Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

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What were hushed voices around the world saying in celebration?

" To Harry Potter - the boy who lived!"

What did Uncle Vernon hum as he burned Harry's letters?

"Tiptoe Through the Tulips."

What new word did Dudley learn?


According to Professor McGonagall, who does she say has disappeared?


What five equipment pieces must Harry buy for school?

1 wand, 1 cauldron, 1 set glass or crystal phials, 1 telescope, 1 set brass scales.

How many points does Dumbledore award Neville?

10 points.

How long ago were Harry's parents murdered?

10 years ago.

What time will detention for Harry, Ron and Hermione take place?

11 o'clock pm.

What time does Harry's train leave on his first trip to Hogwarts?

11 o'clock.

How old would Harry be this year?

11 years old.

According to Dumbledore, how many years has he been trying to get persuade people to call "YouKnow-Who" by his real name?

11 years.

How many staircases were at Hogwarts?


In what year were all the Quidditch fouls called?


How many points are received when the Seeker catches the Snitch?

150 points.

How many silver sickles make a Galleon?

17 Sickles.

When was dragon breeding outlawed?


What year did Dumbledore defeat the Dark Wizard Grindelwald?


How many points were taken from Gryffindor during potions?

2 points.

According to Dudley, how many more presents did he receive last year?


How many streets away did Mrs. Figg live from the Dursley's?


How many points did Malfoy lose to Professor McGonagall?

20 Points.

How many broomsticks were lying on the grounds for Harry's first flying lesson?


How much were the silver unicorn horns?

21 Galleons each.

How many letters were sent to Harry on Saturday?

24 letters.

How many knuts make a sickle?

29 Knuts.

How many letters were sent on the third day?


How many Chasers are there?


How many points did Gryffindor have at the end of the year?


How many points did Hufflepuff have?


According to Dudley, how many presents did he count?


How long were the Ollivanders in business since?

383 B.C.

What time was Harry's first flying lesson?


How many times bigger was Dudley compared to Harry?

4 times.

How many points did Ravenclaw have?


How many points did Slytherin have?


How many points does Snape deducted from Gryffindor because of Ron fighting with Malfoy?

5 points.

How many points did Professor McGonagall award Harry and Ron?

5 points each.

How many points did Professor McGonagall take away from Hermione?

5 points.

How many TV programs had Dudley missed because of the Dursley trip?


How high were the Quidditch hoops?

50 feet.

How many feet did Harry catch the Remembrall within?

50 feet.

How many points does Dumbledore award Hermione for her cool logic?

50 points.

How many points does Dumbledore award Ron for playing the best-played game of chess?

50 points.

How many owls were carrying a package for Harry?


How many points does Dumbledore award Harry for his nerve and outstanding courage?

60 points.

What time did Harry have Quidditch practice?

7'o clock.

How many players are on each Quidditch team?


How many ways could you commit a Quidditch foul?


Emeric Switch wrote which magical textbook?

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration.

What did Harry give to Neville to make him feel better?

A Chocolate Frog.

Who did Hagrid buy Fluffy from?

A Greek chappie.

Bathilda Bagshot, wrote which magical textbook?

A History of Magic.

What does George tell Ginny he'll send her?

A Hogwarts toilet seat.

What did the tiny old man in the violet cloak call Mr. Dursley that made him rethink the awkward situation?

A Muggle.

What type of dragon does Hagrid have?

A Norwegian Ridgeback.

What does Harry suggest to Ron to have?

A Pasty.

What does the P stand for on Percy's robe?

A Prefect.

What did Chasers chase?

A Quaffle.

What did Neville's Grandma send him during breakfast?

A Remembrall.

What did Ron's mom send Harry?

A Weasley sweater, Emerald green, and a large box of homemade fudge.

What first caught Harry's eye that looked like a flash of gold?

A Weasley's wristwatch.

What poster did Dean hang up?

A West Ham Soccer team poster.

What did Harry try for the first time at the Christmas dinner with Fred?

A Wizard cracker.

What type of owl did Neville have?

A barn owl.

What type of Owl did Hagrid buy Harry?

A beautiful snowy owl.

What is Harry on the chessboard?

A bishop.

What does Hermione suggest to Harry to eat before the Quidditch match?

A bit of toast.

What did Hermione conjure to keep Harry, Ron and herself warm?

A blue fire in a jam jar.

What type of shape was Harry's scar?

A bolt of lightning.

What two shops was the Leaky Cauldron between?

A book shop and a record shop.

What was in the bowl Harry sat down next to in Hagrid's hut after exams?

A bowl of peas.

What did Dudley think the BOOM was as he woke up?

A cannon.

According to Mr. Dursley, what noises didn't make the cat on the wall outside quiver or move?

A car door slamming, two owls swooping overhead.

What is Hermione on the chessboard?

A castle.

Who is Ronan?

A centaur.

How many years has it been since the last youngest Seeker in history:

A century.

Last year, according to Harry, what did the Dursley's give Harry as a birthday gift?

A coat hanger and a pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks.

What weapon did Hagrid have?

A crossbow.

What did Ron tell Madam Pomfrey he was bitten by?

A dog.

What did Mr. Dursley buy from the bakery during his lunch?

A doughnut

What pet has Hagrid wanted ever since he was a kid?

A dragon.

What does Hagrid call Mr. Dursley as he's telling him to shut up?

A great prune.

What does Harry remember from the night of his parents' death?

A green light.

How long was it until Harry was on his way to the zoo since Piers walked in the door?

A half hour.

Before Harry's train trip to Hogwarts, what did Hagrid buy Harry for lunch?

A hamburger.

What does the Goblin ask Hagrid when Hagrid asks to withdraw money from Harry's safe?

A key.

What is Ron on the chessboard?

A knight.

What did Hermione get Harry for Christmas?

A large box of Chocolate Frogs.

What did Dumbledore write to the Aunt and Uncle of Harry Potter?

A letter explaining everything to him when he's older.

What was one of the old women smoking?

A long pipe.

During the car ride to the zoo, what type of dream did Harry tell Uncle Vernon he had?

A motorcycle flying.

What type of Troll was in Hogwarts?

A mountain troll.

What was in the package that Professor McGonagall sent to Harry?

A new Nimbus Two Thousand.

What book does Professor Quirrell tell Harry he has to pick up in the Leaky Cauldron?

A new book on vampires.

According to Harry, what did Dudley have wrapped under the table for his birthday?

A new computer, a second television, a new bike.

What was held in the beak of the owl when Harry awoke the next morning from being rescued by Hagrid?

A newspaper.

What did Harry often say Dudley looked like?

A pig with a wig.

What did Professor McGonagall change her desk into?

A pig.

What is at Fluffy's feet?

A playing harp.

What type of show were Dursley's watching the night before Harry is to leave for Hogwarts?

A quiz show.

What was Uncle Vernon holding in his hands as he skidded into the room?

A rifle.

Who in Ron's family is a Muggle, and what is his occupation?

A second cousin, who is an accountant.

What did Albus pull from his under his cloak?

A silver cigarette lighter.

What do asphodel and wormwood make?

A sleeping potion to powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death.

What did Harry pull off one of socks under his bed?

A spider.

What is a bezoar?

A stone taken from the stomach of a goat and will save you from most poisons.

What was in the forbidden corridor?

A three headed dog.

According to Harry, what three strange people had vanished the second he tried to get a closer look at them?

A tiny man in a violet top, an old woman dressed all in green, a bald man in a very long purple coat.

What did Fred and George try to send Harry in the Nurse's office?

A toilet seat.

What type of hat was the little man that was talking to the bartender in Leaky Cauldron wearing?

A top hat.

What was the three headed dog standing on?

A trap door.

What was in the dungeon's on Halloween night?

A troll.

What does Harry think his scar's pain mean?

A warning.

What is Quidditch?

A wizard sport with broomsticks and four balls.

What does Hagrid tell Harry he is?

A wizard.

What was Aunt Petunia's sister?

A wizard.

What was the troll holding as a weapon?

A wooden club.

What did Hagrid give Harry for Christmas?

A wooden flute.

How many points do Chasers get for throwing the Quaffle through the hoop?

A: 10 points.

What are the names' of the dragon books Hagrid was looking at?

A: Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland, From Egg to Inferno, A Dragon Keeper's Guide.

What color were the peeling letters on the Ollivander door?

A: Gold.

What is the name of the Slytherin seeker?

A: Terence Higgs.

How long did Harry and Ron retrace Harry's steps?

About an hour.

How many cards does Ron have?

About five hundred.

1What are monkshood and wolfsbane also known as?


Who is the author of Magical Theory?

Adalbert Waffling.

What is the name of Slytherin's Chaser?

Adrian Pucey

What is Ron missing?

Agrippa and Ptolemy.

What is the name of the old man outside visiting Privet Drive?

Albus Dumbledore

What card did Harry get from his Chocolate frog?

Albus Dumbledore.

What was the name of the Headmaster of Hogwarts?

Albus Dumbledore.

What was this strange man's name with a white beard on Privet Drive?

Albus Dumbledore.

What is the name of Neville's Great Uncle?


What was Dudley's second room filled with?

All his broken toys.

What spell did Hermione use to unlock the door for Harry?


What did Professor Quirrell say how he got his turban?

An African prince gave it to him as a gift for getting rid of zombies.

What was Harry's last gift?

An Invisibility Cloak.

What type of owl did Malfoy have?

An eagle owl.

What was Professor McGonagall wearing?

An emerald cloak.

What type of key does Hermione say they need to find?

An old fashioned silver key.

What does Hagrid want to get Harry for his birthday?

An owl.

Where did Harry find the strange mirror?

An unused classroom.

What female was a Chaser on Gryffindor's team?

Angelina Johnson.

Who got the Quaffle ball first during the Quidditch match?

Angelina Johnson.

What happened to Neville when the cauldron's potion started to touch him?

Angry red boils sprang up all over his arms and legs.

What were the quills bewitched with before the exams?

Anti-Cheating spells.

What was Filch's first name?


Who is the author of Magical Draughts and Potions?

Arsenius Jigger.

Where does Cornelius Fudge work?

At the Ministry of Magic.

Why was Uncle Vernon's sister Marge ill?

Ate a funny whelk.

According to Aunt Petunia, what present did Dudley forget?

Auntie Marge's present.

Name the loud sound Harry heard outside the shack?


What food didn't Aunt Petunia want burnt on Dudley's birthday?


What did Uncle Vernon bring as rations to the shack on a rock?

Bags of chips and four bananas.

What was the second centaur's name?


What does Harry compare Quaffle throwing to?


What did Hagrid point at Uncle Vernon to threaten him with at the shack?

Battered pink umbrella

What position are Fred and George on the Quidditch team?


Why does Ron shout at Scabbers in his bed?

Because he's eating the sheets.

Why did Harry have scotch tape on his glasses?

Because of all the times Dudley would punch him in the face.

Why did Percy chase Fred and George all around Gryffindor Tower?

Because they stole his Prefect badge.

Why didn't Voldemort try to get the Potter's on his side?

Because they were too close to Dumbledore.

What was the first wand Harry tried from Ollivander?

Beechwood and dragon heartstring, nine inches, nice and flexible.

What does Ron's mother warn Fred and George about?

Behaving and not blowing up toilets.

What do Fred and George say may have a new secretc passage way?

Behind the Statue of Gregory the Smarmy.

What does Oliver Wood say Harry's built for?

Being a seeker.

What did Hagrid do Mr. Dursley's rifle?

Bent it into a knot.

What did the cart lady have?

Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Licorice Wands, and a number of other strange things Harry had never seen in his life.

Why were Fred and George punished during the winter season?

Bewitching snowballs so that they followed Professor Quirrell around.

Which of Ron's brothers graduated from Hogwarts?

Bill and Charlie.

What handmedowns does Ron have?

Bill's old robes, Charlie's old wand, and Percy's old rat.

What color was the screaming book Harry picked up?

Black and silver.

What did Hagrid's eyes look like to the Dursley's?

Black beetles.

What color was Harry's hair and eyes?

Black hair, green eyes.

What color is the Bludger ball?


What color was Bane's hair?


What color was Hagrid's coat?


What color was Snape's cloak?


What color was the dragon egg?


What color were the plain work robes Harry was to purchase?


What type of memories does Harry have about the past?

Blinding flash of green light and a burning pain on his forehead.

What was for dessert during the banquet?

Blocks of ice cream in every flavor, apple pies, treacle tarts, chocolate eclairs, jam doughnuts, trifle, strawberries, Jell-O, rice pudding.

What color was Dudley's hair and eyes?

Blond hair, blue eyes.

What color hair does Hannah Abbot have?


Who does Harry pretend to be under the Invisibility Cloak?

Bloody Baron.

What did a wizard cracker do?

Blue smoked bang like a cannon.

What color were Fred and George's sweaters?

Blue with Yellow letters.

What color were Albus' eyes?


According to the snake, where did he come from?

Boa Constrictor, Brazil.

What type of stores did Harry and Hagrid pass as they looked for wands?

Book stores, music stores, hamburger restaurants, and cinemas.

Where did Hagrid get the motorcycle?

Borrowed it from Young Sirius Black.

What did the goblin do as Harry and Hagrid walked inside?


What did Hagrid pack Norbert?

Brandy, rats, and a teddy bear.

What type of material was the number four on Privet drive made of?


How did Dudley destroy some of his presents from his birthday?

Broke his video camera, crashed his remote control airplane and crashed his bike into Mrs. Figg.

What color is the Knut coin?


What color were the Gringotts main entrance doors?


What was the style of Dudley's old sweater Harry accidentally shrunk while Aunt Petunia tried to fit it on his head?

Brown with orange puff balls.

What color was the girl's hair that entered Harry and Ron's train cart?


What do you feed a dragon as a hatchling?

Bucket of brandy mixed with chicken blood.

What did Uncle Vernon do to Harry's letter?

Burned the letter.

Describe what Hagrid looked like:

Bushy black hair and beard, feet in their leather boots like baby dolphins, hands the size of trash can lids, muscular arms.

How did Harry catch the Snitch?

By almost swallowing it.

How did Hermione get points from Professor McGonagall?

By knowing about Switching Spells.

What did Mrs. Figg's house smell like?


What is the password Percy gives to open the Gryffindor door?

Caput Draconis.

What does Professor McGonagall characterize Hagrid as?


As Dudley was put to bed, what did Mr. Dursley decide to do?

Catch the last report of the evening news.

What type of photographs did Mrs. Figg make Harry look at?


What punishment does Filch suggest from the olden days?

Chaining them up to the ceiling for a few days.

What does Dumbledore enjoy?

Chamber music and tenpin bowling.

What type of spells was Harry's mother's wand good for?


What normal flavors does Ron suggest could be in the Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?

Chocolate, peppermint and marmalade.

Where was the hotel located?


What do Chocolate Frogs have inside them?

Collectible cards.

What wild dragons live in Britain?

Common Welsh Green and Hebridean Blacks.

What color cauldrons did Harry see outside the cauldron shop?

Copper, Brass, Pewter, and Silver.

What doesn't Ron like on his sandwiches?

Corned beef.

Who are Draco's two friends?

Crabbe and Goyle.

What did Hagrid do once he's in the room?

Create a roaring fire in the fireplace.

What spell would Ron learn to curse Hermione or Neville if they get caught?

Curse of the Bogies.

What did Professor Vindictus Viridian write that Harry was interested in?

Curses and Countercurses: Bewitch Your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, TongueTying and Much, Much More.

What did Aunt Petunia at one point do to Harry's hair?

Cut it to hide his scar.

What did Hedwig bring back every night?

Dead mice.

Who does Professor McGonagall think is the cause of the shooting stars in Kent?

Dedalus Diggle.

6 What does Professor Quirrell teach?

Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Who were Dudley's other friends besides Piers?

Dennis, Malcolm, and Gordon.

What do Hermione's parents do for a living?


What did Dumbledore do to the stone?

Destroyed it.

What were Harry, Ron, and Hermione's punishments for being out at night?

Detention and 50 points each from Gryffindor.

What else was Malfoy's punishment for wandering around at night?


What do Harry, Ron and Hermione land in under the trapdoor?

Devil's Snare.

Where did Nicolas Flamel live?


What nickname does Aunt Petunia call Dudley to calm him down?

Dinky Duddydums.

What does Ron have on his nose that Hermione mentions to him?


What does the young boy say Hagrid does when he drinks?

Does magic and sets fire to his bed.

What was the first rule for a quiet life with the Dursley's?

Don't ask questions.

What three people introduce themselves to Harry in the Leaky Cauldron?

Doris Crockford, Dedalus Diggle and Professor Quirrell.

Who's hand did Harry shake before leaving the pub?

Doris Crockford.

As Hagrid puts his coat on Harry, what does he says he has in one of his pockets?


What class did Ron and Harry have on Friday?

Double Potions.

What book did Hagrid check out at the library?

Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit.

What does Hagrid say is guarding the high-security vaults of Gringotts?


What was Hagrid looking up as he visited Harry, Ron and Hermione in the library?

Dragons. 230

What would Peeves do to annoy the students?

Drop wastepaper baskets on your head, pull rugs from under your feet, pelt you with bits of chalk, sneak behind you and grab your nose and screech, Got Your Conk.

What type of ice cream did Harry, Dudley and Piers have?

Dudley / Piers: Large chocolate Ice creams. Harry: Lemon ice pop.

What clothes did Harry have to wear?

Dudley's old clothes.

Where does Uncle Vernon suggest Harry move his room to?

Dudley's second bedroom.

What was the wizard on the Chocolate Frog collectible card?


Who does Harry run into on the third night at the mirror?


Who is the only person Voldemort was afraid of?


Who let Hagrid stay on at Hogwarts as a gamekeeper?


According to Dudley, what do people do on the first day at Harry's school?

Dunk people's head down the toilet.

What does Aunt Petunia do to Dudley's old clothes?

Dye them gray for Harry's uniform.

What flavor bean does Dumbledore eat?

Ear wax.

What will the Sorting Hat do if you find a smarter hat than him?

Eat himself.

What was the third wand Harry tried from Ollivander?

Ebony and unicorn hair, eight and half inches, springy.

What type of wand did Harry's father have?

Eleven inches, mahogany, pliable.

How much did Harry pay the cart lady?

Eleven silver Sickles and seven bronze Knuts.

Who did Professor Binns get mixed up during his lecture?

Emeric the Evil and Uric the Oddball.

What team could have Charlie played on if he didn't go study dragons?


What is the name of Neville's Great Auntie?


What was the inscription above the mirror Harry found say?

Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt wohsi.

What did Hermione get Ron for Christmas?

Every flavor Beans.

What is Hagrid's dogs' name?


Was Harry's new owl male or female?


What did Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia send Harry for Christmas?

Fifty-pence piece.

What does Devil's Snare not like?


Who saved Harry from the hooded figure?


What rule are parents reminded of in the second Hogwarts letter?

First years are not allowed their own broomsticks.

What time did Harry get up the morning he had to leave for the train station to go to Hogwarts?

Five o'clock.

How much were the minuscule, glittery-black beetle eyes at the Apothecary?

Five Knuts a scoop.

What does Hagrid say to pay the owl?

Five Knuts.

How many minutes til the train reaches Hogwarts?

Five minutes.

At what time did Mr. Dursley leave work to head home?

Five o'clock.

How many brothers does Ron have?


How many people did Mr. Dursley yell at during his "owl-free" morning?


According to Fred and George, what two things did school brooms do?

Flew too high, and flew to the left.

What shop were Harry's books bought in?

Flourish and Blotts.

What is the name of the three-headed dog at Hogwarts?


Where did Harry fall asleep?

Flying over Bristol.

How high did Hermione make the feather float in Charm's class?

Four feet high.

How many long tables were in the Great Hall?


How many people came to pick up Norbert?


How many people could fit in one boat that as taken to hospitals gears castle?


Who helped Harry lift his trunk onto the train for his first trip to Hogwarts ?

Fred and George.

Who was last singing the Hogwarts song?

Fred and George.

Who were the red haired twins that were hurrying through the platform?

Fred and George.

Who tells Harry what they think the sorting Hat does to them?


What name does one ghost reference the monk ghost?


On what day of the week did Harry and Ron finally not get lost going to the Great Hall for breakfast?


What day of the week did the staircases sometimes lead someone somewhere different?


How long did the three wizards stay and look at Harry upon the doorstep?

Full minute.

What are gold coins called?


What did Professor Quirrell's room smell like?


What did Hagrid do to Dudley with his 'umbrella?'

Gave him a curly pig's tail.

Who gave Ron the spell to use on his rat?


Once a week, what did Uncle Vernon shout at Harry to do?

Get a haircut.

What was the small red haired girls name at the train station to Hogwarts?


What is Gringotts run by?


According to Dumbledore, where did Voldermort turn up last night?

Godric's Hollow.

What color chair was Albus Dumbledore sitting in during the Great Hall Sorting Hat Banquet?


What did Harry practice with Oliver with to catch in the air?

Golf balls.

Who raised Neville Longbottom?


What is Hermione's last name?


What books does Hermione look through to find Nicloas Flemel?

Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century, Notable Magical Names of Our Time, Modern Magical Discoveries, A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry.

What color did Ron's dragon bitten hand turn?


What color were Slytherin's Quidditch robes?


Where is Harry and Hagrid's first stop before going to Hogwarts?

Gringotts Wizard's bank.

What is the name of the goblin taking Harry and Hagrid down to the vaults?


What are the four Houses called?

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

What House does Sir Nicholas represent?


What House was Dean Thomas sorted into?


What House was Harry Potter sorted into?


What House was Hermione Granger sorted into?


What House was Lavender Brown sorted into?


What House was Neville Longbottom sorted into?


What House was Ron Weasley sorted into?


What House was Seamus Finnigan sorted into?


What house does Hermione hope she gets into?


What house was Dumbledore in?


Who scores the first goal of the Quidditch match?


After a low rumbling, what did Dumbledore and McGonagall see fall out of the night air?

Hagrid riding a motorcycle.

What did Harry play to put Fluffy to sleep?

Hagrid's wooden flute.

According to Professor McGonagall, who was late to meet them?


Who does Dumbledore trust with his life?


Who is bringing Harry to the Dursley's house?


Who was calling all the first year's off the train to meet him?


How late was Filch in meeting Hagrid?

Half an hour.

What was missing on Uncle Vernon's face as they got ready to leave the house?

Half his mustache.

What time did the cart lady arrive outside Harry's train cart?

Half past twelve.

What type of glasses were Albus wearing?

Half-moon spectacles.

What holiday were Harry's parents killed on?


What name did Mr. Dursley hear the people in cloaks mention as he passed by the bakery?

Harry & The Potters.

Who did Voldermort kill first?

Harry's father.

Who did Hagrid give the sausages he cooks at the shack to?


Before the Dursley's took in Harry, what did Mr. Dursley think his name might be?

Harvey & Harold.

What did the round faced boy come in Harry and Ron's train cart to ask?

Have they seen his toad?

How did Harry lose 5 points from Snape?

Having a library book outside the school.

How did Hagrid get to Harry's shack on a rock?

He flew.

What happened to Hagrid at Hogwarts for him not to be allowed to do magic?

He got expelled.

Why does Snape hate Harry's father?

He saved him.

What happened when Harry was being chased by Dudley and his gang?

He somehow made it on top of the chimney while running away on the roof.

What happened to Voldermort after his encounter with Harry?

He vanished(disappeared).

What would happen to Harry in September?

He'd be going to Secondary school.

What did Fred say would happen during the Sorting Ceremony to Ron?

He'd have to wrestle a troll.

What does Oliver do during the game?

He's a Keeper.

What was Bill's previous position at Hogwarts?

Head boy.

What did Harry call his new owl?


What other collectible cards from the Chocolate frogs did Harry look at?

Hengist of Woodcroft, Alberic Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus, Merlin and Cliodna the druidess.

Who almost turned a match into a needle on the first day of transfiguration class?


Who came into Harry's train cart, during the commotion with Draco and his friends?


Who had the best grade at the end of the first year?


Who was the one only talking during their wait for the sorting hat?


What does Harry tell Quirrell he sees in the mirror?

Him shaking hands with Dumbledore after winning the House Cup.

What does Ron see in the mirror?

Himself as Head Boy, holding the Quidditch Cup and House Cup and he's Quidditch Captain.

Who left Harry the Invisibility Cloak?

His father.

Who did Harry see in the mirror?

His mom and dad.

What type of eyes does Mr. Ollivander say Harry has?

His mother's eyes.

What did Dudley try to pack in his sports bag before leaving the house?

His television, VCR and computer.

What animal did Dudley throw through the greenhouse roof?

His tortoise.

What was the last item on Harry's list of equipment for school?

His wand.

According to Harry, what was the most boring class?

History of Magic.

What was the name of the school in the letter given to Harry?

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Where did Hermione read about the bewitched starry ceiling?

Hogwarts: A History.

What was the final wand Harry tried from Ollivander's shop?

Holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple.

What were the students stewing during class?

Horned slugs.

What can students earn in the House that they're assigned to?

House Points.

What can you lose if you break any rules at Hogwarts?

House Points.

What House is the Fat Friar from?


What House was Hannah Abbot sorted into?


What House was Justin Finch-Fletchley sorted into?


What House was Susan Bones sorted into?


Who did Gryffindor win their next match against?


What type of snakes to Dudley and Piers want to see?

Huge poisonous cobras and thick, man-crushing pythons.

What does Hagrid ask Harry to make him believe he's a wizard?

If things ever happened when he was angry or scared.

What does Bill do now?

In Africa doing something for Gringotts.

Where does Hagrid say they have to go to get Harry's stuff for Hogwarts?

In London.

When does the Quidditch season begin?

In November.

Where did Ron leave his letter?

In a book that Malfoy took.

Where did Harry put the money to pay the owl?

In his small leather pouch.

Where will the start of the term banquet be held?

In the Great Hall.

Where can't Harry use magic unless under very special circumstances?

In the Muggle world.

Where did he find the name Hedwig?

In the book, A History of Magic.

According to Aunt Petunia, how did Harry receive his scar on his head?

In the car crash when his parents died.

What color was the water the Dursley's would travel on?


What happened the next morning after Aunt Petunia cut Harry's hair?

It grew back to normal.

What was different about the second letter sent to Harry?

It said, The Smallest Bedroom.

What was strange about Dumbledore's watch?

It was a golden watch, with twelve hands, no numbers, and little planets moving around the edge.

What did Harry wear to the train station instead of his robes?

Jeans .

What color hair did Harry have?

Jet-black hair.

What is the name of the weather man on the news Mr. Dursley was watching?

Jim McGuffin.

What did Hermione think Snape was doing during the Quidditch match?

Jinxing Harry's broom.

When is the last day to send in his owl to confirm the acceptance into Hogwarts?

July 31.

What day did Gringott's get broken into by dark wizards?

July 31st.

What does unicorn blood do?

Keep you alive, but gives you a cursed life.

What three locations were viewers phoning in from to the weather station?

Kent, Yorkshire, and Dundee.

What couldn't Voldermort do that made him disappear?

Kill Harry Potter.

What had Dudley never gone without for so long during their trip?

Killing aliens on his computer.

What is the name of the train station?

King's Cross.

What type of dessert did Dudley have a temper tantrum over because there wasn't enough ice cream on top?

Knickerbocker glory.

What type of handkerchief did Professor McGonagall pull out to dab her eyes?


What place was Gryffindor in after losing 150 points?

Last place.

Which Hogwarts student owns a giant tarantula?

Lee Jordan.

Who was commentating the Quidditch game?

Lee Jordan.

What Muggle-sweet was Albus Dumbledore found of?

Lemon drops.

How long did the Quidditch game against Hufflepuff last?

Less than 5 minutes.

What did Ron do during the Troll situation?

Levitated the wooden club over the Troll's head.

What were the names of Harry's parents?

Lily and James Potter.

What did Harry see Snape doing during Quidditch?


What town did Harry live in?

Little Whinging.

What is the Leg Locker Curse spell?

Locomotor Mortis.

What was Dumbledore wearing on the evening he visited Mr. Dursley?

Long robes, a purple cloak, and high-heeled, buckled boots. Pg 8

What is one thing Voldermort cannot understand?


Who is the Quidditch instructor?

Madam Hooch.

Who was refereeing the Quidditch match?

Madam Hooch.

What is the name of the uniform shop?

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

What is the name of the Librarian at Hogwarts?

Madam Pince.

What is the name of the nurse at Hogwarts?

Madam Pomfrey.

According to Uncle Vernon, what did he say to Hagrid that he wasn't going to pay Dumbledore to teach Harry?

Magic tricks.

What did Snape ask the students to do for the exams?

Make a Forgetfulness potion.

What did Nicolas Flamel do to make him well-known?

Maker of the Sorcerer's Stone.

What are the parties Hagrid splits the students up in?

Malfoy, Neville and Fang / Harry, Hagrid, Hermione.

What is Draco's last name?


Who cursed Neville with the Leg Locker Curse?


Who did Madam Hooch say was learning to fly the wrong way for years?


Who stole Neville's Remembrall?


Who was looking through the curtains to see the dragon in Hagrid's hut?


What was the second wand Harry tried from Ollivander?

Maple and phoenix feather, seven inches, whippy.

Who was Slytherin's Captain?

Marcus Flint, fifth year.

Who fouled Harry during the quidditch game?

Marcus Flint.

Who does Uncle Vernon suggest to watch Harry instead of Mrs. Figg?


What are the colors of the clothing worn by the Smelting boys?

Maroon tailcoats, orange knickerbockers, boaters (flat straw hats).

What color is Ron's Christmas sweater?


What did Harry want to buy from the cart that they didn't have?

Mars Bars.

What does Ronan say is bright tonight?


What did Percy tell Hermione she'd start transfiguring?

Matches into needles.

What subject does Harry tell Hagrid he knows some things about?


When Harry met her, what color was Madam Malkin dressed in?


What time and place does Malfoy suggest a wizard's duel?

Midnight in the trophy room.

What did Uncle Vernon whisper to Hagrid after he got yelled at?


Who is the deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts?

Minerva McGonagall.

According to Professor McGonagall, where did Dumbledore fly off to?

Ministry of Magic.

Who wrote the Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)?

Miranda Goshawk.

What is the name of the mirror?

Mirror of Erised.

What books are Harry's name in?

Modern Magical History, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.

What was Hagrid dressed in while setting up the Quidditch field?

Moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves, enormous beaver skin boots.

What are names of the last six people before Harry was sorted?

Moon, Nott, Parkinson, Patil, Patil, and Sally-Anne Perks

What did Dudley want the giant snake to do?


Who is the caretaker of Hogwarts?

Mr. Filch.

What was Filch's cats' name?

Mrs. Norris.

What didn't Hagrid understand at the train station?

Muggle money.

Is Seamus's Dad a Wizard or a Muggle?


What are Hermione's parents?


What puts Fluffy to sleep?


What did Uncle Vernon do while staying home from work?

Nailed up the mail slot.

Where did they find Neville's toad?

Near the corner of the toilets.

What is Sir Nicholas' nickname?

Nearly Headless Nick.

What is the name of the round faced boy who lost his toad?


Who breaks their wrist during flying practice?


Who did Peeves drop the walking sticks on?


Who is the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?

Newt Scamander.

Who does Hermione want to research in the library?

Nicolas Flamel.

Who was Dumbledore's partner while studying alchemy?

Nicolas Flamel.

What platform at the train station must Harry take to Hogwarts?

Nine and three-quarters.

What four words does Dumbledore say before beginning the banquet?

Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak.

What does Uncle Vernon warn Harry before going to the zoo?

No funny business or he'll be in the cupboard from now until Christmas.

When Voldermort tried to kill other wizards, who else survived?

No one.

What word does Professor McGonagall use to characterize Dumbledore?


What did Hagrid call the baby dragon?


What type of wand did Hagrid receive?

Oak, sixteen inches, bendy.

What does Harry compare his new school uniform to?

Old elephant skin.

Who does Professor McGonagall introduce Harry to after flying practice?

Oliver Wood.

What was the name of the wand shop?


In Mr. Dursley's house, where were the photographs located that showed Dudley grow up?

On the mantlepiece.

How often do the goblins check if anyone is stuck inside the vaults?

Once every ten years.

How many times did Dumbledore click the "Put-Outer" to turn the lights back on?


What book was Harry looking up Dittany in?

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.

What was the name of Harry's textbook for Potions class?

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.

What type of gloves was Harry to buy?

One pair of protective gloves, dragon hide or similar.

What type of hat was Harry to buy?

One plain pointed hat, black.

How many trips did it take Harry to bring his stuff up stairs to his new room?

One trip.

What type of coat was Harry to buy?

One winter cloak, black, silver fastenings.

What does the Mirror of Erised show?

Our deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts.

What did the evening news anchors discuss that was unusual that day?

Owl's sleeping patterns.

What did people in the streets that were gazing open-mouthed see that Mr. Dursley did not see?

Owls fly overhead.

What type of pet can Harry bring to Hogwarts?

Owls, cats, or toads.

Who tells Malfoy to shut up during flying practice?

Parvati Patil.

What ghost does Percy threaten to go to the Bloody Baron for misbehaving?


What ghost has been giving the other ghosts a bad name?


What didn't Harry place on his dinner plate?

Peppermint humbags.

Who did the first year Gryffindor students follow to bed?


Who got new robes in Ron's family?


Who in Ron's family got an owl for the new school year?


Who is Ron's oldest brother?


What was Nicolas Flamel's wife's' name?


What spell did Hermione cast on Neville?

Petrificus Totalus.

What does Petrificus Totalus do?

Petrifies a person, Body-Bind..

What is Mrs. Dursley's first name?


What color cauldron does Harry have to purchase?


Who is the author of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi?

Phyllida Spore.

How did Harry countdown the days before September 1st?

Piece of paper pinned to the wall.

Who is Dudley's best friend?

Piers Polkiss.

What is the new password to get into Gryffindor's bed chambers?

Pig snout.

What color dress was the lady in the portrait dressed in?

Pink silk dress.

What color was the beach ball in one of old pictures above the mantlepiece?


What must Harry do to get across the giant chessboard?

Play the game.

What does Percy pass to Harry during the banquet?


What did the Gryffindor banner say in the stands?

Potter for President.

According the Quirrell, there is no good and evil, only?


Who teaches History of Magic?

Professor Binns.

Who does Madam Hooch ask to borrow wood from?

Professor Flitwick.

Who was the Charm's professor?

Professor Flitwick.

What name did Albus Dumbledore call the cat?

Professor McGonagall.

Who did Hagrid kiss as he drank his wine on Christmas Day?

Professor McGonagall.

Who does Hagrid introduce the first year's to as they enter Hogwarts?

Professor McGonagall.

Who teaches Transfiguration at Hogwarts?

Professor McGonagall.

Who was the Head of Gryffindor?

Professor McGonagall.

Who did Harry dream about the first night at Hogwarts?

Professor Quirrell.

Who did Harry see after passing through the fire?

Professor Quirrell.

Who met Snape in the forest?

Professor Quirrell.

Who is the Head of Slytherin?

Professor Snape.

Who teaches Potions at Hogwarts?

Professor Snape.

Who was Harry's Herbology professor?

Professor Sprout.

What color was Professor Quirrell's turban?


What color was the cushion holding the wand in the Ollivanders window?


What was Mrs. Dursley opening the front door for the morning after Dumbledore visited?

Putting out the milk bottles.

What was Charlie's previous position at Hogwarts?

Quidditch captain.

What book did Hermione read to learn more about Quidditch?

Quidditch through the ages.

Who let the troll into Hogwarts?


Who tried to kill Harry during the Quidditch match?


What presents did Dudley unwrap in front of his family?

Racing bike, a video camera, a remote control airplane, sixteen new computer games, VCR, and a gold wristwatch.

What hotel were the Dursley's staying at?

Railview Hotel.

What House was Lisa Turpin sorted into?


What House was Mandy Brocklehurst sorted into?


What House was Terry Boot sorted into?


Which house do both Ron and Hermione agree wouldn't be so bad?


What color was the small girl that passed Harry in the train station?


What color is the Quaffle?

Red. 167

What does the Remembrall do?

Remind you if you forgot something by turning red.

Is Harry right-handed or left-handed?


Name all the food Harry sees on the banquet table.

Roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, peppermint humbags.

What food was served on Christmas Day?

Roast turkeys, roast and boiled potatoes, chipolatas, tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick rich gravy and cranberry sauce.

Who did Harry suggest to give the dragon to?

Ron's brother, Charlie.

Who was in Harry's boat?

Ron, Hermione, and Neville.

What was the name of the youngest red headed son trying to get on the train?


Who gave Malfoy a black eye?


What was the hotel room number where the Durlsey's were staying?

Room 17.

What does the giant introduce himself as?

Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.

What sound did the door make when it was hit with force and swung clean off its hinges?


What desert did Referees had been known to vanish and turn up months later?


What did Ron bring with him on the train to eat?


What type of hair was the boy standing in front of Harry, during the Great Hall walk in?

Sandy hair

What day of the week did the Dursley's go to the zoo?


What day of the week was Harry to start playing Quidditch?


What did Seamus eat before the Quidditch match?

Sausages piled with ketchup.

What made Goyle shout before Ron could defend himself?

Scabbers bit Goyle.

What is Ron's rats' name?


Who was on Harry's pillow when he got back from speaking to Dumbledore?


What did Malfoy do to make Neville shoot red sparks?

Scared him.

What color uniform was the goblin at the main entrance of Gringotts wearing?

Scarlet and gold.

What color were Harry's Quidditch robes?


What three activities were the Goblins participating in Gringotts on their stools?

Scribbling in large ledgers, weighing coins in brass scales, examining precious stones through eyeglasses.

Who lent Harry and Ron and chessmen?

Seamus Finnigan.

Who's cauldron was melted by Neville?


If Gryffindor won, what place would they move up into for the House Championship?

Second place.

According to Harry, what seemed to Hagrid as normal as talking on the telephone?

Sending an owl.

When does Hogwarts' term begin?

September 1.

What did Hermione do to Snape?

Set his robes on fire.

How much was Harry's new wand?

Seven gold Galleons.

What number is the You-Know-What vault?

Seven hundred and thirteen.

What is Snape's first name?


Why couldn't Mrs. Figg watch Harry on Dudley's birthday?

She had a broken leg..

What is shining on Percy's robe?

Shiny red-and-gold badge, with the letter P.

Instead of rain, what did Jim the weather man say it was pouring?

Shooting stars.

What are silver coins called?


What did Percy almost break his teeth on in a slice of flaming pudding?

Silver sickle.

What did Harry examine at the Apothecary?

Silver unicorn horns, and glittery black beetle eyes.

What color are the engraved words in Gringotts?


What color was the strange man's hair and beard outside Privet Drive?


What color were Mr. Ollivander's eyes?


What is the full name of the ghost who introduces himself to Harry during the banquet?

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington.

How old is Perenelle?

Six hundred and fifty-eight.

How old is Nicolas Flamel?

Six hundred and fifty.

When did Harry's repaired alarm clock ring?

Six o'clock a.m.

How many years in a row has Slytherin won the House Championship Cup?

Six years.

How many Morgana cards does Ron have?


How many sausages did Hagrid cook at the shack?


How much was the dragon liver at the Apothecary?

Sixteen sickles an ounce.

What size is the cauldron Harry must purchase?

Size 2.

What did Uncle Vernon do the night before the third letter was sent?

Slept on the front doormat in a sleeping bag.

What school houses does the young boy mention to Harry?

Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

As Harry arrived to the House cup dinner, who was being award the cup?


What House does Harry whisper to the Sorting Hat to not be in?


What House was Blaise Zabini sorted into?


What House was Millicent Bulstrode sorted into?


What House was Morag MacDougal sorted into?


What house was Voldemort in?


Who was Gryffindor versing first in Quidditch?


What school was Dudley accepted into for the fall?

Smeltings, a private school.

Who is refereeing the next match?


Who was Harry following on his broomstick into the forest?


What did the baby dragon do as it hatched?


What color was the Gringotts building?

Snowy white.

What sport did Ron and Dean Thomas argue about?


What happened in Gringott's that was in the Daily Prophet?

Someone tried to rob a high security vault.

What "other" flavors does Ron suggest could be in the Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?

Spinach, liver, tripe and sprouts.

On thesecond day of the Dursley trip, what did the family eat for breakfast?

Stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast.

Describe Harry's birthday cake from Hagrid.

Sticky Chocolate cake, in green icing says, "Harry Birthday Harry."

What was the name of Harry's secondary school?

Stonewall High.

What did Harry have to do each Wednesday night at midnight?

Study the stars and movements of planets.

What does Charlie do now?

Studying dragons in Romania.

What did Harry pour into his porridge?


What was Ron's incantation for turning his rat yellow?

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.

What county did Harry live in?


What type of tea did the zoo director bring Aunt Petunia after the ordeal with the snake?

Sweet tea.

What does the second do during the wizard's duel?

Take over if the first wizard dies.

What did Ron look like?

Tall, thin, freckles, big hands and feet, long nose.

Where and when does Charlie want to meet to pick up the dragon?

Tallest tower at Midnight on Saturday.

Commented [1]: Stopped here What type of owls did Harry see outside the Eeylops Owl Emporium?

Tawny, Screech, Barn, Brown, and Snowy.

What is Oliver Wood on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?

Team captain.

What type of wand did Harry's mother have?

Ten and a quarter inch long, swishy, made of willow wand.

How many eyes does Harry wish he had to see everything in Diagon Alley?

Ten eyes

How many years had passed since the Dursley's took Harry in?

Ten years.

What does Ron suggest to Hermione to say if Professor Flitwick passes by?

That she thinks she got question fourteen b wrong.

What is the Slytherins ghosts' name?

The Bloody Baron.

What is Hagrid's wizard newspaper called?

The Daily Prophet.

What does Professor Snape want to teach?

The Dark Arts.

Quentin Trimble, wrote which magical textbook?

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection.

What T.V. show did Dudley not want to miss on Monday night?

The Great Humberto.

Who gets the House Cup?

The House with the most points.

What is the name of the pub Hagrid brings Harry to?

The Leaky Cauldron.

According to Hagrid, who else was killed by Voldermort?

The McKinnons, the Bones, the Prewetts.

What in Dudley's second room looks as though has never been touched?

The book shelf.

What lit the room in the shack for Harry to see the time?

The dial on Dudley's wristwatch.

What question does Harry ask Hagrid during their cart ride into the vaults?

The difference between stalactites and stalagmites.

What does Dumbledore warn the first years to stay away from?

The forests on the grounds.

Where was the tabby cat sitting as Mr. Dursley drove up his driveway?

The garden wall.

What part of the zoo did the Dursley's go to after lunch?

The reptile house.

What bottle will get Harry and Hermione through the purple fire?

The rounded bottle.

When will Quidditch trials be held?

The second week of the term.

What bottle will get Harry and Hermione through the black fire?

The smallest bottle.

What happened when Dudley punched Harry to the floor?

The snake's glass disappeared.

What happens when they first years pass the exams?

They get into second year.

What did they do to Hagrid's wand when he was expelled?

They snapped his wand.

According to Dumbledore, what is the rumor about Lily and James Potter?

They're deceased.

What does Dumbledore see when he's looking in the mirror?

Thick woolen socks.

According to the narrator, there are engraved words above a pair of doors in Gringotts, what do the words refer to?


What corridor is forbidden this year?

Third-floor corridor on the right-hand side.

How long was Harry's wand's brother? And what type of wood was it made from?

Thirteen and a half inches. Yew.

How many of potion bottles in Snape's chamber are poisonous?

Three bottles.

How long was Harry unconscious for?

Three days.

What time did Hagrid offer to have tea with Harry?

Three o'clock.

How many times a week is Quidditch practice?

Three times.

How many times did Hagrid knock on Hogwart's castle door?

Three times.

How many times did Hagrid tap on the wall with the tip of his umbrella for it to open to Diagon Alley ?

Three times.

How many plain work robes would Harry need as a first year student?


How did Aunt Petunia shred the letters they received from the post office and the dairy?

Through the food processor.

Where did the letters come from on Sunday morning?

Through the kitchen chimney.

What does a Red card do in soccer?

Throws a player out of the game..

What are the names of the cats in the Mrs. Figg's photographs Harry wouldn't have to see this year?

Tibbles, Snowy, Mr. Paws, and Tufty.

What were the old women in the corner drinking?

Tiny glasses of sherry.

What did the owl want after delivering the paper?

To be paid.

Why is Professor McGonagall at Privet Drive?

To help deliver Harry Potter to his aunt and uncle.

What is the main job of the Ministry of Magic?

To keep magic from the Muggles.

What does Uncle Vernon tell Harry the reason is for going to the hospital in London?

To remove Dudley's tail.

Where did Harry decide to go on Christmas night with his Invisibility Cloak?

To the restricted area of the library.

What flavors did Harry get from his Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean bag?

Toast, coconut, baked bean, strawberry, curry, grass, coffee, sardine and pepper.

What is the name of the bartender in the Leaky Cauldron?


What is Hermione particularly interested in learning first at Hogwarts?


What type of spells was Harry's father's wand good for?


What does the Sorcerer's Stone do?

Transform any metal into pure gold. Produces the Elixir of Life.

What was the name of Neville's toad?


What was Harry's wand covered with?

Troll boogers.

What day of the week would Harry's birthday land on?


What did Professor McGonagall test the students on?

Turning a mouse into a snuffbox.

How many letters were sent to Harry on Friday?

Twelve Letters.

How tall was the troll in the dungeon on Halloween?

Twelve feet tall.

How many times did Albus click his "Put-Outer?"

Twelve times.

How many uses of dragon's blood did Dumbledore discover?


How long ago did Voldemort start looking for followers?

Twenty years ago.

About how many ghosts streamed through the back wall above the students?


According to the narrator, how many times did Dumbledore's nose look like it had been broken?


How many potions are wine?

Two bottles.

What did Mrs. Dursley carry into the living room?

Two cups of tea.

How long was Harry up and ready to go before the Dursley's were up and their car was all packed?

Two hours.

How many Bludgers are on each team?


Where did Harry sleep?

Under the cupboard.

What does Hagrid point out in the forest that is silvery?

Unicorn blood.

What was poking out of Ron's wand?

Unicorn hair.

What does Ollivander use to make his wands?

Unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and heartstrings of dragons.

Where did Harry stick his wand?

Up the Troll's' nose.

What are the students to do if they see the unicorn?

Use their wands to shoot up green sparks for finding the unicorn, red sparks for trouble.

What did Professor Quirrell meet in the Black Forest that made him scared of everything?

Vampires and hags.

What was on the ceiling in the Great Hall?

Velvety black ceiling dotted with stars.

A tiny old man bumped into Mr. Dursley as he headed home. What color was his cloak?


What is "You-Know-Who's" real name?


What is the name of the man who killed Harry's parents?


How did Harry get his scar on his head?

Voldermort's evil curse touched him.

What did Harry have to do to get on the train?

Walk straight into the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

What was Peeves carrying?

Walking sticks.

Who outlawed dragon breeding?

Warlocks' Convention.

What did Mrs. Figg do during his visit to her house?

Watch television and eat old chocolate cake.

What is Fred, George, and Ron's last name?


What type of bites were Harry and Ron taking notes for during Dark Arts class?


What is Professor Snape's first question to Harry Potter about Potions?

What would he get if he added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

When was the last time Gryffindor won Quidditch?

When Charlie was there.

When was the last time Dumbledore blushed?

When Madam Pomfrey told him she liked his earmuffs.

What is Professor Snape's second question to Harry Potter about Potions?

Where would Harry look to find a bezoar?

What does Aunt Petunia suggest to Dudley to make him happy?

While they're out, they'll buy him two more presents.

What spell in Charms levitates objects?

Wingardium Leviosa.

What were the small, Jewel-bright birds that Harry, Ron, and Hermione, were chased by in the chamber?

Winged keys.

What did the snake do to Harry?


How did Uncle Vernon try to start a fire?

With bags of chips.

What was in Harry's pocket at the train station?

Wizard money.

What did Ron start teaching Harry how to play?

Wizard's chess.

How did Hagrid get the dragon egg?

Won it in a card game.

Who's does Aunt Petunia say is on vacation in Majorca and can't watch Harry for Dudley's birthday?


What did Hagrid take out of his coat pocket at the shack?

a copper kettle, a squashy package of sausages, a poker, a teapot, several chipped mugs, and a bottle of some amber liquid.

What animals were on the purple seal engraved on the envelope?

a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake. Surrounding the letter H.

What else did Harry receive for Christmas after Christmas dinner?

a pack of non-explodable, luminous balloons, a Grow Your Own Warts kit, wizard chess set.

When Harry went to go get the mail, what was laying on the doormat?

a postcard from Uncle Vernon's sister Marge vacationing on the Isle of Wight, brown envelope that looked like a bill, and a letter for Harry.

How long has the ghost during the banquet gone without eating?

nearly 500 years.

What was the name of the new broomstick that the boys outside the store were discussing?

new Nimbus Two Thousand.

What is a Muggle?

nonmagic folk.

What type of cauldrons did Harry see outside the cauldron shop?

self-stirring and collapsible.

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