Group 2 (Updated 11/12/18)

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platform (n)

1 : PLAN, DESIGN 2 : a declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands especially : a declaration of principles and policies adopted by a political party or a candidate 3a(1) : a usually raised horizontal flat surface especially : a raised flooring (2) : a device or structure incorporating or providing a platform especially : such a structure on legs used for offshore drilling (as for oil) b : a place or opportunity for public discussion 4a : a usually thick layer (as of cork) between the inner sole and outer sole of a shoe b : a shoe having such a sole 5a : a vehicle (such as a satellite or aircraft) used for a particular purpose or to carry a usually specified kind of equipment b : OPERATING SYSTEM also : the computer architecture and equipment using a particular operating system

repercussion (n)

1 : REFLECTION, REVERBERATION 2a : an action or effect given or exerted in return : a reciprocal action or effect b : a widespread, indirect, or unforeseen effect of an act, action, or event —usually used in plural

velvet (n)

1 : a clothing and upholstery fabric (as of silk, rayon, or wool) characterized by a short soft dense warp pile 2a : something suggesting velvet b : a characteristic (such as softness or smoothness) of velvet 3 : the soft vascular skin that envelops and nourishes the developing antlers of deer 4a : the winnings of a player in a gambling game b : a profit or gain beyond ordinary expectation

battalion (n)

1 : a considerable body of troops organized to act together : ARMY 2 : a military unit composed of a headquarters and two or more companies, batteries, or similar units 3 : a large group

pestilence (n)

1 : a contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating especially : BUBONIC PLAGUE 2 : something that is destructive or pernicious I'll pour this pestilence into his ear —William Shakespeare

discography (n)

1 : a descriptive list of recordings by category, composer, performer, or date of release an Elvis Presley discography 2 : the history of recorded music

modus vivendi (n)

1 : a feasible arrangement or practical compromise especially : one that bypasses difficulties 2 : a manner of living : a way of life

paroxysm (n)

1 : a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms (as of a disease) : convulsion a paroxysm of coughing convulsed ... in the paroxysms of an epileptic seizure —Thomas Hardy 2 : a sudden violent emotion or action : outburst a paroxysm of rage a paroxysm of laughter — paroxysmal

murmur (n)

1 : a half-suppressed or muttered complaint : grumbling murmurs of disapproval 2 a : a low indistinct but often continuous sound a murmur of voices the murmur of the waves along the shore b : a soft or gentle utterance the murmur of nannies cooing into baby carriages —Nancy Gibbs 3 : an atypical sound of the heart typically indicating a functional or structural abnormality The physician detected a heart murmur in his patient.

pleasantry (n)

1 : a humorous act or remark : JEST 2 : an agreeable playfulness in conversation : BANTER 3 : a polite social remark exchanged pleasantries

backlog (n)

1 : a large log at the back of a hearth fire 2 : an accumulation of tasks unperformed or materials not processed a backlog of court cases

hospice (n)

1 : a lodging for travelers, young persons, or the underprivileged especially when maintained by a religious order 2 : a program designed to provide palliative care and emotional support to the terminally ill in a home or homelike setting so that quality of life is maintained and family members may be active participants in care also : a facility that provides such a program

populist (n)

1 : a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people especially, often capitalized : a member of a U.S. political party formed in 1891 primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies 2 : a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people

logocentrism (n)

1 : a philosophy holding that all forms of thought are based on an external point of reference which is held to exist and given a certain degree of authority 2 : a philosophy that privileges speech over writing as a form of communication because the former is closer to an originating transcendental source — logocentric

lotusland (n)

1 : a place inducing contentment especially through offering an idyllic living situation 2 : a state or an ideal marked by contentment often achieved through self-indulgence

vanishing point (n)

1 : a point at which receding parallel lines seem to meet when represented in linear perspective 2 : a point at which something disappears or ceases to exist

bandwidth (n)

1 : a range within a band of wavelengths, frequencies, or energies; especially : a range of radio frequencies which is occupied by a modulated carrier wave, which is assigned to a service, or over which a device can operate 2 : the capacity for data transfer of an electronic communications system Graphics consume more bandwidth than text does.; especially : the maximum data transfer rate of such a system a bandwidth of 100 megabits per second 3 : the emotional or mental capacity necessary to do or consider something I don't have the bandwidth to do it all myself, and I feel like a failure because I'm not living up to my own ideals. —Frances Lefkowitz

ribaldry (n)

1 : a ribald quality or element 2a : ribald language or humor b : an instance of ribald language or humor

plantocracy (n)

1 : a ruling class made up of planters 2 : government by planters

sanctum (n)

1 : a sacred place 2 : a place where one is free from intrusion an editor's sanctum the inner sanctums of research

holocaust (n)

1 : a sacrifice (see 1sacrifice 2) consumed by fire 2 : a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life especially through fire a nuclear holocaust 3 a usually the Holocaust : the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II Several members of her family died in the Holocaust. a Holocaust survivor b : a mass slaughter of people; especially : genocide a holocaust in Rwanda

chink (n)

1 : a small cleft, slit, or fissure a chink in the fence 2 : a weak spot that may leave one vulnerable his lawyers found a chink in the law 3 : a narrow beam of light shining through a chink

petri dish (n)

1 : a small shallow dish of thin glass or plastic with a loose cover used especially for cultures in bacteriology 2 : something (such as a place or situation) that fosters development or innovation the college was a petri dish for radical views

softball (n)

1 : a sport similiar to baseball played on a small diamond with a ball that is larger than a baseball and that is pitched underhand also : the ball used in this game 2 : a question requiring only an easy or simple response

poise (n)

1 : a stably balanced state : EQUILIBRIUM a poise between widely divergent impulses — F. R. Leavis 2a : easy self-possessed assurance of manner : gracious tact in coping or handling also : the pleasantly tranquil interaction between persons of poise no angry outbursts marred the poise of the meeting b : a particular way of carrying oneself : BEARING, CARRIAGE

knell (n)

1 : a stroke or sound of a bell especially when rung slowly (as for a death, funeral, or disaster) 2 : an indication of the end or the failure of something sounded the death knell for our hopes

machismo (n)

1 : a strong sense of masculine pride : an exaggerated masculinity athletes displaying their machismo 2 : an exaggerated or exhilarating sense of power or strength the administration's machismo in pushing for a new treaty

banquet (n)

1 : a sumptuous feast especially : an elaborate and often ceremonious meal for numerous people often in honor of a person a state banquet 2 : a meal held in recognition of some occasion or achievement an awards banquet

road test (n)

1 : a test of a vehicle under practical operating conditions on the road 2 : a test on the road of a person's driving ability as a requirement for a driver's license

phenomenalism (n)

1 : a theory that limits knowledge to phenomena only 2 : a theory that all knowledge is of phenomena and that what is construed to be perception of material objects is simply perception of sense-data phenomenalist \fi-ˈnä-mə-nə-list \ noun or adjective phenomenalistic \fi-ˌnä-mə-nə-ˈli-stik \ adjective phenomenalistically \fi-ˌnä-mə-nə-ˈli-sti-k(ə-)lē \ adverb

palette (n)

1 : a thin oval or rectangular board or tablet that a painter holds and mixes pigments on 2 a : the set of colors put on the palette b (1) : a particular range, quality, or use of color The designer's palette consisted mostly of earth tones. (2) : a comparable range, quality, or use of available elements a rich palette of tones and timbres a palette of flavors a palette of vegetables

veneer (n)

1 : a thin sheet of a material: such as a : a layer of wood of superior value or excellent grain to be glued to an inferior wood b : any of the thin layers bonded together to form plywood c : a plastic or porcelain coating bonded to the surface of a cosmetically imperfect tooth 2 : a protective or ornamental facing (as of brick or stone) 3 : a superficial or deceptively attractive appearance, display, or effect : FACADE, GLOSS a veneer of tolerance

cog (n)

1 : a tooth on the rim of a wheel or gear 2 : a subordinate but integral person or part

dementia (n)

1 : a usually progressive condition (such as Alzheimer's disease) marked by the development of multiple cognitive deficits (such as memory impairment, aphasia, and the inability to plan and initiate complex behavior) ... dementia is diagnosed only when both memory and another cognitive function are each affected severely enough to interfere with a person's ability to carry out routine daily activities. —The Journal of the American Medical Association 2 : MADNESS, INSANITY a fanaticism bordering on dementia

skeleton (n)

1 : a usually rigid supportive or protective structure or framework of an organism especially : the bony or more or less cartilaginous framework supporting the soft tissues and protecting the internal organs of a vertebrate 2 : something reduced to its minimum form or essential parts 3 : an emaciated person or animal 4a : something forming a structural framework b : the straight or branched chain or ring of atoms that forms the basic structure of an organic molecule 5 : something shameful and kept secret (as in a family) —often used in the phrase skeleton in the closet 6 : a small sled that is ridden in a prone position and used especially in competition also : the competition itself

grandstand (v)

1 : a usually roofed stand for spectators at a racecourse or stadium 2 : audience

blue moon (n)

1 : a very long period of time —usually used in the phrase once in a blue moon such people happen along only once in a blue moon — Saturday Rev. 2 : a second full moon in a calendar month

jar (v)

1 : a widemouthed container made typically of earthenware or glass a pottery jar a cookie jar 2 : as much as a jar will hold ate an entire jar of pickles — jarful

aporia (n)

1 : an expression of real or pretended doubt or uncertainty especially for rhetorical effect 2 : a logical impasse or contradiction; especially : a radical contradiction in the import of a text or theory that is seen in deconstruction as inevitable

greenhorn (n)

1 : an inexperienced or naive person 2 : a newcomer (as to a country) unacquainted with local manners and customs

talisman (n)

1 : an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune 2 : something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects

package deal (n)

1 : an offer or agreement involving a number of related items or one making acceptance of one item dependent on the acceptance of another 2 : the items offered in a package deal

pinnacle (n)

1 : an upright architectural member generally ending in a small spire and used especially in Gothic construction to give weight especially to a buttress 2 : a structure or formation suggesting a pinnacle specifically : a lofty peak 3 : the highest point of development or achievement : ACME

degree of freedom (n)

1 : any of a limited number of ways in which a body may move or in which a dynamic system may change 2 : one of the capabilities of a statistic for variation of which there are as many as the number of unrestricted and independent variables determining its value

affable (adj)

1 : being pleasant and at ease in talking to others an affable host 2 : characterized by ease and friendliness an affable manner

side by side (adv)

1 : beside one another walking side by side 2 : in the same place, time, or circumstance lived peacefully side by side for many years

opaque (adj)

1 : blocking the passage of radiant energy and especially light : exhibiting opacity (see opacity 1) 2 a : hard to understand or explain opaque prose b : obtuse, thickheaded — opaque noun — opaquely adverb — opaqueness noun

excruciating (adj)

1 : causing great pain or anguish : AGONIZING the nation's most excruciating dilemma — W. H. Ferry 2 : very intense : EXTREME excruciating pain

shaky (adj)

1 : characterized by shakes shaky timber 2a : lacking stability : PRECARIOUS a shaky economy performed well after a shaky start b : lacking in firmness (as of beliefs or principles) c : lacking in authority or reliability : QUESTIONABLE shaky experimental procedures shaky data 3a : somewhat unsound in health b : characterized by shaking 4 : likely to give way or break down shakier; shakiest

vaporous (adj)

1 : consisting or characteristic of vapor 2 : producing vapors : VOLATILE 3 : containing or obscured by vapors : MISTY 4a : ETHEREAL, UNSUBSTANTIAL b : consisting of or indulging in vaporings

erroneous (adj)

1 : containing or characterized by error : mistaken erroneous assumptions gave an erroneous impression 2 archaic : wandering — erroneously adverb — erroneousness noun

refraction (n)

1 : deflection from a straight path undergone by a light ray or energy wave in passing obliquely from one medium (such as air) into another (such as glass) in which its velocity is different 2 : the change in the apparent position of a celestial body due to bending of the light rays emanating from it as they pass through the atmosphere also : the correction to be applied to the apparent position of a body because of this bending 3 : the action of distorting an image by viewing through a medium also : an instance of this

collective (adj)

1 : denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole flock is a collective word 2a : formed by collecting : AGGREGATED b of a fruit : MULTIPLE 3a : of, relating to, or being a group of individuals b : involving all members of a group as distinct from its individuals a collective action 4 : marked by similarity among or with the members of a group the collective interests of the town 5 : collectivized or characterized by collectivism collective farming collective communities 6 : shared or assumed by all members of the group collective responsibility the collective opinion of the staff collective guilt

concessive (adj)

1 : denoting concession a concessive clause 2 : making for or being a concession concessively adverb

ceremonious (adj)

1 : devoted to forms and ceremony ceremonious courtiers 2 : of, relating to, or constituting a ceremony a ceremonious occasion 3 : according to formal usage or prescribed procedures the cold and ceremonious politeness of her curtsey —Jane Austen 4 : marked by ceremony a ceremonious procession — ceremoniously adverb — ceremoniousness noun

reductio ad absurdum (n)

1 : disproof of a proposition by showing an absurdity to which it leads when carried to its logical conclusion 2 : the carrying of something to an absurd extreme

languid (adj)

1 : drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak arms too languid with happiness to embrace him —John Galsworthy 2 : sluggish in character or disposition : listless proceeded at a languid pace 3 : lacking force or quickness of movement : slow — languidly adverb — languidness noun

equipollent (adj)

1 : equal in force, power, or validity 2 : the same in effect or signification — equipollence play \ˌē-kwə-ˈpä-lən(t)s, ˌe-\ noun — equipollent noun — equipollently adverb

mania (n)

1 : excitement manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behavior, and elevation of mood; specifically : the manic phase of bipolar disorder 2 a : excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm a mania for saving things —often used in combination b : the object of such enthusiasm His current mania is football.

transpersonal (adj)

1 : extending or going beyond the personal or individual 2 : of, relating to, or being psychology or psychotherapy concerned especially with esoteric mental experience (such as mysticism and altered states of consciousness) beyond the usual limits of ego and personality

safe (adj)

1 : free from harm or risk : UNHURT 2a : secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss b : successful at getting to a base in baseball without being put out 3 : affording safety or security from danger, risk, or difficulty 4 obsolete, of mental or moral faculties : HEALTHY, SOUND 5a : not threatening danger : HARMLESS b : unlikely to produce controversy or contradiction 6a : not likely to take risks : CAUTIOUS b : TRUSTWORTHY, RELIABLE

collected (adj)

1 : gathered together the collected works of Scott 2 : possessed of calmness and composure often through concentrated effort 3 of a horse's gait : performed slowly and restrainedly with the animal's center of gravity toward the hindquarters — compare EXTENDED

circuitous (adj)

1 : having a circular or winding course a circuitous route a circuitous journey by snowmobile 2 : not being forthright or direct in language or action a circuitous explanation His circuitous form of logic was mind-boggling.

thick-skinned (adj)

1 : having a thick skin : PACHYDERMATOUS 2a : CALLOUS, INSENSITIVE b : impervious to criticism became thick-skinned about his own work

hollow (adj)

1 : having an indentation or inward curve : CONCAVE, SUNKEN hollow cheeks 2 : having an unfilled or hollowed-out space within a hollow tree 3 : lacking in real value, sincerity, or substance : FALSE, MEANINGLESS hollow promises a victory over a weakling is hollow and without triumph —Ernest Beaglehole 4 : reverberating like a sound made in or by beating on a large empty enclosure : MUFFLED heard a hollow sound when he knocked on the wall

variegated (adj)

1 : having discrete markings of different colors variegated leaves 2 : VARIED sense 1

high-powered (adj)

1 : having great drive, energy, or capacity : dynamic a high-powered executive 2 : having or conferring great influence a high-powered job

ancient (adj)

1 : having had an existence of many years ancient customs 2 : of or relating to a remote period, to a time early in history, or to those living in such a period or time ancient Egyptians especially : of or relating to the historical period beginning with the earliest known civilizations and extending to the fall of the western Roman Empire in a.d. 476 studied both ancient and modern history 3 : having the qualities of age or long existence: such as a : VENERABLE b : OLD-FASHIONED, ANTIQUE

conscious (adj)

1 : having mental faculties not dulled by sleep, faintness, or stupor : AWAKE became conscious after the anesthesia wore off 2 : perceiving, apprehending, or noticing with a degree of controlled thought or observation conscious of having succeeded was conscious that someone was watching 3 : personally felt conscious guilt 4a : likely to notice, consider, or appraise a bargain-conscious shopper b : being concerned or interested a budget-conscious businessman c : marked by strong feelings or notions a race-conscious society 5 : done or acting with critical awareness a conscious effort to do better 6 : capable of or marked by thought, will, design, or perception 7 : SELF-CONSCIOUS 8 archaic : sharing another's knowledge or awareness of an inward state or outward fact

shameless (adj)

1 : having no shame : insensible to disgrace a shameless braggart 2 : showing lack of shame the shameless exploitation of the natives

single-track (adj)

1 : having only one track 2 : lacking intellectual range, receptiveness, or flexibility : ONE-TRACK had a single-track mind incapable of adjusting to changes

clueless (adj)

1 : having or providing no clue a clueless case for the police to solve 2 : completely or hopelessly bewildered, unaware, ignorant, or foolish clueless about what they want

potent (adj)

1 : having or wielding force, authority, or influence : POWERFUL 2 : achieving or bringing about a particular result : EFFECTIVE 3a : chemically or medicinally effective a potent vaccine b : rich in a characteristic constituent a potent drink 4 : able to copulate —usually used of the male

marijuana (n)

1 : hemp 1a 2 : the dried leaves and flowering tops of the pistillate hemp plant that yield THC and are smoked in cigarettes for their intoxicating (see 2intoxicate 2) effect — compare bhang, cannabis, hashish

dear (adj)

1 : highly valued : PRECIOUS a dear friend Our friendship is very dear to me. ran for dear life —often used in a salutation dear Sir 2 : AFFECTIONATE, FOND 3 : high or exorbitant in price : EXPENSIVE eggs are very dear just now 4 : HEARTFELT our dearest prayers 5 obsolete : NOBLE

homey (adj)

1 : homelike a homey atmosphere; also : evocative of home a homey meal 2 : homely 3 homey anecdotes — homeyness or hominess noun

lowly (adj)

1 : in a humble or meek manner 2 : in a low position, manner, or degree 3 : not loudly

weak (adj)

1 : lacking strength: such as a : deficient in physical vigor : FEEBLE, DEBILITATED b : not able to sustain or exert much weight, pressure, or strain c : not able to resist external force or withstand attack d : easily upset or nauseated a weak stomach 2a : mentally or intellectually deficient b : not firmly decided : VACILLATING c : resulting from or indicating lack of judgment or discernment d : not able to withstand temptation or persuasion the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 3 : not factually grounded or logically presented a weak argument 4a : not able to function properly weak eyes b(1) : lacking skill or proficiency tutoring for weaker students (2) : indicative of a lack of skill or aptitude history was my weakest subject c : wanting in vigor of expression or effect a weak translation of the poem 5a : deficient in the usual or required ingredients : DILUTE weak coffee b : lacking normal intensity or potency a weak radio signal a weak strain of virus 6a : not having or exerting authority or political power weak government b : INEFFECTIVE, IMPOTENT 7a : of, relating to, or constituting a verb or verb conjugation that in English forms the past tense and past participle by adding the suffix -ed or -d or -t b of a noun or adjective declension in Germanic languages : retaining a lesser number of distinctions in case, number and gender 8a : bearing the minimal degree of stress occurring in the language a weak syllable b : having little or no stress and obscured vowel sound 'd in he'd is the weak form of would 9 : tending toward a lower price or value a weak market a weak dollar 10 : ionizing only slightly in solution weak acids and bases

ephemeral (adj)

1 : lasting a very short time ephemeral pleasures 2 : lasting one day only an ephemeral fever — ephemerally

posterior (adj)

1 : later in time : SUBSEQUENT 2 : situated behind: such as a : CAUDAL b of the human body or its parts : DORSAL 3 of a plant part : ADAXIAL, SUPERIOR

smart (adj)

1 : making one smart : causing a sharp stinging 2 : marked by often sharp forceful activity or vigorous strength a smart pull of the starter cord 3 : BRISK, SPIRITED a smart pace 4a : mentally alert : BRIGHT b : KNOWLEDGEABLE c : SHREWD a smart investment 5a : WITTY, CLEVER a smart sitcom b : rude or impolite in a bold and disrespectful way : PERT don't get smart with me 6a : NEAT, TRIM soldiers in smart uniforms b : stylish or elegant in dress or appearance c(1) : appealing to sophisticated tastes (2) : characteristic of or patronized by fashionable society 7a : being a guided missile a laser-guided smart bomb b : operating by automation a smart machine tool c : using a built-in microprocessor for automatic operation, for processing of data, or for achieving greater versatility a smart card By now we're familiar with smart electricity grids, those IT-enhanced networks that generate and distribute power locally ... — Robert Visscher

roaring (adj)

1 : making or characterized by a sound resembling a roar : LOUD roaring applause 2 : marked by prosperity especially of a temporary nature : BOOMING 3 : great in intensity or degree in the roaring heat a roaring success

horrible (adj)

1 : marked by or arousing painful and intense fear, dread, dismay, or aversion : marked by or arousing horror a horrible accident 2 : extremely bad or unpleasant a horrible mistake horrible food

temperance (n)

1 : moderation in action, thought, or feeling : RESTRAINT 2a : habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions b : moderation in or abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages

shoestring (adj)

1 : narrow and long like a shoestring shoestring french fries 2 : operating on, accomplished by, or consisting of a small amount of money or capital a shoestring budget

blatant (adj)

1 : noisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner : CLAMOROUS 2 : completely obvious, conspicuous, or obtrusive especially in a crass or offensive manner : BRAZEN blatant disregard for the rules

exorbitant (adj)

1 : not coming within the scope of the law 2 : exceeding the customary or appropriate limits in intensity, quality, amount, or size

kinetic (adj)

1 : of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith 2 a : active, lively b : dynamic, energizing a kinetic performer 3 : of or relating to kinetic art — kinetically

Hispanic (adj)

1 : of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal 2 : of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the U.S. especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin

green (adj)

1 : of the color green 2a : covered by green growth or foliage green fields b of winter : MILD, CLEMENT c : consisting of green plants and usually edible herbage a green salad 3 : pleasantly alluring 4 : YOUTHFUL, VIGOROUS 5 : not ripened or matured green apples 6 : FRESH, NEW 7a : marked by a pale, sickly, or nauseated appearance b : ENVIOUS sense 1 —used especially in the phrase green with envy 8a : not fully processed or treated: such as (1) : not aged green liquor (2) : not dressed or tanned green hides (3) : freshly sawed green lumber b : not in condition for a particular use 9a : deficient in training, knowledge, or experience green recruits b : deficient in sophistication and savoir faire : NAIVE was green and credulous c : not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function 10a often capitalized : relating to or being an environmentalist political movement b : concerned with or supporting environmentalism green consumers who practice recycling c : tending to preserve environmental quality (as by being recyclable, biodegradable, or nonpolluting) greener energy solutions

melodramatic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of melodrama a luridly melodramatic script 2 : appealing to the emotions : sensational the fund-raiser's desperate, melodramatic appeal for more donations — melodramatically

homeric (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Greek poet Homer, his age, or his writings 2 : of epic proportions : heroic Homeric feats — Homerically adverb

possessive (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or constituting a word, a word group, or a grammatical case that denotes ownership or a relation analogous to ownership 2 : manifesting possession or the desire to own or dominate

orchidaceous (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or resembling the orchids 2 : showy, ostentatious

ex parte (adv or adj)

1 : on or from one side or party only —used of legal proceedings 2 : from a one-sided or partisan point of view

eclat (n)

1 : ostentatious display : publicity 2 : dazzling effect : brilliance 3 a : brilliant or conspicuous success b : praise, applause

gaudy (adj)

1 : ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented gaudy costumes 2 : marked by extravagance or sometimes tasteless showiness : outlandish gaudy lies gaudy claims; also : exceptional a gaudy batting average — gaudily adverb — gaudiness

thaumaturgic (adj)

1 : performing miracles 2 : of, relating to, or dependent on thaumaturgy

skillful (adj)

1 : possessed of or displaying skill : EXPERT a skillful chef 2 : accomplished with skill a skillful treatment

valiant (adj)

1 : possessing or acting with bravery or boldness : COURAGEOUS valiant soldiers 2 : marked by, exhibiting, or carried out with courage or determination : HEROIC valiant feats

be-all and end-all (n)

1 : prime cause : essential element 2 : TOTALITY sense 1

photogenic (adj)

1 : produced or precipitated by light photogenic dermatitis 2 : producing or generating light : PHOSPHORESCENT photogenic bacteria 3 : suitable for being photographed especially because of visual appeal a photogenic smile

heritage (n)

1 : property that descends to an heir 2a : something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor : LEGACY, INHERITANCE proud of her Chinese heritage a rich heritage of folklore The battlefields are part of our heritage and should be preserved. b : TRADITION the party's heritage of secularism 3 : something possessed as a result of one's natural situation or birth : BIRTHRIGHT the heritage of natural freedom was long since cast away —V. L. Parrington

godforsaken (adj)

1 : remote, desolate 2 : neglected and miserable in appearance or circumstances

reticulate (adj)

1 : resembling a net or network especially : having veins, fibers, or lines crossing a reticulate leaf 2 : being or involving evolutionary change dependent on genetic recombination involving diverse interbreeding populations

recurrent (adj)

1 : running or turning back in a direction opposite to a former course —used of various nerves and branches of vessels in the arms and legs 2 : returning or happening time after time recurrent complaints

cannon fodder (n)

1 : soldiers regarded or treated as expendable in battle 2 : an expendable or exploitable person, group, or thing celebrities who have become cannon fodder for the tabloids

complexity (n)

1 : something complex the complexities of the murder trial 2 : the quality or state of being complex the complexity of the contract

abject (adj)

1 : sunk to or existing in a low state or condition : very bad or severe living in abject poverty to lowest pitch of abject fortune thou art fallen —John Milton abject failure 2 a : cast down in spirit : servile, spiritless a man made abject by suffering an abject coward b : showing hopelessness or resignation abject surrender 3 : expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit abject flattery an abject apology — abjectly adverb — abjectness

binding (adj)

1 : that binds 2 : imposing an obligation

myself (pron)

1 : that identical one that is I —used reflexively I'm going to get myself a new suit, for emphasis I myself will go, or in absolute constructions myself a tourist, I nevertheless avoided other tourists 2 : my normal, healthy, or sane condition didn't feel myself yesterday

endurance (n)

1 : the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially : the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity a marathon runner's endurance 2 : the act or an instance of enduring or suffering endurance of many hardships 3 : permanence, duration the endurance of the play's importance

explosion (n)

1 : the act or an instance of exploding injured in a laboratory explosion 2 : a large-scale, rapid, or spectacular expansion or bursting out or forth the explosion of suburbia an explosion of red hair 3 : the release of occluded breath that occurs in one kind of articulation of stop consonants

song (n)

1 : the act or art of singing 2 : poetical composition 3a : a short musical composition of words and music b : a collection of such compositions 4 : a distinctive or characteristic sound or series of sounds (as of a bird, insect, or whale) 5a : a melody for a lyric poem or ballad b : a poem easily set to music 6a : a habitual or characteristic manner b : a violent, abusive, or noisy reaction put up quite a song 7 : a small amount sold for a song

execution (n)

1 : the act or process of executing : PERFORMANCE 2 : a putting to death especially as a legal penalty 3 : the process of enforcing a legal judgment (as against a debtor) also : a judicial writ directing such enforcement 4 : the act or mode or result of performance 5 archaic : effective or destructive action his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution — William Shakespeare —usually used with do as soon as day came, we went out to see what execution we had done — Daniel Defoe

separation (n)

1 : the act or process of separating : the state of being separated 2a : a point, line, or means of division b : an intervening space : GAP the separation between wheel spokes 3a : cessation of cohabitation between a married couple by mutual agreement or judicial decree b : termination of a contractual relationship (such as employment or military service)

simulation (n)

1 : the act or process of simulating 2 : a sham object : COUNTERFEIT 3a : the imitative representation of the functioning of one system or process by means of the functioning of another a computer simulation of an industrial process b : examination of a problem often not subject to direct experimentation by means of a simulating device

rhetoric (n)

1 : the art of speaking or writing effectively: such as a : the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times b : the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion 2a : skill in the effective use of speech b : a type or mode of language or speech also : insincere or grandiloquent language 3 : verbal communication : DISCOURSE

sadism (n)

1 : the derivation of sexual gratification from the infliction of physical pain or humiliation on another person — compare MASOCHISM, SADOMASOCHISM 2a : delight in cruelty b : excessive cruelty

exposure (n)

1 : the fact or condition of being exposed: such as a : the condition of being presented to view or made known a politician seeks a lot of exposure b : the condition of being unprotected especially from severe weather died of exposure c : the condition of being subject to some effect or influence risk exposure to the flu d : the condition of being at risk of financial loss minimizes your exposure to market fluctuations also : an amount at risk 2 : the act or an instance of exposing: such as a : disclosure of something secret tried to prevent exposure of their past b : the treating of sensitized material (such as film) to controlled amounts of radiant energy also : the amount of such energy or length of such treatment a 3-second exposure 3a : the manner of being exposed b : the position (as of a house) with respect to weather influences or compass points a room with a southern exposure 4 : a piece or section of sensitized material (such as film) on which an exposure is or can be made 36 exposures per roll

clockwork (n)

1 : the inner workings of something 2 : the machinery (such as springs and a train of gears) that run a clock also : a similar mechanism running a mechanical device (such as a toy) 3 : the precision, regularity, or absence of variation associated with a clock or clockwork a clockwork operation the planning went like clockwork

high tide (n)

1 : the tide when the water is at its greatest elevation 2 : culminating point : climax the hide tide of the war effort

guide (v)

1 : to act as a guide to : direct in a way or course He guided us around the city. 2a : to direct, supervise, or influence usually to a particular end You'll need a lawyer to guide you through the legal system. b : to superintend the training or instruction of A respected educator guided his studies. intransitive verb : to act or work as a guide

plead (v)

1 : to argue a case or cause in a court of law 2a : to make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding especially : to answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts b : to conduct pleadings 3 : to make a plea of a specified nature plead not guilty 4a : to argue for or against a claim b : to entreat or appeal earnestly transitive verb 1 : to maintain (a case, a cause, etc.) in a court of law or other tribunal 2 : to allege in or by way of a legal plea 3 : to offer as a plea usually in defense, apology, or excuse

warp (v)

1 : to arrange (yarns) so as to form a warp 2a : to turn or twist out of or as if out of shape especially : to twist or bend out of a plane b : to cause to judge, choose, or act wrongly or abnormally : PERVERT c : DISTORT intellect and learning ... warped by prejudices — Irving Wallace warps space and time d : to deflect from a course 3 : to move (something, such as a ship) by hauling on a line attached to a fixed object intransitive verb 1 : to become warped 2 : to move a ship by warping warped; warping; warps

complete (v)

1 : to bring to an end and especially into a perfected state complete a painting 2 a : to make whole or perfect Its song completes the charm of the bird. Her latest purchase completes her collection. b : to mark the end of A rousing chorus completes the show. c : execute, fulfill complete a contract 3 : to carry out (a forward pass) successfully The quarterback completed 12 out of 18 passes.

conjure (v)

1 : to charge or entreat earnestly or solemnly I conjure you ... to weigh my case well ... — Sheridan Le Fanu 2a : to summon by or as if by invocation or incantation b(1) : to affect or effect by or as if by magic (2) : IMAGINE, CONTRIVE —often used with up We conjure up our own metaphors for our own needs ... — R. J. Kaufmann conjured up a clever plan to raise the money (3) : to bring to mind words that conjure pleasant images —often used with up conjure up memories intransitive verb 1a : to summon a devil or spirit by invocation or incantation b : to practice magical arts ... prayed and conjured, but all was useless ... Herman Melville 2 : to use a conjurer's tricks : JUGGLE conjure with chiefly British : to treat or regard as important Victor Hugo is a name to conjure with ... — Peter France conjured; conjuring

snub (v)

1 : to check or stop with a cutting retort : REBUKE 2a : to check (something, such as a line or chain that is running out) suddenly especially by turning around a fixed object (such as a post or a cleat) also : to check the motion of by snubbing a line snub the anchor b : to restrain the action of : SUPPRESS snub a vibration 3 : to treat with contempt or neglect snub an old acquaintance 4 : to extinguish by stubbing snub out a cigarette snubbed; snubbing

scowl (v)

1 : to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure 2 : to exhibit a threatening aspect transitive verb : to express with a scowl

wedge (v)

1 : to fasten or tighten by driving in a wedge 2a : to force or press (something) into a narrow space : CRAM b : to force (one's way) into or through 3 : to separate or force apart with or as if with a wedge intransitive verb : to become wedgedwedged; wedging

prevail (v)

1 : to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority : triumph 2 : to be or become effective or effectual 3 : to use persuasion successfully prevailed on him to sing 4 : to be frequent : predominate the west winds that prevail in the mountains 5 : to be or continue in use or fashion : persist a custom that still prevails

resort (v)

1 : to go especially frequently or habitually : REPAIR 2 : to have recourse resort to force resorted; resorting; resorts

exit (v)

1 : to go out or away : DEPART 2 : DIE transitive verb 1 : LEAVE sense 3a 2 : to cause (a computer program or routine) to cease running exited; exiting; exits

backfire (v)

1 : to have the reverse of the desired or expected effect their plans backfired 2 : to make or undergo a backfire backfired; backfiring; backfires

slog (v)

1 : to hit hard : BEAT 2 : to plod (one's way) perseveringly especially against difficulty intransitive verb 1 : to plod heavily : TRAMP slogged through the snow 2 : to work hard and steadily : PLUG slogged; slogging

reinvest (v)

1 : to invest again or anew 2a : to invest (income from investments) in additional securities b : to invest (earnings) in a business rather than distribute as dividends or profits reinvested; reinvesting; reinvests

slay (v)

1 : to kill violently, wantonly, or in great numbers broadly : to strike down : KILL 2 : to delight or amuse immensely slayed the audience intransitive verb : KILL, MURDER

recharge (v)

1 : to make a new attack 2 : to regain energy or spirit 3 : to become charged again : to refill with electric charge Batteries keep our devices working throughout the day—that is, they have a high energy density—but they can take hours to recharge when they run down. — Patrice Simon et al. transitive verb 1 : to charge again especially : to restore anew the active materials in (a storage battery) 2 : to inspire or invigorate afresh : RENEW recharged; recharging; recharges

polish (v)

1 : to make smooth and glossy usually by friction : BURNISH 2 : to smooth, soften, or refine in manners or condition 3 : to bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state : PERFECT intransitive verb : to become smooth or glossy by or as if by friction polished; polishing; polishes

advertise (v)

1 : to make something known to : NOTIFY 2a : to make publicly and generally known advertising their readiness to make concessions b : to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a broadcast a poster advertising forthcoming events c : to call public attention to especially by emphasizing desirable qualities so as to arouse a desire to buy or patronize : PROMOTE a company advertising its newest products intransitive verb : to issue or sponsor advertising advertise for a secretary

honk (v)

1 : to make the characteristic cry of a goose 2 : to make a sound resembling the cry of a goose transitive verb : to cause to honk honk a horn

sanction (v)

1 : to make valid or binding usually by a formal procedure (such as ratification) 2 : to give effective or authoritative approval or consent to ... such characters ... look, talk, and act in ways sanctioned by society and novelistic tradition ... —Lawrence Chua 3a : to attach a sanction or penalty to the violation of (a right, obligation, or command) ... the status, procedures, rights, and duties of members are carefully defined by rules that are sanctioned by fines should they be contravened by members. —Malcolm Ruel b : to impose a sanction or penalty upon ... a Long Island brokerage firm that, at the time, had serious Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC fraud charges pending against it and has since been heavily fined and sanctioned. —Molly Ivins

watermark (v)

1 : to mark (paper) with a watermark 2 : to impress (a given design) as a watermark watermarked; watermarking; watermarks

commove (v)

1 : to move violently : AGITATE 2 : to rouse intense feeling in : excite to passion commoved; commoving

boast (v)

1 : to praise oneself extravagantly in speech : speak of oneself with excessive pride boasting about her accomplishments 2 archaic : GLORY, EXULT transitive verb 1 : to speak of or assert with excessive pride He liked to boast that he was the richest man in town. 2a : to possess and often call attention to (something that is a source of pride) boasts a new stadium b : HAVE, CONTAIN a room boasting no more than a desk and a chair boasted; boasting; boasts

riddle (v)

1 : to separate (something, such as grain from chaff) with a riddle : SCREEN 2 : to pierce with many holes riddled the car with bullets 3 : to spread through : PERMEATE a book riddled with errors riddled; riddling

belittle (v)

1 : to speak slightingly of : DISPARAGE belittles her efforts 2 : to cause (a person or thing) to seem little or less a curiosity so vast that it almost belittled the main matter — Mark Twain belittled; belittling

restart (v)

1 : to start anew 2 : to resume (something, such as an activity) after interruption intransitive verb : to resume operation restarted; restarting; restarts

wait (v)

1 : to stay in place in expectation of : AWAIT waited the result of the advertisement — W. M. Thackeray wait your turn 2 : to delay serving (a meal) 3 : to serve as waiter for wait tables intransitive verb 1a : to remain stationary in readiness or expectation wait for a train b : to pause for another to catch up —usually used with up 2a : to look forward expectantly just waiting to see his rival lose b : to hold back expectantly waiting for a chance to strike 3 : to serve at meals —usually used in such phrases as wait on tables or wait on table 4a : to be ready and available slippers waiting by the bed b : to remain temporarily neglected or unrealized the chores can wait 5 : PAUSE, STOP —used to preface an interjected question, correction, etc. Wait, Mom. Wait. What did you say? I said. He left you what? — Frederick Busch So wait, what's so bad about wanting to eat right? — Annie Daly wait on or less commonly wait upon 1a : to attend as a servant b : to supply the wants of : SERVE 2 : to make a formal call on 3 : to wait for wait up : to delay going to bed : stay up

confess (v)

1 : to tell or make known (something, such as something wrong or damaging to oneself) : ADMIT he confessed his guilt 2a : to acknowledge (sin) to God or to a priest b : to receive the confession of (a penitent) 3 : to declare faith in or adherence to : PROFESS 4 : to give evidence of Breeze, bird, and flower confess the hour ... — Sir Walter Scott intransitive verb 1a : to disclose one's faults specifically : to unburden one's sins or the state of one's conscience to God or to a priest b : to hear a confession 2 : ADMIT, OWN confess to a crime confessed; confessing; confesses

groan (v)

1 : to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance groaned when she saw the bill 2 : to make a harsh sound (as of creaking) under sudden or prolonged strain The chair groaned under his weight. transitive verb : to utter or express with groaning groaned their despair

waver (v)

1 : to vacillate irresolutely between choices : fluctuate in opinion, allegiance, or direction 2a : to weave or sway unsteadily to and fro : REEL, TOTTER b : QUIVER, FLICKER wavering flames c : to hesitate as if about to give way : FALTER 3 : to give an unsteady sound : QUAVER wavered; wavering

recant (v)

1 : to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : RENOUNCE 2 : REVOKE intransitive verb : to make an open confession of error recanted; recanting; recants

collaboration (n)

1 : to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor An international team of scientists collaborated on the study. 2 : to cooperate with or willingly assist an enemy of one's country and especially an occupying force suspected of collaborating with the enemy 3 : to cooperate with an agency or instrumentality with which one is not immediately connected The two schools collaborate on library services. — collaboration noun — collaborative adjective or noun — collaboratively adverb — collaborator noun

plod (v)

1 : to work laboriously and monotonously : DRUDGE 2a : to walk heavily or slowly : TRUDGE b : to proceed slowly or tediously the movie's plot just plods along transitive verb : to tread slowly or heavily along or over plodded; plodding

slatternly (adj)

1 : untidy and dirty through habitual neglect also : CARELESS, DISORDERLY 2 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a slut or prostitute

abstracted (adj)

1 : withdrawn in mind : inattentive to one's surroundings said hello but seemed abstracted 2 : abstract 4 abstracted geometric shapes — abstractedly adverb — abstractedness noun

minuscule (adj)

1 : written in or in the size or style of minuscules 2 : very small minuscule amounts

palaver (n)

1 a : a long parley usually between persons of different cultures or levels of sophistication a palaver between foreign ministers b : conference, discussion a palaver between union leaders 2 a : idle talk Cut the palaver and get down to business. b : misleading or beguiling speech Don't get taken in by the candidate's palaver.

death (n)

1 a : a permanent cessation of all vital (see vital 2a) functions : the end of life The cause of death has not been determined. managed to escape death prisoners were put to death death threats — compare brain death b : an instance of dying a disease causing many deaths lived there until her death 2 a : the cause or occasion of loss of life drinking was the death of him b : a cause of ruin the slander that was death to my character —Wilkie Collins The drought was death to the farm. 3 capitalized, folklore : the destroyer of life represented usually as a skeleton with a scythe when death comes to take me away 4 : the state of being no longer alive : the state of being dead 5 a : the passing or destruction of something inanimate the death of vaudeville b : extinction the death of the dinosaurs 6 law : civil death 7 : slaughter death and destruction 8 Christian Science : the lie of life in matter : that which is unreal and untrue — at death's door : close to death : critically ill — to death : beyond endurance : excessively bored to death scared to death of spiders I am sick to death of hearing your excuses. Most high rollers prefer Atlantic City and Las Vegas, where they are comped to death and have more diversions. —William G. Flanagan et al.

cachet (n)

1 a : a seal used especially as a mark of official approval b : an indication of approval carrying great prestige The president placed his cachet on the project. 2 a : a characteristic feature or quality conferring prestige regarded the possession of real estate as a cachet of respectability b : prestige being rich ... doesn't have the cachet it used to —Truman Capote 3 : a medicinal preparation for swallowing consisting of a case usually of rice-flour paste enclosing a medicine 4 a : a design or inscription on an envelope to commemorate a postal or philatelic event b : an advertisement forming part of a postage meter impression c : a motto or slogan included in a postal cancellation (see cancellation 3)

caprice (n)

1 a : a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action policy changes that seem to be motivated by nothing more than caprice b : a sudden usually unpredictable condition, change, or series of changes the caprices of the weather 2 : a disposition to do things impulsively a preference for democratic endeavor over authoritarian caprice 3 : capriccio 3

herd (n)

1 a : a typically large group of animals of one kind kept together under human control a herd of cattle b : a congregation of gregarious wild animals herds of antelopes 2 a (1) : a group of people usually having a common bond a herd of tourists (2) : a large assemblage of like things herds of cars b : the undistinguished masses : crowd isolate the individual prophets from the herd —Norman Cousins — herdlike

forlorn (adj)

1 a : bereft, forsaken left quite forlorn of hope b : sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion : desolate a forlorn landscape 2 : being in poor condition : miserable, wretched forlorn tumbledown buildings 3 : nearly hopeless a forlorn attempt — forlornly adverb — forlornness

normal (adj)

1 a : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern normal working hours He had a normal childhood. the effect of normal aging b : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle The normal way to pluralize a noun is by adding -s. 2 : occurring naturally normal immunity 3 a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development IQs within the normal range b : free from mental illness : mentally sound symptoms of paranoia in otherwise normal persons 4 a of a solution : having a concentration of one gram equivalent of solute per liter b : containing neither basic hydroxyl nor acid hydrogen normal silver phosphate c : not associated normal molecules d : having a straight-chain structure normal butyl alcohol 5 : perpendicular; especially : perpendicular to a tangent (see 1tangent 3) at a point of tangency 6 of a subgroup : having the property that every coset produced by operating on the left by a given element is equal to the coset produced by operating on the right by the same element 7 : relating to, involving, or being a normal curve or normal distribution normal approximation to the binomial distribution 8 of a matrix : having the property of commutativity under multiplication by the transpose of the matrix (see matrix 5a) each of whose elements is a conjugate (see 1conjugate 2b) complex number with respect to the corresponding element of the given matrix — normality noun — normally adverb

definite (adj)

1 a : free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity demanded a definite answer Her position on the issue was definite. b : unquestionable, decided the quarterback was a definite hero today a definite masterpiece saw a definite improvement in her grades 2 grammar : typically designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing the definite article the 3 : having distinct or certain limits set definite standards for pupils to meet ... the side striking the new coin is flattened and less definite. —Jed Stevenson 4 a of floral organs : being constant in number, usually less than 20, and occurring in multiples of the petal number stamens definite b : cymose a definite inflorescence — definitely adverb — definiteness noun

eternal (adj)

1 a : having infinite duration : everlasting eternal damnation b : of or relating to eternity c : characterized by abiding fellowship with God good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? —Mark 10:17 (Revised Standard Version) 2 a : continued without intermission : perpetual an eternal flame b : seemingly endless eternal delays 3 archaic : infernal some eternal villain ... devised this slander —William Shakespeare 4 : valid or existing at all times : timeless eternal verities — eternalize play \i-ˈtər-nə-ˌlīz\ transitive verb — eternally play \i-ˈtər-nᵊl-ē\ adverb — eternalness noun

random (adj)

1 a : lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern b : made, done, or chosen at random read random passages from the book 2 a : relating to, having, or being elements or events with definite probability of occurrence random processes b : being or relating to a set or to an element of a set each of whose elements has equal probability of occurrence a random sample; also : characterized by procedures designed to obtain such sets or elements random sampling — randomly adverb — randomness noun

lettered (adj)

1 a : learned, educated b : of, relating to, or characterized by learning : cultured 2 : inscribed with or as if with letters

daily (adj)

1 a : occurring, made, or acted upon every day daily needs b : issued every day or every weekday a daily newspaper c : of or providing for every day a daily schedule 2 a : reckoned by the day average daily wage b : covering the period of or based on a day daily statistics

generic (adj)

1 a : relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class : general Romantic comedy is the generic term for such films. b : not being or having a particular brand name generic drugs c : having no particularly distinctive quality or application generic restaurants 2 : relating to or having the rank of a biological genus — generically adverb — genericness

lonesome (adj)

1 a : sad or dejected as a result of lack of companionship or separation from others don't be lonesome while we are gone b : causing a feeling of loneliness the empty house seemed so lonesome 2 a : remote, unfrequented look down, look down that lonesome road —Gene Austin b : lone — lonesomely adverb — lonesomeness noun

fastidious (adj)

1 a : showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care fastidious attention to detail —Robert Evett b : reflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding attitude fastidious workmanship c : having high and often capricious standards : difficult to please critics ... so fastidious that they can talk only to a small circle of initiates —Granville Hicks 2 : having complex nutritional requirements fastidious microorganisms 3 archaic : scornful — fastidiously adverb — fastidiousness noun

obdurate (adj)

1 a : stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing an unrepentant, obdurate sinner b : hardened in feelings The obdurate enemy was merciless. 2 : resistant to persuasion or softening influences obdurate in his determination remaining obdurate to her husband's advances —Edith Wharton — obdurately adverb — obdurateness noun

flank (v)

1 a : to be situated at the side of; especially : to be situated on both sides of a road flanked with linden trees b : to place something on each side of 2 : to protect a flank of 3 : to attack or threaten the flank of (as a body of troops)

incandescent (adj)

1 a : white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat b : strikingly bright, radiant, or clear c : marked by brilliance especially of expression incandescent wit d : characterized by glowing zeal : ardent incandescent affection 2 a : of, relating to, or being light produced by incandescence b : producing light by incandescence — incandescently adverb

daughter (n)

1 anthropology a : a female offspring especially of human parents b : a female adopted child c : a human female descendant 2 : something considered as a daughter the United States is a daughter of Great Britain 3 chemistry : an atomic species (see 1species 1e) that is the product of the radioactive decay (see 2decay 6a) of a given element radon, the daughter of radium — daughterless

riot (n)

1 archaic a : profligate behavior : DEBAUCHERY b : unrestrained revelry c : noise, uproar, or disturbance made by revelers 2a : public violence, tumult, or disorder b : a violent public disorder specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent 3 : a random or disorderly profusion the woods were a riot of color 4 : one that is wildly amusing the new comedy is a riot

regard (n)

1 archaic : APPEARANCE 2a : ATTENTION, CONSIDERATION due regard should be given to all facets of the question b : a protective interest : CARE has no regard for her health 3 : LOOK, GAZE 4a : the worth or estimation in which something or someone is held a man of small regard b(1) : a feeling of respect and affection : ESTEEM she soon won the regard of her colleagues (2) regards plural : friendly greetings implying such feeling give him my regards 5 : a basis of action or opinion : MOTIVE 6 : an aspect to be taken into consideration : RESPECT is a small school, and is fortunate in this regard 7 obsolete : INTENTION in regard to : with respect to : CONCERNING with regard to : in regard to

deprave (v)

1 archaic : to speak ill of : malign 2 : to make bad : corrupt; especially : to corrupt morally — depravation noun — depravement noun — depraver

reflect (v)

1 archaic : to turn into or away from a course : DEFLECT 2 : to prevent passage of and cause to change direction a mirror reflects light 3 : to bend or fold back 4 : to give back or exhibit as an image, likeness, or outline : MIRROR the clouds were reflected in the water 5 : to bring or cast as a result his attitude reflects little credit on his judgment 6 : to make manifest or apparent : SHOW the painting reflects his artistic vision the pulse reflects the condition of the heart 7 : REALIZE, CONSIDER intransitive verb 1 : to throw back light or sound 2a : to think quietly and calmly b : to express a thought or opinion resulting from reflection 3a : to tend to bring reproach or discredit an investigation that reflects on all the members of the department b : to bring about a specified appearance or characterization an act which reflects well on her c : to have a bearing or influence reflected; reflecting; reflects

blight (v)

1 botany : to affect (a plant) with a disease or injury marked by the formation of lesions, withering, and death of parts (such as leaves and tubers) : to affect with blight (see BLIGHT entry 1 sense 1) The apple trees were blighted by fungus. 2 : to impair the quality or effect of the condition that has blighted his son's life — Patricia Guthrie intransitive verb botany : to suffer from or become affected with blight The potatoes blighted. blighted; blighting; blights

siren (n)

1 often capitalized : any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing 2a : a woman who sings with enchanting sweetness b : TEMPTRESS c : TEMPTATION sense 2 3a : an apparatus producing musical tones especially in acoustical studies by the rapid interruption of a current of air, steam, or fluid by a perforated rotating disk b : a device often electrically operated for producing a penetrating warning sound an ambulance siren an air-raid siren 4 [ New Latin, from Latin ] : either of two North American eel-shaped amphibians that constitute a genus (Siren) and have small forelimbs but neither hind legs nor pelvis and have permanent external gills as well as lungs

should (verbal auxillary)

1 —used in auxiliary function to express condition if he should leave his father, his father would die —Genesis 44:22 (Revised Standard Version) 2 —used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency 'tis commanded I should do so —William Shakespeare this is as it should be —H. L. Savage you should brush your teeth after each meal 3 —used in auxiliary function to express futurity from a point of view in the past realized that she should have to do most of her farm work before sunrise —Ellen Glasgow 4 —used in auxiliary function to express what is probable or expected with an early start, they should be here by noon 5 —used in auxiliary function to express a request in a polite manner or to soften direct statement I should suggest that a guide ... is the first essential —L. D. Reddick

congenial (adj)

1a : PLEASANT especially : agreeably suited to one's nature, tastes, or outlook a congenial atmosphere b : SOCIABLE, GENIAL a congenial host c : existing or associated together harmoniously 2 : having the same nature, disposition, or tastes : KINDRED congenial companions

generation (n)

1a : a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor b : a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously the younger generation c : a group of individuals having contemporaneously a status (such as that of students in a school) which each one holds only for a limited period d : a type or class of objects usually developed from an earlier type first of the ... new generation of powerful supersonic fighters —Kenneth Koyen 2a : the action or process of producing offspring : PROCREATION b : the process of coming or bringing into being generation of income c : origination by a generating process : PRODUCTION especially : formation of a geometric figure by motion of another 3 : the average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring

plenty (n)

1a : a full or more than adequate amount or supply had plenty of time to finish the job b : a large number or amount in plenty of trouble 2 : the quality or state of being copious : PLENTIFULNESS

wall (n)

1a : a high thick masonry structure forming a long rampart or an enclosure chiefly for defense —often used in plural b : a masonry fence around a garden, park, or estate c : a structure that serves to hold back pressure (as of water or sliding earth) 2 : one of the sides of a room or building connecting floor and ceiling or foundation and roof 3 : the side of a footpath next to buildings 4 : an extreme or desperate position or a state of defeat, failure, or ruin the surrounded troops had their backs against the wall 5 : a material layer enclosing space the wall of a container heart walls 6 : something resembling a wall (as in appearance, function, or effect) especially : something that acts as a barrier or defense a wall of reserve tariff wall off the wall slang : CRAZY the plan was off the wall up the wall slang : into a state of intense agitation, annoyance, or frustration the noise drove me up the wall

gentleman (n)

1a : a man of noble or gentle (see GENTLE entry 1 sense 1a) birth b : a man belonging to the landed gentry c(1) : a man who combines gentle (see GENTLE entry 1 sense 1a) birth or rank with chivalrous qualities (2) : a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior d(1) : a man of independent means who does not engage in any occupation or profession for gain (2) : a man who does not engage in a menial occupation or in manual labor for gain 2 : VALET sense 1b —often used in the phrase gentleman's gentleman 3 : a man of any social class or condition —often used in a courteous reference show this gentleman to a seat or usually in the plural in address ladies and gentlemen

topaz (n)

1a : a mineral that is essentially a silicate of aluminum and usually occurs in orthorhombic translucent or transparent crystals or in white translucent masses b : a usually yellow to brownish-yellow transparent mineral topaz used as a gem c : a yellow sapphire d : a yellow quartz 2 : either of two large brilliantly colored South American hummingbirds (Topaza pella and T. pyra)

gun (n)

1a : a piece of ordnance usually with high muzzle velocity and comparatively flat trajectory b : a portable firearm (such as a rifle or handgun) c : a device that throws a projectile 2a : a discharge of a gun especially as a salute or signal b : a signal marking a beginning or ending 3a : HUNTER b : GUNMAN 4 : something suggesting a gun in shape or function 5 : THROTTLE 6 slang : a person's arm specifically : an arm that has well-defined muscles —usually plural Conor was spotted rowing away from The Loeb Boathouse in Central Park Saturday with his girlfriend, Dee Devlin, and their cute son, Conor Jr. The famous fighter showed off his guns while handling the oars for his crew. — The Heisman Trophy-winning and former NFL quarterback worked the stage the way he probably jabs through the weight room—whilst checking out his guns in the mirror ... . —Tory Barron under the gun : under pressure or attack

rendezvous (n)

1a : a place appointed for assembling or meeting b : a place of popular resort : HAUNT 2 : a meeting at an appointed place and time 3 : the process of bringing two spacecraft together

honey (n)

1a : a sweet viscid material elaborated out of the nectar of flowers in the honey sac of various bees b : a sweet fluid resembling honey that is collected or elaborated by various insects 2a : a loved one : SWEETHEART, DEAR b : a superlative example 3 : the quality or state of being sweet : SWEETNESS 4 : an attractive woman

regimen (n)

1a : a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient b : a regular course of action and especially of strenuous training the daily regimen of athletes 2 : GOVERNMENT, RULE 3 : REGIME sense 1c

glitch (n)

1a : a usually minor malfunction a glitch in a spacecraft's fuel cell also : BUG entry 1 sense 2 b : a minor problem that causes a temporary setback : SNAG 2 : a false or spurious electronic signal

restraint (n)

1a : an act of restraining : the state of being restrained b(1) : a means of restraining : a restraining force or influence (2) : a device that restricts movement a restraint for children riding in cars 2 : a control over the expression of one's emotions or thoughts

vault (n)

1a : an arched structure of masonry usually forming a ceiling or roof b : something (such as the sky) resembling a vault c : an arched or dome-shaped anatomical structure the cranial vault 2a : a space covered by an arched structure especially : an underground passage or room b : an underground storage compartment c : a room or compartment for the safekeeping of valuables 3a : a burial chamber b : a prefabricated container usually of metal or concrete into which a casket is placed at burial

rhythm (n)

1a : an ordered recurrent alternation of strong and weak elements in the flow of sound and silence in speech b : a particular example or form of rhythm iambic rhythm 2a : the aspect of music comprising all the elements (such as accent, meter, and tempo) that relate to forward movement b : a characteristic rhythmic pattern rumba rhythm also : METER entry 1 sense 2 c : the group of instruments in a band supplying the rhythm — called also rhythm section 3a : movement, fluctuation, or variation marked by the regular recurrence or natural flow of related elements the rhythms of country life b : the repetition in a literary work of phrase, incident, character type, or symbol 4 : a regularly recurrent quantitative change in a variable biological process a circadian rhythm — compare BIORHYTHM 5 : the effect created by the elements in a play, movie, or novel that relate to the temporal development of the action 6 : RHYTHM METHOD

reasonable (adj)

1a : being in accordance with reason a reasonable theory b : not extreme or excessive reasonable requests c : MODERATE, FAIR a reasonable chance a reasonable price d : INEXPENSIVE 2a : having the faculty of reason b : possessing sound judgment a reasonable man

momentary (adj)

1a : continuing only a moment : FLEETING b : having a very brief life 2 : operative or recurring at every moment

exemplary (adj)

1a : deserving imitation : COMMENDABLE his courage was exemplary also : deserving imitation because of excellence they serve exemplary pastries — G. V. Higgins b : serving as a pattern 2 : serving as an example, instance, or illustration this story is exemplary of her style 3 : serving as a warning : MONITORY given an exemplary punishment

experience (n)

1a : direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge b : the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation 2a : practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity b : the length of such participation has 10 years' experience in the job 3 : something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through 4a : the conscious events that make up an individual life b : the events that make up the conscious past of a community or nation or humankind generally 5 : the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality

extreme (adj)

1a : existing in a very high degree extreme poverty b : going to great or exaggerated lengths : RADICAL went on an extreme diet c : exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected extreme weather conditions 2 archaic : LAST 3 : situated at the farthest possible point from a center the country's extreme north 4a : most advanced or thoroughgoing the extreme political left b : MAXIMUM 5a : of, relating to, or being an outdoor activity or a form of a sport (such as skiing) that involves an unusually high degree of physical risk extreme mountain biking down steep slopes b : involved in an extreme sport an extreme snowboarder

dense (adj)

1a : marked by compactness or crowding together of parts dense vegetation dense traffic b chemistry : having a high mass (see MASS entry 2 sense 1c) per unit volume (see VOLUME entry 1 sense 2) Carbon dioxide is a dense gas. The cake was overly sweet and dense. 2a : slow to understand : STUPID, THICKHEADED was too dense to get the joke b : EXTREME dense ignorance 3 mathematics : having between any two elements at least one element The set of rational numbers is dense. 4 : demanding concentration to follow or comprehend dense prose 5 : having high or relatively high opacity (see OPACITY sense 2) a dense fog a dense photographic negative

exquisite (adj)

1a : marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution an exquisite vase b : marked by nice discrimination, deep sensitivity, or subtle understanding exquisite taste c : ACCOMPLISHED, PERFECTED an exquisite gentleman 2a : pleasing through beauty, fitness, or perfection an exquisite white blossom b : ACUTE, INTENSE exquisite pain c : having uncommon or esoteric appeal 3 : carefully selected : CHOICE 4 archaic : ACCURATE

tautology (n)

1a : needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word b : an instance of tautology 2 : a tautological statement "A beginner who has just started" is a tautology.

polar (adj)

1a : of or relating to a geographic pole or the region around it b : coming from or having the characteristics of such a region c(1) : passing over a celestial body's north and south poles a satellite in a polar orbit (2) : traveling in a polar orbit a polar satellite 2 : of or relating to one or more poles (as of a magnet) 3 : serving as a guide a polar principle a polar theory 4 : diametrically opposite polar positions on the issue 5 : exhibiting polarity especially : having a dipole or characterized by molecules having dipoles a polar solvent 6 : resembling a pole or axis around which all else revolves : PIVOTAL polar events 7 : of, relating to, or expressed in polar coordinates polar equations also : of or relating to a polar coordinate system

civil (adj)

1a : of or relating to citizens civil duties b : of or relating to the state or its citizenry civil strife 2a : CIVILIZED civil society b : adequate in courtesy and politeness : MANNERLY a civil question It was hard to be civil when I felt so angry. 3a : of, relating to, or based on civil law b : relating to private rights and to remedies sought by action or suit distinct from criminal proceedings c : established by law civil freedoms 4 : of, relating to, or involving the general public, their activities, needs, or ways, or civic affairs as distinguished from special (such as military or religious) affairs got married in a civil ceremony 5 of time : based on the mean sun and legally recognized for use in ordinary affairs the civil calendar

pluvial (adj)

1a : of or relating to rain b : characterized by abundant rain 2 of a geologic change : resulting from the action of rain

terrestrial (adj)

1a : of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants terrestrial magnetism b : mundane in scope or character : PROSAIC 2a : of or relating to land as distinct from air or water terrestrial transportation b(1) : living on or in or growing from land terrestrial plants terrestrial birds (2) : of or relating to terrestrial organisms terrestrial habits 3 : belonging to the class of planets that are like the earth (as in density and silicate composition) the terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars

shadowy (adj)

1a : of the nature of or resembling a shadow b : faintly perceptible : INDISTINCT 2 : being in or obscured by shadow deep shadowy interiors 3a : SHADY sense 1 b : SHADY sense 3

planetary (adj)

1a : of, relating to, being, or resembling a planet b : ERRATIC, WANDERING c : having a motion like that of a planet planetary electrons d : IMMENSE the scope of this project has reached planetary proportions 2a : of, relating to, or belonging to the earth : TERRESTRIAL b : GLOBAL, WORLDWIDE planetary politics 3 : having or consisting of an epicyclic train of gear wheels

psychedelic (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or being drugs (such as LSD) capable of producing abnormal psychic effects (such as hallucinations) and sometimes psychotic states b : produced by or associated with the use of psychedelic drugs a psychedelic experience 2 : imitating, suggestive of, or reproducing effects (such as distorted or bizarre images or sounds) resembling those produced by psychedelic drugs psychedelic color schemes 3 : of, relating to, characteristic of, or being the period of the mid- to late-1960's that is associated with the psychedelic drug culture psychedelic rock the psychedelic era/movement ... the rainbow newspaper of San Francisco that burst onto the psychedelic scene in 1966 ... — Don Lattin ... speaking of stereotypes, the illustrations reject any hint of a '60s psychedelic style ... —Steven Heller

practical (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or manifested in practice or action : not theoretical or ideal a practical question for all practical purposes b : being such in practice or effect : VIRTUAL a practical failure 2 : actively engaged in some course of action or occupation a practical farmer 3 : capable of being put to use or account : USEFUL he had a practical knowledge of French 4a : disposed to action as opposed to speculation or abstraction b(1) : qualified by practice or practical training a good practical mechanic (2) : designed to supplement theoretical training by experience 5 : concerned with voluntary action and ethical decisions practical reason

bind (n)

1a : something that binds b : the act of binding : the state of being bound c : a place where binding occurs 2 music : TIE sense 3 3 : a position or situation in which one is hampered, constrained, or prevented from free movement or action got a bind on his opponent in a bind : in trouble seem to have gotten myself in a bind

constraint (n)

1a : the act of constraining b : the state of being checked, restricted, or compelled to avoid or perform some action ... the constraint and monotony of a monastic life ... — Matthew Arnold a life of invalidism and constraint c : a constraining condition, agency, or force : CHECK put legal constraints on the board's activities Budget constraints have forced me to revise my travel plans. 2a : repression of one's own feelings, behavior, or actions emotional constraint b : a sense of being constrained : EMBARRASSMENT ... a constraint between us as if we were strangers ... — John P. Marquand

service (n)

1a : the occupation or function of serving in active service b : employment as a servant entered his service 2a : the work performed by one that serves good service b : HELP, USE, BENEFIT glad to be of service c : contribution to the welfare of others d : disposal for use I'm entirely at your service 3a : a form followed in worship or in a religious ceremony the burial service b : a meeting for worship —often used in plural held evening services 4 : the act of serving: such as a : a helpful act did him a service b : useful labor that does not produce a tangible commodity —usually used in plural charge for professional services c : SERVE 5 : a set of articles for a particular use a silver tea service 6a : an administrative division (as of a government or business) the consular service b : one of a nation's military forces (such as the army or navy) 7a : a facility supplying some public demand telephone service bus service b : a facility providing maintenance and repair television service 8 : the materials (such as spun yarn, small lines, or canvas) used for serving a rope 9 : the act of bringing a legal writ, process, or summons to notice as prescribed by law 10 : the act of a male animal copulating with a female animal 11 : a branch of a hospital medical staff devoted to a particular specialty obstetrical service

set out (v)

1a : to arrange and present graphically or systematically b : to mark out (something, such as a design) : lay out the plan of 2 : to state, describe, or recite at length distributed copies of a pamphlet setting out his ideas in full —S. F. Mason 3 : to begin with a definite purpose : INTEND, UNDERTAKE intransitive verb : to start out on a course, a journey, or a career set out across the country

grade (v)

1a : to arrange in grades : SORT b : to arrange in a scale or series c : to assign to a grade or assign a grade to 2 : to level off to a smooth horizontal or sloping surface intransitive verb 1a : to form a series b : BLEND 2 : to be of a particular grade

bank (v)

1a : to build a raised border of earth around : to raise a bank (see BANK entry 1 sense 2) about bank a fishpond b : to restrict the flow of air to (a fire) especially by piling ash around or over the burning embers They banked the campfire at midnight so it could be easily revived in the morning. c : to build (a curve) with the roadbed or track inclined laterally upward from the inside edge 2 : to heap or pile in a bank banking sand up along a river to prevent flooding 3a billiards : to drive (a ball) into a cushion b sports : to bounce (a ball or shot) off a surface (such as a backboard) into or toward a goal bank in a rebound 4 : to form or group in a tier intransitive verb 1 : to rise in or form a bank —often used with up clouds would bank up about midday, and showers fall — William Beebe 2a : to incline an airplane laterally The pilot banked right. b(1) : to incline laterally torpedo planes ... darting in to attack, then banking off — K. M. Dodson (2) : to follow a curve or incline skiers banking around the turn banked; banking; banks

explain (v)

1a : to make known explain the secret of your success b : to make plain or understandable footnotes that explain the terms 2 : to give the reason for or cause of unable to explain his strange conduct 3 : to show the logical development or relationships of explained the new theory intransitive verb : to make something plain or understandable a report that suggests rather than explains explain oneself : to clarify one's statements or the reasons for one's conduct explained; explaining; explains

render (v)

1a : to melt down render suet also : to extract by melting render lard b : to treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertilizer 2a : to transmit to another : DELIVER b : GIVE UP, YIELD c : to furnish for consideration, approval, or information: such as (1) : to hand down (a legal judgment) (2) : to agree on and report (a verdict) 3a : to give in return or retribution b(1) : GIVE BACK, RESTORE (2) : REFLECT, ECHO c : to give in acknowledgment of dependence or obligation : PAY d : to do (a service) for another 4a(1) : to cause to be or become : MAKE enough rainfall ... to render irrigation unnecessary — P. E. James rendered him helpless (2) : IMPART b(1) : to reproduce or represent by artistic or verbal means : DEPICT (2) : to give a performance of (3) : to produce a copy or version of the documents are rendered in the original French (4) : to execute the motions of render a salute c : TRANSLATE 5 : to direct the execution of : ADMINISTER render justice 6 : to apply a coat of plaster or cement directly to intransitive verb : to give recompense rendered; rendering

coincide (v)

1a : to occupy the same place in space or time The base of the triangle coincides with one side of the square. The heroic age of bridge construction coincided with the expansion of the railroads ... —Mario Salvadori b : to occupy exactly corresponding or equivalent positions on a scale or in a series 100° Celsius coincides with 212° Fahrenheit. 2 : to correspond in nature, character, or function ... our sentiments coincided in every particular ... —Jane Austen 3 : to be in accord or agreement : CONCUR She coincided with his views on most subjects. coincided; coinciding

relay (v)

1a : to place or dispose in relays b : to provide with relays 2 : to pass along by relays news was relayed to distant points 3 : to control or operate by a relay relayed; relaying

soldier (v)

1a : to serve as a soldier b : to behave in a soldierly manner c : to push doggedly forward —usually used with on soldiered on to the end 2 : to make a pretense of working while really loafing soldiered; soldiering

pose (v)

1a : to set forth or offer for attention or consideration let me pose a question b : to come to attention as : PRESENT smoking poses a health risk 2a : to put or set in place b : to place (somone, such as a model) in a studied attitude intransitive verb 1 : to assume a posture or attitude usually for artistic purposes 2 : to affect an attitude or character usually to deceive or impress posed as a doctor to gain access to the ward posed; posing

precipitate (v)

1a : to throw violently : HURL the quandaries into which the release of nuclear energy has precipitated mankind — A. B. Arons b : to throw down 2 : to bring about especially abruptly precipitate a scandal that would end with his expulsion — John Cheever 3a : to cause to separate from solution or suspension b : to cause (vapor) to condense and fall or deposit intransitive verb 1a : to fall headlong b : to fall or come suddenly into some condition 2 : to move or act with violent or unwise speed 3a : to separate from solution or suspension b : to condense from a vapor and fall as rain or snow precipitated; precipitating

colloquial (adj)

1a : used in or characteristic of familiar and informal conversation In colloquial English, kind of is often used for somewhat or rather. also : unacceptably informal b : using conversational style a colloquial writer 2 : of or relating to conversation : CONVERSATIONAL colloquial expressions

vagrant (adj)

1a : wandering about from place to place usually with no means of support b of an animal : wandering outside its normal geographic range especially, of a bird : found outside its normal geographic range or migration route : ACCIDENTAL sense 3 2a : having a fleeting, wayward, or inconstant quality a vagrant impulse b : having no fixed course : RANDOM a vagrant breeze

reflex (n)

1a archaic : reflected heat, light, or color b : a mirrored image c : a copy exact in essential or peculiar features 2a : an automatic and often inborn response to a stimulus that typically involves a nerve impulse passing inward from a receptor to the spinal cord and then passing outward from the spinal cord to an effector (such as a muscle or gland) without reaching the level of consciousness and often without passing to the brain the knee-jerk reflex b : the process that culminates in a reflex and comprises reception, transmission, and reaction — called also reflex action c reflexes plural : the power of acting or responding with adequate speed d : a way of thinking or behaving 3 : a linguistic element (such as a word or sound) or system (such as writing) that is derived from a prior and especially an older element or system boat is the reflex of Old English bāt

homonym (n)

1a grammar : HOMOPHONE the homonyms there and their b grammar : HOMOGRAPH The words lead, as in the metal, and lead, as in the verb, are homonyms. c grammar : one of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning (such as the noun quail and the verb quail) 2 : NAMESAKE 3 biology : a taxonomic designation rejected as invalid because the identical term has been used to designate another group of the same rank — compare SYNONYM

precedence (n)

1a obsolete : ANTECEDENT b : the fact of coming or occurring earlier in time 2a : the right to superior honor on a ceremonial or formal occasion b : the order of ceremonial or formal preference c : priority of importance your safety takes precedence

extravagant (adj)

1a obsolete : STRANGE, CURIOUS b archaic : WANDERING 2a : exceeding the limits of reason or necessity extravagant claims b : lacking in moderation, balance, and restraint extravagant praise c : extremely or excessively elaborate an extravagant display 3a : spending much more than necessary has always been extravagant with her money b : PROFUSE, LAVISH 4 : extremely or unreasonably high in price an extravagant purchase

self (n)

1a(1) : an individual's typical character or behavior her true self was revealed (2) : an individual's temporary behavior or character his better self b : a person in prime condition feel like my old self today 2 : the union of elements (such as body, emotions, thoughts, and sensations) that constitute the individuality and identity of a person 3 : personal interest or advantage 4a : the entire person of an individual b : the realization or embodiment of an abstraction 5 : material that is part of an individual organism ability of the immune system to distinguish self from nonself

verboten (adj)

: FORBIDDEN especially : prohibited by dictate

berserk (adj)

: FRENZIED, CRAZED —usually used in the phrase go berserk sinister ravings of an imagination gone berserk — John Gruen

Tophet (n)


set in (v)

: INSERT especially : to stitch (a small part) within a large article set in a sleeve of a dress intransitive verb : to become established

self-trust (n)


chitchat (n)


Varuna (n)

: a chief Vedic god responsible for natural and moral order in the cosmos

slippery slope (n)

: a course of action that seems to lead inevitably from one action or result to another with unintended consequences

testudo (n)

: a cover of overlapping shields or a shed wheeled up to a wall used by the ancient Romans to protect an attacking force

Philadelphia lawyer (n)

: a lawyer knowledgeable in the most minute aspects of the law

ringleader (n)

: a leader of a ring of individuals engaged especially in improper or unlawful activities

phoenix (n)

: a legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period also : a person or thing likened to the phoenix

potion (n)

: a mixture of liquids (such as liquor or medicine)

recrudescence (n)

: a new outbreak after a period of abatement or inactivity : RENEWAL a recrudescence of the symptoms a recrudescence of guerrilla warfare

power broker (n)

: a person (as in politics) able to exert strong influence through control of votes or individuals

rising star (n)

: a person or thing that is growing quickly in popularity or importance in a particular field a rising star in politics

soft touch (n)

: a person who is easily imposed on or taken advantage of

bed of roses (phrase)

: a place or situation of agreeable ease

Vanir (n)

: a race of Norse gods who warred against and later reconciled with the Aesir

biconditional (n)

: a relation between two propositions that is true only when both propositions are simultaneously true or false — see TRUTH TABLE

behaviorism (n)

: a school of psychology that takes the objective evidence of behavior (such as measured responses to stimuli) as the only concern of its research and the only basis of its theory without reference to conscious experience — compare INTROSPECTIONISM

ripple effect (n)

: a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect or influence the automotive industry has a ripple effect on many other industries — compare DOMINO EFFECT

sciolism (n)

: a superficial show of learning

term of art (n)

: a term that has a specialized meaning in a particular field or profession

wayfarer (n)

: a traveler especially on foot

ex hypothesi (adv)

: according to assumptions made : by hypothesis regard ... all elites as ex hypothesi incompatible with democracy — P. G. J. Pulzer

self-punishing (adj)

: acting or serving to punish oneself self-punishing thoughts ... it squared with what they knew about the troubled soul of Meriwether Lewis; ... how hard he was on himself; ... and how self-punishing he was when he felt that he was not meeting his own or the world's expectations. —Clay S. Jenkinson

vasoconstrictor (n)

: an agent (such as a sympathetic nerve fiber or a drug) that induces or initiates vasoconstriction

time warp (n)

: an anomaly, discontinuity, or suspension held to occur in the progress of time

biological clock (n)

: an inherent timing mechanism in a living system that is inferred to exist in order to explain the timing or periodicity of various behaviors and physiological states and processes

German sheperd (n)

: any of a breed of working dogs of German origin that are intelligent and responsive and are often used in police work and as guide dogs for the blind — called also Alsatian

gut-wrenching (adj)

: causing mental or emotional anguish

revolving-door (adj)

: characterized by a frequent succession (as of personnel) or a cycle of leaving and returning revolving-door governments

tongue-in-cheek (adj)

: characterized by insincerity, irony, or whimsical exaggeration

tawdry (adj)

: cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality also : IGNOBLE a tawdry attempt to smear his opponent tawdrier; tawdriest

commonplace (adj)

: commonly found or seen : ORDINARY, UNREMARKABLE a commonplace occurrence the large mergers that had become commonplace Computers are commonplace in classrooms.

self-righteous (adj)

: convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic

predefine (v)

: defined in advance predefined criteria predefined policies/procedures following a predefined path/route On the maturity date of the bond, a predefined amount of money is returned to the investor. — Larry Sarbit ... a highly traditional culture with predefined roles of gender ... — Mary Motian-Meadows

bloodthirsty (adj)

: eager for or marked by the shedding of blood, violence, or killing

retroactive (adj)

: extending in scope or effect to a prior time or to conditions that existed or originated in the past especially : made effective as of a date prior to enactment, promulgation, or imposition retroactive tax

bonhomie (n)

: good-natured easy friendliness an undying bonhomie radiated from her — Jean Stafford

chilling (adj)

: gravely disturbing or frightening a chilling case of abuse

self-important (adj)

: having or showing self-importance

self-imposed (adj)

: imposed by oneself : voluntarily assumed a self-imposed deadline living in self-imposed exile

expressionless (adj)

: lacking expression an expressionless face

temerarious (adj)

: marked by temerity : rashly or presumptuously daring a temerarious comment

venial (adj)

: of a kind that can be remitted : FORGIVABLE, PARDONABLE also : meriting no particular censure or notice : EXCUSABLE venial faults

picayune (adj)

: of little value : PALTRY also : PETTY, SMALL-MINDED

scholarly (adj)

: of, characteristic of, or suitable to learned persons : LEARNED, ACADEMIC

bloated (adj)

: overfilled and extended with liquid, gas, food, etc. felt bloated from eating too much a bloated body —often used figuratively to describe something as having grown excessively large a bloated budget a bloated bureaucracy

photo-realism (n)

: realism in painting characterized by extremely meticulous depiction of detail photo-realist \ˌfō-tō-ˈrē-ə-list \ noun or adjective photo-realistic \ˌfō-tō-ˌrē-ə-ˈli-stik \ adjective

skeptical (adj)

: relating to, characteristic of, or marked by skepticism a skeptical listener

resplendent (adj)

: shining brilliantly : characterized by a glowing splendor meadows resplendent with wildflowers — Outdoor World Other Words from resplendent

relentless (adj)

: showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace : UNRELENTING relentless pressure a relentless campaign

expendable (adj)

: that may be expended: such as a : normally used up or consumed in service expendable supplies like pencils and paper b : more easily or economically replaced than rescued, salvaged, or protected

self-torment (n)

: the act or an instance of tormenting oneself especially psychologically years of self-torment ... he had an unfortunate taste for gambling; and ... he always lost thrice where he gained once. That's a mode of self-torment I never was much addicted to. —Anne Brontë I have not yet looked at the newspaper. Generally I leave it till I come back tired from my walk; it amuses me then to see what the noisy world is doing, what new self-torments men have discovered ... —Henry Ryecroft

self-help (n)

: the action or process of bettering oneself or overcoming one's problems without the aid of others especially : the coping with one's personal or emotional problems without professional help

body language (n)

: the gestures, movements, and mannerisms by which a person or animal communicates with others

self-flattery (n)

: the glossing over of one's own weaknesses or mistakes and the exaggeration of one's own good qualities and achievements

top banana (n)

: the leading comedian in a burlesque show broadly : KINGPIN sense 1

pragmaticism (n)

: the philosophic doctrine of C. S. Peirce pragmaticist

agility (n)

: the quality or state of being agile : NIMBLENESS, DEXTERITY played with increasing agility

right brain (n)

: the right cerebral hemisphere of the human brain especially when viewed in terms of its predominant thought processes (such as creativity and intuitive thinking)

ricochet (v)

: to bounce or skip with or as if with a glancing rebound The bullet that hit President Reagan had ricocheted off the presidential limousine. — David Fisher The ball ricochets at a right angle, falling with force into the first baseman's glove ... — Bob Drury The chute snaps open, the sound ricocheting through the gorge like a gunshot, and McGuire is soaring, carving S turns into the air, swooping over a winding creek. — Karl Taro Greenfeld ricocheted\ˈri-kə-ˌshād \ also ricochetted\ˈri-kə-ˌshe-təd \; ricocheting\ˈri-kə-ˌshā-iŋ \ also ricochetting

transfigure (v)

: to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to : transform outwardly and usually for the better transfigured; transfiguring

reminisce (v)

: to indulge in reminiscence reminisced; reminiscing

refrain (v)

: to keep oneself from doing, feeling, or indulging in something and especially from following a passing impulse refrained from having dessert refrained; refraining; refrains

wager (v)

: to make a bet transitive verb : to risk or venture on a final outcome specifically : to lay as a gamble : BET wager $5 on a horse wagered; wagering

titivate (v)

: to make smart or spruce intransitive verb : SMARTEN, SPRUCE titivated; titivating

wear down (v)

: to weary and overcome by persistent resistance or pressure

maligner (v)


Alaskan malamute (n)

Taj. any of a breed of powerful heavy-coated deep-chested dogs of Alaskan origin that have erect ears, heavily cushioned feet, and a bushy tail

black-and-white (adj)

a black-and-white perspective. 1 : partly black and partly white in color 2 : being in writing or print 3 : executed in dark pigment on a light background or in light pigment on a dark ground a black-and-white drawing 4 : MONOCHROME sense 2 black-and-white film black-and-white television 5a : sharply divided into good and evil b : evaluating or viewing things as either all good or all bad black-and-white morality c : sharply defined : CLEAR-CUT the truth is not always black-and-white

canvas (n)

a blank canvas. 1 : a firm closely woven cloth usually of linen, hemp, or cotton used for clothing and formerly much used for tents and sails 2 : a set of sails : sail sailing under full canvas 3 : a piece of canvas used for a particular purpose a hammock made of canvas 4 : tent; also : a group of tents 5 a : a piece of cloth backed or framed as a surface for a painting an artist's canvas; also : the painting on such a surface b : the background, setting, or scope of a historical or fictional account or narrative the crowded canvas of history 6 : a stiff material (as of coarse cloth or plastic) that has regular meshes for working with a needle (as in needlepoint) 7 : the canvas-covered floor of a boxing or wrestling ring — canvaslike

candid (adj)

a candid conversation a : marked by honest sincere expression a candid discussion b : disposed to criticize severely : blunt candid critics c : indicating or suggesting sincere honesty and absence of deception her candid face 2 : free from bias, prejudice, or malice : fair a candid observer 3 : relating to or being photography of subjects acting naturally or spontaneously without being posed candid photos of the family at play 4 : white candid flames — candidly adverb — candidness noun

careless (adj)

a careless mistake. 1 a : free from care : untroubled careless days b : indifferent, unconcerned careless of the consequences 2 : not taking care My brother was too careless of his charge. —Shakespeare 3 : not showing or receiving care: a : negligent, slovenly careless writing b : unstudied, spontaneous a careless grace a careless glance c obsolete : unvalued, disregarded — carelessly adverb — carelessness noun

cavalier (adj)

a cavalier attitude. 1 : marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful (see 1disdain) dismissal of important matters a cavalier attitude toward money has a cavalier disregard for the rights of others 2 : debonair 3 a capitalized : of or relating to the party of Charles I of England in his struggles with the Puritans and Parliament b : aristocratic portrayed the plantation owner as a cavalier fop c capitalized : of or relating to the English Cavalier poets of the mid-17th century — cavalierism noun — cavalierly adverb

aesthetic (adj)

a clean aesthetic. 1 a : of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful aesthetic theories b : artistic a work of aesthetic value c : pleasing in appearance : attractive ... easy-to-use keyboards, clear graphics, and other ergonomic and aesthetic features ... —Mark Mehler 2 : appreciative of, responsive to, or zealous about the beautiful; also : responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses his aesthetic sensibility 3 : done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance aesthetic plastic surgery — aesthetically

growth company (n)

a company that grows at a greater rate than the economy as a whole and that usually directs a relatively high proportion of income back into the business

compelling (adj)

a compelling argument. : that compels: such as a : FORCEFUL a compelling personality a compelling desire b : demanding attention for compelling reasons The novel was so compelling that I couldn't put it down. c : CONVINCING no compelling evidence

advantage (n)

a competitive advantage. 1 : superiority of position or condition Higher ground gave the enemy the advantage. 2 : a factor or circumstance of benefit to its possessor lacked the advantages of an education 3 a : benefit, gain; especially : benefit resulting from some course of action a mistake which turned out to our advantage b obsolete : interest 2a 4 : the first point won in tennis after deuce — to advantage : so as to produce a favorable impression or effect wishing to be seen to advantage

dash (n)

a dash of... 1 a archaic : blow b (1) : a sudden burst or splash a dash of rain (2) : the sound produced by such a burst 2 a : a stroke of a pen b grammar : a punctuation mark — that is used especially to indicate a break in the thought or structure of a sentence 3 : a small usually distinctive addition a dash of salt a dash of humor 4 : flashy display really cuts a dash in his new suit 5 : animation in style and action the verve and dash of her personal writings 6 a : a sudden onset, rush, or attempt make a dash for shelter b sports : a short fast race won the 100-meter dash 7 : a long click or buzz forming a letter or part of a letter (as in Morse code) a combination of dots and dashes 8 automotive vehicles : dashboard 2 put the map on the dash

de minimis (adj)

a de minimus amount. lacking significance or importance : so minor as to merit disregard de minimis fringe benefits what amounts to a de minimis tax incre

dreamer (n)

a dreamer at heart. 1 : one that dreams 2 a : one who lives in a world of fancy and imagination b : one who has ideas or conceives projects regarded as impractical : visionary

faint (adj)

a faint presence. 1 : lacking courage and spirit : cowardly faint of heart 2 : weak, dizzy, and likely to faint sick and faint from the pain —Jack London 3 : lacking strength or vigor : performed, offered, or accomplished weakly or languidly faint praise a faint smile on her lips 4 : producing a sensation of faintness : oppressive the faint atmosphere of a tropical port 5 a : hardly perceptible : dim faint handwriting b : vague 2a haven't the faintest idea — faintish play \ˈfān-tish\ adjective — faintishness noun — faintly adverb — faintness noun

fault-tolerant (adj)

a fault-tolerant system. relating to or being a computer or program with a self-contained backup system that allows continued operation when major components fail — fault tolerance noun

flaw (n)

a fundamental flaw. 1 a : a defect in physical structure or form a diamond with a flaw b : an imperfection or weakness and especially one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness vanity was the flaw in his character a flaw in the book's plot 2 obsolete : fragment

offering (n)

a generous offering. 1 a : the act of one who offers b : something offered; especially : a sacrifice ceremonially offered as a part of worship c : a contribution to the support of a church 2 : something offered for sale or patronage latest offerings of the leading novelists 3 : a course of instruction or study

gloss (n)

a glossy exterior. 1 : a surface luster or brightness : shine 2 a : a deceptively attractive appearance selfishness that had a gloss of humanitarianism about it b : bright often superficial attractiveness show-biz gloss 3 : a transparent cosmetic preparation for adding shine and usually color to the lips

good deal (n)

a good deal more. a considerable quantity or extent : lot knows a good deal about disease a good deal faster

gradual (adj)

a gradual increase over time. 1 : proceeding by steps or degrees 2 : moving, changing, or developing by fine or often imperceptible degrees

magnum opus (n)

a great work; especially : the greatest achievement of an artist or writer

grim (adj)

a grim outlook. 1 : fierce in disposition or action : SAVAGE grim wolves 2a : stern or forbidding in action or appearance a grim taskmaster b : SOMBER, GLOOMY grim news of the disaster 3 : ghastly, repellent, or sinister in character a grim tale 4 : UNFLINCHING, UNYIELDING grim determination

hallmark (n)

a hallmark of (a president). 1a : an official mark stamped on gold and silver articles in England to attest their purity b : a mark or device placed or stamped on an article of trade to indicate origin, purity, or genuineness a hallmark from the Ming dynasty 2 : a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature the dramatic flourishes which are the hallmark of the trial lawyer —Marion K. Sanders

hilt (n)

a handle especially of a sword or dagger — to the hilt 1 : to the very limit : completely the farm was mortgaged to the hilt 2 : with nothing lacking played the role to the hilt

hierarchy (n)

a hierarchy of importance. plural hierarchies 1 : a division of angels 2 a : a ruling body of clergy organized into orders or ranks each subordinate to the one above it; especially : the bishops of a province or nation b : church government by a hierarchy 3 : a body of persons in authority 4 : the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social, or professional standing; also : the group so classified 5 : a graded or ranked series a hierarchy of values

batting average (n)

a high batting average. 1 : a ratio (such as a rate per thousand) of base hits to official times at bat for a baseball player 2 : a record of achievement or accomplishment

palatial (adj)

a home with palatial decorum. 1 : of, relating to, or being a palace a palatial home 2 : suitable to a palace : magnificent palatial furnishings — palatially adverb — palatialness

homely (adj)

a homely presence. homelier; homeliest 1 : suggestive or characteristic of a place of residence or home 2 : being something familiar with which a person is comfortable and at ease : comfortable and familiar like home satisfy themselves with houses, furniture, books and clothes that were worn and homely and friendly to the touch —Brendan Gill 3 a : free from affectation : unaffectedly natural : simple plain, homely prose b : not elaborate or complex homely virtues 4 : plain or unattractive in appearance a homely face he's a bit homely — homeliness noun

howling (adj)

a howling success 1 : producing or marked by a sound resembling a howl a howling storm 2 : desolate, wild a howling wilderness 3 : very great : pronounced a howling success — howlingly adverb

hub (n)

a hub of creative energy. 1 : the central part of a circular object (such as a wheel or propeller) spokes attached to the hub of the wheel 2a : a center of activity : FOCAL POINT The island is a major tourist hub. b : an airport or city through which an airline routes most of its traffic c : a central device that connects multiple computers on a single network (see NETWORK entry 1 sense 3b) 3 : a steel punch from which a working die (see DIE entry 2 sense 3a) for a coin or medal is made

Admetus (n)

a king of Pherae who is saved by Apollo from his fated death when his wife Alcestis offers to die in his place

labor-intensive (adj)

a labor-intensive project. having high labor costs per unit of output; especially : requiring greater expenditure on labor than in capital

lateral (adj)

a lateral move. 1 : of or relating to the side a lateral view 2 : situated on, directed toward, or coming from the side the lateral branches of a tree 3 : extending from side to side the lateral axis of an airplane 4 phonetics : produced with passage of breath around the side of a constriction formed with the tongue \l\ is lateral — laterally adverb

laughable (adj)

a laughable counteroffer. of a kind to provoke laughter or sometimes derision : amusingly ridiculous — laughableness noun — laughably

lavish (adj)

a lavish lifestyle. 1 : expending or bestowing profusely : prodigal lavish donors lavish in giving praise to her employees 2 a : expended or produced in abundance the lavish attentions of his mother —George Meredith b : marked by profusion or excess a lavish feast a lavish home — lavishly adverb — lavishness noun

library (n)

a library of... plural libraries 1 a : a place in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials (such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films) are kept for use but not for sale b : a collection of such materials a library of jazz recordings 2 a : a collection resembling or suggesting a library an illustrations library b : morgue 2 3 a : a series of related books issued by a publisher a Dickens library b : a collection of publications on the same subject 4 : a collection of cloned DNA fragments that are maintained in a suitable cellular environment and that usually represent the genetic material of a particular organism or tissue

limiting (adj)

a limiting perspective. 1 a : functioning as a limit : restrictive limiting value b : being an environmental factor (such as a nutrient) that limits the population size of an organism 2 : serving to specify the application of the modified noun this in this book is a limiting word — limitingly adverb

linear (adj)

a linear perspective. 1 a (1) : of, relating to, resembling, or having a graph that is a line and especially a straight line : straight (2) : involving a single dimension b (1) : of the first degree with respect to one or more variables (2) : of, relating to, based on, or being linear equations, linear differential equations, linear functions, linear transformations, or linear algebra c (1) : characterized by an emphasis on line linear art (2) : composed of simply drawn lines with little attempt at pictorial representation linear script d : consisting of a straight chain of atoms a linear molecule 2 : elongated with nearly parallel sides linear leaf — see leaf illustration 3 : having or being a response or output that is directly proportional to the input 4 : of, relating to, or based or depending on sequential development linear thinking a linear narrative — linearity play \ˌli-nē-ˈer-ə-tē, -ˈa-rə-\ noun — linearly

livable (adj)

a livable wage. 1 : suitable for living in, on, or with a livable house livable wages 2 : endurable — livableness noun

grandiloquence (n)

a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language was urged to follow up his grandiloquence with positive action — grandiloquent adjective — grandiloquently

long-winded (adj)

a long-winded explanation. 1 : tediously long in speaking or writing 2 : not easily subject to loss of breath — long-windedly adverb — long-windedness noun

gain (v)

a lot to be gained. gained; gaining; gains transitive verb 1 a : to acquire or get possession of usually by industry, merit, or craft gain an advantage he stood to gain a fortune b : to win in competition or conflict the troops gained enemy territory c (1) : to arrive at : reach, attain gained the river that night (2) : traverse, cover gained 10 yards on the play d : to get by a natural development or process gain strength e : to establish a specific relationship with gain a friend 2 a : to make an increase of (a specified amount) gained three percent in the past month b : to increase in (a particular quality) gain momentum 3 : to win to one's side : persuade gain adherents to a cause 4 : to cause to be obtained or given : attract gain attention 5 of a timepiece : to run fast by the amount of the clock gains a minute a day intransitive verb 1 : to get advantage : profit hoped to gain by the deal 2 a : increase the day was gaining in warmth b : to increase in weight c : to improve in health or ability 3 of a timepiece : to run fast 4 : to get closer to something pursued —usually used with on or upon — gainer noun — gain ground : to make progress

threshold (n)

a low threshold. 1 : the plank, stone, or piece of timber that lies under a door : SILL 2a : GATE, DOOR b(1) : END, BOUNDARY specifically : the end of a runway (2) : the place or point of entering or beginning : OUTSET on the threshold of a new age 3a : the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced has a high threshold for pain b : a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it is not or will not

lucrative (adj)

a lucrative venture. producing wealth : profitable — lucratively adverb — lucrativeness noun

manageable (adj)

a manageable amount. capable of being managed — manageability noun — manageableness noun — manageably

oligopsony (n)

a market situation in which each of a few buyers exerts a disproportionate influence on the market — oligopsonistic

oligopoly (n)

a market situation in which each of a few producers affects but does not control the market — oligopolist play \ˌä-lə-ˈgä-pə-list, ˌō-\ noun — oligopolistic

martyr (n)

a martyr for a cause. 1 : a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion 2 : a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle a martyr to the cause of freedom 3 : victim; especially : a great or constant sufferer a martyr to asthma all his life —A. J. Cronin — martyrization play \ˌmär-tə-rə-ˈzā-shən\ noun — martyrize

measurable (adj)

a measurable difference. 1 : capable of being measured : measurable 2 : mensural 1 — mensurability play \ˌmen(t)s-rə-ˈbi-lə-tē, ˌmen(t)sh-; ˌmen(t)-sə-rə-, -shə-\ noun

measured (adj)

a measured response. 1 : marked by due proportion 2 a : marked by rhythm : regularly recurrent a measured gait b : metrical 3 : deliberate, calculated a measured response — measuredly adverb

menace (v)

a menace to society. 1 : a show of intention to inflict harm : threat exploding in menaces and threats of vengeance —George Meredith 2 a : one that represents a threat : danger the intoxicated motorist is a menace to life and limb —Wayne Hughes b : an annoying person her friends were beginning to find her a menace —Guy McCrone

felicific calculus (n)

a method of determining the rightness of an action by balancing the probable pleasures and pains that it would produce

model (n)

a model for success. 1 obsolete : a set of plans for a building 2 dialectal British : copy, image 3 : structural design a home on the model of an old farmhouse 4 : a usually miniature representation of something a plastic model of the human heart; also : a pattern of something to be made 5 : an example for imitation or emulation his written addresses are models of clearness, logical order, and style —A. B. Noble 6 : a person or thing that serves as a pattern for an artist; especially : one who poses for an artist His wife served as the model for many of his paintings. 7 : archetype 8 : an organism whose appearance a mimic imitates 9 : one who is employed to display clothes or other merchandise has appeared as a model in ads for swimsuits 10 a : a type or design of clothing girls, self-conscious in their Paris models —Paul Bowles b : a type or design of product (such as a car) offers eight new models for next year, including a completely restyled convertible 11 : a description or analogy used to help visualize something (such as an atom) that cannot be directly observed 12 : a system of postulates, data, and inferences presented as a mathematical description of an entity or state of affairs; also : a computer simulation (see simulation 3a) based on such a system climate models 13 : version 2 an experimental model of a bionic arm 14 : animal model

moderate (adj)

a moderate amount; all in moderation. 1 a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits a moderate drinker b : calm, temperate Though very much in favor of the measure, he expressed himself in moderate language. 2 a : tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension a family of moderate income b : having average or less than average quality : mediocre wrote moderate poetry to the end of his life —Carl Van Doren 3 : not violent, severe, or intense a moderate climate moderate winters cook over moderate heat 4 : professing or characterized by political or social beliefs that are not extreme had left-wing, moderate, and right-wing candidates vying for the nomination 5 : limited in scope or effect His new wealth had only a moderate effect on his way of life. 6 : not expensive : reasonable or low in price a moderate price for a new house 7 of a color : of medium lightness and medium chroma a moderate red — moderately adverb — moderateness noun

playground (n)

a musical playground. 1 : a piece of land used for and usually equipped with facilities for recreation especially by children 2 : an area known or suited for activity of a specified sort a vacation playground

licentious (adj)

a nonchalant, licentious attitude. 1 : lacking legal or moral restraints; especially : disregarding sexual restraints licentious behavior licentious revelers 2 : marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness — licentiously adverb — licentiousness noun

adaptogen (n)

a nontoxic substance and especially a plant extract that is held to increase the body's ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning — adaptogenic adjective

inconsiderable (adj)

a not inconsiderable amount. not considerable : slight, trivial the cost was not inconsiderable — inconsiderableness noun — inconsiderably

pacify (v)

a pacifying nature. pacified; pacifying transitive verb 1 a : to allay the anger or agitation of : soothe pacify a crying child b : appease, propitiate tried to pacify the enemy with compromises 2 a : to restore to a tranquil state : settle made an attempt to pacify the commotion b : to reduce to a submissive state : subdue forces moved in to pacify the country — pacifiable

page (n)

a page out of ____'s book. 1 a : one of the leaves of a publication or manuscript; also : a single side of one of these leaves b : the material printed or written on a page 2 a : the block of information found at a single World Wide Web address b : a sizable subdivision of computer memory; also : a block of information that fills a page and can be transferred as a unit between the internal and external storage of a computer 3 a : a noteworthy event or period b : a written record

paltry (adj)

a paltry offering. paltrier; paltriest 1 : inferior, trashy built paltry houses unfit for occupancy 2 : mean, despicable a paltry trick 3 : trivial a paltry excuse they in their greatness don't have to bother with such paltry restrictions —Vanessa Feltz 4 : meager, measly made a paltry donation Sales have increased by a paltry two percent. — paltriness noun

parabolic (adj)

a parabolic story. 1 : expressed by or being a parable : allegorical 2 : of, having the form of, or relating to a parabola motion in a parabolic curve — parabolically

paradigm (n)

a paradigm shift. 1 : example, pattern; especially : an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype ... regard science as the paradigm of true knowledge. —G. C. J. Midgley 2 : an example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its inflectional forms 3 : a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis; broadly : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind — paradigmatic adjective — paradigmatically

koan (n)

a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenment

mentor (n)

a patient mentor. 1 capitalized : a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus 2 a : a trusted counselor or guide a mentor who, because he is detached and disinterested, can hold up a mirror to us —P. W. Keve b : tutor, coach The student sought a mentor in chemistry. — mentorship

bottleneck (n)

a productivity bottleneck. : NARROW bottleneck harbors

escalate (v)

a quickly escalating situation/dynamic. escalated; escalating intransitive verb : to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope a little war threatens to escalate into a huge ugly one —Arnold Abrams transitive verb : expand 2 — escalation play \ˌe-skə-ˈlā-shən, nonstandard -skyə-\ noun — escalatory

raspy (adj)

a raspy voice. raspier; raspiest 1 : harsh, grating 2 : irritable

scathing (adj)

a scathing review. bitterly severe a scathing condemnation

sedulous (adj)

a sedulous observer. 1 : involving or accomplished with careful perseverance sedulous craftsmanship 2 : diligent in application or pursuit a sedulous student

obeisance (n)

a self-defeating obeisance. 1 : a movement of the body made in token of respect or submission : bow After making his obeisances he approached the altar. 2 : acknowledgment of another's superiority or importance : homage makes obeisance to her mentors The players paid obeisance to their coach. — obeisant play \ō-ˈbē-sᵊnt, ə-, -ˈbā-\ adjective — obeisantly adverb

decency (n)

a sense of decency. 1 archaic a : FITNESS b : ORDERLINESS 2a : the quality or state of being decent : PROPRIETY b : conformity to standards of taste, propriety, or quality 3 : standard of propriety —usually used in plural 4 decencies plural : conditions or services considered essential for a proper standard of living 5 : literary decorum

euphoria (n)

a sense of euphoria. a feeling of well-being or elation — euphoric play \yü-ˈfȯr-ik, -ˈfär-\ adjective — euphorically

serendipitous (adj)

a serendipitous meeting. obtained or characterized by serendipity serendipitous discoveries — serendipitously adverb

Hippolytus (n)

a son of Theseus falsely accused of amorous advances by his stepmother and killed by his father through the agency of Poseidon

ovation (n)

a standing ovation. 1 : a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a victory of less importance than that for which a triumph was granted 2 : an expression or demonstration of popular acclaim especially by enthusiastic applause received a standing ovation

strange (adj)

a strange individual. stranger; strangest 1 a archaic : of, relating to, or characteristic of another country : foreign b : not native to or naturally belonging in a place : of external origin, kind, or character 2 a : not before known, heard, or seen : unfamiliar b : exciting wonder or awe : extraordinary 3 a : discouraging familiarities : reserved, distant b : ill at ease 4 : unaccustomed 2 she was strange to his ways — strangely adverb

commitment (n)

a strong commitment to... 1 a : an agreement or pledge to do something in the future a commitment to improve conditions at the prison; especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date b : something pledged the commitment of troops to the war c : the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled a commitment to a cause 2 a : an act of committing to a charge or trust: such as (1) : a consignment to a penal or mental institution filed a petition for commitment (2) : an act of referring a matter to a legislative committee b : mittimus

link (n)

a strong link between. 1 : a connecting structure: such as a (1) : a single ring or division of a chain (2) : one of the standardized divisions of a surveyor's chain that is 7.92 inches (20.1 centimeters) long and serves as a measure of length b : cuff link c : bond 3c d : an intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion; especially : a short connecting rod with a hole or pin at each end e : the fusible member of an electrical fuse 2 : something analogous to a link of chain: such as a : a segment of sausage in a chain b : a connecting element or factor found a link between smoking and cancer c : a unit in a communication system d : an identifier attached to an element in a system (such as an index term in a database) in order to indicate or permit connection with other similarly identified elements; especially : one (such as a hyperlink) in a computer file

testament (n)

a testament to her good-nature. 1a : a tangible proof or tribute b : an expression of conviction : CREED 2a : an act by which a person determines the disposition of his or her property after death b : WILL 3a capitalized : either of two main divisions of the Bible b archaic : a covenant between God and the human race

Lamarckism (n)

a theory of organic evolution asserting that environmental changes cause structural changes in animals and plants that are transmitted to offspring — Lamarckian

thirst (v)

a thirst for knowledge. 1 : to feel thirsty : suffer thirst 2 : to crave vehemently and urgently thirsted for revenge thirsting after justice

thorough (adj)

a thorough investigation. 1 : carried through to completion : EXHAUSTIVE a thorough search 2a : marked by full detail a thorough description b : careful about detail : PAINSTAKING a thorough scholar c : complete in all respects thorough pleasure d : having full mastery (as of an art) a thorough musician

towering (adj)

a towering presence. 1 : impressively high or great : imposing towering pines 2 : reaching a high point of intensity : overwhelming a towering rage 3 : going beyond proper bounds : excessive towering ambitions — toweringly adverb

Markov chain (n)

a usually discrete stochastic process (such as a random walk) in which the probabilities of occurrence of various future states depend only on the present state of the system or on the immediately preceding state and not on the path by which the present state was achieved — called also Markoff chain

original (adj)

a very original concept. 1 : of, relating to, or constituting an origin or beginning : initial the original part of the house 2 a : not secondary, derivative, or imitative an original composition b : being the first instance or source from which a copy, reproduction, or translation is or can be made 3 : independent and creative in thought or action : inventive an original artist

gulf (n)

a wide gulf between. 1 : a part of an ocean or sea extending into the land 2 : a deep chasm : abyss 3 : whirlpool 4 : a wide gap the gulf between generations

winsome (adj)

a winsome smile. 1 : generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence a winsome smile 2 : cheerful, lighthearted

a la carte (adv or adj)

according to a menu or list that prices items separately

adjust (v)

adjusting on the fly; well adjusted. adjusted; adjusting; adjusts transitive verb 1 a : to bring to a more satisfactory state: (1) : settle, resolve ways of adjusting conflicts (2) : rectify adjust an error b : to make correspondent or conformable : adapt had to adjust our approach c : to bring the parts of to a true or more effective relative position adjust a carburetor 2 : to reduce to a system : regulate 3 : to determine the amount to be paid under an insurance policy in settlement of (a loss) intransitive verb 1 : to adapt or conform oneself (as to new conditions) adjust to the new regulations Our eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness. 2 : to achieve mental and behavioral balance between one's own needs and the demands of others — adjustability play \-ˌjəs-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — adjustable play \-ˈjəs-tə-bəl\ adjective — adjustive play \-ˈjəs-tiv\ adjective

adopt (v)

adopting an approach. 1 : to take by choice into a relationship especially : to take voluntarily (a child of other parents) as one's own child 2 : to take up and practice or use adopted a moderate tone 3 : to accept formally and put into effect adopt a constitutional amendment 4 : to choose (a textbook) for required study in a course 5 : to sponsor the care and maintenance of adopt a highway intransitive verb : to adopt a child couples choosing to adopt

adverse (adj)

adverse effects. 1 : acting against or in a contrary direction : HOSTILE hindered by adverse winds 2a : opposed to one's interests an adverse verdict heard testimony adverse to their position especially : UNFAVORABLE adverse criticism b : causing harm : HARMFUL adverse drug effects 3 archaic : opposite in position

advise (v)

advise against... advised; advising transitive verb 1 a : to give (someone) a recommendation about what should be done : to give advice to Her doctor advised her to try a drier climate. b : caution, warn advise them of the consequences c : recommend advise prudence 2 : to give information or notice to : inform advise them of their rights intransitive verb 1 : to give a recommendation about what should be done advise on legal matters 2 : to talk with someone in order to decide what should be done : consult advise with friends — adviser or advisor

advocate (v)

advocating for... : to support or argue for (a cause, policy, etc.) : to plead in favor of They advocated a return to traditional teaching methods. a group that advocates vegetarianism intransitive verb : to act as advocate for someone or something ... a tradition of advocating for the equality and civil rights of all people ... —Fred Kuhr

afflict (v)

afflict with... afflicted; afflicting; afflicts transitive verb 1 a : to cause pain or suffering to : to distress so severely as to cause persistent suffering or anguish people afflicted with arthritis a region afflicted by hunger and poverty b : trouble, injure 2 obsolete a : humble b : overthrow

ahead (adv or adj)

ahead of the curve. 1 a : in a forward direction or position : forward b : in front 2 : in, into, or for the future plan ahead 3 : in or toward a more advantageous position helped others to get ahead 4 : at or to an earlier time : in advance make payments ahead 5 a : in or into a leading position in a race or competition a politician who is running ahead in most polls Josh Carter scored from a yard out and the Pride added a two-point conversion to surge ahead 14-7. —Cumberland (Maryland) Times-News b baseball (1) of a pitcher : in or into the situation of having thrown more strikes than balls to a batter Home run threat Mark Reynolds was up next with the bases loaded, but Colon quickly got ahead 1-2 in the count and struck the third baseman out swinging with a ... fastball. —Ray Monell (2) of a batter : in or into the situation of having a count of more balls than strikes Albert Pujols got ahead 3-1 and then lined one into the seats in left for his 20th home run of the year and second of the series. —John Fay

event horizon (n)

aka point of no return. the surface of a black hole : the boundary of a black hole beyond which nothing can escape from within it

alleviate (v)

alleviating pain. relieve, lessen: such as a : to make (something, such as suffering) more bearable Her sympathy alleviated his distress. b : to partially remove or correct (something undesirable) measures taken to alleviate a labor shortage — alleviation noun — alleviator noun

gloat (v)

always gloating about... 1 obsolete : to look or glance admiringly or amorously 2 : to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight gloat over an enemy's misfortune — gloater noun — gloatingly adverb

abnormal (adj)

an abnormal amount. deviating from the normal or average a person with abnormal [=exceptional] strength abnormal powers of concentration; often : unusual in an unwelcome or problematic way abnormal behavior abnormal test results — abnormally

ad-lib (v)

an ad-libbed job interview. ad-libbed; ad-libbing transitive verb : to deliver spontaneously intransitive verb : to improvise especially lines or a speech — ad-lib noun

admirable (adj)

an admirable cause. 1 : deserving the highest esteem : excellent an admirable achievement 2 obsolete : exciting wonder : surprising — admirability play \ˌad-m(ə-)rə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — admirableness play \ˈad-m(ə-)rə-bəl-nəs\ noun — admirably

eclectic (adj)

an eclectic collection. 1 : composed of elements drawn from various sources; also : heterogeneous 2 : selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles — eclectically

defensible (adj)

an indenfensible position. capable of being defended defensible theories a defensible hill — defensibility noun — defensibly

involved (adj)

an involved process. 1a : having a part in something : included in something unable to identify those who were involved She was involved in a lawsuit. b : actively participating in something an involved citizen active in local politics c : having a romantic or sexual relationship warned her not to get romantically involved 2a : marked by extreme and often needless or excessive complexity a long and involved story b : difficult to deal with because of complexity or disorder Her husband had been extravagant; and at his death ... had left his affairs dreadfully involved. —Jane Austen 3 : being affected or implicated ... dealing with ... the most severely involved patients —R. J. Thomas 4 obsolete : INVOLUTE, TWISTED

ironclad (adj)

an ironclad argument. 1 : sheathed in iron armor —used especially of naval vessels 2 : so firm or secure as to be unbreakable: such as a : binding an ironclad oath b : having no obvious weakness an ironclad case against the defendant

Gresham's law (n)

an observation in economics: when two coins are equal in debt-paying value but unequal in intrinsic value, the one having the lesser intrinsic value tends to remain in circulation and the other to be hoarded or exported as bullion; broadly : any process by which inferior products or practices drive out superior ones

ominous (adj)

an ominous warning. : being or exhibiting an omen : PORTENTOUS especially : foreboding or foreshadowing evil : INAUSPICIOUS

meliorism (n)

an optomistic meliorism. the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid its betterment — meliorist play \-rist\ adjective or noun — melioristic

analogy (n)

an out there analogy. plural analogies 1 a : a comparison of two otherwise unlike things based on resemblance of a particular aspect b : resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike : similarity 2 : inference that if two or more things agree with one another in some respects they will probably agree in others 3 : correspondence between the members of pairs or sets of linguistic forms that serves as a basis for the creation of another form 4 : correspondence in function between anatomical parts of different structure and origin — compare homology

outspoken (adj)

an outspoken critic of... 1 : direct and open in speech or expression : frank outspoken in his criticism —Current Biography 2 : spoken or expressed without reserve his outspoken advocacy of gun control — outspokenly adverb — outspokenness

upscale (adj)

an upscale establishment. : relating to, being, or appealing to affluent consumers also : of a superior quality

antagonize (v)

antagonizing your siblings. 1 : to incur or provoke the hostility of His criticism antagonized his friends. 2 : to act in opposition to : COUNTERACT The drug is antagonized by methylxanthines, such as caffeine and theophylline ... —Scientific American Medicine

approach (v)

approach a situation; approach someone. 1a : to draw closer to : NEAR approach a destination b : to come very near to : to be almost the same as ... its mathematics approaches mysticism. —Theodore Sturgeon as the quantity x approaches zero 2a : to make advances to especially in order to create a desired result was approached by several Broadway producers b : to take preliminary steps toward accomplishment or full knowledge or experience of Try to approach the subject with an open mind. intransitive verb 1 : to draw nearer The time is fast approaching. 2 : to make an approach in golf

a fortiori (adv)

as a bad planner, I am, a fortiori, the worst choice to throw a bachelor party. with greater reason or more convincing force —used in drawing a conclusion that is inferred to be even more certain than another the man of prejudice is, a fortiori, a man of limited mental vision *also & therefore*

peace (n)

at peace with... 1 : a state of tranquility or quiet: such as a : freedom from civil disturbance Peace and order were finally restored in the town. b : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom a breach of the peace 2 : freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions I have been in perfect peace and contentment —J. H. Newman 3 : harmony in personal relations The sisters are at peace with each other. 4 a : a state or period of mutual concord between governments There was a peace of 50 years before war broke out again. b : a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity offered the possibility of a negotiated peace —New York Times 5 —used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell — at peace : in a state of concord or tranquility The problem was settled and his mind was at peace.

beam (v)

beaming with confidence. beamed; beaming; beams transitive verb 1 : to emit in beams or as a beam (see 1beam 2) The sun beamed its light through the window. 2 : to support with beams (see 1beam 1) The house was beamed with heavy timbers. 3 a : to transmit especially by satellite : broadcast ... the 90-minute show was beamed to more than 200 countries and territories around the world. —TV Guide b : to transmit (data) electronically beaming images of the planet back to Earth The amount of data beamed over fiber-optic networks is rising exponentially every year, yet only 0.1% of fiber capacity is in use. —Leslie Cauley especially : to transmit (data) wirelessly Infrared connectivity enables users to work collaboratively on documents without having to log on to the network, and for quickly beaming data between different devices (for example, between two notebooks, or between a notebook and a printer, without a need for a cable). —Newsweek c : to direct to a particular audience a commercial beamed at middle-class voters intransitive verb 1 : to send out rays of light Sunlight beamed through the window. 2 : to smile with joy The bride was beaming.

bide (v)

biding your time. bode play \ˈbōd\ or bided; bided; biding transitive verb 1 past tense usually bided : to wait for —used chiefly in the phrase bide one's time is biding his time before asking for a raise 2 archaic : withstand two men ... might bide the winter storm —W. C. Bryant 3 chiefly dialectal : to put up with : tolerate ... couldn't bide children on his place ... —J. W. Riley intransitive verb 1 : to continue in a state or condition bide still a moment 2 : to wait awhile : tarry 3 : to continue in a place : sojourn bide in a cabin — bider noun

blow off (v)

blowing off steam. transitive verb 1 a : to refuse to take notice of, honor, or deal with : ignore decided to blow off two billion viewers —Harry Homburg b : to end a relationship with 2 : to outperform in a contest 3 : to fail to attend or show up for blew off an official dinner

wine (n)

bottle of wine. 1 a : the alcoholic fermented juice of fresh grapes used as a beverage b : wine or a substitute used in Christian communion services 2 : the alcoholic usually fermented juice of a plant product (such as a fruit) used as a beverage blackberry wine 3 : something that invigorates or intoxicates 4 : a dark red

generalization (n)

broad generalizations. 1 : the act or process of generalizing 2 : a general statement, law, principle, or proposition made broad generalizations about women 3 : the act or process whereby a learned response is made to a stimulus similar to but not identical with the conditioned stimulus

browbeat (v)

browbeat; browbeaten play \-ˈbē-tᵊn\ or browbeat; browbeating transitive verb : to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech : bully likes to browbeat the waitstaff

legacy (n)

building a legacy. plural legacies 1 : a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest She left us a legacy of a million dollars. 2 : something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past the legacy of the ancient philosophers The war left a legacy of pain and suffering. 3 : a candidate for membership in an organization (such as a school or fraternal order) who is given special status because of a familial relationship to a member Legacies, or children of alumni, are three times more likely to be accepted to Harvard than other high school graduates with the same (sometimes better) scores ... —Michael Lind

framework (n)

building/putting together a framework for... 1 a : a basic conceptional structure (as of ideas) the framework of the U.S. Constitution These influences threaten the very framework of our society. b : a skeletal, openwork, or structural frame An iron framework surrounds the sculpture. 2 : frame of reference 3 : the larger branches of a tree that determine its shape

logistics (n)

carefully considering all of the logistics. 1 : the aspect of military science dealing with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military matériel, facilities, and personnel 2 : the handling of the details of an operation the logistics of a political campaign

negotiate (v)

carefully negotiating. : to confer with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter Teachers are negotiating for higher salaries. transitive verb 1a : to deal with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its successful handling) : MANAGE negotiated his business deals with remarkable skill b : to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise negotiate a treaty 2a : to transfer (something, such as a bill of exchange) to another by delivery or endorsement (see ENDORSE sense 1d) b : to convert into cash or the equivalent value negotiate a check 3a : to successfully travel along or over negotiate a turn b : COMPLETE, ACCOMPLISH negotiate the trip in two hours

alarm (n)

cause for alarm. 1 usually alarum , archaic : a call to arms ... the angry trumpet sounds alarum ... —William Shakespeare 2 : a signal (such as a loud noise or flashing light) that warns or alerts also : a device that signals set the alarm to wake me at seven 3 : sudden sharp apprehension and fear resulting from the perception of imminent danger 4 : a warning notice

cement (v)

cementing a relationship. 1 : to unite or make firm by or as if by cement Pebbles were cemented together by clay. has cemented his role as a leader on the team —T. W. Smith 2 : to overlay with concrete cemented the cellar floor intransitive verb : to become cemented

fairy tale (n)

characteristic of or suitable to a fairy tale; especially : marked by seemingly unreal beauty, perfection, luck, or happiness led a fairy-tale life a store clerk's fairy-tale romance

opportunity cost (n)

considering the opportunity cost. the added cost of using resources (as for production or speculative investment) that is the difference between the actual value resulting from such use and that of an alternative (such as another use of the same resources or an investment of equal risk but greater return)

ratiocination (n)

contiguous ratiocination. 1 : the process of exact thinking : reasoning 2 : a reasoned train of thought — ratiocinative

narrative (n)

creating a narrative. 1 a : something that is narrated : story, account He is writing a detailed narrative of his life on the island. b : a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values The rise of the Tea Party and the weakness of the Obama economy have fueled a Republican narrative about Big Government as a threat to liberty ... —Michael Grunwald The media narrative around Kelly's appointment had two central ideas ... : He would calm and professionalize the White House, and he would provide a more measured leadership style than his boss. —Perry Bacon Jr. 2 : the art or practice of narration ... depended not on narrative but on intensity derived from the verity to make the book jump. —Stanley Kauffmann 3 : the representation in art of an event or story; also : an example of such a representation the narrative of St. Joan of Arc — narratively adverb

loss (n)

dealing with loss. 1 : destruction, ruin to save the world from utter loss —John Milton 2 a : the act of losing possession : deprivation loss of sight b : the harm or privation resulting from loss or separation bore up bravely under the loss of both parents c : an instance of losing His death was a loss to all who knew him. 3 : a person or thing or an amount that is lost: such as a losses plural : killed, wounded, or captured soldiers His regiment suffered terrible losses. b : the power diminution of a circuit (see 1circuit 4a) or circuit element corresponding to conversion of electrical energy into heat by resistance (see 1resistance 4a) 4 a : failure to gain, win, obtain, or utilize loss of a game b : an amount by which the cost of something exceeds its selling price The railroad claimed to be operating at a loss. 5 : decrease in amount, magnitude, or degree a loss in altitude 6 : the amount of an insured's financial detriment by death or damage that the insurer is liable for — at a loss 1 : uncertain as to how to proceed was at a loss to explain the discrepancy 2 : unable to produce what is needed at a loss for words — for a loss : into a state of distress events had thrown him for a loss

crib death (n)

death of a baby while sleeping that occurs for no known reason : sudden infant death syndrome ... in the conditions of early modern Europe, crib death was all too real. —Simon Schama

deceptive (adj)

deceptive practices. : tending or having power to cause someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid : tending or having power to deceive a deceptive appearance a pitcher with a deceptive windup

readership (n)

declining readership. 1 a : the office or position of a reader b : the quality or state of being a reader 2 : the mass or a particular group of readers a magazine's readership

deductive (adj)

deductive reasoning. 1 : of, relating to, or provable by deriving conclusions by reasoning : of, relating to, or provable by deduction (see DEDUCTION sense 2a) deductive principles 2 : employing deduction in reasoning conclusions based on deductive logic

depression (n)

deep depression. 1 : an act of depressing or a state of being depressed: such as a (1) : a state of feeling sad : dejection anger, anxiety, and depression (2) : a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies bouts of depression suffering from clinical depression b (1) : a reduction in activity, amount, quality, or force a depression in trade (2) biology : a lowering of physical or mental vitality or of functional activity c : a pressing down : lowering a depression of the tab key 2 economics : a period of low general economic activity marked especially by rising levels of unemployment heading towards a depression periods of economic depression 3 : a place or part that is lower than the surrounding area : a depressed place or part : hollow The chicken pox left several depressions in her skin. 4 meteorology : 4low 1b a tropical depression 5 a astronomy : the angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon b mathematics : the size of an angle of depression

defend (v)

defending what's right and just. 1a : to drive danger or attack away from defend the castle from invaders b(1) : to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism defend a theory couldn't defend their actions (2) : to prove (something, such as a doctoral thesis or dissertation) valid by answering questions in an oral exam preparing to defend her thesis c sports : to attempt to prevent an opponent from scoring at elects to defend the south goal 2 archaic : PREVENT, FORBID which God defend that I should wring from him —Shakespeare 3 : to act as attorney for hired a lawyer to defend their son 4 law : to deny or oppose the right of a plaintiff in regard to (a suit or a wrong charged) : CONTEST 5 : to retain or seek to retain (something, such as a title or position) against a challenge in a contest they successfully defended their championship intransitive verb 1 : to take action against attack or challenge the defending champion 2 sports : to play or be on defense playing deep to defend against a pass 3 card games : to play against the high bidder

dejected (adj)

dejected body language. 1 : low in spirits : depressed The team was dejected after the loss. 2 a obsolete : downcast her eyes dejected and her hair unbound —Alexander Pope b archaic : thrown down 3 obsolete : lowered in rank or condition the dejected state wherein he is —Shakespeare — dejectedly adverb — dejectedness noun

gratification (n)

delayed gratification. 1 : REWARD, RECOMPENSE monetary gratification for a job well done especially : GRATUITY 2 : the act of gratifying : the state of being gratified the gratification of physical appetites 3 : a source of satisfaction or pleasure found gratification in getting his novel published

delete (v)

deleted; deleting transitive verb : to eliminate especially by blotting out, cutting out, or erasing delete a passage in a manuscript delete a computer file The e-mail was accidentally deleted. — deletable adjective an easily deletable photo

delve (v)

delve into. delved; delving transitive verb archaic : excavate intransitive verb 1 : to dig or labor with or as if with a spade delved into her handbag in search of a pen 2 a : to make a careful or detailed search for information delved into the past b : to examine a subject in detail the book delves into the latest research won't delve into her reason for leaving — delver noun

depict (v)

depicted in... 1 : to represent by or as if by a picture a mural depicting a famous battle 2 : describe 1 the way the novelist depicts his female characters — depicter noun — depiction

depoliticize (v)

depoliticize an issue. to remove the political character of : take out of the realm of politics depoliticize foreign aid — depoliticization noun

deprecate (v)

deprecating humor. deprecated; deprecating; deprecates transitive verb 1 a archaic : to pray against (something, such as an evil) b : to seek to avert deprecate the wrath ... of the Roman people —Tobias Smollett 2 : to express disapproval of deprecates such attempts at humor 3 a : play down : make little of speaks five languages ... but deprecates this facility —Time b : belittle, disparage the most reluctantly admired and least easily deprecated of ... novelists —New Yorker 4 : to withdraw official support for or discourage the use of (something, such as a software product) in favor of a newer or better alternative ... the Google Drive app for PC and Mac is officially being deprecated and the company's developers announced in a blog post that it will no longer be supported starting December 11. Instead, you'll need to choose from one of two new apps. —Rhett Jones In the case of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Microsoft is deprecating and removing more than 20 features. —Mauro Huculak — deprecatingly play \-ˌkā-tiŋ-lē\ adverb — deprecation

distill (v)

distilling information. distilled; distilling transitive verb 1 : to let fall, exude, or precipitate (see 1precipitate 3b) in drops or in a wet mist some caves are dry, others distill water from invisible rifts —Norman Douglas 2 a : to purify or transform (a liquid) by successive evaporation and condensation : to subject to or transform by distillation distill molasses into rum b : to obtain by or as if by distillation distill whiskey able to distill humor from personal loss c : to extract the essence of : concentrate distill the experience into a poem intransitive verb 1 a : to fall or materialize in drops or in a fine moisture b : to appear slowly or in small quantities at a time 2 a : to undergo distillation b : to perform distillation

diversify (v)

diversify your assets. 1 : to make diverse or composed of unlike elements : give variety to diversify a course of study 2 : to balance (an investment portfolio) defensively by dividing funds among securities (see SECURITY sense 3) of different industries or of different classes diversify your investments 3 : to increase the variety of the products of diversify the company intransitive verb 1 : to produce variety encouraging farmers to diversify 2 : to engage in varied operations diversifying into online services

enabler (n)

don't be an enabler. one that enables another to achieve an end; especially : one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (such as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior

fret (v)

don't fret. 1a : to eat or gnaw into : CORRODE also : FRAY The acid fretted the metal. b : RUB, CHAFE The harness strap was fretting the horse. c : to make by wearing away a substance the stream fretted a channel 2 : to cause to suffer emotional strain : VEX don't you fret yourself about me —J. C. Powys 3 : to pass (time) in fretting a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage —William Shakespeare 4 : AGITATE, RIPPLE fret the surface of the lake intransitive verb 1a : to eat into something b : to affect something as if by gnawing or biting : GRATE the ... urgent voice fretted at his nerves —Graham Greene 2a : WEAR, CORRODE Marble frets away due to the rain. b : CHAFE His back where the harness rubbed began to fret. c : FRAY sense 1 3a : to become vexed or worried fretting over the high cost of feeding their families —Vance Packard b of running water : to become agitated a brook fretting over rocks

fluster (v)

easily flustered. flustered; flustering play \ˈflə-st(ə-)riŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to put into a state of agitated confusion : upset The speaker was obviously flustered by the interruption. Now don't overexcite yourself, Grandpa, Mrs. Bucket said. And don't fluster poor Charlie. We must all try to keep very calm. —Roald Dahl 2 : to make tipsy There is much that is, in truth, dishonest even in honest play. A man who can keep himself sober after dinner plays [cards] with one who flusters himself with drink. —Anthony Trollope

envelop (v)

enveloped with/in. enveloped; enveloping; envelops transitive verb 1 : to enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering 2 : to mount an attack on (an enemy's flank) — envelopment

estrange (v)

estranged spouse. estranged; estranging transitive verb 1 : to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in (someone) where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness : alienate John's excesses gradually estranged him from his mother ... —Philip Norman She became estranged from her family. 2 : to remove from customary environment or associations The first words spoken were not those of one becoming estranged from this world, and already permitted to stray at times into realms foreign to the living. —Charlotte Brontë — estrangement play \i-ˈstrānj-mənt\ noun her estrangement from her family — estranger noun

etch (v)

etched in stone. etched; etching; etches transitive verb 1 a : to produce (something, such as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam) b : to subject to such etching 2 : to delineate or impress clearly scenes etched in our minds pain was etched on his features intransitive verb : to practice etching — etcher noun

kitchen-sink (adj)

everything but the kitchen-sink. 1 : being or made up of a hodgepodge of disparate elements or ingredients 2 chiefly British : portraying or emphasizing the squalid aspects of modern life the kitchen-sink realism of contemporary British drama —Current Biography

eviscerate (v)

eviscerated; eviscerating transitive verb 1 a : to take out the entrails of : disembowel b : to deprive of vital content or force 2 : to remove an organ from (a patient) or the contents of (an organ) intransitive verb : to protrude through a surgical incision or suffer protrusion of a part through an incision — evisceration

adulation (n)

excessive or slavish admiration or flattery enjoys the adulation of his fans

overconfident (adj)

excessively or unjustifiably confident : having too much confidence (as in one's abilities or judgment) an overconfident driver wasn't overconfident about their chances of winning ... he often starts cold, missing a few shots, allowing his opponent to get on a roll, to get overconfident. —Brett Forrest — overconfidently adverb overconfidently predicted the team would win

burnout (v)

experiencing burnout. 1 : the cessation of operation usually of a jet or rocket engine; also : the point at which burnout occurs 2 a : exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration b : a person suffering from burnout 3 : a person showing the effects of drug abuse

poverty (n)

extreme poverty. 1 a : the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions b : renunciation as a member of a religious order of the right as an individual to own property 2 : scarcity, dearth 3 a : debility due to malnutrition b : lack of fertility

facilitate (adj)

facilitating change. facilitated; facilitating transitive verb : to make easier : help bring about facilitate growth — facilitative

fallible (adj)

fallible and faulty assumptions. 1 : liable to be erroneous a fallible generalization 2 : capable of making a mistake we're all fallible — fallibly

isolated (adj)

feeling isolated from... 1 : occurring alone or once : unique 2 : sporadic

indignant (adj)

feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy : filled with or marked by indignation became indignant at the accusation — indignantly adverb

groove (v)

feeling the groove. grooved; grooving transitive verb 1 a : to make a groove in b : to join by a groove 2 : to perfect by repeated practice grooved her golf swing 3 : to throw (a pitch) in the groove intransitive verb 1 : to become joined or fitted by a groove 2 : to form a groove 3 : to enjoy oneself intensely 4 : to interact harmoniously contemporary minds and rock groove together —Benjamin DeMott — groover noun

enthusiasm (n)

feigned enthusiasm. 1 a : strong excitement of feeling : ardor did her work with energy and enthusiasm b : something inspiring zeal or fervor his enthusiasms include sailing and fishing 2 a : belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit b : religious fanaticism

alongside (prep)

fighting alongside... 1 a : along the side of the boat docked alongside the pier b : beside 1 standing alongside me 2 a : in company with men she has been working alongside —Richard Halloran b : in addition to a special category alongside the awards it annually presents —Horizon

filter (v)

filtering out/down. 1 : to subject to the action of a filter 2 : to remove by means of a filter intransitive verb 1 : to pass or move through or as if through a filter 2 : to come or go in small units over a period of time people began filtering in

finality (n)

finality of death. plural finalities 1 a : the character or condition of being final, settled, irrevocable, or complete b : the condition of being at an ultimate point especially of development or authority 2 : something final; especially : a fundamental fact, action, or belief

gem (n)

finding the gems. 1 a : jewel b : a precious or sometimes semiprecious stone cut and polished for ornament 2 a : something prized especially for great beauty or perfection b : a highly prized or well-beloved person 3 : muffin

fine-tune (v)

fine-tuned; fine-tuning; fine-tunes transitive verb 1 a : to adjust precisely so as to bring to the highest level of performance or effectiveness fine-tune a TV set fine-tune the format b : to improve through minor alteration or revision fine-tune the temperature of the room 2 : to stabilize (an economy) by small-scale fiscal and monetary manipulations

forgettable (adj)

fit or likely to be forgotten a forgettable movie

flee (v)

flee the scene. fled play \ˈfled\; fleeing intransitive verb 1 a : to run away often from danger or evil : fly The family fled from the war-torn zone. b : to hurry toward a place of security Refugees fled to a neighboring country. 2 : to pass away swiftly : vanish mists fleeing before the rising sun transitive verb : to run away from : shun Many people fled the city to escape the fighting.

forego (v)

forego a raise. forewent play \fȯr-ˈwent\; foregone play \fȯr-ˈgȯn also -ˈgän\; foregoing play \fȯr-ˈgō-iŋ, -ˈgȯ(-)iŋ\ transitive verb : to go before : precede The story of his mishap forewent him. — foregoer play \fȯr-ˈgō-ər\ noun also transitive verb 1 : to give up the enjoyment or advantage of : do without never forwent an opportunity of honest profit —R. L. Stevenson decided to forgo dessert for a few days 2 archaic : forsake

forward (adj)

forward progress. 1a : near, being at, or belonging to the forepart the forward section of the main deck b : situated in advance Baggage is carried in the forward cars of the train. 2a : strongly inclined : READY always forward to criticize his neighbors b : lacking modesty or reserve : BRASH Poorly disciplined children are often distressingly forward. 3 : notably advanced or developed : PRECOCIOUS The child is very forward at walking. 4 : moving, tending, or leading toward a position in front checked the forward movement of the dog also : moving toward an opponent's goal 5a : advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress a firm forward policy b : EXTREME, RADICAL on the forward fringe of conservatism 6 : of, relating to, or getting ready for the future forward buying of produce

galvanize (v)

galvanize morale. 1 a : to subject to the action of an electric current especially for the purpose of stimulating physiologically galvanize a muscle b : to stimulate or excite as if by an electric shock an issue that would galvanize public opinion 2 : to coat (iron or steel) with zinc; especially : to immerse in molten zinc to produce a coating of zinc-iron alloy intransitive verb : to react as if stimulated by an electric shock they galvanized into action — galvanization noun — galvanizer

gather (v)

gathered; gathering transitive verb 1 : to bring together : collect tried to gather a crowd gathered firewood 2 a : pick, harvest gather flowers b : to pick up or amass as if by harvesting gathering ideas for the project c : to scoop up or take up from a resting place gathered the child up in his arms 3 : to serve as an attraction for : accumulate books gathering dust 4 : to effect the collection of gather contributions 5 a : to summon up gathered his courage b : to gain by gradual increase gather speed c : to prepare (oneself) by mustering strength d : to gain or regain control of gathered his wits 6 : to reach a conclusion often intuitively from hints or through inferences I gather that you want to leave 7 a : to pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers b : to draw about or close to something gathering her cloak about her c : to bring together the parts of gathered her hair into a ponytail d : to assemble (the signatures of a book) in sequence for binding e : to haul in the sailors gathered the sails intransitive verb 1 a : to come together in a body b : to cluster around a focus of attraction 2 a : to swell and fill with pus b : grow, increase the gathering crisis — gatherer play \ˈga-t͟hər-ər also ˈge-\ noun

halo effect (n)

generalization from the perception of one outstanding personality trait to an overly favorable evaluation of the whole personality

genre (n)

genre of music. 1 : a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content a classic of the gothic novel genre 2 : kind, sort 3 : painting that depicts scenes or events from everyday life usually realistically

germinate (v)

germinated; germinating transitive verb : to cause to sprout or develop intransitive verb 1 : to come into being : evolve before Western civilization began to germinate —A. L. Kroeber 2 : to begin to grow : sprout waiting for the seeds to germinate — germination noun — germinative adjective

message (n)

get the message. 1 : a communication in writing, in speech, or by signals Please take this message for me to my friend. 2 : a messenger's mission the girl will go on a message to the shop —Cahir Healy 3 : an underlying theme or idea the message is that it is time to change —The Economist

get through (v)

get through it. 1 : to reach a destination 2 : to gain approval or a desired outcome 3a : to become clear or understood our warnings finally got through to him b : to complete a communications connection

ghastly (adj)

ghastly appearance. ghastlier; ghastliest 1 a : terrifyingly horrible to the senses : frightening a ghastly crime b : intensely unpleasant, disagreeable, or objectionable such a life seems ghastly in its emptiness and sterility —Aldous Huxley 2 : resembling a ghost 3 obsolete : filled with fear 4 : very great a ghastly mistake — ghastliness noun — ghastly adverb

runaround (n)

giving someone the runaround. 1 : deceptive or delaying action especially in response to a request tired of getting the runaround 2 : matter typeset in shortened measure to run around something (such as a cut)

cold shoulder (n)

giving/getting the cold sholder. intentionally cold or unsympathetic treatment got the cold shoulder from an old friend — cold-shoulder transitive verb

leeway (n)

giving/having some leeway, 1 a : off-course lateral movement of a ship when underway The sailboat's centerboard helps to reduce leeway. b : the angle between the heading and the track of an airplane 2 : an allowable margin of freedom or variation : tolerance The new rules allow managers greater leeway in making decisions.

glean (v)

glean new information. gleaned; gleaning; gleans intransitive verb 1 : to gather grain or other produce left by reapers 2 : to gather information or material bit by bit transitive verb 1 a : to pick up after a reaper b : to strip of the leavings of reapers glean a field 2 a : to gather (something, such as information) bit by bit can glean secrets from his hard drive b : to pick over in search of relevant material gleaning old files for information 3 : find out The police used old-fashioned detective work to glean his whereabouts. — gleanable adjective — gleaner noun

glide (v)

glided; gliding intransitive verb 1 : to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly swans gliding over the lake 2 : to go or pass imperceptibly hours glided by 3 a of an airplane : to descend gradually in controlled flight b : to fly in a glider 4 : to produce a glide (as in music or speech) transitive verb : to cause to glide

jail (n)

go to jail. 1 : a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody; specifically : such a place under the jurisdiction of a local government (such as a county) for the confinement of persons awaiting trial or those convicted of minor crimes — compare prison 2 : confinement in a jail sentenced to jail

tirade (n)

going on a wandering tirade. : a protracted speech usually marked by intemperate, vituperative, or harshly censorious language

flow (n)

going with the flow. 1 : an act of flowing 2a : FLOOD sense 1a b : FLOOD sense 2 the tide's ebb and flow 3a : a smooth uninterrupted movement or progress a flow of information b : STREAM also : a mass of material which has flowed when molten an old lava flow c : the direction of movement or development go with the flow 4 : the quantity that flows in a certain time a gauge that measures fuel flow 5 : MENSTRUATION 6a : the motion characteristic of fluids b : a continuous transfer of energy

graduate (v)

graduating to the big leagues. graduated; graduating transitive verb 1 a : to grant an academic degree or diploma to b : to be graduated from joined the navy after graduating high school 2 a : to mark with degrees of measurement b : to divide into grades or intervals 3 : to admit to a particular standing or grade intransitive verb 1 : to receive an academic degree or diploma graduated with honors 2 : to pass from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a usually higher one graduated to team leader 3 : to change gradually — graduator

negligence (n)

gross negligence. 1 a : the quality or state of being negligent b : failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances ... his naivete and negligence had been the source of his problems. —Michael Leahy 2 : an act or instance of being negligent regretted his past negligences

guard (v)

guarding against... 1 : to protect an edge of with an ornamental border 2a : to protect from danger especially by watchful attention : make secure police guarding our cities b : to stand at the entrance of as if on guard or as a barrier c : to tend to carefully : PRESERVE, PROTECT guarded their privacy 3 archaic : ESCORT 4a : to watch over so as to prevent escape, disclosure, or indiscretion guarded the prisoners. b : to attempt to prevent (an opponent) from playing effectively or scoring intransitive verb : to watch by way of caution or defense : stand guard guard against mistakes

gush (v)

gushing with... 1 : to issue copiously or violently 2 : to emit a sudden copious flow 3 : to make an effusive display of affection or enthusiasm an aunt gushing over the baby transitive verb 1 : to emit in a copious free flow 2 : to say or write effusively — gushingly

aha moment (n)

had an aha moment. a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension The aha moment you experience when you've been trying to remember the name of a song and three hours later it hits you ... —Jeffrey Kluger

handily (adv)

handily defeated. 1 : in a dexterous manner 2 : EASILY defeated the other candidate handily 3 : conveniently nearby

semblance (n)

hardly any semblance of the original product. 1a : outward and often specious appearance or show : FORM wrapped in a semblance of composure —Harry Hervey b : MODICUM has been struggling to get some semblance of justice for his people —Bayard Rustin 2 : ASPECT, COUNTENANCE 3a : a phantasmal form : APPARITION b : IMAGE, LIKENESS 4 : actual or apparent resemblance her story bears some semblance to the truth

ear (n)

have an ear for... 1 a : the characteristic vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium consisting in the typical mammal of a sound-collecting outer ear separated by the tympanic membrane from a sound-transmitting middle ear that in turn is separated from a sensory inner ear by membranous fenestrae b : any of various organs (as of a fish) capable of detecting vibratory motion 2 : the external ear of humans and most mammals 3 a : the sense or act of hearing b : acuity of hearing c : sensitivity to musical tone and pitch; also : the ability to retain and reproduce music that has been heard d : sensitivity to nuances of language especially as revealed in the command of verbal melody and rhythm or in the ability to render a spoken idiom accurately 4 : something resembling a mammalian ear in shape, position, or function: such as a : a projecting part (such as a lug or handle) b : either of a pair of tufts of lengthened feathers on the head of some birds 5 : attention, awareness lend an ear 6 : a space in the upper corner of the front page of a periodical (such as a newspaper) usually containing advertising for the periodical itself or a weather forecast 7 : a person who listens : listener looking for a friendly ear — all ears : eagerly listening if anybody spoke of that grisly matter, I was all ears ... and alert to hear what might be said —Mark Twain — by ear : without reference to or memorization of written music plays by ear — in one ear and out the other : through one's mind without making an impression everything you say to him goes in one ear and out the other — on one's ear : in or into a state of irritation, shock, or discord set the racing world on its ear by breaking the record — up to one's ears : deeply involved : heavily implicated up to his ears in shady deals

open-minded (adj)

have an open mind. receptive to arguments or ideas — open-mindedly adverb — open-mindedness noun

high ground (n)

have the high ground. a position of advantage or superiority; especially : an ethically superior position took the moral high ground during the debate

fail-safe (adj)

having a fail-safe. 1 : incorporating some feature for automatically counteracting the effect of an anticipated possible source of failure 2 : being or relating to a safeguard that prevents continuing on a bombing mission according to a preconceived plan 3 : having no chance of failure : infallibly problem-free the little black dress ... has consistently been the fail-safe solution for night —Vogue

grasp (n)

having a good grasp of/on... 1a : HANDLE b : EMBRACE 2 : HOLD, CONTROL kept a firm grasp on the rope 3a : the reach of the arms The books on the top shelf were beyond my grasp. b : the power of seizing and holding or attaining success lay within their grasp 4 : mental hold or comprehension especially when broad a remarkable grasp of the subject

leverage (n)

having leverage. 1 : the action of a lever or the mechanical advantage gained by it 2 : power, effectiveness trying to gain more political leverage 3 : the use of credit to enhance one's speculative capacity

regret (n)

having no regrets. 1 : sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one's control or power to repair 2a : an expression of distressing emotion (such as sorrow) b regrets plural : a note politely declining an invitation

high-concept (adj)

having or exploiting elements (such as fast action, glamour, or suspense) that appeal to a wide audience high-concept movies

tendency (n)

having the tendency to... 1a : a proneness to a particular kind of thought or action b : direction or approach toward a place, object, effect, or limit 2a : the purposeful trend of something written or said : AIM b : deliberate but indirect advocacy

hemorrhage (v)

hemorrhaging money. 1 medical : a copious or heavy discharge of blood from the blood vessels a cerebral hemorrhage postpartum hemorrhage stop the hemorrhage 2 : a rapid and uncontrollable loss or outflow a financial hemorrhage — hemorrhagic

heroine (n)

heroine of the story. 1a : a mythological or legendary woman often of divine descent having great strength or ability b : a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities American heroines such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks remembered as the heroine of the flood 2a : the principal female character in a literary or dramatic work the heroine of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet b : the central female figure in an event or period

hidden (adj)

hidden in plain sight. 1 : being out of sight or not readily apparent : CONCEALED 2 : OBSCURE, UNEXPLAINED, UNDISCLOSED

activation energy (n)

high/low activation energy. the minimum amount of energy required to convert a normal stable molecule into a reactive molecule

hire (v)

hiring qualified employees. hired; hiring transitive verb 1 a : to engage the personal services of for a set sum hire a crew b : to engage the temporary use of for a fixed sum hire a hall 2 : to grant the personal services of or temporary use of for a fixed sum hire themselves out 3 : to get done for pay hire the mowing done intransitive verb : to take employment hire out as a guide during the tourist season — hirer noun

grand slam (n)

hitting a grand slam. 1 baseball : a home run hit with the bases loaded ... the Dodgers' Eric Karros has a shot to become the first player in history to get 200 career home runs without a grand slam. —Tim Kurkjian 2 a usually Grand Slam (1) : the winning of all four of the most significant championships in a particular sport in the same year —used especially in tennis and golf ... with ... Nadal spoiling Federer's bid for the Grand Slam by beating him on the clay at the French Open. —Sean Gregory And so to St. Andrews to begin the quest for the Grand Slam, he [Bobby Jones] wrote. —Dave Anderson ; also : the winning of all four such championships during the course of one's career Woods ... could become the youngest player to win the career Grand Slam, at age 24. —Clifton Brown (2) : one of the championships that comprise a Grand Slam : 2major 6 Last year she was a little hungrier, says Davenport's coach, Robert Van't Hof. She hadn't won a Grand Slam yet. —Diane K. Shah —often used before another noun a Grand Slam event/tournament Graf was 17 when she won the first of her 21 Grand Slam titles here in 1987 ... —Robin Finn b : a clean sweep or total success 3 : the winning of all the tricks in one hand of a card game (such as bridge) Once, looking over Grace's shoulder, I saw her make a grand slam in clubs when the highest trump card in her hand was the nine. —William Maxwell

hive (n)

hive mind. 1 a : a container for housing honeybees b : the usually aboveground nest of bees 2 : a colony of bees 3 : a place swarming with activity — hiveless

hoist (v)

hoist up. 1 : LIFT, RAISE especially : to raise into position by or as if by means of tackle hoist a flag hoist the sails Cargo was hoisted up into the ship. 2 : DRINK sense 1 hoist a few beers intransitive verb : to become hoisted : RISE let it hoist to the upper deck

mirror (v)

holding a mirror up to... mirrored; mirroring; mirrors transitive verb 1 : to reflect in or as if in a mirror 2 : resemble

homeward (adv)

homeward bound. : toward home look homeward, angel —John Milton

honor (v)

honoring an agreement. 1a : to regard or treat (someone) with admiration and respect : to regard or treat with honor b : to give special recognition to : to confer honor on 2a : to live up to or fulfill the terms of honor a commitment b : to accept as payment honor a credit card 3 : to salute with a bow in square dancing

hopped-up (adj)

hopped-up on... 1a : full of enthusiasm or excitement also : overly excited b : being under the influence of a narcotic c : more exciting or attractive than normal or usual 2 : having more than usual power : being souped up

giggle (v)

in a giggly mood. giggled; giggling play \-g(ə-)liŋ\ intransitive verb : to laugh with repeated short catches of the breath transitive verb : to utter with a giggle — giggler play \ˈgi-g(ə-)lər\ noun — gigglingly play \ˈgi-g(ə-)liŋ-lē\ adverb — giggly

nutshell (n)

in a nutshell... 1 : the hard external covering in which the kernel of a nut is enclosed 2 : something of small size, amount, or scope in a nutshell : in a very brief statement

distress (n)

in distress. 1 law a : seizure and detention of the goods of another as pledge (see PLEDGE entry 1 sense 1) or to obtain satisfaction of a claim by the sale of the goods seized b : something that is distrained 2a : pain or suffering affecting the body, a bodily part, or the mind : TROUBLE gastric distress The patient showed no obvious signs of distress. severe emotional distress voiced their distress over the delays b : a painful situation : MISFORTUNE 3 : a state of danger or desperate need a ship in distress

pain (n)

in pain. 1 : punishment the pains and penalties of crime 2 a : usually localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder (such as a disease or an injury) the pain of a twisted ankle; also : a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (such as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leading to evasive action the pain of bee stings b : acute mental or emotional distress or suffering : grief the pain she had felt at those humiliating words —Morley Callaghan 3 pains plural : the throes of childbirth 4 pains plural : trouble, care, or effort taken to accomplish something was at pains to reassure us 5 : one that irks or annoys or is otherwise troublesome —often used in such phrases as pain in the neck His little sister is a real pain in the neck. — painless adjective — painlessly adverb — painlessness noun — on pain of or under pain of : subject to penalty or punishment of made to leave the country on pain of death

incentivize (v)

incentivizing employees with stock options. incentivized; incentivizing transitive verb : to provide with an incentive would incentivize employees with stock options

indifferentism (n)

indifference; specifically : belief that all religions are equally valid — indifferentist

insufficient (adj)

insufficient funds. not sufficient : inadequate insufficient funds; especially : lacking adequate power, capacity, or competence insufficient bandwidth — insufficiently adverb

decay (v)

intransitive verb 1 : to decline from a sound or prosperous condition a decaying empire 2 : to decrease usually gradually in size, quantity, activity, or force The three voices ... decayed and died out upon her ear. —Thomas Hardy 3 : to fall into ruin the city's decaying neighborhoods 4 : to decline in health, strength, or vigor Her mind is beginning to decay with age. believes that the moral fiber of our society is decaying 5 : to undergo decomposition decaying fruit Her teeth were decaying. ... most isotopes of copper decay quickly, but two are stable: Cu-63 and Cu-65. —David E. Thomas transitive verb 1 obsolete : to cause to decay : impair infirmity that decays the wise —William Shakespeare 2 : to destroy by decomposition wood decayed by bacteria — decayer noun

jettison (v)

jettison into the future. jettisoned; jettisoning; jettisons transitive verb 1 : to get rid of as superfluous or encumbering : omit or forgo as part of a plan or as the result of some other decision must be prepared to jettison many romantic notions —Christopher Catling 2 : to drop (cargo) to lighten a ship's load in time of distress 3 : to drop from an aircraft or spacecraft in flight — jettisonable

score (n)

keeping score. 1 or plural score a : TWENTY b : a group of 20 things —often used in combination with a cardinal number fourscore c : an indefinitely large number 2a : a line (such as a scratch or incision) made with or as if with a sharp instrument b(1) : a mark used as a starting point or goal (2) : a mark used for keeping account 3a : an account or reckoning originally kept by making marks on a tally b : amount due : INDEBTEDNESS 4 : GRUDGE a score to settle 5a : REASON, GROUND was accepted on the score of high academic achievement b : SUBJECT, TOPIC has nothing to say on that score 6a : the copy of a musical composition in written or printed notation b : a musical composition specifically : the music for a movie or theatrical production c : a complete description of a dance composition in choreographic notation 7a : a number that expresses accomplishment (as in a game or test) or excellence (as in quality) either absolutely in points gained or by comparison to a standard b : an act (such as a goal, run, or touchdown) in any of various games or contests that gains points 8 : success in obtaining something (such as money or drugs) especially through illegal or irregular means 9 : the stark inescapable facts of a situation knows the score

law of large numbers (n)

law of averages vs the law of large numbers. a theorem in mathematical statistics: the probability that the absolute value of the difference between the mean of a population sample and the mean of the population from which it is drawn is greater than an arbitrarily small amount approaches zero as the size of the sample approaches infinity

groundwork (n)

laying the groundwork for. foundation, basis laid the groundwork for a new program; also : preparation made beforehand the groundwork was done before the winter tour —Susan Reiter

lead (v)

led play \ˈled\; leading transitive verb 1 a : to guide on a way especially by going in advance led the officers to his hiding place b : to direct on a course or in a direction a road leading the traveler to the heart of the city c : to serve as a channel for a pipe leads water to the house 2 : to go through : live lead a quiet life 3 a (1) : to direct the operations, activity, or performance of lead an orchestra (2) : to have charge of lead a campaign (3) : to suggest to (a witness) the answer desired by asking leading questions counsel is leading this witness, putting words in her mouth —Erle Stanley Gardner b (1) : to go at the head of lead a parade (2) : to be first in or among lead the league (3) : to have a margin over led his opponent 4 : to bring to some conclusion or condition led to believe otherwise 5 : to begin play with lead trumps 6 a : to aim in front of (a moving object) lead a duck b : to pass a ball or puck just in front of (a moving teammate) intransitive verb 1 a : to guide someone or something along a way You lead and we'll follow. b : to lie, run, or open in a specified place or direction path leads uphill c : to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance 2 a : to be first This state leads in population. b (1) : begin, open will lead off with a Christmas story —Richard Bissell (2) : to play the first card of a trick, round, or game 3 : to tend toward or have a result study leading to a degree 4 : to direct the first of a series of blows at an opponent in boxing — lead one down the garden path or less commonly lead one up the garden path : hoodwink, deceive I'd rather he be disappointed with the truth rather than lead him down the garden path —Harold Robbins

main chance (n)

life has many main chances. the best chance for personal or financial gain kept an eye on the main chance

lighten (v)

lighten the mood. lightened; lightening play \ˈlīt-niŋ, ˈlī-tᵊn-iŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to make light or clear : illuminate 2 archaic : enlighten 3 : to make (something, such as a color) lighter intransitive verb 1 a archaic : to shine brightly b : to grow lighter : brighten 2 : to give out flashes of lightning — lightener

magic (adj)

like magic. 1 : of or relating to magic 2 a : having seemingly supernatural qualities or powers b : giving a feeling of enchantment — magical adjective — magically

limit (n)

limitless potential. 1 a : something that bounds, restrains, or confines the age limit for junior golf b : the utmost extent pushed her body to the limit 2 a : a geographic or political boundary b limits plural : the place enclosed within a boundary : bounds into the limits of the North they came —John Milton 3 : limitation the sadness is without limit —William Shakespeare 4 : a determining feature or differentia in logic 5 : a prescribed maximum or minimum amount, quantity, or number: such as a : the maximum quantity of game or fish that may be taken legally in a specified period b : a maximum established for a gambling bet, raise, or payoff 6 a : a number whose numerical difference from a mathematical function is arbitrarily small for all values of the independent variables that are sufficiently close to but not equal to given prescribed numbers or that are sufficiently large positively or negatively b : a number that for an infinite sequence of numbers is such that ultimately each of the remaining terms of the sequence differs from this number by less than any given positive amount 7 : something that is exasperating or intolerable We've had bad weather, but this is the limit. — limitless play \ˈli-mət-ləs\ adjective — limitlessly adverb — limitlessness noun

American dream (n)

living the American Dream. : an American social ideal that stresses egalitarianism and especially material prosperity also : the prosperity or life that is the realization of this ideal

lobby (v)

lobbying for a cause. lobbied; lobbying intransitive verb : to conduct activities aimed at influencing public officials and especially members of a legislative body on legislation transitive verb 1 : to promote (something, such as a project) or secure the passage of (legislation) by influencing public officials lobby a bill through Congress 2 : to attempt to influence or sway (someone, such as a public official) toward a desired action lobbying senators for tax reform — lobbyer noun — lobbyism

maneuver (v)

maneuver around... maneuvered; maneuvering intransitive verb 1 a : to perform a movement in military or naval tactics in order to secure an advantage The regiment maneuvered for several days before it was ready to attack. b : to make a series of changes in direction and position for a specific purpose Ships maneuvered into their docks. 2 : to use stratagems : scheme maneuvered successfully to get him to ask her to the dance transitive verb 1 : to cause to execute tactical movements We maneuvered our troops to the south. 2 : to manage into or out of a position or condition : manipulate maneuvered the cork out with his thumb —Kay Boyle 3 a : to guide with adroitness and design maneuvered her guests until the talk at the table became general —Jean Statford b : to bring about or secure as a result of skillful management maneuvered out of the council the funds to renovate the library — maneuverability noun — maneuverable adjective — maneuverer

meet (v)

meet (up) for. met play \ˈmet\; meeting transitive verb 1 a : to come into the presence of : find met him as a stranger on a plane b : to come together with especially at a particular time or place I'll meet you at the station c : to come into contact or conjunction with : join There is where the brook meets the river. d : to appear to the perception of a pungent odor ... met his nostrils —S. E. White 2 : to encounter as antagonist (see antagonist 1) or foe : oppose met the heavyweight in a successful bout 3 : to enter into conference, argument, or personal dealings with 4 : to conform to especially with exactitude and precision a concept to meet all requirements 5 : to pay fully : settle could not meet his loans —Waldo Frank 6 : to cope with was able to meet every social situation 7 : to provide for enough money to meet our needs 8 : to become acquainted with I want you to meet my sister. 9 : encounter, experience 10 : to receive or greet in an official capacity The president met the prime minister at the White House. intransitive verb 1 a : to come face-to-face That's the restaurant where they met. b : to come together for a common purpose : assemble The delegates met at the convention. c : to come together as contestants, opponents, or enemies The candidates met for their debate. 2 : to form a junction or confluence the lines meet in a point 3 : to occur together many graces and many virtues meet in her — meeter noun — meet halfway : to compromise with — meet with : to be subjected to : encounter the proposal met with opposition

flattery (n)

mimicry is the highest form of flattery. plural flatteries 1 a : the act or practice of flattering She uses the art of flattery to her advantage. b (1) : something that flatters A compliment is flattery ... —Harry Shaw (2) : insincere or excessive praise He tried to win his teacher's favor with flattery. 2 obsolete : a pleasing self-deception

mire (n)

mired in controversy 1 : wet spongy earth (as of a bog or marsh) the mire is relieved only by small stretches of open dry forest —Saturday Review 2 : heavy often deep mud or slush The troops trudged onward through the mire. 3 : a troublesome or intractable situation found themselves in a mire of debt — miry

misdiagnose (v)

misdiagnoosed condition. misdiagnosed; misdiagnosing transitive verb : to diagnose (someone or something) incorrectly ... babesiosis is often missed or misdiagnosed as malaria or flu. —Linda Marsa The researchers added that children with this disease are often misdiagnosed and thus inappropriately treated ... —Jane E. Brody

mitigate (v)

mitigating risk. mitigated; mitigating transitive verb 1 : to cause to become less harsh or hostile : mollify aggressiveness may be mitigated or ... channeled —Ashley Montagu 2 a : to make less severe or painful : alleviate mitigate a patient's suffering b : extenuate attempted to mitigate the offense — mitigation noun — mitigative adjective — mitigator noun — mitigatory

ideal (adj)

my ideal situation. 1 : existing as an archetypal idea 2 a : existing as a mental image or in fancy or imagination only; broadly : lacking practicality b : relating to or constituting mental images, ideas, or conceptions 3 a : of, relating to, or embodying an ideal ideal beauty b : conforming exactly to an ideal, law, or standard : perfect an ideal gas — compare real 1c(3) 4 : of or relating to philosophical idealism

intervene (v)

need to intervene. 1 : to occur, fall, or come between points of time or events only six months intervened between their marriage and divorce 2 : to enter or appear as an irrelevant or extraneous feature or circumstance it's business as usual until a crisis intervenes 3a : to come in or between by way of hindrance or modification intervene to stop a fight b : to interfere with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning) 4 : to occur or lie between two things 5a : to become a third party to a legal proceeding begun by others for the protection of an alleged interest b : to interfere usually by force or threat of force in another nation's internal affairs especially to compel or prevent an action

needless (adj)

needless to say. : not needed : UNNECESSARY needless waste needless to say : as is self-evident or to be expected

underestimate (v)

never underestimate... 1 : to estimate as being less than the actual size, quantity, or number 2 : to place too low a value on : UNDERRATE

noteworthy (adj)

new and noteworthy. worthy of or attracting attention especially because of some special excellence a noteworthy contribution — noteworthily adverb — noteworthiness

nonchalant (adj)

nonchalant about... : having an air of easy unconcern or indifference

objectify (v)

objectify women. 1 : to treat as an object or cause to have objective reality They believe that beauty pageants objectify women. 2 : to give expression to (something, such as an abstract notion, feeling, or ideal) in a form that can be experienced by others It is the essence of the fairy tale to objectify differing facets of the child's emotional experience ... —John Updike — objectification

paramount (adj)

of paramount importance. superior to all others : supreme a matter of paramount importance Unemployment was the paramount issue in the election. — paramountcy noun — paramountly

rabble-rouser (n)

one that stirs up the masses of the people (as to hatred or violence) : demagogue — rabble-rousing

maximalist (n)

one who advocates immediate and direct action to secure the whole of a program or set of goals — maximalist adjective

locavore (n)

one who eats foods grown locally whenever possible

Micawber (n)

one who is poor but lives in optimistic expectation of better fortune — Micawberish

orthodox (adj)

orthodox views/traditions. 1 a : conforming to established doctrine especially in religion orthodox principles the orthodox interpretation b : conventional took an orthodox approach to the problem orthodox medicine 2 capitalized : of, relating to, or constituting any of various conservative religious or political groups: such as a : eastern orthodox Greek Orthodox rituals b : of or relating to Orthodox Judaism Orthodox Jews in their black suits and hats and modest dresses — orthodoxly adverb

woodwork (n)

out of the woodwork. 1 : work made of wood; especially : interior fittings (such as moldings or stairways) of wood 2 : a place or state of concealment, seclusion, or anonymity witnesses came out of the woodwork when a reward was offered

out-of-body (adj)

out-of-body experience. relating to or involving a feeling of separation from one's body and of being able to view oneself and others from an external perspective an out-of-body experience

saturated (adj)

over-saturated. 1 : full of moisture : made thoroughly wet 2a : being a solution that is unable to absorb or dissolve any more of a solute at a given temperature and pressure b : being an organic compound having no double or triple bonds between carbon atoms saturated fats 3 of a color : having high saturation : PURE

overcome (v)

overcoming hardship. 1 : to get the better of : SURMOUNT overcome difficulties They overcame the enemy. 2 : OVERWHELM were overcome by the heat and smoke intransitive verb : to gain the superiority : WIN strong in the faith that truth would overcome

overpay (v)

overpay for... overpaid play \ˌō-vər-ə-ˈpād\; overpaying transitive + intransitive : to pay too much to someone or for something ... the debate over whether organic foods are a smart choice for healthier living or a marketing tool that gulls people into overpaying. —Kenneth Chang It took my husband and me an hour with a representative to figure out we were overpaying for insurance and unlimited data plans. —Tanisha A. Sykes Be careful not to overpay state taxes. —Carl T. Hall We are not overpaying people; we are paying people what the market demands. —Renee Glover — overpaid adjective ... fuels the negative stereotype of the overpaid underworked bureaucrat. —Joann S. Lublin

overshadow (v)

overshadowed by... overshadowed; overshadowing; overshadows transitive verb 1 : to cast a shadow over 2 : to exceed in importance : outweigh

overt (adj)

overt racism & discrimination. open to view : manifest overt hostility overt symptoms of the disease overt discrimination both overt and covert military action — overtly adverb — overtness noun

pad (v)

padding a resume. padded; padding transitive verb 1 a : to furnish with a pad or padding b : mute, muffle 2 : to expand or increase especially with needless, misleading, or fraudulent matter pad the sales figures —often used with out they pad out their bibliographies —J. P. Kenyon

parsimonious (adj)

parsimonious consumer. 1 : exhibiting or marked by parsimony; especially : frugal to the point of stinginess 2 : sparing, restrained

homage (n)

paying homage to... 1 a : a feudal ceremony by which a man acknowledges himself the vassal of a lord b : the relationship between a feudal lord and his vassal c : an act done or payment made in meeting the obligations due from a vassal to a feudal lord 2 a : expression of high regard : respect bowed in homage to the king —often used with pay Her work pays homage to women artists of the past. b : something that shows respect or attests to the worth or influence of another : tribute his long life filled with international homages to his unique musical talent —People

debt (n)

paying off crippling debt. 1 : SIN, TRESPASS Forgive us our debts. 2 : something owed : OBLIGATION unable to pay off his debts owe them a debt of gratitude a criminal's debt to society 3 : a state of being under obligation to pay or repay someone or something in return for something received : a state of owing deeply in debt to creditors 4 law, business : the common-law action for the recovery of money held to be due

per (prep)

per your request. 1 : by the means or agency of : through per bearer 2 : with respect to every member of a specified group : for each 3 : according to —often used with as per instructionsas per usual

perfect (v)

perfecting a skill. 1 a : being entirely without fault or defect : flawless a perfect diamond b : satisfying all requirements : accurate c : corresponding to an ideal standard or abstract concept a perfect gentleman d : faithfully reproducing the original; specifically : letter-perfect e : legally valid 2 : expert, proficient practice makes perfect 3 a : pure, total b : lacking in no essential detail : complete c obsolete : sane d : absolute, unequivocal enjoys perfect happiness e : of an extreme kind : unmitigated a perfect brat an act of perfect foolishness 4 obsolete : mature 5 : of, relating to, or constituting a verb form or verbal that expresses an action or state completed at the time of speaking or at a time spoken of 6 obsolete a : certain, sure b : contented, satisfied 7 of a musical interval : belonging to the consonances unison, fourth, fifth, and octave which become augmented or diminished when raised or lowered by a half step 8 a : sexually mature and fully differentiated a perfect insect b : having both stamens and pistils in the same flower a perfect flower — perfectness noun

agitation (n)

plural agitations 1 : the act or an instance of agitating something : a moving back and forth or with an irregular, rapid, or violent action In candy making, this agitation usually consists of working the chocolate back and forth on a marble surface with a large scraper. —Rose Levy Beranbaum The technology is based on the controlled agitation of concentrated ore particles with precisely determined amounts of acid. —Corale L. Brierley 2 : a state or feeling of being agitated and restless nervous agitation Holmes was for the moment as startled as I. His hand closed like a vice upon my wrist in his agitation. —Arthur Conan Doyle She sat some time in a good deal of agitation, listening, trembling, and fearing to be sent for every moment ... —Jane Austen : a state of excessive psychomotor activity accompanied by increased tension and irritability ... characterized by prominent agitation, irritability, and delusions ... —Oliver Freudenreich et al. Propranolol and other beta-blockers suppress physical symptoms of agitation and anxiety by slowing down the sympathetic nervous system. —The Harvard Mental Health Letter 3 : a persistent and sustained attempt to arouse public feeling or influence public opinion (as by appeals, discussions, or demonstrations) political agitation ... makes it clear that this assertive attitude of black women was essential during the agitation for civil rights. —Gloria Naylor

fanatic (adj)

plural fanatics 1 disapproving : a person exhibiting excessive enthusiasm and intense uncritical devotion toward some controversial matter (as in religion or politics) a religious fanatic [=extremist] The fanatics are convinced they are serving a righteous cause and that all means are justified ... —Flora Lewis 2 : a person who is extremely enthusiastic about and devoted to some interest or activity a boating/sports/racing fanatic She's a real fanatic when it comes to working out. Since the U.S. economy began to sputter in 2008, shoppers have become coupon fanatics and lovers of buy-one-get-one-free deals ... —Janet K. Keeler

geography (n)

plural geographies 1 : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface 2 : the geographic features of an area 3 : a treatise on geography 4 a : a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements : configuration the philosophers ... have tried to construct geographies of human reason —Times Literary Supplement b : makeup 1 her emotional geography

mentality (n)

plural mentalities 1 : mental power or capacity : intelligence 2 : mode or way of thought : outlook the imperialist mentality of the nineteenth century —John Davies

milieu (n)

plural milieus or milieux play \-ˈyə(r)(z), -ˈyüz, -ˈyœ(z); -ˌyü(z)\ : the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops : environment

miles gloriosus (n)

plural milites gloriosi play \ˈmē-lə-ˌtās-ˌglȯr-ē-ˈō-(ˌ)sē\ : a boastful soldier; especially : a stock character of this type in comedy

naiad (n)

plural naiads or naiades 1 : any of the nymphs in classical mythology living in and giving life to lakes, rivers, springs, and fountains 2 : an aquatic insect nymph (as of a mayfly, dragonfly, damselfly, or stone fly) 3 : any of a genus (Najas of the family Najadaceae) of submerged aquatic plants

otter (n)

plural otters also otter 1 : any of various largely aquatic carnivorous mammals (such as genus Lutra or Enhydra) of the weasel family that usually have webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur 2 : the fur or pelt of an otter

pontificate (v)

pontificate upon... 1 : to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way He does not pontificate about whether one ought to choose, if forced to it, to betray one's country rather than one's friends ... —Robin W. Winks What these interviews generally come down to is an invitation to writers to pontificate upon things for which it is either unseemly for them to speak (the quality of their own work) or upon which they are unfit to judge (the state of the cosmos). —Joseph Epstein 2 a : to officiate as a pontiff b : to celebrate pontifical mass — pontification noun — pontificator noun

nacreous (adj)

possessing the qualities of, consisting of, or abounding in nacre; also : iridescent

rave (n)

rave reviews. raved; raving intransitive verb 1 a : to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium b : to speak out wildly c : to talk with extreme enthusiasm raved about its beauty 2 : to move or advance violently : storm the iced gusts still rave and beat —John Keats transitive verb : to utter in madness or frenzy

hieroglyphic (n)

reads like hieroglyphics. 1 : hieroglyph 2 : a system of hieroglyphic writing; specifically : the picture script of the ancient Egyptian priesthood —often used in plural but singular or plural in construction 3 : something that resembles a hieroglyph especially in difficulty of decipherment

homologate (v)

sanction, allow; especially : to approve or confirm officially

self-defeating (adj)

self-defeating comments. : serving or tending to defeat oneself or itself : COUNTERPRODUCTIVE: such as a : acting to defeat its own purpose a self-defeating argument You kind of realize that violence can be a self-defeating strategy, because it just gives the other guy an incentive to attack you back in revenge. —Stephen Pinker b : being or involving an attitude of defeatism Procrastinators tend to be more stressed than other people — even before they start procrastinating. According to a recent study, that's possibly because they have self-defeating thoughts like, I'm simply too stupid to benefit from more studying, so I'll just hang out on Facebook. —Shana Lebowitz

self-lacerating (adj)

self-lacerating tone. : the act or an instance of lacerating oneself: such as a : the act or action of cutting or tearing one's own flesh ... the self-laceration often results in sustained or permanent visible disfigurements to the body ... —Armando Favazza b : the act or action of rebuking or tormenting oneself Here his self-laceration finds expression in a series of adjectives that come tumbling out ... —Harold Bloom

keepsake (n)

something kept or given to be kept as a memento

acquired taste (n)

something or someone that is not easily or immediately liked or appreciated

tailor (v)

specificaly tailoring a product to spec. transitive verb 1a : to make or fashion as the work of a tailor b : to make or adapt to suit a special need or purpose 2 : to fit with clothes 3 : to style with trim straight lines and finished handwork intransitive verb : to do the work of a tailor tailored; tailoring; tailors

middle-of-the-road (adj)

standing for or following a course of action midway between extremes; especially : being neither liberal nor conservative in politics — middle-of-the-roader play \-ˈrō-dər\ noun — middle-of-the-roadism

stringent (adj)

stringent rules. 1 : tight, constricted 2 : marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard stringent decontamination procedures 3 : marked by money scarcity and credit strictness a stringent budget — stringently adverb

swoop (v)

swoop in. to move with a sweep transitive verb : to gain or carry off in or as if in a swoop —usually used with up — swooper noun

taint (v)

tainting a perspective. 1 : to contaminate morally : CORRUPT scholarship tainted by envy 2 : to affect with putrefaction : SPOIL 3 : to touch or affect slightly with something bad persons tainted with prejudice intransitive verb 1 : to become affected with putrefaction : SPOIL 2 obsolete : to become weak tainted; tainting; taints

high road (n)

take the high road. 1 : HIGHWAY 2 : the easiest course 3 : an ethical course

holiday (n)

taking a holiday. 1 : holy day an important Muslim holiday 2 : a day on which one is exempt from work; specifically : a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event will be closed for the July 4th holiday a national holiday plans for the holiday weekend 3 chiefly British : vacation —often used in the phrase on holiday going on holiday —often used in plural spent the summer holidays in Spain 4 : a period of exemption or relief corporations enjoying a tax holiday

tally (v)

tally up. 1a : to record on or as if on a tally : TABULATE b : to list or check off (something, such as a cargo) by items c : to register (a score) in a contest 2 : to make a count of : RECKON 3 : to cause to correspond intransitive verb 1a : to make a tally by or as if by tabulating b : to register a point in a contest : SCORE 2 : CORRESPOND, MATCH tallied; tallying

homebody (n)

tend to be a homebody. one whose life centers on home

erosive (adj)

tending to erode or to induce or permit erosion; also : caused or marked by erosion erosive arthritis — erosiveness noun — erosivity

jumping-off place (n)

that's a good jumping-off place. 1 : a place or point from which an enterprise, investigation, or discussion is launched — called also jumping-off point 2 : a remote or isolated place

debatable (adj)

that's debatable. 1 : claimed by more than one country debatable border territory 2 a : open to dispute : questionable the debatable wisdom of his advice b : open to debate 3 : capable of being debated — debatably

Madison Avenue (n)

the American advertising industry

Osiris (n)

the Egyptian god of the underworld and husband and brother of Isis

aftershock (n)

the aftershock of... 1 : an aftereffect of a distressing or traumatic event 2 : a minor shock following the main shock of an earthquake

denominator (n)

the common denominator. 1 mathematics : the part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the numerator 2 a : a shared trait a common denominator b : the average level (as of taste or opinion) : standard manufacturers catering to a safely low denominator of public taste Time

nonstarter (n)

the cost makes this acquisition a nonstarter. 1 : one that does not start 2 : someone or something that is not productive or effective his son has been, in politics a nonstarter —Anthony Lejeune

default (n)

the default setting. 1 : failure to do something required by duty or law : neglect 2 archaic : fault 3 economics : a failure to pay financial debts was in default on her loan mortgage defaults 4 a law : failure to appear at the required time in a legal proceeding The defendant is in default. b : failure to compete in or to finish an appointed contest lost the game by default 5 a : a selection made usually automatically or without active consideration due to lack of a viable alternative remained the club's president by default the default candidate b computers : a selection automatically used by a program in the absence of a choice made by the user using the default settings — in default of : in the absence of

grind (n)

the grind. 1 a : an act of grinding b : the sound of grinding 2 a : dreary, monotonous, or difficult labor, study, or routine the dull grind of office work b : one who works or studies excessively a grind who never goes to parties 3 : the result of grinding; also : material ground to a particular degree of fineness a drip grind of coffee 4 : an action of rotating the hips in an erotic manner (as in a dance or in a burlesque striptease act) — compare 1bump 3

hindmost (adj)

the pace of the hindmost runner. farthest to the rear : last

duende (n)

the power to attract through personal magnetism and charm

gentrification (n)

the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents

scenic (adj)

the scenic route. 1 : of or relating to the stage, a stage setting, or stage representation 2 : of or relating to natural scenery a scenic view 3 : representing an action, event, or episode a scenic bas-relief

deficit spending (n)

the spending of public funds raised by borrowing rather than by taxation

think (v)

thinking outloud. 1 : to form or have in the mind 2 : to have as an intention thought to return early 3a : to have as an opinion think it's so b : to regard as : CONSIDER think the rule unfair 4a : to reflect on : PONDER think the matter over b : to determine by reflecting think what to do next 5 : to call to mind : REMEMBER He never thinks to ask how we are. 6 : to devise by thinking —usually used with up thought up a plan to escape 7 : to have as an expectation : ANTICIPATE We didn't think we'd have any trouble. 8a : to center one's thoughts on talks and thinks business b : to form a mental picture of 9 : to subject to the processes of logical thought think things out intransitive verb 1a : to exercise the powers of judgment, conception, or inference : REASON b : to have in the mind or call to mind a thought 2a : to have the mind engaged in reflection : MEDITATE b : to consider the suitability thought of her for president 3 : to have a view or opinion thinks of himself as a poet 4 : to have concern —usually used with of I must think first of my family. 5 : to consider something likely : SUSPECT may happen sooner than you think think better of : to reconsider and make a wiser decision think much of : to view with satisfaction : APPROVE —usually used in negative constructions I didn't think much of the new car.

overthink (v)

to overthink it. overthought play \ˌō-vər-ˈthȯt\; overthinking transitive + intransitive : to think too much about (something) : to put too much time into thinking about or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful overthink a situation/problem someone who overthinks and worries too much I was a terrible actor when I went to New York. I was scared. I would overprepare, sometimes overthink a role. —Paul Newman For a while now, I've been finding current fiction hard to read: airlessly competent, relentlessly put-together, overthought. —David Gates — overthinker noun, plural overthinkers But the problem is I'm an overthinker. I contemplate and consider, deliberate and debate things small and large in my life. Simple things become complicated and easy decisions become complex. —Alyssa Meier

track (v)

tracking progress. 1a : to follow the tracks or traces of : TRAIL b : to search for by following evidence until found track down the source 2a : to follow by vestiges : TRACE b : to observe or plot the moving path of (something, such as a spacecraft or missile) often instrumentally 3a : to carry (mud or other material) on the feet and deposit tracking mud into the kitchen b : to make tracks upon 4 : to keep track of (something, such as a trend) : FOLLOW 5 : to travel over : TRAVERSE track a desert intransitive verb 1 : TRAVEL a comet tracking eastward 2a of a pair of wheels (1) : to maintain a constant distance apart on the straightaway (2) : to fit a track or rails b of a rear wheel of a vehicle : to follow accurately the corresponding fore wheel on a straightaway c of a phonograph needle : to follow the groove undulations of a recording 3 : to leave tracks (as on a floor) tracked; tracking; tracks

fiasco (n)

turning into a fiasco plural fiascoes : a complete failure The critic called the film a fiasco. ... the total fiasco that was his personal life ... —Margaret Atwood

deliver (v)

under promise, over deliver. delivered; delivering transitive verb 1 : to set free and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil —Matthew 6:13 (King James Version) 2 a : to take and hand over to or leave for another : convey deliver a package b : hand over, surrender delivered the prisoners to the sheriff delivered themselves over to God c : to send, provide, or make accessible to someone electronically deliver an e-mail/text message Have the information delivered to you via e-mail, cell phone, pager, instant messaging, or just on a Web page that you set up. —Irene B. McDermott When Netflix entered the European market in 2012, some national telecom companies forced it to pay tolls to deliver content to customers. —Liz Alderman and Amie Tsang 3 a (1) : to assist (a pregnant female) in giving birth The doctor delivered several women. (2) : to aid in the birth of delivered a baby b : to give birth to His wife delivered a healthy baby girl. c : to cause (oneself) to produce as if by giving birth has delivered himself of half an autobiography —H. C. Schonberg 4 : speak, sing, utter delivered a fiery sermon to the congregation deliver a song deliver a speech 5 : to send (something aimed or guided) to an intended target or destination ability to deliver nuclear warheads delivered a fastball 6 a : to bring (something, such as votes) to the support of a candidate or cause ... were counting on Mr. Cisneros to deliver the Hispanic vote for Michael Dukakis. —Alfredo Corchado b : to come through with : produce can deliver the best results the new car delivers high gas mileage intransitive verb : to produce the promised, desired, or expected results : come through can't deliver on all these promises a hitter who can deliver in the clutch — deliverability noun — deliverable adjective — deliverer noun — deliver the goods : to give results that are promised, expected, or desired

honor (n)

with honor and respect. 1 a : good name or public esteem : reputation b : a showing of usually merited respect : recognition pay honor to our founder 2 : privilege had the honor of joining the captain for dinner 3 : a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office if Your Honor please 4 : one whose worth brings respect or fame : credit an honor to the profession 5 : the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon 6 : an evidence or symbol of distinction: such as a : an exalted title or rank b (1) : badge, decoration (2) : a ceremonial rite or observance buried with full military honors c : an award in a contest or field of competition d archaic : a gesture of deference : bow e honors plural (1) : an academic distinction conferred on a superior student (2) : a course of study for superior students supplementing or replacing a regular course 7 : chastity, purity fought fiercely for her honor and her life —Barton Black 8 a : a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity a man of honor b : one's word given as a guarantee of performance on my honor, I will be there 9 honors plural : social courtesies or civilities extended by a host asked her to do the honors 10 a (1) : an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten especially of the trump suit in bridge (2) : the scoring value of honors held in bridge —usually used in plural b : the privilege of playing first from the tee in golf

me-too (adj)

1 : marked by similarity to or by adoption of successful or persuasive policies or practices used or promoted by someone else 2 : similar or identical to an established product (such as a drug) with no significant advantage over it — me-tooer play \-ər\ noun — me-tooism

baffle (v)

1 : to defeat or check (someone) by confusing or puzzling : to confuse or frustrate completely : DISCONCERT Her behavior baffled her parents. 2 : to check or break the force or flow of by or as if by a baffle (see BAFFLE entry 2) baffle the steam baffled; baffling

depersonalize (v)

1 : to deprive of the sense of personal identity schools that depersonalize students 2 : to make impersonal depersonalizing medical care

tertium quid (n)

1 : a middle course or an intermediate component where there are two systems of law and two orders of courts, there must ... be some tertium quid to deal with conflicts of law and jurisdiction —Ernest Baker 2 : a third party of ambiguous status there was a man and his wife and a tertium quid —Rudyard Kipling

hickey (n)

1a : PIMPLE b : a temporary red mark or bruise on the skin (such as one produced by biting and sucking) 2 plural also hickies : a small imperfection in printing

congé (n)

1a : a formal permission to depart b : DISMISSAL 2 : a ceremonious bow 3 : FAREWELL 4 : an architectural molding of concave profile — see MOLDING ILLUSTRATION

horseshit (n)


polyhistor (n)


wave of the future (phrase)

: an idea, product, or movement that is viewed as representing forces or a trend that will inevitably prevail

soapbox (n)

: an improvised platform used by a self-appointed, spontaneous, or informal orator broadly : something that provides an outlet for delivering opinions

bloodcurdling (adj)

: arousing fright or horror bloodcurdling screams

abreast (adv or adj)

: beside one another in line columns of men five abreast with seats two abreast on each side of the aisle They drew abreast of [=alongside of] each other. 2 : up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments tries to keep abreast of [=to stay informed about] the news

tantamount (adj)

: equivalent in value, significance, or effect a relationship tantamount to marriage

exploitative (adj)

: exploiting or tending to exploit especially : unfairly or cynically using another person or group for profit or advantage exploitative terms of employment an exploitative film

plaintive (adj)

: expressive of suffering or woe : MELANCHOLY a plaintive sigh

bibliomania (n)

: extreme preoccupation with collecting books bibliomaniac \ˌbi-blē-ə-ˈmā-nē-ˌak \ noun or adjective bibliomaniacal \ˌbi-blē-ō-mə-ˈnī-ə-kəl \ adjective

red-hot (adj)

: extremely hot: such as a : glowing with heat b : exhibiting or marked by intense emotion, enthusiasm, or violence a red-hot campaign c : FRESH, NEW red-hot news d : extremely popular

revolting (adj)

: extremely offensive revolting behavior a revolting odor

kitsch (n)

Dane Cook was often considered to be a kitschy comic. 1 : something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality 2 : a tacky or lowbrow quality or condition teetering on the brink of kitsch —Ron Miller — kitschy


Dick, and Harry (n), often disparaging : the common man : ANYONE —often used with every helps every Tom, Dick, and Harry in need

grand unified theory (n)

Einstein's search for a grand unified theory. any of several theories that seek to unite in a single mathematical framework the electromagnetic and weak forces with the strong force or with the strong force and gravity — called also grand unification theory

vanilla (adj)

: flavored with vanilla 2 : lacking distinction : PLAIN, ORDINARY, CONVENTIONAL

connectivity (n)

: the quality, state, or capability of being connective or connected connectivity of a surface especially : the ability to connect to or communicate with another computer or computer system

dated (adj)

a dated approach. 1 : provided with a date a dated document 2 : outmoded, old-fashioned dated formalities — datedly adverb — datedness noun

depressing (adj)

a depressing outlook. that depresses; especially : causing emotional depression a depressing story — depressingly adverb

millionaire (n)

a self-made millionaire. a person whose wealth is estimated at a million or more (as of dollars or pounds)

great divide (n)

a significant point of division; especially : death

minibar (n)

a small refrigerator in a hotel room that is stocked with especially alcoholic beverages and snacks for guests

king's ransom (n)

a very large sum of money

abstemious (adj)

abstemious weekend activities. marked by restraint especially in the eating of food or drinking of alcohol an abstemious drinker; also : reflecting such restraint an abstemious diet

college try (n)

giving it the good-ol college try. a zealous all-out effort

fascinating (adj)

extremely interesting or charming : captivating a fascinating documentary gave a fascinating account of the expedition — fascinatingly adverb

fare (v)

faring well. fared; faring intransitive verb 1 : get along, succeed how did you fare on your exam? 2 : go, travel 3 : eat, dine

indurate (v)

indurate resolve. physically or morally hardened

glow (n)

glowing personality. 1 : brightness or warmth of color; especially : redness 2 a : warmth of feeling or emotion b : a sensation of warmth the drug produces a sustained glow 3 a : the state of glowing with heat and light b : light such as is emitted by a solid body heated to luminosity : incandescence

every which way (adv)

in every which way. 1 : in every direction 2 : in a disorderly manner : irregularly toys scattered about every which way

usher in (v)

usher in an age of... 1 : to serve to bring into being a discovery that ushered in a period of change 2 : to mark or observe the beginning of ushered in the new year with merrymaking

venerate (v)

venerating the winner. venerated; venerating transitive verb 1 : to regard with reverential respect or with admiring deference 2 : to honor (an icon, a relic, etc.) with a ritual act of devotion — venerator

sabotage (v)

sabotage a team. to practice sabotage on

manifest (adj)

stress manifests in physical ways. 1 : readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight Their sadness was manifest in their faces. 2 : easily understood or recognized by the mind : obvious — manifestly adverb

tireless (adj)

tirelessly troubleshooting. : seemingly incapable of tiring : INDEFATIGABLE a tireless worker

dehumanize (v)

to deprive of human qualities, personality, or spirit — dehumanization play \(ˌ)dē-ˌhyü-mə-nə-ˈzā-shən, (ˌ)dē-ˌyü-\ noun

demystify (v)

to eliminate the mystifying features of

guard rail (n)

up against the guard rail. a railing guarding usually against danger; especially : a barrier placed along the edge of a highway at dangerous points

neck and neck (adv or adj)

very close (as in a race)

gratis (adj)

without charge or recompense : free the food was supplied gratis

conducive (adj)

(not) very conducive to... tending to promote or assist an atmosphere conducive to education — conduciveness noun

irrespective of (prep)

...irrespective of how many people show up. regardless of paid irrespective of how hard they work —Lee Bowes

versant (adj)


hogwash (n)

1 : swill 2a, slop 2 : nonsense, balderdash

esprit (n)

1 : vivacious cleverness or wit 2 : esprit de corps

grouch (n)

1 a : a fit of bad temper b : grudge, complaint 2 : a habitually irritable or complaining person : grumbler — grouch intransitive verb

hobnob (v)

1 archaic : to drink sociably 2 : to associate familiarly — hobnobber noun

shindig (n)

1a : a social gathering with dancing b : a usually large or lavish party 2 : SHINDY sense 2

Ahriman (n)

Ahura Mazda's antagonist who is a spirit of darkness and evil in Zoroastrianism

sculpt (v)


go up in flames (phrase)

GO UP 1 chiefly British : to attend a university 2 of an actor : to become confused 3 : to be built or erected a new sign went up go up in flames : BURN go up in smoke : to be destroyed by or as if by burning

Holy Grail (n)

Holy Grail of... 1 : grail 2 often not capitalized : an object or goal that is sought after for its great significance

give-and-take (n)

It's all a give and take. 1 : the practice of making mutual concessions : compromise 2 : a usually good-natured exchange (as of ideas or comments)

Achilles' heel (n)

My Achilles' heel. a vulnerable point

saving grace (n)

____ was my saving grace. a redeeming quality or factor

tailspin (n)

a campaign in a tailspin. 1 : SPIN sense 2a 2 : a mental or emotional letdown or collapse 3 : a sustained and usually severe decline or downturn stock prices in a tailspin

far-fetched (adj)

a far-fetched theory. 1 : brought from a remote time or place 2 : not easily or naturally deduced or introduced : improbable a far-fetched story — farfetchedness

obstinate (adj)

a stubborn, obstinate negotiator. 1 : stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion obstinate resistance to change 2 : not easily subdued, remedied, or removed obstinate fever — obstinately adverb — obstinateness noun

agonizing (adj)

an agonizing wait. : causing agony

crack baby (n)

an infant subjected to prolonged exposure to crack cocaine in the mother's womb

kaffeeklatsch (n)

an informal social gathering for coffee and conversation


any one of five levels of U.S. military defense readiness that are ranked from 5 to 1 according to the perceived threat to national security, with 1 indicating the highest level of perceived threat It was determined that the secretary of Defense had the authority to declare DEFCON 3 on his authority. —Stephen A. Cambone —sometimes used figuratively Don't even mention the privatization of Social Security that will take Congress to DEFCON 1. —Sam Allis

affright (n)

archaic : sudden and great fear : terror

analogist (adj)

as an analogist... one who searches for or reasons from analogies

listless (adj)

characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit a listless melancholy attitude — listlessly adverb — listlessness noun

easygoing (adj)

easygoing personality. 1a : relaxed and casual in style or manner an easygoing boss b : morally lax 2 : UNHURRIED, COMFORTABLE an easygoing pace

fray (v)

frayed; fraying; frays transitive verb 1 a : to wear (something, such as an edge of cloth) by or as if by rubbing : fret b : to separate the threads at the edge of 2 : strain, irritate ... a botched new bus system ... which has frayed tempers. —The Economist intransitive verb 1 : to wear out or into shreds 2 : to show signs of strain fraying nerves

afar (n)

from afar. from, to, or at a great distance roamed afar

unscathed (adj)

got out unscathed. wholly unharmed : not injured

hygiene (n)

having good hygiene. 1 : a science of the establishment and maintenance of health 2 : conditions or practices (as of cleanliness) conducive to health has poor personal hygiene Brushing your teeth regularly is an important part of good oral hygiene.

internalize (v)

internalizing constructive criticism. : to give a subjective character to specifically : to incorporate (values, patterns of culture, etc.) within the self as conscious or subconscious guiding principles through learning or socialization

heresy (n)

it's heresy to... plural heresies 1 a : adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma (see dogma 2) They were accused of heresy. b : denial of a revealed truth by a baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church c : an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma 2 a : dissent or deviation from a dominant theory, opinion, or practice To disagree with the party leadership was heresy. b : an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs or standards our democratic heresy which holds that ... truth is to be found by majority vote —M. W. Straight

master plan (n)

my master plan. a plan giving overall guidance

misstep (n)

one misstep... 1 : a mistake in judgment or action : blunder 2 : a wrong step

piggyback (v)

piggyback off of... 1 : to carry up on the shoulders and back 2 : to haul (something, such as a truck trailer) by railroad car 3 : to set up or cause to function in conjunction with something larger, more important, or already in existence or operation intransitive verb : to function or be carried on or as if on the back of another

high-strung (adj)

pretty high-strung. having an extremely nervous or sensitive temperament

fortis (adj)

produced with relatively great articulatory tenseness and strong expiration \t\ in toe is fortis, \d\ in doe is lenis

game face (n)

put your game face on. a look of intense determination on the face of a game player

radiant (adj)

radiant smile. 1 a : radiating rays or reflecting beams of light b : vividly bright and shining : glowing 2 : marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness a radiant smile 3 a : emitted or transmitted by radiation b : emitting or relating to radiant heat — radiantly adverb

schmooze (v)

schmoozing with... : to converse informally : CHAT also : to chat in a friendly and persuasive manner especially so as to gain favor, business, or connections transitive verb : to engage in schmoozing with she schmoozed her professors

self-worth (n)

sense of self-worth. : SELF-ESTEEM

glass ceiling (n)

smashing the glass ceiling. : an intangible barrier within a hierarchy that prevents women or minorities from obtaining upper-level positions


stock, and barrel (adv),

taper (v)

tapering off alcohol, caffeine, sugar, etc. 1 : to become progressively smaller toward one end 2 : to diminish gradually transitive verb : to cause to taper tapered; tapering

golden age (n)

the golden age of television. a period of great happiness, prosperity, and achievement

biotic potential (n)

the inherent capacity of an organism or species to reproduce and survive

alarmism (n)

the often unwarranted exciting of fears or warning of danger — alarmist

mission creep (n)

unanticipated mission creep. the gradual broadening of the original objectives of a mission or organization

hereunder (adv)

under or in accordance with this writing or document

berate (v)

: to scold or condemn vehemently and at length being berated by her parents when she came home late berated; berating; berates

prate (v)

: to talk long and idly : CHATTER prated; prating

part and parcel (n)

an essential or integral component stress was part and parcel of the job

oligophagous (adj)

eating only a few specific kinds of food — oligophagy

groggy (adj)

feeling groggy this morning. : weak and unsteady on the feet or in action

grimy (adj)

full of or covered with grime : DIRTY

vale (n)

1 : VALLEY, DALE 2 : WORLD this vale of tears

skyway (n)

1 : a route used by airplanes : AIR LANE 2 : an elevated highway 3 : SKYWALK

snake oil (n)

1 : any of various substances or mixtures sold (as by a traveling medicine show) as medicine usually without regard to their medical worth or properties 2 : POPPYCOCK, BUNKUM

skin-deep (adj)

1 : as deep as the skin 2 : not thorough or lasting in impression : SUPERFICIAL

rigmarole (n)

1 : confused or meaningless talk 2 : a complex and sometimes ritualistic procedure

blanket (adj)

1 : effective or applicable in all instances 2 : covering all members of a group or class a blanket wage increase

gutless (adj)

1 : lacking courage : COWARDLY 2 : lacking significance or vitality

no-account (adj)

1 : of no importance : trifling 2 : not amounting to anything : shiftless her no-account son — no-account noun

Parthian (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Parthia or its people 2 : relating to, being, or having the effect of a shot fired while in real or feigned retreat — Parthian noun

honeypot (n)

1 : one that is attractive or desirable 2 : a substantial source of money

vendor (n)

1 : one that vends : SELLER 2 : VENDING MACHINE

opprobrium (n)

1 : something that brings disgrace 2 a : public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious Collaborators with the enemy did not escape the opprobrium of the townspeople. b : contempt, reproach The bombing of the church was met with widespread opprobrium.

excitement (n)

1 : something that excites or rouses 2 : the action of exciting : the state of being excited

expedient (adj)

1 : suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance 2 : characterized by concern with what is opportune especially : governed by self-interest

plausible (adj)

1 : superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious a plausible pretext 2 : superficially pleasing or persuasive a swindler ... , then a quack, then a smooth, plausible gentleman — R. W. Emerson 3 : appearing worthy of belief the argument was both powerful and plausible

pièce de résistance (n)

1 : the chief dish of a meal 2 : an outstanding item or event : SHOWPIECE

complexion (n)

1 : the combination of the hot, cold, moist, and dry qualities held in medieval physiology to determine the quality of a body 2a : an individual complex of ways of thinking or feeling b : a complex of attitudes and inclinations 3 : the hue or appearance of the skin and especially of the face a dark complexion 4 : overall aspect or character by changing the complexion of the legislative branch —Trevor Armbrister

populace (n)

1 : the common people : MASSES 2 : POPULATION

peroration (n)

1 : the concluding part of a discourse and especially an oration 2 : a highly rhetorical speech — perorational

traduce (v)

1 : to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation 2 : VIOLATE, BETRAY traduce a principle of law

concoct (v)

1 : to prepare by combining raw materials concoct a recipe concocted a tropical fruit smoothie 2 : DEVISE, FABRICATE concoct an explanation concocted a strategy to take control of the company concocted; concocting; concocts

vent (v)

1 : to provide with a vent 2a : to serve as a vent for chimneys vent smoke b : DISCHARGE, EXPEL c : to give often vigorous or emotional expression to vented her frustration on her coworkers 3 : to relieve by means of a vent vented himself in a fiery letter to the editor intransitive verb : to relieve oneself by venting something (such as anger) comes home from work and vents to the kids vented; venting; vents

expense (n)

1 archaic : the act or an instance of expending : EXPENDITURE 2a : something expended to secure a benefit or bring about a result b : financial burden or outlay : COST built the monument at their own expense c : an item of business outlay chargeable against revenue for a specific period 3 : a cause or occasion of expenditure an estate is a great expense 4 : a loss, detriment, or embarrassment that results from some action or gain : SACRIFICE everyone had a good laugh at my expense —usually used in the phrase at the expense of develop a boy's physique at the expense of his intelligence — Bertrand Russell

honesty (n)

1 obsolete : CHASTITY 2a : fairness and straightforwardness of conduct calling for honesty in politics b : adherence to the facts : SINCERITY doubted the honesty of the witness 3 : any of a genus (Lunaria) of European herbs of the mustard family with toothed leaves and flat disk-shaped siliques

comical (adj)

1 obsolete : of or relating to comedy 2 : causing laughter especially because of a startlingly or unexpectedly humorous impact wearing a comical expression

hidebound (adj)

1 of a domestic animal : having a dry skin lacking in pliancy and adhering closely to the underlying flesh 2 : having an inflexible or ultraconservative character

hot (adj)

1a : having a relatively high temperature hot and humid weather serving hot meals to the poor b : capable of giving a sensation of heat or of burning, searing, or scalding working outside in the hot sun fried in hot oil c : having heat in a degree exceeding normal body heat Your forehead feels hot. 2a : marked by violence or fierceness : STORMY a hot temper a hot battle also : ANGRY got hot about the remark b(1) : sexually excited or receptive It's obvious he's hot for her. (2) : SEXY That guy she's dating is really hot. c : EAGER, ZEALOUS hot for reform d of jazz : emotionally exciting and marked by strong rhythms and free melodic improvisations 3 : having or causing the sensation of an uncomfortable degree of body heat hot and tired it's hot in here 4a : newly made : FRESH a hot scent bread hot from the oven hot off the press b : close to something sought hot on the trail 5a : suggestive of heat or of burning or glowing objects : very bright hot colors hot pink b : PUNGENT, PEPPERY hot mustard the hottest chili I've ever tasted 6a : of intense and immediate interest some hot gossip b : unusually lucky or favorable on a hot streak c : temporarily capable of unusual performance (as in a sport) d : currently popular or in demand She's become one of Hollywood's hottest commodities. a hot item in stores this year e : very good a hot idea not feeling too hot f : ABSURD, UNBELIEVABLE wants to fight the champ? that's a hot one 7a : electrically energized especially with high voltage That wire is hot. b : RADIOACTIVE hot material also : dealing with radioactive material a hot laboratory c of an atom or molecule : being in an excited state 8a : recently and illegally obtained hot jewels admitted that the car was hot b : wanted by the police also : unsafe for a fugitive made the town too hot for them 9 : FAST a hot new fighter plane a hot lap around the track hot under the collar : extremely exasperated or angry hotter; hottest

constitution (n)

1a : the basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it b : a written instrument embodying the rules of a political or social organization 2a : the physical makeup of the individual especially with respect to the health, strength, and appearance of the body a hearty constitution b : the structure, composition, physical makeup, or nature of something the constitution of society 3 : the mode in which a state or society is organized especially : the manner in which sovereign power is distributed 4 : an established law or custom : ORDINANCE 5 : the act of establishing, making, or setting up before the constitution of civil laws

recompense (v)

1a : to give something to by way of compensation (as for a service rendered or damage incurred) b : to pay for 2 : to return in kind : REQUITE recompensed; recompensing

consistency (n)

1a archaic : condition of adhering together : firmness of material substance b : firmness of constitution or character : PERSISTENCY ... the rigid consistency with which he had adhered to its principles ... — Nathaniel Hawthorne 2 : degree of firmness, density, viscosity, or resistance to movement or separation of constituent particles Boil the juice to the consistency of a thick syrup. 3a : agreement or harmony of parts or features to one another or a whole : CORRESPONDENCE The furnishings and decorations in all the rooms reflect a consistency of style. specifically : ability to be asserted together without contradiction b : harmony of conduct or practice with profession followed her own advice with consistency

Moirai (n)

: FATE sense 4

Taylorism (n)

: a factory management system developed in the late 19th century to increase efficiency by evaluating every step in a manufacturing process and breaking down production into specialized repetitive tasks

Tibetan Buddhism (n)

: a form of Mahayana Buddhism that evolved in Tibet and is dominated by the sect of the Dalai Lama

makimono (n)

: a horizontal Japanese ornamental pictorial or calligraphic scroll — compare KAKEMONO

Rhadamanthus (n)

: a judge of the underworld in Greek mythology

wedge issue (n)

: a political issue that divides a candidate's supporters or the members of a party

bead (n)

: a precise knowledge or understanding —used in such phrases as get a bead on

post-traumatic stress disorder (n)

: a psychological reaction occurring after experiencing a highly stressing event (such as wartime combat, physical violence, or a natural disaster) that is usually characterized by depression, anxiety, flashbacks, recurrent nightmares, and avoidance of reminders of the event —abbreviation PTSD — called also post-traumatic stress syndrome

benign neglect (n)

: an attitude or policy of ignoring an often delicate or undesirable situation that one is held to be responsible for dealing with

closed loop (n)

: an automatic control system in which an operation, process, or mechanism is regulated by feedback

water lily (n)

: any of various aquatic plants (especially genera Nymphaea and Nuphar of the family Nymphaeaceae, the water-lily family) with floating leaves and usually showy flowers broadly : an aquatic plant (such as a water hyacinth) with showy flowers

backstabbing (n)

: betrayal (as by a verbal attack against one not present) especially by a false friend

close-knit (adj)

: bound together by intimate social or cultural ties or by close economic or political ties close-knit families

rhyme or reason (phrase)

: good sense or reason

barn burner (n)

: one that arouses much interest or excitement the game should be a real barn burner

confidant (n)

: one to whom secrets are entrusted especially : INTIMATE He is a trusted confidant of the president.

self-confession (n)

: open acknowledgment : AVOWAL

right-to-life (adj)

: opposed to abortion

badinage (n)

: playful repartee : BANTER

risk factor (n)

: something that increases risk or susceptibility

self-transformation (n)

: the act, process, or result of transforming oneself And then, like an epiphany, [Cindy] Fricke's self-acceptance sparked self-transformation. ... Fricke lost 130 pounds in one year, while feeling this time was different. — Cate Jones Ahead is my step-by-step guide for going on your own journey of self-transformation, without the fear of having to shave your whole head after a slip of the scissors. —Maia Rabenold especially : a transforming of one's own thoughts, actions, or behavior spiritual self-transformation My abiding faith in the possibility of self-transformation propelled me from one therapist to the next ... —Daphne Merkin

vérité (n)

: the art or technique of filming something (such as a motion picture) so as to convey candid realism

silver cord (n)

: the emotional tie between a mother and a child and especially a son

eclipse (v)

: to cause an eclipse of: such as a : OBSCURE, DARKEN b : to reduce in importance or repute c : SURPASS her score eclipsed the old record

sans (prep)

WITHOUT my love to thee is sound, sans crack or flaw —William Shakespeare

beatific (adj)

a beatific smile. 1: of, possessing, or imparting beatitude 2: having a blissful appearance <a ~ smile > beatifically (adv)

demean (v)

a demeaning comment. : to lower in character, status, or reputation careful not to demean his opponent demeaning the seriousness of the problem

miscalculation (n)

a grave miscalculation. plural miscalculations : a mistake in calculation : wrong calculation a costly miscalculation ... ruled that utility shareholders, not electricity consumers, must pay for some or all of the miscalculations that resulted in excessive expansion or cost overruns. —Peter Nulty

likable (adj)

a likeable guy. having qualities that bring about a favorable regard : pleasant, agreeable the most likable character in the play — likability noun — likableness noun

hesitate (v)

a moment of hesitation. 1 : to hold back in doubt or indecision She didn't hesitate when they offered her the job. 2 : to delay momentarily : pause He hesitated and waited for her to say something. 3 : stammer

honorarium (n)

a payment for a service (such as making a speech) on which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set donated the honoraria from his speaking engagements

peregrine (adj)

a peregrine mind. having a tendency to wander

pillar (n)

a pillar of... 1a : a firm upright support for a superstructure : POST b : a usually ornamental column or shaft especially : one standing alone for a monument 2a : a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part a pillar of society b : a fundamental precept the five pillars of Islam 3 : a solid mass of coal, rock, or ore left standing to support a mine roof 4 : a body part that resembles a column from pillar to post : from one place or one predicament to another

scientific method (n)

adhering to the scientific method. : principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

flaneur (n)

an idle man-about-town

ad infinitum (adv or adj)

checking the list ad infinitum. without end or limit

ghost (n)

ghost of christmas past. 1 : the seat of life or intelligence : SOUL give up the ghost 2 : a disembodied soul especially : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness 3 : SPIRIT, DEMON 4a : a faint shadowy trace a ghost of a smile b : the least bit not a ghost of a chance 5 : a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen caused especially by reflection 6 : one who ghostwrites 7 : a red blood cell that has lost its hemoglobin

loathsome (adj)

giving rise to loathing : disgusting a loathsome disease Smoking is a loathsome habit. — loathsomely adverb — loathsomeness noun

grisly (adj)

grislier; grisliest 1 : inspiring horror or intense fear houses that were dark and grisly under the blank, cold sky —D. H. Lawrence 2 : inspiring disgust or distaste a grisly account of the fire — grisliness noun

epiphany (n)

have an epiphany. plural epiphanies 1 capitalized : January 6 observed as a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles or in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ 2 : an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being 3 a (1) : a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2) : an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking (3) : an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure b : a revealing scene or moment


line, and sinker (phrase), without hesitation or reservation : COMPLETELY fell for the story hook, line and sinker

hoopla (n)

listen to the hoopla. TO-DO also : BALLYHOO

lithify (v)

lithified; lithifying transitive verb : to change to stone : petrify; especially : to convert (unconsolidated sediment) into solid rock intransitive verb : to become changed into stone — lithification

make (v)

made play \ˈmād\; making transitive verb 1 a obsolete : behave, act b : to begin or seem to begin (an action) made to go 2 a : to cause to happen to or be experienced by someone made trouble for us b : to cause to exist, occur, or appear : create make a disturbance c : to favor the growth or occurrence of haste makes waste d : to fit, intend, or destine by or as if by creating was made to be an actor 3 a : to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering material : fashion make a dress b : compose, write make verses c : to lay out and construct make a road 4 : to frame or formulate in the mind make plans 5 : to put together from components : constitute houses made of stone 6 a : to compute or estimate to be I make it 23 miles to the border from here. b : to form and hold in the mind make no doubt of it 7 a : to assemble and set alight the materials for (a fire) b : to set in order make beds c : prepare, fix make dinner d : to shuffle (a deck of cards) in preparation for dealing 8 : to prepare (hay) by cutting, drying, and storing 9 a : to cause to be or become made them happy makes it possible b : appoint made him bishop 10 a : enact, establish make laws b : to execute (see execute 2) in an appropriate manner make a will c : set, name make a price 11 a chiefly dialectal : shut the doors are made against you —William Shakespeare b : to cause (an electric circuit) to be completed 12 a : to conclude as to the nature or meaning of something what do you make of this development? b : to regard as being not the fool some make him 13 a : to carry out (an action indicated or implied by the object) make war make a speech make a detour b : to perform with a bodily movement make a sweeping gesture 14 a : to produce as a result of action, effort, or behavior with respect to something make a mess of the job tried to make a thorough job of it b archaic : to turn into another language by translation 15 : to cause to act in a certain way : compel make her give it back 16 : to cause or assure the success or prosperity of can either make you or break you 17 a : to amount to in significance makes a great difference b : to form the essential being of clothes make the man c : to form by an assembling of individuals make a quorum d : to count as that makes the third time you've said it 18 a : to be or be capable of being changed or fashioned into rags make the best paper b : to develop into she will make a fine judge c : form 6b 19 a : reach, attain made port before the storm —often used with it you'll never make it that far b : to gain the rank of make major c : to gain a place on or in make the team the story made the papers d : to succeed in providing or obtaining make bail 20 : to gain (something, such as money) by working, trading, or dealing make a living 21 a : to act so as to earn or acquire makes friends easily makes poor grades b : to score in a game or sport make a field goal make a birdie c : to convert (a split) into a spare in bowling d : to succeed in holing make a putt 22 a : to fulfill (a contract) in a card game b : to win a trick (see 1trick 4) with (a card) 23 a : to include in a route or itinerary make New York on the return trip —often used with it make it to the party b : catch 6b made the bus just in time 24 : to persuade to consent to sexual intercourse : seduce 25 : to provide the most enjoyable or satisfying experience of meeting the star of the show really made our day intransitive verb 1 archaic : to compose poetry 2 a : behave, act Don't make as if you didn't hear me. b : to begin or seem to begin a certain action made as though to hand it to me c : to act so as to be or to seem to be make merry d slang : to play a part —usually used with like make like a chicken 3 : set out, head made after the fox made straight for home 4 : to increase in height or size the tide is making now 5 : to reach or extend in a certain direction The forest makes up nearly to the snow line. 6 : to have considerable effect courtesy makes for safer driving 7 : to undergo manufacture or processing the silk makes up beautifully — make a face or make faces : to distort one's features : grimace He made a face when I mentioned her name. — make a mountain out of a molehill : to treat a trifling matter as of great importance — make away with 1 : to carry off : steal made away with all the money 2 : kill — make believe : pretend, feign made believe that everything was all right — make bold : venture, dare making bold to think of himself as a guardian of culture —W. H. Pritchard — make book : to accept bets at calculated odds on all the entrants in a race or contest a bartender who made book on the side — make common cause : to unite to achieve a shared goal attempted to make common cause with the radicals in areas they could agree on — make do : to get along or manage with the means at hand will just have to make do with what we've got — make ends meet : to make one's means adequate to one's needs did all they could do to make ends meet — make eyes : ogle Some guy was making eyes at her from across the room. — make friends with : to establish a friendship or friendly relations with made friends with his new neighbors — make fun of : to make an object of amusement or laughter : ridicule, mock the movie made fun of macho pretensions —Pauline Kael — make good 1 or make good on : to make valid or complete: such as a : to make up for (a deficiency) made good previous neglect of his child b : indemnify make good the loss c : to carry out successfully made good their escape made good on his promise d : prove made good a charge 2 : to prove to be capable; also : succeed The play made good at the box office. — make hay : to make use of a situation or circumstance especially in order to gain an advantage The candidate made hay of his opponent's scandalous behavior. — make head 1 : to make progress especially against resistance they made head against the wind —Charles Dickens 2 : to rise in armed revolt riflemen who ... were called on to make head against a series of resolute efforts to drive them from Kentucky —Theodore Roosevelt — make it 1 a : to be successful trying to make it in the big time as a fashion photographer —Joe Kane b : to be satisfactory or pleasing if it isn't danceable, it doesn't make it for me —Judy Hyman 2 : to have sexual intercourse 3 : survive, live half the cubs won't make it through their first year — make light of : to treat as of little account all these problems are humorously described but never made light of —Susan Kenney — make love 1 : woo, court 2 a : neck, pet b : to engage in sexual intercourse — make much of 1 : to treat as of importance The drill sergeant made much of his toughness. 2 : to treat with obvious affection or special consideration she had evidently enjoyed being made much of in Youngstown —New Yorker — make nice : to be deliberately and often insincerely polite and agreeable must make nice to politicians they cannot stand —Ken Auletta — make no bones : to be straightforward, unhesitating, or sure makes no bones about the seriousness of the matter — make one's mark : to achieve success or fame made his mark as a literary critic —Eric Partridge — make public : disclose None of those disagreements were made public. — make sail 1 : to raise or spread sail 2 : to set out on a voyage The ship made sail at midnight. — make shift : to manage with difficulty We didn't have much money, but we made shift. — make sport of : ridicule, mock it visibly grieved him when the rest of us made sport of our schoolmates —Tobias Wolff — make the grade : to measure up to some standard : be successful clever and energetic enough to make the grade in a good law firm —John Train — make the most of : to show or use to the best advantage made the most of her talents — make the scene : to be present at or participate in a usually specified activity or event small time poets just making the scene at readings or in little mags —B. Frazer — make time 1 : to travel fast made fast time 2 : to gain time have to make time to get to the bank before it closes 3 : to make progress toward winning favor trying to make time with the waitress — make tracks 1 : to proceed at a walk or run 2 : to go in a hurry : run away, flee she quickly made tracks for New York —Glamour — make use of : to put to use : employ Students made good use of the new gymnasium. — make water 1 of a boat : leak 2 : urinate — make waves : to create a stir or disturbance continues to make waves with his unique, highly opinionated approach —Suzanne Biallot — make way 1 : to give room for passing, entering, or occupying many of the old villas were being torn down to make way for high rises —William Murray 2 : to make progress — make with slang : produce, perform —usually used with the Straighten up and walk ... make with the feet —Raymond Chandler

mild (adj)

mild mannered. 1 : gentle in nature or behavior has a mild disposition 2 a (1) : moderate in action or effect a mild sedative (2) : not sharp, spicy, or bitter mild cheese mild ale b : not being or involving what is extreme an analysis under mild conditions 3 : not severe : temperate a mild climate mild symptoms of disease — mildly play \mī(-ə)l(d)-lē\ adverb — mildness

goalpost (n)

moving the goallposts. one of usually two vertical posts that with or without a crossbar constitute the goal in various games

micromanage (v)

nobody likes a micromanager. micromanaged; micromanaging; micromanages transitive verb : to manage especially with excessive control or attention to details intransitive verb : to direct or conduct the activities of a group or an enterprise by micromanaging them — micromanagement play \-mənt\ noun — micromanager

normalize (v)

normalizing bad behavior. 1 : to make conform to or reduce to a norm or standard 2 : to make normal (as by a transformation of variables) 3 : to bring or restore to a normal condition normalize relations between two countries

inexorable (adj)

not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped : relentless inexorable progress — inexorability noun — inexorableness noun — inexorably

naught (pron)

nothing Their efforts came to naught. It was all for naught.

post-Kantian (adj)

of or relating to the idealist philosophers (such as Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel) following Kant and developing some of his ideas

exacerbate (v)

only exacerbates the problem. exacerbated; exacerbating transitive verb : to make more violent, bitter, or severe The new law only exacerbates the problem. — exacerbation

outwardly (adv)

outwardly extroverted. 1 a : on the outside : externally b : toward the outside 2 : in outward state, behavior, or appearance was outwardly friendly

pantisocracy (n)

plural pantisocracies : a utopian community in which all rule equally — pantisocratic or pantisocratical adjective — pantisocratist

ponder (v)

pondered; pondering transitive verb 1 : to weigh in the mind : appraise pondered their chances of success 2 : to think about : reflect on pondered the events of the day intransitive verb : to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply — ponderer noun

affirmative (n)

positive affirmations. 1 : asserting that the fact is so gave an affirmative answer affirmative proof 2 : positive an affirmative approach 3 : favoring or supporting a proposition or motion an affirmative vote was on the affirmative side in the debate 4 logic : asserting a predicate of a subject — affirmatively adverb responded affirmatively

reload (v)

reloaded; reloading verb, transitive + intransitive : to load again: such as a : to put a charge or load into a weapon again reloaded a pistol ... most competitive shooters reload their own ammunition. —Craig Vaughn This firearm will continuously load, fire, eject, reload, and fire again ... —William R. Dietrick b : to load or be loaded into a computer's memory or storage again recorded the time the computer's operating system took to reload The files are stored locally, so that whenever you access a Web site that you have accessed previously, the browser doesn't have to reload the entire page; it simply reads it from the cache. —Terrance A. Rooney c : to put a renewed supply of funds or resources into an account However, the new tickets can not be reloaded with credit like a standard smartcard. —Benedict Brook — reloadable

coattail (n)

riding someone's coattails. 1 : the rear flap of a man's coat 2 coattails plural : the skirts of a dress coat, cutaway, or frock coat 3 coattails plural : the influence or pulling power of a popular movement or person (such as a political candidate) congressmen riding into office on the president's coattails

sage (adj)

sage wisdom. 1a : wise through reflection and experience b archaic : GRAVE, SOLEMN 2 : proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment sage advice

market share (n)

significant market share. the percentage of the market for a product or service that a company supplies

gold (n)

silver and gold. 1 : a yellow malleable ductile metallic element that occurs chiefly free or in a few minerals and is used especially in coins, jewelry, and dentures — see CHEMICAL ELEMENTS TABLE 2a(1) : gold coins (2) : a gold piece b : MONEY c : GOLD STANDARD sense 1 3 : a variable color averaging deep yellow 4 : something resembling gold especially : something valued as the finest of its kind a heart of gold 5 : a medal awarded as the first prize in a competition : a gold medal

hysteresis (n)

social hysteresis. plural hystereses play \ˌhi-stə-ˈrē-ˌsēz\ physics : a retardation of an effect when the forces acting upon a body are changed (as if from viscosity or internal friction) all manometers must be tested for hysteresis as well as for sensitivity and natural frequency —H. D. Green especially : a lagging in the values of resulting magnetization in a magnetic material (such as iron) due to a changing magnetizing force — hysteretic

tear down (v)

tear down walls. 1a : to cause to decompose or disintegrate b : VILIFY, DENIGRATE trying to tear down his reputation 2 : to take apart : DISASSEMBLE tear down an engine

cardiac arrest (n)

temporary or permanent cessation of the heartbeat

homoscedasticity (n)

the property of having equal statistical variances

tinge (n)

with a tinge of... 1 : a slight staining or suffusing shade or color 2 : an affective or modifying property or influence : TOUCH a tinge of guilt

hesitation (n)

without hesitation. 1 : an act or instance of hesitating 2 : a pausing or faltering in speech

vassal (n)

1 : a person under the protection of a feudal lord to whom he has vowed homage and fealty : a feudal tenant 2 : one in a subservient or subordinate position

precisian (n)

1 : a person who stresses or practices scrupulous adherence to a strict standard especially of religious observance or morality 2 : PURITAN sense 1

wannabe (n)

1 : a person who wants or aspires to be someone or something else or who tries to look or act like someone else 2 : something (such as a company, city, or product) intended to rival another of its kind that has been successful especially : one for which hopes have failed or are likely to fail

fledgling (n)

1 : a young bird just fledged (see fledge 1) a female bird feeding her fledglings 2 : an immature or inexperienced person fledgling medical students 3 : one that is new a fledgling company

self-sufficient (adj)

1 : able to maintain oneself or itself without outside aid : capable of providing for one's own needs a self-sufficient farm 2 : having an extreme confidence in one's own ability or worth : haughty, overbearing

venal (adj)

1 : capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : PURCHASABLE especially : open to corrupt influence and especially bribery : MERCENARY a venal legislator 2 : originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery a venal arrangement with the police

abrasive (adj)

1 : causing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing : tending to abrade abrasive compounds for whitening teeth an abrasive surface 2 : causing irritation abrasive manners an abrasive personality — abrasively adverb — abrasiveness noun

conspicuous (adj)

1 : obvious to the eye or mind conspicuous changes The bird has a conspicuous red head. 2 : attracting attention : STRIKING a conspicuous success His absence was conspicuous. 3 : marked by a noticeable violation of good taste

bite-size (adj)

1 : of a size that can be eaten in one bite bite-size pieces of chicken 2 : being or made small or brief especially so as to be easily manageable bite-size tasks bite-size essays

precious (adj)

1 : of great value or high price precious jewels 2 : highly esteemed or cherished a precious friend 3 : excessively refined : AFFECTED precious manners 4 : GREAT, THOROUGHGOING a precious scoundrel

exponential (adj)

1 : of or relating to an exponent 2 : involving a variable in an exponent 10x is an exponential expression 3 : expressible or approximately expressible by an exponential function especially : characterized by or being an extremely rapid increase (as in size or extent) an exponential growth rate

ethical (adj)

1 : of or relating to ethics ethical theories 2 : involving or expressing moral approval or disapproval ethical judgments 3 : conforming to accepted standards of conduct ethical behavior 4 of a drug : restricted to sale only on a doctor's prescription — ethicality play \ˌe-thə-ˈka-lə-tē\ noun — ethically play \ˈe-thi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb — ethicalness

colorful (adj)

1 : having striking colors colorful scenery 2a : full of variety or interest a colorful description b of speech : RUDE, OFFENSIVE ... he had begun to gamble and use colorful language ... —Yohannes Edemariam

self-identity (n)

1 : sameness of a thing with itself 2 : INDIVIDUALITY self-understanding is the necessary condition of a sense of self-identity —J. C. Murray

weather-wise (adj)

1 : skillful in forecasting changes in the weather 2 : skillful in forecasting changes in opinion or feeling a weather-wise politician

smutty (adj)

1 : soiled or tainted with smut especially : affected with smut fungus 2 : OBSCENE, INDECENT a smutty joke 3 : resembling smut in appearance : SOOTY smuttier; smuttiest

gradualism (n)

1 : the policy of approaching a desired end by gradual stages 2 : the evolution of new species by gradual accumulation of small genetic changes over long periods of time; also : a theory or model of evolution emphasizing this — compare punctuated equilibrium — gradualist noun or adjective — gradualistic adjective

responsibility (n)

1 : the quality or state of being responsible: such as a : moral, legal, or mental accountability b : RELIABILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS 2 : something for which one is responsible : BURDEN has neglected his responsibilities

vampire (n)

1 : the reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep 2a : one who lives by preying on others b : a woman who exploits and ruins her lover 3 : VAMPIRE BAT

ego (n)

1 : the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world 2a : EGOTISM sense 2 b : SELF-ESTEEM sense 1 3 : the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between the person and reality especially by functioning both in the perception of and adaptation to reality — compare ID, SUPEREGO

temporize (v)

1 : to act to suit the time or occasion : yield to current or dominant opinion 2 : to draw out discussions or negotiations so as to gain time you'd have to temporize until you found out how she wanted to be advised —Mary Austin temporized; temporizing

blazon (v)

1 : to publish widely : PROCLAIM 2a : to describe (heraldic or armorial bearings) in technical terms b : to represent (armorial bearings) in drawing or engraving 3a : DISPLAY b : DECK, ADORN the town was blazoned with flags blazoned; blazoning

lethe (n)

1 capitalized : a river in Hades whose waters cause drinkers to forget their past 2 : oblivion, forgetfulness — lethean

orphic (adj)

1 capitalized : of or relating to Orpheus or the rites or doctrines ascribed to him 2 : mystic, oracular 3 : fascinating, entrancing — orphically

platonic (adj)

1 capitalized : of, relating to, or characteristic of Plato or Platonism 2a : relating to or based on platonic love also : experiencing or professing platonic love b : of, relating to, or being a relationship marked by the absence of romance or sex 3 : NOMINAL, THEORETICAL

pharisaism (n)

1 capitalized : the doctrines or practices of the Pharisees 2 often capitalized : pharisaical character, spirit, or attitude : HYPOCRISY

buxom (adj)

1 obsolete a : obedient, tractable b : offering little resistance : flexible wing silently the buxom air —John Milton 2 archaic : full of gaiety 3 : vigorously or healthily plump a buxom warm friendly woman —Burl Ives specifically : full-bosomed

chicken-and-egg (adj)

: of, relating to, or being a cause-and-effect dilemma

postbellum (adj)

: of, relating to, or characteristic of the period following a war and especially following the American Civil War

rigorism (n)

: rigidity in principle or practice rigorist \ˈri-gə-rist \ noun or adjective rigoristic \ˌri-gə-ˈri-stik \ adjective

valor (n)

: strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness : personal bravery

hindrance (n)

a hindrance to the team. 1 : the state of being interfered with, held back, or slowed down : the state of being hindered hindrance of speech 2 : a person or thing that interferes with or slows the progress of someone or something : IMPEDIMENT a hindrance to learning 3 : the act of interfering with or slowing the progress of someone or something : the action of hindering should be allowed to live where he chooses without hindrance

horrendous (n)

a horrendous smell. extremely bad or unpleasant : HORRIBLE, DREADFUL His audition was horrendous. horrendous crimes

fluent (adj)

fluent in... 1 a : capable of flowing : fluid powered, granular, or fluent materials b : capable of moving with ease and grace the fluent body of a dancer 2 a : capable of using a language easily and accurately fluent in Spanish a fluent writer b : effortlessly smooth and flowing a fluent performance spoke in fluent English c : having or showing mastery of a subject or skill fluent in math — fluently adverb

hit man (n)

hiring a hit man. 1 : a professional assassin who works for a crime syndicate 2 : HATCHET MAN

home run (n)

hit a home-run. 1 : a hit in baseball that enables the batter to make a complete circuit of the bases and score a run 2 : an impressive success the president's speech was a home run

garbology (n)

the study of modern culture through the analysis of what is thrown away as garbage — garbologist

Excalibur (n)

the sword of King Arthur

honor killing (n)

the traditional practice in some countries of killing a family member who is believed to have brought shame on the family

figure out (v)

we will figure it out. transitive verb 1 : discover, determine try to figure out a way to do it 2 : solve, fathom figure out a problem

guilt-trip (v)

what's with the guilt-trip? guilt-tripped; guilt-tripping; guilt-trips transitive verb : to cause feelings of guilt in guilt-tripped them into helping

aborning (adv)

while being born or produced a resolution that died aborning

single file (n)

: a row of persons, animals, or things arranged one behind the other

Grecism (n)

1 : a Greek idiom 2 : a quality or style imitative of Greek art or culture

Hobson's choice (n)

1 : an apparently free choice when there is no real alternative 2 : the necessity of accepting one of two or more equally objectionable alternatives -paying taxes

phantasmagoria (n)

1 : an exhibition of optical effects and illusions 2a : a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined b : a scene that constantly changes 3 : a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage

afterthought (n)

1 : an idea occurring later 2 : something (such as a part or feature) not thought of originally : something secondary

portend (v)

1 : to give an omen or anticipatory sign of 2 : INDICATE, SIGNIFY portended; portending; portends

consensus (n)

1a : general agreement : UNANIMITY the consensus of their opinion, based on reports ... from the border — John Hersey b : the judgment arrived at by most of those concerned the consensus was to go ahead 2 : group solidarity in sentiment and belief

benevolent (adj)

1a : marked by or disposed to doing good a benevolent donor b : organized for the purpose of doing good a benevolent society 2 : marked by or suggestive of goodwill benevolent smiles

somatology (n)

: a branch of anthropology primarily concerned with the comparative study of human evolution, variation, and classification especially through measurement and observation

silver lining (n)

: a consoling or hopeful prospect

plaster (v)

: to overlay or cover with plaster : COAT 2 : to apply a plaster to 3a : to cover over or conceal as if with a coat of plaster b : to apply as a coating or incrustation c : to smooth down with a sticky or shiny substance plastered his hair down 4 : to fasten or apply tightly to another surface 5 : to treat with plaster of paris 6 : to affix to or place on especially conspicuously or in quantity 7 : to inflict heavy damage or loss on especially by a concentrated or unremitting attack intransitive verb : to apply plaster plastered; plastering

water down (v)

: to reduce or temper the force or effectiveness of watered down the plan

retaliate (v)

: to repay in kind retaliate an injury intransitive verb : to return like for like especially : to get revenge retaliated; retaliating

cherry-pick (v)

: to select the best or most desirable transitive verb : to select as being the best or most desirable also : to select the best or most desirable from cherry-picked the art collection cherry-picked; cherry-picking; cherry-picks

collocate (v)

: to set or arrange in a place or position especially : to set side by side intransitive verb : to occur in conjunction with something collocated; collocating

shut down (v)

: to settle so as to obscure vision : CLOSE IN the night shut down early transitive verb : to make ineffective in competition shut down the opposition's offensive line

cowrite (n)

: to write (something) in collaboration with one or more other people ...the former president has just cowritten a new book about his foreign policy ... —Michael R. Beschloss [Mindy] Kaling also just received a comedy pilot order from NBC for an as-of-yet untitled show that she is set to star in and co-write with Charlie Grandy. —Madeline Berg

poverty-stricken (adj)

: very poor : DESTITUTE

loyalty (n)

having loyalty to... plural loyalties : the quality or state or an instance of being loyal the loyalty of the team's fans

best-case (adj)

best-case scenario. being, relating to, or based on a projection of future events that assumes only the best possible circumstances a best-case scenario

fool's gold (n)

beware of social fool's gold. pyrite; broadly : any of various pyritic minerals resembling gold

licit (adj)

conforming to the requirements of the law : not forbidden by law : permissible — licitly adverb

gumption (n)

having the gumption to... 1 chiefly dialectal : common sense, horse sense 2 : enterprise, initiative lacked the gumption to try

inundate (v)

inundated with .... 1 : to cover with a flood : OVERFLOW 2 : OVERWHELM was inundated with phone calls

inversely (adv)

inversely related. 1 : in an inverse order or manner 2 : in the manner of inverse variation varies inversely

iron out (v)

iron out the details. 1 : to make smooth or flat by or as if by pressing 2 : to resolve or work out a solution to ironed out their differences

telling (adj)

it's telling that... : carrying great weight and producing a marked effect : EFFECTIVE, EXPRESSIVE the most telling evidence

green-eyed monster (n)


Panglossian (n)

marked by the view that all is for the best in this best of possible worlds : excessively optimistic

by-product (n)

a by-product of... 1 : something produced in a usually industrial or biological process in addition to the principal product a chemical by-product of the oil-refining process 2 : a secondary and sometimes unexpected or unintended result The loss of jobs is an unfortunate by-product of technological advancements in the industry.

hip-hop (n)

Eminem. 1 : a subculture especially of inner-city youths who are typically devotees of rap music 2 : the stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rap; also : rap together with this music — hip-hop adjective

centrist (n)

a centrist perspective. 1 often capitalized : a member of a center party 2 : a person who holds moderate views — centrism noun — centrist adjective

demonstrable (adj)

a demonstrable improvement. 1 : capable of being demonstrated 2 : APPARENT, EVIDENT

fire (n)

a fire inside. 1 a : having definite or definable limits a finite number of possibilities b : having a limited nature or existence finite beings 2 : completely determinable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought the finite velocity of light 3 a : less than an arbitrary positive integer and greater than the negative of that integer b : having a finite number of elements a finite set 4 : of, relating to, or being a verb or verb form that can function as a predicate or as the initial element of one and that is limited (as in tense, person, and number) finite verbs such as is and are — finite noun — finitely adverb — finiteness noun

goddess (n)

a goddess of... 1 : a female god 2 : a woman whose great charm or beauty arouses adoration

brush-off (n)

a quietly curt or disdainful dismissal

Krishnaism (n)

a widespread form of Hindu religion characterized by the worship of Krishna

meeting of minds (n)

agreement, concord

free market (n)

an economy operating by free competition

day one (n)

day one friend. the first day or very beginning of something

greenwashing (n)

greenwashing tactics. expressions of environmentalist concerns especially as a cover for products, policies, or activities

gym (n)

hitting the gym. 1 : gymnasium 2 : physical education 3 : a usually metal frame supporting an assortment of outdoor play equipment (such as a swing, seesaw, and rings)

chthonic (adj)

of or relating to the underworld : infernal chthonic deities

low-end (adj)

of, relating to, or being the lowest priced merchandise in a manufacturer's line; broadly : inexpensive

bitch (v)

: COMPLAIN transitive verb 1 : SPOIL, BOTCH bitched up their lives 2 : CHEAT, DOUBLE-CROSS 3 : to complain of or about bitched; bitching; bitches

renege (v)

: DENY, RENOUNCE intransitive verb 1 obsolete : to make a denial 2 : REVOKE 3 : to go back on a promise or commitment reneged; reneging

Herculean (adj)

Herculean efforts. 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Hercules 2 often not capitalized : of extraordinary power, extent, intensity, or difficulty Herculean tasks Herculean proportions

rusty (adj)

I'm a bit rusty. 1 : affected by or as if by rust especially : stiff with or as if with rust 2 : inept and slow through lack of practice or old age 3a : of the color rust b : dulled in color or appearance by age and use rusty old boots 4 : OUTMODED 5 : HOARSE, GRATING

transitive (adj)

I'm friends with you, you're friends with her, I'm friends with her. 1 : characterized by having or containing a direct object a transitive verb 2 : being or relating to a relation with the property that if the relation holds between a first element and a second and between the second element and a third, it holds between the first and third elements equality is a transitive relation 3 : of, relating to, or characterized by transition

hamartia (n)

TRAGIC FLAW (a flaw in character that brings about the downfall of the hero of a tragedy)

adroit (adj)

an adroit problem solver. having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations an adroit leader adroit maneuvers

lest (conj)

____, lest I offend. for fear that —often used after an expression denoting fear or apprehension worried lest she should be latehesitant to speak out lest he be fired

oriflamme (n)

a banner, symbol, or ideal inspiring devotion or courage

bare bones (n)

a bare bones version. including only what is most basic or necessary a bare-bones e-mail program Skyscrapers of steel hung with curtain walls of glass, these sleek buildings were impressive monuments to bare-bones architectural integrity. —C. A. Mills

greener pastures (n)

a better or more promising situation

binarism (n)

a binaristic method. a mode of thought predicated on stable oppositions (such as good and evil or male and female) that is seen in post-structuralist analysis as an inadequate approach to areas of difference; also : a specific dichotomy subscribed to or reinforced in such thought the binarism of West and East

aftertaste (n)

a bitter aftertaste. : persistence of a sensation (as of flavor or an emotion) after the stimulating agent or experience has gone

rage (n)

a fit of rage. 1 a : violent and uncontrolled anger b : a fit of violent wrath c archaic : insanity 2 : violent action (as of wind or sea) 3 : an intense feeling : passion 4 : a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm was all the rage

mea culpa (n)

a formal acknowledgment of personal fault or error The mayor's public mea culpa didn't satisfy his critics.

godlike (adj)

a godlike presence. : resembling or having the qualities of God or a god : DIVINE

refulgence (n)

a radiant or resplendent quality or state : brilliance — refulgent adjective

token (n)

a token of appreciation. 1a : a piece resembling a coin issued for use (as for fare on a bus) by a particular group on specified terms b : a piece resembling a coin issued as money by some person or body other than a de jure government c : a unit of a cryptocurrency Bitcoin tokens 2 : an outward sign or expression his tears were tokens of his grief 3a : SYMBOL, EMBLEM a white flag is a token of surrender b : an instance of a linguistic expression 4a : SOUVENIR, KEEPSAKE b : a small part representing the whole : INDICATION this is only a token of what we hope to accomplish c : something given or shown as a guarantee (as of authority, right, or identity) 5 : a member of a group (such as a minority) that is included within a larger group through tokenism especially : a token employee 6 : a distinguishing feature : CHARACTERISTIC by the same token : for the same reason

toothless (adj)

a toothless department. 1 : having no teeth 2a : lacking in sharpness or bite spoke in toothless generalities —Arthur Hepner b : lacking in means of enforcement or coercion : INEFFECTUAL

abridge (v)

abridged; abridging transitive verb 1 : to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense : condense abridge a novel an abridged dictionary 2 : to shorten in duration or extent Tess wished to abridge her visit as much as possible ... —Thomas Hardy 3 formal : to reduce in scope : diminish attempts to abridge the right of free speech 4 archaic : deprive — abridger noun

absent (adj)

absent minded. 1 : not present at a usual or expected place : missing was absent from class today sharing memories of absent friends She was conspicously absent [=her absence was very noticeable] at the meeting. 2 : not existing : lacking ... danger in a situation where power is absent ... —M. H. Trytten a gene that occurs in mammals but is absent in birds 3 : showing a lack of attention to what is happening or being said : not attentive had an absent look on her face an absent reply — absently adverb He replied absently to her question.

abstract (adj)

abstract concepts. 1 a : disassociated from any specific instance an abstract entity b : difficult to understand : abstruse abstract problems c : insufficiently factual : formal possessed only an abstract right 2 : expressing a quality apart from an object the word poem is concrete, poetry is abstract 3 a : dealing with a subject in its abstract aspects : theoretical abstract science b : impersonal, detached the abstract compassion of a surgeon —Time 4 : having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content abstract painting — abstractly adverb — abstractness

indeterminate (adj)

an indeterminate amount of... 1 a : not definitely or precisely determined or fixed : vague b : not known in advance c : not leading to a definite end or result 2 : having an infinite number of solutions a system of indeterminate equations 3 : being one of the seven undefined mathematical expressions {latex}\frac{0}{0}, \frac{\infty}{\infty}, \infty \cdot 0, 1^{\infty}, 0^{0}, \infty^{0}, \infty - \infty{/latex} 4 : characterized by sequential flowering from the lateral or basal buds to the central or uppermost buds; also : characterized by growth in which the main stem continues to elongate indefinitely without being limited by a terminal inflorescence — compare determinate 4 — indeterminately adverb — indeterminateness noun — indetermination

cacoethes (n)

an insatiable desire : mania

fate (n)

as fate would have it. 1 : the will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do : destiny ... fate sometimes deals a straight flush ... he had no idea that he would become the right man in the right place at the right time ... —June Goodfield 2 a : an inevitable and often adverse outcome, condition, or end Her fate was to remain in exile. b : disaster; especially : death The villain met his fate at the hands of the hero. 3 a : final outcome Congress decided the bill's fate by a single vote. b : the expected result of normal development prospective fate of embryonic cells c : the circumstances that befall someone or something did not know the fate of her former classmates 4 Fates plural : the three goddesses, Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis, who determine the course of human life in classical mythology

circa (prep)

at, in, or of approximately —used especially with dates born circa 1600

drawing board (n)

back to the drawing board. 1 : a board used as a base for drafting on paper 2 : a planning stage a project still on the drawing board

calm (adj)

be calm. 1 : marked by calm : STILL a calm sea 2 : free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance

bedrock (adj)

bedrock of society. 1 : the solid rock underlying unconsolidated surface materials (such as soil) 2 a : lowest point b : basis

odd man out (n)

being the odd man out. a person who differs from the other members of a group

afford (v)

can't afford to... 1a : to manage to bear without serious detriment You can't afford to neglect your health. b : to be able to bear the cost of can't afford to be out of work long 2 : to make available, give forth, or provide naturally or inevitably The sun affords warmth to the earth. a delay that will afford us more time

capitalize (v)

capitalizing on... 1 : to write or print with an initial capital or in capitals Capitalize the names of cities and states. 2a : to convert into capital capitalize the company's reserve fund b : to treat as an amortizable investment in long-term capital assets rather than as an ordinary operating expense to be charged against revenue for the period in which it is incurred capitalize development costs 3a : to compute the present value of (an income extended over a period of time) b : to convert (a periodic payment) into an equivalent capital sum capitalized annuities 4 : to supply capital for intransitive verb : to gain by turning something to advantage capitalize on an opponent's mistake

careful (adj)

carefuller; carefullest 1 archaic a : solicitous, anxious b : filling with care or solicitude 2 : exercising or taking care careful of a child's welfare 3 a : marked by attentive concern and solicitude careful farm management b : marked by wary caution or prudence be very careful with knives c : marked by painstaking effort to avoid errors or omissions —often used with of or an infinitive careful of moneycareful to adjust the machine — carefully play \-f(ə-)lē\ adverb — carefulness

chastise (v)

chastised; chastising transitive verb 1 : to censure severely : castigate The coach chastised the players for their mistakes. 2 : to inflict punishment on (as by whipping) 3 archaic : chasten 2 — chastisement noun — chastiser

lyart (adj)

chiefly Scotland : streaked with gray : gray

coddle (v)

coddle anyone. coddled; coddling play \ˈkäd-liŋ, ˈkä-dᵊl-iŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to cook (something, such as eggs) in liquid slowly and gently just below the boiling point coddled the eggs for the Caesar salad 2 : to treat with extreme or excessive care or kindness : pamper accused the court of coddling criminals colleges that coddle their athletes — coddler

age of reason (n)

dawn of the age of reason. 1 : the time of life when one begins to be able to distinguish right from wrong 2 : a period characterized by a prevailing belief in the use of reason; especially Age of Reason : the 18th century in England and France

beloved (adj)

dearly loved : dear to the heart our beloved grandmother a beloved public figure

deep-rooted (adj)

deeply implanted or established a deep-rooted loyalty

histogram (n)

evaluating a histogram. a representation of a frequency distribution by means of rectangles whose widths represent class intervals and whose areas are proportional to the corresponding frequencies

field-test (v)

field-testing a new feature. field-tested; field-testing; field-tests transitive verb : to test (a procedure, a product, etc.) in actual situations reflecting intended use

goose bumps (n)

gave me goose bumps. : a roughness of the skin produced by erection of its papillae especially from cold, fear, or a sudden feeling of excitement

gynocentric (adj)

gynocentric policies. dominated by or emphasizing feminine interests or a feminine point of view — compare androcentric

in excelsis (adv)

in the highest degree

holier-than-thou (adj)

marked by an air of superior piety or morality

open door (n)

open door policy. 1 : a recognized right of admittance : freedom of access; also : a policy providing such freedom 2 : a policy giving opportunity for commercial relations with a country to all nations on equal terms — open-door

palmary (adj)

outstanding, best

equanimity (n)

plural equanimities 1 : evenness of mind especially under stress nothing could disturb his equanimity 2 : right disposition : balance physical equanimity

alacrity (n)

promptness in response : cheerful readiness accepted the invitation with alacrity

garrulous (adj)

punishingly garrulous story-telling. 1 : given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative 2 : wordy 1 garrulous speeches — garrulously adverb — garrulousness noun

speculation (n)

pure speculation. : an act or instance of speculating: such as a : assumption of unusual business risk in hopes of obtaining commensurate gain b : a transaction involving such speculation

revitalize (v)

revitalized passion for... revitalized; revitalizing transitive verb : to give new life or vigor to — revitalization

scout (v)

scouting for talent. 1 : to explore an area to obtain information (as about an enemy) 2a : to make a search b : to work as a talent scout transitive verb 1 : to observe in order to obtain information or evaluate 2 : to explore in order to obtain information 3 : to find by making a search

guideline (n)

setting guidelines. a line by which one is guided: such as a : a cord or rope to aid a passer over a difficult point or to permit retracing a course b : an indication or outline of policy or conduct

ambition (n)

strong ambition. 1a : an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power With her talent and fierce ambition, she became a very successful actress. b : desire to achieve a particular end 2 : the object of ambition Her ambition is to start her own business. 3 US : a desire for activity or exertion felt sick and had no ambition

game theory (n)

study game theory. : the analysis of a situation involving conflicting interests (as in business or military strategy) in terms of gains and losses among opposing players

acme (n)

the highest point or stage the acme of his fame; also : something or someone that represents perfection of the thing expressed a system that is the acme of efficiency

fishbowl (n)

through a fishbowl. 1 : a bowl for the keeping of live fish 2 : a place or condition that affords no privacy

rose-colored glasses (n)

through rose-colored glasses. favorably disposed opinions : optimistic eyes views the world through rose-colored glasses

hissy fit (n)

throwing a hissy-fit tantrum

litotes (n)

understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary (as in not a bad singer or not unhappy)

fantasy (n)

wildest fantasies. 1 obsolete : HALLUCINATION 2 : FANCY especially : the free play of creative imagination 3 : a creation of the imaginative faculty whether expressed or merely conceived: such as a : a fanciful design or invention a fantasy of delicate tracery b : a chimerical or fantastic notion His plans are pure fantasy. c : FANTASIA sense 1 the organ fantasy of Johannes Brahms d : imaginative fiction featuring especially strange settings and grotesque characters spent the summer reading fantasy — called also fantasy fiction 4 : CAPRICE served to fulfill the king's fantasies 5 : the power or process of creating especially unrealistic or improbable mental images in response to psychological need an object of fantasy also : a mental image or a series of mental images (such as a daydream) so created sexual fantasies 6 often attributive : a coin usually not intended for circulation as currency and often issued by a dubious authority (such as a government-in-exile)

go down (v)

will go down as... 1a : to go below the horizon : SET the sun went down b : to fall to or as if to the ground the plane went down in flames c : to become submerged : SINK the ship went down with all hands 2 : to admit of being swallowed the medicine went down easily 3a : to find acceptance will the plan go down with the farmers b : to come to be remembered especially in posterity will he go down in history as a great president 4 British : to leave a university 5a : to undergo defeat or failure b chiefly British : to become incapacitated went down with ... acute tonsillitis —Helen Cathcart 6 slang : to take place : HAPPEN go down on usually vulgar : to perform fellatio or cunnilingus on

might (n)

with all her might. 1 a : the power, authority, or resources wielded (as by an individual or group) b (1) : bodily strength (2) : the power, energy, or intensity of which one is capable striving with might and main 2 dialect : a great deal

arena (n)

working in an arena. 1 : an area in a Roman amphitheater for gladiatorial combats 2 a : an enclosed area used for public entertainment b : a building containing an arena 3 a : a sphere of interest, activity, or competition the political arena b : a place or situation for controversy in the public arena

kink (n)

working out the kinks. 1 : a short tight twist or curl caused by a doubling or winding of something upon itself 2 a : a mental or physical peculiarity : eccentricity, quirk b : whim 3 : a clever unusual way of doing something 4 : a cramp in some part of the body 5 : an imperfection likely to cause difficulties in the operation of something 6 : unconventional sexual taste or behavior

big picture (n)

looking at the bigger picture. the entire perspective on a situation or issue —used with the

guerilla (adj)

of, relating to, or suggestive of guerrillas especially in being aggressive, radical, or unconventional guerrilla warfare

ad hoc (adj)

an ad hoc solution. : for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application The decisions were made ad hoc.

lurch (v)

lurched; lurching; lurches intransitive verb dialectal, chiefly England : to loiter about a place furtively : prowl transitive verb 1 obsolete : steal 2 archaic : cheat

horizon (n)

(just) on the horizon. 1a : the line where the earth seems to meet the sky : the apparent junction of earth and sky sailing toward the horizon b : the great circle on the celestial sphere formed by the intersection of the celestial sphere with a plane tangent to the earth's surface at an observer's position — see AZIMUTH ILLUSTRATION c : range of perception or experience broaden your horizons d : something that might be attained opening up new horizons in the field of cancer research 2a geology : a natural soil layer deposited at a particular time usually identified by distinctive fossils b geology : any of the reasonably distinct layers of soil or its underlying material in a vertical section of land c anthropology : a cultural area or level of development indicated by separated groups of artifacts

machinelike (adj)

machinelike efficiency. resembling or suggesting a machine especially in regularity of action or stereotyped uniformity of product

sanity (n)

maintaining one's own sanity. : the quality or state of being sane especially : soundness or health of mind

restore (v)

1 : GIVE BACK, RETURN 2 : to put or bring back into existence or use 3 : to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : RENEW 4 : to put again in possession of something restored; restoring

simulacrum (n)

1 : IMAGE, REPRESENTATION a reasonable simulacrum of reality —Martin Mayer 2 : an insubstantial form or semblance of something : TRACE

pinpoint (v)

pinpointing a problem. 1 : something that is extremely small or insignificant 2 : the point of a pin 3 : an extremely small or sharp point

pompous (adj)

1 : excessively elevated or ornate pompous rhetoric 2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : ARROGANT a pompous politician 3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp or splendor : MAGNIFICENT

bifurcate (v)

: to cause to divide into two branches or parts bifurcate a beam of light intransitive verb : to divide into two branches or parts The stream bifurcates into two narrow channels. bifurcated; bifurcating

transmogrify (v)

: to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect intransitive verb : to become transmogrified transmogrified; transmogrifying

reverse engineer (v)

: to disassemble and examine or analyze in detail (a product or device) to discover the concepts involved in manufacture usually in order to produce something similar

slough (v)

: to engulf in a slough intransitive verb : to plod through or as if through mud : SLOG sloughed; sloughing; sloughs

resist (v)

: to exert force in opposition transitive verb 1 : to exert oneself so as to counteract or defeat he resisted temptation 2 : to withstand the force or effect of material that resists heat resisted; resisting; resists

conceptualize (v)

: to form a concept of conceptualize a new car design especially : to interpret conceptually conceptualizing reality conceptualized; conceptualizing

size up (v)

: to form a judgment of size up the situation

regroup (v)

: to form into a new grouping regroup military forces intransitive verb 1 : to reorganize (as after a setback) for renewed activity 2 : to alter the tactical formation of a military force regrouped; regrouping; regroups

extraneous (adj)

1 : existing on or coming from the outside extraneous light 2a : not forming an essential or vital part extraneous ornamentation b : having no relevance an extraneous digression 3 : being a number obtained in solving an equation that is not a solution of the equation extraneous roots

accordingly (adv)

1 : in accordance : correspondingly Read the instructions and act accordingly. 2 : consequently, so was delayed and accordingly arrived late

belligerent (adj)

1 : inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness 2 : waging war specifically : belonging to or recognized as a state at war and protected by and subject to the laws of war

praxis (n)

1 : ACTION, PRACTICE: such as a : exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill b : customary practice or conduct 2 : practical application of a theory

plus (conj)

1 : AND eats alone, a hot beef sandwich plus a BLT plus apple pie — Garrison Keillor 2 : in addition to which it's also pretty on my open shelves, plus it smells good — Nikki Giovanni

sidestep (v)

1 : BYPASS, EVADE sidestep a question 2 : to move out of the way of : AVOID sidestep a blow intransitive verb 1 : to take a side step 2 : to avoid an issue or decision sidestepped; sidestepping; sidesteps

insolent (adj)

1 : insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct : overbearing 2 : exhibiting boldness or effrontery : impudent — insolent noun — insolently adverb

restless (adj)

1 : lacking or denying rest : UNEASY a restless night 2 : continuously moving : UNQUIET the restless sea 3 : characterized by or manifesting unrest especially of mind restless pacing also : CHANGEFUL, DISCONTENTED

scrunch (v)

1 : CRUNCH, CRUSH 2a : to draw or squeeze together tightly b : CRUMPLE —often used with up c : to cause (something, such as one's features) to draw together —usually used with up intransitive verb 1 : to move with or make a crunching sound 2 : CROUCH, HUNCH also : SQUEEZE

slavery (n)

1 : DRUDGERY, TOIL 2 : submission to a dominating influence 3a : the state of a person who is a chattel of another b : the practice of slaveholding

rescue (v)

: to free from confinement, danger, or evil : SAVE, DELIVER: such as a : to take (someone, such as a prisoner) forcibly from custody b : to recover (something, such as a prize) by force c : to deliver (a place under siege) by armed force rescued; rescuing

pray (v)

1 : ENTREAT, IMPLORE —often used as a function word in introducing a question, request, or plea pray be careful 2 : to get or bring by praying intransitive verb 1 : to make a request in a humble manner 2 : to address God or a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving prayed; praying; prays

connoisseur (n)

1 : EXPERT especially : one who understands the details, technique, or principles of an art and is competent to act as a critical judge a connoisseur of music 2 : one who enjoys with discrimination and appreciation of subtleties a connoisseur of fine wines

resign (v)

1 : RELEGATE, CONSIGN especially : to give (oneself) over without resistance resigned herself to her fate 2 : to give up deliberately especially : to renounce (something, such as a right or position) by a formal act intransitive verb 1 : to give up one's office or position : QUIT 2 : to accept something as inevitable : SUBMIT resigned; resigning; resigns

Taoism (n)

1 : a Chinese mystical philosophy traditionally founded by Lao-tzu in the sixth century b.c. that teaches conformity to the Tao by unassertive action and simplicity 2 : a religion developed from Taoist philosophy and folk and Buddhist religion and concerned with obtaining long life and good fortune often by magical means Other Words from Taoism Taoist \ˈdau̇-ist, ˈtau̇- \ adjective or noun Taoistic \dau̇-ˈi-stik, tau̇- \ adjective

cad (n)

1 : a bus conductor 2 : a man who acts with deliberate disregard for another's feelings or rights a selfish cad

hospital (n)

1 : a charitable institution for the needy, aged, infirm, or young 2 : an institution where the sick or injured are given medical or surgical care —usually used in British English without an article after a preposition 3 : a repair shop for specified small objects a clock hospital

cheat sheet (n)

1 : a sheet containing information (such as test answers) used secretly for cheating 2 : a written or graphic aid (such as a sheet of notes) that can be referred to for help in understanding or remembering something complex

commodity (n)

1 : an economic good: such as a : a product of agriculture or mining agricultural commodities like grain and corn b : an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment reported the damaged commodities to officials c : a mass-produced unspecialized product commodity chemicals commodity memory chips 2a : something useful or valued that valuable commodity, patience also : THING, ENTITY b : CONVENIENCE, ADVANTAGE ... the many commodities incidental to the life of a public office ... —Charles Lamb 3 : a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (such as brand name) other than price 4 : one that is subject to ready exchange or exploitation within a market ... stars as individuals and as commodities of the film industry. —Film Quarterly 5 obsolete : QUANTITY, LOT

afterlife (n)

1 : an existence after death 2 : a later period in one's life 3 : a period of continued or renewed use, existence, or popularity beyond what is normal, primary, or expected a TV show with a long afterlife in syndication

chimerical (adj)

1 : existing only as the product of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary (see 1visionary 2) or improbable chimerical dreams of economic stability 2 : given to fantastic schemes She's a chimerical optimist infused with utopian visions. 3 usually chimeric a : relating to, derived from, or being a genetic chimera : containing tissue with two or more genetically distinct populations of cells Chimeric mice are generated by mixing cells from two embryos, generating a mouse with four parental contributions. —Nancy L. Nadon b : composed of material (such as DNA or polypeptide) from more than one organism He combined this gene material with safer human DNA and created what's known as a chimeric gene—a gene of antibody instructions that is part man, part mouse. —Eric Hand

reductionism (n)

1 : explanation of complex life-science processes and phenomena in terms of the laws of physics and chemistry also : a theory or doctrine that complete reductionism is possible 2 : a procedure or theory that reduces complex data and phenomena to simple terms

situated (adj)

1 : having a site, situation, or location : LOCATED 2 : provided with money or possessions comfortably situated

salty (adj)

1 : of, seasoned with, or containing salt 2 : smacking of the sea or nautical life 3a : PIQUANT b : EARTHY, CRUDE salty language 4 informal : feeling or showing resentment towards a person or situation : BITTER I completely forgot about our date and left my girlfriend waiting at the restaurant for over an hour. Now she's all salty. —Nicole Lane They made me shave my beard and cover up my tattoos, which I was a little salty about. —Jon Niccum

macrocosm (n)

1 : the great world : universe 2 : a complex that is a large-scale reproduction of one of its constituents — macrocosmic adjective — macrocosmically

recover (v)

1 : to get back : REGAIN 2a : to bring back to normal position or condition stumbled, then recovered himself b archaic : RESCUE 3a : to make up for recover increased costs through higher prices b : to gain by legal process 4 archaic : REACH 5 : to find or identify again recover a comet 6a : to obtain from an ore, a waste product, or a by-product b : to save from loss and restore to usefulness : RECLAIM intransitive verb 1 : to regain a normal position or condition (as of health) recovering from a cold 2 : to obtain a final legal judgment in one's favor recovered; recovering

give (v)

1 : to make a present of give a doll to a child 2a : to grant or bestow by formal action the law gives citizens the right to vote b : to accord or yield to another gave him her confidence 3a : to put into the possession of another for his or her use gave me his phone number b(1) : to administer as a sacrament (2) : to administer as a medicine c : to commit to another as a trust or responsibility and usually for an expressed reason d : to transfer from one's authority or custody the sheriff gave the prisoner to the warden e : to execute and deliver all employees must give bond f : to convey to another give them my regards 4a : to offer to the action of another : PROFFER gave her his hand b dated, of a woman : to yield (oneself) to a man in sexual intercourse 5a : to present in public performance give a concert b : to present to view or observation gave the signal to start 6 : to provide by way of entertainment give a party 7 : to propose as a toast 8a : to designate as a share or portion : ALLOT all the earth to thee and to thy race I give —John Milton b : to make assignment of (a name) c : to set forth as an actual or hypothetical datum give the dimensions of the room d : to attribute in thought or utterance : ASCRIBE gave the credit to you 9a : to yield as a product, consequence, or effect : PRODUCE cows give milk 84 divided by 12 gives 7 b : to bring forth : BEAR 10a : to yield possession of by way of exchange : PAY b : to dispose of for a price : SELL 11a : to deliver by some bodily action gave him a push b : to carry out (a movement, facial expression, etc.) gave a cynical smile c : to inflict as punishment d : to award by formal verdict judgment was given against the plaintiff 12 : to offer for consideration, acceptance, or use gives no reason for his absence 13a : to suffer the loss of : SACRIFICE gallantly gave his life for his country b : to offer as appropriate or due especially to something higher or more worthy gave his spirit to God c : to apply freely or fully : DEVOTE gave themselves to their work d : to offer as a pledge I give you my word 14a : to cause one to have or receive mountains always gave him pleasure b : to cause a person to catch by contagion, infection, or exposure 15a : to allow one to have or take give me time b : to lead or attempt to lead —used with an infinitive you gave me to understand you'd be late 16 : to care to the extent of didn't give a hoot intransitive verb 1 : to make gifts or presents gave generously to charities 2a : to yield to physical force or strain b : to collapse from the application of force or pressure The canvas chair gave under her weight. c : to undergo or submit to change for the strike to be settled, something has to give 3 : to afford a view or passage : OPEN the window gives onto the terrace 4 : to enter wholeheartedly into an activity 5 slang : to be happening wants to know what gives give birth : to have a baby gave birth last Thursday give birth to 1 : to produce as offspring gave birth to a son 2 : to be the source of give chase : to set off in pursuit give ground : to withdraw before superior force : RETREAT give of : to make available : provide generously freely gave of their time give or take : as an estimate accurate within (an amount to be added or subtracted) weighs 150 pounds, give or take a few pounds give place to : to be replaced or succeeded by optimism gave place to worry give rise to : to be the cause or source of : PRODUCE give the gun : to open the throttle of : speed up give the lie to 1 : to accuse of falsehood 2 : to show to be false, inaccurate, or invalid give tongue of hounds : to begin barking on the scent give way 1a : RETREAT b : to yield the right of way 2 : to yield oneself without restraint or control 3a : to yield to or as if to physical stress The roof gave way under heavy snow. b : to yield to entreaty or insistence After several hours of debate, the opposition finally gave way. 4 : to yield place Farmland has given way to shopping malls. 5 : to begin to row

reinforce (v)

1 : to strengthen by additional assistance, material, or support : make stronger or more pronounced reinforce levees reinforce the elbows of a jacket reinforce ideas 2 : to strengthen or increase by fresh additions reinforce our troops were reinforcing their pitching staff 3 : to stimulate (a subject, such as an experimental animal) by reinforcement (see REINFORCEMENT sense 3) also : to encourage (a response) by reinforcement intransitive verb : to seek or get reinforcements

smite (v)

1 : to strike sharply or heavily especially with the hand or an implement held in the hand 2a : to kill or severely injure by smiting b : to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously smitten by disease 3 : to cause to strike 4 : to affect as if by striking children smitten with the fear of hell — V. L. Parrington 5 : CAPTIVATE, TAKE smitten with her beauty intransitive verb : to deliver or deal a blow with or as if with the hand or something held smote; smitten

shore (v)

1 : to support by a shore : PROP 2 : to give support to : BRACE —usually used with up trying to shore up his claim

rescind (v)

1 : to take away : REMOVE 2a : TAKE BACK, CANCEL refused to rescind the order b : to abrogate (a contract) and restore the parties to the positions they would have occupied had there been no contract 3 : to make void by action of the enacting authority or a superior authority : REPEAL rescind an act rescinded; rescinding; rescinds

degrade (v)

1 a : to lower in grade, rank, or status : demote b : to strip of rank or honors c : to lower to an inferior or less effective level degrade the image quality d : to scale down in desirability or salability 2 a : to bring to low esteem or into disrepute his actions have degraded his profession punishments intended to humiliate and degrade prisoners b : to drag down in moral or intellectual character : corrupt the Indians who consume peyote buttons do not seem to be ... morally degraded by the habit —Aldous Huxley 3 : to impair in respect to some physical property material degraded by exposure to sunlight 4 geology : to wear down by erosion degraded the hillside 5 chemistry : to reduce the complexity of (a chemical compound) : decompose intransitive verb 1 : to pass from a higher grade or class to a lower causes the meat to degrade in quality 2 of a chemical compound : to become reduced in complexity plastics that don't easily degrade — degrader noun — degradingly

bankrupt (adj)

1a : reduced to a state of financial ruin : IMPOVERISHED specifically : legally declared a bankrupt the company went bankrupt b : of or relating to bankrupts or bankruptcy bankrupt laws 2a : BROKEN, RUINED a bankrupt professional career b : exhausted of valuable qualities : STERILE a bankrupt old culture c : DESTITUTE —used with of or in bankrupt of all merciful feelings

basal (adj)

1a : relating to, situated at, or forming the base b : arising from the base of a stem basal leaves 2a : of or relating to the foundation, base, or essence : FUNDAMENTAL b : of, relating to, or being essential for maintaining the fundamental vital activities of an organism : MINIMAL a basal diet c : used for teaching beginners basal readers

bland (adj)

1a : smooth and soothing in manner or quality bland approval a bland smile b : exhibiting no personal concern or embarrassment : UNPERTURBED a bland confession of guilt 2a : not irritating, stimulating, or invigorating : SOOTHING a bland oil the bland climate of the southern coast b : DULL, INSIPID bland stories with little plot or action a bland rendition of the song c : lacking strong flavor Expect both kinds of salsify to be subtle and delicate—too bland for some tastebuds. — Elizabeth Schneider

skill (n)

1a : the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance b : dexterity or coordination especially in the execution of learned physical tasks 2 : a learned power of doing something competently : a developed aptitude or ability language skills 3 obsolete : CAUSE, REASON

sable (adj)

1a : the color black b : black clothing worn in mourning —usually used in plural 2a or plural sable (1) : a carnivorous mammal (Martes zibellina) of the weasel family that occurs chiefly in northern Asia (2) : any of various animals related to the sable b : the fur or pelt of a sable 3 : the usually dark brown color of the fur of the sable

homestead (n)

1a : the home and adjoining land occupied by a family b : an ancestral home c : HOUSE 2 : a tract of land acquired from U.S. public lands by filing a record and living on and cultivating the tract

referendum (n)

1a : the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative b : a vote on a measure so submitted 2 : a diplomatic agent's note asking for government instructions

pigeonhole (v)

1a : to place in or as if in the pigeonhole of a desk b : to lay aside : SHELVE his reports continued to be pigeonholed and his advice not taken —Walter Mills 2 : to assign to an often restrictive category : CLASSIFY pigeonholed; pigeonholing; pigeonholes

extemporaneous (adj)

1a(1) : composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment : IMPROMPTU an extemporaneous comment (2) : carefully prepared but delivered without notes or text b : skilled at or given to extemporaneous utterance c : happening suddenly and often unexpectedly and usually without clearly known causes or relationships a great deal of criminal and delinquent behavior is ... extemporaneous — W. C. Reckless 2 : provided, made, or put to use as an expedient : MAKESHIFT an extemporaneous shelter

self-engrossed (adj)

: completely engrossed or absorbed with oneself Her mind was entirely self-engrossed. She was in a reverie of sweet remembrances. —Jane Austen Even the greediest corporate raiders, the sleaziest pro athletes, the most self-engrossed entertainers have their circles of admirers ... —Jacquielynn Floyd

chest-thumping (n)

: conduct or expression marked by pompous or arrogant self-assertion political chest-thumping

oncology (n)

a branch of medicine concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and study of cancer — oncological play \ˌäŋ-kə-ˈlä-ji-kəl\ or oncologic play \ˌäŋ-kə-ˈlä-jik\ adjective — oncologist

growth industry (n)

a business that has become increasingly popular or profitable; also : an interest or activity that is increasingly popular or trendy

genuine (adj)

a genuine place. 1 a : actually having the reputed or apparent qualities or character genuine vintage wines b : actually produced by or proceeding from the alleged source or author the signature is genuine c : sincerely and honestly felt or experienced a deep and genuine love d : actual, true a genuine improvement 2 : free from hypocrisy or pretense : sincere His apology seemed genuine. — genuinely adverb — genuineness

glimmer (n)

a glimmer of hope. 1 a : a feeble or intermittent light the first glimmer of dawn b : a subdued unsteady shining or sparkle 2 a : a dim perception or faint idea : inkling gave them a glimmer of what they could expect b : hint, spark a glimmer of intelligence a glimmer of hope

hopping (n)

a going from one place to another of the same kind —usually used in combination gallery-hopping bar-hopping

career (n)

a good career move. 1a : speed in a course ran at full career b : COURSE, PASSAGE the sun's career across the sky 2 : ENCOUNTER, CHARGE 3 : a field for or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement especially in public, professional, or business life Washington's career as a soldier 4 : a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling a career in medicine —often used before another noun a career diplomat

Dada (n)

a movement in art and literature based on deliberate irrationality and negation of traditional artistic values; also : the art and literature produced by this movement

deep ecology (n)

a movement or a body of concepts that considers humans no more important than other species and that advocates a corresponding radical readjustment of the relationships between humans and nature — deep ecologist noun

tastemaker (n)

a musical tastemaker. : one who sets the standards of what is currently popular or fashionable She is one of the most powerful tastemakers in the fashion world.

seamless (adj)

a seamless transition. 1 : having no seams 2a : having no awkward transitions, interruptions, or indications of disparity a seamless fusion of beauty and intelligence —Jack Kroll et al. b : PERFECT, FLAWLESS a seamless performance

ratatouille (n)

a seasoned stew made of eggplant, tomatoes, green peppers, squash, and sometimes meat

liability (n)

accepting liability. plural liabilities 1 a : the quality or state of being liable was cleared of liability for the accident b : probability 2 : something for which one is liable; especially : pecuniary obligation : debt —usually used in plural business assets and liabilities 3 : one that acts as a disadvantage : drawback This scandal makes the candidate a liability for the party.

acclaim (v)

acclaimed; acclaiming; acclaims transitive verb 1 : applaud, praise Critics acclaimed her performance. 2 : to declare by acclamation was acclaimed president of the society intransitive verb : to shout praise or applause — acclaimer noun

act (v)

acting in good faith. acted; acting; acts intransitive verb 1 : to take action : move think before acting acted favorably on the recommendation 2 : to conduct oneself : behave act like a fool 3 a : to perform on the stage began acting at the age of eight b : to behave as if performing on the stage : pretend seemed angry but was just acting 4 : to perform a specified function : serve trees acting as a windbreak 5 : to produce an effect : work wait for a medicine to act 6 : to give a decision or award adjourned without acting on the bill 7 of a play : to be capable of being performed a play that acts well transitive verb 1 a : to represent or perform by action especially on the stage will act the part of Romeo in tonight's play b : feign, simulate act indifference c : impersonate 2 : to play the part of as if in a play act the man of the world 3 : to behave in a manner suitable to Act your age. 4 obsolete : actuate, animate — actability play \ˌak-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — actable

elegant (adj)

an elegant solution. 1 : marked by elegance elegant clothes an elegant solution 2 : of a high grade or quality : splendid elegant gems priced at hundreds of thousands of dollars — elegantly adverb

Gibraltar (n)

an impregnable stronghold

global warming (n)

an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution

indestructible (adj)

an indestructible structure. incapable of being destroyed, ruined, or rendered ineffective — indestructibility noun — indestructibleness noun — indestructibly

infectious (adj)

an infectious smile/laugh. 1 a : capable of causing infection viruses and other infectious agents b : communicable by infection an infectious disease — compare contagious 2 : that corrupts or contaminates 3 : spreading or capable of spreading rapidly to others their enthusiasm was infectious an infectious grin — infectiously adverb — infectiousness noun

hermit (n)

being a hermit. 1 a : one that retires from society and lives in solitude especially for religious reasons : recluse b obsolete : beadsman 2 : a spiced molasses cookie — hermitism

horny (adj)

being horny. 1a : of or made of horn (see HORN sense 1d) a horny growth b : having a hard calloused surface or texture horny skin horny-handed c of a mineral : compact and homogeneous with a dull luster 2 : having horns (see HORN sense 1) 3 [ horn erect penis ] a : desiring sexual gratification horny teenagers b : excited sexually

cut-and-dried / cut-and-dry (adj)

being or done according to a plan, set procedure, or formula : routine a cut-and-dried presentation

gunboat diplomacy (n)

diplomacy backed by the use or threat of military force

other-directed (adj)

directed in thought and action primarily by external norms rather than by one's own scale of values — other-directedness noun

ad nauseam (adv)

discussed the plan ad nauseam. to a sickening or excessive degree a topic that has been discussed and analyzed ad nauseam

salubrious (adj)

favorable to or promoting health or well-being salubrious habits

hijack (v)

hijack your thought. hijacked also highjacked; hijacking also highjacking; hijacks also highjacks transitive verb 1 a : to steal by stopping a vehicle on the highway b : to commandeer (a flying airplane) especially by coercing the pilot at gunpoint c : to stop and steal from (a vehicle in transit) d : kidnap 2 a : to steal or rob as if by hijacking b : to subject to extortion or swindling — hijack noun — hijacker noun

hold (v)

hold on to... 1a : to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal holds property worth millions the bank holds the title to the car b : to have as a privilege or position of responsibility hold a professorship c : to have as a mark of distinction holds the record for the 100-yard dash holds a PhD 2 : to keep under restraint hold price increases to a minimum : such as a : to prevent free expression of hold your temper b : to prevent from some action ordered the troops to hold fire the only restraining motive which may hold the hand of a tyrant —Thomas Jefferson c : to keep back from use ask them to hold a room for us I'll have a hot dog, and hold the mustard d : to delay temporarily the handling of please hold all my calls 3 : to make liable or accountable or bound to an obligation I'll hold you to your promise 4a : to have or maintain in the grasp hold my hand this is how you hold the racket also : AIM, POINT held a gun on them b : to support in a particular position or keep from falling or moving hold me up so I can see hold the ladder steady a clamp holds the whole thing together hold your head up c : to bear the pressure of : SUPPORT can the roof hold all of that weight 5 : to prevent from leaving or getting away hold the train : such as a : to avoid emitting or letting out how long can you hold your breath b : to restrain as or as if a captive the suspect was held without bail held them at gunpoint also : to have strong appeal to the book held my interest throughout 6a : to enclose and keep in a container or within bounds : CONTAIN the jug holds one gallon this corral will not hold all of the horses b : to be able to consume easily or without undue effect can't hold any more pie especially : to be able to drink (alcoholic beverages) without becoming noticeably drunk can't hold your liquor c : ACCOMMODATE the restaurant holds 400 diners d : to have as a principal or essential feature or attribute the book holds a number of surprises also : to have in store no one knows what the future holds 7a : to have in the mind or express as a judgment, opinion, or belief I hold the view that this is wrong hold a grudge holding that it is nobody's business but his —Jack Olsen —often used with against in America they hold everything you say against you —Paul McCartney b : to think of in a particular way : REGARD were held in high esteem 8a : to assemble for and carry on the activity of held a convention b : to cause to be carried on : CONDUCT will hold a seminar c : to produce or sponsor especially as a public exhibition will hold an art show 9a : to maintain occupation, control, or defense of the troops held the ridge also : to resist the offensive efforts or advance of held the opposing team to just two points b : to maintain (a certain condition, situation, or course of action) without change hold a course due east 10 : to cover (a part of the body) with one or both hands(as for protection or comfort) held his knee after the fall especially : to cover (the ears) to prevent hearing held her ears when the train went by intransitive verb 1a : to maintain position : refuse to give ground the defensive line is holding b : to continue in the same way or to the same degree : LAST hopes the weather will hold —often used with up 2 : to derive right or title —often used with of or from lands held of the Crown 3 : to be or remain valid : APPLY the rule holds in most cases —often used in the phrase hold true 4 : to maintain a grasp on something : remain fastened to something the anchor held in the rough sea 5 : to go ahead as one has been going held south for several miles 6 : to bear or carry oneself asked him to hold still 7 : to forbear an intended or threatened action : HALT, PAUSE —often used as a command 8 : to stop counting during a countdown 9 slang : to have illicit drug material in one's possession hold a brief for : ADVOCATE, DEFEND —usually used in negative constructions I hold no brief for cartels and market allocations —J. D. Upham hold a candle to : to qualify for comparison with doesn't hold a candle to what she has suffered hold court : to be the center of attention among friends or admirers hold forth : to speak at length : EXPATIATE holding forth on the subject of politics hold hands : to engage one's hand with another's especially as an expression of affection hold one's breath 1 : to prevent oneself from breathing temporarily 2 : to wait in anxious anticipation hold one's horses : to slow down or stop for a moment —usually used in the imperative hold one's own : to maintain one's position : prove equal to opposition prove I can hold my own with the best of them hold one's tongue or hold one's peace : to keep silent : keep one's thoughts to oneself hold sway : to have a dominant influence : RULE hold the bag 1 : to be left empty-handed 2 : to bear alone a responsibility that should have been shared by others She was left holding the bag for their mistakes. hold the fort 1 : to maintain a firm position 2 : to take care of usual affairs is holding the fort until the manager returns hold the line : to maintain the current position or situation hold the line on prices hold to : to give firm assent to : adhere to strongly holds to his promise hold to account : to hold responsible hold water : to stand up under criticism or analysis Their version of events doesn't hold water. hold with : to agree with or approve of don't hold with violence

nescience (n)

lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance

high-minded (adj)

marked by elevated principles and feelings; also : pretentious too high-minded to read any fiction —Alfred Kazin — high-mindedly adverb — high-mindedness noun

higher-up (n)

need to clear it with the higher-ups. a superior officer or official

old-school (adj)

old-school way of thinking/doing things. 1 : adhering to traditional policies or practices an old-school coach 2 : characteristic or evocative of an earlier or original style, manner, or form old-school music

forebearer (n)

one of the forebearers of... ancestor, forefather

great (n)

one of the greats. plural great or greats : an outstandingly superior or skillful person a tribute to the greats of baseball

toy (v)

play with toys. 1 : to act or deal with something lightly or without vigor or purpose toyed with the idea 2 : to amuse oneself as if with a toy : PLAY they're just toying with him 3 : to engage in flirtation

eschatology (n)

plural eschatologies 1 : a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind 2 : a belief concerning death, the end of the world, or the ultimate destiny of humankind; specifically : any of various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the Last Judgment

three-point line (n)

shooting from the three-point line (high risk high yield). : a line on a basketball court forming an arc at a set distance (such as 22 feet) from the basket beyond which a field goal counts for three points

latter (adj)

the latter of the two. 1 a : belonging to a subsequent time or period : more recent the latter stages of growth b : of or relating to the end in their latter days c : recent, present affected by latter calamities 2 : of, relating to, or being the second of two groups or things or the last of several groups or things referred to of ham and beef the latter meat is cheaper today of ham and beef the latter is cheaper today

geologic time (n)

the long period of time occupied by the earth's geologic history Geologic Time Table

nuance (n)

the nuances of... 1 : a subtle distinction or variation Nuances of flavor and fragrance cannot be described accurately ... —Scott Seegers ... these terms have certain nuances of meaning ... —Ben F. Nelms 2 : a subtle quality : nicety ... the nuances of an individual's voice ... —Michael Swaine 3 : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value) ... a performance of remarkable pliability and nuance. —Irvine Kolodin — nuanced

nuts and bolts (n)

the nuts and bolts of... 1 : the working parts or elements 2 : the practical workings of a machine or enterprise as opposed to theoretical considerations or speculative possibilities

habit (n)

turning into a habit. 1 : a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior her habit of taking a morning walk 2a : an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary got up early from force of habit b : ADDICTION a drug habit c : a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance the daily bowel habit 3a : a costume characteristic of a calling, rank, or function a nun's habit b : a costume worn for horseback riding 4 archaic : CLOTHING 5 : manner of conducting oneself : BEARING 6 : bodily appearance or makeup a man of fleshy habit 7 : the prevailing disposition or character of a person's thoughts and feelings : mental makeup a philosophical habit 8 of an organism : characteristic mode of growth or occurrence a grass similar to Indian corn in habit 9 of a crystal : characteristic assemblage of forms at crystallization leading to a usual appearance : SHAPE

unyielding (adj)

unyielding faith/loyalty. 1 : characterized by firmness or obduracy 2 : characterized by lack of softness or flexibility

vehement (adj)

vehemently disagree. : marked by forceful energy : POWERFUL a vehement wind : such as a : intensely emotional : IMPASSIONED, FERVID vehement patriotism b(1) : deeply felt a vehement suspicion (2) : forcibly expressed vehement denunciations c : bitterly antagonistic a vehement debate

graveyard shift (n)

working the graveyard shift. a work shift beginning late at night (such as 11 o'clock) also : the workers on such a shift

highness (n)

your highness. 1 : the quality or state of being high 2 —used as a title for a person of exalted rank (such as a king or prince)

uncompromising (adj)

: not making or accepting a compromise : making no concessions : INFLEXIBLE, UNYIELDING

tranquillity (n)

: the quality or state of being tranquil the tranquility of the quiet countryside

ordure (n)

1 : excrement 2 : something that is morally degrading

bereavement (n)

: the state or fact of being bereaved or deprived of something or someone

fearless (adj)

a fearless leader. free from fear : brave — fearlessly adverb — fearlessness noun

toolbox (n)

a social toolbox. : a chest for tools

sardonic (adj)

disdainfully or skeptically humorous : derisively mocking a sardonic comment

personable (adj)

extremely personable. : pleasant or amiable in person : ATTRACTIVE

satiate (v)

filled to satiety

gendered (adj)

gendered comment. reflecting the experience, prejudices, or orientations of one sex more than the other gendered language; also : reflecting or involving gender differences or stereotypical gender roles

materialize (v)

materialized; materializing transitive verb 1 a : to make material : objectify b : to cause to appear in bodily form materialize the spirits of the dead 2 : to cause to be materialistic intransitive verb 1 : to assume bodily form 2 a : to appear especially suddenly b : to come into existence — materializer noun

cauldron (n)

stirring a cauldron. 1 : a large kettle or boiler 2 : something resembling a boiling cauldron in intensity or degree of agitation a cauldron of intense emotions

gauntlet (n)

throw down the gauntlet. 1 : a glove worn with medieval armor to protect the hand 2 : any of various protective gloves used especially in industry 3 : an open challenge (as to combat) —used in phrases like throw down the gauntlet 4 : a dress glove extending above the wrist

actualize (v)

to make actual : realize

ornament (v)

to provide with ornament : embellish

bloviate (v)

to speak or write verbosely and windily

nosedive (n)

took a nosedive. 1 : a downward nose-first plunge of a flying object (such as an airplane) 2 : a sudden extreme drop stock prices took a nosedive

trash talk (n)

trash-talking coworkers. : disparaging, taunting, or boastful comments especially between opponents trying to intimidate each other

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