History Unit 6 Test The Cold War

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John F. Kennedy v. Nikita Khrushchev

The Soviets successfully launched Sputnik into space. It was the world's first artificial satellite. They launched a second satellite within a month. Sputnik made many Americans fearful that the United States was falling behind the Soviets in sci- ence and technology. Some worried that the Soviets could launch atomic weapons from space. When the United States tried to launch Vanguard, their own space satellite

Postdam Conference

The big 3 met in July 1945. July 26, 1945 - Allied leaders Truman, Stalin and Churchill met in Germany to set up zones of control and to inform the Japanese that if they refused to surrender at once, they would face total destruction.

Sputnik and Space Race

The launching of the Satellite Sputnik 1 by the Soviet Union in 1957 called into question American Technological superiority. Congress created the NASA in 1958. The soviet remained ahead of the American program. Kennedy Recognized that the U.S. and the Soviet Union were locked in a space race which was a competition between the Soviet Union and U.S. to developed technology to successful land on the moon.

Domino Theory

The political theory that if one nation comes under Communist control then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control. One nation under communist control means all nations under communist control also.

Building of the Berlin Wall

They built it to East Germany stop the exodus of people into west Berlin in 1961. Build by East Germany (Soviet Union) to divide the city of Berlin into a east and west side controlled by the Soviet Union (east) and United States (west).


USSR launched first man made satellite. The Soviets successfully launched Sputnik into space. It was the world's first artificial satellite. They launched a second satellite within a month. Sputnik made many Americans fearful that the United States was falling behind the Soviets in sci- ence and technology. Some worried that the Soviets could launch atomic weapons from space. When the United States tried to launch Vanguard, their own space satellite from space. The Soviets successfully launched Sputnik into space. It was the world's first artificial satellite. They launched a second satellite within a month. Sputnik made many Americans fearful that the United States was falling behind the Soviets in sci- ence and technology. Some worried that the Soviets could launch atomic weapons from space. When the United States tried to launch Vanguard, their own space satellite

Subversion, HUAC, Rosenberg, Klaus Fuch, Alger Hiss

Winston Churchill believed the division was permanent. He used the phrase iron curtain to describe how the Soviets cut off Eastern Europe from Western Europe. He warned that the Soviets would try to spread communism to other parts of the world. Americans had been afraid of the spread of communism since the Russian Revolution in 1917. HUAC, Congress joined in the search for communists. In 1938, The House of representatives had created the HUAC to investigate possible subversive activities by fascists, Nazis, or communists.

McCarthyism and 2nd Red Scare

meeting between US and USSR; was supposed to lessen Cold war tensions but fell apart due to spy plane controversy. A vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950-54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.

Mao-Zedong- Chinese Revolution

(1893-1976) Leader of the Communist Party in China that overthrew Jiang Jieshi and the Nationalists. Established China as the People's Republic of China and ruled from 1949 until 1976. Before Japan invaded China in 1937, Nationalist leader Jiang Jieshi had been fighting a civil war against communist Mao. By promising to feed the people Mao won support and his forces dominated the War. Mao's communist took control of the world's most popular country Republic of China. His victory was a shock to Americans because China was also under the control of the U.S.

Marshall Plan

1948, congress approved the Plan. For 4 years U.S. did program help Western Europe rebuild after WWII. The Plan revives European hopes the next 4 years 16 countries received 13$ billion in aid. The plan provided food and reduce famine. The aid helped countries that desperately needed needed assistance. The good relationship that the aid created worked against the expansion of communism. by 1952 western Europe was flourishing and the communist party had lost much of its appeal to voters.

1960 Paris Summit

1960, meeting between US and USSR; was supposed to lessen Cold war tensions but fell apart due to spy plane controversy.

Bay of Pigs Invasion

A CIA led force of Cuban exiles that attacked Cuba. failed invasion of Cuba in 1961 when a force of 1,200 Cuban exiles, backed by the United States, landed at the Bay.

Fidel Castro

A cuban dictator who overthrew Cuba in 1959. Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator Fugencio Batista in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba (born in 1927)

Baby Boom

Americans had put off having children because of the depression and war. Now confident that the bad times were behind them. Families started to have kids. In 1957, one American baby was born every 7 seconds a total of 4.3 Million for the year.


As the U.S. economy began to boom in the post war era, Americans were caught up in a wave of consumer Buying as much as they could, much of it on credit

General Douglas MacArthur

Commanded UN forces during the Korean War; Defied President Truman and pushed passed the 38th Parallel into North Korea and China.

Berlin Airlift

Demonstrated to West Berlin, the Soviet Union, and the World how far would U.S. go to protect the noncommunist parts of Europe and contain communism. It was a proud moment for Americans and Berliners and a success for the policy of containment. It demonstrated that Stalin could be contained if western nations were prepared to take forceful action. Stalin was determined to capture West Berlin or win other concessions from the Western Allies. June of 1948, he stopped all highways, railway, and waterway traffic from western Germany into West Berlin. He was able to close roads, stop barges, and block airways, but he could not blockade the sky. U.S> and Britain supplied West Berlin a massive airlift that lasted a whole year. Food, fuel. medical supplies, clothing, toys, was flown into the city.

Truman's Limited War v Eisenhower's Brinkmanship

Dulles believed that only by going to the brink of war could U.S. protect its allies, discourage communist aggression, and prevent war. "Yo have to take chances in war," he said in 1956. Dulles's approach became known as the Brinkmanship. Eisenhower opposed to spend billions of dollars at conventional forces, such as troops, ships, tanks,etc. Eisenhower approach save money by providing a bigger bang for the buck in 1953, the defense budget was $50.5 billion;, in 1955, it dropped down to $35.8 billion.

Hungarian Uprising

Evolt against the government of the Hungarian People's Republic and its Soviet-imposed policies, lasting from October, 23 until November, 10 1956


Formed in 1949 provided the military alliance to counter Soviet Expansion. Twelve western europeans and north American nations agreed to act together in the defense of Western Europe. Members nations agreed that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against all of them.

GI Bill/Servicemen's Readjustment Act

Helped deal with the anxiety and the federal gov. Enacted the Servicemen's Act of 1944. The Act granted veterans benefits, provided a year of unemployment payments to veteran. The Act also entitled veterans to go. loans for building homes and starting businesses. The greatest contribution was on education. Encourage veterans to enter or return college. The Gi Bill of Rights is also known as the Servicemen's readjustment Act. Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; eased veterans back into the workforce; gave them priority for many jobs, occupational guidance, unemployment benefits; established veteran's hospitals, low-interest loans

Iron Curtain

Imaginary barrier separating soviet controlled countries and the free world. Winston Churchill) noticed that the curtain has descended across the country East of the curtain. The soviet Union was gaining more control by installing communist gov. and police states and by crushing political and religious. Churchill feared the soviets were attempting to spread communism to Western Europe and East Asia. The only solution was the U.S. and other democratic countries to stand firm. March, 1946 - He reviewed the international response to Russian aggression and declared an "iron curtain" had descended across Eastern Europe.

Warsaw Pact

In 1955, West Germany became a member of the NATO in response the Soviet Union and its satellite states form a rival military alliance. All of the communist states of Eastern Europe were members except Yugoslavia.It Pledge to defend one another if attacked. In one another's Internal affairs, Soviet Union continued to exert firm control overs its wars allies. military alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe. Organized in 1955 in answer to NATO, the Warsaw Pact included Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union

Satellite Nations

Nation politically and economically dominated or controlled by another more powerful country. Countries dominated by the USSR that the USSR installed communist governments in after WWII to serve as a sort-of barrier between themselves and the West; included Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland

Cuban Missile crisis

Oct. 1962 a confrontation of threats between Kennedy and Khrushchev. In October 1962, the United States and the Soviet Union came close to nuclear war when President Kennedy insisted that Nikita Khrushchev remove the 42 missiles he had secretly deployed in Cuba. The Soviets eventually did so, nuclear war was averted, and the crisis ended.

U2 Incident

Pilot of U-2 plane who was captured over Soviet Union. Happened on 1 May 1960, when a United States spy plane was shot down from Soviet airspace.

Interstate Highway Act

Pres. Eisenhower authorized the first funding of the Interstate system in 1953. Congress passed in 1956 The Interstate Highway Act which authorized funds to build 41,000 miles of highway consisting of multilane expressways that would connect the nation's major cities. It would will boost economic prosperity and transportation network to national defense.

Truman Doctrine

Pres. Truman policy to aid nations struggling against communism. Winston Churchill believed the division was permanent. He used the phrase iron curtain to describe how the Soviets cut off Eastern Europe from Western Europe. He warned that the Soviets would try to spread communism to other parts of the world. Americans had been afraid of the spread of communism since the Russian Revolution in 1917. Winston Churchill believed the division was permanent. He used the phrase iron curtain to describe how the Soviets cut off Eastern Europe from Western Europe. He warned that the Soviets would try to spread communism to other parts of the world. Americans had been afraid of the spread of communism since the Russian Revolution in 1917. Policy statement by President Harry S. Truman in 1947 that promised military and economic aid to nations threatened by armed minorities or outside groups. Specifically targeted at Greece and Turkey who were threatened by communist aggression.

Yalta Conference

Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met on Feb. 1945 to discuss final strategies about the post war Germany. Eastern Europe and Asia. The big 3 agreed that Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania would hold free elections. Stalin renegaded the promise. The Red Army occupied much of Eastern Europe and Roosevelt wanted soviet help in the war against Japan. 1945 Meeting with US president FDR, British Prime Minister(PM) Winston Churchill, and and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII to plan for post-war

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