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TRUE or FALSE: During the ice age cycles, temperatures changes lagged behind (followed) CO2 changes.


Match the precipitation regime with the seasonal cycle of river flow expected. rain dominant snow dominant mixed rain and snow

-runoff greatest when rainfall is greatest -maximum river flow is the spring when snow is melting -runoff all winter and spring

Match the atmospheric components below with their corresponding lifetimes carbon dioxide methane tropospheric aerosols stratospheric aerosols

-thousands of years -20 years -5 days -2 years

TRUE or FALSE: In order to be on track with the RCP2.6 emissions scenario, we would have to both stop emissions and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


How is temperature in the Pacific Northwest projected to change by the end of the century? a) Temperature will likely increase, well outside of the bounds of natural variability b) Temperature will likely increase, but still be within bounds of natural variability c) Temperature will likely decrease, well outside of the bounds of natural variability d) Temperature will likely decrease, but still be within bounds of natural variability


In the Pacific northwest, warming in the summer is projected to be _______________ than warming in the winter. a) Slightly greater b) Slightly less c) About the same d) Much greater e) Much less


Which of the following are true about the cycle of carbon dioxide through the oceanic and atmospheric reservoirs? Select all that apply. a) The oceanic pH will be in equilibrium with CO2 concentration in the atmosphere in about 1000-2000 years b) If we stopped emitting carbon dioxide today, we would reach pre-industrial levels of CO2 in about 10,000 years c) 28% of human emitted carbon dioxide has been taken up by the biosphere, causing "greening" or an overall increase in the biomass on the planet d) Colder ocean water holds more CO2

all of the above

Why does snowpack matter so much for the Pacific Northwest? Select all that apply. a) Snowpack stores water so that stream flow is more even throughout the year Snowpack provides fresh water b) The albedo of the snowpack keeps the region from warming too much c) Much of our economy depends on the snowpack in a range of ways (electricity, outdoor activities, skiing) d) Mountain ecosystems depend on the snowpack

all of the above

In Seattle, 89% of our electricity comes from hydropower. During what season would we expect hydropower generation to peak? a) Summer- Most rapid snowpack melting occurs in the hottest months b) Spring/winter- melting snowpack causes river flow to peak in the spring c) Fall- the snowpack begins to regenerate in late fall d) The seasonal cycle has little impact on hydropower generation


What is the dominant pathway through which climate change impacts will be felt in the Puget Sound region? a) Storms and extreme weather b) Changes in snowpack c) Less precipitation d) Sea surface temperature cooling and ocean acidification


In the RCP 8.5 scenario (which has comparatively large amounts of GHG emissions), which of the following variables are predicted to continue to increase for the next 10,000 years? a) Temperature b) CO2 concentration c) Sea level d) CO2 emissions e) All of the above


What is true about the difference between the utopia and the BAU (business as usual) climate model projections for the pacific northwest? a) The utopia and the business as usual temperature and precipitation predictions diverge significantly by 2025 b) In the utopia scenario, temperature will never warm more than would be expected from natural variability c) Although there is little difference between the temperature predictions for the utopia and the BAU projections before 2050, the BAU scenario will yield significantly warmer temperatures by 2100. d) If we stopped emitting carbon dioxide now, we would immediately begin to reverse global warming


How is precipitation in the Pacific Northwest projected to change by the end of the century? a) Precipitation will likely increase, well outside of the bounds of natural variability b) Precipitation will likely increase in the summer and decrease in the winter, but still be within bounds of natural variability c) Precipitation will likely decrease in the summer and increase in winter, well outside of the bounds of natural variability d) Precipitation will likely decrease in the summer and increase in the winter, within the bounds of natural variability


Why do we expect more warming over land than over the ocean? a) Sea breezes keep the ocean cool b) Heat is more easily transported away in oceanic regions c) The ocean is more effective at radiating away excess heat d) The ocean has a greater heat capacity than the land


In the future, we expect the surface ocean pH to... a) Vary depending on which emission scenario (utiopica, BAU, ect) is realized. b) Increase in the majority of emission scenarios. c) Decrease in all emission scenarios. d) Increase as the water warms, so it holds less CO2 e) A B and D f) A and C


True or false: If the thermohaline circulation slows down due to global warming, all of Europe, but especially the United Kingdom and Norway, will experience enough cooling to counteract global warming.


Categorize the following geoengineering techniques as either "carbon dioxide removal" or "solar radiation management" techniques. Carbon capture and storage Marine Cloud brightening Stratospheric aerosol injection Planting trees Mirrors orbiting earth Solar reflectors in space Airborne carbon capture Iron fertilization

-Carbon dioxide removal -Solar radiation management -Solar radiation management -Carbon dioxide removal -Solar radiation management -Solar radiation management -Carbon dioxide removal -Carbon dioxide removal

Determine whether or not the following are examples of natural climate variability or a forced climate response to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere-ocean system. a) La niña b) El niño c) Pacific Decadal Oscillation d) Long term, global ocean acidification e) Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

-natural variability -natural variability -natural variability -forced response -natural variability

Match the following processes as sources or sinks of atmospheric/oceanic carbon within the natural carbon cycle. Photosynthesis Chemical weathering Geology (organic material sedimenting at bottom of ocean, volcanic eruptions, etc) Death and decay of plants and animals

-sink -sink -both -source

For present-day conditions, rank the following from GREATEST to SMALLEST contribution to global sea level rise. (1= GREATEST contribution) Melting sea ice Melting and breakup the of the Greenland ice sheet Melting and breakup of the West Antarctic ice shelves Mountain glaciers melting Thermal expansion

1) Thermal expansion of seawater 2) Mountain glaciers melting 3) Melting and breakup the of the Greenland ice sheet 4) Melting and breakup of the West Antarctic ice shelves 5) Melting sea ice

Select all of the statements that are FALSE a)Terrestrial radiation is dangerous b)Paper is white, so it emits in the shortwave c) Solar radiation peaks in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum; terrestrial radiation peaks in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. d) Higher temperature objects emit radiation at longer wavelengths. e) The Sun emits higher frequency radiation than earth. This is why we call solar radiation "long wave" radiation and terrestrial radiation "shortwave" radiation. f) The Sun emits more total radiation than the Earth, but the radiation from both bodies peaks at the same wavelengths.

All but C

TRUE OR FALSE: The three main components of Earth's atmosphere are Nitrogen (N2), Oxygen (O2) and Argon (Ar). These are all greenhouse gases and help keep our planet warm enough to be habitable.


TRUE or FALSE: Solar reflectors in space will prevent acidification of the upper ocean from worsening.


True or False: Mountain glaciers will most likely contribute the most to global sea level rise in 100 years.


TRUE OR FALSE: Including changes in temperature and precipitation, crop yields will increase across the tropics and subtropics due to higher atmospheric concentrations of CO2.


Name one general argument in favor of geoengineering.

Reducing CO2 emissions is difficult, must resort to another way (geoengineering)

Name one general argument against geoengineering.

The ocean will continue to acidify with solar radiation management geoengineering.

TRUE OR FALSE:Projected changes in hurricane activity are much more uncertain on a regional basis than on a global basis.


TRUE or FALSE: Airborne carbon capture will prevent acidification of the upper ocean from worsening.


TRUE or FALSE: In the long term (by 2100), sea level rise is very sensitive to the RCP emissions scenario that we follow.


TRUE or FALSE: The conclusions of Working Group 1 in the IPCC reports have demonstrated with more and more certainty over time that anthropogenic forcing is responsible for global warming. (Note: anthropogenic = human-caused)


True or False: Daytime and nighttime temperatures are both important for crop health.


True or False: Greenhouse gases absorb radiation that originates at Earth's surface ("terrestrial" radiation), and human activities have increased their concentration in the atmosphere. This energy gets re-radiated by the greenhouse gases in all directions, some of which causes warming at the surface.


To absorb infrared radiation, a greenhouse gas needs at least _____ atoms. These atoms will _____________ upon absorption of radiation, indicating the gas has ______ energy. a)2; spin, jump; gained b) 3; spin, jump; lost c) 3; bend, vibrate, rotate; gained d) 2; bend, vibrate, rotate; gained e) 2; bend and rotate; lost f) 3; bend and rotate; lost


About half of the significant changes in biological data series that have been observed around the globe are in the direction that would be expected as a response to global warming. a) False; it is much more than half b) True c) False; it is much less than half


Assuming that both regions (desert and ocean) have the same 24 hour-averaged temperature, which scenario would yield the coldest night? a) A clear night in the desert b) A cloudy night in the desert c) A cloudy night near the ocean d) A clear night near the ocean


Globally, tropical cyclones are expected to become _________ frequent, and the frequency of the most intense tropical cyclones is expected to _________. a) Less; increase b) No change; no change c) More; increase d) More; decrease e) Less; decrease


If we are trying to find periods of large global ice volume in a marine sediment core record, what levels of 16O and 18O should we look for? a) Higher levels of 18O and lower levels of 16O. b) Higher levels of 16O and lower levels of 18O. c) All 18O and no 16O. d) All 16O and no 18O. e) No 18O and 16O.


On average we would expect _________ water vapor in the atmosphere over Hawaii than over Alaska because ___________. a) More; Hawaii is warmer on average than Alaska b) Less; Alaska has much higher mountains than Hawaii c) The same amount of; water vapor is well mixed in the atmosphere d) Less; it snows less in Hawaii than in Alaska e) More; Hawaii is an island


Temp decrease= ice increase= albedo ____= _____ radiation= ______ a) albedo increase, absorbed shortwave radiation decrease, temperature decrease b) albedo decrease, absorbed shortwave radiation decrease, temperature decrease c) albedo decrease, outgoing longwave radiation increase, temperature decrease d) albedo increase, outgoing longwave radiation decrease, temperature decrease


The Keeling curve (the famous record of CO2 concentration) was recorded at Mauna Loa observatory in the Northern Hemisphere. If the Keeling curve had been recorded at the same latitude in the Southern Hemisphere, how would it be different? a) The seasonal cyclone in carbon dioxide would have a weaker signal because there is less vegetation in the Southern Hemisphere b) The overall amount of CO2 measured would be about twice as large c) There would be no seasonal cycle d) The seasonal cycle in carbon dioxide would have a stronger signal because there is less vegetation in the Southern Hemisphere


The majority of the world's food insecure live in ______________, and by the end of the century in most of this region the average temperature will very likely _______________. a) The tropics and subtropics; exceed the warmest year on record b) The highest latitudes; stay about the same but with much more extreme record-breaking cold and hot temperatures c) The midlatitudes; stay about the same but with much more extreme record-breaking cold and hot temperatures d) The highest latitudes; exceed the warmest year on record e) The midlatitudes; exceed the warmest year on record f) The tropics and subtropics; stay about the same but with much more extreme record-breaking cold and hot temperatures


There have been some proposals to reduce the solar radiation reaching Earth's surface by increasing the concentration of sulfate aerosols in the stratosphere or increasing the albedo of marine clouds in an effort to counteract some of the effects of global warming. What impact would these efforts have on ocean acidification? a) These actions would have no impact on ocean acidification. b) These actions would make ocean acidification worse. c) These actions would reduce ocean acidification.


There is geologic evidence that "Snowball Earth" conditions have occurred two or three times in Earth's history. How did the planet recover from this "Snowball Earth" state? a) Volcanic emissions increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations. b) From an increase in sunspots. c) Methane release from permafrost melt. d) It never happened because Snowball Earth is fake news.


What causes storm surge? a) High winds in a hurricane pushing water toward the shore b) Flooding due to intense hurricane rainfall c) A hurricane's lightning causing a power surge d) High tide coinciding with the landfall of a hurricane


What does the completed flowchart describe a) positive ice-albedo feedback b) negative ice albedo forcing c) positive ice albedo forcing d) negative ice albedo feedback


What is carbon leakage? a) Outsourcing the manufacturing of goods to a country with less strict greenhouse gas regulations b) Export of oil, gas and coal c) Natural gas pipelines become old and start leaking d) Methane that is stored in permafrost is released as the permafrost melts


What is geoengineering? a) The intentional manipulation of Earth's climate to be more suitable for humans b) Adapting human structures to future changes in precipitation and temperature c) Reduction of fossil fuel combustion emissions to reduce future warming d) Engineering climates of other planets so we can move there if Earth gets too hot e) Intentional manipulation and engineering of volcanoes to emit ash into the stratosphere and cool the planet


What is the reason models have parameterizations? a) To approximate processes that are too small for the model to resolve. b) To make sure the boundary conditions have a stable solution. c) To improve the resolution of the model. d) To distribute the computation over many computers and save on computing time.


Which of the following climate changes was NOT observed during the 20th century? a) Increased Arctic sea ice extent and snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere b) A nighttime warming trend greater than a daytime warming trend c) The upper ocean warmed d) Worldwide, glaciers melted and the loss of mass is accelerating e) A rate of sea level rise that is larger than it has been at any time in the last 2,000 years


Which of the following describes the positive water vapor feedback that climate scientists expect to occur in a warmer climate? a) As surface temperature increases, evaporation increases, and more water vapor goes into the air (warmer air can hold more water vapor.) Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the increased water vapor traps more longwave energy, warming the surface further. b) As sea level rises, the ocean takes more water vapor out of the atmosphere; less water vapor in the atmosphere means more sunlight reaches the surface, and surface temperatures warm even more. c) As surface temperature increases, evaporation increases, more water vapor goes into the air. (Additionally, warmer air can hold more water vapor.) More water vapor in the air means less sunlight reaches the surface, and so the surface temperature does not warm as much. d) As surface temperature increases, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere doesn't change, and the lack of change in atmospheric water vapor helps stabilize surface temperatures.


Which of the following is NOT required for hurricanes to form? a) The presence of high clouds b) Warm ocean surface temperatures c) A low wind shear environment d) The Coriolis force


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Hadley cell and ITCZ? a) When the ITCZ is located over top of an area, that location is sitting in a stormtrack. b) The downward branch of the Hadley cell is located around 30 degrees latitude and corresponds with many of the world's largest deserts. c) Under global warming, the precipitation from the ITCZ is projected to strengthen and the subtropical dry zones are expected to expand poleward d) The location of the upward branch of the Hadley cell and ITCZ shifts with the seasons toward the warmer hemisphere.


Why are many of the world's deserts located at around 30 degrees North and South? a) The descending branch of the Hadley circulation is located at these latitudes, promoting sinking motion and dry air b) Winds are particularly strong at these latitudes, causing intense evaporation c) Greenhouse gases are more concentrated over these latitudes d) Desertification happened as the result of deforestation and poor farming practices e) 30 degrees is the preferred latitude for cactus growth


How do we know the observed changes in climate during the 20th century are attributable to human forcing? Choose all that apply. a) Changes in climate have been outside of expected natural variability in the climate b) Models run with both human and natural forcings best simulate the observed climate c) There are no other ways in which global temperatures on Earth could change by such a large magnitude

a, b

Not all of the carbon dioxide that is emitted stays in the atmosphere. What percent of carbon dioxide go into the land, ocean and atmosphere, respectively? a) 15% land, 20% ocean, 65% atmosphere b) 10% land, 60% ocean, 30% atmosphere c) 2% land, 3% ocean, 95% atmosphere d) 30% land, 25% ocean, 45% atmosphere


Which of the following is a major contributor to the urban heat island effect? Choose all that apply. a) City surfaces tend to have lower albedo than native vegetation, increasing the amount of shortwave energy absorbed at the surface b) The operation of cars, air conditioners, etc. in urban areas releases a lot of heat to the environment c) Buildings absorb and re-radiate infrared energy back to the surface, keeping the surface warm d) Urban centers tend to have fewer plants, limiting evaporative cooling e) People in urban areas tend to sleep with their windows closed to avoid being burglarized, keeping indoor temperatures warmer at night

a, b, c, d

What factors drive the thermohaline circulation? Select all that apply. a) Differential heating of the ocean at high and low latitudes b) The tilt of the Earth c) Winds d) Underwater volcanoes lining the floor of the Atlantic e) Difference in density between waters with high and low salinity

a, c, e

Which of the following processes are increasing the concentration of methane (CH4) in the atmosphere? a) The release of methane trapped beneath ice b) Landfills c) Anthropogenic (human caused) activities only d) Deforestation e) Marshes, wetlands and swamps f) Rice farming g) The cattle industry h) Burning gasolines in our cars


CFCs are a) greenhouse gases b) A large component of the atmosphere (>5%) c) responsible for depletion of ozone high up in the atmosphere (in the stratosphere) d) found naturally in the atmosphere


Which of the following factors influence the occurrence of droughts? a) Land use b) Evaporation c) What impacts you care about (a period of drought for a farmer, for example, might look different than a period of drought for a water manager) d) Population growth e) The location and how much precipitation is normal for that region


How do we know what climate was like for the past hundreds of thousands of years? Select all that apply. a) temperature records from early civilizations b) Isotope data from ice cores c) Tree rings d) Isotope data from marine sediment cores e) Pollen data from lake sediments

all except a

In what ways might a species adapt or change due to warming global temperatures? Select all that apply. a) Some animals will be able to change their food source; but some others will not and will go extinct. b) Go extinct c) Relocate to higher latitudes d) Relocate to higher elevations

all of the above

Name the key lines of evidence that show the Earth has warmed (and is warming) over the last 100 years or so (choose all that apply). a) Ocean heat content is increasing. b) Sea level is rising. c)Surface temperatures are increasing almost everywhere. d)Arctic summer sea ice is retreating. e)Glaciers are melting worldwide.

all of the above

What are some effects of melting permafrost in the Arctic? Select all that apply. a) 'Drunken forests,' or trees tipping in all directions b) Increased coastal erosion c) Damage to infrastructure in Arctic towns d) Release of methane

all of the above

Mark the statement that is TRUE. (Use the slides from lecture titled 'Historical Impact of El Niño and La Niña on the US' to help you answer.) a) In the Pacific Northwest, ENSO accounts for a moderate amount of wintertime precipitation variability but very little of the wintertime temperature variability. b) In the Pacific Northwest, ENSO accounts for a moderate amount of wintertime temperature variability but very little of the wintertime precipitation variability. c) In the Pacific Northwest, ENSO accounts for very little of the wintertime temperature variability and very little of the wintertime precipitation variability. d) In the Pacific Northwest, ENSO accounts for a moderate amount of the wintertime temperature variability and a moderate amount of the wintertime precipitation variability.


Over the past four decades in the contiguous United States, the frequency of record warm temperatures has __________ and the frequency of record cold temperatures has __________. a) not changed; increased b) increased; decreased c) decreased; not changed d) increased; not changed e) decreased; increased f) increased; increased g) not changed; not changed h) not changed; decreased i) decreased; decreased


On average, how much incoming solar radiation is reflected back to space by clouds, snow, ice, and other high albedo surfaces? a) 50% b) 20% c) 12% d) 30%


The USA and China contribute the most to worldwide CO2 emissions. The USA emits ________ total CO2 than China. China emits _________ CO2 per capita than the USA. a)The same, less b)More, more c)More, less d)Less, less


The Titanic sank in the early morning hours of April 15, 1912 off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada after hitting an iceberg in the north Atlantic Ocean, which ruptured its hull. True or False: This iceberg had drifted down from the Arctic Ocean, where it has formed as sea ice during the prior winter. a)False, Leo DiCaprio stopped the iceberg before it hit. b) False, icebergs don't originate from the ocean, but rather from calving events off of land-based ice. c) True d) False, icebergs don't drift such large distances so the iceberg most likely formed off of the Newfoundland coast. e) False, an iceberg that size would have taken many years to form in the Arctic Ocean and therefore was more than one season old.


The response of the hydrological cycle that we have most confidence in is that wet areas should get wetter in a warming world. What physical principle underlies this response? a) Cloud condensation nuclei become more prevalent in a warmer world b) Warmer air holds more moisture c) The Hadley cell and storm tracks shift poleward d) Rising motion will increase in intensity everywhere e) The ITCZ expands and covers more area


Water vapor is _________ a)The most potent greenhouse gas b)The most abundant greenhouse gas c)Not a greenhouse gas d)The same as clouds


What does Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 2.6 indicate? a) The emissions scenario that will yield an average warming of 2.6 degrees C by 2100 b) The emissions scenario that will yield an average of 2.6 W/m2 extra energy into Earth's system c) The emissions scenario indicating that we have increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 2.6 times d) The emissions scenario that will mean there will be 2.6 times more energy than pre-industrial times entering Earth's system


What is the difference between a climate forcing and a climate feedback? a) A climate forcing is always anthropogenic (human-caused); while a climate feedback changes the global temperature b) A climate forcing changes global temperatures directly; a climate feedback responds to temperature changes but can itself impact temperatures too c) A climate forcing changes greenhouse gases directly; a climate feedback is the temperature response to changes in greenhouse gases d) A climate forcing is due to a greenhouse gas; a climate feedback involves the water cycle


Which of the following correctly describes why the temperature of the surface of the ocean is important for hurricanes? a) Warmer ocean water circulates cyclonically, leading to hurricane formation b) Warm water leads to an increase in the water vapor in the air, and condensation of water vapor fuels hurricanes c) Warmer waters increase the coriolis force


Which of the following is NOT an important ecological consequence of agriculture? a) Agriculture impacts the local hydrology of a region b) Agricultural changes have been shown to impact hurricane frequency c) Irrigation depletes water supplies d) The creation of new cropland contributes to an increase in deforestation e) Agriculture contributes significantly to CO2 emissions


Which of the following is needed to calculate the radiative forcing caused by increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? a) The difference in Earth's albedo between pre-industrial times and present day b) The difference in carbon dioxide concentrations between pre-industrial times and present day c) The source of the increase in all greenhouse gases d) The relative strength of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas compared to water vapor


Which of the following is not a climate forcing: a) Dust in the atmosphere b) Increased rainfall due to global warming c) Volcanic eruption d) Deforestation e) Increased greenhouse gases f) The solar cycle


Which of the following is true about CO2 pollution? a) CO2 pollution is felt strongest locally near a source b) CO2 has a very long lifetime so it is relatively well mixed in the atmosphere and has an effect everywhere c) CO2 breaks down on sunny days, so the majority of transport occurs at night d) Since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, the worst droughts tend to occur where CO2 concentrations are highest


Which of the following would increase Earth's albedo a) Trees are planted over large areas of desert b)surface are of midlatitude glaciers increases c) fewer clouds occur over the equator d) increasing clouds over the East Antarctic Ice Sheet e) Sea ice in the Arctic


Which of the following would you expect to be LEAST well-simulated in a climate model? a) The surface temperature trend since 1950 over North America b) Marine clouds off the western coast of South America c) The Pacific Decadal Oscillation d) The contribution of thermal expansion to global sea level rise


Choose all of the following that are greenhouse gases. a) carbon monoxide b) methane c) water vapor d) oxygen e) carbon dioxide

b, c, e

Global-mean sea level is projected to rise by about half a meter over the course of the 21st century. However, this long-term sea level rise will not be spatially uniform, and some locations are expected to experience more sea level rise than others. Which of the following are reasons why long-term sea level rise might vary from place to place? Select all that apply. a) Changes in the lunar tide b) Some coastlines are still rebounding (rising) following the last ice age c) Local changes in hurricane storm surge d) A combination of natural processes and human removal of oil, water, and gas from beneath the surface has caused some coastlines to subside

b, d

Which of the following are ways that the anthropogenic combustion of fossil fuels is a threat to coral reefs? Select all that apply. a) Global warming leads to more cloudiness, limiting photosynthesis by the algae that the corals depend on to live b) Corals depend on the microalgae living within them for food, and corals expel these algae when ocean temperatures become too warm c) Sea level rise would cut off the coral reefs from sunlight, limiting photosynthesis by the algae that the corals depend on to live d) Ocean acidification limits the corals' ability to maintain their skeletons

b, d

Which of the following processes are increasing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (choose all that apply)? a) Turning a light on in our house; the power plant that provides electricity to us is fully hydroelectric b) Deforestation of the Amazon c) Planting more trees in our yards d) Burning gasoline in our cars e) Turning a light on in our house; the power plant that provides electricity to us burns coal

b, d, e

Imagine you are an urban planner in Miami that has consulted with climate scientists to learn that the region is expected to experience around 1 foot of sea level rise by the year 2050. You have the responsibility of helping the city adapt to the impending changes. What potential impacts are you concerned with? Select all that apply. a) Higher sea levels mean that groundwater can more easily seep out into the ocean, depleting local water supplies. b) Many people living along the coast will need to be relocated farther inland when sea level rises up to and over their houses. c) Wetlands will expand and become more biodiverse, meaning more resources will be needed to protect these fragile areas. d) Rising sea levels might cause saltwater intrusion into groundwater and wells, contaminating local water supplies. e) With increased sea levels, storm surges from tropical storms and hurricanes will penetrate farther inland. f) Loss of beach area. On a beach with a slope of 1:100, 1 foot of sea level rise equates to 100 feet of beach lost. g) Higher sea level means more water vapor in the air. Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, temperatures in Miami will be even hotter.

b, d, e, f

What are the two main reasons that the high latitudes (near the poles) are colder than the tropics (near the equator)? a) The days are shorter, on average, in the high latitudes. b)The sun's rays pass through more atmosphere before reaching the surface at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes. c) More storms move through the high latitudes than the tropics. d) The high latitudes are farther from the sun. e) The sun's rays hit the surface at a shallower angle in the high latitudes, so the same amount of radiation is spread out over a larger surface area.

b, e

Complete the following statement based on the diagram below: When the Earth is at position 2, it is ___________ in the Southern Hemisphere because ___________. (Note: N.P. = North Pole, S.P. = South Pole.) a)Winter; the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun b)Summer; the Earth is closest to the Sun c)Summer; the Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun d)Winter; the Earth is farthest from the Sun


Condensation _______ your drink when it forms on the outside of the glass because _______. a) Warms; the liquid provides a greenhouse effect to the glass b) Cools; liquid water feels cool to the touch c) Warms; condensation releases energy to the glass d) Cools; condensation absorbs energy from the class


Dryville is a town experiencing an extreme hydrological drought. Several rain storms are forecast to hit Dryville this week, which would bring Dryville up to its normal precipitation for the year. And yet, Dryville is still expected to be in a hydrological drought at the end of the week. How is this possible? a) Because this amount of rain would not be enough to end the meteorological drought, and a meteorological drought must be ended before a hydrological drought can be ended b) Actually, if the year-to-date accumulation of precipitation is restored to its normal value, the hydrological drought would end c) A few rainstorms are unlikely to replenish severely depleted water reservoirs d) Weather forecasts are often wrong


Methane hydrates are molecules of methane bonded with water at high pressures and low temperatures. These molecules are notably found in ___, which could produce a ____ ____. a) Mountain glaciers; positive forcing. b) Permafrost; positive forcing. c) Permafrost; positive feedback. d) Mountain glaciers; positive feedback.


Select the statement about the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon that is TRUE. a) ENSO exists in all of the world's ocean basins b) The ENSO cycle has a 20- to 30-year timescale c) El Niño events occur when the tropical Pacific trade winds are weaker than usual, and La Niña events occur when the tropical Pacific trade winds are stronger than usual d) El Niño events will definitely become more frequent due to global warming e) Either an El Niño event or a La Niña event is always occurring in the tropical Pacific


The most significant warming is expected to occur at a latitude of: a) 0 degrees N (the equator) b) 20 degrees N c) 85 degrees N


We know that current atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is ~408 ppm and the average pH of the world's oceans is currently ~8.1. In pre-industrial times, carbon dioxide concentrations were ~280 ppm and the average pH of the world's oceans was 8.2. Since the pH scale is logarithmic, that small change of 0.1 on the pH scale meant an increase of ~30% in hydrogen ion concentrations! If global carbon dioxide concentrations reach 650 ppm at the end of the century, will seawater become acidic (pH < 7)? a) Unknown; it depends on how sea surface temperature change b) Yes; ocean acidification is already happening and pH of the oceans will continue to dropping to pH <7 c) No; you would need much more carbon dioxide than that to make the oceans acidic


When the temperature of Earth increases, the amount of infrared energy it emits to space _______. This is an example of a ________ feedback. a) Stays the same; neutral b) Decreases; positive c) Increases; positive d) Increases; negative e) Decreases; negative


Which of the following is NOT true of monsoons a) "Monsoon" refers to a shift in wind direction that occurs on seasonal timescales b) A classical monsoon functions like a land/sea breeze, except that a monsoon is spatially larger and has a longer timescale c) All monsoons are driven by differential heating of the ocean and atmosphere d) Monsoons occur in both summer and winter


Which one of the following is a true statement about future food supply? a) We won't be able to produce more food than we are currently producing. b) Climate change will only be harmful to high-latitude countries like Russia and Canada. c) We can somewhat reduce the problem of food shortage by wasting less food. d) A shift towards meat-based diets will reduce the amount of grain we have to grow.


Which situation would lead to the biggest temperature difference between daytime high temperature and nighttime low temperature? a) Cloudy day, clear night b) Clear day, cloudy night c) Clear day, clear night d) Cloudy day, cloudy night


Why is humidity a factor in extreme heat events? a) Humidity traps heat, especially in cities where most people live b) Humidity can deposit on to surfaces and cool the surrounding air c) Humidity in the air makes sweating less efficient, so you feel hotter d) Warmer air holds more moisture


__________ is the driver of climate, and factors including ___________ affect climate at a given location. a)Wind; clouds, topography, volcanoes b)Tidal energy; mountains, lakes and streams c)The sun; topography, vegetation, proximity to the ocean d) The sun; geothermal activity and sun spots


Which of the following would NOT help make a hurricane more destructive? Choose all that apply. a) The storm impacts an area that has experienced sea level rise b) Warmer sea surface temperatures c) Cooler temperatures below the ocean surface d) Middle troposphere (~5 km altitude) becomes more dry

c, d

Heat waves in the Puget Sound region are usually accompanied by easterly winds (that is, winds that blow in the east-to-west direction). Based on what you learned in class, why might this be the case? a) Easterly winds in the Puget Sound region are usually very strong, knocking down power lines so that thousands of air conditioners cannot be used b) Under an easterly wind regime, air originates from east of the Cascade mountains and there is a desert on the other side of the mountains c) Because easterly winds bring more greenhouse gases to the Puget Sound region, enhancing greenhouse warming locally d) Under an easterly wind regime, air originates from east of the Cascade mountains and there is warming and drying of the air as it descends the lee side of the mountains


If the energy lost by the Earth system is decreased, while the energy gain stays the same, then the system is __________ and Earth's temperature is _________. a) out of equilibrium, decreasing b) in equilibrium, staying the same c) in equilibrium, increasing d) out of equilibrium, increasing e) in equilibrium, decreasing


Which of the following are correct examples of weather and climate phenomena? a) weather: seattle receives less rainfall in summer than in winter. Climate: Tornadoes typically occur in spring in North America. b)Weather: Western slopes of mountains tend to receive more rainfall than eastern slopes of mountains. Climate: This summer, Rattlesnake Lake was at its lowest level in twenty years. c)Weather: Seattle has been sunny this week. Climate: The lowest temperature in Seattle last month was -10℃. d)Weather: A midlatitude cyclone will bring clouds and rain to Seattle tomorrow. Climate: Texas is typically warmer than Michigan in the winter.


Which of the following is the most water-inefficient agricultural product? a) Soybeans b) Rice c) Chicken d) Beef


Which of the following would NOT be a good way to evaluate a climate model? a) Determining how well the model simulates climate conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum. b) Determining how well the model simulates the seasonal cycle of precipitation over continents. c) Determining how well the model simulates ENSO. d) Determining how accurate the model's 2-day forecast is.


Which region of the world sees the most intense hurricanes the most frequently? Why? a) The Southern Ocean; fast wind speeds in the jet stream assist hurricane formation b) The West Pacific north of the equator; there is more intense ocean upwelling in this region c) The Tropical North Atlantic; dry air from the Sahara assists in hurricane formation d) The West Pacific north of the equator; sea surface temperatures are often highest in the world there e) The Tropical North Atlantic; the Coriolis force is strongest in this region


Who was the first scientist to calculate the temperature change on Earth due to a doubling of CO2, and when did he/she make this calculation? a) George Callendar, 1940s b) Marie Curie, 1920s c) James Hansen, 1980s d) Svante Arrhenius, 1890s


As atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations increase, more carbon dioxide is dissolved in the oceans. The increase in carbon dioxide in the ocean water ___________ hydrogen ion concentrations, and ________ the acidity of the seawater. One consequence of these chemical reactions it that there is less calcium carbonate in the water, and shells and skeletons of marine life become ________. a) decreases; increases; weaker b) decreases; increases; stronger c) increases; increases; stronger d) increases; decreases; stronger e) increases; increases; weaker f) decreases; decreases; weaker g) increases; decreases; weaker h) decreases; decreases; stronger


Which of the following lists CO2 producers from highest to lowest in emissions per capita: a) USA, EU, China, India b) USA, China, India, EU c) China, USA, EU, India d) EU, India, China, USA e) USA, China, EU, India


Why is Central Park cooler than the surrounding areas of New York City? a) Greenhouse gas emissions are lower over the park b) The City sets up big air conditioners to attract tourists c) Emissions from cars and industrial activity in the City cause aerosol pollution d) Trees have a lower albedo than buildings e) More evaporation/transpiration where there's vegetation


The greenhouse effect causes Earth's surface temperature to be approximately ______ than it would be without greenhouse gases. a) no different b) 59°C warmer c) 15°C colder d) 18°C warmer e) 15°C warmer f) 33°C warmer


TRUE or FALSE: The Sun is hotter than the Earth. The Sun emits primarily longwave radiation and the Earth emits primarily shortwave radiation. The Sun's radiation is more energetic than Earth's radiation. Everything with a temperature above absolute zero emits radiation.


TRUE or FALSE: The following statement is an example of disrupted synchrony. Tundra plants emerge earlier than they did in the 1990s, while the dates that caribou tend to birth their young are not changing. When the caribou calves head out to graze on the tundra plants, the plants are past their nutritional peak and caribou calves are weaker than they would be otherwise.


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