution is not perfect, so we should consider another meeting of different people to write a better one. D. The Constitution has faults because, even though everyone here is wise, we were unable to overcome our prejudices and selfish views.

D. The Anti-Federalist concern that the central government would become too powerful.

Amos Singletary, a delegate to the Massachusetts constitutional ratifying convention, made this statement: "These lawyers, and men of learning, and monied men, that talk so finely and gloss over matters so smoothly, to make us poor illiterate people, swallow down the pill, expect to get into Congress themselves; they expect to . . . get all the power and all the money into their own hands, and then they will swallow up all us little folks . . . just as the whale swallowed up Jonah." What was he expressing? A. The Federalist position that the Constitution did not need a Bill of Rights because State constitutions contained those provisions. B. The Federalist position that the Articles of Confederation created a government that was too weak. C. The Anti-Federalist concern that States with large populations would dominate States with small populations. D. The Anti-Federalist concern that the central government would become too powerful.

B. whether the Articles of Confederation should be revised or replaced

Early on, the Constitutional Convention adopted the following proposal. "Resolved...that a national government ought to be established consisting of a supreme Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary." What debate among the delegates to the Convention was solved by this resolution? A. whether or not the new government should be based on checks and balances B. whether the Articles of Confederation should be revised or replaced C. whether or not the new government should include an executive branch D. whether the government should be national or federal in form

C. The general idea was that the Articles of Confederation needed revision, but not complete replacement.

In 1787, Congress called on the States to send delegates to Philadelphia "...for the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation and reporting to Congress and the several legislatures such alterations and provisions therein as shall when agreed to in Congress and confirmed by the States render the [Articles] adequate to the exigencies of Government and the preservation of the Union." What does this request reveal about the general attitude in Congress toward the Articles of Confederation? A. The general idea was that the Articles of Confederation would be replaced by a new constitution. B. The general idea was that the Articles of Confederation could not be satisfactorily revised. C. The general idea was that the Articles of Confederation needed revision, but not complete replacement. D. The general idea was that most States would not send delegates to the meeting and needed to be persuaded to do so.

D. We claim to be one nation, but are on the verge of splitting into 13 separate states. No other nation will want to deal with such an unstable country.

In describing the problems created by the Articles of Confederation, George Washington said, "...we are one nation today and 13 tomorrow. Who will treat with us on such terms?" Which of the following most accurately restates this idea? A. We are one nation today, but we could be 13 different states tomorrow. This gives us an advantage in dealing with other nations. B. We are one nation today, but we could be 13 different states tomorrow. We should form alliances with other nations as soon as possible. C. We claim to be one nation, but are on the verge of splitting into 13 separate states. Other nations will take advantage of us if we continue this way. D. We claim to be one nation, but are on the verge of splitting into 13 separate states. No other nation will want to deal with such an unstable country.

B. The Olive Branch petition was written, signed, and sent to King George III.

John Jay represented New York at the First and Second Continental congresses. He was a moderate and favored a cautious approach to a formal separation from Britain. Which of the following actions by the Second Continental Congress shows John Jay's influence? A. The Second Continental Congress drafted the Articles of Confederation. B. The Olive Branch petition was written, signed, and sent to King George III. C. The Second Continental Congress created the continental army. D. George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the army.

C. limited government

Laws passed by the legislatures in the royal colonies had to be approved by the governor and the Crown. This went AGAINST which of the following basic concepts of government? A. ordered government B. royal government C. limited government D. charter government

B. the means by which government leaders would be chosen

Read this excerpt from the Connecticut royal charter. "...there shall be One Governor, One Deputy-Governor, and Twelve Assistants, to be from time to Time constituted, elected and chosen out of the Freemen...which said Officers shall apply themselves to take Care for the best disposing and ordering of the general Business and affairs of and concerning the Land...and the Government of the People thereof..." —Charter of Connecticut, 1662 To which aspect of government does this excerpt apply? A. the means by which taxes would be levied in the colony B. the means by which government leaders would be chosen C. the time table by which the colony's government would meet D. the methods by which the colony would defend itself

A. a monarch's power was not absolute.

The Magna Carta established the idea that A. a monarch's power was not absolute. B. privileged classes were entitled to more rights. C. monarchs had the right to make arbitrary laws. D. a subject's right to trial by jury was not guaranteed.

A. This is a Federalist cartoon that suggests that the States should stand together to build a strong country.

The cartoon shows columns representing those States that had ratified the Constitution being placed in a row by the Hand of God (on the column representing North Carolina). In what way does this cartoon illustrate the notion of federalism? A. This is a Federalist cartoon that suggests that the States should stand together to build a strong country. B. This is a Federalist cartoon that supports the argument that the Constitution contains an adequate balance of power. C. This is an Anti-Federalist cartoon that supports the argument that the presidency could become a monarchy. D. This is an Anti-Federalist cartoon that supports the argument that the States need more independence.

B. common law.

The colonists built their governments based on customs and ideas borrowed from England and early civilizations, including unwritten, judge-made law developed over centuries. This type of law is known as A. constitutionalism. B. common law. C. Hammurabi's Code. D. the rule of law.

C. In the Senate, the States would be represented equally. In the House, the States would be represented based on population.

This chart shows one main feature of the Connecticut Compromise. What was the compromise other main feature? A. In the Senate, the States would be represented equally. In the House, the States would be represented based on size of territory. B. In the Senate, the States would be represented based on territory. In the House, the States would be represented equally. C. In the Senate, the States would be represented equally. In the House, the States would be represented based on population. D. In the Senate, the States would be represented based on population. In the House, the States would be represented based on the size of their economies.

A. the way States would be represented in Congress

Use the chart comparing the Virginia and the New Jersey plans to answer the question. A third difference between the plans was concerned with which topic? A. the way States would be represented in Congress B. the way a judiciary would be formed C. the way the government would raise money D. the way Congress would legislate power

B. the social contract

Use the excerpt to answer the question. ...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." —The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America To what concept of government does this excerpt refer? A. the divine right of kings B. the social contract C. unalienable rights D. absolute rule

A. Declaration of Rights and Grievances

Use the graphic organizer to answer the following question. A list shows protests against British colonial policies: Stamp Act Congress; mob violence; boycott of English goods; blank. Which of the following was another way the colonists protested against British policies? A. Declaration of Rights and Grievances B. First Continental Congress C. Albany Congress D. Boston Massacre

D. North and South Carolina probably favored counting enslaved persons as part of their populations.

Use the map to answer the question. In deciding the population of a State for purposes of representation, a disagreement arose as to whether enslaved persons should be counted. Study the map. Which statement is consistent with what the map shows? A. Northern States would likely benefit from counting enslaved persons as part of their populations. B. Georgia was most likely against including its enslaved persons in its total population count. C. Connecticut would be likely to benefit more than Virginia from counting enslaved persons in its population. D. North and South Carolina probably favored counting enslaved persons as part of their populations.

D. Laws actually make people more, not less, free.

Use the quotation to answer the question. "The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom." —John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government, 1690 Which statement BEST reflects Locke's meaning? A. The ideal situation for protecting freedom is a state where there is no law. B. The purpose of law is to protect freedom by abolishing restraint. NOT C. To be truly free, people have to abolish laws. D. Laws actually make people more, not less, free.

C. The conflicts with Britain were slowly uniting the colonies.

Use these excerpts from the text to answer the question. "In October of 1765, nine colonies—all except Georgia, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Virginia—sent delegates to a meeting in New York, the Stamp Act Congress." "Delegates from every colony except Georgia met in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774. . . . For nearly two months, the members of that First Continental Congress discussed the worsening situation and debated plans for action." What does the difference in the number of colonies that sent delegates to the Stamp Act Congress versus the First Continental Congress indicate about what was happening in the colonies? A. The colonies were now ready to break away from Britain. B. The colonies were now ready to adopt the Albany Plan. C. The conflicts with Britain were slowly uniting the colonies. D. The colonies felt their protests against British authority were succeeding.

D. The king needed the consent of Parliament in order to tax people.

Use this excerpt from the English Bill of Rights to answer the question. "...that the pretended power of suspending the laws, or the execution of laws, by regal authority, without consent of Parliament is illegal...that levying money for or to the use of the Crown... without grant of illegal...that it is the right of the subjects to petition the king... and that prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal..." —English Bill of Rights Which of the following ideas is embodied in this excerpt? A. The king needed the consent of Parliament to appoint advisors and ministers. B. The king had the right to prosecute illegal petitions protesting royal laws. C. The king had the power to suspend laws without Parliament's consent. D. The king needed the consent of Parliament in order to tax people.

D. the right to due process

Use this excerpt from the text to answer the question. "John Adams, a rising lawyer in Boston, was also present [at the First Continental Congress]. Adams had defended the British officers accused of murder in the Boston Massacre, despite his opposition to British colonial policies. By the time of the First Continental Congress, he had become a staunch supporter of independence as well as a brilliant political analyst." By making sure the British officers got a fair trial, Adams upheld which cornerstone of English law? A. no quartering of soldiers in homes B. no martial law in times of peace C. the right to petition the Crown D. the right to due process

D. The population of a State was a major factor.

Use this excerpt from the text to answer the question. "The Virginia Plan set the agenda for much of the convention's work. Its major support came from the three most populous States: Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. But some delegates—especially those from New York (then only the fifth most populous State) and the smaller States of Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey—found it too radical. Soon they developed their counter proposals." What does this suggest was an important factor in determining how alliances among convention delegates were formed? A. The past relationships between States was a major factor. B. The size of a State's delegation was a major factor. C. The geographic location of a State was a major factor. D. The population of a State was a major factor.

B. James Wilson and James Madison

Which of the following are considered to have contributed the MOST to creating the Constitution? A. Patrick Henry and John Adams B. James Wilson and James Madison C. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine D. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton

C. limited government, separation of power, checks and balances

Which of the following did all of the first State constitutions have in common? A. military rule, separation of power, checks and balances B. limited government, absolute power, checks and balances C. limited government, separation of power, checks and balances D. separation of power, limited government, unicameral legislatures

C. limited government

Which of the following is MOST directly related to the idea that government should be restricted in what it can do? A. representative government B. ordered government C. limited government D. colonial government

A. Language condemning the slave trade was removed.

Which of the following was one compromise related to the Declaration of Independence that was agreed to by the delegates to the Second Continental Congress? A. Language condemning the slave trade was removed. B. Language criticizing the English people was strengthened. C. A list of grievances against the king was removed. D. A list of grievances against tax collectors was strengthened.

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