MANA 4326 Exam 2

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This is the largest racial group in the United States

(non-Hispanic) Whites

historical/relevant legislation and impact on Asians

-1882 Passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which barred the entry of Chinese laborers -1908 The Gentleman's Agreement limited Japanese worker immigration -1924 National Origins Act imposed immigration quotas -1942 Executive Order 9066 authorized internment of Japanese Americans during WWII -1988 Civil Liberties Act authorized payments to 66,000 surviving internees -1965 Immigration and Nationality Act eliminated national origin quotas -Civil Rights Movement included the involvement of Asians

similarities and differences between Native-born and immigrant blacks

-Both earn less compared to Whites -both are subject to same racial profiling and treatment -black immigrant blacks have a higher education -Black immigrants have higher unemployment than non-Black immigrants

civil rights movement

-Jim crow laws: "separate but equal" -Black citizens participated in boycotts, demonstrations, and "sit-ins -It is estimated that two-thirds of the Whites who participated in the Civil Rights Movement were Jewish, including Schwerner, Goodman, and Albert Einstein

Relevant legislation: Blacks/African Americans

-Title VII of the Civil Rights Act -Executive orders of affirmative action

civil rights movement

-Yuri Kochiyama (1921-2014), a Japanese American born in California, spent two years in internment along with other Japanese Americans during World War II, where she learned some important lessons about racial discrimination -Helen Zia, a Chinese American writer and activist , has worked tirelessly to achieve fairness and equity for Asian Americans and other non-dominant groups.

What was the "pecking order" (social hierarchy) for the earliest White Americans?

1) English, 2) German, 3) Irish, 4) Italian, 5) Polish

English-only rules are justified only in these four (4) instances:

1. In emergencies (for safety)2. To communicate with customers, co-workers who only speak English3. To ensure understanding of common work directions4. To allow supervisors to monitor performance

In what year did multi-racial individuals have the ability to self-identify their ethnicity?

2000 (U.S. Census)

EEOC cases: ABM Industries

ABM Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries ABM Janitorial Services, Inc. and ABM Janitorial Services Northern California, Inc. paid $5.8 million and provided other relief to a class of 21 Hispanic female janitorial workers, settling an egregious sexual harassment lawsuit filed by the EEOC.

EEOC cases: Mercury Air Centers

According to the EEOC, the seven victims—including one Filipino male and six Hispanic males—endured a barrage of harassing comments on the part of a Salvadoran male coworker Misperception: Hispanics should learn English, since English is spoken by most people in the United States. Reality: Fluency in multiple languages is an asset for everyone.

When a company finds that employees of Asian descent are underutilized, the company should use _____________

Affirmative Actions Plans (AAPs)

This White scientist viewed racism as "a disease of White people"

Albert Einstein

Children born of American servicemen and Asian women (particularly, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean) are commonly referred to as...


Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Associate Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, born in the Bronx, New York, in 1954, is a Latina of Puerto Rican descent. After her nomination, critics claimed her 2001 comment that a "wise Latina" would make different decisions than a White male judge was racist and problematic for a potential Supreme Court justice.

White employees maintained friendly relationships with their Black co-workers and were threatened and harassed for doing so. This retaliatory behavior against White employees is referred to as...

Associational discrimination

This group of immigrants have higher education levels than immigrants, overall.

Black immigrants from African countries (Egypt and Nigeria)

The largest proportion of Asian Americans are of __________ descent.


significance of Jones Act of 1917

Citizenship was extended to Puerto Ricans

Referring to low-SES Whites as "White trash" or other derogatory terms is an example of this.


This group of Latinos have higher incomes and education levels than other Latinos, mirroring that of non-Hispanic Whites.


Low-SES Whites share this Dworkin & Dworkin characteristic of minorities with people of color (POC)

Differential Power

The fact that Blacks have higher unemployment than Whites and remain unemployed longer than Whites may lead to them dropping out of the workforce altogether. In other words, Blacks may become:

Discouraged workers

True or False. The "playing field" is now level for all groups of people. Therefore, Affirmative Action is no longer needed.

False. Affirmative action is still needed to combat discrimination in hiring, placement, promotions, and advancement

True or False. One study found that Whites with high symbolic ethnicity were found to be most comfortable with African Americans.

False. Chrobat-Mason found that Whites with high ethnic identity development were more comfortable with diverse groups, including Blacks.

True or False. Most of the Cuban immigrants who fled to the U.S. to escape communism were Black Cubans.

False. Most were White Cubans. Blacks feared discrimination and racial unrest in the U.S.

True or False. Title VII prohibits discrimination against Whites, but only White men.

False. Title VII prohibits discrimination based on race and sex.

This would serve as valid evidence for the existence of "reverse" discrimination.

Fewer Whites in positions of high power, status, and income compared with women and minorities.

Unlike glass ceilings that prevent women and minorities from advancing beyond a certain level, this invisible organizational barrier confines women and minorities to positions that prevent them from obtaining the breadth of experience needed to advance to higher-level positions.

Glass walls

_________________ is the only state in the United States in which the majority racial group is of Asian descent.


Hispanic population growth is primarily due to births, while Asian population growth is due primarily to this.


This legislation authorized the expulsion of 14,000 Indians to make way for new White settlers in the southeastern portion of the United States.

Indian Removal Act of 1830

The EEOC charged Mercury Air with failing to address harassment by a Salvadoran employee on his co-workers, calling one Filipino employee, "Stupid Chinese." This type of discrimination among non-White racial and ethnic groups is called:

Inter-Ethnic Discrimination

Civil rights activist, Yuri Kochiyama, attributed internalized racism against Japanese and high rates of marriage to Whites to:

Japanese internments after attack on pearl harbor

This is the first U.S. Supreme Court case to render segregated schools illegal was:

Mendez v Westminster School District in 1946

largest group of Hispanic american


These 4 ethnic groups represent the largest group of Hispanic Americans in the U.S.

Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and the Dominicans

Although this ethnic group is categorized on the U.S. Census as White, they resist being categorized that way.

Middle Easterners

Until 1967, interracial marriages in this country were illegal. What is the term that refers to this "crime"?


misperceptions and realities of Hispanic population

Misperception: Most Hispanics in the United States are immigrants. Reality: About 80% of Hispanics in the United States are citizens, and they are overwhelmingly native-born. Misperception: Hispanics have low education levels. Reality: Education levels of Hispanics differ by nativity and country of origin. Misperception: Immigrant workers are preferred because they have a higher work ethic than native-born Americans. Reality: Immigrants are often preferred because they often will work for lower wages and are less likely to complain about mistreatment than native-born Americans. Misperception: Due to strong cultural traditions, Latinas are unlikely to work outside the home. Reality: Nearly 60% of Latinas work outside the home, similar to the participation rates of other women.

The collection of stereotypes that characterizes Asians as polite, law-abiding, and particularly successful compared with other POC is called:

Model Minority Myth

This indigenous group is growing faster than the general population of New Zealand and is projected to make up a larger portion of the workforce in the future.


The original inhabitants of the United States are...

Native Americans

Blacks whose ancestry was invisible and the person chose to let it remain so and treated as White as a result were deemed to be...

Passing (White or free)

Parents are engaging in this when they instruct their children on the "appropriate" ways to behave if stopped by the police, for example.

Racial Socialization

Asking where an Asian American is "really from" is an example of this.

Racial microaggression

concept of "race" and choice of self-identification

Reflecting the fluidity of the concept of "race," racial classifications of people of Asian descent have changed multiple times in the U.S. Census. Many researchers have documented the fluidity of categorizations of people of Asian descent, and their attempts to negotiate their own identities and be accepted in America.

Despite the relatively sparse research on AI/AN, some research has found that these two things served as a buffer against discrimination. What are they?

Social support and participation in traditional cultural practices

Many Asian immigrants arrive in the U.S. with high education levels. The Asian ethnic groups with the highest educational attainment level are:

Sri Lankans and Indians

Significance of Brown v. Board of Education

Started the process of desegregation to end segregation. Separate is not equal

When decision-makers use observable characteristics, such as race, sex, name, accent, or age, as proxies for productivity, they are engaging in this specific type of discrimination.


When a Blackfeet Nation employee at a tire center outside his tribal land suffered harassment and was fired because he retaliated, he filed a complaint with this agency.


This piece of legislation ended least, formally.

The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863

purpose of TIGAAR

The Information Group for Asian American Rights (TIGAAR) that is designed to help educate Asian American employers and employees who may be unfamiliar with employment laws, rights, and responsibilities.

This legislation gave citizenship to Puerto Ricans, whether born in the U.S. or Puerto Rico.

The Jones Act of 1917

Barack Obama's first piece of legislation

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

This "event" aided European immigrants and their descendants' rise in the social class hierarchy.

The arrival of Black slaves

assistance for Cuban immigrants

The federal government helped Cubans find a place in U.S. society and assisted professionals with retraining and recertification, scholarships, business loans, and permanent residential status

source of population growth: Hispanics/Latin Americans

The proportion of Hispanics in the United States is growing as a result of higher Hispanic immigration and birth rates

An employment discrimination claim that occurs on AI/AN reservation or trust lands would be handled by these regulations.

Tribal regulations

True or False. AI/AN have been found to fare worst of all the racial and ethnic groups when it comes to poverty, insurance coverage, participation rates, and unemployment.


True or False. The one-drop rule was use throughout much of U.S. history to determine who was Black

True. Anyone with a drop of Black ancestry was deemed to be Black

She was the first woman in modern history to serve as chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Wilma Mankiller

What demographic group has been called, the "51% minority"?



a process that privileges light-over dark- skinned people of color in areas such as income, education, housing, and the marriage market

Glass ceiling

an invisible barrier that prevents women and other minorities from moving into top corporate positions

Glass walls

are invisible barriers that confine minorities and women to certain positions within organizations

The EEOC claimed that 4 white employees were harassed by their white co-workers because they associate with African American employees. This type of discrimination is referred to as _____ discrimination.

associational discrimination

Racial socialization

behaviors, communications, and interactions concerning their cultural heritage and the appropriate responses to racial hostility and discrimination that Black parents model and explain to Black children

Racial microaggressions

brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults

Consumer racial profiling

differential treatment of consumers in the marketplace based on race/ethnicity that constitutes denial of or degradation in the products and/or services that are offered to the consumer

inter-ethnic employment discrimination

discrimination practiced by racial and ethnic minority groups against other minorities

impact of slavery on current status of blacks

during slavery, blacks were seen as property. Therefore when slavery ended, they were no longer seen as "value" and didn't have any wealth accumulation. Blacks were also separated from Whites for 90 years and did not receive the same quality of education.

more than 120,000 Japanese Americans were evacuated and placed in internment camps based on the following piece of legisltaion:

executive order 9066 of 1942

True or False: Title VII protects only minorities from racial discrimination


when the German, Irish, Italian, and Poles migrated to the U.S., the English viewed them similarly to Blacks and immigrants of color. However, these White immigrants were able to elevate themselves over Blacks and immigrants of color to become "insiders" because of their:


Hispanics and Asians are two of the fastest-growing groups in the U.S. Whereas, Hispanic growth is primarily due to births, Asian population growth is due to:


employment hardship

joblessness, involuntary part-time work, and working poverty

significance of Mendez v Westminster School District

made segregation of Mexican children in schools illegal

Access discrimination

occurs when people are denied employment opportunities or "access" to jobs because of their group memberships

research has found that Whites with high levels of _____ identity find organizations with diversity more attractive


Phrases, such as "Where are you from?" "Where were you born?" and "You speak good English" are representative of:

racial microaggression

When will-educated individuals leave one country to seek greater opportunities and income in other countries, the country that individuals left tends to experience a(n):


The term, _____ is often interchangeable with "class"


Racialized sexual harassment

the combination of racial and sexual harassment, which includes both sexual and racial derogatory behaviors, comments, and demands, directed at a person because of their race and sex


the employment of workers at less than their full potential

Discouraged workers

those who want to work but have given up searching for employment because they believe there are no jobs available to them, are not included in the official rates

the primary legislation protecting Whites from discrimination in employment is:

title VII

True or False: According to the 2020 U.S. Census, the term White refers to those individuals whose origins are from Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa


True or False: According to the Harvard Business Review, Asian Americans are the least likely group in the U.S. to be promoted into management in Silicon Valley and the most likely to be hired into high-tech roles.


True or False: Researchers have found when given a choice of self-identification as Asian American, Asian, ethnic American, or ethnic origin alone, 34% and 33% of respondents, respectively, chose the latter two categories.


True or False: Similar to the research on job-seekers with "Black-sounding" names, research has found that job candidates with Anglo-Saxon names received more favorable ratings than candidates with ethnic names.


True or False: The average educational levels of White are higher than those for Black and Hispanics but generally lower than those for Asians.


True or False: Though most individuals of Asian descent are immigrants, Chinese immigrants began arriving in the U.S. in the 1850s, seeking work and opportunity.


statistical discrimination

using information about group averages to make conclusions about individuals

Statistical discrimination

using observable characteristics (e.g., race, sex, age) as proxies for information about the productivity of workers.

Racial profiling

using someone's demographic characteristics are used to single them out for scrutiny or differential treatment.

Treatment discrimination

when people are employed but are treated differently once employed, receiving fewer job-related rewards, resources, or opportunities than they should receive based on job-related criteria

_____ have been referred to as the "51% minority"


What percentage of Indian ancestry is required to be recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs?

¼ ancestry

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