HTML coding
Opening tag
Hypertext markup language, used to create the structure of a page. saved as Structure.html
Boiler plate code
The basic codes needed to start an HTML web page
cascading style sheets, is used for the aesthetics of a page. saved as style.css
<Head> </head>
contains information that will not be displayed on the page
<li> </li>
individual list items,
this element is used to allow CSS code to be written between its opening and closing tags
<ul> </ul>
unordered list, listed in bullet points
Type attribute
use to tell what type fo document you are linking (for .css its text/css)
when you wrap an element within another element, i.e: <a href= "link" target= "_blank"> <img src="link" alt= "description of pic"/>
<title> </title>
Gives the title of the page for the tab, not seen on web page directly
markup language
a computer language that defines the structure and presentation of raw text. markup languages work by surrounding raw text.
a self closing tag that is used to connect the css file to the html file. the .css must be placed within the <head> of the html file
alt attribute
adds a description to the image <img src="link" alt="description of picture"/>
<a> </a> element
anchoring element, to add a link insert href = link in between the opening tag
<img> element
lets you add images to a web page, only has an open tag because its a self closing element
Web browser
need to know what language a document is written in
<ol> </ol>
ordered list items, listed in number
<p> </p>
HTML in the web browser by
Angle brackets
<, >
Closing tag
<!--, -->
Any thing within these self closing elements will be grayed out and opted out of the code, can be used for comments and codes that you wish to opt out
<br />
is used to show breaks in a sentence, used for space
href attribute
provides extra information about an elements attribute <a href = link> <a/>. this is used to show the location/path of an object
src attribute
similar to href, but used in <img>. <img src= "link">
target attribute
specifies a link should be opened in the next tab, requires a value of _blank. <a href= "link" target= "_blank"> click here </a> used in <a> <a/>
HTML element
the entire HTML code including the angle brackets <p> Hello world! </p>
this attribute allows you to put your own video on the web page using this format <video width="420" height="315" controls> <source src="link" type="video/mp4"> </video> the "controls" feature gives the video a control panel to pause, resume or replay the video
use this attribute to embed a youtube video onto your web page. <iframe width="420" height="315" src=""> </iframe>
rel attribute
used to show the relationship to the html file (for this lesson its stylesheet)