Group Dynamics & Group Process
Developmental Group: Mature
*15 - 18 years* -Responsive to all members' needs and can carry out a variety of tasks -Good balance between carrying out the task and meeting the needs of members
Developmental Group: Parallel
*18 months - 2 years* Individual tasks with minimal interaction required
Developmental Group: Project
*2 - 4 years* Common, short-term activities requiring some interaction and cooperation
Developmental Group: Egocentric Cooperative
*5 - 7 years* -Requires joint interaction for long-term tasks; completion of task is not the purpose -Members begin to express their needs and address others' needs
Developmental Group: Cooperative
*9 - 12 years* Members learn to work together, not specifically to complete a task, but to enjoy each other's company and meet emotional needs
Group Goals
*Not a compilation of individual goals* -Provide focus/guidelines for activities
Medicare Indicators for Group Membership
-Able and willing to engage in group -Attend to group guidelines/process -Actively participate -Benefit from and incorporate group leader and member input -Respond appropriately throughout group process -Complete activities toward goal attainment -Attain greater benefit from the group intervention than from 1:1 Ix
Important Member Demographics
-Age -Diagnosis -Cognitive level -Safety concerns -Cultural considerations
Yalom's Therapeutic Group Principles
-Altruism -Catharsis -Universality -Existential factors -Insight (self understanding) -Family reenactment -Guidance -Identification -Instillation of hope -Interpersonal learning
Characteristics of Advisory Leadership
-Cognition: high -Insight: very good -Group maturity: mature -Verbal skills: high -Motivation: high
Characteristics of Directive Leadership
-Cognition: low -Insight: minimal -Group maturity: immature -Verbal skills: poor -Motivation: low
Characteristics of Facilitative Leadership
-Cognition: medium/high -Insight: fair/good -Group maturity: medium/high -Verbal skills: average -Motivation medium
Directive Intervention Intervention
-Consistent and structured format -Best for severely and acutely mentally ill clients or clients with minimal basic functioning
Social Interaction Skill Intervention
-Develop communications skills, socially acceptable behavior, interpersonal relationships skills *Could also be integrated with psychodynamic and/or modular group*
Purpose of Therapeutic Norms
-Encourage self disclosure, self reflection, and interaction -Reinforce the value of the group -Establish a safe/supportive atmosphere -Regard members as agents of change
Types of Groups
-Evaluation -Task oriented -Thematic -Topical -Instrumental -Developmental
Factors that Influence Cohesiveness
-Extensive interaction between members -Similarity/complementariness of members -Perception of group's relevance to individual needs -Member's expectation of goal attainment and group outcome -Democratic leadership and member cooperation
ADL/IADL Intervention
-Focuses on self-care and Independent living skills (cooking, money management, transportation) *Could also be integrated with psychodynamic and/or modular group*
Community Participation/Reintegration Intervention
-Identify and use of resources in the community *Could also be integrated with psychodynamic and/or modular group*
Interpersonal Learning
-Input: receiving feedback from group members regarding one's behavior -Output: learning successful ways of relating to group members
Advantages of Co-Leading
-Leaders can assume different leadership roles, tasks, and styles -Observations and objectivity increase -Useful in larger groups or group with challenging behaviors
Benefits of Having Members Participate in Setting Group Goals
-Matching member goals and group goals -Understanding of requirements of achieve goal -Appreciation of member contributions
Components of a Group Protocol
-Name -Purpose -Rationale -Frame of reference -Membership criteria -Goals/outcomes -Method/format -Role of the therapist -Quality assurance
Open Group vs. Closed Group
-Open: anyone can joint -Closed: only specific people are eligible
Situations that Warrant One to One Therapy
-Patient demonstrates aggressive/inappropriate behaviors -Patient presently cannot handle group interaction -Patient refuses a group setting
What are the two types of restraints?
-Physical -Chemical
Medicare Group Leadership Criteria
-Provides active leadership -Instructs members as a group -Monitors and documents individual's participation and response to intervention -Provides individualized guidance and feedback -Documents member progress towards goals in objective, measurable, and functional terms
Benefits of Group Therapy
-Provides an opportunity for more natural social interactions -Cost effective; allows therapist to see more individuals/day
Disadvantages of Co-Leading
-Splitting by members -Excessive competition by leaders -Unequal responsibility
Psychoeducational Intervention
-Uses classroom format with principles of learning to provide info and teach skills -Teacher/student relationship for therapist/group members -Use homework assignments to facilitate skill development and generalized learning
Stages of Group Development
1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning
Steps in Group Leadership
1. Introduction 2. Activity 3. Sharing 4. Processing: most difficult for group members 5. Generalizing 6. Application 7. Summary
Group Protocol
A description of a group, including its purpose, goals, content, structure, logistics, who would and would not benefit by participation in it, and referral process
Accepting advice from other group members
Existential Factors
Accepts the fact that responsibility for changes comes from within oneself
Goal Setting Intervention
Activities used to identify personal objectives and treatment goals and steps to achieve them
Sensory Awareness Intervention
Activities used to promote sensory functions and environmental awareness
Group Content
Activity carried out in the group; what is said in the group (can be verbal or nonverbal)
Benefitting from the imitation of positive behaviors
Self Awareness Intervention
Clarify values, awareness of personal assets, limitations, behaviors, and one's impact on others
Thematic Group
Designed for the learning of specific skills
Basic Talk Skills Intervention
Designed to develop basic cognitive skills needed for completion of simple tasks
Insight (Self-understanding)
Discovering and accepting unknown parts of oneself
Instillation of Hope
Experiencing optimism through observation of improvement of other group members
Topical Groups
Focus on discussion of activities and issues outside of the group that are current or anticipated
Modular Intervention
Focus on each session; rotated in a way which individuals can join the group at any time and still cover each topic, sessions cycle back around
Instrumental Group
Focused with meeting health needs and maintaining function
Instrumental Roles
Functional roles that help the group select, plan, and select tasks
Expressive Roles
Functional roles that support/maintain overall group and meet members' needs
Evaluation Group
Gather info about individual's task and group interaction skills, used to establish goals and plan interventions
Giving of oneself to help others
Developmental Group
Help members acquire and develop group interaction skills
Task-Oriented Group
Help members become aware of their needs, values, ideas, and feelings through the performance of a shared task
Group Process
How the work of a group is carried out, including how participants relate to each other, who talks to who, how tasks are accomplished, how decisions are made, and how therapy is undertaken
Leisure Intervention
Identify interests, develop activity specific skills, ID resources, understand healthy use of unstructured free time
Coping Skills Intervention
Identify problem solving and stress management techniques to cope with life stressors
Prevocational Intervention
Identify skills for work/volunteering, limitations, interests, work behaviors, job hunting and retrieval skills
Discharge Planning Intervention
Problem solve potential obstacles and ID resources for successful community reintegration
Decision Making
Process of agreeing on problem resolution
Group Communication
Process of giving, receiving, and interpreting information through verbal and non-verbal expression
Recognizing shared feelings and that one's problems are not unique
Relieves emotions by expressing one's feelings
Reminiscence Intervention
Review past life experiences to promote cognition and sense of personal worth
Individuals Roles
Roles that serve an individual purpose; interfere with group success
Group Norms
Standards, either implicit/explicit, verbalized/unstated, that are often developed by a group leader or based on group interaction
The degree to which members are committed to a group and extent of members' liking for the group
Group Dynamics
The forces that influence the relationships of members and the group outcome
Group Structure
The way in which membership is organized; the way in which the activity is presented (the directions, procedures, techniques, and time arrangements)
Two or more people who have a consciousness that they are a group. An intentional gathering of people for the purpose of change
Family Reenactment
Understanding what is was like growing up in one's family through a group experience