History Test #3

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What were some of the reasons for which Americans headed into the western territories in the 1830s-40s?

Pioneers pursued fertile land and economic opportunity beyond the existing boundaries of the US.

List the main parts of the transportation revolution in the first ⅓ of the 19th century:

Roads, steamboats, and canals

Summarize the doctrine of Manifest Destiny and its beliefs:

1845, this term referred to a doctrine in support of territorial expansion based on the belief that the United States should expand to encompasses all of north America. Self-government. God supported American expansion (American exceptionalism-belief that americans have a special mission to do God's work on this earth) Population growth demanded national expansion. As the us gained territory, it gained freedom and republicanism.

What was the Monroe Doctrine? What prompted it? What impression did it make on the great powers of Europe? What did it signify for the United States?

A key foreign policy declaration made by President James Monroe in 1823, it declared the western hemisphere off limits to new European colonization; in return, the US promised not to engage in European affairs.

Summarize the resulting Missouri Compromise of 1820:

A sectional compromise in 1820 that admitted Missouri to the union as a slave state and Maine as a free state. It also banned slavery in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase territory above the latitude.

List several factors that led to the Texas Revolution:

All people living in Texas had to become Mexican citizens and adopt the catholic faith. Slavery; Mexico freed all slaves from their jurisdiction (1829) slaveholders in TX were given special exemption- life long contracts for "indentured servants" America did not obey Mexican law- Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna becomes dictator of Mexico and abolished the federal system of government

How did popular culture reflect the rise of the democratic spirit in the 1820s-30s?

Andrew Jackson came to symbolize the triumph of democracy in 1820s-30s.

Describe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism). Who was its founder? Which of his successors led the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake Valley?

Book of Mormon written by Joseph Smith who founded Mormonism. Group of pioneers that followed the Oregon trail as far south pass and then revered southwest to established a thriving colony in the region of the Great Salt Lake lead by Joseph Smith's successor Brigham Young.

Outline the War of 1812's causes and results: CAUSES:

Britain refused to surrender western forts as promised by the Treaty of Paris post revolutionary war. They began stopping American sea vessels and forcing those aboard into the British military called "impressment." The British justified this with the idea that American soldiers were once and always subjects of the King. Britain had trade restrictions designed to disrupt American trade with France. Britain armed and supported Native Americans in the west who were attacking American settlers. Britain controlled much of Canada and many Americans simply wanted to expel the British from the North American continent and expand America's borders. RESULTS: America fought the greatest military power and gained international respect. Futhermore, it instilled greater sense of nationalism. It prompted the Monroe Doctrine (the first foreign policy). Post-war "era of good feelings". Federalist party declined. The war secured British colonies in Canada and paved the way for Canada to be a nation instead of it being taken over by Americans.

What did the American System call for? What senator was its leading proponent?

Called for a National bank, Federal aid for internal improvements, and an active role for federal govt. Senator Henry Clay lead the American System.

What was "the spoils system?" Where did Jackson stand on it, and why?

Democratized the presidency, fired federal US employees that were republicans. Although he did not actually depart radically from his predecessors in extent to which he removed federal officeholders and replaced them with his supporters, he was the 1st president to defend this practice as a legitimate application of democratic doctrine.

What types of Americans tended to support Jackson?

Democrats (individuals)

Discuss Jackson's Indian policy, Worcester vs Georgia, and the Trail of Tears:

Denied states right to extend jurisdiction over tribal lands. Georgia arrested and sentenced (4 yrs) to a missionary who enter tribal lands without permission. Several months later he was released. Story reflects Jackson's attitude towards the Court's decisions on federal government behind removal policy. 1838-1839; the Cherokee were forced to evacuate their lands in Georgia and travel under military guard to present-day Oklahoma. Exposure and disease killed roughly one-quarter of the 16,000 forced migrants en route.

Discuss the railroad's impact on the nation's economy:

Easier transcontinental business travel allowed direct growth through expanding markets and cheaper distribution, as well as increased possibilities for partnerships and exchange of ideas. This movement between coasts allowed for business professionals to have a more expansive idea of their industry and allowed improved access to information and skills.

Review developments in commercial agriculture. What was a crucial element in the new system of marketing?

Extension of transportation facilities; rise in productivity was due to technological advances. Iron/steel plows rather than wooden plows. Availability of good land and the revolution in marketing were most important for profitable commercial farming-Credit was a crucial element in the whole system

Review the presidential election of 1844. What was the central issue of the campaign? What position did each candidate take?

Fears of sectional and party division. Henry Clay-Whig (anti-expansionist). James K. Polk- Democrat (expansionist). James G. Birney- Liberty Party. (opposition to slavery and took votes from Clay). Democrats won with James K. Polk.

Identify and outline the 1848 treaty that ended the Mexican-American War:

Finally, on Feb. 2, 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, establishing the Rio Grande as the U.S.-Mexican border. Under the treaty, Mexico also recognized the U.S. annexation of Texas and agreed to sell California and the rest of its territory north of the Rio Grande for $15 million plus the assumption of certain damages claims.

Westward movement of Americans in the early 1800s

Flood of people rushed west to stake out farms on the rich soil. Thomas Jefferson believed that the nation's future depended on its westward expansion. In 1803 the Louisiana Purchase took place, doubling the size of the country. By 1840 almost 7 million Americans had migrated westward in hopes of securing land and being prosperous. Many followed the northern route across Pennsylvania or NY into the Old Northwestern Territory.

Discuss the Erie Canal and its importance:

Funded and built by NY state, from Hudson to Lake Erie. Frontier, had an easy, inexpensive waterway; Big achievement; 360 miles long. 85% less money, two fewer weeks of travel

What were the reasons for setting high tariffs?

Generate revenue for national govt, transportation improvements, textile industry, aid domestic

Profile Jefferson as President and list some of the freedoms he implemented

He promoted the common people and no need for much government. Against monarchism and aristocracy. States' rights activist. Poor public speaker; despised formal ceremony. Cutting the national debt; diminish activities of the federal govt; cuts in national budget; reduced size of US army by 50%.

What was meant by "internal improvements?"

Internal improvements is the term used historically in the United States for public works from the end of the American Revolution through much of the 19th century, mainly for the creation of a transportation infrastructure: roads, turnpikes, canals, harbors and navigation improvements.

Identify the two groups that immigrated to the US in the largest numbers during the 1840s-1850s:

IrIrish and Germans. Most came because of civil unrest, severe unemployment, or hardships at home. Great potato famine in Ireland. Over 750,000 starved and over 2 million came to the US.

List the causes of the Mexican-American War. Who was US president during the war?

James K. Polk was the US president during the war. The primary causes of the Mexican-American War were mainfest destiny, westward expansion, economics, and slavery. Throughout the nineteenth century, Americans believed in manifest destiny, asserting that it was the United States' right to expand westward and conquer territory despite the rights of the indigenous people already residing on the land. In the election of 1844, presidential nominee James K. Polk promised to re-annex Texas if he was elected President.

What New York politician helped develop stable statewide political organizations, and why did he regard a two-party system as essential to democratic government?

Martin Van Buren; In his opinion parties were an effective check on the temptation to abuse power.

Profile Andrew Jackson. How did he differ from earlier presidents?

Most forceful and domineering of American presidents. Most striking character traits were an indomitable will, an intolerance of opposition and a prickly pride making him never forgive or forget an insult or act of betrayal. He was born to poor settlers and was self-educated unlike the previous presidents.

How did suffrage change? What did it reveal? Describe the new style of politicking:

Most states removed the last remaining barriers to vote participation by all white males. Ownership of land later became so common in the US that a general suffrage did not mean men without property, became a voting majority. Politicians had to campaign, demonstrating in their speeches on the stump that they could mirror voters' fears and concerns. Electoral politics became more festive and dramatic.

List the objectives and achievements of the Lewis and Clark Expedition:

Objectives: Record geography by making new maps, climate, topography, zoology; make peace with native Indians, seek allainces; look for Northwest passage and if the Missouri River would offer the most direct and practical water communication across the continent. Achievements: They found the source of the Mississippi River. Found new plants. Fulfilled Jefferson's scientific expectations but also reaffirmed his faith in the future economic prosperity of the western US.

Identify three of the western trails of trade and settlement that Americans took west. What was the great overland route that took wagon trains to the West Coast?

Santa Fe Trail, California Trail, Mormon Trail, and Oregon Trail. Oregon Trail was the great overland route that took wagon trains to the West Coast.

In which industry and location did factory production first develop in the US, and what segment of the population was its initial source of labor?

Southern New England worked by young unmarried women.

Recount why and how the United States acquired Louisiana

Spain had secretly transferred title to the entire region to France in 1802; US wants New Orleans in 1803 and France needed money for war in Haiti. France failed to put down a slave revolution in Haiti, war with Great Britain combined with French economic difficulties may have prompted Napoleon to offer Louisiana for sale to the United States.

Tenskwatawa and his brother Tecumseh. What did they work to do?

Tenskwatawa- known as "the prophet" Tecumseh- 1st native leader to identify as "Indian" They desperately attempted to revitalize native cultures and against overwhelming odds, they briefly persuaded Native Americans living in the Indiana territory to avoid contact with whites, to resist alcohol, and most important, to hold onto their land.

Outline the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819

The Adams Onis Treaty was an agreement signed on ‎February 22, 1819 between the United States and Spain that gave Florida to the U.S. and set out a boundary between the United States and New Spain (now Mexico). The Adams Onis Treaty is named after the men who negotiated the agreement: John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State of the United States, and Onís the Spanish minister in America.

What led to the creation of the Whig party? List some of the programs and ideologies that the Whigs stood for:

The Bank War lead to the creation of the Whig Party. They favored government to stand for the entire nation. Government should promote economic growth. They wanted active government involvement in economic and social issues. Favored high tarrifs, national bank. equality of opportinity.

Explain the theory of nullification and Jackson's views on it

The right of an individual state to set aside federal law. Jackson opposed the theory of nullification as a threat to the survival of the union. In his view, federal power should be held in check but, this did not mean the states were truly sovereign.

Why did southern states (esp South Carolina) protest high tariffs? Who led the states' rights insurgency in South Carolina?

They felt that tariffs only help northerners; manufactured their goods from Europe, which cost more. John C. Calhoun

Why did old-line Jeffersonians and other critics oppose the Bank of the United States? Who was the Bank's president? How did Jackson kill the bank?

They viewed its establishment as unconstitutional and because it placed too much power in the hands of small, privileged group. Nicholas Biddle 1823- withdrawal of federal deposits

Recap the 1824 presidential election. Who supposedly made the "corrupts bargain?"

To the surprise of many, the House elected John Quincy Adams over rival Andrew Jackson. It was widely believed that Clay, the Speaker of the House at the time, convinced Congress to elect Adams, who then made Clay his Secretary of State. Jackson's supporters denounced this as a "corrupt bargain."

Describe the Oregon question. Why did it occur? What was the expansionist rallying cry? How was the dispute settled?

War over Oregon; could not compromise on a boundary, eventually did; The 49th parallel. "Fifty-four forty or fight"

What problem did Jefferson face in the Louisiana Purchase? How did the Louisiana Government Bill of 1804 run counter to Jefferson's republican principles?

Worried the purchase might be unconstitutional; By completing this purchase, Jefferson had to put aside his principles because the allowance for this type of transaction was not expressly listed in the Constitution. Napoleon becomes impatient for money, so Jefferson agrees. He didn't know if the people of Louisiana would remain loyal to the US.

Describe the Embargo Act of 1807 and its results

under President Jefferson, remaining nuetral to Britain and France, the prime combatants in the Napoleonic Wars. It was the U.S' response to conditions during the Napoleonic Wars that tested their declared neutrality. In response to a British attack on an American warship off the coast of Virginia, this 1807 law prohibited foreign commerce. Though the act had been passed to protect American trading, it went against its purpose. The ban on all naval export hurt the American economy, which was largely dependent on the export of produced goods at the time. The significance of this fact was that the enforcement of the law became difficult, since the ban on legal trading gave rise to smuggling. This was often done through Canada. The British could still import goods to the U.S. through such illegal channels.

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