History Exam 3

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For fifteen years, the NAACP had attempted to employ the courts as a tool for ending racial segregation. Identify the Supreme Court cases that challenged the separate-but-equal doctrine established by the Court in 1896. incorrect

"Southern Manifesto" Plessy v. Ferguson

Identify the characteristics of fascism as it arose in Italy and Germany prior to the start of World War II. incorrect

belief in communism strong support for labor unions

Identify the events on the home front brought on by fear and anger toward the war and its effects on American society.

conservative backlash against the New Deal and labor unions, including the passage of the Smith-Connally War Labor Disputes Act race riot in Detroit "war relocation camps" zoot suit riots

The following image illustrates which of the following changes that took place in American society during the 1950s? incorrect

declining birthrates and increase in single child households the broad societal rejection of women's rational roles as homemaker and family cook the first use of mass market advertisements to sell consumer goods

Identify the strategies of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the tactics employed by the organization. correct

African American ministers did not immediately join the organization. The SCLC sought to organize groups and organizations for direct action. The SCLC sought to execute acts of nonviolent resistance throughout the South.

Identify the impact that the GI Bill of Rights had on each of the following minority groups who received the benefits in the decade after the Second World War. correct

African American veterans were unable to enjoy the full benefits of the GI Bill. Latino minorities benefited greatly from the GI Bill.

How did the prosperity of the 1950s affect African Americans? incorrect

African Americans moved out of inner-city neighborhoods and into planned, middle-class communities. African Americans found themselves employed in many high-paying new jobs. Wages declined for African Americans.

Union membership had grown significantly by the end of the war. Which of the following statements accurately describe Truman's relationship with this important constituency after the war? correct

After the war, Truman grew weary of the unions' demands and "stubbornness," and searched for a way to gain control over their organizations. Truman vetoed the Taft-Hartley Labor Act, which made it difficult for unions to operate in many states.

Put the following major events in the Allied war effort in chronological order.

Allied forces liberate Paris from Nazi military occupation. The "Big Three" Allied leaders meet during the Yalta Conference to determine how the Allied Powers would govern Germany following its unconditional surrender. Berlin falls to the advancing Soviet army. German military leaders declare their unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers.

How did the military campaign on the Eastern Front enable the Allied Powers to overcome German resistance in western Europe? incorrect

American air raids were the sole reason for the Allied victory in western Europe. The German campaign on the Eastern Front was very small scale, comparatively.

Put in chronological order the following major events of the Allied war effort. correct

American and British leaders meet at the Casablanca Conference and develop a strategy to win the war. The eventual surrender of 250,000 German and Italian troops leaves the Allies in control of North Africa. The Allied Powers take control of Sicily and end Benito Mussolini's Fascist dictatorship. At the Tehran Conference, the leaders of the Allied Powers plan the invasion of Nazi-occupied France and the Russian invasion of eastern Europe. The Allied Powers begin the combat portion of Operation Overlord.

How did the military campaign on the Eastern Front enable the Allied Powers to overcome German resistance in western Europe? correct

American and British leaders were able to take time meticulously planning and implementing the D-day invasion of Normandy because of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which preoccupied roughly half of the German army. More German troops were engaged in fighting on the Eastern Front than remained to defend western Europe. Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union forced the German armed forces to spread themselves thinly across two separate military fronts.

In what ways did the American wartime production needs influence the structure of the postwar American economy? incorrect

American economic productivity drastically declined following the end of the war, as there was no longer a need for the wartime production.

Why didn't the United States directly confront the Soviet Union militarily after World War II? correct

American leaders believed that a policy of containment would eventually cause Soviet communism to collapse from within.

"What the majority of the American people want," wrote the editors of the Nation, "is to be as un-neutral as possible without getting into war.'" What does this quotation reveal about Americans' feelings about the war? incorrect

Americans wanted to be able to fight for the militaries of other Allied Powers in a way that would not draw their nation into war. The quotation indicates that the majority of Americans were heavily in favor of an Allied victory, but were unwilling to support the Allied war effort with any kind of military or financial aid. Americans were willing to support both sides in the war at certain times because many believed that the continued fighting would leave the United States in a stronger position vis-à-vis all parties involved after the war.

Texas Oklahoma Oil boom

Americans were able to drive cars and heat buildings at a low cost.

What effect did the cold war and consumerism have on the nature of religion in the United States? incorrect

Americans were distracted by material goods and church attendance dropped. Americans turned away from religion because of the looming threat of nuclear war.

How did the neutrality laws implemented by Congress starting in 1935 restrict the ability of the United States to engage in the conflicts of other countries abroad? incorrect

Americans were not allowed to peacefully and vocally support either side in foreign conflicts outside the privacy of their own homes.

Between 1931 and 1932, Japan quickly occupied and then annexed the province of Manchuria in China. This event initiated what would ultimately become the Sino-Japanese War. Which of the following was most significant in facilitating the successes of this Japanese military action? incorrect

Chinese provincial leaders in Manchuria allied themselves with the invading Japanese forces in an effort to gain autonomy from the Nationalist Chinese government in Nanjing. China had insufficient manpower to mount an effective resistance. The majority of the population in the sparsely populated province of Manchuria was of Japanese descent and traced their ancestry back to the First Sino-Japanese War; as a result, they greeted the occupying army as liberators.

What effect did the Marshall Plan have on the cold war? incorrect

Communist insurgencies in western European nations gained power. Western Europe fell into an economic depression as unemployment rates soared. The Soviet Union became more prosperous, and the Communist party lost support.

Put in chronological order the events that led to Congress declaring war on Japan on December 8, 1941.

Congress passes the Export Control Act. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill agree to the terms laid out in the Atlantic Charter. German submarines sink the American warship Kearny and the American destroyer Reuben James. The Japanese execute a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

How did the political landscape of Congress influence Truman's Fair Deal? incorrect

Congress rejected all of Truman's proposals because they were too liberal. Democrats and Republicans refused to work together and rejected many of Truman's proposals. The Democratic majorities in both houses passed many of Truman's proposals.

What was the primary legacy of World War II relating to the size and role of the U.S. federal government during the postwar era? incorrect

Congress was able to exert more power over the president in the postwar era than it was able to before the war. The judiciary gained power at the expense of Congress and the executive branch. The executive branch was stripped of much of its power in the aftermath of the war.

Global competition increased after the war. Throughout the fifties, America faced major challenges in its efforts to maintain a profitable trade in manufactured goods.


What does it reveal about the issue of civil rights and racial equality in the first decade after World War II? correct

Despite continued resistance from whites, African Americans and Latinos were more willing to stand up for their rights and to see some victories in their struggle to be treated equal.

How did the war create opportunities for African Americans in the United States? incorrect

During the course of the war, because of the need for national unity, racially discriminatory laws were not enforced. The return to these laws after the war was a major cause of the civil rights movement. African Americans, along with Native Americans, were integrated into the military and were no longer forced to fight in racially segregated units.

Identify the ways in which the Eisenhower administration expanded social programs. correct

Eisenhower approved additional low-income housing projects. Eisenhower approved a minimum wage increase. Eligibility for Social Security was extended to many workers who had previously been excluded.

Identify the ways in which the Eisenhower administration expanded social programs. incorrect

Eisenhower approved plans to phase out farm programs.

How did Eisenhower view America's foreign policy strategy under Truman, and how did his administration seek to reform it? correct

Eisenhower believed the Truman policy of "containment" to be no longer adequate. Eisenhower sought to initiate a "roll back" policy around the world.

How did Eisenhower's political philosophy affect the civil rights movement's strategies? correct

Eisenhower preferred to allow state and local governments to handle civil rights issues on their own, but was willing to use federal power to maintain law and order. Meaningful civil rights leadership came from the Supreme Court.

Describe the events at Dien Bien Phu, and evaluate their significance for American foreign policy under the Eisenhower administration. correct

Eisenhower refused to use atomic weapons against the Viet Minh. Viet Minh fighters surrounded the base with cannons. French forces at Dien Bien Phu were overwhelmed. The United States was almost fully supporting the French military campaign and nearly dragged into a foreign intervention. In an attempt to restore control over their colony, French forces planned to construct a base in Dien Bien Phu.

Identify the strategy for dealing with communism that Eisenhower supported during his campaign. incorrect

Eisenhower said he would allow Eastern European countries to choose whether they wanted to support Communist governments. Eisenhower said he would continue to contain communism. Eisenhower said he would appease Communist nations to prevent communism from spreading to western Europe.

How did Eisenhower view America's foreign policy strategy under Truman, and how did his administration seek to reform it? incorrect

Eisenhower sought to continue with Truman's policy of containment and avoid a more interventionist agenda. Eisenhower sought to escalate Truman's policy of containment, due to the low military expenditures the program required.

Describe Eisenhower's "moderate Republicanism," particularly his intentions to alter the balance between state and federal power. correct

Eisenhower sought to curb the ability of the federal government to engage in social and political planning. Eisenhower sought a "middle way" that emphasized consensus and compromise. Eisenhower sought to reinstate the power of state governments.

Describe Eisenhower's "moderate Republicanism," particularly his intentions to alter the balance between state and federal power. incorrect

Eisenhower sought to limit the authority of the states and redirect funds to programs that would benefit the entire nation. Eisenhower sought to expand the scope of the federal government by broadening New Deal programs. Eisenhower sought to dismantle the New Deal and restore traditional conservative principles.

Identify the strategy for dealing with communism that Eisenhower supported during his campaign. correct

Eisenhower wanted to restore freedom to Eastern European nations under Communist control.

Before he died, President Roosevelt was committed to reviving the isolationist foreign policy posture popular before World War I.


Eisenhower believed the power of the president should be limited to proposing policy, while Congress should enjoy broader powers such as executing the laws.


President Eisenhower exercised tremendous leadership on behalf of the civil rights movement by encouraging the Supreme Court to take on the case of Brown v. Board of Education.


Rock 'n' roll flourished because it was uncontroversial, appealed to white Americans of all ages, and helped support the racial segregation of the era.


The Eisenhower Doctrine attempted to initiate an isolationist policy when it came to the Middle East.


The bracero program sought to restore the military and economic alliance that had existed between America and various countries in East Asia before the Second World War.


The promises the Americans, the British, and the Soviets made during the Yalta Conference helped maintain peace between the United States and Soviet Union during the cold war.


Truman chose to recognize the People's Republic of China because the Chinese had an adversarial relationship with the Soviet Union.


Truman's Loyalty Order discovered thousands of Communist spies embedded in the federal government, some of whom had passed secret information to the Soviets regarding building atomic weapons.


Why was the emergence of the Soviet Union as a global superpower surprising in the aftermath of the Second World War, particularly when compared to the rise of the other world power—the United States? Correct

Fighting on the Eastern Front ravaged Soviet territory and severely impacted the lives of Soviet citizens. Conversely, the U.S. home front did not experience any major fighting. The ratio of Soviet to American casualties during the war was nearly 60 to 1.


Following the conquest of Poland, the Germans' use of the blitzkrieg strategy allowed for the rapid defeat of this major European power.

Why was the emergence of the Soviet Union as a global superpower surprising in the aftermath of the Second World War, particularly when compared to the rise of the other world power—the United States? Incorrect

France and Great Britain both ended the war in positions of strength, ready to contend with the United States and the Soviet Union for the role of global superpower.


Germany's invasion of this nation resulted in declarations of war by Britain and France.

Identify actions President Eisenhower took to meet his promise of a "middle way between untrammeled freedom of the individual and the demands of the welfare of the whole nation." incorrect

He increased military spending. He pledged to dismantle the excessive programs of the New Deal.

Identify the philosophy and specific policy goals that Eisenhower sought to execute as part of his "dynamic conservatism" program, in which he was "conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings." incorrect

He sought to increase tax rates on the top 50 percent of Americans. He sought to increase defense spending.

Identify the philosophy and specific policy goals that Eisenhower sought to execute as part of his "dynamic conservatism" program, in which he was "conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings." correct

He sought to reduce federal regulation of business. He planned to execute a fiscally conservative and socially liberal agenda.

Identify actions President Eisenhower took to meet his promise of a "middle way between untrammeled freedom of the individual and the demands of the welfare of the whole nation." correct

He worked to balance the budget. He sought to trim the bureaucracy of the federal government. He expanded the number of people eligible for Social Security.


Hitler Forced the Anschluss, or union, of this nation with Germany


Hitler annexed this nation despite British and French efforts to appease Germany with the Munich Pact.

Put in chronological order the German actions that led up to World War II.

Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany. Germany begins reconstructing its military arsenal in violation of the Versailles Treaty. Germany sends troops to the demilitarized Rhineland in violation of the Versailles Treaty. Germany, Italy, and Japan form the "Axis" alliance. World War II begins after Germany invades Poland.

How did Hitler's rise to power, and the ensuing transition of the German republic into a Nazi-controlled police state, move Europe closer to war? incorrect

Hitler began downsizing the military for fear of a military coup against his leadership.

How did Hitler's rise to power, and the ensuing transition of the German republic into a Nazi-controlled police state, move Europe closer to war? correct

Hitler established the Gestapo, a secret police force, and Nazi "storm troopers" to coerce public support. The Nazi party established an elaborate propaganda apparatus to help shape public opinion. The abolition of rival political parties empowered Hitler and the Nazi party to implement their political agenda with minimal resistance.

Identify the reasons Hitler invaded Poland. incorrect

Hitler had intended that the parts of Poland that belong to Germany prior to World War I would complete the creation of his new German empire.


Hitler moved troops into this demilitarized region in violation of the Versailles Treaty.

Identify the reasons Hitler invaded Poland. correct

Hitler wanted to keep the Soviet Union from obstructing his plans; the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which coincided with the invasion of Poland, helped him maintain amicable relations with the Soviet Union. Hitler wanted to regain German territory forfeited following the German defeat during World War I. Hitler wanted to create a pathway for the future invasion of the Soviet Union.

Put in chronological order the following events that took place in the French colony of Indochina.

Ho Chi Minh establishes a fighting force to resist French colonial efforts. French soldiers invade Dien Bien Phu in order to attack guerilla fighters. The Geneva Accords are signed. The Viet Cong attack the government of South Vietnam.

How did Hitler's rise to power, and the ensuing transition of the German republic into a Nazi-controlled police state, move Europe closer to war? correct

Hundreds of thousands of women served in the armed forces in either the Women's Army Corps (WAC) or the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES). The shortage of working-age males due to the war effort enabled women to move from working in the home to joining industrial production. Some women gained a greater degree of financial independence because of the higher wages they earned in wartime manufacturing industries.

Identify the changes to the American government and society that stemmed from the need to increase industrial production for the war. incorrect

Immigration and internal migration stopped during the war. The draft, and increased man participation in industrial production, resulted in more women remaining in the home to care for children. Taxes were cut to encourage investment in war industries.

How did NSC-68 change U.S. foreign policy regarding the Soviet Union? correct

In the beginning, the containment policy was political and economic. NSC-68 advocated for a militaristic response to Soviet aggression.

How did NSC-68 change U.S. foreign policy regarding the Soviet Union? correct

In the beginning, the containment policy was political and economic. NSC-68 advocated for a militaristic response to Soviet aggression.

How did NSC-68 change U.S. foreign policy regarding the Soviet Union? incorrect

Incorrect choiceIn the beginning, the United States favored containment. NSC-68 advocated for appeasement. NSC-68 suggested that the United States needed to reduce military spending as a goodwill gesture toward the Soviets. NSC-68 advocated for a more patient approach to the conflict between the two nations because the Soviet Union was weakening.

Analyze the following quotation from a marketing consultant in 1955: "[America's] enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption a way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into [religious] rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption." What does this quotation reveal about the nation's postwar economic climate, and what factors made this growth in "consumer culture" possible? correct

Innovations in financing made consumption easier. It illustrates how consumerism became virtually a civic duty in American life, while frugality was frowned upon.

How did the baby boom provide its own stimulus for the postwar American economy? incorrect

It created a child-care industry, which enabled most women to return to work outside the home. The baby boom created an incentive for Americans to have smaller families, allowing them to spend money on luxury items.

Analyze the image of Hitler. Adolf Hitler performs the Nazi salute at a rally. The majestic banners, triumphant music, powerful oratory, and expansive military parades were both hypnotic and alluring to the public. Click on the image to enlarge. What does it reveal about the characterization of fascism in Nazi Germany? correct

It emphasized the figure of a powerful dictator. It used propaganda to obtain and maintain power.

Analyze the following quotation from a marketing consultant in 1955: "[America's] enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption a way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into [religious] rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption." What does this quotation reveal about the nation's postwar economic climate, and what factors made this growth in "consumer culture" possible? incorrect

It illustrates how consumerism came to replace religious life, as more Americans chose malls over churches and synagogues. The lack of personal indebtedness in the fifties made consumption easier, as Americans could tap into their savings accounts for funds.

The conclusion of World War II aroused growing fears about the health of the American economy and a potential spike in unemployment. How did the GI Bill of Rights seek to address these concerns? corect

It included a comprehensive benefits package for veterans. It provided funds for veterans to obtain a post-secondary education, creating the most educated workforce in the world. It ensured the buying of new homes and starting of new businesses by providing veterans with loans.

The conclusion of World War II aroused growing fears about the health of the American economy and a potential spike in unemployment. How did the GI Bill of Rights seek to address these concerns? incorrect

It provided housing for veterans to protect them from the competitive housing market. It effectively closed the gender income gap, as women were able to retain their wartime jobs.

Describe the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and identify the events that contributed to its passage in the Senate. incorrect

It quickly increased the number of black voters in the South. It immediately passed the Senate due to Lyndon Johnson's passionate speech. It enforced stringent regulations on public schools to ensure their integration.

Analyze the image of Hitler. Adolf Hitler performs the Nazi salute at a rally. The majestic banners, triumphant music, powerful oratory, and expansive military parades were both hypnotic and alluring to the public. Click on the image to enlarge. What does it reveal about the characterization of fascism in Nazi Germany? incorrect

It saw the persecution of Jews and other minority groups in German society. It drew its support from German liberals.

Describe the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and identify the events that contributed to its passage in the Senate. correct

It sought to prohibit voting discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity. It passed with the aid of Senator Lyndon Johnson, who rounded up southern support for the bill.

Describe the strategy of "massive retaliation" formulated by President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles as a way of avoiding increased military costs. correct

It was a strategy that employed the threat of nuclear warfare as a way to prevent Communist aggression.

Put in chronological order the following Japanese actions in Asia.

Japanese forces occupy Manchuria, a province in northeastern China. Japan declares Manchuria independent from China and renames it "The Republic of Manchukuo." The Japanese government accelerates the rate of its military buildup. The clash at Marco Polo Bridge between Japanese and Chinese forces quickly evolves into the Sino-Japanese War.

Identify the tactics Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged African Americans to use to fight discrimination. incorrect

King supported militaristic protests to threaten and coerce white leaders to end segregation. King encouraged African Americans to obey laws and wait for the government to pass laws to end segregation. King used the recall to vote racist politicians out of office.

Identify the tactics Martin Luther King Jr. encouraged African Americans to use to fight discrimination. correct

King wanted his followers to defy laws peacefully.

Why did Truman replace MacArthur during the Korean War? incorrect

MacArthur was an unpopular figure in America. MacArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons against China. MacArthur was grossly incompetent.

Why did Truman replace MacArthur during the Korean War? correct

MacArthur was openly insubordinate.

"The army is about to take me to fight for democracy ... but I would [rather] fight for democracy right here," said a black Detroit draftee. What does this quotation reveal about African Americans' views on the war? correct

Many African Americans during the war commented on the irony of fighting against racist ideologies abroad, while tolerating segregation and discrimination in the United States.

How did NSC-68 change U.S. foreign policy regarding the Soviet Union? incorrect

NSC-68 advocated for a more patient approach to the conflict between the two nations because the Soviet Union was weakening. NSC-68 suggested that the United States needed to reduce military spending as a goodwill gesture toward the Soviets. In the beginning, the United States favored containment. NSC-68 advocated for appeasement.

How did the political landscape of Congress influence Truman's Fair Deal? Correct

Many of Truman's proposals were rejected by a coalition of conservative Democrats and Republicans.

Identify why Senator Joseph McCarthy was successful. correct

McCarthy used Americans' fear of communism to his advantage.

How did Eisenhower's political philosophy affect the civil rights movement's strategies? incorrect

Meaningful civil rights leadership came from Congress. Eisenhower believed the federal government had a responsibility to provide significant leadership on the issue of civil rights.

Soviet actions in Eastern European nations after World War II not only violated the Yalta Agreement among the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States, but they also ran counter to which principles of American foreign policy? incorrect

Monroe Doctrine freedom of the seas


More than 6 million of this group entered the civilian workforce during the war.

What factors spurred President Truman to authorize the use of the second atomic bomb, "Fat Man," on the city of Nagasaki only three days after authorizing the use of an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima? incorrect

More than two months passed following the bombing of Hiroshima, and the Japanese government still refused to relent and agree to an unconditional surrender. The Allied Powers were worried about a resurgence of German resistance if Japan continued fighting.

How did Hitler's rise to power, and the ensuing transition of the German republic into a Nazi-controlled police state, move Europe closer to war? incorrect

Most women were able to maintain their employment in the postwar era, even after American soldiers returned from the war.

Identify how the Second World War empowered women in American society. incorrect

Most women were able to maintain their employment in the postwar era, even after American soldiers returned from the war.

How did Native Americans' attitudes regarding the New Deal change over time? correct

Native Americans were optimistic at first, but quickly became disappointed in the New Deal, as it failed to improve their lives in significant ways.

How did Great Britain, France, and the United States react to Hitler's 1938 annexation of Austria? correct

Neither Britain, France, nor the United States took action to prevent the German annexation of Austria, which subsequently emboldened Hitler's desire to expand.

What was the effect of the Unites States' shifting to an industrial wartime economy? correct

One year after the United States entered the war, its military industrial production exceeded that of all three major Axis Powers combined.

African American Civilians

Over half a million of this group moved from the South to work in war industries.

What made the creation of Israel controversial? correct

Palestinian Arabs lost their homeland.

Put in chronological order the congressional and presidential events between 1933 and 1945.

President Roosevelt, in his first inaugural address, promises to keep the United States out of foreign entanglements. Congress passes the Neutrality Act of 1935, and President Roosevelt signs it into law. President Roosevelt pushes the first peacetime draft through Congress. The Lend-Lease Bill is introduced in Congress and quickly passed. The Empire of Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, killing over 2,400 Americans.

Committee on Civil Rights

President Truman organized this to investigate violence toward African Americans.

What was the primary legacy of World War II relating to the size and role of the U.S. federal government during the postwar era? correct

Presidential authority increased in relation to the national legislature and state governments.

For fifteen years, the NAACP had attempted to employ the courts as a tool for ending racial segregation. Identify the Supreme Court cases that challenged the separate-but-equal doctrine established by the Court in 1896. correct

Sweatt v. Painter Brown v. Board of Education

What does it reveal about the issue of civil rights and racial equality in the first decade after World War II? incorrect

Public attitudes against racial minorities had hardened after World War II. After seeing the horrors that Nazi racism had brought about in Europe, a national consensus emerged to end policies that discriminated against racial minorities, and Congress banned such practices in the 1948 Civil Rights Act. African Americans were still banned from major league baseball.

What effect did the cold war and consumerism have on the nature of religion in the United States? correct

Public officials supported public displays of religious faith. Books about religion were best sellers. American popular religion was upbeat and positive while avoiding condemnation.

Identify how America's involvement in World War II impacted Mexican Americans and Mexican migrant laborers. incorrect

Racial prejudice against Mexicans greatly diminished during the course of the war because of the valor exhibited by the numerous Mexican Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.

Identify the ways in which the federal government contributed to the dramatic growth of the postwar American economy. correct

Research for military efforts helped create thriving new industries. The GI Bill of Rights provided a pathway for social mobility for millions of veterans. The federal government provided loans for home buyers and spent a tremendous amount on highways, water, and sanitation that promoted a boom in suburban development. The federal government reallocated war-related plants to civilian owners.

How did the war create opportunities for African Americans in the United States? correct

Roosevelt agreed, albeit under political pressure, to attempt to abolish discriminatory hiring practices in the defense industry. Hundreds of thousands of African Americans moved from the South to the West in pursuit of higher-paying military manufacturing jobs.

"The prize we seek is to keep 8 million Russians [soldiers] in the war." What does this quotation reveal about the Allied war efforts? incorrect

Roosevelt and Churchill believed that by supplying the Soviet Union, it would be able to defeat Germany without a British and American invasion of western Europe. The quotation was quickly rebuffed by American and British military commanders because they viewed the Soviet contribution to the war as insignificant.

Put in chronological order the following events that shaped the postwar world.

Roosevelt and Churchill meet to draw up the Atlantic Charter, which even the Soviet Union endorsed. During the Yalta Conference, the "Big Three" agree to hold further talks in the United States to discuss the structure of the United Nations. Soviet troops occupy Berlin before the Americans.

What was Time magazine implying when it asserted that Roosevelt was "waging the first great undeclared war in U.S. history"? incorrect

Roosevelt was the first U.S. president to send troops to war without congressional approval. The war was well underway, but Roosevelt invoked the War Powers Act to circumvent an official congressional declaration of war. The military escalations in the American colonies had reach wartime levels because of Roosevelt's policies.

What was Time magazine implying when it asserted that Roosevelt was "waging the first great undeclared war in U.S. history"? correct

Roosevelt's aid—military, financial, and diplomatic—to the Allied Powers and the embargo on Japan had already amounted to U.S. involvement in the conflict without a declaration of war.

Which of the following identify the context and significance of this quotation for American foreign policy during Eisenhower's presidency? "We have excited Hungarians for all these years and are now turning our backs on them when they are in a jam." Incorrect Answer(s)

Secretary of State Dulles spoke these words in regards to the U.S. refusal to accept Hungarian refugees. Vice President Nixon spoke these words in regard to the U.S. refusal to support the Hungarian revolt.

How did the neutrality laws implemented by Congress starting in 1935 restrict the ability of the United States to engage in the conflicts of other countries abroad? correct

Some early neutrality acts banned loaning money to nations at war. American citizens were not permitted to travel on ships owned by warring nations. The cash-and-carry system barred American merchant ships from delivering goods to warring nations.

Court-ordered integration inspired "massive resistance" among whites, especially in the South. Describe the events that took place as part of this "massive resistance" at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, and identify the federal government's response. correct

Some southern politicians called for President Eisenhower's resignation over Little Rock and closed public schools. Massive resistance to court-ordered school integration waned in all but five southern states. The Eisenhower administration sent 1,000 troops to deal with white riots that ensued when nine black students attempted to enter their school building.

Why did American policymakers grow distrustful and suspicious of Soviet postwar actions? incorrect

Stalin refused to reduce the Soviet Union's nuclear stockpiles. The United States refused to withdraw military forces from Eastern Europe.

Soviet leaders' fears and concerns about future invasions from the West motivated the country's postwar policies in Eastern Europe, as well its communist ideology.


How did the prosperity of the 1950s affect African Americans? correct

The African American population was disproportionately poor compared to whites.

"What the majority of the American people want," wrote the editors of the Nation, "is to be as un-neutral as possible without getting into war.'" What does this quotation reveal about Americans' feelings about the war? correct

The American people wanted to arm and financially support nations opposing Germany and Japan, as long as those same powers fought the war and Americans did not.

What were the guarantees put forward by the Atlantic Charter, and what impact did they have on American neutrality? correct

The Atlantic Charter promised to ensure that all peoples had the right to self-determination. The Atlantic Charter stated that it would ensure freedom of the seas after the war. The Atlantic Charter proposed that the United Nations would replace the League of Nations as the new system of ensuring international security.

What were the guarantees put forward by the Atlantic Charter, and what impact did they have on American neutrality? incorrect

The Atlantic Charter proposed that the Axis Powers, whom it named the aggressors responsible for the war, should bear the financial burden of all parties involved in the war.

How did the Dixiecrats influence Truman's campaign in 1948? correct

The Dixiecrats helped Truman by motivating black voters to support Truman.

How did Americans respond to Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union? incorrect

The United States provided weapons to the Germans and the Soviets alike, in the hope that they would destroy each other. The United States declared war on Germany to protect the Soviet Union.

How did the Dixiecrats influence Truman's campaign in 1948? incorrect

The Dixiecrats made it difficult for Truman because they represented a significant split in the Democratic party. The Dixiecrats won a majority in the House of Representatives and refused to work with Truman. The Dixiecrats provided strong support for Truman in southern states.

Court-ordered integration inspired "massive resistance" among whites, especially in the South. Describe the events that took place as part of this "massive resistance" at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, and identify the federal government's response. incorrect

The Eisenhower administration refused to support black students who planned to enroll in a white-only Arkansas high school. The lack of support from the Eisenhower administration convinced southern whites that segregation would continue as long they resisted.

How did Great Britain, France, and the United States react to Hitler's 1938 annexation of Austria? incorrect

The European Allied Powers put pressure on Germany to halt its territorial expansion, which resulted in the Munich Pact: Germany received the Sudeten territory and as a result halted territorial expansion. The United States intervened militarily to prevent further German aggression in Europe, thus stopping German expansionist policies. After France and Great Britain jointly warned Germany that further land grabs would mean war, Hitler temporarily ceased his European expansion.

What were President Truman's main goals for the Fair Deal? correct

The Fair Deal called for greater federal government involvement in issues of health insurance and education. Truman wanted to provide civil rights to all Americans. The Fair Deal called for an expansion of New Deal programs involving retirement and unemployment benefits.

What were President Truman's main goals for the Fair Deal? incorrect

The Fair Deal wanted to sustain some New Deal programs in the event of another economic depression, but to reduce overall government spending. The Fair Deal called for an expansion of worker protections, but wanted to reduce the influence of unions.

Which of the following were features of the postwar world? incorrect

The Great Depression returned. The death of millions of young American men resulted in declining birth rates.

What factors spurred President Truman to authorize the use of the second atomic bomb, "Fat Man," on the city of Nagasaki only three days after authorizing the use of an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima? correct

The Japanese government had failed to surrender in the immediate aftermath of the bombing of Hiroshima. Soviet troops moved into Japanese-occupied Manchuria.

Between 1931 and 1932, Japan quickly occupied and then annexed the province of Manchuria in China. This event initiated what would ultimately become the Sino-Japanese War. Which of the following was most significant in facilitating the successes of this Japanese military action? correct

The Japanese invasion coincided with the Chinese civil war between Mao Zedong's Communist forces and Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists.

How did the Marshall Plan reflect the evolving American policy of containment during the cold war? correct

The Marshall Plan did not directly confront the Soviet Union. Instead, it provided friendly European governments with financial assistance to rebuild their economies in order to reduce the appeal of communism among those nations.

How did the Marshall Plan reflect the evolving American policy of containment during the cold war? incorrect

The Marshall Plan directly confronted the Soviet Union by sending American troops to combat Soviet troops helping Communist forces in the Greek civil war. The Marshall Plan did not directly confront the Soviet Union. Instead, the United States formed a military alliance with western European nations and provided them with military assistance in order to prevent Soviet expansion in Europe. The Marshall Plan did not directly confront the Soviet Union. Instead, the United States used it to overcome a Soviet blockade to supply starving Europeans with food and fuel.

How did the rise of fascism in Germany contribute to the outbreak of the Second World War? incorrect

The Nazi regime in Germany opposed the rise of fascist regimes in Spain and Italy because it viewed them as political and potentially wartime rivals.

Put the following events in chronological order to explain how global politics became more complicated after World War II.

The Philippines gain independence from the United States. Great Britain withdraws from and partitions India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The People's Republic of China is established.

Identify the strategies of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the tactics employed by the organization. incorrect

The SCLC sought to mimic the strategies employed by the NAACP while adding a religious component.

Which of the following were features of the postwar world? correct

The Soviet Union became a world power. The United Nations was formed. India and Pakistan became independent.

Why did American policymakers grow distrustful and suspicious of Soviet postwar actions? correct

The Soviet Union failed to allow democratic elections in Eastern European nations. The Soviet Union began a process of installing Communist governments in Eastern European nations that it could control. The Soviet Union did not allow non-Communists to participate in democratic elections.

How did the Soviet development of nuclear weapons impact U.S. foreign policy? incorrect

The Soviet Union forced the United States to allow communism to spread in Asia. The United States became more belligerent toward the Soviet Union to pressure it to disarm.

What made the creation of Israel controversial? incorrect

The Soviet Union set up a puppet government in Israel. Israeli leaders were unhappy with the United States' support for the Arab League. The Soviet Union refused to recognize the new country.

Why did U.S. secretary of state James Byrnes's belief that atomic weapons "might well put us in position to dictate our own terms with the Soviets at the end of the war" prove to be incorrect? correct

The Soviets were in the process of developing similar weapons.

Why did U.S. secretary of state James Byrnes's belief that atomic weapons "might well put us in position to dictate our own terms with the Soviets at the end of the war" prove to be incorrect? incorrect

The U.S. Congress had forbidden the military to use atomic weapons after World War II. The Soviets had developed antimissile technology that would enable them to eliminate the use of atomic bombs over their territory. The United States had no more atomic bombs to use after World War II.

What was the American strategy for fighting communism as outlined by the Truman Doctrine? correct

The U.S. government had to stop the spread of communism, lest more countries fall under communist rule. The United States would support nations resisting communism.

How did the Soviet development of nuclear weapons impact U.S. foreign policy? correct

The United States began construction of a hydrogen bomb. The United States and Soviet Union found themselves in a stalemate.

How did Americans respond to Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union? correct

The United States began to include the Soviet Union in the Lend-Lease Bill, which further increased the effectiveness of Soviet resistance against German encroachment. American isolationists argued that Germany's invasion of Russia confirmed that America should stay out of the war and let two dreadful dictatorships fight each other.

How did Truman's efforts to contain communism change the government of the United States? incorrect

The United States joined the United Nations. Truman suspended elections for two years to ensure stability.

Identify the ideological differences between the United States and the Soviet Union that caused friction and led to the outbreak of the cold war. incorrect

The United States sought to control western European countries to create a buffer between Great Britain and Germany. The Soviet Union sought to stay out of the affairs of other nations. The Soviet Union was closely aligned with Nazi Germany, while the United States' interests were closer to those of Great Britain.

How did the American policymakers' assumptions about the Korean conflict affect American foreign policy? incorrect

The United States sought to unify North and South Korea. The United States sent more troops to Asia because many policymakers assumed the Soviets had plans to expand their Asian territory. The United States avoided military entanglements in foreign conflicts for fear of becoming bogged down in long wars.

Why didn't the United States directly confront the Soviet Union militarily after World War II? incorrect

The United States supported the Communist ideals of the Soviet Union. World War II devastated the American economy, and the country did not have enough resources to fight communism. The Soviet Union maintained friendly relations with the United States.

Identify the ideological differences between the United States and the Soviet Union that caused friction and led to the outbreak of the cold war. correct

The United States supported the capitalist economic system, whereas the Soviets supported communism. The Soviet Union prohibited many religions, while citizens of the United States enjoyed religious freedom. The United States supported self-determination for the peoples of Eastern Europe, whereas the Soviet Union wanted to control what went on in these countries.

What was the effect of the Unites States' shifting to an industrial wartime economy? incorrect

The United States was more effective at providing monetary aid to Allied Powers with established military economies than manufacturing its own military hardware. The War Production Board was ineffective at transitioning private industries to suit American military needs, and thus American production did not greatly exceed the production of any of the other warring nations. By the end of 1943, U.S. industrial production nearly equaled German production.

What was the American strategy for fighting communism as outlined by the Truman Doctrine? incorrect

The United States would fight the Soviet Union openly to prevent communism from spreading. Communism was only an issue in Eastern Europe where the Soviet Union had extended its influence.

How did the passage of the War Powers Act of 1941, which increased the power of the presidency, reshape American society? incorrect

The War Powers Act granted the president the legal authority to declare war.

Identify how America's involvement in World War II impacted Mexican Americans and Mexican migrant laborers. correct

The bracero program enabled over 200,000 Mexican citizens to work in the United States legally on one-year contracts during the course of the war. The increased interaction between Mexicans and white Americans in the western United States resulted in the "zoot suit riots." The shortage of farm laborers during the war caused the United States to ease immigration requirements for Mexicans.

"The prize we seek is to keep 8 million Russians [soldiers] in the war." What does this quotation reveal about the Allied war efforts? correct

The conflict between the Soviets and the Germans helped minimize American wartime casualties, while simultaneously weakening German resistance. Allied generals understood the necessity of keeping the Soviets in the war to divert German resources to the Eastern Front.

What effect did the Rosenberg trial have on the Red Scare? incorrect

The conviction of the Rosenbergs eased Republican fears that Truman wasn't working hard enough to rid the country of Soviet spies. Americans felt more secure knowing the government had captured and executed Soviet spies.

Identify the ways in which the federal government contributed to the dramatic growth of the postwar American economy. incorrect

The decrease in the military budget allowed the government to allocate more funds to public works projects.

In his 1958 book The Affluent Society, John Galbraith criticized the widespread belief that major social problems in America were being rectified by the country's economic prosperity. Identify some of the chronic social problems America faced in the postwar era. correct

The disparity between black and white wages widened. Twenty-five percent of Americans lacked any savings or other type of financial assets. Almost 50 percent of the black community was poverty-stricken.

How did the rise of fascism in Germany contribute to the outbreak of the Second World War? correct

The dissolution of democratic institutions during the German transition toward fascism put all major decision making under Hitler's discretion. German leaders were able to rally support by promising to avenge Germany's defeat during World War I and the shame of the ensuing Treaty of Versailles. Fascism led both Italy and Germany to attempt to develop new empires or further expand them.

In what ways did the American wartime production needs influence the structure of the postwar American economy? correct

The government contracts awarded during the war helped transform some large American businesses into massive corporations. The changes that occurred in the composition of the labor force during the war empowered women and minority groups in the postwar economy. Many wartime inventions were incorporated into American domestic life in a way that elevated the average standard of living.

How did the onset of the Second World War impact the role the U.S. federal government played in the lives of average Americans? incorrect

The government instituted the first female military draft to bolster the Women's Army Corps and to provide more nurses for battlefield hospitals.

How did the Red Scare affect American civil liberties? correct

The government passed laws or pursued policies that limited free speech in order to fight communism.

How did the Red Scare affect American civil liberties? incorrect

The government refused to compromise American civil liberties to fight communism. Truman believed free speech was important to setting the United States apart from the Soviet Union, so he refrained from limiting civil liberties. Congress repealed laws designed to limit free speech.

How did the baby boom provide its own stimulus for the postwar American economy? correct

The growing population resulted in the development of suburbia. This period witnessed a surge in new schools to accommodate so many children. Children represented a new set of consumer demands ranging from toys to clothing.

Analyze this quotation from the New York Times concerning the use of an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. "Yesterday ... we clinched victory in the Pacific, but we sowed the whirlwind." Which of the following statements does it support? correct

The journalist feared that the United States, by using an atomic weapon to secure victory in World War II, had created a problem that would cultivate future conflicts.

Analyze this quotation from the New York Times concerning the use of an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. "Yesterday ... we clinched victory in the Pacific, but we sowed the whirlwind." Which of the following statements does it support? incorrect

The journalist feared that the use of such an indiscriminate weapon on such a heavily concentrated civilian population would reinvigorate the Japanese will to fight in the face of complete annihilation. The journalist feared that the people of Japan would harbor a longstanding resentment toward the United States for using an atomic weapon and the resulting cost of reconstructing the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The journalist feared that the weapons might enable the destruction of American democracy by its own leaders.

Identify the changes to the American government and society that stemmed from the need to increase industrial production for the war. correct

The power of the president increased once Congress authorized greater federal control over the economy with the War Powers Act. The War Production Board directed civilian industries to convert for war production.

Identify how the Second World War empowered women in American society. correct

The shortage of working-age males due to the war effort enabled women to move from working in the home to joining industrial production. Some women gained a greater degree of financial independence because of the higher wages they earned in wartime manufacturing industries. Hundreds of thousands of women served in the armed forces in either the Women's Army Corps (WAC) or the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES).

How did the Allied aerial bombardment of Germany impact the Germans' ability to resist Allied encroachment into Nazi-controlled Europe? incorrect

The superiority of the German air force resulted in major casualties to Allied air force pilots.

In his 1958 book The Affluent Society, John Galbraith criticized the widespread belief that major social problems in America were being rectified by the country's economic prosperity. Identify some of the chronic social problems America faced in the postwar era. incorrect

The wages of African American decreased steadily as jobs became more plentiful.

The novelist Norman Mailer said that the 1950s were "one of the worst decades in the history of man." What does this quotation reveal about postwar American society? incorrect

These words embodied the criticisms of pacifists who resented Eisenhower's continuous meddling in the affairs of other nations.

Which of the following identify the context and significance of this quotation for American foreign policy during Eisenhower's presidency? "We have excited Hungarians for all these years and are now turning our backs on them when they are in a jam." Correct Answer(s)

These words referred to the American pledge to support those countries forced to endure "Communist slavery." President Eisenhower spoke these words during the Hungarian revolt out of guilt that U.S. propaganda had encouraged the Hungarians to believe the U.S. would support their efforts.

The novelist Norman Mailer said that the 1950s were "one of the worst decades in the history of man." What does this quotation reveal about postwar American society? correct

These words spoke to the wave of criticism among writers and artists who rejected the consumer-driven culture of middle-class America. These words embodied the feelings of many novelists who attacked the uniformity and conformity of suburban life. These words referred to the sameness and mediocrity that Mailer felt plagued American life.

How did the Allied aerial bombardment of Germany impact the Germans' ability to resist Allied encroachment into Nazi-controlled Europe? correct

They failed to cripple German wartime industrial production, despite their massive death tolls. It forced the German armed forces to commit more troops and resources to the defense of the German homefront. It claimed the lives of approximately 350,000 German civilians, but the bombings were unsuccessful at breaking the German will to fight.

"The army is about to take me to fight for democracy ... but I would [rather] fight for democracy right here," said a black Detroit draftee. What does this quotation reveal about African Americans' views on the war? incorrect

They were unhappy with the wartime suppression of civil liberties in the United States and wanted to continue the fight for equal rights abroad. They were upset that only African Americans were being asked to contribute to war efforts; they thought that all Americans should equally share in the burdens of war.

firebombing of Tokyo

This action produced the largest civilian causalities of the war.

Describe Eisenhower's "falling domino" theory. correct

This analogy was used to describe how quickly communism would spread once it infiltrated a nation. The "falling domino" theory incorrectly assumed communism to be a single, massive, and unified worldwide movement directed by the U.S.S.R.

Describe Eisenhower's "falling domino" theory. incorrect

This analogy was used to describe the spread of freedom and liberation in order to convince the nation of the U.S. foreign policy strategy. This analogy was used to describe the belief that the United States must avoid conflicts in the third world in order to oppose Soviet domination of Europe.

air conditioning

This contributed to the wave of white, middle-class Americans moving to the Sunbelt states.


This fascist nation was not part of the "Axis" alliance.

Employment Act of 1946

This gave the president, and the government, the authority to provide full "employment, production, and purchasing power" to American workers.

Mexican Americans who served in the armed forces

This group earned a higher percentage of Congressional Medals of Honor than any other minority group.

African Americans who served in the armed forces

This group served in segregated units, including the highly decorated Tuskegee Airmen.

Mexican Nationals

This group took part in the bracero program.

Native Americans

This group used languages unknown to the Germans and Japanese to encode military messages.

GI Bill

This increased the income disparity between men and women.

Great Britain

This major European power and key ally of France attempted to avoid war by appeasing Hitler.

Soviet Union

This nation divided Poland with Germany


This nation was the first in Europe to be ruled by fascists.

atomic bombing of Nagasaki

This resulted in the Japanese surrender.

Describe the strategy of "massive retaliation" formulated by President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles as a way of avoiding increased military costs. incorrect

This strategy took a much more hands-on approach of establishing global military bases that required minimal funds. This strategy embraced the policy of containment in order to avoid excessive entanglement in foreign nations. This isolationist strategy was a way to avoid putting troops on the ground.


This was described by one magazine as the "biggest of the new forces in American life today."

atomic bombing of Hiroshima

This was the first use of atomic weapons, which devastated its target in a single blast.

According to the Truman Doctrine, the U.S. government viewed the spread of communism as a global threat; thus, it regarded every conflict with the Communist movement as equally important in preventing nations from falling like dominos to communism.


Castro's Cuba was the greatest foreign policy embarrassment for the Eisenhower administration.


Despite Truman's failures to convince Congress to support his initiatives on civil rights, health care, and education, his agenda was taken up by future reformers who were able to institute many aspects of these initiatives in the next several decades.


Operation Overlord included the largest seaborne invasion in history, which succeeded in part because it took the German defenders largely by surprise.


The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact helped lead Britain and France to declare war on Germany.


Truman was able to triumph in the election of 1948 because he was able to appeal to the New Deal coalition of voters. The Dixiecrat revolt against his stance on civil rights especially motivated African American voters to support him.


How did the United States' strategy for preventing the spread of communism change over time? Put the events that led to the escalation of the cold war in chronological order.

Truman announced his Truman Doctrine. Congress passed the Marshall Plan to provide economic aid to Europe. The United States and Great Britain began the Berlin airlift to support West Berlin. The United States joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Fair Deal

Truman attempted to expand and add to Roosevelt's New Deal.

How did the American policymakers' assumptions about the Korean conflict affect American foreign policy? correct

Truman began assisting French troops fighting a Communist insurgency in Indochina. Truman ordered a major military buildup of American forces in western Europe.

Union membership had grown significantly by the end of the war. Which of the following statements accurately describe Truman's relationship with this important constituency after the war? inccorect

Truman initiated a policy of a "cooling-off" period where unions' efforts were required to cease for eighty days if the president found their causes to be a threat to the "national health and safety." Truman created the Taft-Hartley Labor Act to stop unionists from striking, practicing "closed-shop," and forcing workers to unionize.

How did Truman's efforts to contain communism change the government of the United States? correct

Truman made the Joint Chiefs of Staff permanent. Truman created the National Security Agency. Congress passed the National Security Act.

How did the United States respond to the Soviet Union's acquisition of atomic weapons? incorrect

Truman ordered American troops to defend South Korea from Communist aggression. Truman ordered an increased U.S. military presence in western Europe. Truman initiated negotiations with the Soviet Union to limit the amount of atomic weapons each side would possess.

How did the United States respond to the Soviet Union's acquisition of atomic weapons? correct

Truman sped up the development of a hydrogen bomb, more powerful than an atomic bomb.

Identify why Senator Joseph McCarthy was successful. incorrect

Truman supported McCarthy's anti-Communist efforts in order to placate Republican concerns that he was "soft on Communism." McCarthy exposed several prominently placed Soviet spies. Congress supported McCarthy's efforts to eliminate Soviet spies in the government in accordance with the McCarran Internal Security Act.

What effect did the Rosenberg trial have on the Red Scare? correct

Truman's opponents were convinced he wasn't working hard enough to rid the country of Soviet spies. It paved the way for McCarthyism. Americans became fearful that there were Communist spies in America.

Identify the main criticism of Truman's plan for a peacetime economy. incorrect

Truman's plan did not do enough to expand social programs to Americans in need. Military veterans became increasingly unemployed upon their return from the war. Women were forced out of the workplace and back into the home upon the return of war veterans.

Identify the circumstances that enabled the U.S. Navy to triumph over the Japanese navy during the Battle of Midway. incorrect

U.S. forces were able to take the Japanese navy unaware before the Japanese began their assault on the island itself. The U.S. forces had three times as many destroyers as the Japanese, despite having minimal air support and no aircraft carriers.

Identify the circumstances that enabled the U.S. Navy to triumph over the Japanese navy during the Battle of Midway. correct

U.S. forces' preparations for the Battle of Midway surprised Japanese attackers. The ability of the U.S. Navy to decipher Japanese radio code enabled U.S. naval strategists to more effectively prepare for the engagement.

Identify the effect that Roosevelt's Second New Deal programs had on unions. correct

Unions gained membership and became more widely recognized by employers.

What effect did the Marshall Plan have on the cold war? correct

Western European nations' economies became prosperous again. Western European nations' governments became more stable.

How did the Korean War escalate? Put the events of the Korean War in chronological order.

With the encouragement of the Soviet Union and Communist China, North Korean forces invade South Korea. The UN Security Council endorses military intervention to preserve international peace and to remove North Korean troops from South Korea. UN forces, led by General MacArthur, land at Inchon. UN forces capture Pyongyang and move toward the Chinese border with North Korea. China enters the war on behalf of the North Koreans. Truman fires MacArthur. The war ends with a truce between the opposing forces, leaving the peninsula divided roughly how it had been when the North Koreans launched their war effort.

How did the onset of the Second World War impact the role the U.S. federal government played in the lives of average Americans? correct

Women were integrated into the economy in large numbers to replace the labor force that was lost because of the need for fighting-age males. The federal government used promotional campaigns to encourage women to join the workforce. The federal government demanded the war industries provide equal treatment in the hiring of minority workers. The government instituted domestic rationing and price ceilings on goods in high demand. The number of federal government employees multiplied by a factor of four to staff the newly created government agencies.

Identify the impact that the GI Bill of Rights had on each of the following minority groups who received the benefits in the decade after the Second World War. incorrect

Women who worked in war-related sectors were able to attend college with money from their GI Bill benefits. African American veterans were finally able to purchase a home in a neighborhood of their choosing.

Identify the main criticism of Truman's plan for a peacetime economy.correct

World War II was over, and so was the Great Depression; the need for an "expansion" of the New Deal was unnecessary and pointless.

Revenue Act of 1932

a major tax increase that was poorly timed and further contributed to the economic crisis

Works Progress Administration

allowed the government to employ millions of Americans to work on public works projects

During the Second World War, Americans endured years of frugal living, restricted from enjoying luxuries as a sacrifice for the nation. In the years after the war, Americans sought to unleash this repressed demand and engaged in a spree of consumption. The invention of credit cards made consumerism easier. This period was different from past economic booms in that it improved the standard of living for hourly laborers and allowed many blue-collar workers to enter the middle class.


A few of the major programs launched by the Eisenhower administration strongly resembled the public works projects of the 1930s that were created under FDR. The Federal-Aid Highway Act, for instance, implemented a national system of connected highways that not only aided defense efforts, it completely transformed American life. This network of highways was the largest project ever executed by the federal government.

filled in

Americans became increasingly fearful of Communist spies. McCarthy's failed efforts to find Soviet spies ruined the reputation of many who were accused. The Red Scare encouraged Americans to avoid controversial thoughts and behaviors lest they be labeled a Communist.

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Americans were frustrated with the state of the Korean War. Many of Truman's Fair Deal proposals had been rejected. By 1952, Truman had the lowest approval rating in history and it was very unlikely that he would win an election. Many of Truman's cold war policies were effective, though few realized it until many years later.

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Nassar's rise to power in Egypt created tensions in the region as his regime urged the British to withdraw from the Suez Canal. The U.S. supported this insistence, but Nassar's attempts to acquire weapons from the Soviet Union further complicated the U.S.-Egyptian relationship. Eisenhower offered to fund a crucial dam for Nassar; however, increased trade between Egypt and the Soviet Union led the administration to rescind the offer. This prompted Nassar to occupy the Suez Canal and deny access to ships headed to Israel, resulting in an Israeli, British, and French invasion of Egypt.

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Postwar union strikes increased because prices of goods rose and wages did not change after World War II. A Republican Congress reflected America's growing anti-union sentiment. Congress claimed unions were committing unfair labor practices, such as the "closed-shop", and asked to stop this behavior by encouraging states to pass right to work policies and forcing union leaders to take loyalty oaths against communism.

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Stories of the Nazi "Final Solution" to the "Jewish problem" began circulating in 1942. Fear of a resurgence of anti-Semitism stopped American officials and some Jewish leaders from openly recognizing the truth of the stories. President Roosevelt created the War Refugee Board to deal with survivors of the Holocaust, but the organization only managed to save approximately 220,000 people. All told, the Holocaust claimed the lives of more than 6 million Jews and more than 1 million others.

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The Berlin airlift was a major victory for the United States and its allies in western Europe. The failure of the Soviet blockade led the United States and its allies to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in order to resist the spread of communism in western Europe. Additionally, the blockade served to strengthen ties between West Germany and the United States and Great Britain.

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The Montgomery bus boycott displayed the courageous acts of individual African Americans struggling for racial justice. The boycott began with the refusal of Rosa Parks to relinquish her seat on a public bus to a white passenger, an act of nonviolent civil disobedience for which she was subsequently arrested. This event unified the black community, and for over a year, African Americans employed alternative means of transportation as a revolt against the public bus system. This triggered tremendous resentment among the white community. Many boycott leaders endured physical and verbal abuse for their actions, while some were even victims of home bombings by Ku Klux Klan members.

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The Soviet Union faced two German invasions during the first half of the twentieth century. As a result, Soviet leaders felt insecure and felt the need to create a buffer of friendly nations between the Soviet Union and Western Europe. The Soviet Union accomplished this by installing puppet governments in eastern European countries.

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The Spanish Civil War erupted in 1936 with Francisco Franco's military coup, which sent the fledgling Spanish republic into turmoil. Germany and Italy sent troops and military support to bolster Franco's fascist forces, which ultimately overthrew the Spanish republic.

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The United States and Soviet Union maintained an alliance during the war, but once the war was over, the Soviet Union broke promises made at the Yalta Conference. Relations between the two nations quickly deteriorated as the Soviets installed puppet governments in Eastern Europe, which former Prime Minister of Great Britain called an iron curtain dividing Europe, leading President Truman to distrust Soviet leaders.

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The fifties witnessed the emergence of a rebellious group of artists and writers who rejected the consumerism and conformity of middle-class life. These young individuals known as Beats sought an authentic sense of self and pursued originality in both art and life. Their attitudes toward women were often sexist, and they took an individualistic approach to their needs and problems.

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The shortage of housing within cities incentivized the development of housing communities for an expanding middle class of predominantly white Americans. As a wave of black southerners migrated north to cities, an increasing number of white Americans chose suburbia. The construction of identical homes, such as those in Levittowns, promoted the principles of uniformity and conformity. The continuing struggle for racial equality was embodied in these developments as restrictions continued to plague African Americans seeking housing.

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Though millions of women occupied male jobs during the war, the return of veterans essentially forced women out of these roles and back into the domestic sphere. The advertisement industry contributed to the public pressure on women to return to the home by promoting an ideal of the white, middle-class housewife. Women's roles were also politicized in a way that supported America's anti-Soviet stance by comparing the freedom enjoyed by American women under capitalism with the struggles of female manual laborers under communism.

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House Committee on Un-American Activities

investigated alleged Communists in the government and film industry

McCarran Internal Security Act

made it legal to send American Communists to concentration camps during national emergencies

Loyalty Order

required federal government workers to have background checks to ensure they were not Communists

Identify the factors that were blamed for the rise of teen delinquency during the fifties. incorrect

the close proximity of suburban homes that enabled teens to congregate and rebel together

Identify the factors that were blamed for the rise of teen delinquency during the fifties. correct

the emergence of rock 'n' roll as a popular music form, which had the ability to bring together various cultures and races the increased popularity of Elvis Presley, who was said to be leading adolescents in a social revolt the increased access to the automobile, which provided teenagers greater overall freedom from parental supervision

The following image illustrates which of the following changes that took place in American society during the 1950s? correct

the growth of American consumerism centered on the home television watching becoming the most common American leisure activity

"It's like bubbling molasses down there ... the mushroom is spreading out ... fires are springing up everywhere ... it's like a peep into hell." What does this quotation reveal about the bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima? incorrect

the immediate surrender of the Japanese, bringing an end to the war on the Pacific Front

Soviet actions in Eastern European nations after World War II not only violated the Yalta Agreement among the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States, but they also ran counter to which principles of American foreign policy? Correct

the right to freedom of religion the right of nations to self-determination

"It's like bubbling molasses down there ... the mushroom is spreading out ... fires are springing up everywhere ... it's like a peep into hell." What does this quotation reveal about the bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima? correct

the success of the U.S. effort to leverage atomic bombs in hopes of ending the war the massive scale of explosion at Hiroshima the devastation not just to the target of the atomic bomb, but also to its surrounding area

Identify the characteristics of fascism as it arose in Italy and Germany prior to the start of World War II. correct

totalitarian government led by a dictator ultranationalist patriotism use of propaganda as a means of political control use of violence to seize and maintain political power

British victory in the Battle of Britain, made possible in part through the use of radar, prevented a German invasion of the island nation. Following the victory, the United States provided Britain with additional supplies to fend off invasions through the Lend-Lease Bill.


General Douglas MacArthur developed the "leapfrogging" strategy, whereby U.S. forces avoided invading strategically unimportant islands, and instead exclusively bombed and shelled them using air- and seapower. This strategy enabled U.S. military strategists to minimize unnecessary American casualties, while cutting off Japanese supply lines


The transition of the U.S. economy from a peacetime economy to a wartime economy was such a significant change that production in entire industries was put on hold to divert resources to the war effort.



usually men who lived on the road or the train; also called hobos

What criticism of the New Deal did supporters of the Townsend Plan and the Share-the-Wealth Society have in common? correct

Both programs called for far greater income redistribution from the wealthy to the poor than New Deal programs.

How did the development of new technology and tactics help reduce the threat posed by German U-boats to Allied shipping and naval vessels? incorrect

By 1943, the Allied Powers had developed more submarines of their own that were superior to German U-boats.

Identify Roosevelt's strategy for providing federal work relief to jobless Americans, and evaluate its success. incorrect

His strategy was limited to state-sponsored programs that he believed provided adequate relief. He immediately implemented a jobs program at the federal level to provide relief for the unemployed.

When the Bonus Expeditionary Force marched on Washington to demand that Congress assist economically strapped World War I veterans, how did President Hoover respond? correct

When Congress did not act on the veterans' demands, Hoover's primary concern was to remove the homeless veterans who remained camped out near the Capitol building. He made no effort to address their demands for a bonus on their pensions.

Social Security Act

created several social-welfare programs to protect Americans who were not working

How did Roosevelt's vision in the 1932 presidential election differ from that of Hoover, the incumbent president? incorrect

Roosevelt created a plan that he vowed not to deviate from in order to get the economy back on track. Roosevelt believed in relying on past solutions to economic crises in order to avoid any surprises.

What were some of the shortcomings of the New Deal for African Americans? incorrect

Roosevelt refused to appoint African Americans to government positions.

Identify how Roosevelt's Second New Deal programs differed from the programs in his First New Deal. correct

Roosevelt's Second New Deal programs focused on social justice while the first programs were designed to save the economy.

a federal regulatory agency established to monitor the purchase and sale of stocks and bonds under the new enforcement laws

Securities and Exchange Commission

Identify the reasons why Roosevelt's critics opposed the New Deal. incorrect

Southerners opposed Roosevelt's New Deal because it granted too many new freedoms to African Americans. Roosevelt's New Deal brought the United States into conflict with European powers.

Social Security has been one of the most enduring legacies of the New Deal, even though Roosevelt never intended for retired Americans to depend solely on Social Security from the federal government during their retirement.


The Civilian Conservation Corps was one of the most successful jobs programs of the early New Deal.


How did the development of new technology and tactics help reduce the threat posed by German U-boats to Allied shipping and naval vessels? correct

The Allied Powers began sending cargo ships together in convoys guarded by warships, which drastically reduced effective U-boat attacks. The ability of the British to crack German naval codes made it easier for the Allied forces to track the movements of German U-boats. The development of effective radar and sonar technology enabled Allied ships to successfully track German U-boats.

The Supreme Court was hostile to many New Deal elements during Roosevelt's first term, ruling that elements such as the NRA were unconstitutional in seven out of nine cases that it reviewed. What was the main theme of the Court's decisions? incorrect

The Court ruled against the New Deal because Roosevelt had relied on executive order without Congressional approval to bring about most of the New Deal reforms. The Court ruled that the New Deal violated the Fourteenth Amendment by not ensuring equal opportunities for African Americans.

The Supreme Court was hostile to many New Deal elements during Roosevelt's first term, ruling that elements such as the NRA were unconstitutional in seven out of nine cases that it reviewed. What was the main theme of the Court's decisions? correct

The Court ruled that the New Deal gave too much power to the federal government.

The causes of the Great Depression continue to be debated by economists, though many argue that it was a combination of various factors that led to the economic collapse. What were some of these contributing factors? incorrect

The Federal Reserve invested in failing banks and industries. The agricultural sector began to be more profitable than the manufacturing sector, which resulted in a wave of factory closures. The state of Europe's economy spurred a massive influx of foreign capital into American markets.

After the stock market crash of 1929, the Federal Reserve reduced the nation's money supply in an attempt to prevent inflation in consumer prices and restore confidence in the economy. This policy shrunk the nation's money supply by one-third between 1929 and 1932. What impact did this action have on the economy? incorrect

The Federal Reserve prevented the stock market crash from seriously crippling the nation's banking system. The Federal Reserve policy helped to prop up a shaky banking system in Germany. The Federal Reserve withdrew money from the economy, protecting the value of American money.

Identify the reasons why Roosevelt's critics were opposed to the National Recovery Administration (NRA). correct

The NRA supported big corporations over small businesses. The NRA did not protect agricultural and domestic workers.

Identify how Roosevelt's Second New Deal programs differed from the programs in his First New Deal. incorrect

The Second New Deal programs were designed to restrict government spending in order to reduce the federal deficit. The Second New Deal was a more radical attempt to pull the country out of the Great Depression. The Second New Deal programs were specifically focused on helping African Americans and minorities get out of poverty.

Identify the reasons why Roosevelt's critics opposed the New Deal. correct

The United States still suffered from the Great Depression, and Roosevelt's programs didn't do enough to improve the economy. The New Deal increased taxes and was too socialist

How did the role of the federal government change under Roosevelt? incorrect

The government became more responsive to the needs of African Americans. The government supported the military industrial complex to stimulate economic growth.

How did the role of the federal government change under Roosevelt? correct

The government became responsible for regulating the economy and ensuring stability. The government became responsible for ensuring a minimum quality of life for Americans.

The Mississippi governor Theodore Bilbo stated in 1931, "Communism is gaining a foothold ... . In fact, I'm feeling a little pink myself." Analyze this quotation, and evaluate its significance for American society during the Great Depression. incorrect

The governor was angry about the despair of troubled Americans and encouraged them to fight back. The governor saw the influence of communism spreading to the United States from Europe. The governor was criticizing the current government's public service policies and its interference with the economy.

The Mississippi governor Theodore Bilbo stated in 1931, "Communism is gaining a foothold ... . In fact, I'm feeling a little pink myself." Analyze this quotation, and evaluate its significance for American society during the Great Depression. correct

The governor was worried that sympathy for communism would gain support among economically devastated Americans in the early years of the Great Depression.

How did the passage of the War Powers Act of 1941, which increased the power of the presidency, reshape American society? correct

The president gained the power to regulate industries and private businesses. The War Powers Act granted the president authority to manage the growing size of the federal government by creating, redistributing, and reorganizing government agencies. The president gained the power to authorize spying on and censorship of certain forms of communication.

German and Japanese leaders both claimed that their people were a superior race destined to dominate their respective regions.


Identify the effect that Roosevelt's Second New Deal programs had on unions. incorrect

Union membership declined after Roosevelt used the military to end "sit-down strikes." He wanted to get workers from key industries back to work to preserve the economy. Employers resisted new pro-union laws, and union membership declined. Union membership increased after Roosevelt used the military to support striking workers in Michigan.

Identify the effect that Roosevelt's Second New Deal programs had on unions. incorrect

Union membership increased after Roosevelt used the military to support striking workers in Michigan. Union membership declined after Roosevelt used the military to end "sit-down strikes." He wanted to get workers from key industries back to work to preserve the economy. Employers resisted new pro-union laws, and union membership declined.

Identify the effect that Roosevelt's Second New Deal programs had on unions. correect

Unions gained membership and became more widely recognized by employers.

How did Roosevelt's vision in the 1932 presidential election differ from that of Hoover, the incumbent president? correct

Unlike Hoover, Roosevelt believed in using federal funds to thwart poverty and stimulate economic recovery. Roosevelt was a strong believer in experimenting with new and bold strategies to revive the economy.

When the Bonus Expeditionary Force marched on Washington to demand that Congress assist economically strapped World War I veterans, how did President Hoover respond? incorrect

When Congress did not act, Hoover ordered the Department of the Treasury to pay the veterans their bonuses by using funds from the sale of new government bonds. While not supporting their goals, Hoover ordered that the army should house and feed the veterans while they remained in Washington, D.C. Hoover lobbied Congress to grant the protestors' demands.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

an attempt by Congress, supported by Hoover, to aid banks and other struggling entities by providing them with emergency loans

Wagner Act

created an organization to oversee unions

Identify the components of Roosevelt's three-pronged strategy that he sought to implement in his First Hundred Days. Incorrect

deregulate the financial industry in order to let the economy run its course

soup kitchens

distribution points where the hungry could receive the bare necessities of food and water

Identify the beneficiaries of the Social Security Act incorrect

farm workers self-employed workers

As European countries began to recover from the financial ruin brought about by the First World War, they reduced their purchases of U.S. goods. Additionally, debts owed by European countries to America prompted U.S. banks to lend such nations huge amounts of money, which only contributed to their overall debt. When the banks could no longer support European countries, and government policies made it more difficult to sell European goods in America, both the European and American economies spiraled into a depression.

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Father Charles E. Coughlin believed that Roosevelt's New Deal was too communist. In his speeches he accused Roosevelt of being used by the Jews. He applauded Hitler's anti-Semitic policies and supported the idea of similar policies in the United States.

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In addition to creating the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Banking Act of 1933 also included a crucial section called the Glass-Steagall Act, which blocked commercial banks from investing their consumers' savings in the stock market by separating commercial banking and investment banking into two distinct categories. Those banks categorized as investment were the only banks allowed to participate in the stock market.

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Most of the migrants to the Far West were white farmers and their families, who had lost or abandoned their farms either when banks foreclosed or when the soil was no longer fertile. Many devastated farmers moved their families across the country toward California, where they had heard there were jobs. They lived in tents or cars along the way, exposed to weather and without basic sanitation. They endured poverty and were looked down on as Oakies or Arkies when they arrived from cotton areas in the South or the Great Plains.

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One of Roosevelt's advisors claimed that in his first eight days as president, Roosevelt "saved capitalism." Most of this can be attributed to Roosevelt's push for the Emergency Banking Relief Act, which led to a four-day closure of all banks in order to diffuse the panic surrounding the financial sector. Roosevelt reinforced his strategy through fireside chats, during which he assured Americans that they could safely deposit their money in banks once again. These reassurances proved successful as people returned their money to the banks once they reopened.

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Roosevelt enjoyed a sizeable victory in the election of 1936, and the Democrats controlled Congress. Many of Roosevelt's policies caused a rift in the Democratic party. The president's Court-packing plan drew harsh criticism from Congress. Southern Democrats did not like the increasing number of African Americans and unionists who supported Roosevelt.

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The Securities Exchange Act of 1933 created greater transparency in the sale of stocks and bonds by demanding that all corporations selling their stock publicly divulge pertinent information about their company to better inform buyers

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The black community was one of the most seriously affected groups during the Great Depression, as many African Americans were already poor, barely scratching out a living in the South on small farms. Those who had migrated north to work in factories were often the first to lose their jobs. Blacks, Mexicans, and Asians were often refused government or private charitable assistance. Facing increased competition from white and Mexican Americans, many Asian migrant farm workers in the West migrated to cities. As the economy spiraled downward, Mexicans Americans were subject to calls for deportation to Mexico regardless of their residency status. As many as 500,000 Mexican Americans were eventually deported to Mexico.

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The lack of funding at the state level and the federal government's failure to deal adequately with homelessness and joblessness led to the spread of shantytowns throughout the country. These communities were commonly called Hoovervilles as a critique of Hoover's handling of the economy. Hoover refused the calls for government intervention to curb poverty and unemployment, fearing that they would lead the nation down a socialist path.

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Though women had a lower rate of joblessness during the Great Depression, they were also tasked with providing emotional support to their families if their husbands were laid off. Due to their disproportionately low-paying jobs, women were often able to continue working while men with higher wages lost their jobs. As the economy worsened, however, some people claimed that women were "stealing" jobs from men. States consequently began passing laws barring married women from the workforce.

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While the U.S. stock market had grown steadily since 1924, reckless speculation that began in 1927 contributed to a surge in the stock value of American companies. A specific investment practice that allowed stocks to be purchased "on margin" with a modest down payment enabled investors to borrow the rest of the money from a stockbroker. When stock values began to plummet, stockbrokers called in these "margin" loans, but investors, who had expected stock profits to cover these loans, weren't able to repay what they had borrowed.

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During the early period of the Great Depression, millions of Americans suffered through which of the following experiences? incorrect



initially housed those made homeless by the economic downturn

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

lessened the potential of future panics by guaranteeing that saving accounts up to a certain amount would be reimbursed with government funds in the event of bank failure

Agricultural Adjustment Act

paid farmers to limit their livestock and crop production in order to increase crop prices

Civil Conservation Corps

provided jobs for Americans repairing roads, laying sewer lines, constructing airports or schools, and teaching in small rural public schools

Court-packing plan

reformed the Supreme Court, and gave the Court more authority to ensure the civil liberties of all Americans

"Hard Times Ain't Gone Nowhere"

song that spoke to the continued grievances faced by African Americans

"Remember My Forgotten Man"

song that spoke to the plight of households with jobless or absent husbands

National Recovery Administration

sought to promote economic growth by allowing large corporations to establish prices among themselves for certain products

Identify the components of Roosevelt's three-pronged strategy that he sought to implement in his First Hundred Days. Correct

subsidize the farm sector to boost low prices provide temporary aid for the unemployed promote compromises between management and labor

Eleanor Roosevelt was an important advocate for President Roosevelt's New Deal, embarking on a national tour that was instrumental in winning support for his programs. Which of the following accomplishments of the early New Deal express the humanitarian goals she promoted? correct

the Federal Emergency Relief Agencies and other programs that together hired 300,000 women

Eleanor Roosevelt was an important advocate for President Roosevelt's New Deal, embarking on a national tour that was instrumental in winning support for his programs. Which of the following accomplishments of the early New Deal express the humanitarian goals she promoted? incorrect

the removal of immigration restrictions into the United States the elimination of racial discrimination in early New Deal relief agencies

During the early period of the Great Depression, millions of Americans suffered through which of the following experiences? correct

unemployment hunger homelessness

Identify the beneficiaries of the Social Security Act correct

Americans who were unemployed Americans who were unable to work retired Americans

Identify the reasons why Roosevelt's critics were opposed to the National Recovery Administration (NRA). incorrect

Big corporations were opposed to the NRA's support for small, family-owned businesses. The Great Depression continued despite the efforts of the NRA.

Which of the following statements reveals the impact of the Great Depression on families? correct

Birth rates decreased. Divorce rates declined as couples could not afford to live separately or pay the legal fees to separate.

What criticism of the New Deal did supporters of the Townsend Plan and the Share-the-Wealth Society have in common? incorrect

Both groups believed that the New Deal needed to address continued racism and sexism in employment practices. Both programs sought to abolish Roosevelt's "socialist programs." Both believed that the New Deal was a Communist and "Jewish" conspiracy.

What were some of the shortcomings of the New Deal for African Americans? correct

Both the CCC and the TVA practiced segregation. The Agricultural Adjustment Act's incentives for farmers to take land out of production forced hundreds of thousands of black tenant farmers out of work. The FHA did not provide mortgages for African Americans who wanted to live in white neighborhoods.

After the stock market crash of 1929, the Federal Reserve reduced the nation's money supply in an attempt to prevent inflation in consumer prices and restore confidence in the economy. This policy shrunk the nation's money supply by one-third between 1929 and 1932. What impact did this action have on the economy? correct

Correct choiceThe Federal Reserve withdrew money from the economy, slowing economic growth rather than stimulating it.

Which of the following statements reveals the impact of the Great Depression on families? incorrect

Divorce rates increased as millions of jobless men abandoned their families. More married women than ever before took the part-time, low-paying jobs available to them to help support their families.

Congress created a minimum wage and limited the workweek to forty hours. The Fair Labor Standards Act made sixteen the minimum age for employment. Congress' new laws applied to businesses engaged in interstate commerce.


During the early years of the economic downturn, national observers noted both the outpouring of support for government relief efforts and how local businesses united in their attempts to keep workers employed and the economy afloat.


Hoover's response to the Bonus Expeditionary Force protest revealed his concern for the plight of unemployed and desperate Americans. Hoover supported the demands of the veterans for increased benefits, but could not persuade Congress to spend the extra money.


The success of the Democratic party in the 1930 election forced Hoover to alter his strategy on the economy in order to gain public support.


Though the economy was soaring by 1927 as a result of consumer spending, investments into the stock market were beginning to slow.


Roosevelt ensured that his Second New Deal programs would stand by filling the Supreme Court with justices who supported him.


The First New Deal primarily focused on stimulating the economy in order to end the economic downturn. It did little to address the human suffering that resulted from the Great Depression.


What did Hoover believe to be the potential solution to the social crisis that emerged from the Great Depression? incorrect

He believed that the government could provide relief by establishing more programs to combat poverty and unemployment. Hoover's belief in the potential of relief programs was well founded, and had a positive impact on homelessness and joblessness.

What did Hoover believe to be the potential solution to the social crisis that emerged from the Great Depression? correct

He believed that volunteer efforts by generous Americans and charitable groups would provide adequate relief.

What was Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's initial approach to handling the economic crisis of the 1930s? correct

He denied that any crisis existed. He sought to let the economy work itself out.

What was Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's initial approach to handling the economic crisis of the 1930s? incorrect

He proposed a strategy of detailed economic planning until the country recovered. He immediately began working on a structured plan for fixing the economy.

The causes of the Great Depression continue to be debated by economists, though many argue that it was a combination of various factors that led to the economic collapse. What were some of these contributing factors? correct

High tariffs were imposed by the U.S. government to protect domestic companies. There were more goods in circulation than Americans could afford to buy.

Identify Roosevelt's strategy for providing federal work relief to jobless Americans, and evaluate its success. correct

His strategy was initially limited to the state level; however, he implemented a federal work relief program soon after. As unprecedented as the work relief projects were, Roosevelt viewed these programs as temporary and was reluctant to sustain them.

What was President Hoover's early approach to the Great Depression, and how did his strategy affect the economy's recovery? incorrect

Hoover's efforts to balance the budget helped curb the economic downturn for a brief period.

What was President Hoover's early approach to the Great Depression, and how did his strategy affect the economy's recovery? correct

Hoover's efforts were unsuccessful. Hoover sought to convince business, labor, and other industry leaders to play their part in getting the economy back on track. Hoover took an active role in attempting to end the Great Depression.

Emergency Relief Act

Hoover's response to calls for federal aid for struggling Americans to finance construction projects at the state level

What impact did the stock market crash of 1929 have on the American economy? incorrect

It caused the Great Depression. It drove Americans to place all their available cash in banks to ensure its safety.

How did Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath speak to the experiences of many Americans during the Great Depression? correct

It depicted the plight of those who had to leave their homes to travel to the Far West in search of work when farming became impossible in the Dust Bowl. It illustrated the general shame felt by all classes of Americans in need of relief funds. It depicted the disgrace a poor woman felt after she accepted relief from a charitable institution.

In what ways did the Tennessee Valley Authority impact the Appalachian region? incorrect

It eliminated the need for labor unions in the region's largest industries.

What impact did the stock market crash of 1929 have on the American economy? correct

It exposed the shaky foundations of the 1920s economy. It led to a widespread panic that deepened the economic crisis.

How did Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath speak to the experiences of many Americans during the Great Depression? incorrect

It illustrated the struggles of Mexicans, who were subject to deportation as the Depression worsened.

In what ways did the Tennessee Valley Authority impact the Appalachian region? correct

It produced the Great Lakes of the South through the construction of dams. It directed electricity into the region. It encouraged conservation efforts throughout the region.

What was the objective of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, and how did this bill contribute to the Great Depression? correct

It sought to aid the struggling agricultural sector and other industries by eliminating foreign competition. The tariff prompted numerous countries to steer their exports away from the United States and imposed obstacles to selling American goods abroad.

What was the objective of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, and how did this bill contribute to the Great Depression? incorrect

It sought to pump money into the U.S. economy by putting a six-month hold on all domestic tariffs. The tariff divided the nation between industry and agriculture as manufacturers sought to defeat the bill for fear it would hurt their industry.

Identify the impacts of the Dust Bowl that took place in the 1930s. incorrect

It was the result of a series of tornadoes that wiped out various farms and towns throughout the South. It drastically changed the demographics of the Midwest, as black sharecroppers migrated to the region after the catastrophe that took place in the South.

Identify the impacts of the Dust Bowl that took place in the 1930s. correct

It was the result of a severe drought, which led an extraordinary amount of topsoil to engulf farms and towns. It had a severe impact on the agricultural industry in the Midwest and the Mississippi Valley, as crops died and farmers could no longer afford their property.

How did Native Americans' attitudes regarding the New Deal change over time? incorrect

Native Americans remained very supportive of Roosevelt because the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) allowed Native Americans to access New Deal programs. Native Americans opposed the New Deal because there were no programs aimed at improving the lives of Native Americans. Native Americans did not want to be a part of the New Deal because they felt that they should govern themselves.

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