History 202 Final

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In 2005, the population of the globe was approximately

6.5 billion. Feedback: The population of the earth was 6.5 billion in 2005, and is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050.

Gandhi embraced a moral philosophy of tolerance and nonviolence (ahimsa) during the twenty-five years he spent in

South Africa. Feedback: Gandhi embraced a moral philosophy of tolerance and nonviolence (ahimsa) during the twenty-five years he spent in South Africa.

The reorganization of China under communism in the 1950s included all of the following except

free-market reforms to increase productivity. Feedback: Communist China dramatically reorganized society, but did not institute free-market reforms.

The expression "domestic containment" refers to

the popular retreat to the home and family to escape from the anxieties of the cold war. Feedback: Some scholars use the term "domestic containment" to refer to the U.S. retreat to the home and family as a way of escaping the anxieties of the cold war.

Global warming refers to

the rise in global temperatures caused by atmospheric pollution such as the emissions of cars and factories. Feedback: Global warming refers to a rise in global temperature caused by atmospheric pollution such as the emissions of cars and factories.

The key to Allied victory in Europe was

the vast personnel and industrial capacity of the United States and Soviet Union. Feedback: The entry of the Soviet Union and the United States into the war in 1941 was decisive, because personnel reserves and industrial capacity were the keys to the Allied victory.

Gandhi and Nehru opposed the partition of India because

they believed that India could be a successful multicultural state. Feedback: Nehru and Gandhi urged all Indians to act and feel as one nation, undivided by communalism.

The Japanese finally surrendered in 1945

after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet Union's declaration of war. Feedback: The Japanese surrendered after the devastating atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the entry of the USSR into the war in the Pacific.

At the Munich Conference, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

agreed that Hitler could keep lands already taken in exchange for a pledge to end German expansion. Feedback: Chamberlain's "peace for our time" was based on Hitler's promise to cease further efforts to expand German territorial claims.

Who orchestrated the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?

al Qaeda Feedback: The attacks were orchestrated by Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization. Although Mohammed Omar's Taliban gave sanctuary to al-Qaeda, it was not directly involved in the attacks.

The regime of the Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was overthrown because

all of these were the case: he alienated conservative Shia Muslims; he allowed U.S. corporations to heavily influence the economy; and his repressive policies alienated leftist politicians. Feedback: The Shah of Iran was overthrown because of objections to his repressive policies, his secular reforms, and the degree of U.S. influence on the economy that he permitted.

Conflicts between native Kikuyu and British settlers intensified in Kenya after World War II because

all of these were the case: white settlers had seized the best farmland; Kikuyu had been crowded onto reserves; and Kikuyu had been reduced to the status of wage laborers. Feedback: The situation in Kenya became increasingly tense and violent after World War II because white settlers pushed Kikuyu off the most fertile highland farms areas and onto overcrowded tribal reserves, thereby reducing them to wage slaves.

In 1998 Osama bin Laden called for the murder of Americans in response to

all of these: the stationing of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, the bombing of Iraq, and U.S. support for Israel. Feedback: Osama bin Laden was angered that non-Muslim American troops were stationed so close to Islam's two holiest lands, and viewed the bombing of Iraq in the 1990s as an attack on Islam. He also opposed U.S. support for Israel.

The immediate provocation for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was

an American-led oil embargo against Japan. Feedback: The immediate cause of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was that the United States led the way in imposing a complete embargo on oil to Japan.

In the 1970s OPEC demonstrated that

an alliance in control of a valuable resource could exert control over the developed world and its financial system. Feedback: In the 1970s OPEC demonstrated that by reducing oil exports, it could dramatically increase the price of oil and thereby deeply impact the global economy.

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised that Palestine would

become a homeland for immigrant Jews. Feedback: With the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the British government committed itself to the support of a homeland for Jews in Palestine.

Carmen Miranda

both wore colorful headdresses adorned with fruits, and served as the model for an ad created by the United Fruit Company. Feedback: The singer and dancer Carmen Miranda wore colorful headdresses adorned with fruits, such as bananas, grown in Latin America and, in 1944, the United Fruit Company's advertising executives crafted "Chiquita Banana," a female banana look-alike of Carmen Miranda.

Which country's Taliban movement provided sanctuary and training grounds to Islamic militants in the late 1990s?

Afghanistan Feedback: The Taliban came to power as a result of the civil war that followed the Soviet Union's retreat from Afghanistan. It was toppled (though not destroyed) in 2001 by the U.S. and its allies.

Which of the following statements about women in the workforce is least accurate?

After achieving economic equality with men in industrialized countries at the beginning of the twentieth century, women successfully demanded the right to vote. Feedback: In most industrialized nations, women received political rights by early in the twentieth century, but still have not fully closed the gap economically between them and their male counterparts.

During the "Prague Spring,"

Alexander Dubček sought to liberalize Czechoslovakian communism. Feedback: Fearful that Dubček's effort would undermine Soviet control of Eastern Europe, Soviet leaders sanctioned military intervention in Czechoslovakia by the Soviet army.

A key factor in the Allied victory in the Pacific was

All these answers are correct. Feedback: Factors in the Allied victory in the Pacific included the U.S. island-hopping campaigns, the massive aerial bombing of key Japanese cities, the development and use of the atomic bomb, and the Soviet declaration of war against Japan.


All these answers are correct. Feedback: Gandhi worked to improve the status of the Untouchables and launched both the Non-Cooperation Movement and the Civil Disobedience Movement. Also, it was at the urging of Gandhi that the majority of Indians approved the Government of India Act.

As evidence of the renewed power and glory of Italy, Mussolini

All these answers are correct. Feedback: Mussolini annexed Albania and Libya, invaded Ethiopia, and, in the Spanish Civil War, supported the side of Franco, whose militarists overthrew the republican government.

A Geneva peace conference regarding Vietnam in 1954

All these statements are correct. Feedback: After the defeat of France, it was decided that Vietnam would be temporarily divided; that the communists under Ho Chi Minh would have control of North Vietnam; and that democratic elections would be held as soon as possible.

At the Bay of Pigs in 1961,

An American-sponsored invasion failed, and subsequently strengthened Castro's grip on power. Feedback: Within three days, Castro's military had either captured or killed the entire invasion force.

The term "little tigers" is used to designate emerging economies in

Asia. Feedback: The original "little tigers" were Taiwan, Singapore, SouthKorea, and Hong Kong, but membership in this group has expanded.

In 1938 Germany sent troops into what country and forced its leaders to accept the Anschluss?

Austria Feedback: Germany's forced Anschluss ("union") with Austria took place in March 1938.

The Berlin blockade clearly demonstrated that

Britain and the United States would not be intimidated into abandoning Berlin. Feedback: Britain and the United States responded to the Berlin blockade with resolve and determination. For eleven months, in a daunting display of airpower, American and British crews flew around-the-clock missions to supply West Berlin with the necessities of life.

All of the following nations were founding members of the European Economic Community except

Britain. Feedback: Britain was not one of the founders of the European Economic Community.

The highest casualties in World War II were suffered by

China and the Soviet Union. Feedback: Of the at least sixty million persons who perished in World War II, the Soviets lost more than twenty million and the Chinese lost fifteen million.

As a result of the Korean War,

China intervened when American troops advanced to its border. Feedback: China intervened in the conflict in the fall of 1950 when provoked by the presence of American troops on its border.

Who among the following was an artist who blended artistic vision and radical political ideas in large murals that he created for the appreciation of working people?

Diego Rivera Feedback: Diego Rivera blended his artistic and political visions in vast murals that he intended for viewing and appreciation by the masses. He believed that art should be on display for working people.

Which of the following is not true regarding Africa during the decades after the Great War?

Europeans promoted rapid, intensive industrialization among their colonial possessions. Feedback: In African colonies, Europeans concentrated on the development of large-scale farming for the production of cash crops, and mining.

Which of the following is not a good example of the Americanization of global culture?

Foster's beer Feedback: Foster's beer is an Australian product.

Who among the following was noted for his "good neighbor policy"?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Feedback: The "Good Neighbor Policy" was most closely associated with the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Satyagraha was

Gandhi's philosophy of passive resistance. Feedback: Gandhi embraced a moral philosophy of tolerance and nonviolence (ahimsa) and developed the technique of passive resistance that he called satyagraha ("truth and firmness").

The Tripartite Pact brought together

Germany, Italy, and Japan. Feedback: In September 1940 Japan aligned itself with the other revisionist nations, Germany and Italy, by signing a ten-year military and economic agreement called the Tripartite Pact.

Which of the following statements about human trafficking is least accurate?

Human trafficking is practiced exclusively in Asia. Feedback: Although Asia is an important center of human trafficking, the trade is conducted worldwide, including, prominently, eastern Europe.

At the height of their expansion, the Japanese had established either direct or indirect control over all of the following except

India. Feedback: While the Japanese seized control of vast amounts of territory in southeast Asia, they did not gain control of India.

The "Bush Doctrine of Deterrence" was implemented in 2003 by a U.S.-led preemptive strike against

Iraq. Feedback: The U.S.-led invasion of Iraq troubled many members of the international community because Iraq had not committed an overt act of hostility against the U.S., and some of the stated justifications for the invasion, especially a supposed Iraqi weapons program, proved to be illusory.

Mao Zedong's main rival after 1925 was

Jiang Jieshi. Feedback: After the death of Sun Yatsen in 1925, Mao Zedong and Jiang Jieshi became major adversaries in the struggle for power in China.

Who among the following emerged as the leader and principal theoretician of the Chinese communist movement?

Mao Zedong Feedback: During the Long March, Mao Zedong emerged as the leader and principal theoretician of the Chinese communist movement.

The height of Japanese atrocity in China was reached at the rape of

Nanjing. Feedback: In invading China, Japanese forces used methods of warfare that led to mass death and suffering on a new, almost unimaginable, level. The Rape of Nanjing demonstrated the horror of the war as Japanese soldiers raped seven thousand women, killed hundreds of thousands of unarmed soldiers and civilians, and burned one-third of the homes in the city.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah called for the creation of

Pakistan. Feedback: In place of one India, Muhammad Ali Jinnah proposed two states, one of which would be the "land of the pure," or Pakistan.

The end of communism in east and central Europe was peaceful in all of the following states except

Romania. Feedback: In 1989 a brutal secret police force savagely repressed demonstrations, setting off a national uprising that after four days left the dictator of Romania dead.

In 1912, who became the first provisional president of what would become the republic of China?

Sun Yatsen Feedback: Sun Yatsen had been a leading opponent of the old regime. He became president of an increasingly divided China in 1912.

Which organization issued a Declaration of Human Rights in 1948?

UN Feedback: In its initial charter, the United Nations pledged to support human rights. It would enshrine this principle in the Declaration of Human Rights, which condemned such abuses as slavery, summary execution, and discrimination.

Which of the following nations is a member of OPEC?

Venezuela. Feedback: Venezuela was one of the founding members of OPEC.

Which organization eradicated smallpox in 1980?

WHO Feedback: Although the United Nations has been criticized for its failure to maintain peace, some of its agencies, such as the World Health Organization, have achieved impressive successes, such as ridding the world of smallpox and lowering infant mortality in developing countries.

What organization supplanted GATT in 1995?

WTO Feedback: In 1995 the members of GATT reconstituted themselves as the World Trade Organization, which pursues GATT's goals but possesses greater powers of enforcement (and has become a focus for anti-globalization sentiment).

After Mexico angered American oil companies by nationalizing its oil industry in 1938, the Roosevelt administration

called for a negotiated resolution. Feedback: Roosevelt's approach eventually worked, and foreign oil companies received $24 million in compensation from Mexico rather than the $260 million they had demanded.

Ideologically, the two competing sides in the cold war were

capitalism and communism. Feedback: The cold war was an encounter between rival social and economic systems and competing ideologies: capitalism and communism.

At the Wannsee Conference in 1942, Nazi leaders decided to

deport all European Jews to concentration camps in Poland for extermination. Feedback: At the Wannsee Conference, leading Nazi bureaucrats agreed to evacuate all Jews from Europe to camps in eastern Poland, where they would be worked to death or exterminated.

The purpose of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was to

eliminate barriers to free trade. Feedback: The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) served as the main vehicle for the promotion of unrestricted global trade.

Brazil responded to the Great Depression by

embarking on a program of industrialization. Feedback: Under the estado novo (new state), Brazil embarked on a program of industrialization accompanied by protectionism and social welfare initiatives.

Deng Xiaoping

ended China's isolation and economic self sufficiency. Feedback: Deng instituted limited free-market reforms and engaged China in the international trade and financial systems.

During World War II, women in the United States and Britain

entered war industries. Feedback: British and American women were barred from engaging in combat, but they performed ambulance and hospital work, provided frontline support, and took jobs on factory assembly lines.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

headed the Muslim League. Feedback: Muhammad Ali Jinnah was an eloquent and brilliant lawyer who headed the Muslim League.

The German Blitzkrieg referred to

lightning war. Feedback: The Germans stunned the world, especially Britain and France, with their Blitzkrieg ("lightning war") and sudden victory.

The nonalignment movement remained weak primarily because

many nonaligned states needed and accepted aid from either the United States or the Soviet Union Feedback: The Nonaligned Movement suffered from a chronic lack of unity among its members and ultimately failed to present a united front. Although theoretically nonaligned with either superpower, many member states had close ties to one or the other.

All of the following were essential to the Soviet defense against the Nazis except

outrage at the German treatment of Jewish minorities in eastern Europe. Feedback: All of these factors aided the Soviet defense against the Nazis: the Soviet Union's vast industrial capacity and deep manpower reserves; effective counterattacks in December 1941; and the overconfidence of the Germans, which resulted in their failure to provide troops with winter clothing. Outrage over the German treatment of Jewish minorities in eastern Europe was not a factor.

The Russian-German Treaty of Nonaggression of 1939

promised neutrality in the event of war with a third party, and thereby freed Hitler to pursue a more aggressive policy in western Europe. Feedback: The Nazi-Soviet pact also secretly divided eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence.

The Government of India Act

proved unworkable. Feedback: The Government of India Act foundered in the face of India's ethnic divisions.

During the Great Depression, Latin American nations experienced all of the following except

rapidly rising investment in the region by U.S. bankers. Feedback: The Great Depression produced an economic crisis in Latin America, and demonstrated the degree to which the region had become integrated into the global economy.

The largest migrations of the second half of the twentieth century were primarily composed of

refugees fleeing war. Feedback: Although economic incentives fuel the normal flows of migrations, wars tend to displace far larger numbers of people.

The Long March

saved the Chinese Communist Party from destruction. Feedback: The Long March inspired many Chinese to join the Communist Party.

Which of the following regions is not one of the places where today's most highly urbanized societies are found?

sub-Saharan Africa Feedback: Highly urbanized societies are generally found in regions that are more temperate than that of sub-Saharan Africa, though large slums are developing there and in similar regions of the world.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established to do all of the following except

subsidize state-owned industries in developing nations. Feedback: The IMF was established in 1944 to promote growth and free trade.

Which of the following was not a cold war flashpoint?

the 1971 war between Pakistan and India Feedback: The various wars between India and Pakistan were not related to the cold war.

The United States tentatively supported a failed invasion of Cuba at

the Bay of Pigs. Feedback: President John F. Kennedy gave the go-ahead to the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba planned by the previous administration and intended to overthrow Castro and his advisors.

Operation Barbarossa in 1941 was code for

the German invasion of the Soviet Union. Feedback: "Operation Barbarossa" was the code name for Hitler's June 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union.

The Cuban missile crisis ended when

the Soviets agreed to withdraw their missiles in exchange for Kennedy's pledge not to invade Cuba and his agreement to withdraw U.S. missiles from Turkey. Feedback: Khrushchev agreed to withdraw Soviet missiles from Cuba on the condition that the United States pledge not to invade Cuba and promise to remove U.S. missiles from Turkey.

Tensions developed between China and the Soviet Union after

the Soviets refused to support China against India and provided China with only modest foreign aid. Feedback: The Chinese were infuriated by Moscow's announcement of neutrality in the conflict between India and China.

The Truman Doctrine pledged that

the United States would support free people resisting subjugation by insurrection or outside interference. Feedback: Truman explained to the U.S. Congress that "it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures."

As a result of the Cultural Revolution in China,

the educated elite were persecuted, and China was deprived of their talent. Feedback: During the cultural revolution, the elite—intellectuals, teachers, professionals, managers, and anyone associated with foreign or bourgeois values—constituted the major targets of the Red Guards, with the result that the Cultural Revolution cost China years of stable development and gutted its educational system.

In the decades following the Great War, the economies of most African colonies were dominated by

the exchange of raw materials or cash crops for manufactured goods from abroad. Feedback: In the decades following the Great War, colonial powers worked to ensure the development in Africa of export-oriented economies characterized by the exchange of unprocessed raw materials or minimally processed cash crops for manufactured goods from abroad.

Britain withdrew from Palestine in 1947 because

they could not resolve the conflict between Palestinians and Jews. Feedback: The British could not adjudicate the competing claims of the Arabs and the Jews in Palestine and so they gave up in 1947, stating that they intended to withdraw from Palestine and turn over the region to the United Nations.

As the end of the war approached, Allied leaders agreed that each power would have control over

those territories liberated by their own armed forces. Feedback: The allies established the principle of occupying and controlling those territories liberated by one's armed forces.

Marcus Garvey

was a Jamaican Pan-Africanist leader. Feedback: Marcus Garvey was the Jamaican nationalist leader who preached black pride and called on blacks living in the African diaspora to go "Back to Africa."

The May Fourth Movement

was a movement organized by intellectuals and students aimed at limiting foreign—especially Japanese—influence in China. Feedback: Increasing Japanese involvement in China after World War I gave rise to the May Fourth Movement, in which all classes of Chinese protested against foreign involvement.

Chinese resistance to the Japanese was

weakened by rivalry between Chinese nationalists and communists. Feedback: Throughout the war, the coalition of nationalists and communists threatened to fall apart. Clashes between the two groups rendered Chinese resistance less effective.

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