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Out of World War II, in 1952, under pressure from lobbying groups including Japanese-American veterans:

"white"--only restrictions of the 1790 Naturalization Law was removed.

The emerging demographic diversity in America will perhaps have the greatest impact on:

**All of the other responses are correct. How we perceive our national identity and our future as one people. How we view ourselves as Americans. How European Americans see themselves in relations to the emerging diversity.

A study of English immigrants and their descendants in American history is important because:

**All of the provided answers are correct. The English had inordinate power to influence public policy. The English defined the parameters of American culture. The English defined notions of class and race in American society.

The Columbian Exchange refers to:

**All of these answers are correct European diseases that decimated Native Americans. American crops to Europe -- corn, potatoes, cotton, chocolate, tobacco. European crops (and livestock) to America -- wheat, sugar rice, horses, cattle.

Professor Olsen suggests that there was bound to be a cultural confrontation between Native Americans and Europeans because

**all of the answers provided are correct. Europeans did not hold any transcendent meaning to the land. Europeans held that Native Americans employed inefficient land use methods. Native Americans did not have a concept of private property ownership of land.

According to Ronald Takaki, Shakespeare's play The Tempest is significant because:

**all of the other responses are correct it is a defining moment in the making of a English-American identity based on race. it was the first time in English theater that an Native American character was being presented. it identifies the social construction of savagery and what constitutes a viable civilization from the English perspective.

In defining the construct of savagery the English viewed the Irish as savages because:

**all of the other responses are correct. the Irish practiced Catholicism. the Irish organized themselves by tribal affiliations. the Irish appeared nomadic by their practice of herding.

The results of Jamestown adopting tobacco as its chief product included all of the following EXCEPT

A desire for more trade and better relations with the Indians.

Between 1820 and 1924 only 200,000 French-speaking immigrants settled in America. Why didn't more French immigrate to America during this period?

France was more open socially and politically than the rest of Europe.

Who made the following statement, "A man without force is without the essential dignity of humanity."

Frederick Douglass

Chinese and Japanese immigrants settled mostly

in California and Hawaii.

Women and American Indians received the right to vote

in the aftermath of the First World War.

In order to compete against the Chinese and African American worker, the Irish...

invoked the privilege of being white.

The Indian Removal Act was designed to

move Native Americans west of the Mississippi River.

The map of Western Europe shows that the leaders in exploration were those countries with a geographic position pointing them toward

The West .

Of the discoveries Columbus made in 1492, the most important in the long run was

The clockwise circulation of Atlantic winds and currents.

Eric Foner states that the notion of what is an American is essentially a contested concept. This means:

The definition of what it means to be an American is subject to multiple and conflicting interpretations.

In the century after Columbus came to the Americas Europeans explored most of the coast of North America and much of the Pacific coast of North America.


Southern slave owners used the Sambo image to justify slavery as a patriarchal institution that was "humane" and "Christian." and to provide a false sense of psychological comfort.


Columbus's voyages show that he and his sponsors mainly

Wanted riches and power-land, gold, spices, trade, laborers.

In the late Middle Ages, Europeans

Were mostly peasants living under feudal lords.

An examination of language pattern, music, and architectural forms in the south suggests that during the eighteenth century

a significant amount of cultural sharing occurred between Africans and white southerners.

White Americans advocating assimilation wanted Native Americans to:

abandon their religious beliefs. give up their hunter-warrior ideals. reject communal ownership of the land. **all of these responses are correct.**

African slavery was considered an advantage over white indentured servitude for this reason:

all of these answers are correct

White indentured servants proved unsatisfactory as a labor force in the New World because

all of these answers are correct

Much like the Japanese during World War II, __________ Americans are currently subjected to greater scrutiny and discrimination.


Aside from the poverty and famine, Irish men and women came to the United States:

because of the demand for menial labor and the prospects of a job.

Most Africans were enslaved

by cooperation between European and African traders.

During World War II persecuted Jews facing Hitler's death camps were refused asylum in America by President Franklin Roosevelt because of the prevailing anti-Semetic views of Americans.


In the allotment program of the Dawnes Act was a way for some Native Americans to become U.S. citizens if Indians took an allotment, lived separate from the tribe and became "civilized."


The allotment program was halted in 1934 by the Indian Reorganization Act, a new policy which rejected the previous policy of trying to absorb Indians into the white population.


What immigration law restricted American citizenship to "free white persons?"

The Naturalization Act of 1790

The populations of which European country resulted in racially mixed societies?

The Spanish

Reconstruction refers to the period

After the Civil War where the economy and social structure of the South were rebuilt.

The land mass that created a bridge between Siberia and Alaska that provided a migration route from Asia to America was called:


Which group had the greatest impact on American values, cultural attitudes, and political institutions?

British Protestants

What factor contributed to the large numbers of Irish immigrating to America during the late eighteenth century?

By 1700, the Irish owned only 14 percent of the land having lost their land due to English conquest. The English landlords in Ireland shifted the farming economy to ranching thus eliminating over 90% of the laborers previously need for planting and harvesting. British colonialism and an emphasis on the exportation of beef from cattle ranching, reduced the Irish peasant farmer to poverty and starvation. **All of the other answers are correct.**

The drastic decrease in Indian population was primarily the result of

Diseases for which the Indians had no immunity.

Of the three groups that dominated the early migrations to America, which as the most numerous of the colonial groups?


In chapter one Professor Takaki addresses the filter of interpretation as it relates to American history. According to his view, what will be the greatest challenge to the "Master Narrative"?

Expanding racial diversity in America will challenge the "Master Narrative".

Cultural Pluralism is very much like assimilation in that it requires a group to give up it's uniqueness and blend into the dominant group dynamic.


The Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) held that segregation by the states was unconstitutional.


What was one of the reasons Europeans used to justify the taking of land from Native Americans living in North America?

Indian land-use methods deemed inefficient.

The first source of labor in the New World were:


Professor Takaki sees Shakespeare's play "The Tempest" as a story about the creation of a new society in America primarily because:

It identifies, as a defining moment, the English/American identity based on race.

The legacy of Wounded Knee

Marked the end of the Great Indian War and became the catch phrase for all the wrongs inflicted on Native Americans by white Europeans.

What was necessary from Thomas Jefferson's perspective, for Native Americans to survive?

Native Americans had to adopt the culture of White Americans or be exterminated.

The smallest proportion of slaves to the Americas during the 1700s went to

North America.

Which of the following European countries came to dominate the African slave trade:

Portugal NOT THIS ONE England Spain Holland

Which two countries were the first European countries to engage in the transatlantic slave trade?

Portugal and Spain

The Terms of the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek:

Provided that the Choctaws nation give up all of their land (over ten million acres) to the U.S. federal government and move west of the Mississippi.

The federal government encouraged the confiscation and settlement of Native American lands by:

Providing massive land grants to railroad companies. Enacting The Homestead Act of 1862. Enacting treaties and promoting the Reservation System. **All of the other answers are correct.**

Which one of the following is NOT true of the Middle Passage?

Slaves were treated well during the Middle Passage in order to get a higher price at auction.

What immigrant group was referred to as "a colony of bachelors?"


The Doctrine of Discovery and Superior Use meant:

That Christian expansion and possession and use of newly discovered lands, despite native presence, was legally justified.

The concept of Manifest Destiny in America meant:

That God had endowed the United States with the right to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific and to displace anyone already living there.

Wovoka was a Paiute prophet who stated:

That all Indians must dance the Ghost Dance, wear "ghost shirts" to protect them from bullets, and that a great flood would come to kill all of the whites redeeming the land back to Native Americans.

Martin Delany, the father of Black Nationalism argued

That blacks had been so broken by white oppression in America that they were actually helping to perpetuate their tragic condition. That because of the subordinate dependance of Africans in America, blacks lacked a sense of self respect. To be redeemed, blacks had to emigrate to Africa in order to separate themselves from the ill effect of white oppression. **All of these responses are correct.**

Which answer is least correct? The map on the Invasion of America shows that

The English were not interested in colonization.

Professor Takaki refers to the "Master Narrative" in chapter one. What does he mean by the use of this term?

The Eurocentric interpretation of American history.

All of the following goals by European imperialists created conflicts with Native Americans EXCEPT:

The European goal to always avoid conflict with Native Americans.

During the colonial era Irish immigrants were initially viewed as the scourge of American society. In the South, for example, they were made to do jobs considered too hazardous and dangerous to be done by slaves. By 1900, however, they were quickly entering the middle class. What caused this rapid transition?

The Irish could become naturalized citizens and used their ethnic identity to assimilate.

Toward the end of the Middle Ages, the clearest indicators of coming change were

The emergence of a new merchant class and more powerful monarchs.

What major event changed the course of history in Ireland in 1845?

The potato famine

Which of the following is NOT true of the community of the CAHOKIA on the Mississippi?

They were unable to develop any commodities for export.

As presented in the video clip "Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue," credible evidence suggests that Chinese explorers had larger ships and extensive navigational skills long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue.


Between 1815 and 1845, one million Irish immigrated to the United States.


Between 1855 and 1900, two million Irish came to America


European expansion was fueled by population increases and extensive commercial growth.


What was the single most cause of death among Native Americans during the 17th and 18th centuries in America?


The American colonists viewed the deaths of native Americans due to disease as:

divinely sanctioned opportunities

Irish antagonism towards blacks exploded into violence...

during the draft riots of New York City while recruiting soldiers for the Civil War.

According to the evidence Native Americans seldom, if at all, engaged in farming efforts.


On the eve of colonization there were fewer than 100,000 Indians living in what in now the United States.


Reconstruction expanded the definition of citizenship rights to incorporate women.


The Irish journey out of poverty revolved around a rural existence, a lack of desire to work hard and a strange lack of cultural identity in America.


Unlike Italian women who came to America with their husbands or fathers, Irish women tended to be married and attached to their families.


Present Jackson from the Native American perspective

promoted harsh and hatefull indian policies.

The English, as they constructed the concept of savagery, viewed Native Americans as savage for all of the same reasons that were held against the Irish except for one additional quality:


The Roanoke Colony became known as the "Lost Colony" because

relief ships that brought supplies could find no trace of the colonists.

In coastal Georgia slaves taught inexperienced planters how to cultivate


According to Professor Takaki, race in American society has been a social construction that historically:

set apart racial minorities from European immigrant groups.

Which ethnic group was held out as a model for Irish laborers?

the Chinese

Which act was designed to advance and civilize Native Americans by separating Indians from their tribal roots?

the Dawes Act

German immigrants to American during the colonial era were not entirely welcomed by the English colonist because

the Germans kept to themselves. the Germans settled in groups. **all of these responses are correct.** the Germans did not readily assimilate.

Following the California earthquake of 1906

the board of education in San Francisco segregated Asian students to guarantee a place for white children.

Labor competition between Irish women and black workers was most apparent in...

the domestic services.

The title "Trail of Tears" referred to:

the forced migration of 100,000 Native Americans to Oklahoma.

One unique element of the Irish migration was...

the number of single women who made the journey.

One of the interesting conclusions that Professor Olsen makes in Chapter One "The First Americans" is that:

the presence of White Europeans never resulted in Native American acculturation.

Eric Foner states that by the 1820s the term "citizen" became synonymous with:

the right to vote

What greatly enable the Irish to assimilate into American society was...

their desire to stay in the United States their ability to speak English they were not barred (because of their race) from becoming naturalized U.S. citizens. **All of the answers provided are correct.**

What was the Irish "Ethnic" strategy?

to adapt to the American identity as quickly as possible.

What was the goal of the reservation system?

to discourage the nomadic plains Indian lifestyle. **all of these responses are correct.** to remove Native Americans from lands that white settlers wanted. to completely assimilate Native Americans.

The goal of the reservations system was:

to promote the eventual assimilation of Native Americans.

Commissioned by Queen and King of Spain, Columbus was in pursuit of a westward route to India. When he landed in the "West Indies" (the Indies), he thought he had actually landed in the country of India. Hence, he incorrectly named the indigenous people there as "Indians."


The famous political machines of Tammany Hall in New York in the 1880s and the 21 years of "big boss" control of Mayor Richard Daley in Chicago during the twentieth century illustrate Irish political power. The ubiquitous Irish police officer or Irish fireman was often the direct result of political patronage.


The term racialization means to signify the extension of racial meaning to a previously racially unclassified relationship, social practice or group. Based on the English model, European Americans projected race into the definition of "savagery" as it was applied to Native Americans.


The Spanish invaded one Caribbean island after another and then the mainland principally because they

wanted to find gold

What aspect of Chinese history has been a long standing feature?

wealth emigration industrialization**NOT infrequent Anglo-Chinese wars

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