Grade 6 Social Studies India, Religion, Caste System

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What language were they originally spoken and later written?

For 1000 years, Indians passed the Vedas down by word of mouth. They sang or chanted them in an Indo-Aryan language called Sanskrit. Around 500BC Indians relearned writing.

Describe Mohenjo-daro

Grids, set up like NYc, kept building on top of one another, granary to house surplus, bathrooms, sanitation

Name three important Indus Valley cities.

Harappa, Mojenjo-Daro, Lothal

Why do the people in the higher castes avoid physical contact with the untouchables?

Higher caste members thought themselves as pure. they feared being made unclean

What is Hinduism?

Hinduism has been the main religion of India. It means the religion of the people of India. Hindus believe in a formal God, Brahman, who is the source of all things. HIndus believe that people's actions determine how they are reincarnated. HInduism spread across India and to Southeast Asia and has had a lasting impact on those religions

What three theories (explanations) are discussed about the Aryans entering the subcontinent?

One theory, they are nomadic warriors who crossed the mountains into india, second theory, they were India's original inhabitants, the third is that Aryans were once nomads raising cattle and horses on the dry grasslands of what is now Afghanistan and central Asia. The migrated to india and mixed with local people

What are archaeologist's thinking about how government and religion worked in the IVC?

People of IVC were well organized. they have a common set of weights and measures. They had a strong central government. NO royal statues, unlikely that they had a king. For religion, no temples or clear sign of priest. - some statues looked like gods from hinduism

What were the barriers of one's caste?

People stayed in their caste for a lifetime, could not move

Why do we believe IVC cities were well planned?

Thick walls around the city, had huge raised mounds of earth and brick in the cities that remained above water in floods.

What advancements aided trade?

Traders used stone seals with writing ti identify their goods. They stamped their seals on soft clay squares attached to their goods. Accurate weights and measures helped promote trade

How many groupings based on statues existed in the Aryan society?

Two different ways - 1 - by occupation (jati meaning birth group)The Vedas identify 4 varnas , or caste groupings based on 2 religious status - 1-Brahmins highest varna, 2. Kshatriyas, rulers or warriors, 3. Vaishyas-landowners,bankers, and merchants, 4. Sudras - farm workers2

What do we know about the housing in the IVC?

Houses are one or two stories high,made of baked brick, flat roofs, all almost identical.Each was built around a courtyard, with windows overlooking. Each had private drinking well and private bathroom.Sewers located under the streets Towns were laid out as grids.

Into which caste did foreign invaders sometimes gain entry? Why?


How were the Indus Valley cities similar to and different from modern cities?

Like NYC because of grid, bathroom, different materials, used mud and kept building over their buildings.

Who are the Dalits?

Lowest caste - The untouchables

What do we know about the clothing in the IVC?

Men and women dressed in colorful robes. Women wore jewelry of gold and precious stone. They wore lipstick. Clothing was basically the same for both men and women. Length of cloth wrapped around the lower part of the body which was another length of fabric. Women wore skirts blouse, scarf, or a sari. Men wore a Dhoti -fabric wrapped around waist.

What did the word Aryan mean to people who called themselves that?

Noble ones

What kind of work do the Dalits do?

Dirty jobs no one else wanted to do (cleaning toilets or butchering animals)

When did IVC flourish?

3000 BC

How is a caste system different from a social class?

A caste is a fixed social class into which a person is born. People inherited thier caste form their parents..

What are the Vedas?

A collection of hundreds of sacred hyms

How did the organization and leadership of the Aryan settlements change over time?

At first, Aryans were divided into clans, or groups of people who believe that they share a common ancestor. Each clan had a chief. Later, clans joined together to form republics. These republics were not true democracies, but clan leaders made decisions in and assembly. Finally, leaders gained control of some republics and made themselves king.

How did the caste system evolve over time?

At first, castes may have been based on a persons occupation or family membership. Children may have been able to move caste levels. In time castes seemed to become more rigid.

How do the Vedas highlight the importance of cattle of early Aryan culture?

Cattle held special importance for the Aryans since the herds provided both food and clothing. From early on, the Aryans measured their wealth by the size of their cattle herd.

What present countries make up the subcontinent called South Asia?

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, and Bhutan.

What are some theories as to why the IVC disappeared?

Standing water in drains may have led to mosquitoes and disease, people may have stripped forest of trees, leaving them without wood for building or fuel, no forest cover, floods, cattle may have overgrazed

What is Buddhism?

The Buddha gave up a life of luxury to seek the truth and eventually found enlightenment. Buddhists believe the root of suffering is desire and that , by following an eight step path, they can end suffering and desire. Buddhism spread across Asia and had impact on other parts of the world.

What barriers separate the subcontinent from the rest of Asia?

The Himalayas and Hindu Kush, two mountain ranges in the north

What physical feature was central to Indus Valley Civilization? (IVC)

The Himalayas and Hindu Kush, two mountain ranges in the north

Why are the Vedas important?

The Vedas and other sacred texts provide a record not only of the Aryans' gods but also of the people themselves.Most of what we know about Aryan life is from Vedas.

Describe the economy of the IVC?

The economy depended on agriculture(surplus crops) and trade(Rich in resources for trade. Beautiful jewelry, cotton cloth)

What impact did flooding rivers have on the IVC people?

The floods created a huge, fertile plain good for farming.

What impact do the monsoons have on agriculture in India?

The summer monsoons bring rain which provides water for crops. They also bring a welcome break from the intense heat. Agriculture depends on the summer monsoon. If the rains come, all is well. If the rains come late or not at all, crops dies and people may starve.

What are the costs and benefits of the caste system?

The system limited peoples individual freedom. The patterns of their lives were fixed at birth. Some feel that the caste system brought stability to Indian society.

What do the Vedas reveal about Aryan wealth, daily, entertainer, and military skills?

The vedas showed that they Aryans found joy in their day to day life. They loved music and dancing. They held chariot races and enjoyed gambling. They also had human weakness.

How do the number of Varnas differ from the number of Jatis?

There are four varnas and hundred of jatis

Why are scholars still unable to decipher the writings from the IVC?

There are too few examples of each symbol to be sure of its meaning

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